Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 20, 1907, Image 2

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    ! " . ."a-e
. ii ..... hu ml.-r In order. &
CmmiM aaa OHLLbm Baa.
l. the Haaalaa
Illstarlcal aaa w Mela.
Also ft "chain of banks" l not
tronger than Ka wake-t link.
Ten monthi' wean fare, a.uount to
1U0,(s),0u0. That U what cmcs from
.ravel on th high .
A poet w recently Indict! In St.
uls n.rever. rios? pets f'll ?
Jnua to ! punishment.
ber to put th guet cbamtwr la order
for distinguished visitor, rui va
with tb iulllug
aaauranc. Tat rootn am plumb clean, I
Ml- OertruuW:" "So qulcklyf Inquired.
MLss Gertrude. "KM you dust It. suntyi
I don't see your duster. i-
Miss Certude, don't you budder yo'ssif
bout Aunt Car'Hue. I done duat dal
room wld paa'mleaf fan!" Tbr
spoke resourceful boiyiekceer.
v-mi mil: lntured. 70. -SO. Thai
i. .... if tha Amerlcau rallroudvT
for tb. year ending June 30 last (
compiled by the Inter-tat commerce j f i
-- -.a iiu'illilM I . .
i ftars ." "TW isfla Or-aaaa " " an ... .
-tawi in J J
t. v.. h-n f.nuvl that there are
knots In Saturn's ring. 1'erh.ips tbey
bar adopted the direct primary up
It la an awful thing to contemplate.
Hut the indl.-atlous are that before long
some papers will print dally fttat latin
N tb dlabolo victims.
A CoiuifttUnit man went crazy be
nuM be was not permitted. 'o ote. He
no doubt baa the sympathy of a large
juiu'xr of London suffragette.
In addition to the weight of bis lx
ty all years King Edward la burdened
now wltb the responsibility of having
to own aud look after ft 730,sJ diamond.
California baa shipped more than
8,500 carload a of lewone east this year.
Few of them have been purchased by
helreaaea who desire to Ignore the pleaa
V titled foreigner
How doea It happen that Mark Twain
la able to go on uublushlngiy admit
ting that be la the author of the Jiunp
In frog story and yet escaping the
burge of being a nature faJierJ
According to estimates made by Uen.
liouth only one alu lu eighty la found
out W. can hardly believe that the
Dnuiiiilvatlun of auch statemeut la
'Jkely to discourage the sinners.
But even If the whole country goes
prohibition, Aunt Oarrle Nation's oc
rupatlon will not be gone. Carrie bates
the wicked cigar and Tile cigarette as
anleutly as she defeats the rum fiend.
A Pennsylvania lady 00 years of age
bas Just discovered that she can recite
a poem which she committed to memory
seventy -six years ago. We are glad to
assure our readers that It Is rot "Cur
few Shell Not King Tonight '
OouuuiMlou. 1 ue utfum u -
the persons killed or Injured at railroau
ih.nu rritaiiiitoina ou
CTUM1MS. 1 '
niit of war. It Is the
FT J U 1 1.' 11 ' k - - -
,.f ratfimltle solely tI pasxen
gera slid for trainmen aitually on duty
on or about tralus. Ihe increase -
.lu. n....,lM ..f killed over the preceding
year waa 773, or more tlan l r -eiu.
The increase In the nuuiiwr or injur
... 0 .177 nr over 14 !er vnt. II is
alow and painful process to secure the
.,i..M, or devl-es for the prote-tlon
of the lives of pawe-ugers aud trainmen,
because the rallrdii resist ,ro(,'reiw
thia direction at every point. 11
monev to save lives, aud tbey prefer to
avoid the eiiene. The Intervale com-
men ronuulHflon bring me i-
igainst tlie nillroiids home In a couple
of sentence.". It compares the simiii
liv-reiiBe lu casualties due to coupling
and uncoupling cars and to accldente
to men on the tops of freight ears with
the heavy Increase of avide:ils to pas
sengers due to collisions and derail-
tum.is. In the latter case me i'-
total of lfMiO waa exceeded for the year
under consideration by 17 per cent, me
comparative prote1ion to railroad men
on the Hues noted Is, the commission
ays, "undoubtedly due lu large meas
ure to Improvement In the maintenance
aud care of automatic couplers," an Im
provement due only to strenuous efforts
ou the part of the government. X
moral Is clear. If the government w
take up a broader scale the problem
of forcing the roads to protect inei
passengers from unnecessary accidents
results nay be secured, but probably in
uo other way.
