Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 10, 1908, Image 2

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    llillsboro Independent.
D. W. BATH. Editor and Meter.
Subscribers in Arrears.
The postmaster general has is
sued the following order, which
went into effect January 1. It
nnplie to all newspapers which
circulate through the mails:
A reasonable time will be al
lowed publishers to secure re
newals of subscriptions, but un
less subscriptions are expressly
renewed after the term for which
they are paid, within the follow
ing periods:
Dailies, within three months;
Weeklies, within one year;
they shall not be counted in the
legitimate list of subscribers, and
copies mailed on account thereof
shall not be accepted for mailing
at the second class postage rate
of one cent a pound, but may be
class postage rate of one cent for
each four ounces or fraction
thereof, prepaid by stamps af
The order means that subscrib
ers to The Independent who are
in arrears for one year or more
must renew their subscriptions
in order to enable us to continue
sending their papers through the
Look at the date beside your
name on your pajier and govern
yoursel f accordingly.
The Independent,
Humphrey, of Washington, has
introduced in the House a billau
thorizing the marking of the Ore
gon trail from the Missouri river
to Pudget Sound with granite
Mitchell is dead. Puter has
been pardoned, Williamson has
been given a new trial, M'Kinley
is still on the run, and a whole
lot of the other land fraud sharks
are wearing broader smiles than
a year ago. Isn't it about time
for Heney to get busy?
Mrs. Nancy Van Winkle, of
Morris county, New Jersey, will
on Sunday next celebrate her
100th birthday. She has never
been outside of Morris county,
never taAked through a telephone.
never saw a trolley car or heard
the chug-chug of an automobile.
Attorney - General Bonaparte
says that he cannot say if ex
Congressman J. N. Williamson's
trial could be commenced in time
for V. J. Heney to handle it, but
he declares no time will be lost
by the government in taking up
the case.
Francis J. Heney has given out
the following statement in reply
,to Senator Fulton's open letter
asking for specific charges against
him in regard to the Oregon land
fraud cases: "When I made the
accusation against the honesty
and integrity of Senator Mitchell
and Abraham Uuef, they took
the same position that Senator
Fulton now takes. All I have to
say is that when I get good and
ready, or when the proper time
comes. I' shall give to the public
the facts uiHin which I base my
accusations against Senator Fill
Christian Si-huobcl of Oregon
City, has been appointed United
States district attorney vice W
C. l.nstol, liretl. bchuebel is
Senator Uourne's choice, but it is
known that neither Congressmen
Hawley or F.llis or Senator Ful
ton favor the appointment. A
Washington correspondent says
of the appointment: "Ilourne
has delivered the goods toSchue
bcl and thus made good an elec
tion promise. Fulton has virtu
ally received another slap from
Roosevelt. Heney has abandon
ed P.ristol in the time of trouble.
Warhorses of the republican party
have been passed by for a man
who was a populist and socialist
Lawyers of long standing at the
bar have been sidetracked for a
man who has been admitted only
a few years and has had but lim
ited practice. These are some
of the phases brought to light by
apiHtintinent of Schuebel. There
will be more as time progresses,
but these enumerated are the
most important at present They
are the ones which are receiving
the most attention on the street
corners and in the law offices.
Only a few years ago Schuebel
was admitted to the bar. and
then, through political pull, was
elected justice of the peace for
a term. Later he ran for office,
but conditions had changed and
he was defeated. His promotion
over the heads of barristers of
long standing also causes a feel
ing of resentment among mem
bers of the legal fraternity, who
declare that he has not had the
experience to equip him for the
important duties of United States
district attorney.
Registration Books Open.
County Clerk Godman opened
the registry books last Monday
and quite a large number of vot
ers have already signed up. The
following will be of interest to
i our readers at this time:
Registration opens January C;
closes for the primaries. April 7.
Primary election, April 17; reg
istration reopens April 21.
Closes for election, May 15;
general election, June 1.
Registration reopen September
20; closes for election, October
20. Presidential election Novem
ber 5.
