I Topics of g the Times g f .- .1.i.(..;f,f 4 Mt UiLtf mu. urn by the New York board of edumtlon. When enough Incurable grouches can he got together to form an organization It taken the shape of a group of an archists. The Duchess of M irlborongh denies that she him beivme a wx-lalUt, anJ H ought to l easy for her to get ber rieulul bclievisl. A Judge Ih cited who condemned a nwn to death while In a tram. We trust the sivused slao found the sen tence eutrnuclug. Few husbands ever tl to tn',,,, that In t!n years to whim their sons wlil be tamlLrf aUui the r'" tNMr mother used to make. After a man ha paid the premiums on an sivldeut silloy for a few year he la more than half convinced that ut la being flliiillaniined by fate. It seems like old times to have Wu Ting Fan In our midst uttering hi blaml opinions and asking his Inno cently linjx-i'llnent itieHtloiiS. The more fnot that some men live to celebrate their gulden wedding un'il Ternary slsiuld be accepted us evidence that niurrluge la not alwaya a fnlliiru. Consuclo, Duchess of Marlborough, Is retiorted to be drifting toward social bun. It la rather curious that the rich liave never bit upon the scheme of nmk Ing socialism unMiputar by espousing It. With 80,0o more women than men In Massachusetts, the bachelors In that State must be exercising unusual vigi lance this yoar In the presence of a female with a detenulned gleam In tier eye. First one naval export tells the Sen ate committee that the armor belt Is not needed above the water line and then another one says It isn't needed below. Why not save oompromlite by not having any belt at all? 'Die American en tie lias made up his mind to fly. Advertisement for bids for supplying (lie guvorumcnt with fly ing machine heavier than air brought forty-one replies, n ml contracts for three machines have been awarded. Just when we are growing eloquent In our dcuuiiflutiiiiia of foreign noble men wIh marry wealthy American girls the raiding of wane matrimonial bureau reveala tlmt a considerable iiiiinlier of our countrymen liave been playing the same game wl;U Una sueoeas. The young I'oiinectli'ut iniiii who called for a young lady wltll the Intra lion of eloping with her and wna re ceived with n shower of hot water Mould cheer up. lie might have found hlniKolf In hot water a little Inter any how If bis plans bod not inlHcurrled. Millions of tons of sniid, flung on the encooHt by winds and waves, lire car ried back again In the undertow, but n New York man who owned property ut Policy Island recently found a way to "Hit It where It would do the most good," and keep II there. He moored an old schooner near the beach. In slghteen months the sen bnilt tip behind It an area of one hundred thouxiind feet; nnd "little urnlna of s.uid" make "pleasant land" Indeed at that spot, for the Coney Island bench Is worth a dol lar a mpiare foot. lUWnll, one of the professional Iltl clniis of Morocco, tliuls klilmiping pro tltnl.le. He forced the- Siillau, In l'.HU. not only to pay a I. In rmtxom for the release or Ion I'cnllciirls, an American iu.en, inn also lo make lilm governor f a -ou.ldcmllc pruvlmv. K.ilsuil vlclmilel I. nl Kourlh of July l,v kld nnpliig Sir Harry Min-lean, u Itrltlsli nl'J'vt. who was eervliig as coinioiindcr .f Hie Sultan's hodyirtinrd. Some weeks sgo be ni-elved from ill,. Krliisl, ,j,,v ermiieiit a hiunlrcl llinu.iiiud dollurs anil a Kunriiiiltv of prole-l ion In return for t!u release of Sir liarry. Ho has also held for raiisoin the Mures van cor ressnMlent of the lomlon Times, as well us other Ii-ks noted persniiH. Noth ing shows more clearly than the appar ent freedom with which Unlsull carrti-s n bis trado bow dlsorgAiily.iil s-lety and Kovcruiuent are In M.iris-oi. A new piece of mnclilner.v tor the as uaillittion of Inimiitraiils Is the ninht sch.sil In litlx.r rainim. I.Ike so many other useful agencies of the day. It has Ims-ii curried to successful devi-l.i uient by s woiiian, Vi ho bus organized suvh sclss.ls amoiiK the unskilled lalior er nhom contractors employ. nt f the CHinim where llne s.-Ihk.Is tmve ls-n estal.llshcl, Hl-.ut ouetblrd of the men usually attend. Instruction In F.n gllsh, which Is the bait, ha len riven In a most unusual way. Iimtead nf learning from, primers that "this l a at," the adult pupils ,ni from cpe dill text hm.k, tl,t,t "t tiln Is a ,,,.. and lls.-oer the Importiim-e of under staiMing- nnd kn.. liii; w t (ly out ..f the w-a.v." "Listen." "I lore' ovnnrs the train." and "IKi you ji ,,,? Not the h ast linen st lnc ( e .-T.-.-is which these s.-!i, nils hae bail t,.. 1riisformli!(c of disorderly and datik-or ous ramps Into .jtiict and peaceful ,.i,. Iiiiinlties. The relation of liils.rers and labor unions to iiiitloual law has re.