14 Volume 35 HILLSBORO. WASHINGTON COUXTy. OllEGOX, FRIDAY, JAN. 10, 1003 Number ji H o fifllsbero Independent. JvBATiI, Publisher. Thin i Paper u not f, i .. anyons. It u not our ,-rnctio. to stop papers potil ordered to do so. Anyone not winning the parr must notify tbs publisher or they will be held liable (or the subacription price. OFFICIAL COUNTY BAPER. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. Entered at the Poetofflc at Hllls I to, Oregon, for trmnamlealon thromlj in mall as second-class mall matter. Official Paper of Washington County. Republican In Politics . NOTHING LIKE IT IN THE HISTORY OF OREGON. Newspapers In Every Slate In the Union Publishing Letters About This Delightful Country. 1'ixplay, 60 cent lour Inser- (Hjieciul CorreBHinili'nce. ) Portland, Oregon, Jan. Gth. iievei' ill Llie hislui of GitgCui was the state receiving; such an enormous amount of advertising as at the present time. Public Installation. There will be a public installa tion of officers of Beaverton Grange, January 11, at 1:30 p. m., to which all are cordially in vited. Exercises conducted by J. J.Johnson. Card of Thanks. We wish to return our sincere thank to the friends who so kindly assisted during the sick ness and funeral of our beloved mother, Mary Ramsey Wood. Mrs. C. B. Reynolds vn Famtf.y. PORTLAND TO HILLSBORO VIA THE UNITED RAIIWAS. tine In operation "J Portland and Will Be Complete t0 Miiisboro Early m B Spring. Angora Coat Show. The ninth Angora goat show The for the state of Oregon will be writers who are contesting for hM in Dallas. Polk county, on 4ivr.itriHiNu Katki an i ni li. ainirle column, fur tions; reading uoti.e., one cent a word the eighty prizes ($5, (MX)) offered Wednesday. Thursday and Fri Z na c lZ J 7L ncil by the Portland Commercial club, day. January 15. 16 and 17, 1908, month ; lodge card, $5 a year, jaya- have seemingly been busy in ev- under the auspices of the Polk "I",1 "ul,u" ery state in the Union. Some of Pnnntv Mohair Association. The PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. B. TONGUE ATTO RN Ei Y-AT-LA W Hlllaboro, Oregon. Some of Countv Mohair Association the contestants have written a snow w;n be open in the evening series of -articles covering sever- 0f the first and second days. Al al editions of the same newspa- pvHihits must be in bv 2 p. m. of per, thoroughly discussing the flrst dav of show. No entrance attractionsnd resources of the fee w;ii be charged. Feed wil state. Governor Chamberlain be furnished to exhibits free will be requested to name his throe iixWa and thpv will hoo-in Bradley Still at Large. thpir unrlr Fphnmrv 1 Detectives Baty and Hellyer, 1.. . On the last dav nf t.hn old vpar the Portland detectives, nave re offlce: central Block. Rooma and 7. the Portland Commercial club turned irom an extenueu up w wired its greetings on behalf of the logging camps of southwest tho oitv nnH stntA in Prpi,lpnt em Washington, where they pro- r 14. 1 e nprnrvl a Rpflreh for Melville BENTON BOWMAN '""""'"I "." xn .. attorney-atlaw hours received a most cordial re- mm oince on Main St., opo the court House py m which the chief executive man Gittings. lhe trip was THOS. II. TONGUKJR. wished the people of Oregon a fruitless of results, as no trace attorn kv-at-law happy and prosperous New Year. t Bradley was iouna ana it is notary public Oregonians . will be busy at- th0nt ."!e rcers inai T Office: Room a 3. 4 and 5. Morgan Blk. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY-ATLAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. Hlllaboro, Oregon. Jthce : kuoni S, 4 and 5. Moruan BlocB Hlllaboro, Oregon. MARK B. BUMP, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. Notary Public and HILLSBORO. Collections. ORB. JOHN M. WALL. Attorncy-at-Law, Office up stairs, Bailey-Morgan Bllt, BOTH 'PHONK3. HILLSBORO. - OREGON. 8. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hlllaboro, Oregon. Otllce, upstairs, oyer The Delta Drug Store. Otllce houra 8 to 12; 1 to 6, and iu the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. 8. P. R. R. SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. RMlilenpe punier Third and Main; offlea up Liraovvr 111. dm ilore; hour., a.suio wm. I 10 ft ami 7 tV p. m. Telephone lo tmomfl from Doll driix .tor. All caila promptly au wared dar or uUhl F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan-Bailey block, op taira. rooina 11'. 