On" or Aipoofltt Mairclto 15th Q. sltaaD estMMftM mniy New iimrm& nun the OnoEiDffltter KflflfiDdflDirag mi ..Seccpmid 1 opposte ttlfoe cCDttflTfl: MDttflse in the meantime I shall offer all "yhJSftrtJ?2i Furnishing Goods AT COST, as I wish to dispose of the stodc on hand, to make room for the Beautiful Spring Stock to arrive soon. Mrs. 0M(O)(GENE & DBAUM THE DELTA DM 1 Hillsboro, Oregon. DEALER IX cgg lor hhon S. C. Black Minorca and S. C. Brown leghorns, 1.00 for et- . t fi Af tri Orearon Poul- try Show my birds won four firsts out or a possiunj uvc competition with tne Desi wwu- ers in the state. It II. GREER. u&:s2sr Pure Drugs ami Medicines BIuo Mountain American: If any candidate is so wanting in Wo carry a complete line of line Sundries. If w lo not independence and integrity as to have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully jret . f A - ...... 1 I ..J , 1 .. .. . I I. II 1 I . Agents, wo are now prepared to supply pledge himself to Statement No. 1. he should not have the support ofanypariy, for he belongs to All Your Wants in the . . .School J took Lino of Tablet?, 1'encils, Slates, Ktc. There are always 1,500,000 peo ple afloat 011 the seas of the world. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers small, Kife, sure little liver pills. SmM by all ilruggi.sK Iii Norway the longest day lasts from .May it to July 22 without in Urriiptioii. r Oct De Wilt's CaiholueJ Witch Hael Salve it is good ' for piles. Sold ly all druggists. In (iL-rinany there are fewer sui cides among miners than among: any other class of working men. Kt'iin Iv's Laxative Cough Sy rup acts gently yet promptly pn the bowels and allays inflamma tion at the same time. It is plea sant to take. Sold by all drug gists. It is said that dried currants giv en occasionally to horses in lieu of oats will increase the animal's pow er of .endurance ' Good For Everybody. Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a pro mlnent architect, in the Delbert BuildinV. Sau Francisco, says:' ; VI lull? endorse all that has been'aaid of Electric Bitters ' as a tonic, roied! cine, it is eood tor everyrxxiy. 11 corrects stomach, livef and kidney disorders in a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the system." Electric Bitters is the best spring medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter; as a blood purifier it is un- equaled 50c at the Delta' Drug Store. Sun Printing on Fruit. B. J. Martin,' through the Port land Oregonian. has the follow ing to say in regard to making Oregon fruit famous, and as a boost for Oregon: The follow- . PROPOSALS WANTED. For Cratting and Hauling Rock. Sealed bids will be received by the Countv f'mirt of Washington " V V . a rt V V AT County, Oregon, until z:w r. m. ing will be found a very pretty of the 14th day of March, , 1908,, way to advertise their fruit, aspnd then opened for the crush- To raise a heavy door f lightly on its hinges, when about to lubricate them, says the Scientific AmerkanJ.tfir.Qr4lesign.0n a piece of writ- Kodol is today the best known remedy for all disorders of the sto mach, uch Aynpepii, heait burn, sour stomach and belching of gas. Sold here by all druggists. Flies are not the only things found in am!er. In a big mass of clear amber, dredged up out of the Baltic Sea recently, there was dis tinctly visible in its interior a small squirrel -fur, teeth and claws intact. place an ax on the ground with its edge toward the door, and open the latter so as to force it up the thickness of the ax for about a quarter of an inch. The ax will hold the door with the pintles ex posed while the lubricant is ap plied. Best Healer In the World. Rev. F. Starbitd. of East Ray- mono;, Maine, ays: "I bave used Bucklen's Arnica Salve for several years, on my old army wound, and other obstinate sores, and find it the best healer in the world. I use it too with great success in my vet ennary business." Trice 25c at the Delta Drug Store. A famous veterinary surgeon de ciares mat grass beats all drugs in says: Witt' Kodol is a scientific preparation of vegetable acids with natural di gestauts and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose will digest more than .Voo grains of good food. Sold by all druggists. A scientific indivltu.il across the seas tells that at preset t it is esti- mated that there are in the world's oceans 7,ooo,tx cubic luilcsof salt, ami the most astonishing thing about it is that if all the salt could be taken out in a moment, the level ol the ocean would not drop one single inch. Mr. John kill.,, of Vining, la. "1 have been selling De Nlilnev and lll.nhler Villa for about a ear and they give bet ter satisi.u iioii than any pill I ever oi'i. 1 have used them myself with hue results." Sold bv all druggists. 