I mw VOLUMK Zl HILLSBORO. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1908 Number 40 0 filllsboro Independent. I). W. BATH, Publisher. ' This paper it not forced upon anyone. It it not our practice to atop patwrs until ordered to do io. Anyone not winning the parer timet notify the publisher or they will be held liable for t he subscription price. KIUHT PAUES. $I.SO a Year, In Advance. Kntered at tbe Poetofflce at Hllle ) ro, OrKon. for transmission throuxa the mall r-a second-clasa mall matter. Official Paper of Washington County. Republican in Folitlca. iovKKriHiNii Katks: Diplay, 60 cent an inch. single column, for four Inner lions; reading noiiiex, one cent a word etch Insertion (nothing lea than lft cents) ; prfesioual card, one inch, 1 a month ; lodge cnrd, 5 a year, paya ble quarterly, (notice and resolution tree to advertising lodges). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. B. TONGUE ATTO RN Ei Y-AT-LA W Hillaboro, Oregon. Office: Room a 3. W. N. 4 and 5. Morgan Blk BARRETT ATTORNEY-AT LAW Hillaboro, Oregon. Offlce: Central Block, Rooms C and 7 Hillaboro, Oregon. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Ollice on Main St., opi the Uoiirt House THOS. II. TONGUK JR. ATTORNHY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC itli. lUK.ina A. 4 and 5. Morgan Biota Hillaboro, Oregon. MARK U. BUMP, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Notary Public ami HILLSBORO, Collections. OR K. II. T. II UJLKV, Attorney - at - Law, Oflice Over tbe Postoffice. llillsboro, Oregon. JOHN M. WALL, Attorney-iit-Lftw, Office upstairs, Bailey Morgan Bit. HOTIl 'rilONHS. HILLSBORO, OREGON. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hillaboro, Oregon. OlIW, upstairs, over The Delta Drug Store. llK-e h.mre-S to 12; 1 to 6, and In the evening from 7 to W o'clock. J. p. TAMIESIE, M. D. 8. P. R. R. SURGEON Hillaboro, Oregon. KMhlMire o.ru.T Tlitr.l nl Main; nflles Uf iuii..lnw Hurr: linura, o. - . . . i ... i .,. I.lenhou. lu rvnuleut from lH.lia.lma .iora. All call .roul.Hj were.) Ami or iimlil F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillaboro, Oregon. Offlce: MorRanPalley block, op .talrs. rooms l- 13 and 15. Residence 8. W. cor. Uase I.lne and Second ata. Uoth "phones. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillaboro, Oregon. Offlce: Morgan lialloy block, up stalra with V. A. Bailey. Residence. N. E. corner Third and Oalf ata. aT B. BAIL.KY, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SlKllKON, llillslwro, Oregon. omoooTor Hily Prn Htor. Ofl1c hour, from I" W; M' 7 K"'''""- ,,..! h.,,.. north of CUT electric Until iilant. rn. nrntnplly ailan.Je.1 ilT or niai.t Kotb 'ptlOQea. ept'Jit Dr. B. P. Shepherd, (Successor to Dr. A. Iturris.) At his rooms over City llakery every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. President California College of Ostepathy Professor of Theory and Practice. Kx-Meni. Cal. State Hoard of Examiners KILLthc COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's WITH Now Discovery rnn ouchs Mtm Wil A( nLDft TrW Bottia FrM INS all THwnTmUW8TW0UrUt. GUARANTEED 8ATISKACX0KY OR MONEY REFUNDED. HINTS ON ROAD WORK PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. U. S. Office of Puclio Roada Telia How to Make and Maintain a Model Earth Read. While American road builders are as capable of constructing good roads as those of any coun try of the old world, they have not been as loyally supported as the men of those countrries in maintaining the highways after completion, and the deplorable state of many hundred thousand miles of road is thus accounted for. County and 'township offi rials may at the outset stand the expense of having a road built, but they strenuously object when asked to provide funds to rebuild the road that has been allowe to go to ruin. It is important that farmers learn of the benefits to be deriv ed from good earth roads; that county boards be impressed with the need of a proper maintenance of the same, and that road build ers and overseers learn how best to care for 'the roada in their charge. The persistent and powerful en emies of earth roads are water and narrow tires, and the con stant effort of the men in charge of the roads should be to guard against their destructive effects and remedy all damage as quick- y as possible. The simple im plements which have been found to be of greatest assistance in this work are the plow, the drag scraper, the well Bcraper, the road grader and the split log drag. With a Bandy soil and a subsoil of clay, or clay and gravel, deep plowing so as to raise and mix the clay with the surface soil will prove beneficial. The com bination forms a sand-clay road at a trifling expense. On the other hand, if the road be entire- y of sand a mistake will be made f it is plowed unless clay can be added. Such plowing would merely deepen the sand, and at the same time break up the small amount of hard surface material which may have formed. If the subsoil is clay and the surface scant in sand or gravel, plowing should not be resorted to, as it