Mr. Cake Is Making friends. XSJS Antagonistic to the verge of bitterness remants of the old ma chine which once dominated Ore , gun jolitic8 have taken up the tight for the defeat of Statement No. I and all who favor that method. In Portland and in other larg er cities of the state, the machine crowd is entering its fight upon ' ' iW. Cake, candidate lor the republican nomination for United States senator. Mr. Cake is firm believer in the popular elec tion of United States senators and because of his belief in the people, has incurred the enmity of the old machine politicians, Those who are close to the situa tion, however, believe that the machine fight against Mr. Cake is the best rfiinpr that could hap pen for his campaign. The people of Oregon express ed by their adoption of the pri mary law and Statement No. I, what they thought of machine methods. The old system had brought shame and disgrace up on the state had made the city of Salem almost a Gomorrah in the way of jxilitical wickedness, Periodicals and newspapers of national circulation pointed toour state as one of sodden political corruption, of disgraceful scan dals. It is in the hope of reviving this old method by the defeat of Statement NY l and of Mr. Cake that the machine politicians have started such a bitter crusade against this new law. Indeed, it is their only hope. Under the present system, they are without a job. It is impossible for one dictator to sit in his office and say what shall and shall not be done by the people of Oregon. No longer is a saturnalia of brib ery anil corruption possible at Salem. Evidences of this hostility on the part of the "system" have been apparent in various towns where Mr. Cake has spoken dur ing his present itinerary. Large crowds have flocked to hear him, but conspicuous by their absence were the old-time leaders. ' And in this connection it is a fact worth mentioning that most of these antagonistic iolitieians are i-mii i umce noiuers or nave some claim upon those who are at pres. cnt in oilier. The people- who are rallying to Mr. Cake's standard are those republicans who are intensely loyal to their party but who re sent any such dictatorial methods as the old machine was wont to use. It is a foregone conclusion that Statement No. 1 will prevail in Oregon at the coming election. It is also a foregone conclusion that Mr. Cake -the only real ac tivo supporter of this measure- will be elected if the republican voters of this state do their dutv and there is no room for doubt but that duty. they will perform that Plenty of Trouble is caused by stagnation of the liver and boui K To Kot rid of it and iieauaciio ami lil!itnincss and the poivMi that bring jaundice, take Dr. King s N-v I.ilc Pills, the ie- liable putuicrs that do the work without giinding or gripping at the I Vila Dmik Store. 25c 1 2fis lor Selling. Full-hUnl P.utr Orpington for sale. Call and see the stock you are getting eggs from. Eggs, $l.f0 for A few more cock erels for sale. Inquire of C. Khoades, corner of Ninth and Uaseline streets. Hillsboro. Interest in a valuable natmt to trade for real estate. Inquire at this ollice. The Portland Weekly Oregon ian and The Hillslnw Indepen dent one year for $'1'2. for Sale. Seven-room cottage on First street, near dept. n bWks from P. O. : very desirable. Inquire at this office. TO ABOLISH COUNrYJtJPCE. Continued From First rage. further punishment a may have been prescribed by law. Section iJ-Tbe governor may remove from office judge of Ibe supreme court or a judge of the nr cult court, upon the joint resolution of the legislative assembly in which two thirds or the member elected to each house shall concur, for in competency, corruption, malfeas or delinquency in office, other sufficient cause stated in such resolution. Section 14-Every judjje of the supreme court or circuit court, be fore entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe and transmit to the secretary of state, the following oatn: do sol- erunly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Oregon; and that I will faithfully and impartially dis charge the duties of a judge of the supreme (or circuit) court of said state, according to the best of my kjuw ami that I will not accept ?7) ov ww ndv3i,..oCv fices. during the term for which I have been elected. Section 15 All the provisions of Article VII of the constitution as the same existed prior to the adop tion of this substitute therefor, and all laws now in force in accordance with said article, shall remain in force after the adoption of this sub stitute, except as to the provisions herein contained concerning the su preme court and the judges there of, until the legislative assembly shall provide by appropriate legis lation for the exercise by the cir cuit court of ' the probate jurisdic tion hereto ore exercised oy tne county court and for the transac tion of county business by and be tore some appropriate body or tri bunal. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Haz el Salve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. A Pittsburg paper says that Count Boni is game to the core. ,Vhy not say to the yellow? Bad eggs do not have cores. New York courts have given a boy thief nineteen years, which may not reform him, but is sure to cure him of being a boy thief. There is nothing better than Kod ol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas and ner vous headache. It digests' what you eat. Sold by all druggists. Sentences aggregating 1,461 years in jail have been imposed upon a lottery swindler in Germany. By good behavior he may succeed in getting one or two hundred years lopped off. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sy rup acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it allays information. Sold by all druggists. A young man who told a girl about the. scheme of drying wet shoes by stuffing them with oats aroused her interest, but when she said she hadn't any oats he made a serious mistake by sending her a bushel the next day. While suddenly alarmed people are talking about the need of refor estration, some of the railroad com panies are going quietly ahead planting trees for their own future use. The Pennsolvania road, for example, has now many hundred acres under cultivation, with over 2,000,000 trees growing and seeds planted for many more. If every corporation and individual with a bit of available land would do their pait by planting a few trees, the forestry problem would be solved without much difficulty. Dettitts Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a short time strengthen weakened kidneys and allay trou bles arising from inflammation of the bladder. Sold by all druggists. "K. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, III. Gentlemen: In 1897 I had a disease of the stomach and bowels. In the spring of 190a I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I re ceived all the gold in Georgia could not buy. May you live long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell. Koding, Ga., Aug 1906." Sold by all druggists. 7. For Sale. Mason & Hamlin organ, with ivory keys, for sale, or will trade for live stock. Also cochin ban taima and house plants. Call at Mrs. F. Bockman, Wheeler Sta tion, or address Beaverton, Route 2. Box 80. Cameron's S. C. White Leghorns that are Leghorns of true type and size. Lggs for hatching. South of city park, Hillsboro, Ore. Independent 'phone 325. HORSE SHOE GRANGER MASTER WORKMAN STANDARD NAVY' Old Statesman Old Ptaoh Tlmlty't IMi. Sptar Haad . Ts? the .bovr ..bcarjis-cra-goct! fcr the fcllcv Inland -nunr olint useful presents as shown by catalog : Gold CufTButtona 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Taga Engliah Steel Razor SO Tag OenUeman'a Watch 300 Taga Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which .. iwfm face Tf VOH P3nnnt Viair tmiir aera rrlmr1 o Vi-im nriMf us for catalog. IP m r. FW , Wanted. I want to hear from owner hav ing GOOD FARM or BUSINESS, for sale, any size and any locality. Not particular about location. If you want cash for your farm or business it will pay you to write me today. I only want to hear from owners who are willing to sell di rect to buyer and without paying a cent of commission to anyone. I am not a real estate agent and I don't accept properties for sale on a commission basis. Agents need not answer. It your farm or busi ness is for sale write me at once and I will send you full details of my new plan of putting you in touch with hundreds oi people anxious to buy. I must bear from you quick ly, as I have more buyers than I have properties to recommend. It costs you nothing to write to me and I may have