13 and 15. Residence 8. W. 00 r. Base Line and Second ata. Ik)tb 'phones. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan-Halley block, up- taira with F. A. Bailey. Residence. N. B. corner Third and Oak sts. A. B. BAILHY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hillslwro, Oregon. or- hour. April of 1908. nMM am RillM ' Drtlir Rtore. fMmt ailiill: l: U. and 7 lo . Rwldpni third bow north of oltr lectr1e 1U1U plant. -.i. nmmntw aitandrd daT or DlKlll. Itolu 'phone. tending conventions to be held in the city and state during Janu ary. lhe list includes: January 13 and 14 The North west Retail Harness & Saddlery Manufacturers' Association. January 14, 15 and 16 Oregon Horticultural Society. January 17 and 18 Oi ;gon State Press Association. January 21 and 22 Retail Gro cers Association. January 21 and 22 Oregon Re tail Hardware & Implement Deal ers' Association. January 23, 21 and 25 Pacific Federation of Implement and Hardware Dealers. A big excursion from the "In land Empire" through Oregon and California under the special auspices of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce and the Walla Walla Commercial club, will spend all day Saturday, February 8th, in Portland, where they will be given a ride over the city, luncheon and dinner and recep tion by a special committee of the Portland Commercial club, Their itinerary also calls for brief stops at Roseburg and Med- ford. The chief purpose of this excursion is to interest the thou sands of tourists now gathered in Southern California so that they may return to their East ern homes by way of the Pacific Northwest. mi . l -a. . ... inecoionisi rates, which re sulted In bringing such a vast immigration to Oregon during September and October, 1907, will be in effect for March and The rate applies tip upon which they were work mg was the result oi a case oi mistaken identity. They declare that the wagon roads and rail roads throughout that part of the country visited by them are crowded with hoboes and unem ployed men, who are traveling from place to place on foot and by means of beating their way on the trains. Among such men it would be possible for a fugi tive from justice to lose his iden tity and cover up any trace of his true identity. wpt23-Ot HOLLISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Boty Hxlioln for Buy Pwpl. Brian OoMm Hmlth anil tuni Vigor. Iflo for CMntipiitiin. imiiraxiion. lit ifr Tmnhl.. rtmplwi. Eerm. Impure Hloort. Bad Breath. Wlniriiiiih llowH. tlrala-n n, A irplfl vl KMnr and Hackai'hA. Ifa K.nky Mountain Tra In tao lt form. pnt a no. (lnuln made by HokuaTie lnro Compart, Madloon. Wla. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 11 1 1 a on an railroads, to all rail xnnti in Oregon, on the same basis as before $25 from Kansas City, Minneapolis and Duluth, $.",0 from St. Louis, $33 from Chicago, $50 from New York. The fare is $2.50 less on each ticket sold to a point east of Umatilla. An ef- Land and Mineral Decisions. The following decisions are fur nished The Independent by Woodford D. Harlan, Land At torney, Washington, D. C. Coal The right of purchase is not initiated by filing a declara tory statement, but by actua discovery of coal on the land, and the performance of some act of improvement sufficient to give notice of an intent to purchase under the coal-land laws. Contest Practice A defen dant who elects to plead a statu tory defense and submits no evi dence, is not entitled to another hearing in the event his defense is held not good. Desert Land -Land that with out irrigation will produce grass in paying quantities is not sub ject to desert entry. Final Proof Entry allowed on proof submitted after due notice should not be cancelled on find ing the evidence as to residence insufficient, but suspended and further proof required. Homestead Townsite The law does not contemplate that the right of entry shall be exer cised by one w ho makes settle ment primarily and chieflv for trade and business, and not for agricultural purjwses. Mineral-Proof of mining uiv Dr. B. P. Shepherd, (Successor to Dr. A. Ilnrris.) At his rooms oyer City