Proceedings Under Initiative-
Initiative petitions must have
74G5 signatures; initiative peti
tions must be filed by January 31;
arguments advocating measures
must be filed by February 3; in
itiative measures must be printed
by the secretary of state by March
2: copies of measure must be
mailed to voters by April 7; the
secretary of state must make up
the form of ballot by May 4.
Primary Election Candidates
for state and district offices, to
be voted for in more than one
county, and for circuit judges
and district attorneys, must file
with the secretary of state, at
the time of beginning to circulate
petitious, a copy of the petition
for nominations, signed by him
self, as evidence that the elector
is a candidate for nomination
by his party. The vote cast by
a political party in each voting
precinct for representative in
congress at the last preceding
general election is the basi3 on
which the percentage for peti
tions shall be counted, and need
not exceed 1,000 signers.
Petitions for nominations to be
voted for in districts comprising
more than one county must be
signed by at least 2 per. cent of
the electors residing in each of
at least One-eighth -of the pre
cincts in each of at least two
counties in the district and need
not exceed 500 signers.
Petitions for nomination for of
fices to be voted for in only one
county, or district shall be filed
with the county clerk not less
than 15 days before the date of
the primary election, Wednesday,
April 1.
The form of primary ballot must
be certified to by the secretary of
state by March 30.
Canvass of votes for nomina
tions for state and district offices
must be made by May 3.
Put all small pieces of soap in one
of the little salt bags, sew it up and
use as a dish cloth.
From Beaverton.
Reiuiar Correspondent.
Some much needed street im
provements are now being made on
our city streets in the way of plank
ing. The broken boards in the
sidewalks have been replaced by
new boards which will be very
much appreciated by pedestrians.
Mr. and Mrs. Blum, of Gaston,
visited their daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Tucker, Jr.. last week.
V. H. Boyd, rural letter carrier
from this place attended the county
meeting of Rural Letter Carriers of
Marion county at Woodburn last
Geo. Austin is now chief engi
neer at the Beaverton flour mill.
Mrs. V. B. Emmons is visiting
her daughter at Ilarrisburg.
Aunt Sally,
from Tlgardviiie.
Restilar Cormpomlt-nl.
G. Kroner, who has been snfn-r,
ing tn m a bilious attack lor the
past three weeks, is on the men. I
Mr. Kronner is still confined to lb
nouse out lm friends are expecting
a speedy recovery in the near fu
Albert Christian came out lam
l-ruuy to spend a few davs with
okl acquaintances ;n South R.-t,.l
Ch.is. Young, who is down with
a pretty severe case of inflamma
tory rheumatism, after a partial re.
covery, has taken a backset and his
condition is becoming serious again.
It is hoped that his case will not
end seriously.
Otto Knorr and family of near
Aurora visited with the Steinhofl
folks last week.
Fred Eisner sprained his ankle
pretty siverely lost Saturday eve
ning while walking home from
Sherwood. One of his companions
secured a team and took Fred back
to Sherwood for medical treatmeut.
Fred will be unable to move about
for a few weeks.
H. Zwiener was neatly surprised
by a crowd of his Smth Bend
frieuds last Weduesday evening.
The young folks enjoyed them
selves by playing flinch and danc
ing, while tae older touts entertain
ed themselves in the best way suit
ed to them. IidwarJ liothm and
Arthur Sttinhoft finished music.
Refreshments were served through
out the evening. Supper was serv
ed shortly after midnight when all,
wishing Herman a Happy New
Year, depaited for their various
Real Estate Transfers.