-cnrly tin defin.sl by the Supreme (Vurt in three ltiiH.rtant iwirtlnilnrs. The law f lat year lidding railroad iMiiMinles ri-sknsllile for Injuries to their em I'loy.w has lxen d.s-lare,I Invalid on the ground tlint It d.es not distinguish be tween persona engaged In interstate commerce the only commerce over which Omgpwn has Jurlsillctlon and those employed entirely within the tafe. The President haa urged that the law be repassed with such cbanfes as win evmflns Its operation to em ployes eugngd ,n Interstate business. The act of 1M which was passed ar ter the great Chicago strike, which for bxls the discharge of an employe for u embwshlp In 'alr union, was uo rlured Invalid In ma action growing out of a suit brought by a locomotive en- hph.t who. bad eeu discharged w (iiuw he was a uicui"r union. The court deeded that "It n,. nithln the fuw tlous of governmen at least In the sbseuoe of contract between the parties to conuiel any lerson In the course of his business and ajainst bis will to accept or retain the ! rsnl services of another, or to pel any person agalust bis will to per r..n oersonal services for another. The court baa also decided that the pro- visions of the Sherman antl-trusi w of l.suo apply to the act of labor unions when those uuloiis or tneir nu iu.r enter Into a combination to Inter fere with the business of a manufac turer who sells bis good in more than one SUte. This decision was reached In a suit for damage brought by a Ann of Connecticut bat uwuufai-turers against the Hatters' I uion anj r Ai.ipiin Federation of Labor for boy irttlng their buslnesx. The opinion of the chief JuKttce. concurred in unani mously by bis colleagues, announoi that "The combination chargea runs within the class of rentraluts of trade aimed at compelling third parties and strangers Involuntarily not to engage In the course of trade except on 0011 dltlons that the combination imposes, and la therefore forbidden by law. THE MASOS REVOLUTIOH Bab? Made I arr Jadlec4 CrUlelsss "I'm so aorry Cousin Helen's gon Marjory remarked, ptfltntlvely, as the family gathered at dinner time. "Why, dearr Anna asked. "Do y0 miss her ao much?" The child shook her head. "I don't mean that I mean that we're so much politer when we have company." The Masons looked at each other in consternation. " 'Out of the mouths of babes'" Portia murmured. Then she turned to Marjory. I'ortla had the kind of chin that meant determination. How tire we politer?" she asked. Marjory's gruve eyes traveled round the table as she thought It all out Why, papn talks," she said, slowly. "I'll pa's real Interesting when he talk tocompnny. And mother Axes her trilr prettier, nnd Jack passes things with out being nskrd, nnd Anna laughs at the htories xople tell, and you " "Yes?" I'ortlu encouraged her reso lutely. "What do I do. Marjory? What rare and elusive grace of mine appears only In the fostering atmosphere of 'compnny T" I don't know how to say It." Mar jory replied, wrinkling her forehead In the effort. "You seem nice and soft. nd not loud and quick aud bangy, the way you are sometimes. " It was too much for the family, and laughter rellovrd the tension. Portia's moutti hurt f nnnjr cptVrk tt repmt- ed, gravely, " 'N'lce ami soft. Somehow the words do not present a particularly nDiirliifr Meal, but doubtless that Is the ftiult of my dUIIke of the terms em ployed, pot of the Ideal, I call unon the family collectively to clear this matter. Am I too 'soft' In the pres ence of company?" The reply was a prompt and unani mous "No." Portia drew a long breath. 'Then," she declared, "since I seem to be the greatest nifferer under this exceedlng'y clenr nnd unprejudiced Judgment, I move that hereafter the Masons amend their ways; that mother look her pret tiest, thnt father entertain bis family, that Anna show her graceful 'company' Interest even In our old tales splen did practice. Nan!-that Jack extend enmpnny' solicitude In the matter rf passing things to bis own people, thit Portia well, I'll promise to wrestle with Portia. In short, that we wear our prettiest manners every day to each other. Are you ready for the question? All in f m or any aye." "Aye!" rrled the Musons. "Contrary-minded - " There was no response. 'Linlles and gentlemen." Port Is an nounced, "the revolution is on." Youth's Couipnulon. I he Klrst M,lw I'U-lares Tlie beginning ,,r moving pictures was In this wise: sir John c.wi.. after dinner in WJH sk.sl his friend ( hurlcs! Ilnbbiige bow be would sho noui si. les or a sli. Ming nt otn-o. Itah- baire replied ,v taking a kIiIIIIiij from Ills pocket mid holding It to a mirror 1-1.1 ..in.. . ... ... - . i ins oio hoi satisfy Mr John, who set the shilling spinning nsm the dinner fnlile, nt the same time Hiiuting out thnt If the eye is placed on a level wlUi the rot :i ting i-oln t l ll shies mil l. seen at otii-e. Ilaliliiige was so struck by the exisTinient that the next day h... ib-scrlbed It to a friend. Dr. Fill who Immediately made a working iml- ',- 0,1 ' "I'le of a dlk was drawn a bird, on the other side an empty bird cage; when the curd was revolved on it silk thread the bird appeared t"i U. l( the cage. This iii.nI.