would , result in a clay surface rather than one of sand or grav el. A road foreman must know not only what to plow and what not to plow, but how and when to plow. If the road is of the kind which according to the above instructions should be plowed ov er its w hole width, the best meth od is to run out to the sides, thus forming a crown. Results from such plowing are greatest in the pring or early summer. In ditches a plow can be used to good advantage, but should be followed by a scraper or grader. o make wide, deep ditches noth ing is better than the ordinary drag scraper has yet been devis ed. For hauls under 100 feet, or in making "fills" it is espee- ally serviceable. It is a mistake However, to attempt to handle ong haul material with this scraper, as the wheel scraper is better adapted to such work. or hauls of more than 800 feet. a wagon should be used. The machine most generally used in road work is the grader. or road machine. This machine is especially useful in smoothing and crowning the road and open ing ditches. A clay subsoil un der a thin coating of soil should not be disturbed with a grader. It is also a mistake to use a grad er indiscriminately and to pull material from ditches upon a sand-clay road. Not infrequent-1 ly turf, soil and silt from ditch : bottoms are piled in the middle 1 of the road in a ridge, making mud holes a certainty. It is im portant in using a grader to avoid building up the road too much at one time. A road gradually built up by frequent use of the grader will last better than if completed at one operation. The foreman frequently thinks his road must be high in the first instance. He piles up material from 10 inches to a foot in depth only to learn, with the arrival of the first rain, that he has furnished the mater ial for as many inches of mud. All IVi&iXi'icil oToju'u be uiuuklik up in thin layers, each layer well puddled and firmly packed by roller or traffic hefore the next is added. A common mistake is to crown too high with the road machine on a narrow road. The split log drag should be used to fill in ruts and smooth the road wren not too badly washed, lne drag possesses great merit and is so simple in construction and operation that every iarmer should have one. A special article will be publish ed later telling how to make and use the drag. Auction Sale. I will sell at Public Auction on my farm 2) 'i miles southwest of Beaverton, on Tuesday, April 14, 1908, at 10 o'clock sharp, my stock and implements, as follows: 1 good span of work mares, 1 good work horse, 1 No. 1 riding pony, 1 1-year-old colt, 1 good stallion; 7 good milk cows, 1 good bull; 88 choice sheep, 87 good goats, 70 head of hogs; 25 tons good hay, 100 bushels oats, 250 sacks potatoes, 4 sacks land plas ter, 1 Queen binder, 1 McCor mick binder, 2 McCormick mow ers, l McLormiek rake, 1 potato planter, 1 potato digger, 2 disc harrows, 1 drag harrow, 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 double disc plow, sulky plow, 2 walking plows, 1 stump puller, 1 R. R. d.ump cart, Morman scraper, 2 iron wood racks; 2 hay racks, 2 common wagons, 1 buggy, 1 hack and cart, 1 iron kettle, 1 scalding vat, 2 sets double harness, 1 W. F. C. & N. Cultivator, 1 tether, 1 hay rake, 1 4-horse rigging, 1 emery wheel, chains, hay hooks, etc., 2 iron wheelbarrows, 1 platform scales, 1 3-horse shaft, 1 lawn mower, 1 grind stone, 1 iron roll er, 1 seed driller, 1 sulky, 2 wag ons, 1 set buggy harness, 1 set single harness, 1 seeder, 2 hand seeders, 40 reels wire, 80 feet galv. iron pipe, 1000 feet fuse, 2 steelyards, 2 pruning knives, 1 hay fork and a large quantity of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount, G months' time, with note and approved security, at 7 per cent 5 per cent off for cash. J. FRANK WATSON. Trustee. W. A. Shaw, Auctioneer. Auction Sale. Saturday, April 11, commenc ing at 1 p. m., corner of Fir and Eighth streets, llillsboro, the un dersigned will offer for sale household and kitchen furniture and utensils, consisting of wal nut bedsteads, bedsprings, dress ers and commodes, oak sideboard, bookcase, hall tree, ladies writ ing desk, sofa, rosewood center table, walnut table, two walnut stands, parlor and dining chairs, rocking chairs, sewing machine, pictures and frames, Born steel range, gasoline stove, rugs, dish es, tinware, garden tools and many other things that go to make up household goods. This is good furniture, not a lot of cheap stuff. Come and take a look at it and judge for yourself. Terms: All sums of ten dol lars or under will be cash, over that amount six months time will be given on good bankable paper drawing eifcht per cent March 21th. l;n"i8. O. F. SHELDON. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. R. Lee Soars has just received his spring line of base ball sup plies. Call and see them. LETTER FROM MISS SIMPSON IN HER OLD HOME AGAIN. Arrives Safely and la Greeted by Many of Her Old Friende and Yorkshire, Eng., March 17.