Peeile tiled from Iircruibrr -''111 to De
cember 3Ut, litO" :
Louii Stark and wf to Frame T
Iierrf 32 teres in tee 17 t 1 n
i w aooo oo
W K Vvtt and wf to V I. Cmly
ritof bU 20 G "-'M W
Charles K Potts to Auiiit Love-
arm .'J af e 1 A ne 1 of 1
ec 15 t A it of see 11 tln5 100 00
Blanche McN Moore to John 1
Ireland r0 li.") ac res in sec 12 t
1 n 4 3SU1 111
Benjamin HinUell and wf to
Moses Dillalwy lot 0, 10 All
blk. 2 Northsi.le add lllllsboro I!00 00
rhihp II Porter et al to Mary
Ann Martin pt of blk 2 Pur-
dvs add Pillov U'iO 00
Mary A Martin to Philip 15 Por
ter pt of Samuel Shepherd d I
ctln-lw :WJ 00
W K Hollenheek and wf to K M
IleiJul pt of sees 20 A 2S t 3 n
"W '. (1000 00
Q II llog-e and wi to James In
elis pt of blk 30 F (1 1200 00
John 11 Davis to tieo 11 Cham
bers 40 acres in Amos (irillilh
dlct22w 800 00
Jas J Punning and wf to Win F
Belnxxl 10.07 acres la l li
Dustin die tin I w W)7 00
Wm F lk'IlrooU and wf to W U
Itegihter 25 a io I) II Dustin d
let 1 n 1 w 2300 00
K D Curtis et al to II F Kirry pt
ol Win Stokes d I c t 1 n 3 w.
:;oo oo
10 oo
2250 00
Wm (i (iosslin et al to (ieo 1)
Hauptmnn pt of sec !2 t 3 n 2
w and other lands
Mary K Palmer et al to I. T Ker-
brar.he pt of sec 4 t .1 n 3 w. .
Elizabeth li Dunbar to A K
Kobeits ptof W 11 Chut Held
d let 1 i4 w 1 00
Concentrated lye in liquid form
will remove dried paint from win
dow panes.
Advice to mothers: Don't let
your children waste way. Keep
them strong and healthy during
the winter with Ilollistcr's Rocky
Mouutain Tea. It is the greatest
tonic for children. Pure and harm
less, does the greatest good. 35c,
tea oi tablets. Delta Drug Store. 1
When papering a room, remem
ber that large patterns and dark
colors will make it appear smaller,
while a plain or striped paper, if a
light hue will give an impression
of increased sie.
It Does the Business,
li. Ii. Chamberlain of Clinton,
Maine, says of Iiucklen's Arnica
Salve: "It docs the business; I
have used it for piles and it cured
them; used it for ehapicd hands
and itemed them; applied it on an
old sore and it healed it without
leaving a scar behind.'' 25c at the
Delta drug store.
Dewitt Clinton Merrill, the young
est of his father's family, was born
at Carroltou, Carrol county, Mo.,
September 7, 1841, crossed the
plains with his parents in 1S47, who
first settled at Scio in I.inn county.
In 1849 they went to the gold fields
of California. In 1S50 they return
ed to Oregon, then a territory, and
settled 011 the Merrill, homestead,
which has since been his home, a
continued residence of 57 years.
Ou April 30, 1872, he married Miss
Mary li. Johnson, who survives
him. Of his father's family of ele
ven children, eight of whom came
to Oregon, but one, Josiah Millard
Merrill, ol Grovcl.iiul, Cal., are now
alive. A brother's son, Charles P.
.Merrill, resides nt Hood River.
1 lie remaining children of his sis
ters families reside in Portland and
vicinity. He w as 6 years old when
he came to Oregon. Truly he may
be numbered as one of its early pio
neers. At 12:30 p. m., December
30, 1 907, on the homestead eight
iuiics huuiueasi 01 llillsboro, he
passed away, aged 66 years, 3
muimn ami 23 nays. An alfection
ate husband, a kind ueightior.
Rev. F. S. Locke, Beaverton, R. 3.
For Sale.
About thirty full-looded RunT
Orphington Cockerels for sale
Inquire of ( Rhoades, corner of
Ninth and Raseline streets, llills
boro. Go to Webb .C- H
Store for ixwltrv and st,,-L- f.i
ahy, flour and seeds. '
Hot Vitroral. P.oniri.n H.rr
fee and t'ocoa. Ham nml rk.....,..
