Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 10, 1908, Image 4

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    Hillsboro Independent.
D. V.' EATH. Editor acd Proprietor.
Urges Press to Action.
Concluded from First Paj?e.
for taking the law in their own
hands after the courts of justice
have repeatedly and persistently
failed to do their plain duty in
meti. g out justice to law offenders?
I have always been decidedly op
posed to mob law and am yet, and
txjth as newspaper editor and sher
iff of the county, I have for many
years made a vigorous, open fight
for the enforcement of all laws on
the statute books, good or bad.
The nuiekest and best way to get
rid of the bad laws is to rigidly en
force them a while; but in advocat
ing this policy the hardest struggle
of the whole battle is the coming in
contact with the extreme tender
ness with which the governor and
courts deal with the vicious, law
breaking element.
We need not look further than
Morrow county to see the work of
Gubernatorial delinquency. For
instance, about three years ago
Morrow county spent $1500 of the
tixpayers" hard earned money to
c nvict tlo horse thieves, who were
sentenced to three years in the pen
Herniary. In 11 months they were
pardoned out by the governor just
alter eltctiou.
Another evidence that the law
and courts are being plaved with is
the recent "lapse of memory" of
tlie governor when he failed to no-
tily the courts that he would allow
three judicial days to slip by, thus
throwing all pending litigation
throughout the state of Oregon into
a bad inixttp. This playful little
trick will cost Morrow couuty alone
hundreds of dollars for holding pri
soners for five months until the
next regular term of circuit court,
In-sides causing endless loss and in
convenience to attorneys, officials
and individuals. What a "non
partisan" lapse that was, anyway.
No one of sound sense, of course,
believes that this was due to an
The interests and welfare of so
ciety in general are of vastly more
importance than is the welfare of
any one individual or set of indivi
duals, and if our governor and our
judges and our juries' would quit
temporizing and sympathizing with
criminals, and would try as hard to
convict and duly punish the evil
doer as they now do to find a loop
hole through which he may escape
justice, the alarming growth of an
archy and disrespect and contempt
for law would soon be checked in
tins country, and we would soon
join the ranks of Canada, Australia
and the other law respecting coun
tries of the earth.
Newspaper men of Oregon,
ii'w.n oipuriuimy coniroms you.
Open tip your powerful batteries of
publicity and turn them onto those
high in authority every time they
deserve it. The Oregonian has set
a splendid pace and let all follow it
until our country is redeemed from
the fate which awaits it if the pres
em treiKi ol allairs is permitted to
from it would be the country mer
chants themselves. As matters
now stand, the rural population
has 00 delivery system at all. The
express companies will not send
pa 1 eels even one mile from their
country offices. Country store
keepers sever dream of maintain-
Before setting a pan or kettle ov
er the blaze, grease the bottom, and
Frv. 8lr Edward-1 R u of 8.
.-c. ;h. t. 1 v R. 7 W..
try. Mir Hilr.iv V U of N.
J 15
I 15
er me duzc, k'--c K v Bw is. t j n k. w.. i
the black may afterwards be rubbed J"Jbr"' Jn'' e.-'1 acre, in
off with ease. ,.? w. UM
" - .V. B. 14 of 8C.
When you are looking for gro
ceries, glassware and crockery,
don't fail to go to Greer's. He
lug a delivery system outside of Keeps me Desi aim nwueai
the villages where thev do business, in town
A Cure for Misery.
"I have found a cure for the mis-
ni.i! in' i
.j produces, says
K. M. James of I,ouelIen, S. C. "It
is called Kleetric fitters and comes
in 5'c bottles. It breaks up a case
of t hill or a bilious attack in al-
most no time, and it puts yellow
jaundice clean out of commission."
This great tonic medicine aud blood
purifies gives quick relief in all
stomach, liver and kidney com
plaints ami the misery of lamb back.
.-soui uuiier guarantee at the Delta
urug store.
I n.Ier the head of "Not Much of
a liugaboo," the Portland Oregon-i.iu.saxs.-
"The postmaster gener
al's parcels ost project which has
made such a stir seems to have
len pretty generally misunder
stood. It is by no means so cxten
sivc as most people have supposed,
lie wi-hes to give the privilege of
a parcel post to persons living along
rural delivery lines, and not to auj
body i be. This is shown by the
report of the Fourth Assistant Post
master Central. Articles to be
sent by the parcels post could be
mailed only at the distributing of
ficcs fur rural routes or at postofTices
along such routes. This would cut
off the department stores and mail
order houses from the benefits of
the innovation and it ought to quiet
the opposition of the country mer
cnauts once and for all. The only
dealers who could possibly benefit
The carriage of parcels by the old
rtar route, "stage drivers," which
was formerly such a convenience to
farmers is now to all intents for
bidden by law along rural routes.