It atruck tb doctor a little comically
ou of (Juy hsbit snouia oner w
lad tbst h wss flsd, too, snd doubly
I lad that across tD ses ior waa
i..... nk.ninna. How b wUbed that
ih wss there now ss Mrs. Huy, and he
mut tell (Juy so thst very dsy. pesiea
iD uuys liursry, i" vyy
rurred, Uuy spproacnmg in suujni -elf
by ssylng:
Guess, lis), whst wild project nsv
fust embarked In.
M knnar vlthout SUSSsInf ! Middy told
me." snd th doctor s yorows wr i
rated lust a littl.
i n j u n. Anm'i . nnrovT" was Out's
aeit remark, to which th doctor replied: might
' e.r you. ou, P"ldP-r"'
for on f '..f tb ses.
(in Mni i - . . .u.:
. . . r ror s' ..j to
inout u hi. lip. wm .ii dld
bowing hi. hrt4 .is , r,lhr
thst she n)il!h, , ' K-biBg ' . ,bli
ou di mr
to prayer.
er for havl,,, pr.Mj, I. JJ flft bo ah. Urrbl. I.
-7: .-"-'- ? rart y d T " ." that If U would
- tuouia A -aa H"eo. ana .h
very S.0, . p,rt of tb, a-- wthou, ,ui.h b,nr .or
and h. could think of h.d cost ought to go. though ah.
the bitter p.in h,r k.W r. mM, and be one I, wit
him. Wss ther, BO(bii- tb ller "Would you, MaddyT
her. nobody who couli .... It est? Would you be the
"S.- "''Vad En.'. 131
It troublea - t,ot,0
so disturb-! aoou, " , lro.
band upo '"""T " . did be refrala
,. ,b. doctor continued :
. rrar or mor. " " ... , 1...1.
a .fmlr a wnus m -
Tb. doctor bsd oecou.. -- "
-"""' woud not mountain,
why. Mahomet muni 10 m. chair aa
ft-d Ouy fair,, le.H lirt th.
he exclaimed: "I h "T..J ril send
During the recent panic a New York
woman waited In the line of anxious
depositors for fourteen hours, only to
learn, upon reaching the teller's win
dow, that her account was overdawn
F-X For once In her life words must
have failed ber.
Tramps are likely to do more walk
ing and less riding In the future If th
plans of the railroad companies are
BucceMfiil The P(.nnnvlvnnla fnmnunv
has begun to orgaulza a special poUce
lore to drive an tramps rroui us iracn
and Its trains. If It succeeds, the life
of ft tramp will lose one of Ita attraction.
self bto
ser only hero, It would be different.
Why, in tb nam of wonder, are yeu two
not married. If you are rr going vo vm 1
"Jealous, as I livs: sna uuys
-ame down playfully oa tfc doctor's saoul-
Jer. "I did Dot suppose jmt pan - mgi man 1 - . fhr-
far as thaL Too ar afraid of th tTect Bin t England ; s-ud ;n' " h thra
It msy hsr. on m. teaching ft sweet-fsced stones ; he shsll go W -,tv, r,B. cure
little girl how to conjugate am; sua . u..r ismily pnr,cl;-- nflt time
cover up your own interest, you bring Lucy j 1 II p,,t , hia the fery
. . II.,na.llr I ha Hiinu I,...". .A with SDOinar
uucy lorwaro aa aa arui...M -- . . . j.,- bena to
doctor, I am doing It for you. I Imagine den lifted from bli n"0 " '
TOU laut'j ner, aa wwi J"" - J - -- I " "
make a splendid woman, but shs neU
f miuraa. and I Bin XOlng 10
do it Vou ought to thank m. Instead
Ilka a thundercloud," and
Uuy laughed merrily.
Room Draped with Fish Net I
Wklck Vra Imltatloa Flak.
A novel luncheon to celebrate the
birthday of a well-known man devoted
to flailing was few days ago given
him by bis wife, says the New York
Times. To begin with the celling and
walls of the large dining room were
drnped with fish net In wblcb were
caught Imitation fish, crabs and lob
sters. The center of the table was a small
pctul filled with real water that bad
real fish swimming about In It. and
ncross the pond was a bridge, the whole
being ft miniature reproduction of a
rtond and hrlilira nn the country eststs
nf the man for whom the affair was
I''lxh net was also arrnneed over the
I 1 Iiu- aa ta hla bain aluna tn a
ribbons lu the decorations, and abol uh , lrl u M M.ddyt It was
the tuble was suspended a Centerpiece , duty b. owtj htT ,t t0 tell
of erMXia V(th minr hniinv rpf iirna 1 1 . t . i. i i .u. ; j i.....