Sandwiches, fresh Ovsters or a
choice cocktail. g( toPalmatecr's
A Square D-
In a statement to voters, pro
posed at a mcti"g Saturday
night, the committeemen of the
county and city republican club,
residing in the Eighth Ward of
Portland, propose that the quali
fications of candidates for office
and their record republicans
should be investigated strictly
before receiving the endorsement
of tne organization, rurtiier
more, no candidate will be en
dorsed who enters the primaries
solely to poll sufficient votes to
enable him by threats or persua
sion or representation of strength
to demand concessions from the
successful competitor in the way
of a deputyship, or for any other
Permanent organization of this
club has been effected and the
plan of working in the interest
of the party is set forth in the
statement to voters which is as
Virrt-Thc uiiumf UT- rrcsrrilf 3 s
situation and rulss in party polities
which must he conceded, recognized and
made absolutely fgir to all.
Second It was doitel by the peo
ple, provides methods similar to the
old-tiuie town meeting, sad as toe peo
ple will rent-iit doing sway with or evad
ing it, the republican party should and
does gracefully and cheerfully accept it
and will work in luruionv with the law
Third The orgtnitation of one or
more fair, stroni, vigorous, sit-up-Uke
notice republican clubs in the Kii'hth
Ward should be encouraged and assisted
by the committee, in order to secure re
gistration of voters aud a full vote of
the partv at t lie primaries.
Fourth That an Investigation should
be made independently and a showing
demanded from all candidates at the
primaries for eich office to be voted for
in these respects, vii. :
(a) I lonenty and standing as a man
(b) IJnaliiiations and competency to
1111 the ollice sought.
(c) residence in the state not less
than two yeari.
(d) Residence in the precinct not
less than six months or if removed with
in that time, then In the precint remov
ed from six months, if same ii in Mult
nomah county,
(e) Thai the candidacy is not enter
ed upon to force concessions from uc
cessful competitors in the primaries.
(f) Republican record.
Fifth That after a satisfactory show
ing of said milters, the committee shall
indorse and recommend all such candi
dates for each ollice to the earnest and
fair consideration of republican voters
at the primaries and shall refuse such
indorsement 11J recommendations to
all olb.r.. 1
Sixth If foj committee is unable to
Indorse and worn mend any candidate
for nomination to any oflioe, it shall
urge the penp to propose the names of
one or more worthy candidates am;
hull assist in the circulating of petitions
for all such, for the best interests of the
republican party, the securing of good
men being thesound and proper result
sought for.
Seventh Republican clubs are unjed
to refuse to become partisans openlv or
secretly in furor of one out of several
candidates tor nomination to any cer
tain office in Hit primaries, and to sup
port the succedul nominee in the elec
Eighth Friends of each candidal
should support his candidacy In th
primaries as iidividuals and agree to
support the winning candidate in the
Ninth That candidates for each of-
nco should agree and maintain the
agreement to submit cheerfully, honest
lv and fairly to the decision of the peo
pie at the primaries and honestly sup-
ort the winnini candidate.
Tenth That to candidate shall be in
dorscd or recommended who r-hall be
found to have entered the primaries
solely to poll milii-ient vote to enable
him by force, threats, persuasion or re
presentation ol strength or otherwise,
to demand concessions from a successful
competitor such as depntyship or other
consideration, thus depriving a suet-el's'
ful cundidnte of bis freedom and hide
pendence in the conduct of his office
such action heitg a s(ecies of political
blackmail deserving to be stamped out
as apainet the beat interests of the re
publican party, and of fair and re
sponsible candidates.
Eleventh That the committee refuse
its indorsement to candidates who de
cline to pledge themselves or who break
their pledge as herein stated.
Twelfth It is the sense of this branch
of the Centra! committee that the full
confidence of vottrs can I best gained
by bona fide and persistent efforts to
raise the general standard of candidates
at the primaries, and giving of reliable
information concerning them to the vot
er. In accomplishing this, the commit
tee abamloiH its former attilu-lfl and
policy of negatiuBi step-softly, speak
low, fiffer-exi-tiMt-t (or-m-tion-or- position-at-all
times aiid places; in favor of a
manly, decided, iggressive and respon
sible policy nt herein stated, and fear
lesslv hew t) the line, for the honor of
good citizenship ,n J 0f the republican
The committee decided lo publish its
plan l'ore adoption od invite friendly
comment and in...Ftion from other
members of the central committee and
republican voters, .) that if It meets
general approval, It will receive favora
ble action on tl, prt of the central
committee as a whole. It is believed
the plan makes for a square deal among
g'l candidate for ollice and at the
ame time provides greater responsibili
ties and defined dm), for central com
mitteenien in detiiag both with candi
dates and voters. This has never been
the cae before and such wetter do not
stand clearly ih tint-i by the law.