Ilakery every Tuesday, Tliurs.iay ami paiuruay. President CaliCornia College of Ostepathy Profoasor of Theory and Practice. Ki-Mein. Cal. Plate Board of Kxaminert COFFEE , The world is full of anonymous coffee : "Java and Mocha." Who returns your money if you don't like cm? Yaw trocar rtturaa roar Baser U rea Seal ' Us fcallllSfa ArS!B. ( fort will bo mn.1. l,v all ,v, ,m a iract lt has been adiudi mercial bodies throughout the as mineraI' and the subse- stateof Oregon to make these qu. aDamlonment of such op- two months n,1,l 9n nm crations leaves with the mineral population of the state. claimant the burden of proof to No convention ever held in Ore- e Proscnt mineral char con has rerpivp.1 tha i;i,i "-Ler 01 lhe land .' 1 4 ! i t .i u..-. nuu acairueu me recent Sunday dinner is only 25 cents K v"Tiil", f luie i,ai- at both tables at Hotel Bigelow rv Association. Pncroa V,o,K. . ""tn duuw, . vv.i ac which time w be served devoted to ,t in he agricultural chicken and everything else gocd I 7 ' J V1 ur wun- to eat. The new hotel h eettinir trv. at a season u-Vinn r.. : 13 sluing ,rn Hnint.nn ia " T ine rono it deserves and --'"" :. MxuiiKij our citizens sh ould give the new ..... . v nniiaLic iltl-I liilltl (ru eVerV enrnnnrrnmnn vnnt.Tcrna nf tha ctnt :n tiiLouragement r. -- 'i... I JlOSSlOie ya.i.cu T Independent tele . M ncrruK puone ior long; distance Hall. Tacific Universitv rnr 1 . . Wnl,K f. II t orove. ror particular address or "ll ,aiu ur nanuies grain call on the matron, M,ss Haskell vv astIa l,klnd3 f seeds. HerrickHall.lW.rr.' )Jhcn ,n IIlllo call and see , v.v.c. mem. Since New Year's eve, when the United Railways company operated a locomotive over iti Front street une ior the first time, the importance of that railway system to the commer cial interests of Portland has been demonstrated. Besides de livering direct to the business district on Front street and in South Portland all incoming frieght from the North Pacific Terminal Company and the dif ferent roads entering the termi nal grounds, this road, by its connection with the Oregon Elec tric Railway, brings the business men of Portland into direct com- municatitn with Willamette val ley points that are served by the Portland-Salem line and at the same time furnishes that system with an entrance to the terminal grounds and an outlet for all shipments over the various trans- continental roads entering Port- With seven milesof its system constructed, the freight service of the United Railvays line is completed, while that part of the system designed for passenger traffic is also completed within the city with the exception of two street crossings on Stark street These are being con structed and will bt installed as soon as they are delivered from the shops. A considerable pari of the steel and othtr matei i'as T5r"bur hter- urban line to Hillsboro is here on the ground and the remaining steel has been arranged for," said Lloyd B. Wickersham, chief engineer for the road. "We ex pect to begin grading on the in- terurban line outside of the city as soon as the weather settles, and when we can adjust a few matters involving the question of right of way. "As to the interurban line, we are intending to construct a first- class, high-speed road and we are striving for a maximum 2 per cent grade. Twd satisfactory routes are under consideration between Hillsboro and Portland and the one will b selected over which the probleni of rights-of- way can be best aljusted. "In the construction of this road we are planning to build a branch from the main line to Mount Calvary cemetery. Con struction work will be pushed through this winter and in the spring and as soon as the grading is finished, more men will be add ed. This work will be started from the Portland end and push ed rapidly into Washington county." up again in'a'few months on the railroad. -Tl!amcKk Headlight. i Correspondence Courses. The December numlier of the University of Oregon Bulletin, a : copy of which has just been re ceived, gives a full description of the correspondence courses that are now being oiTered by the University. The courses are ar ranged esiK't-ially for teachers, students preparing for college or university, women's clubs, teach ers' groups, granges, home