vm is ' " Oir 1UUUI 1L. tUU 11 Nil M1U IWU UUl,
of the day" done on It In red flowers. Lhr aa !t.H
Two enormous lobsters artificial, of xhls was th drift of Mrs. Noah's rs-
pro position
A k-
The next day, as uay obu Pri.
j j . i llunedsls. Uklng Msddy
rou -
with him. and offered so many reasons
why she should not be celled nome ids
.v. -u krn to relent, psrticu-
lsrly as they baw how Maddy s hesrt wss
set en the lessons uuy was going i
ber. She might never have ft lik oppor
tunity, tb young man said, and aa a gooa
i...,i.. mould nut her In the way of
k.ini.. tham whn they wer older and
H.;:.-"!' turned, for rior. nMjed roore. It wss their dut, to
ui ' : , "7 lb. letter, and be leave ber with them, lie anew iney wo
was rbl-tl 'ii X- of -din. ,0 ber receiving three dollar, , .
her and Jeie. Vie. ke W. l". "OU' t?? -.7. .
. r , ,, I k.11 ... 1 sum oueaiw" 1 and 1 isey ..-., - -
uy laughed merrily. V ""'k. door, he ask- L.?t of It. hire a little girl to do th.
Th. doctor was anbameo 01 nia boou. 0ql; tepp.D. 1- h - Maddy would do wer. shs at
and could not tell what prompfd him to ed her to com, ,. The" h. 1 W
Maddy was Tery bappy arter It was
aMl.ri and chatted cavlv with ber grand
mother, wall. Ouy went out with ber
grandfather, who wlsfted to spess whb
him alone.
"Young msn," b. said, "yon hav. take.
deep Interest In me ftnd mine since I
first came to know you, and I thank you
for It ftll. I have notning 10 giv m re
..... .nnl n,T nravers. snd thos you
have every day; you and that doctor. I
-ft A tf.J.la
pray for you two just as 1 00 ior
Somehow you tnre. come in rai""';
You're uncommon good to Maddy. 'Tain't
answer :
I mm n)i1ld Id VOU. Guv I but. S far
as I am concerned, you may apar your
self th trouble. It my wir neeas eau-
..(In t u n An I r tn-a.if."
rin. nii.il.it. Could it be that, af
ter all. h was deceived, and th doctor
i,l nnt ara tnr MailllvT It mlXOt D.
n ha haatonad ta chann tb conversa
tion to another topic than Maddy Clyde.
Th doctor stayed to dinner, snd as uuy
vatrhd him rloarlr. hs mads UD his
c urr come in. - .
th. time bad com. h!1COU'.d, 1l.
those promised lessons, ' " -
. .sorrow, after sb.
nvM.v uilflurilCV I " . .
araa thron.k l.k Tau e. Snu
--a. wiu --
...... .1.1 . . . n Ant
Oh, Mr. Itemington,
nn ta rrr "i . afraid I cannot stay I
ti... u 1 v,. or may. Orandpa
" - v. ww at uuup-i -
aald so and I don't want to go. though I
know It s wicked not to. uu, oer . ... .
tr... yt.A.t. 1 I.. Aivn entirely, sob-
Kin. mfk ..Afiviil.1w.lv thst Guy Decam.
watched him closet', bs maos up nis 1 ;
a, ' vf..i. M .d alarmed, and wondra wmi o. vs-"
LD1UU 1111 UtJ U1U iwi -eksr
and this confirmed him In Dla Din 01 eau- " 7""
eating ber for him. . .h Dhjrlclam ..,,on. like you who would offer and
Magnanlmoua Guy I II. felt himself I ju,n th,t M Vae -t on k,,rnlng her."
very goou, very generoua, ver UUUu- ,..,lK ,,, , .,1 kuman orobablllty
scenuing, sna very torgiving, in. eari . ,.,. ... ,nd ss a chanr.
portion of th. afternoon ; but Uter In the . . . ' Km Mr. Mrk.
day h began to view Uuy Itemington in . ... . ,.,. hlm . whi,.
th light of a martyr, said martyrdom ... . . . . wUo ,. tn.
aubiect. he seemed ss anxious ss a littl
child, even crying when th night cam
arntind. and ha was not at borne, as be
eipreaaed It. "They hav kept hlm so
long," Msddy said, "that grandpa tuongni
It his duty to rsllev them, though b
can t well anora it, and so n s comma
next week, snd grandma will neea soma-
nna tn halo. Snd I must SO. I knOW It's
consisting In th scornful toss of th head
lta wblcb Agnes bad liatsned to nis
Ian, and th open opposition of Mrs.