The commiltwcmen tbtnk the propos
ed statement, if adopted, will mark a
turning point with the party, and tbey
ask that thuir plan be carefully studied
and viewed from the standpoint of good
Poultrr Wanted.
I will pay market price in cash
for all kinds of chickens, hens, tur
keys, ducks and geese J. Lenz,
llillsboro, Ore.
Portland and Retur 1, 85c.
From now until further notice
round trip tickets from llillsboro
to Portland and return, will do
sold at 85 cents, good on any Sat
urday train, and returning on
any Saturday, Sunday or Monday
train. WM. McMURRAY,
G. I A.
Kerosene exposed to the air will
not burn brightly and Will form a
crust on the wick after being light
ed, therefore oil cans should be
kept tightly corked.
1 j
Executrix Notice.
Notice U htrebf given Ibat the uudertisneJ
bu two tr tlx County Court of lb Sum or
Oregon, for Washington County, appointed Ex
ecutrix or the Uit will aud teaunisul ofWIUon
Wbltuiore, doceased.
Now there-lore, all pemons baring claims
axuinat Mid eitale are hereby required toprc
eut the same to mt with proper rouchsrs at tbs
law cities of II. T. Haglejr, lu HllUboro, Oregon,
within tlx months Iroin data hereof.
Dated at HllUlxjro, Oregon, this Jauuary 10,
Executrix of the tut will and testament of Wit
nil Whltmore, deovued.
H. T. BAU1.EV, Attorney.
Firat puh. Jan. 10, last, Feb. .
Order for Sale ot Real Estate
In the matter of the eatale )
of I .
George A. (fore, decvaw-d. j
It appeariug to the Hon. J, W. Good In. Judge
of ttila court, by the petition this day presented
and filed by Grace II. Robluaon, formerly Grace
II. Gore, admlnlatratrlx of Ihe aetata it George
A, Gore, dect-aat-d, praying for au order ol sale
of real eiUf, that It It neceuary to sell all the
rem tilnlng real exute belonging lo the entate of
aid dereawd, to pay the charge, sxpeniei.
and claims against said estate: and it further ap
peariug by said petition, that owing lo Ibe char.
acier and quality of the lands belonging to said
estate, that It la desirable and for the best Inter
eats of the estate that such property. If sold, be
old at private rale by said aduilniatratrlx;
IT 18 ORDERED By the Hon. J W. Ooodin,
Judge of tlili court, that all persons Interested In
said estate appear before said county Court on
the 17 day of Feb., 190H, at 10 o'clock A. II., at
the court room of said county court in the etty ol
lllllauoro In lherotiuty of Washington. Bute ot
Oregon, to show cause why an order should not
be granted to said Grace 11. Koblnson, admlnlt
tratrtx, to sell at private sale so much of the
hereinafter described real estate of the tald de
eeaied as shall be necessary lo pay the charges,
eaiKmws ana claims against said estate, tald
real enais to 10 be sold being the following, to.
Meg. at center of Sec. T. J 8. R. 1 W W H
thence W. r.50rh.; thence 8. 40eh.;thenoe K.'
"C': "a'no,N- 21de- E- lS.Wob.;thente
N. 22. .N) ch. ; more orl. to the placsofbeg..
conlalnlng Hi acret, more or luaa.
N. W. '4 N. w. ; Sec. 27 T. J 8, R. I W. W
M,, containing M) acres.
. c -s. . 'sec, 27 T. J 8,
containing 40 acrea.
R. 1 W. W. M.
Ah, beg. 20 ch. N. of sec 0 g ,
o ec 27T.2S. R. 1 W. W, M., thence N. 17.W
h.; thence N, G3 deg. K. 4.75 ch.; thence .