mak- .. me b in vci tiiiji liiLfliua to add additional courses in Econo mics, Political Science, History, English literature, Mechanical Drawing, Civil Engineering, Ed ucation and others, as its re sources permit. The correspon- J i t . ... uenee worn nas met with a hearty reception in all parts of the state. More than two hun dred students enrolled for the various courses during the past month. URGES PRESS TO ACTION CONDEMNS PARDONING POWLR. The Sheriff of Morrow County Writes The Oreconian Some "Real Hot Stuff." RecentWashington County Pensions Congressman Hawley sends the names of old soldiers iu Washing ton county who have recently been granted pensions and the amount each one will receive each ruontb, as follows: Rudolph Crandall, Hillsboro, $12. Henry II. Davies, Forest Grove, $12. Alva II. Schofield, Buxton, $15. Alston C. Aichbold, Hillslxro, Amos W. Ponelson, Hillsboro, $20. James Newman, Rex, $12. Alexander Raymoud, Forest Grove, $12. J. J. Boone, Tualatin, $6. C. C. Hooper, Gaston. $15. C. W. Sherman, Dairy, $12. J. V. Baker, Sherwood, $15, William Worthington, Oswego, $12. T. J. Hill, Hillsboro, $12. More than $2,700 a month has been granted to veterans ot the First Congressional district from December 7 to December 23, 1907. The steamer Alliance made the run from Portland to Marsh field in thirty hours last wet-k, the fastest time between the two points hhe ever made and considering tue sea son and tides, very fast time. It fills the arteries with rich, ted blood, makes new Mesh, and heal thy men, women and children. Nothing can take its place; no rem edy has done so much good as 1101 istei's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c, tea or tablets. IMta Drug Store. Go to Webb & Hoover's Feed Store for poultry and stock food, ahy, flour and seeds. Work Begins April 1. Engineer Geo. L Davis, of the Pacific Railway & Navigation Co., is expected in some time this month, and it is currently reiorted that work will start up again sometime in April. This, should it turn out correct, will be good news to the people of Tillamook county, for they are anxious to see operations renew ed and the railroad completed. Taking the weather conditions into consideration for the past two months, with continuous rain and wind storms, but little construction work was possible. The shut down last fall will, however, (Way the completion of the road until the fall of next year, nearly two years hence. Reports of an electric road being built down the Wilson river ap pears to have been revived, but we have failed to ascertain that there is any foundation for the report It is generally thought, as money matters have righted themselves, prospects look de cidedly bright fe-r Tillamook coun try this year, won work to start Tillamook county is the old stamping ground of Hembreo, the fiend who killed his wife and daughter in cold blood and fired the home in hopes of destroying the evidence of his crime. The charred bones of the ioor wife were found in the ashes after the fire, and the cut and mangled re mains of his daughter, with whom he had been criminally in timate, were taken from an old cook stove by the Tillamook of ficials after a prolonged search. The Headlight, published at Till amook, says the people are not pleased with Gov. Chamberlain for pardoning the wretch after he had been landed in the peni tentiary for committing one of the most horrble crimes ever committeed in Oregon, and after stating that the people over there are in a very ugly mood be cause of the action of the gov ernor, publishes the following let ter, written by E. M. Shutt, sher iff of Morrow county, to the Portland Oregonian, in w hich he pays his respects to Gov. Cham berlain and his pardoning power: "I have been impressed lately with the Oregonian's editorial criticisms of the courts of our land, and of the causes and con ditions which are producing crime at such an alarming rate. The editorial in last Saturday's Ore gonian, under the caption of 'More Slaughter.!. i a com. arul should be and ia. u ?red over by ever citizen of the country. Let us have more ofthat kind. They are sure to bear good fruit. If every daily and weekly news paper in Oregon would come out courageously and demand better law enforcement and better con