-I showisl the mt slsteiice of vision m .11 which all inov llig pictures ilo-n, f,,r their erf.st The eye retains the Image of the object s.s-11 for a traction of a seenml after the ol.Jis-t has Ummi reinovisl. Thl model was called the t haiunot rope. Next came the s tros. or w hts. of life. A cylinder was MTfornted will, M Ml r laisl fiT til l. .! """ " n ii hi ine cy ii. , dcr was plnivd a band of drawing , d.in. liig men. Mu tlie HniKii-Htos I,..!,, i"wiy romtisi the I, gores s.s-n t,r.m.-;i the slots iipisnml lo h.. t.,. 'j-"ltf first systematic photographs tk, ( rovular Intervals of men nnl nnlma:. were made by .Muyl,pdge In 1". t hlciigo .Tribune. When marriisl aometi sit and st .rn nt the lire, what are they thinking about? They usually have su.-h an odd i.s.K arouti.i tue corners of their mouths, and so uinny wrinkles n their foreheads, I. cau't be anything vrrv pleasant. 7 l.i . m would likfl to personally know I milliner who wis on goo.1 terms with snother milliner, or s singer who could run serosa snother singer's name In the paper without turning up her not . . . . . till AlBf The Firm of 4 1 Y A. CONAN OOYtt CHAPTKK X. ' During the month, which E.rs irdl"- .tone had .pent in Ames me "" he firm In Kencburcs rer xceedingly prosperous. Trad, upon tm o.t had ben brisker th.n usual, and hre. ef the company', .hip. had com. in l .hort Interval, with eicellimt cargo.--. V.nons these wa. th. Ulack Bagle. whicll. the astonishment of Captain Haniilton linrs and the disgust of his employ r, ad wMthereJ a severe gale in the t nan- ,H. and hd arrived safe ana lore. Thi. run of lues, suppi-ui itv of the old merchant ind th. Indomitable energy of youu iim,ll.. made the concern loos so noun shing that the former felt more than evrr onvinced that if be could but .tsve o.T he ImmPdiat. danger things would soon ght themselves. Hence he reaa w .. Islight the letters from Africa, in woi lis son narrated th. success or tns con niF.e and th. manner In which ths min rs had been hoodwinked. Th. old man J igure grew stralghter snd hi. tep more inn ss the conviction grew upon him bat the company would soon return once gain to Its former condition ot amuenos. It ma be Imarined. therefore, that when the rumors of s bona fide diamond 1nd in the Orange Free State came to I. ears John Qirdlestone wss muca agi sted and distressed. On the same day hat he saw the announcement in tn taper, he received a letter from his so-i nnouncing the fsilure of their enterprise, vfter s.rratlng the robbery, th. pursuit, he death of Farintosh and the announce- nent of the new discovery, it gave an a- ount of his subsequent movements. "As to our speculation, the letter saiJ, t is, of course, sll up. Even when the tusaisn business proves to be s hoax, the ric of .tones will remain very low on iceotint of these new fields. It Is possi ble that we may sell onr lot st some small profit, but it won't be the royal road to a fortune that you prophesied, nor will It elp the firm out of the rut into which ou have shoved It. My only regret in paving Africa lik. this is that Williams ill have no one to prosecute him. Thi. letter was a rude shock to the African merchant Within a week of the receipt of It his son Exra, gloomy and travel atained, walked into the sanctum at Fenchurch street and confirmed ad the evil tidings by word of mouth. The aid man was of too tough a fiber to break down completely, but hia bony hands dot ed convulsively upon the arms of tue chair, snd a cold perspiration broke out upon his wrinkled forehead as he listened to suea datalle aa ata son voucaaatad to fford him. Yon have your stones all safe, though?" he stammered out at last. They are in my box at home," said Exra, gloomy and morose, leaning against the white marble mantelpiece. "We'll lucky if we clear as much as they cost and a margin for my expenses and Lang- worthy a. A broken head Is all that I Imve got from your fine scheme." Who could foresee such a thing?" thn old man said, plaintively. "The fall in prices Is sure to be permanent?" It will last for some years, anywav," Esra answered. "The Jsgersfnntln gravel is very rich, snd there seems to be plenty of It." And within s few months we must r- pay both capital snd interest. We ure ruined !" The old merchsnt spoke in a broken voice, snd his head sank upon h'. breast. "When that day comes," he con tinued, "the firm which has been for thir ty years above reproach, and a model to the whole, city, will be proclaimed as hankrupt concern. Worse still, it will be shown to have been kept afloat for years by means which will be deemed fraudu lent. I tell you. my dear son. that !f my means could lie devised which would ivert this any means I should not hes