- t,uiior independent: Am very glad to say that I arrived in Liv erpool Friday, March 13, at 1 p. m., after a very pleasant voy age. We would have landed at 8 in the morning, but was de layed by a dense fog about twen ty miles from Liverpool, the cap tain not daring to attempt to take the vessel to her dock in such a fog. We were unable to see the length of the boat I was not at all seasick and stood the whole journey splendidly, with the exception that I contracted a severe cold, which is not much improved at this writing, other wise I am in my usual good health. On reaching the Mauretania's dock in Liverixol, I recognized three cousins who came to meet me and whom I had never seen in my life, only in photographs; in fact the recognition was mu tual. Oh! the thousands that were on the dock to see the in coming Mauretania, and the mighty cheers and waving of 'kerchiefs and flags would have done your heart good to hear and see. One poor old man in the crowd I noticed vigorously waving a tiny flag of Stars and Stripes. X'lof first cabin pass engers' bai?giVe w as tuien on deck, off the ship, examined and them allowed to depart whither soever they woild. I got off very easily, only my smaller trunk was openec; and by the way, I never sav my baggage after leaving Hilsboro until I saw it on the dock in Liverpool. I'll say a greatful 'thank you for such a perfect system of caring for passengers' btggage. My relatives had an automobile in readiness and soon I was be ing whirled through the streets of Liverpool to their home, where I found more than a passing wel come. There was no mistaking the heartiness of it. I came to my old home place on Saturday. On Sunday I went twice to church and visited my father's and moth er's graves. Everyone seems to recognize me instantly. I do not recognize teole whom I ought to know so readily. I am trying to rest a while be fore doing much more traveling, but no, it is go here, so there to teas, and so forth, until I fear I cannot accept all the invitations I receive. I would like to de scribe the grand ship Mauretania to you. It is beyond me. Words fail. I'll send a descriptive cata logue as it will tell far more than I can. I'll also send a morning paper printed on board. In it you will note a concert was given V 1 1 . on Vieunesuay evening, rour ladies were p.sked to pass the col lection plates. Your humble ser vant was one of the four, wasn't that an honor? I received sever al congratulations on the way in which I performed the duty. You see it is not the easiest thing in the world to walk gracefully on board a rocking vessel. At the close of the concert the Amer ican and English national an thems were sung. Divine ser vice was he M on Sunday. Rev. Russell Con, veil, a passenger, conducting it I was pleased to notice the reading desk was draped with the Stars and Stripes. I wish you church-going people could have heard with what vig or and vim they sang. I believe it would have inspired you to do likewise, lne attendance, too, was very ffood, all employes who could be spared from their duties are required to attend every Sab- bath morninir. I Ix'irin to think I I am telling more than you will! care to read. Grateful remem brances to all. MARY A. SIMPSON. Committee Meeta Today. The republican state central committee is summoned to meet in Portland today to call a state convention and to name the num ber of delegates that every coun ty in the state may send to that convention. .Ths-refafcUcsa -state- coaven- tion will choose four delegates- at-large for the national conven tion; also four candidates for presidential electors. The state central committee also will pro vide for conventions in the two congressional districts, each dis trict naming two delegates, which gives Oregon, altogether, a total of eight delegates in the national convention. Eight al ternates will be named to take the place of delegates who can not b in Chicago on June 16. Every republican who takes part in the county primaries and convention will have a voice in naming Roosevelt's successor. Without waiting for the call of the state central committee, several counties of Oregon al ready have held their conventions and elected delegates to attend the state convention. These del egates no doubt will be accepted at the state convention, as the county committeemen assented to the call of these conventions. The Marion county convention refused to pass a resolution in structing for Taf t So far no convention in Oregon has in-4 structed for either Taft or Hughes. Many delegates are known to be in favor of the re nomination of Roosevelt or of the nomination of La Follette: and the Oregon state convention is likely to instruct accordingly. La Follette's recent speech in the senate on the currency bill have multiplied his constituency j over the entire country. He is a favorite in the west. Every republican in Oregon should attend his county conven tion and should see that the right kind of men are sent to the. state convention. The responsibility rests upon ' every voter. Not much time remains to act and to organize. School Report. Following is the report of the llillsboro schools, District No. 7, for the