Thus things are made as inconven
ient for country people as they pos
sibly could be. If they want a par
eel, no matter how big or little,
they must leave everything and go
alter it. The absurd injustice of
such a state of things is evident
It injures the country storekeepers
as much as it does the farmers,
since they necessarily lose a great
deal of trade by it. When pur
chases can only be made at serious
inconvenience people will get along
with as few as they can. It is
amazing that there should be any
rural tradesmen who do not see
this. If they knew their own clear
interest they would be a unit for
Mr. Meyers' proposal; -This pro
posal would permit rural carriers to
deliver parcels by mail up to eleven
pounds weight at 5 cents for the
first pound and 2 for each addition
al pound or fraction. The report
shows that star route carriers used
to deliver parcels of all sorts at
something like this rate and made
money by it. Why, then should it
not pay thegoyerement? Of course
it would. The plea that parcels
delivery by mail would prove a los
ing undertaking is due sometimes
to ignorance, sometimes to willful
misrepresentation. The project is
a matter of simple justice to the
rural population and its execution
has already been too long delayed
Flower pots and fruit trees, roses
and shrubbery for sale at the Hills-
boro Plant and Flower Garden.
John "What kind of tea do you
like best?" Precilla "Go-tees,
some, but Rocky Mountain Tea
best." John "Why. Hollistei's
Rocky Mountain Tea best?" Pre-
cilia "It speaks for itself, John."
(Makes lovely complexions.) Delta
Drug Store,
It is intended for those who
appreciate quality, for those gen
tlemen who enjoy a thoroughly
matured, rich Old Kentucky li
quorI. W. Harper whiskey sold
by F. E. Cornelius. adv
Wanted. -A boy of 14 to 16,
to learn the printer's trade. To
the lad who is not afraid of work,
and wishes to learn a good trade,
an opportunity is offered at this
. I . 1 B. . R A to-
Gcltilach. John. ,nj " McNarnVr.
HXnWn".,'1J T:..b'.1:..:
"'"h. Rutort Mllio'-iob acrea in
8.'. K. 4 W 8 11 8e- T- 1
Cr'rirr.. .v'.. ". 0 K.
W. of s. r ,nd lot No. 1.
..r 3- I- .? N . R. i W 10.85
. , , . " --' IS-IOO terra In J.
1.. lllckUn D. L. c. So. S7, T. 2
5. " W., ,,d No. si. T. 1 8..
,Kwi. " i- :
"ir'.'n W of E. U. Sec. 24.
r, ' 3 IS.. K. 3 W . 1.76
a N.. H. 6 W J
Hammond, a. 1:."w. "hi of See.
iu. 1. i V. it. , w U.J5
H. W . of N. ii t . J of 8. W.
I. i: - T. 1 N..
man qradl: work
il I4T$ kl 10W it UST! NlUItt
Sheriff's Sale.
Maralyn, Mi,il,,.E. of 8. W.
. H.-C 24, T. J N , n. J W
Hurl-In. I.on:' n,., (n jhn Hardin
1, , ' i N" " T 1 N.. K. 4 W.
llarrlH, J L.5 ,cr )n p. Mcl.fod
11 , LoC- N" O. t. 1 a.. K. 4 W.
Ilauk. Sarah N.i, N. W.
K. 1 1vu' ' of c- 17, T 1 8-Hli-nibr
ric. j.li.n'ij V, 'in g." 'e! ' il
of 8. K 8i-p. j, T. J N., R. 3 W.
H.-n.lj.ron. U. M.-Lt tlock S.
Hyile I"iirk . .
Ilendrlx, I. f.-KR V4 of 8. W.
n.tv8. H .4, 8,cj? T. 1 B.. K.
I li-rma n. W. ' o lljj "b" w 'of' 8. ' W.
-, -' T. I N K. J W
nlrke hlr. R.-so.cru In N. tt of
VI of N. W.
w. v : N. H of
T 1 A. K.
8 31
inioer. Carl-
N. K. ,)f H
Hllibrun. J. H , H.lr-W. H of N.
I-.- ,NV.I: ,' of N. W. Vi. See.
III tlirunner, nion-S. W. (4 of Sec.
