II J I Isljoro Independent. D. W. BATH. Editor and Ufa f Csmsnt Ccrt. North Yamhill, March 9. -Editor Independent: An article re cently appeared in an eastern scientific Journal setting forth 'in a'ciear"uiii atprs " ' failures of cement concrete struc tures has been attributed wftouy to carelessness and lack of exper ience, and I might add dishon esty on the part of builders. No reference is ever made concern ing the inherent bad qualities of the cement itself as being contri butory to the cause of these failures. Portland cement is more sum- npr the loss and danger that must un i. mnprllv .. .. ii. ,-:!. :aoie in waicr uv. soonanaineviiaui v .v ... . jt i : . r pdtti Mil I. 1 1 1 1 i - - discriminate use w ..v.... crete. The writer says: "The gret.t usefulness of portland ce- ment has brougni u w " nence that its qualities have been vastly over rated by those who have not inquired into the true nature of the cement and its ac- conditions. so. Man cannot change it no matter how much he may desire to do so. Portland cement is a very valuable material but it must be confined to its proper sphere of usefulness. Those who are promoting its use for any and all purposes with tion under various conauions. disregard for its adaptibil- Now we wish towunae enemies of port- as the most loyai mu - landcemen tuiiy recogx,. officiala charged wkh great usefulness and the debt we ibmtv of making pub- nu-P t We will iry w vy .uijubm. . . ,-,; uc improvement wwuiu tvr debt we owe cement by show ing v.,nmA nn tyia imnortant its true nature and helping itto ?"' h t. i .m.lorstood that it may not be fc " A .""I ; ,, , . j wmrnr payers wnusc iiiicicat, ukj d..v,v.i abused by being used for w rong vj purines." With the nassinir of the era of T . iL nKflAntA rt Q irnPHL (! Ill- I ' " I 1"" ettU';;!" h; rue cheap lumber comes the demand for structural material of a more violation of permanent character. This de- . mana is so varied ana extensive rm,ni nn rnncerninir me true nature of cement its solubility, ill etc., it wouiu oe no Lnnttr ! common ' nn blindlv Mn the United States crcte promoters to go on Diinaiy . . . ' i.t otPriAl for t, staggers the lmigi rwommi'iiuiuK m - ? , ... ... " i -n- rpcrardless involves me expenditure oi an PHIL WJTHYCOMBE. A tag from io-c P4 wU" e0ttnt FULL ' A Uf from 5oi P16 counl HALF ValU with valuable tags Save yur l0 'rom HORSE SHOE GRANGER TWIST WASTER I WORKMAN STANDARD NAVY J.T. (Md Statesman MdNMh Timlty't It-a. SpMrHMtf Cglantim ' Jo&yTar Brkfla tit Old Hmttty Rack Bmt W. N. Tbwl.y'i Big Four Ttnpamy Pick Mr Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many othtr useful presents as shown by catalog : Gold Cuff Buttons 30 Tg Fountain Pen 100 Taga English Steel Raaor SO Tag" OanUamaa'a Watch 200 Taga Pranch Briaf Plp- Taga Leather pocketbook-80 Taga 8tecl Carving Set-200 Taga Best Steel Shears 7S Taga Lady 'a Pocketbook 50 Taga Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Taga 60 yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags any anu v v -- miVht I enormous amount of energy and of how much the consumer might j' u Buffer financially and otherwise "" hv r,,n of its failure. Soil and enfPea climatic conditions eilect to a ereat extent the durability oi ce; Death Was on His Heels. . Wanted. ment concrete. Jesse P. Morris. ofSkfDoers. Va.. I want to hear from owner nav- - - - .1 ' A cement concrete fence post had a close call in the snrineof tog tlM.-Pl in the soil in the and part 1006. it save "An uttarfc of GOOD FARM or of Arizona would last practically pneumonia left me so weak and BUSINESS j kv flnma nict I ! . t. i & . a . I torever. wniic ic w" o wim sucn a leanui couen mat mv . - ,t-. a 11:., .... 11 1 iui aaict mu y di&c auu muy iijf.aiti.irt D aceti in inu nun oiiUTi v incnui aecjarea consuraDUoa uaa v. -u.. iM.vM if other states having a more nam- me, and death w on my heels. want fash for farm or id and variable climate would Then I was persuaded to trv Dr. L...: ... .1-1 j J : 4 1 uusiucsj u win par yuu iu wuicnic mosi uKt'iy uiauic mm ui,..,. ivmg s ixew discovery, it neiDeu t t.. 1 r , , ,11 I . . I iuuay. x uuiy waul iu ucur uuiu grate and Decome woruueB3 u. me immediately, and after taking owners who are willing to .ell di ien or imo ii jvttio. nOUU.vvu lwo gna a nan dohks 1 was a well 1 iL!- .