someone who wants your place and will pay your full price. In . writing give price and description and state how soon possession can be had. Address L. Darbyshire, Drawer 934, Ro chester, N. Y. ' Colonist Rates. "Colonist rates will be in ef fect March 1, 1908, to April 30, 1908, from Eastern points to the Pacific Northwest as follows: From Chicago to Portland, As toria'and Pujret Sound destina tion, also to points on the South ern Pacific main line and branch es, north of and including "Ash land, Oregon, $38. From Mis souri River Common Points, Council Bluffs to Kansas City, Mo., inclusive: also St. Paul and Minneapolis $30. St Louis SL'tf - 50, and from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, $30. Stop over privileges and other condi tions of sale will be practically the same as prevailed previous ly." P. G. Vickers, Agent S. P. Ry. Poultry Wanted. I will pay market price in cash for all kinds of chickens, hens, tur keys, ducks and geese. J. Lenz Hillsboro. Ore. CO TO THE Home Style Restaurant FOR A GOOD MEAL AND A GOOD BED Mln St.. btwr.n Thlrt .ml Fourth HILLSBORO,:oRE. MRS. I. M. HUMKF. Prop. EMM0TT BROS. Central Meat Market Fresh Meats and Groceries. Opposiiejhe Shure Bank Your Trade Solicited. A Uf from a 10ent P' wla count FULL value) 'Ati from a 5-Qt pitta will count HALF value TIBACO with valuable tags Save your tags from Sailor's Pridt EglarrrJnt Jolly Tar BrUIsBlt Old Honotty Black Bsar W. N. Tlnsley's French Briar Pipe 50 Taga Leather PocVetbook 80 Taga Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 73 Taga PREMIUM 'DEPARTMENT. V W-S WUWWW WWf Wla DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the j Adranus Vandervelden, aged 62, famous little liver pills. Sold by and for thirty three years a res all druggists, ident of Washington county, died . . " " . iuauc. a p.uuccr 01 this county since 1857, was found dead in his cabin, near Thatcher, about noon last Saturday. Coro ner E. C. Brown ot this city was sent for and assisted by a Forest Grove physician made a thorough Inquiry into all the circumstances, and they decided that Thatcher's death was due to organic heart trouble. The deceased was born in Indiana in 1842. lie settled near Forest Grove in 1857, and had lived there ever since. In 1898 he tjiar- ried Mrs. Elizabeth Williams in Multnomah county, who died eight years ago., He cot What He Needed. "Nine years ago it louked as if my time had come," says Mr. C. Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. "I was so run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was then my druggist recommended Electric Bitters. I bought a bottle and got what I needed strength. I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug store. 50c. Ladies' Home Journal patterns at Mrs. I. Bath's. ROYAL SODA WORKS Open for business Tuesday, March 17. in the Hcwett building on Main Street, opposite the feed barn Carbonated Drinks of all kinds, Fountain Tanks N charged and Liquid Gas for sale O. FROM & CO. After Skating or Theatre See . Walker for Light Lunch He has delicious Hot Coffee, Sandwiches and cold ( Lunch Goods all ready to serve. Hesides, his line of Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, etc., is the very best H, A. Walker. Opposite P. O. ity TyIST, J.T.' Big Four Tanptnnyl Pick Ivy Lady's Poeketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Taga Playing Card 30 Taga 60-yd. Fishing Reel 0 Taga ) BsVUI9 IIIVI at his home near Verboort last week Thnrsdav. He W hi. wif- were one of the five families which thir ty-three years ago founded the Hoi land settlement three miles north east of Forest Grove. A widow and the following children survive him: Mrs. William A. He t metis, Sublimity, Or. ; Mrs. T. M. Her meus, William A. Vanderzanden, Verboort; Sister Genevieve, St, Mary's Acamemy, Beaverton; Miss Dora, Miss Jennie, Miss Minnie and Edward Vandervelden, Ver boort. A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen s Arnica Salve, which cur ed me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, of LeRaysville, N. Y. Bucklea's Arnica Salve heals the worst. sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts in Xhi shortest time, asc'at the Delta Drug Store, COFFEE foor coffee has to be sold in bulk, it isn't worth packing. . Your grocer raturni your moDtr If roa dra't Ilk Schilling's Tirtt: wt piy him. We're Rifiht In It When it comes to the selling of high-grade groceries of all de scriptions. - In tea, coffee, flour, butter, cheese, eggs, canned goods, cereals, breakfast foods and all kinds ot groceries, we not only give you the best quali ties, but tne best weight in all ill cases. And our prices are such as cannot be easily matched by any of our competitors when qual is considered. ""II " " in .il I JW . a.W..