T. J N . it. 1 w lo.jt
Mn' K""na J 100 acrei In
11 ,! K A .of H' e !. T- i N., K. t W. 6 15
Hli. LuiUin-Lot 1, block 1, Cor-
nellun. Orn . 1 7J
llolbmok, t-t.tlo K."it" N- H of
8. h. v.. S.(. j, T i., r. J w. 2J.67
IIiiKht-n. S., ..r, nf1g.10.ioo rrM
In A llan . r l. L. C. No. 61. T. 1
f . 6
iiunMaki-r. Wllllam-Lo, ;6, block 17,
West I'ortiana IMghU
Ilui.t.-r. Jolm ,n,i Hunter. W. II.
Lots 1 anj J, block 25, Beaver
ton. Ori'Kfm ,
Hnxtnn. Kiln l.oi i"b. as T 1 h
IT ,
Stoppri,bach. I-nll Jf. V. K. 8ee
I0 'I' 1 ki : 1.- mt
Stuppenbarh.' T. M . and Kiihkm"K
a VN , S' W- WS N. W. 14 of
l..ip. t,l h. T. M , and Kllham. VL
II "v. 1 . . v t . . . ; " '
- - . r. . . : j. l. nf v
8,ic- T- I S . i W.: 12.34
J. It. 1 Jit A t.l.L, r
B , li, 3 - g
m ' B-' ' 6 W 10 2t
B'"'.- Lui ii. clock 7. llri.
Tamisle. J. li. l.oi i'i n'.i 'i ' Vi'Vil
6. Tl.oine adj. la Hill.bor'o. Of . f 38
Tlie Hoard of School Trui-. a
l "n.'orailon-io aorta In N. ii V
Mi-rclmiit l'i. eminent A Trim rv.
TN-'T,0,..til'- T' 3 N" W.. 10.95
llie lule (jumantee Truit Co , A
v y. iiymimu n w or H. V. I.. U..o
B W in fl
1 S ..
m 1
Hillsboro, Oregon.
I'lm John tirhrocder Lutnii'e'r "c'o -n"
1?. 'u w. w:!-Kuc- -s- T-
N.. 1!.
rxiwurd Al. N. U of N. W
is. T. 1 N. H?4 W.....
T.'? S"- 8 cr 1"
's- u- 80c. 7. X. 1
Thompson, lra-S." ' ' U "of "."'
hvi-. 11, T. 1 H, U. J W.. .. J 15
rm r, AUdelln-K. of lot 2. block
JU. lunst drove. Ore j ki
WiiKH-r, F. H 1'art of Lit 1 v
1', Forcnt tlrovi. flr a
Wallace. Way O. l..,t V i.'i.V.i," V
(iiuitull. Ore ' .
WeUinundel. S. w. Af ' M ' 'i-'
i und lota 1. 2 and 3, Sec. 2, T.
Wclllnan. Nelaun H "i-" l:"V VV.' V ""
.,, . ,. . v IVt A.
v..ii. 'v"..t::' r",w.
Houth i'aik aUU. to Fure.t Urove
VM f ' -
M. AU MUiau IJ. 1. C. No. 6S, T. 1
ii .. una u. a.t 'i' i h
Pure Drugs ,i Medicines
Ue carry a complete line of Fine Sundries. If we do not
have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully et
it for you. Having heen appointed Publisher's
Agents, we are now prepared to supply
All Your Wants in the
1 v
Wheeler. Jul'hi' M.Lot No'.'l, block
o. ton-Hi drove, Ureuu
WlnKlnn, J. J. I.ola 11 n,l is'
.irovke 'ore""1'" Udd- t0 tor':t
WltiKina Mary K. ljts' 1,' 2 and' V.
..... IIV1KIIIB. ,
Mleox, Cmorgo A. An uiullvi.il
11 InCerest In 8. K. 'i of N K
. 8eC. 17. T. !l V l A kt
Willlamri, W. II. 2 ttVrei hi l'tlneli
-. Manifold's add. lo Forest Uruve.
n iiaon, u. li.l acre In thn 8
of S. W. Bee. 4. T. 1 N.
lllainetti) lteal Kutate Co. Lota 3
... j 6- '''oi k 1.', Cornelius
llliinieti,. KrnHte Co. Lota 3.
i " ' .i. i ui i t'liua .
2 63
DelinqiieiitTaxes for 11)00
Ladies' Home Journal patterns
at Mrs. 1. Hath s.
Rank Foolishness.