itate to adopt them. I am a frail o' 1 nian. and I feel Hint the short balance of my life would be s small thins for me lo ijive in return for the assurance that the ork which I have built up should not be Itogether thrown away." "Your life cannot affect the matter on say or the other unless it acre mni-x heavily Insured than ' it Is," Kara sal.l. alloiisly. thoiixh somt-what moved by .its father's intensity of innnner. "Perhaps there is some way out of the wood yet," he adileil, in a more cheerful tone. "It's so paying, so prnsMrtHia--thni' what goes to my heart. If it had rulnej itself it would be easier to bear it, nut it I. sacrificed to outside speculations my wretched, wretched speculations. That is what makes it so hnrd." lie touched the bell, and (Jilray an-nend the siiui nons. "Listen to this. Kzra. What s-is our turn over last month, tiilr.iv?" "Fifteen thousand pounds, sir."'said tl.e little rlerk. bobbing up and .loan like a huoy in a gale in his delight at seeing iV junior jwrtner onc-e ana n. "And the essns7" ".Nine thou-snd three hundred. I ncom mon brown you look. Mr. Kzrs. to h oire, uncommon brown and well. I hon's is you enjoyed jmirsclf in Africa. ir, An, s-a too much for them Hottentots' snd Hoars." .With this profound ethnologist remark Mr. (Jilray bobbed himself out f the room snd went back rsdiantlv to his ink-sta.ned desk. "Look ; st that," the old man said, when he click of the outer .loor showed that (he rlerk ass out of earshot "n i . mount mi nrnst in a i,....il, i. i. . . i'.r live rW. that ,ch . bus.nes. hnin , , " ir'iin? What a fortune T.t L. . en for y ou . r ..... nun ii imve It must be saved!" cried 7Tn w';tr Tentative brow, and hand, plunged de.r, n his trouser T-kets. "There i, that irl. money. t,uld we not fet the tem- r""i use ot it f . , "Impossjhle!" his father answered with a s ch. "It is so tied up In the will thit he cannot sign it swny herself until she rome, of e.. Ther is o( toU(.h! mg it except by ber msrriage or by ber death." ' "Then we must hare It by th. only means open to us.'' "And that l?" "I must marry her." "You will?" "I shall. Here I. my hand on It" "Then w are saved." cried the old man throwing op bis tremulous hands. "Qir dlertone Sos will westher Us storm few Bat Olrdlestoss) ksv-otnai P,B partner," said F.srs. "It's t -7? ask. I do It snd not for roar.;" w" which frsak remsrk b. drew U B', dowa over his brows snd set 0j for Eccleston siiusre. e e One day, as Thmnaa I)uwll n.aklng his way cityward r",' ' earlier hour than wa emtooisry with him. be missed the usual ap)ritio st th of some explanation of this sbsencs. l-rcelved In the garden a pretty whit, bunnet which glinted a mot the leaves, and on closed inspection a 1'' r'ut eyes, which surveyed him ss-rrily from underneath It. The gst spen. may be Imuglned that he w. somewhat 1st. at the office that morsing "J on many subsequent mornings, unt" "'' clfrks began to think that their new em ployer wss losing the ,nthoslasm for business which had possessed nhn. It chanced that one DioraiDf the Inter view between the lovers had lasted rather longer than usual, snd had bees concluded bv Kate's returning to th. souse, while Tom remslned sitting upas the garden seat lost In such s reverie as affects men In his position. While thus pleasantly employed, his thoughts were suddenly re called to earth by the appearance of dark shadow on the gravel In front of him. and looking up be saw the senior partner standing a short d!tanee away nd regarding him with anything but an amiable expression iijMiti hi. face, lie had himself been having a morning stroll In the garden, and had overseen the whole of the recent Interview without the pr-v occupied lovers being aware of bis pret ence. "Are you coming to the office?" h asked sternly, "if so. w eaa go together." Tom rose and followed him out of ;he gardens without a word, lie knew from the other'a expression that all was known to him, and in hia heart he was not .in. Ills only fear waa that the old man's anger might fall upon his ward, and this he determined to prevent. They walked side by aide as far as the station In com plete silence, but on retching fenchurch street Uirdlestone asked hi. young part ner to step into hia private sanctum. "Now. sir," he st t id. si he closed the door behind him, "I think that I have a right to Inquire what the meaning may he of the scene of which I wss an Invol untary witness thii morning?" "It menus," Torn auswered firmly but gently, "that I am engaged to Miss Hn' ston, snd hsve been for some time." "Oh, indeed," Girdlestone snswered coldly, sitting down at hia desk snd turn ing over the pile of letters. During the long silent walk the mer chant bad been revolving in ' his min i what course he should pursue, and he na I com. to the conchuion tlmt it was more easy to guide this impetuous stream nf youth than to attempt to