-ka 1 Pure Drugs nj Medicines We carry a complete line of Fine Sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully 'get it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's Agents, we are now prepared to supply All Your Wants in the We also have a full lino of School Boots will be sold NO CKEDIT. V t ' t, .''V ...vC o;-,!,t.:,'i'il. TAKETHE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A RI. ADKSMITH No cart-all. A reccifie retnedv far ft.rh eondcoMd cuency. o( tht drui uud. Kciull. Stomach Tablet, or Diarrhoea. Crmm. Nr J.!f .?l1 V1V- H"rt- Worm' K'loT. lieadach. Summer Complaint. Soolhin "For "''dr'"' fJr' I' KfuU,or' uiny. Bright Sun.hme "Se.ual Tonic." tablet or BLUE .k !f smP. Man a Ham Liniment or Pil Kemedy. W print tbe constituent ot each remedy T?i;f,S?05l,d.M"T con,P'y " Pr I- retributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated! Capital Stock JU),000.00i Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. Fok Sale itv theDki.t.v Dnuo Stokk UNDERWOOD STANDAFJJ TYPEWRITE ' 'Star of the First Magnitude" TACT Number 10 The CndfTHOod Escapement It tislrr thnn the Faslrst Oprratnr. Tbe Skillrd Mechanic sajsj "It will last a hundred years " UNDUIWOOO TVPlWRITm rOMPAA'V New York or Auyt. lien-. MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Cruth and mix in feed or Makes Your Stock Look Li'kr tr. T P-:.. For Hone. Cattle, Sheep. Swin and Fowl. CondeDKd euenc ot the drut. They don t contain a good when 10 year, old a when 10 day. Bl...,7O?HC8Kw0OOaC0nd'i0n7ihlt,, Bliatar, Cathartic. He.j Fever. Hot Cholera. vuii or dud wir l iniment, uiatrihntcd by THE BLUE BELL MED Incorporated; Capital Stock Uuo.uuo.oo; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A, For Sale by the Delia Drug Store.' ODFfiOlV lShojtLine and Union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily Through Pnl'man atanrianl and ini.n.i .I...... in rare nany to Omaha. ( hlraen, HMikan: lnartnlepln cam dully to Kanwx'liv: thnniKh Pullman tourist lpeilna ran, ;nra,naiiv durted) weekly to I hirao and Kn ( Itv; ro- ciifiiti rnmr r- irm nntlyl lo .t ftnlly. Wm. ArcMXJRJA.Y, General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.. Portland, Oregon lAaTkKK X Surcesora lo Cllma reed store Carry a full line of Flour and Feed, Al Foultry Supplies and Stock Food, Seeds, Paints, Spraying Material, etc. All Orders Promptly Filled on ' Short Notice Former patrons of the store are invited to give us a call. Hillsboro. Oregon ora DU V Hill.-boro, Oregon. DKALtlt IX- . . . .School JSook Lino Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Ktc. for CASH ONLY. Positively A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of glory. N You may have one with the aid of a bottle of our hair tonic. It cleanses the scalp, imparts vigor to the roots and induces luxuri ant growth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its comj)osition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our drugs and medicsnes. The Hillsboro Fharmacy. nc-ifi n'h..i rt-i ,u. i . .... juanntetd. Art for and try one. BLUE BELL r...h u. i. i r-.l . 11 (alt. Proper dose in tablets m. a iit Th .r. ( ,k. S.wdu.t. A.he. Choo Feed Bn P if. . ..! old. They comply with all pure d rut law. r SK'DOO Worm. K, T bi k ( D,.temper. Pink Kye. Colic t.hlet.or Lo,,"e Amk lor Cholera, 7 HOURS PORTLAND to CMIaCACO No Change of Car 70 liKI't I K K(lK t'lllCHICl, 1'ortiaud I(lal :w a m i II inii'L.Ti Ailantli H Tiin M .l' p m via Hunt itivtnn t' l'atil Kt Mall 6:1 n iu la ftikane 1IMK n III i( . k from I'orliaiHl, dr. -mi l.Hir. I nnr. H. Viirth, umnha, Kan an "II jr. Ht. I .nun. I 1,1 AKKIVK Kill l M I 6 (K) chko ami KaM P m -alt I aki, lipiirpr. Kt. Wotlh, tunalia. Kan a ity. hi. IMila, (I.I ami Kat Walla Waiu. Iulaton likam'.Klla. Cull man. .Mliim-aiolia, Ht. I'aul, I 'ninth. Milwaii k". (iiir and Ki, 7:15 p m For fiirthpr Informallon aak or write your B-Ba. j1 U Hillsboro. Ore.