"When attacked by a cough or a
cold, or when your throat is sore, it
is rank foolishness to take any other
medicine than Dr. King's New Dis
covery," says C. O. Eldredge, of
Empira, Ga. "I have useu New
Discovery seven years and I know
it is the best remedy on earth for
coughs and colds, croup, and all
throat and lung troubles. My child
ren are subject to croup, but New
Discovery quickly cures every at
tack." Known the world over as
the King of throat and lung re me
dies. Sold under guarantee at the
Delta Drug Store. 50c and $i
trial bottle free.
frequently a woman who at
tempts to sew with double thread
experiences a good deal of annoy.
ance, because the two strands won't
work evenly. Knots result. This
trouble can be done away with if
the thread to be used is doubled be
fore putting it in the needle. Put
the cut ends through the eye and
draw it up at the end where the
loop is. Then pass the needle
through this loop and there vou are!
1 he slip knot as the needle s eye
will prevent either strand from gain
ing on the other.
Notice lo Fruit Growers.
The fruit inspector of this countv
has found that aim ist all trees are
inlected with fruit pests, and the
law requires the owners, or persons
Saving possession thereof, to de
stroy or eradicate such orchards or
pests. You are, therefore, notified
that unless such orchards or pests
are destroyed or eradicated before
the first day ot March, 1908, I will
proceed, under the law, to either
cut down or destroy such orchards,
or have the trees sprayed at the
owner's expense.
w. R Harris,
Countv Fruit Inspector.
A Higher Health level.
'I have reachee a higher health
level since I began using Dr. King's
New Life rills," writes Jacob Sprin
ger of West Franklin, Me. "They
keep my stomach, liver and bowels
working just right." If these pills
disappoint you on trial, money will
be refunded at the Delta drug store.
5 cents.
rtv 'lrtllA nf n wnrrnnl lMneil h' th
County Clerk and ex-ofliclo Clerk of the
County Court of the Stale of Ihegon for
tlitt County of WarihinKlon, comtnandtHK
me to Hell the rfeveriil tracts or imrcela
or rear iiroperiy eninraeed In the delin
quent tax lint for the year !, In the
manner and form an noun sale of real
liroperty on execution.
Piow, therefore. Iy virtue mid In nuriu.
ance of mud warrant, dated tho Ktli day
of December. 1"7. 1 will on Monday, the
27th day of January, limn, commiucliiK
at the hour of lo o'clock A. M. of said
lay, In the Pherlff'a ( iff ice. In tho
Houne. at Ilillrihorn. WashliiKtnn Countv,
Oregon. Hell at (nililic auction to the per.
on who will pay the taxen. coritn and
accrultiK pennlllcH thereon, and take a
rtlllcitte at the low'crtt rate nf IntereHt
therefor, the following described real
property, an appearing on tho Bald le
llniiuent tax roll for the mild year 11)06,
Adamn, Ilenrlettn A. Taylor Ixita 1
anil 2. block 12. Cornelian Ore . J 1 si
Allen. A. W. 8. W. of Section
a, T. 3 N.. H. 5 w
Anilernnn. Mary R Lot 15. block
12, Hvd 1'ark
ApplchMKcn, Kate N. W. 4 of S. E.
't or JS. W. . Bee. 16, T. 1 8.,
It. 4 W
Aaklnn. II. M.. B. 2-5 of lot 9. block
16, Cornel lua. Ore
Bailey, T. 1'. .rt.TS-loii acre In S.
W. 'i of R V. Hcc. 2S, T. 2
S.. U. 1 w
Baldwin, Marttaret Lot 7. 8. 9. 10.
block 14. Houth I'nrk Add. to For-
em t.rove. ore
Itiirncri, Inane 4.10-la0 acre In 8.
K. ' of N. K. i4, Sec. 1, T. 1 8.,
11. 1 W
Haver, B. L. N. W. 4 of K. B. 'i.
Sec. lit. T. 1 N.. It 4 W
Beard. Walter B. Two acres In D.
.Mcl.cod D. L. C. No. 4!l. T. 1 8..
K. 4 W
Beaverf. James, and Weckert. Sol.
liO-100 acre In the B. '4 of 8.
V. V Sec. ;!(). T. 2 8 . K. 1 W. .
Beharrell. Kllza-10 ncren In 8. W.
' of N. IX U. Bee. 26. T. 1 a..
H. 1 W lO.is
IlraneHco. Andrew 6. 4S-100 ncren In
Ijtwnnce Hall D. L. C. No. 4.1,
T. 1 8 . It. 1 V II "E
Drown. Fred L. Lot No. 1, Sec. 30.