stem it. lie did not realise the strength of the tie Unit bound these two young people together, and imagined that with judgment and pa tience It might yet be snapped. It was. therefore, with sa good an Imitation of geniality as hia angular vlsago would er mit of that be answered bis companion's confession. "You can hardly wonder at my being surprised," he said. "Such a thing never entered my mind for a mnment. You would have don. better to nave t-onuueu In me before." "I must ask your ssrdon for not hav ing dona so." "As tar as. sou art .ncerned." raid John Uirdlestone sffid-W, "I believe you to be hsrdworklng an4 riit principled. Your conduct since you Joined the firm haa been everything that I could desire." Tom bowed his scknowledeinents, much plessed by the preamble. "With regard to my ard," continued the senior partner, epcuking very slowly snd evidently weiahing hi. words. "I could not wish for her to have a better husband. In .considerini inch a question I have, however, aa you may imagine, to consult above everythlnjeles the wishes of my dead friend. Mr. Win llarston, the father of the young lady to whom you say you are engaged. A trus has been repos ed In me, and that trust must, of course, be fulfilled to the letter." "Certainly," said Tom, wondering in his own mind how he could erer have brought himself for one moment to think evil of this kindly old man. "It was one of Mr. Harston's most clearly expressed wishes that no words or even thoughts of such nutters should lie allowed to come In his duughter's way nn til she had attain. maturity, by which be meant the age of one-md-twenty." "But he could not fowee the circum stances." Tom pleaded. "I am sure that a year or so will make ao difference in her sentiments in this nu'ter." "My duty is to mrry out hi instruc tions to the letter. I won't say, however," continued Mr. (iinlleston'. "that circum stances might not arise which might in-dui-e me to short i this prolmtionury pe riod. If my further aciii'an,e with you confirms the high Impression which I m w have of your ciiimnerrinl ability, that of course would Imve weight with me : nnd again, if I tin 1 that M.s Harston's mind is made up upon the point, that also would influence my judgment." "And what are r.e to do in the mean time?" asked the junior partner anxious ly. "In the meantime neither you nor your people must write to lier. or ieak to her. or hold any communication with her whatever. If fim y r them doing so. I slisll be compiled, in justice to Mr. Harston's lust renucst. to "end her to some establishment abroad where she shall be entirely out of jour way. M.v mind is irrevocably made up upon that point. It is not a matter of Hrwnal in clinst.nn. but of conscience." "And how long is this to Inst?" cried Tom. "It will ilcsnd upon yoiirsohee. If you prove yourself to he a nmn of honor in this matter I may be inclined to sanc tion your addresses. n the meantime, you must give me your won) lo let it rest, snd neither to attempt t s-nk to M ss llarston nor to see her. nor to allow your parents to communicate with her. 'Hie last condition msy seem to you to be bsrd, but, in m.v eyes, it Is a very impor tant one. I'nless you cn bring yourself to promise ail this, my duty will comH me to remove my ward entirely out of your reach, a course which w old be pain ful to her and incoinenient m myself." "Hut I must let h,.r know of this ar rangennent. I must tell her that you hold out hopes to us on condition that we keep apart tor a time." "It woud be cruel not to allow yon to Ao that." Oirdlestone an'red. "You may send her one letter, but. remember, there shall be no reply ' t." "Thank yon, air: thank you!" Tom cried, fervently. "I have eomething to live for now. This separation will but make our heart, grow fonder. What cbang. ran time make n either of na?" "tgults ao," said John fjirdlestooe. with a smile. "Kemember. there must be no more walking through th. square. You must remain absolutely apart if you w-h to gain my consent." "It Is hsrd, very, 9PTJ htPlJ. nut I will 9i t 4 U. What wott' premiss which would lead to our ssrllsi union V "That Is settled then. In lbs meantime. I should be obliged If you would go OOWB to tbs docks snd look after the loading of th. transferable corrugated Iron houses for New Calaber." "All right, sir. snd thsnk you for your kindness." said Tom, bowing blinself out. He hardly knew whether to be pleased or grieved over the result of bis interview: he n the whole, satisfaction prevailed. since at the worst it wSm 6ut"tJ K. '-' s year or so, while there seemed to be some hopes of gaining the guardian's con sent before thst. . On the other hand, he bad pledged hlmseT? to sepsrate from Kate, but that would, he reflected, only make their reunion the sweeter. When the hour of luncheon arrived no thought of food aas in the lad's head, but. burying himself in the back