..5ch.;thenee W. 4.24 eh.; lo th. place tf
beg., containing 7,'JI aeros. more or lew
IT H FURTHER ORDKRKl,, That ,'copyo.
ih.n , , .V " w'na. not le
- "i-1 lure me aay
tiled lor hear ng
uu imp pennon, ami
heir, to-wii, ,, Kllzalwth Gore bv
linn llur....r 1.. - '
upon the non.realdent
Hon thereof In a
newapaper puhll.hcd lo Ihe
. perl... of t le ,. L,
the date ii,,d lr ...eh hearing. 1
I'aie.i Jan. H, iihh.
Coumy Judge.
Pjral pub. Jan. In. at, Feb.
Tradc Mm,
I'alema taken I ir.nivh Mutm i frSL ',
Scientific American.
rolaiuin .f , ,v a mm, fcrnTI's'ft
l.r,.:."S."2""-1- """'d "rail "iwaSMUj
MUM X L0 ?61Bre.d,
(uratli Bros.
Dealers in
Hillsboro h Estate
OllU-e south of Court House. Main
Monev to Loan.
Tree Delivery
yji tne iest tsh, Game and
Meats. Our delivery in prompt
and in all parts of Hillslwro.
rr .1 ... -
'aJl "' au
W e have matiRerated a
new Schedule in Prices
and this together with our de
livery system makes this Hills
Iwro's popular market.
Corwin & Heldol.
Phoenix Lime and Sulphur
Liquid Spray
A pure, clear liquid combination of Lime
and Sulphur, found most effective at Ore
station In 1905
iUII SVJV -- 1
best and meet r-liaM .pravinif materials. J,
paint and Spray Manufacturers, Portland, ore. ,
B. LEIS. Beaverton. Ore.. Agent lor Washincton County fi
Samradlay QDmeir
Rates $1.00 a Day and Upward
Board $4.00 a Week
4s)a aru
r j
lffEdjjiiiJi i1 m
m w r
r - z: V ' a'aV- i. if 1
e. l. Mccormick,
sue vresron Railn-o..
una aim
Three Trains tn the East Daily
llhc7rI?,,;"J,Bf!lB:," " tourl-t ee.
Hullmaii K.nrl.i iTj to K IIT: Ihnmidl
t.'j- v.r it-
A Hurry Call.
At any hour of the day will find
us ready to supply your drujr
needs. In case of an emergency
come straight here for
Our service is always prompt and
accurate. We realize that an ill
ness severe enough to bring you
to our door is in need of prompt
attention. We'll do our part in
the effort to relieve it.
.UtiVLa. fa fa'K m
iimsboro, oreaon.
Ni ChanKi' of Cars
Jihl-A I K I
I'nrl lull J
ut m Tin
H Utur'mi
Ai Unlic
H . 1 ," p Ml
VIH Itlllll
llllftntl St. l'HI
Kvt MhII
A:l- v tu
I K ti II KIH I K?
I mm lrt lrtiit. or.
-till litvff. I-
ttnrth, tnttHliM, Khii
HM rily, S I.OI1IM, ( hi
CHrfll I)1 hftl
"H .mki ipinT, Kt.
MnHh, nuidlm, Knn
vt nv, ( . Imm, ( hi
S ii I1h WhIIh. l ew Winn
-tlMiktic.S hIIhc I'iiII
inut), MltHMiitiiii, Hi.
I'rilll, I Mil lit Ik. MllMMIl
A K K I V f
aS UU p in
lktt Chfr urn I-hi
For further turnrmnUon unk or w rlto Tour
npnf"! tH'kft fivrfiif , or
General Passenger Agent,
-N'-..: o.. r....i
nut iuuuii i uril
md, Oregon
Getting choice roccrit-s at (ho
lowest jK)ssible price, is one way
we have of holding our custom
ers. Hut
are the most prominent features.
We have never sacrificed finality
to make a low price. I!ut we sell
hitfh KradeKHHl.sat little figures.
A trial order will convince vou.
Hillsboro, Ore.