T. 1 N . It. 4 W
Brown. John 8. u of Sec. 9. T. 2
N.. It. 4 W
Htiirsley, D. J e,. acrea In M
Wren D. L. C. No. HI, T 1 N'., It.
3 W
Buckley. D. J. 1.2!-lil0 acres In W.
V of 8. K. 14. Bee. 21, T. 1 N..
II. 3 V
Cndy. F. W 1 ncre In A. T Smith
D. L. C. No. 4.1. T. 1 8 . It. 3 W .
It. 8. Cnmphell Lots 25 and 26.
block 12. Went l'ortland 1 lelirlits.
Catching. H. F N. K. of N. K.
8. H of .V. B I,; N. i; ,,f
8. K. i. Section 22. T. 2 N., It
Chant. Chns 8. Tl. Lots 6. 7. 8.
block 22. West Bortland Ili lirhla.
Clark. Ceo. W. 10 ! ncre In Sec
tion 1. T. 2 8 . It. 1 W
Colton. II. C. S. B. ; of Section
16. T. 1 8.. 11. 4 V
Collins. Snnlo A- Lots 2' and 26.
lock 8. West Portland Heluhts .
Cook. J II . and Wheeler N. 1
All of Section 16. T. 1 S . It. 6 V.
Corey, J. W V 3-5 of lot 9. block
16. Cornelius
Cotil le. David-Lots 13. 14. IS. 111.
17 block 1. Went rortlnnd I'lnce
Crone. Charles -N. K 'j. of the N'
K. '.. Si c 17. T. 3 N . It 3 W .
Crowtliern. Samui-1 0 acres In the
S. K. of S. W. i. See. 31. T. 1
8. It. 1 W
Dav. lion I" 20 nctert In the
investment To -so im-100 acres In J.
M. Hlehlln I). I, c. tin. 37, T. 3
, 1 r-. and No, 64. T. 1 8..
K. 1 V
I n veat m en t Co i I ;.'i'o0 acred in J.
it i w LK L' C- N' T- 1 8 '
TWO 992T-P 1,'co
Jackson. Mary A Jf. H of V. W.
Johnson. John- K u of N W V,
8ec. 24. T. 3 M.' R. 4 W.; also 8.
Msof 8. W. v,. 8t?c. 13. T. 1 N., R.
J ut'Ken i,ewis-:s arrei' iri B." ii'of
wi li' T. 2 8.. K. 1 W.
KoLl.V. Maritin t-I 67-100 acrea In
.'. H.! X'V- 8eC' ' T- 1
K 11 1 In. Joseph N V. li 'of N." E.' Hi'.
Sec. 15. T. 2 S. R. J W. . . . . . . .
Kinney, M. J.- ; 14 f N. R. U : 8
ri. Ut of N. R tj
W. ,, See. 35. 'I
Knoll, Johannali
imrt of 8. w. 1,
talrln 5 acrn
It. 5 W
Kontur Andrew
M ; N. W. , of
T. 1 N.. It it
Ijimhert. J. Il.-lta 35,
.1-. i-eacnvaie, s
1 w
Lemon, WIlllatiKK
or 8. w,
1 W
Lilly. J N. R'.
11. 3 W.
Linden. II. H
N. E. 1 of N.
I S., It. 6 W.. 10 60
Kane fractional
of 8. E. 14, con.
11 Sec. 2, T. 1 8..
W. K of N. W.
W. (4. See. 13,
II. T. 2 8., It.
4 of N. W.
I B .. K.
H.4'0. 4, T.
8c. . T. 3 N..
t' 2V 'block' "2V.
West P(irtlarlXlhl.
Lockyer. Henrn-36H "aerei"iii
W. hi Section 35.
.l'' J"1"? '-s'-ioo'aVrVa'l'n
T 1 8 rW' W- 8e" 38"
tMtVi: A'l'V aVr'e',' ' gecl
.. 13.35
3 67
6.0.1 1
Hon !(. T I I I 1 nr
Lursmnn. Frerlrlt-50 "aVrVa"
Section !5. T I 1 11 1 w
Luster William H-S. ' B. wV'se'c
35. T. 3 .V. R5W.. ......." .;
Marsh, Henry, II acrn In N. W 4
ofN. B. , Ik. jo, T. 3 B.. R.
M"JlnJ' f.r In' 8." W.'4
3 W'. ' T- 1 N- R
M'L,yT. -T."t,n-:,:9-'0 crf In vr.
K 'j'n.l- U C. No. 44. T. 1 8..