-I . I - are on recoru in uus country man again j founi out that vew Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. , - , PREMIUM DEPARTMENT . rTHE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St Louis, Mo. where cement concrete fence posts have failed in less time. Promoters of cement concrete use questionable methods of ad vei tising. They point with pride to the pyramids of Egypt claim ing them to be made of cement concrete and have resisted the elements for thousands of years w hich need not be disputed but they fail to explain at the same time that the preservation of those ancient buildings is due al most entirely to the very arid climate of that part of the world. They also call attention to the fact that great sea walls and breakwaters, etc., in all parts of the world are built of cement concrete. Here again they fail to ive out the information that oceati water is strongly alkaline and is not a solvent for cement concrete. Frt-sh water and soil moisture will dissolve cement concrete the same as it does a lump of sugar or salt, the only difference being the much greater length of time required to do jt. A cement concrete structure which is exposed to the infiltra tion of a considerable quantity of fresh water or soil moisture must in time yield to structural disin tegration, if a fence post it w ill f.ill over, if a drain or culvert pi)H' it will collapse. Submerged cement concrete is in a state of rest, the pressure of water being about equal on all its parts. There can be little if any cir dilation of water through it, this accounts for its great durability under water. The adaptability of cement concrete below the water line need not be question ed. Large concrete cement con units have Uen constructed to provide outleU for the drainage of immense areas of some of the finest agricultural lands in the United States. The failure of those costly and imiortant subterranean water courses is predicted in the near future by eminent authority, Those drainage systems are local e i on comparatively level teni tory, their stoppage would be followed by incalculable damage. Public officials who are vested with legal and exclusive author ity to exercise a choice of mater ial w hich may enter into the con struction of those public enter prises are responsible for this deplorable and threatening con dition which confronts thousands of farmers in th Mississippi val ley. Heretofore the after maturity Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and lung disease in all the world." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. DeWittVCarbolized Witch Haz el Salve. It is especially eood for piles. Sold by all druggists. Party Rates. Agents along the Southern Pa cific Lines in Oregon are hereby notified that beginning February uj, a iuuiiu inn raie 01 one ann one-third fare between all points on Southern Pacific Comnanv. Oregon Lines, may be made for ten (10) or more bona bide mem- Mrs of regularly organized thea tncal operatic or concert com panies, glee clubs, brass or string uanas, Dase call clubs, foot ball, polo or basket ball teams, travel- ing together on one party ticket ior me purpose of giving public entertainments. Also a one and one-third far rate for the round trip may be made between thp nninta nJ -1 r . . Z """" auoveiortwenty-hve (25) or more persons traveling together on one party ticket; this twentv-five party is not confined to regularly v itYut-vj i-om panics, or troupes, uut is ooen 10 an. Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent rect to buyer and without paying a cent of commission to anyone. I am not a real estate agent and I don't accept properties for sale on a commission basis. Agents need not answer. It your farm or busi ness is for sale write me at once and will send you full details of my new plan of putting you in touch with hundreds ot people anxious to buy. I must hear from you quick ly, as I have more buyers than I have properties to recommend. It costs you nothing to write to me and I may have someone who wants your place and will pay your full price. In writing give price and description and state how soon possession can be had. Address L Darbyshire, Drawer 934, Ro chester, N. Y. Kennedy's Laxative Coueh Sy rup acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it allays information Sold by all druggists. iitts Kidney and Bladder rills are prompt and thorough and iu m a snort time strengthen weakened kidneys and allay trou arising from inflammation of ble Plenty of Trouble is caused by stagnation of the liver and bowels. To get rid of it and headache and billiousness and the poison that brings jaundice, take Dr. King's New Life Tills, the re liable purifiers that do the work wituout grinding or gripping. 