month of March: No. pupils registered, 440; No. pupils attending this month, 313; No. days absent, 5G5; No. times late, 90; No. pupils neither absent nor tardy, 114. HAMILTOH-BROWH SHOES There's a lot of satisfaction in a shoe which after month's of wear, 'look like new. You will hnd comfort, ease and profit in the II AMILTON'-WIOWN SHOES. Your children will want something pretty and good. Come and No belter can be made. PICNIC Co5 CLASS OF 100 FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. Big Campaign New Being Conduct ed In Hillaboro--Class of 100 to Be Installed Seen. One of the main objects of in terest in llillsboro just now is the big campaign being conducted by the Fraternol Brotherhood, and the intention is to reach one hun dred candidates in this city. M. I. Chappell, deputy supreme president of the order, who is one of their permanent campaign men, is here in the interest of the order supervising the work. The Fraternal Brotherhood has been organized here for several years and some of our prominent citizens are members. Portland members of the order are also very much interested in the pres ent campaign and are preparing to be present in a body on the night of the initiation with at least 200 members. State Man ager F. E. Taylor, Hon. John and Jeffrey have expressed their intention to be here, and many more of the Rose Cities promin ent business men will take part in the series of entertainments arranged for. In order to secure the class, the initiation fee will not be charged and anyone can become members at this time for the medical examiner's fee of $2. Those desiring information re garding the order can call upon Dr. Linklater, or J. M. Brown of the Wells-Fargo Express Co. . A Pla for q-ial Eigbta. Gentlemen, voters, sons, broth ers: I am growing old. But I can not rest until you have given us the victory. Every hour I spend in this service is a labor of love. Every dollar I donate is a personal sacrifice. Have the faithful mothers of Oregon not earned your affirmative votes for their full and free enfranchise ment? You ought not to be afraid of us. You are equipixnl with ballots. We are not. Wre are depending upon you to honor our flag of truce by voting yes in our behalf in this unequal contest. You know you would only compel us to repeat this struggle in 1910 if you should fail us now. But we believe you will not fail. You have only to unlock the door to the closed citadel of liberty, leaving us free to choose for ourselves. needs only polish to see our SCHOOL SHOES, no hotter made. Our guarantee goes with every pair. Our Line of CROCERIES is the finest in the county. Everything usually carried by an up-to-date lLAflE GroceryIIouse. Our immense sales make it pos- shop worn article in the JOHN DENNIS The old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shoe Store exactly as you do, as to whether to vote or not to vote, at every succeeding election. Thus only can you acquit yourselves as free men and relieve us from further effort to secure equality with our sons before the law. ABIGAIL SCOTT' DUNIWAY, Mother of Native Sons and Pres ident Oregon State Equal Suffrage Association. Thinks it Laughable. Editor Independent: When one reads the candidates an- .PQVLnceiruvp.ts t. - Js yc WvuJy . laughable every one of them is going m Tor a square deal it makes one think there is not an honest one among them, by the professions they are making as to their election, and that they have been in the habit of doing just the contrary all their lives. The fact is it does not speak well for the republican party to have their candidates make such an nouncements, for they ought to know that it is for that yery pur pose they are supposed to be elected. A man's every day life and actions ought to be sufficient merit as to whether he is fit to act for the public and the honor of the position ought to be suffi cient to warrant its fulfillment. Extravagance of the public funds affects every one in one way or another, and the merit of doing as one would be done by, besides the financial part of it ought to be sufficient to warrant its well doing. Extravagance is riie in this whole country and those that study economics and apply them are the ones that will be appre ciated and command the will of the people. ALBERT O. YATES. For Joint 8enator. I am a candidate for nomina tion for joint Senator from Wash ington, Yamhill, Lincoln and Til lamook counties, comprising the 24th Senatorial District, on Slate ment No. 1. OAK NOLAN. For sale. Saw mill, logging outfit, team of horses, team of mules. For further information address Big Four Lumber Co., Gaston, Oregon, R. R. 1. Card ot Thanks. We take this method of return ing our sincere thanks to the friends who assisted us by their kindness and expressions of sym pathy in the hour of our deep bereavement in the loss of our mother. William Tuppcr. Willard Tupper. John TupjK'r. Mary Baird. Full line of apple, pear, ioach, cherry and other nice nursery stock; also roses and cabbage plants. Morton's Green House. la rint n establishment. Sato's. 10V