Mnxile, GeorKB-Hlock J, Plesufant
Home add. to Beavertoii, Ore
MiConnell, NeisMt cn in 8. W.
It " TV 8' H of 8ec' 3l T 8"
McUoon, L.
3. liaaton
JliLeod, A. I-t acrea' Vn 'vv'.'o'.
ioson D. L. C. No. 63. T. 1 .
W and No. 44, T. 1 8..
4.35 I
6.03 I
2.79 I
niiiametie Heal Kntnte Co. and
Merrill, J. It Iiia 6 7 v g i0
block 4.1. Cornelius . '
Wolf William nnd Loulrf 44 acrea' iri
'he C, Wltkllm D. L C No 4l
TIIIlKIJ-iiH-7 1' L CO'. '
1 JN., 11. 2 W
Workman, Alex-Vi acre In the 8.
It" V W Boc- 33, Tl 1 S"
Tout, I.uilwlif 26 acres' in'tiie 'n"k
of 8. w. U. and N. U of 8. K.
u4,ii 1 V- 1 N" 2 w 11.0S
" ram win on maoe euulect to
dumptlon us per Statute.
J. w cnwr.'T r
Sheriff nnrl Bx-offhlo Tax Collector for
. MniiiiiKiiin v ouiity, 1 ireKon.
i-aieu oc iiiiiaboro, Oretson, thla 21st
... i-iifi , ijui,
New York is too far
from Japan; San Fran
cisco is nearer.
Your grocer leturni your money If roe doa't
like ScbillinK i Best: we pay him
For a Good Square Meal
. . .School Hook Lino
w 1 M011 ',10 KcliaiiKe a,ul Iijtrotluctory 1'Ian.
We also have a full lino of TaMt-ts, IVncils, Slates, Ktc.
School Boots will bo sol.l for CASH ONLY. rosrnvFLY
Webb & Hoover I
iSuccrssora lo Climax f red Slorc Jl
Carry a full line of Flour and Food, Al
l oultry Supplies and Stock Foh1, Seeds,
Taints, Spraying Material, etc.
All Orders Promptly Filled on
Short Notice
Former patrons of the store are invited
to give us a call.
Hillsboro, Oregon
CelYour Wics lo.Work. Madiim,
and figure out liow much you are paying
now (or your;GrocerU'8, ami axle yourself
what quality you are getting. Do you
think that the quantities ami qualities,
will compare with oir when price ia
considered? We know just w hat mar
ket prices are, and we know what prices
we sell at. We are sure that we are do
log hueiness on the lowest maiem of
profit. Added to which our service is
admittedly tlie hest in town.
ii i . ... a.:. :?.
Hillsboro, Ore.
i hrt of lot (, block
f i: The City Restaurant
-8hoti Orders Seren ry In ths Weekt
Mc I eiHl, I iiuiiei nj,' John' M.' n'. ' U
J'"- K- St. Sk. 22. T. i N., 11.
None hetter in Hillshoro.
j j9 ciean ana up 10 date.
L,. (J. JIcCKACKEN, Prop,
MeuKcr, t'liarletLo'ui'anji'. block
11, HoHvenon, (iregon
Aleycr. JllllllM A u. nl V V L' an
.Milne, Julin-Lot 7. block 8lnr
mom add to Hluboro. Oregon... 23.14
......... ... ji..-v acrei m 1(. uu.
I"1', s.- u- '- C. No. 4t, T. 1 N.,
It. 4 ., Bnl So. a. T. 1 B.. K.
n jo r
Mm..- ... :
" J s. V. 4 of N. B. hi.
cie'. 1. '1 J a D 1 w 111!
Miller, I.euii(l,.rL ...r... In i'l.' Vl'.'ll
1 1 1. 1 . .y, 4jfi j Si 1 w, 4.40
...... Kinm.n. iMUn-l.ot 34 snd 35
"iiil .in. Li.kIi w Wl.st Portland
lleltfllts ' jj
AJam-N. W li. Sec. 31. T. 1
N.. It 4 vi-
ie ,,.n, tiu-iav-Lot. 19. 20. 21. 22,
v..l!".,V ,u " furttanJ Heights..
N H 3W L' C' b' T" 1
Central Meat Market
I' 111 In 9
N'.vv- V. W. Of t
8ec. 11 T 1 . . .r
N'OKaiil, J.,rKeri No. 1. sVe'.'V
1 S . it. 1 V
OrcKnn Irmi A a.U,"A. c .... i
2 68 1
2 ec I
Fresh Meats and Groceries.