parlor of a little Mack si! public bouse, he call el for pen, Ink and paper, and proceeded to Indite a letter to his sweetheart. Never was so much love sod comfort snd sd vlce snd hope compressed lnto the limits of four sheets of paper or contained In the narrow boundary of a single envelope. Tcm read It over after he had finished, and felt that It feebly expressed hi. hit. thoughts; but then, what lover ever yet did succeed In getting his thoughts satisfactorily represented upon paper. Having posted this effusion, in which lis. had carefully explained tne couiinions nn- a . - i.w Tom felt considerably more light-hearted, and returned with re newed vigor to the loading ot tne corru gated Iron. He would hardly have felt so satisfied had he seen Jotm li.ruiestoo. t..i .I. ...n, itt.e from the hands nrrivina i ..- of the footman, snd reading it afterwards In the pria-sey of his bedroom witn s ssr donic smile upon his face. Still less con tented would be have been had he beheld tjie merchsnt tesring it into small frag ments snd msking a bonfire of it in his capacious grate. Next morning Kate look ed In vain out of the accustomed win dow. and was sore at heart when no tall . .nn..eal In sia-ht. and no friendly - ee - hand waved a morning aalutat.ou. (To be continued.) COMMOV MISK0MXB8. i niiw" froaa Calna Taraa f "Tarkiah Bala." Anronos of the assertion that pana ma hats do not come from Panama, It Is Interesting: to see bow orten tilings are called by names to which tbey bitve no relation, sn.vs tne Iiomlon P. T. O. For example, kid gloves sre not made of kid, but of In musk In or sheep skin. When we refer to the dish known ns Irish stew, most of us lose sight of the fact that It Is unknown In I re in nd, while Oermnn silver Is not sil ver at all, nor of Germnn origin. It ..is l.een used In r.hlna inanv centuries. The term 'Turkish bath" la ludicrous; this bnth is unknown to the Turgs, ana so are most other kinds of baths, tor In Turkey cleanliness does not rank next to godliness. Milton, again, says In Pnrndlse Lost :" Thick as autumnal lesves thst strew the Hpfwtlra In Vsllnmhrnsa " There are no loaves In Vallatnbroaa j most of the trees are pines. The list of lnlsnpplied terms might lie prolonged almost Indefinitely. Cat f rve Instance Is aheemmt : nnd whr should blind worms e ao called when they can see quite well? Take a giance st a map of northeastern America, and you wilt see that Haltln na.v is any thing but a bay. Due might Just as well eupiHiee that rb pnicr was made from tlie rice plnnt ns that Dutch clocks nre manufactured In Holland. As a matter of fact, rh-e paiier Is mndo In Cbllin from a tree peculiar to the Island of Formosa nnd Dutch clocks come from Oerninny. The shrewtnotise Just escnpos from bring n mouse b.v the merest ehnnee. but there Is not the slightest Justification for the word "tltinouw" as applied to a bird. Cus tom snd usage hnve reconciled us to the use of the word "slnve" In th sense of one who Is sutiservlent. but It Is m striking example of the mlssp pltcntlon of words. The Slav! were a tribe which once dwelt on the bnnks of the Dnieper, nnd derived their iiume from "Slav." which means noble and Illustrious. In the later itnys or the Itonnin empire viist numbers of them sprend over Europe In the condition rf cnptive servnnts. and thus the tiaiiie of the tribe rame to iiienn the very nntlllirsis of its original sense. A t'Kne of iUnH. "Talking nlsntt blulllng. said Ilia. horseman, "there ivns n chap who thought bliickstnltliitig looked simple' nnd easy, and so. Iiclng out of work, i,o ,1. mi, led to Imve n try nt It. He went to H smith nnd linked fr u Job. "'Well.' snld the smith, 'you lire a strong, likely lis'king ymmg follow. What exiKTlrnre hnve you hnd? "'Kleven yours." wns ttie prompt an swer. "All right. I'll try .von." snld the bliirksmlth. 'Shoe thnt mure while I go homo to dinner.' "Tin. smith on his return from dinner frowned nnd snld to (lie new hand: "'Whnt! Haven't you got that innrs shod yet? "The bluffer bit bis lip. flushed Hlid replied : 'I enn't get ber roiifotliuliil foot 111 the vise.'" Had lleformeil. Askltt What kind of n man Is IDkrr? Noltt Oh. I gm-ss he's nil right now. but he was engaged In n sluidy business a few years ugo. Askitt-What was the nature of the business? Noltt-He manufactured awmngs. Ilrlnfnl Usaseillns. Mis May Dupp I Just ciiu't I ear to walk out In the wind; It roughens my coniplrxioti so. Miss Port Mai your complexion l.m thick: If you'll put it on thinner V might not do thnt. II Taef PH. Twonld I s blessing without price The lesson thus to tesch. If sll the folks who give sdviee Would practice what they presi h. Cleveland Plsin lsler. ra's C lasalaealloa. Little Willie Say. si, Is It proper to refer to an airship as an aerial greyhound? laNo. my son; the airship It M the skj-terrler class. I TBS BOCX or CASH XL. lllslarU