ditions of atrairs socially and mor ally, it would not be long until crime would diminish, and the residents of the great common wealth could once more be able to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What the governor, the legis lators, the supreme and circuit judges, the district attorneys, the grand juries, the trial juries, the the sherills and the municipal au thorities fear most of all is pub licity and criticism in the public press of their acts. It the news papers would come out and se verely roast every official, every law-making and law-enforcing body-high or low-that is guilty land can wield a mighty power for wholesome, needful reform and unless some such concerted move is made to check the tide 1 . . or crime that is sweeping so recklessly over our fair land we shall as a nation soon take our projtor place alongside of Russia ami Turkey. Just now there is more urgent need of reform at the top than at the bottom of our social life. It is extremely discouraging to those newspapers, those ollicials and those individuals who have been preaching and practicing law and order, and trying to imiel a oxonfr rrwipr nri'l riivoronpp fop law, to be jarred clear oir the roost only too frequently by the outrageous decisions of the gov ernor and the courts of justice. Take, for example, the recent pardon by the governor of Ore gon of Hembreo, the man con victed of the murder of his wife and daughter, under the most disgusting and revolting circum stances, after the inhuman fiend had served but one year out of a lifetime sentence. Take for an other example the actions of the Oregon supreme court, in repriev ing Blodgett, confessed murderer of his female companion, on the ground that the district attorney had referred briefly to other red handed murders in his argument to the jury. Many other cases of equal seriousness could be cited. 1 he eirects of ten years' preach ing on law observance by the press and by individuals can be crushed by one ollicial act such as those just mentioned. When this kind of outrageous leniency and maudlin sentiment is show n the cold-blooded and savage mur derers of our country by those who stand at the very head of our legal system, and to whom we look for inspiration of law and justice, what can we reason ably expect from the common herd of humanity an astonish ing proportion of whom arc nat ural born criminals? Such cases of leniency and the triumph of hair-splitting technicalities over common justice has a strong ten dency to Russianize this country. degenerate cannot iossibly do more to bring on a state of red- handed anarchy in this country it i 1 T',,;iln HntP.nf noi viKowti. ' : 1 . : Safe co to WmWs!rd'i than do acts of the above charac ter committed by those in su preme authority. The criminal element is the first to notice and profit by these travesties on jus tice, and of course there is noth ing surprising about the cheap estimate now placed upon human life in Oregon and throughout all America. In proportion to the population three times more mur ders are committed in America today than in anv other country on earth. Is it hard to trace the cause? The outrages committed by our courts of justice and by the par doning proclivities of the govern er breeds contempt and irrever ance for law, and encourage mob violence. We as a nation are ruled too much by impulse and passion and not enough by calm, deliberate judgment. However, can we blame the honest, hard working, liberty-loving people Concluded on Fourth Page. HAMILIOS-B eon SHOES lot of satisfaction in a shoe which There s a after month's of wear, needs only polish to look like new." You will find comfort, ease aJprofitinthclIAMILTON.KUOWJfSIIOE3. . 1 ! II.. Your children will want someiniiig preuy Come and pee our aUHUUL onwi-, itli everv tair e liiaue. uui buai.v.- n--- j 1 Mf0W" fit " Sunt Cn's. I fitA 9 r'tyA niul trooi 1. No better can no better made. fjAMi-BRDWH dllOEIJIS. 1PS, cunp I J . -V.' , S A ft r 1 w Our Line of GROCERIES is the finest in the county. Everything usually carried by an up-to-date r.rnrerv House. Our immense sales make it jos- eible for us to carry strictly fresh roods. Not a shop worn article in the establishment. JOHN DENNIS The old Reliable Comer Grocery and Shoe Store