Opposite the Shute Bank
Your Trade Solicited.
"Star of the First Magnitude.'
TACT Number 10 The I'ndrrwood Escapement Is
lastrr than the Fsstrst Oprralor.
The Sklllrd Mechanic ts)f! -It
will lust a hundred years "
New York or Anywhere
"of' N.""..; ' .7'-"k"'."2a '-r T' , H- 7 'ii W- T- 2 8- , 0 XEXPER,ENCE
1 W 3.15 l'a""n. II K-lu"iVnj'io.' block ' A
Pe in. Tlioni.'iM. Sr 1 ncre In the S. 6' I'unlv . D1k.v Ure j ji n 1 "" I 1 I I T
H 1 W 1 55 Helen ,S J.J , " . - u . Jill Jl I Lkv
Dekiim. 0oI., 8. 1,1,., kl.. Hyde " " flt. 1.. Bee. . T. 2 S-f m 1 I H k It
IienniBton. S. M.-!.t 9. 1,1.,,-k 7. I li 1 1 1.. .t t . A U' -t (n p w. v. I ,
For Sale.
Ninth and Baseline streets, Hills
IVtmmore, H M - S
T. 1 S. 11 6 W .
Dennv. I.oulii Com. inn ft W. f,f
N K. corner of Lot thence S
1" ft., thence W. r,o ft., th. nee N
1"lt ft., thence K f.O ft. to t.l-ice ef
h'-glnnliiir inrt nf lot 1 hl.u-k "-.
Km est 1 ;i n ,., t w,.
Pueett. M iry T S. 1. of N. K
of. i). ,. 8-c. ir. t. 2 n., n.
Dtieptt. Churl. M.-S. t of B V
f U of H. K 1. See IT T 1
N.. R. 4 W '
IllffV. Chlirle. ft S. K. 1. of S
I. I 3 .N.. It. J VV .
ITn!ern Inventmettt Co.. T.t,1 9 w
nf N H. '.: N li. nf V IV l .
N W. l4 nf S. K. I.. f),c'. ;,l" T'
1 N . It S W
riincrn Invetrnent Co., I.tii K ii
of S . l.. Sic. 2i). T 3 V It
1 w
Kim tern Invoatmrnt Co. T.til. 44
Tc In K i nf 8 W. li ln,l rvnrf
of 8 V i, nf S. K. i4, .,.
T .1 N . R. 3 W .
Everett. M F.I.ot 11
Fenner. J,iet-h l.nt i: ,! 11
Mock II. V.t rnrtlnn.l ll. iifhn
Flnnegnn. Herntr.l -T ot. f,1 nn.i
Mirt of lot 6,i nn,l &:, Tmlitln
H"k. !! Ith-xer-5 ncrr. In N
nf N v. i4. Sec. 10. T. :
U 1 W ,
4 5:
13 Sfi
24 04
5 6--
4 3f
2 :,1
Mllll. y U- . - ,0 .
"He. 1,1, I, L, r,.
(...t-t. . . Vt e(,rneii'i3. v, r....
nlk.r I) l.'r V.VT , ii w
j9a 5i?, jft JPutf
it is to your inlvniitjiijc to keep mi nc- ;
COUUt AVllll
'i i. ttc. . T. i 8.,
3 V
4 V.
I'ott. Ch.-irl 'U." 'ii'w
See l n...: ... "
ti.h. j. v v V" - A ,.v
R. 6 W
u.it. i; ... v
R. 5 W
Refvm. M,,', i. ,,,,v,'' t
1 iiii.i i r'-i,ot no. i. "
Rol.r. I ,. ' MI".,.".-,i-
v s t. ot r .
VV . .
N. F.
T. 1 8.,
: 55
S 15
1 05 I
Tnsoc Msnrs
CorvnioMT Ac
AnTon..ndln( s ktrh and itmHtntton ma
qnlrkly iw-irtftii our npinixn frM .Whtr ma
ItiT.iilInn l. pri.hnt.ly pni.nlithli. (Vmimunle.
tl,in.irlelly-,,nll.liilll. HN0B00K oo Hunll
ten! fri. nl,tit Avner for .ecurlitf p(tiifc
I'mmiit taken thmuirli Munn St Co. reovlrs
tprrt.il nrtk. without cli.rge. In lbs
Scientific Jirncrlcatt.