Skriaa, W kirk Waa Iks Sva ml mm Avvfal Maaaaere. Few, if an, Kvleslustlcul ruins In Ireland sre more Interesting than those which crown the fur fumed Hock of Cuslicl. The rock Itself Is one of the moat conspicuous luiidmiirks lu the south of Irt-laml snd towers like sn other Gibraltar shove the Goldeu Vale t i ipiiersJ.' ' 'i or' ' 6iiVl''iiiMif" .IaA1' years Casiiel wss the seat of the Kings of Munster snd In the very days of St. Patrick the famous rock served tbs purposes of religion. In the middle of the fifth century a synod was held there, attended by St. Patrick, St. Allbe and St. IKslun, nnd It wss then that King Aengus, who had been bap tized by the great Irish apisitle. com memorated bis conversion from pagan ism to Catholicity by erecting church UMjn ths risk. Other buildings de voted to religious purposes were subse quently erected, ths ruins of which still remain. These ml lis comprise Cormue's Clinel, the erection of which Is attrlbut.il to Cormiic MneCuIlnnn. King of Minister and Hlshop of Casiiel. who fell In battle In WH; a cathedral. built by Donald O'llrien. King of Lim erick, In lliift; a hull for the vlenra of the chornl, built by Archbishop O'He dlan In 1421 ; nn old episcopal pnlnce, which wns originally a strong castle; the remains of an abbey, founded by David MacCnrvlll In 12rt0, and a myste rious round tower, 50 feet lu circumfer ence and 00 feet high. There still ex ist several ortloiis of the ancient wall by which the whole was formerly sur rounded. Architecturally, fortune's Chapel Is the most fc-raorful of nil the buildings, exhibiting high finish of workmanship, and Is proof of the high civilisation In the arts which Ireland bad reached at thnt period. The ruins of the Rock of Cashel, like other eocleslnstleul relics In Ire- THK FAMOUS laud, could tell many a tale of tragedy and many a glorious story of martyr dom. None Is more thrilling than the dreadful massacre under the Irish At tills. Morough O'llrien. Ilaron Inclil quln. It occurred during the wars which raged In Ilrltnln nnd Ireland be tweeu the Parliamentarians and Hoy allsta, with the Catholics in Ireland forming at one time a distinct pnrty. , O'Brien was a aroduct of his times the victim of an execrable English law Inflicted upon the Irish people. This law constituted what Is known as a Court of Wards, an Institution cre ated for the purpose of seizing the In fant children of the Irish Catholic no bility and rearing them In hatred and horror of the faith of their .fathers. O'Brien bad been seized as s child and reared In tbla manner, but It cannot be snld that be wns taught to exemplify any of the virtues of Cbrlstluulty. O'Brien threw In bis lot with the parliamentary forces, fighting against King Charles of F.uglnnd, who after ward lost his head st Whitehall, and received the command of the sntl-roy-sllst forces In Munster. with the title of president. He fought with fanati cal zeal ngninst the Catholics nnd roy alist troops, burning and ravaging hla way through Minister like a second At t la. Hut the crowning act of his ca reer wns the massacre of Cnshel. He ueslcged nnd stormed the cltynnd then nt tacked the cathedral. In which wom en and children mid others of the In habitants hnd taken refuge. His sol diers were ordered to give no quarter nnd mercilessly they curried out the command. When the doors mid win dows had la-en riddled with volleys of musket bulls the troocrs wore sent In to finish with pike mid saber the work which the bullets had loft Incomplete. The floor of the cathedra! wns piled high with the bodies of the (lend and twenty priests, who had sought tt'icltor under the nltnr, were drugged out nnd slain. O'Brien refh-rted "credit" thnt day nion the Court of Wards. (lone are the horrors of those times, but their memories endure. The ons nntry of Tlpiwrnry still tell stories of Murroiigh of the Burnings, so culled IsTnuse of the towns and villages nnd humble homos be consigned to the II ames. And Is.fore thorn rises the Itock of Ciishcl. hallowed t( song and story and made sacred by martyrdom, to remind them of the dark nnd pain ful vnlley out of which their church tins emerged triumphant. AN ISOLATED HOSPITAL. Matter Was lit IVrslst la Trills ( Her (kitdrea's Sicknesses. Mrs. Wnrren bud seven children. Her new anpiiiintniiro nt the seaside hot:l hnd reason to know the fact. A genial, sympathetic spinster, without even nephews nnd nicies, wns a godsend la the tnlkntlve and doting mother. She poured Into the patient ears of the tol ornnt old mnld the life story cf ench of the seven little Warrens. The differing temperaments of the children, the problems of getting their education, the arrangements for the coming out of the oldest daughter, and for the camping out of the youngest son the conscientious scruples of Bes sie snd the lawlessness of Clara all these made the substance of the conver