35c at the Delta Drug Store. ' EfUZs for Setting. Full-blood Buff Orpington for sale. Call and see the stock you are getting eggs from. Eggs, $1.50 for 15. A few more cock erels for sale. Inquire of C. Rhoades, corner of Ninth and Baseline streets, Hillsboro. Old, mellow and thorousrhlv matured it possesses every es sential of a genuinely fine, Ken tucky liquor-that's why I. W. Harper whiskey is the most pop ular, sold by t . K Cornelius. Interest in a valuable patent to trade for real estate. Inquire at tms ottice. For Sale. Seven-room cottage on First street, near depot, 3 blocks from P. O.: very desirable. Inquire at this onice. The Portland Weekly Oregon- lan ana ihe Hillsboro Indepen denr one year for $2.25. Colonist Rates. "Colonist rates will be in ef. feet March 1, 1908, to April 30. rJ08, from Eastern points to the Pacific Northwest as follows: From Chicago to Portland, As toria and Puget Sound destina tion, also to points on the South ern Pacific main line and branch es, north of and including Ash land, Oregon, $38. From Mis souri River Common Points, Council Bluffs to Kansas City, Mo., inclusive; also St Paul and Minneapolis $30. St Louis $35. 50, and from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, $30. Stop over privileges and other condi tions of sale will be practically the same as prevailed previous ly." P. G. Vickers. Agent S P. Ry. Poultry Wanted. I will pay market price in cash for all kinds of chickens, hens, tur keys, ducks and geese. J. Lena Hillsboro. Ore. the bladder. Sold by all druggists. "K. C. DeVYitt & Co.. Chicago, UKGentlemen: In 1897 I had a disease of the stomach and bowels. In the spring of 190a I bought a bottle ot Kodol and the benefit I re ceived all the gold in Georgia could not buy. Ma, you iive ong and Prosper. Yours verv truly C V vornen. Kod.ng. Ga.. Aog. 100." Sold by all d For Sale. . Mason & Hamlin organ, with ivory keys, for sale, or will trade for five stock. Also cochin ban taims and house plants. Call at Mrs. t. Bockman. Wheeler Sta tion, or address Beaverton, Route 7. Caaneroa's S. C. White Leghorns that are Leghorns of true type and size. Legs for hatching. sit city park, Hillsboro, Ore. independent phone 32S. CO TO THE Home Style Restaurant FOR A GOOD MEAL AND A GOOD BED lu it., btim Third iq.1 foorth HILLSBORO, ORE. MRS. I. M. HUMHE. Pro. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. Sold by all druggists. He cot What He Needed. Nine years ago it looked as if my time had come," says Mr. C Farthing, 0 Mill Creek, Ind. Ter "I was so run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was then ray druggist recommended Electric Bitters. I bought a bottle and got what I needed strength. I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Sitters put it back on the turf again, and I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug store. 50c. Ladies' Home Journal patterns at Mn, I. Bath's. Portland and Return, BOc. From now until further notice round trip tickets from Hillsboro to Portland and return, will be sold at 90 cents, good on Satur day 1:43 p. m. and Sunday trains, and returning on any Sunday or Monday train. WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A. There is nothing better than Kod- ol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas and ner vous headache. It digests ' what you eat. Sold by all druggists. For up-to-date millinery and ladies' furnishing roods. go to Mrs. Bath's, Linklater building, east of the court house. te m Dffi 3 DRUG SI Hillsboro, Oregon. DKALEU IN Pure Drugs ami Medicines We carry a complete line of Fino Sundries. If wo do not have what you want in stock, wo will cheerfully net it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's Agents, wo aro now prepared to supply All Your Wants in tlio . . . .School ook Lino Wo also have a full lino of Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Etc. School Hoots will bo eold for CASH ONLY. NO CUEDIT. Positively A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of glory. You may have one w ith the aid of a bottle of our hair tonic. It cleanses the scalp, imparts vigor to the roots and induces luxuri ant growth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its composition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our drugs and medicsnes. . .The Hillsboro Pharmacy. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH M.d.nZ'tl!i-,.A!P.V:ifiS rmd Vr e.ch 'V" i,,nen 'r ciw principle or 1h Tonie run u..-i. L . " nu laurrn, ijiockj, General ionic hor Old People." Heart. Worm. K rfn.n c - ... .. . e Setiial Tonic," tableta or BLUE !f? !!).,.0J!'ind.,,,,T eomP'T wi,l Pr dniK l.wa, DiafnbuleJ hy THE SLUE BELL -..w.w.r.. ww.. incorporated! capital block Jjuu.ouooo: Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. Children," tier. Female Keulator, Qumay, b,,, Sunlh,ne ELL lough Syrup, Man's Pain Liniment or Pile Keniedy. We no mey comply witn all pare dm laws. D , Incorporated! Capital Stock VJUU.OUO.OU; W; f or calk uv the Delta Dhuo Stoke UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRiTl.2 . , 1 A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cur ed me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, I of LeRaysville, N. Y. Bucklen's j Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 25c at the Delta Drug Store. X NS. 1 1VX '', "Star of the First Magnitude f ACT Number 10 The rndVrwood F..ncapcmcnt Is x Itslrr than ihe I'tstrsl Operator. The .Uillfd Mechanic "It will last a hundred years " tVNDEBWOOD TYFt.WHITTR COMPANY New or or Auyvt he i c. The buildinff season is now at hand ancLany one contemplating i. . r : l: v.,,i.i -nil nn wwn ill 11113 line buuuiu van vu . . , The Climax Millim? Co., when Makes lour fitrurincr on material. We have a complete stock always on hand Both .phones. ' MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt. Proper dote in tablets Stock Look Like the Top Price TEA New York is too far from Japan; San Fran cisco is nearer. Your iroeer iturns roar noser If T" sTob'I Us Schilling's Bi-tt. par bia For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. Tbey srs msdc from the scti.e erinciola or the condensed essence oi the dm. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Hran. An i.i si food when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with ail pnre drug laws. Ask lor snd try ones SKIDOO Condition Tableta, or SKIOOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera. Blister, Cathartic. Heave. Fercr, Ho Cholera. Distemper. Pink Kye, Colic tabletsor Lonse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed hy THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated; Capital Stock JJU0.0U0 00; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. For Sale by ihe Delta Drug Store. EM0TT DR0S. Central Meal Market Fresh Meats and Groceries. Opposjtejhe Shine Bank Tn,eeoiteUe. ROYAL SODA WORKS Open for business Tuesday, March 17. in the Hewctt building on Main Street, opposite the feed barn Carbonated Drinks of all kinds Fountain Tanks charged and Liquid Gas for sale O. FROM & CO. We're Rihl In It When it comes to the selling of high-grade groceries of all de scriptions. In tea, coffee, flour, butter, cheese, eggs, canned goods, cereals, breakfast looas and all kinds of groceries, we not only give you the best quali ties, but tne best weight in all cases. And our prices are such as cannot be easily matched by any of our competitors wnenqu ity is considered. OREGON 5tfOIrLliNE AMD union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily Through Pnl'man standard and tourist slep Jng cars dally to Omaha, f'hioaeo, tpfikaii: b'Oiisl sleplncarsilail lo Kaosa Mir: ihnMinh Pullman iurlt ilreulna rars (permnallT win. diH'tcdl weakly lo hicaeo and Kannas Kr, n f I'nlne rhsir ra"eat 1tl7 to Ml 1lly 7 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Chan of t'rt 70 MIA I U HK i ni(U(i l'i.ri,iil fil " mi a m l H'linKton Atlaiilln K s iri .!.'. p m sia Hunt lnettn it. I'-aiiT" rai Mail :1'P m Tis afokanA 1I MK w II Kl.l I Kb f"in Horllaii'l, Or. -! l-e Iwnvrr. k. Worth, omahs. Kan lljf, t Laiiils, til caifo atiii Kat "It lke. Iiruvrr.'rt Worth. Omaha. Kan- lril)r. Ht. Uuis, bl fi ana u( WallaWalla li,i... H,kan.Wallr Cull man, n IIIB. aOll, Ht. I'aul. Imlmh. Milwaih k. ( hlr en and Kail AkklVk IKllM I 7.-1JI p 1 flf)pl for farther InfrH-mailon ak or rlt. onr nrt ttc-ki-t e-ni. ,r writ, ronr Wl. McMURRAY, Ceneral Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.. Portland, Oregon Webb & Hoover 'Successors l CNma Feed Slorci Carry a full line of Flour and Feed. Al Poultry Supplies and Stock Food, Seeds, Paints, Spraying Material, etc. ,AII Orders Promptly Filled on Shore Notice Former patrons of the store are invited to give us a call. Millsboro, Oregon Hillsboro,