3BtBrosdM,.Now Vnrk
Bruiclt once, (36 " St Wuhlmiua, Dk U
Because 1
IS a strong, careful, mfc, liU-ral,
successful institution.
froinpt, vcara1e, ami
BeCt1U$e 11 W'Mt. atti?e, i.r.,gresMivp,
"very particular.
up-to-date dank In
v. C !..
I!,,l.n.,, -,
'i nf V
R. 1 w
llntvr ci
ft..,. 2 ...
It-, I
f.'i g . r..
" H-N. 4
". J.
i n WnntPii , or1 r(irfnUtlTS
120 YYdlllCU t-iron,i .ir n.
4 v
"iiiw'iyiu 7 and 8.
1 1 N.,V
'r1,;, ' "iaiiKv B Vi of 8. FT.
'"' - "t. Jft, T. 1 N-. R-
. n- r.
Fnmli, Fvhert. nn,l Illckeer Jo.eph
in n.ri. In V u of S VV u of
See. 15. T. ? si.. R ; v
Fortune. Clnrle. T ot. 7 n n.)
M.K-k '7. Wmf Pnrtlnrnl 1l.it-ht'
Fnrk VV A 1" Here, in N F. '.
of V. VV. i4. Pec. 5. T. 2 8 R
tl,m,t lk.U ftl LI ij t-..r "
vwui. llllliv lUU-UKMXlt'U 1JUII . FT'flrm W P - Rt ,-f... In V
Omhinirton (WWprpla fnr saU 'i' ." T. 2 N.. n. 4 v
. " . - --'"' , t- rlv .1 VV 1,1 ,-r ln VI- VI-
Inquire of C. Khoadea, corner of I t, hnr r i, c. ; tip
V.K J I i: a tt-ii I R 1 VV.. nn,l No T 1 v n
Frv Plr luiril -j u nf 8 VV 'li
of Sec. :i, T. 2 .V., R. ( w T
1 95
19 41 I
of h
2 .
, mn, ,,,,
II, rt 1,
1 W.
4 VV
hll ,nir
I", k .-, vy
''Hi-- r. f
f -l"sVrVi"in 8. E.
' . 34, T. 2 8.. R.
J -hn-t'irii In A.
K c- Xi. 0. T. 1 9 ,
"'t-i V
'. . i. r
,f s.
1 8..
t P,ttiw H- lliht". .
pVT'-K 4 rfN. F. V, "f
k , .,:,"h,. i
1 k v
W.. :
m 1 1 h 1 1
of V
i:. i u-
M,,. k M
'"t .!.,,;
8 S i
V X.-e.
lift em rtrst
J I..V N- E-
t : i j vv
'f- !5 J1
. fcc. :. T. 2 8-
A,nni a 1. '(" 'x' "ir '
" in V F.
. 'r'1 M v of 8. K.
T !) ii : w
4 35
4 55
S 49
1 41
for Illlla.
ooro sua TiclLiif to kiok sricr
rutwli in, I Increos nhwrlptloB Hut of s pro. I
Diluent montnly tnattxiu, oo a ularr sad I
eommluloti bi. Eiperience dnlrsbls. but I
ooi Dfcevurr. Oood opinirtunlt j for right prr.
on. AddrPH I'ublltbfr, Box M, Station O, New
and CURE thc LUNGS
Dr. King's
New Discovery
OLDS Trial Bts rrs
BeCaU$e yur"cco,,!nt1 ' PprwintP.l l,y tl,e l,ak, an. your
isiiaMBississsss-BiaM LA aMta mill Slu1VS1 ta ar,.lnllH S ' '
. rV i i vimif cuiinujert,
BeCaUSe P,ig nk ,1M " exH.'nt fire-proof vault ami a mo,lprn
burular-prcK,f ,af ln , hicJi to put your fumls ami pal-rs
BeCaUSe TwtTy JPitor is always a wrlconifl visitor at the bank.
BeCaUSe 7hJ bank "UilifS the n4-e.ls nf it customers, ami nrotrl
"'' cr whether their business is laruo or small.
BeCaUSe J '?oe, "elusive tonkin htmineas, ami cmse.itietitlr. no.
oouy can aarve you tetter.
BeCaUSe 11 PItlon to make ijik.1 investments for vou. to coll.il
' e "ally tte" y""r ,mnk,n "nts iten-
Because Ui nnt with an c,:m oilier, are ahsolutelr an.l it ia 1
A waa r.a. to asai.t ami to a,lci. "
mm An WXftt tvsaHa srnai un ...1. f 1 ii
si v von ami k1Ji1. ..u -.1.. . . rofit thsn this Unk . ill
t 55