atlon during the first days of July. Still, by skilful management on the part of Miss Spinster, these questions could omsUuis be used as Introduction to larger, abstract considerations of tlf and discipline aud character. Hut iloso Usu these coiiudeiioca fol lowed the tule of the seven sets of III liesats to W iiicll tue WuiTfUS hud fallvu victims. It was surprising how many crisis they bad pussed. ronaldi-rliis their present condition of healthy boisterous ness. In the talk o their mother, war let fever, bolls, dlphtherlu. adenoids, flat foot, misplaced teeth, mumps and th s I. The stories of these experiences led nowhere. The mother hsd suffered the susjiense of operstlous uimiii ber chil dren, but she hnd no Interest In the mnrvels of modern surgery except mo far as they concerned her own nursery. Child study suggested to ber only Mary's nervous tenirameiit and Har ry's slow acquirement of the multipli cation table. After a month of daily Intimacy with the health of the Wsrren children, viewed through the medium of their mother's absorption In them, Miss Spin ster left the seaside. She was not ns much benefited as usual by ber stny there, and when some' one asked her why not, she replied rather qutalenlly : "itecuuse the place was not supplied with one of the essentials of decent modern life an Isolated hospital foe the diseases from which other people's children have recovered !" Youth's Companion. ELAJ7Q Iff THE NAVY. Tkere la m Nana foe Alaaaat Kverr hia tke Salloe . The nary, like every other profes sion, has Its own pet slang, and the "argot" of those who serve under the white ensign Is perhaps richer and more varied than that of any other calllns. says the Pittsburg Bulletin. Tinned beef Is Invariably referred t. as the "accident" This Is a somewhat r. -a if HOCK OF CASIIEL. suggestive name for the food In ques tion snd proves that the sea Is conduc ive to the sense of humor. The "at mospherics" are the wireless telegraph oiieratora. while "blua ll-h." atand for the gunner. '"Bow lights" is the name given to any man who sorts specta cles, while the signalman Is known as the "buntlng-tossor." A sailor's cap Is described by the slangy seaman as s "chnflnk grummet," and If a ninn Is an hubltual IxNistcr It Is said of him that he Is always "chawing his fnt." The "chief buffer" Is the chief boat swain's mate, "chippy" Is the carpen ter, while the hitter's mate and assist ants are unkindly referred to as "wood FMtllors." The hard-worked stoker has many names, being called among other things the "clinker" and the "dlnker-knocker." Marines are called 'Jorlnos," while the first lieutenant Is usually referred to as "Jlmmy-the-One." The mnster-at-arms rejoices In the mysterious title of "Jonty." When a sailor says he Is "dining out" he means thnt he will be prevented by punishment from Joining his messmates at meal. The rum and water dlsiwnsod on certain days to Jack Is affection ately referred to as "Fanny," the pre served niuttou which he ents at dinner Mug called "Fanny Adams." The spoon with which he stirs his tea or coffee Is called a "glbhy." A murine Is contemptuously entitled n "leatherneck, a hummock is a "kl scy," nnd a sailor Is h "llatfoot." A seniflnn under the age of 'JO Is myste riously referred to ns n "Nordenfeit." while a sailor with nn unusually lurge cranium Is enllod "nutty." When a mnn Is going on Jcnve he ni nounoos that he Is "on gens" (on gen eral leave). A lazy fellow Is known ns a "proper phensnnt," while "raggie" is a term of endearment,, since to be "rnggle" or "brass rugs" with n ninn (that Is, to keep cleaning rngs In tho same bng as his) Is to be sworn chums with that person. If a sailor has a second helping st mess he cnlls It "rounding the buoy" and If. after overenting himself, he desires Die ofllclal ns the "poultice mixer." This name Is also applied to the sick-boy attendants. If a snllor Is given to Indulging In sentimental outbursts lie Is snld to have his 'sniveling vnlves" open; If he Is dong a night wnteh on the quarter di-ck he Is described ns "studying astronomy" and If he has drunk not wisely but too well, be Is called "tin hatted." Tkrew Babies to Kielnrera. Many strange adventurers were en countered by Boyd Alexander In his Journeying In Africa. In one famine stricken vlllnge young girls were of fercd to the party for food. Elsewhere the people. Owing before him, threw down bnblrs In the hope of staying; their hunger nnd so stopping the white men's advance. Serlnas, Indeed! To the principal of a school for poor boys In Iimlon the father of one of the lads wrote the following note In explanation of his son's shsence from sciHK.l: "Sir: Please excuse John for being swny, as he has been very bud with Information on the Inside." Some war a country girl looks worse with her cheeks painted than a town flrU People too easily get lo the habit ot having- tisjublts. 4