1 he majority of color blind peo ple, curiously enough, Wong to li 1 ..I,.. . . . ......utiu umro, 01 wuom no fewer than 4 per cent have this de feet. So Vne to Die, "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discovery," .says Mr. J. P. White, ot Rushboro, Pa. " I would not be alive today only for that wondeiful medicine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pronounced hope less." This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds, lagrippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at the Del ta Drug Stote. se and $1.00. Trial Imttle Iree. Portland and Return, 90c. From now until further notice round trip tickets from Hillsboro to Portland and return, will be sold at W cents, good on Satur day 1 .--I;; jx m. and Sunday trains, and returning on any Sunday or Monday train. WM. Mc MURRAY, 0. r. a. well as home . town at the same time, by sun printing on fruit. Monograms, initial letters or other designs can be printed on sucn iruit as apples, iears or peaches, by the action of the sun, with ' very pretty effect of either a light or dark color. To do this, draw the monogram let- ing paper and paste it with muci lage or glue upon the side of the fruit exposed to the sun, just be fore the fruit begins to color. When the fruit is ripe and the paper is removed, the design will appear in a lighter or different color from the rest of the fruit For instance, if the experiment ing of 5500 cubic- yards of rock, 2000 yards at the Thatcher quar ry four miles north of Forest Grove, 2000 yards at the Spring Hill quarry four miles south of Forest Grove and 1500 yards at the Cedar Mill auarry three miles north of Beaverton on the Cor nell road The County will furnish ' the crusher now at the Thatcher quarry. The contractor will be required to move and set up the machinery at the different quar ries. Bidders will be required to J name a price per Cubic yard de livered in tne bins, the two finer grades to comprise at least 45 per cent 01 tne product, also a price ior tne excess needed over the 45 per cent of the two finer grades. Bids will also be received at none. If a lesrislator be elected a3 a republican it is an insult to his intelligence even to ask him, let 1 A A 1- - 1- ! ..A -fsMM ay. I ftf . 1 1 11 a aione try 10 mane mm, vuw iwa yye aiso navo a tun lino democrat for United States sena- f an1 7i vorco THprA arft plenty of men in both parties School Books will ho sold for CASH ONLY whose judgment and honesty are u muu. above centure or doubt, and un less they are of that class they are not fit for any office, while with those qualified, Statment No. 1 is not only unnecessary, but an insult to the man. 'Any republican candidate who will pledge himself to vote for a democrat for United States sen ator would agree to anything in order to secure ; votes enough to be elected to the office to. which he aspires. Party cannot be abolished and if the people of Oregon want a republican to represent them in the senate, why not go about it in the same way and electa dem ocratic legislature? . . ' ' . Cess for settinfi. - "Rhode Island Reds;' setting of 15 or$i.. R. Crandall, Hillsboro. 45. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Positively if fl 1 iV. s mV. W ,,,, X.,,, A 1. A Js ",t I Y mm A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of glory. You may have one with the aid of a bottle of our hair tonic. It cleanses the scalp, imparts vigor to the roots and induces luxuri ant growth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. , , NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its composition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our drugs and medicsnesJ " The Hillsboro Pharmacy. in trim! rn a vnllnur flocVi rwnrri w v w M J "Vim 1 - - - KSI A dvl W vU caw with a red cheek, the design will lle ?ame fme for the hauling : ,1 , 1 ... Ol Said rOCk. h',Aa tn atata the nppear in goiu Burrounueu Wlin red. creation and a cure for sick horses and mules. Horses should bave a few quarts of cut grass daily, from spring until fall. The prevalent notion that it is harmful is without foundation. , Grass is to horses what fresh vegetables and fruit ate to the human family. The Lucky Quarter. Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King's New Lite Tills. They bring you the health that's more precious than jewels. Try them for headache, biliousness, constipa tion and malaria. It they disap- t .1 1 1 e ... . vi iiiu uiu larin If the opposite effect is intend ed, take a small oval or circular piece of paper and cut out the letter or design in it, and paste on the fruit, which, when ripe, will have the design in high color or yellow on a light green ground of the shape of the piece of pa per. This design again will be surrounded by the brighter color of the fruit Fruit decorated in this way, when shipped to the East or for eign countries, would advertise Oregon more than any other way that I know of. Try it, Oregon farmers, and boost your state. If you cannot spare the time yourself to do it. turn the job ov er to your sons and daughters, and get them interested in it, as they would like to see the name or town on fruit point you the price will be cheer fully refunded at the Delta Drug Store. "No Mother to Guide Her" will be seen at the Crescent Theatre on Monday, March 1G. It has proven one of this season's successes and will undoubtpdlviV" hhoades. Hillsboro. Ninth nm rf 1 , 1 - ua.seiillt?. that was being shipped out of the state. B. J. Martin. Tor Sale. Five-room, modern cottage on Baseline and Fourth, new. fo sale on very easy terms or monthly payments. Inquire of and Morse Cloves. Harness and strap Work of all Description. All Repairina Neatly Done on Short Notice. I Carry the best Harness in this ciy L. E. Gotham, draw a large patronage here. A J- . . . . ' , 0 " x imve in st.x-k a new lim; ,f uy inc oepartmentot agriculture spocer Patent wicgoniswie leaning cattle state ot the northwest; in foct, all lines combiued, it is the leading live stock state ot this section. It has less sheep than Idaho, fewer horses and mules than Washington, but is far ahead in its aggregate, as lar as values are concerned. The total livestock in Oregon on January 1, 1908, was valued at $57,739.ooo! in Washington. I49.188.ooo, and in Idaho, 33,107,000. Poultry Wanted. I will pay market price in cash for all kiads of chickens, hens, tur keys, ducks and geese. J. Lenz Hillsboro, Ore. That the great mass of Ameri cans like comedy is proven daily oy tne success which is achieved by both humorous books and humorous plays. "No Mother to Guide Her" has had a wonderful success. The play was first nut on two years ago. and the hum orous scenes which it unfolds ha caused it to head tha list of pofulor American jJoyg. It will be m At tk Crcent Theatre on Monday evening, March 16. Collars said rock, bida to state the price per cubic vrd, per mile. Bids nay be made on the crush ing alone or on the crushinir and hauling together or on any part 01 tne Hauling. The court reserves the right to increast the above amounts of rock to be crushed 50 per cent at each -of the quarries, also the ngnt toreieet anv or all bids, By order of the County Com missioners, J. W. GOODIN, County Judge. Hillsboro, Oregon, Feby. 19th, 1!X)8. Just step in and see the beau tiful line of name cards we have on display. We can furnish any name desired at short notice, gilded on any card you may se lect, from 5 cents to 25 cents. I-M0CENE BATH, HILLSBORO. 4 Wanted Would like to hear at once from owner having good medium size farm or small bus iness for sale in an' good prosperous local ity. l'lease give price and description, and reason for selling. tate when possession can be lial- No agents need reply. Address Lock Drawer 984, Rochester, N. . To the Taxpayers of WasMnaion County. You are hereby notified that the taxes levied for the year 1907 will be due and payable on and after Saturday, rebruary 15, 190a, at the sheriff's office, in the city of Hillsboro, Washington county, Oregon. Three per cent rebate is allowed on all taxes paid previous to March 15.1908. The first half will be delinouent after Monday, April 6. 1908. If the first half is not paid by April 6, then the whole amount oecomes aeiin- nuent. If the first hair Is paid. then the last half can be paid at any time, up to October 1, 1908. J. W. CONNELL, Sheriff and ex-officio Tax Collect or for Washington county, Oregon. TEA The way to buy tea is in packages; somebody is responsible for it. Your rrocer relurnt rour noDr II roa do1 Ilk Schilling's Best: w par bin. TAKE-THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH No cart-alls. A specific remedy for each specific silment. Only the activt principle or (ht condensed essence of tot draf used. Kesults guaranteed. Ask for and try ones BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets, or Disrrboca, Croup, Nerve, Cough, Hay Fever and Catarrh, Blood, General Tonic "For Old People." Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Sumoier Complaint, Soothing "For Children," Liver, Female kcftulator. Quinsy, Bright Sunshine "Setual Tonic," tabieta or BLUB ELL Cough Syrup, Man 'a Pain Liniment or Pile Kcmedy. We print the constituents ol each remedy upon the carton, and they comply with all pure drug laws. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated; Capital Slock $Juu.0uu.W; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A, Fok .Salt, nv the Dki.ta Dijuh !Stouk. UNDERWOOD -STANDARD TYPEWRITER ; 11 '; . lilVv n "Star of the First Magnitude." FACT Number 10 The Underwood Escapement If I aster than the l asli sl Operalnr. The Skillrd Mechanic says: "It will Itist a hundred years " UNDtJiWOnn TVPfWHITrH COMPANY New Yurk or Anywhrr-. EMM0TT BROS. Centra Meat Market resh Meats and Groceries. Opposite the Shute Bank MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND -CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed or tali Proper dote in tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They sre made from the active principle or the condensed essence ol the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just as good when 10 years cd as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic Heave. Fever, Hog Lnolera, Distemper, Pink r ye. Colic tahlctsor Louse Powder, Snavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated; Capital Slock SJUO.ouO.ou; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. For Sale by the Delta Drue store. Your Trade Solicited. PiRi pDy P? v tM44, 60 YEARS' Vai' So t!i NlO j V,EXPERIENCt - a y s I n im i 1 1 irz4 msJ 3 siiMknM a Obfgon .ShojtLiine CO TO THE Home style Restaurant run a GOOD MEAL AM) A GOOD BED Vein Ht. Third .,i HIllSBORO. OUt. MRS- ht, Prop. ITL ine Kind your rrt"in,ic used" and hewal of S f, 'lPr ment Profit hv hi- 111 J.u,i- anduseOldl v ii " A nonce kind id h Yofit Trade Mann rm m.n mim CopyioMT ale. Anvone nctln sketrh and description may antckir wrorisin nur opinion free whether ma llirnt'..n I. prohshly nateritahle. Communlrs, t ". .irietlyn.tiB.ientuU. HANDBOOK on H.i-uie nl Uk. M.1-t irnrr for "'1sjpeemta. fulfill, ukrn through Munn at Co. receive tprrui tfilke, without ehame, la the Scientific American, A hanitsomely llln.tre1 weekly. Lareest etr. MUNN & Co.86,Br-'- New York 1 straLcb Offlle. SJ r SU Waablneiuo. O.Z. amd UllUiXFAtlMtJ Three Trains to the East Daily 1 hroush Pul'man standard and biurim sleep. Ilng cars daily to Omaha, ( tiicairo, Himlfaii: limrlsisleeplne car. daily to Kanw ( lir; ihrouuh Fullman tourl.l sli-enine ram (perKinallv win. I durted) weekly toi'tiicaKO ami Kkii.h. Cltv: re- I rllnine rhair ri (sau dnllyi to K.t dully 70 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Change of Cars 70 I'KI'A I K KUK I IlK-HKO I'orl !a:id IH-nal 'iki a m via Himitlon Atliinilf Kxpn-it-e :!;. p m via Hunt Inirlon T I1" ill K-t Mall S:l .' p m via 3oltatiA 1 1 M K fk'IIMH I. Kb trom I'ortiaiid. or. Hll l.nke. iN-nvrr. Ft. Miirih, umalia, Kan sas ( lly. ft. I.ouis, ( lil ao ano Ka-l -"all Lake. Iienrer. Kl. Mnrtii, Omaha, Kan aal'itv. HI. Umls, I hi iskii ami K"t Walla Walla. I.ewluin Kkan-. Wallace I'ull man, Mlnm-apolla. Hi. I'aul, I 'ninth, Milwau kee, ( hlp.eii and Kat AKKIVK FKo.M 6:U0p m 7:1,1 p m am p m For further Information aak or write your nepn-.t tlrki't aireot. or CHOICE GROCERIES! Getting choice groceries at the lowest jwssible price, is one way we have of holding our custom ers. But PURITY AND WHOLESOMNESS are the most prominent features. We have never sacrificed quality to make a low price. But we sell high grade goods at little figures, A trial order will convince you. ? ra ' ' ' .L AV I. A Ic. I UR RAY, General ras.senger Agent, The OreRon Railway and Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon Webb & Hoover 'Ssicceaaora to Cllmat rrrd Store Carry a full line of Flour and Feed. Al Poultry Supplies and Stock Fxd, Seeds, Paints, Spraying Material, etc. AU Orders Promptly Filled on Short Notice Former patrons of the store are invited to give us a call. Millsboro, Oregon 'ft I I sv at key. MbyF'SS--!