Was ha heald. himself, or what?" this
orthy akd. "Shs liked Maddy Clyde,
k. ,iim ktif it w a a n ' , fn. klm Ifl Am-
man n 1 m a. 1 9 kv tupnln. k.r au.klm.a.
ter. Folks would tslk awfully, snd shs
couldn't blame 'am ; besides, whst would I wrons, but I do not want to go. try a I
i Mfi aav ta nla bVa aions la a rooia I
i. ... . nroaoect to exchange
iV.n.lda fur 1 1 ha bumbl bom where
poverty bad fta abode, and It was not
I r ' r .... t IJ Vlb
Orandpa felt relieved when he had aald
.11 .1.1. n rinv On their return to th
bouse grsndpa showed Guy the bedroom
Intended for I nele josepn, sou uu, a.
k. .i.-i at tha furniture, thought with
in himeelf bow b would send down from
ii i.i. nf the unused smcies
plied awsy In th garret when h refur
nished his bouse, lie wss -
... -a in tha Mark bams, csrlng
nothing for th remsrks bis Interest might
-.rite smong th neighbors, some or
excit amons . ... ,uriou.Jjr
whom w. - --- . mttUtk
"w'e"; ZZZ to Aikensid. in ,b.
quiet autumnal sfternoon.
(To be continues, i
1 . .u
.a n.alaa lakallfal. fa. XI la.
Uralnage Is live subject with the
farmer lu tb northwest, and many
would be glad to do great deal more
of It If tbey were In a financial condi
tion to do so. While tile drslna are
considered tbe best, board drain will
give very good service for a number of
year and will enable the farmer to
raise better crops and thus provide
himself with th means for buying
tile later ou. Hoard drains, especial
ly where the ground Is so wet that
they are kept couxtuuly saturated with
water, will last for years. Farmers
llvlmr In the districts where timber Is
cheap will find that such drftlns will
nswer the punKe "ry well without
much expense. Such drains hftve been
nown to last twenty or twenty-flv
year, ftt which time they seemed to
he In Just as good state of preserva
tion as on the day they were put lu.
To mske wooden drains It usually re
quires two men, one to bold the boards
In place and the other to nail them to
gether. This metliod of making board
rains can be Improved upon by tne
use of ft standard. This consists of an
upright board three feet high, having
I' ; fq
l-oeay Stuck.
I)lp or wu-u the aiilmu.'s wltb I 1 or
2 per cent water anlutluu of a tar dis
infectant, sin h ss keri 4 wi!s!
way to ajiply the remedy la the larger
animals Is with a m-ruf puiuji, aud la
sheep aud hng by dlpplug Whatever
method Is ummI, the cut aud skin niuit
be thoroughly wet with the aolutloo.
After treating the herd, the atsMea,
sheds or lif)ing quarters should bt
sprsyed with shout a 2 per cent water
solution of th disinfectant, or whits'
wah may be used luMead. This 1 nec
essary In order to prevent reinfecting
the herd from the surroundings. If
there Is niu h litter sroiiud th yirdi
It Is advlsabl to move the herd to oth
er corrsla Tar disinfectant la 1 or
2 per cent solutions do not destroy th
eggs or nits, hen It Is neces-ary to
treat the aulmal again In ten days or
two weeks Stockmen aonietlmes ask
if the feedltiff of uliiliiir to lounr aul-
. ,
mala will not drive away or destroy
th lice. The feeding of small dote of
sulphur will do no harm, nor will It
help In getting rid of the lice, and It
cannot be considered ft remedy for tbli
claas of disorders when used la this
way. Sulphur Is effective, however,
when used externally, and th addition
of four ounces to every gnllnn of th
tar disinfectant solution ued greatly
Increase th effectiveness of th reme
dy. Field and Farm.
New York University has opened a
night college which offers regular aca
demic courses and la empowered to con
fer ordinary degrees. At first sight this
seems to belong with the night court,
the "day-and-night" bank, and other
enterprises which keep New York
awake twenty four hours a day. Yet
it is not a startling innovation, arter
11, for night schools have long been
estalillHhed In American cities, there
ar sevural Institutions which give
evening instruction In law, medicine
nd engineering, and much hnrd study
ing has always leen done by the light
of midnight oil.
very strsng. tli.tM.dd, ho. u J TrrrM.W NATURE
;."- .ww,. . . lnlg Wa to unit oi airs, ioau s rr (rom - u first pb aid not aiuji i a.a x . jx, jvn fii vv v --
course were also suspended from the marka. and aa Guv deDended much on I v... ... k.. A..,, or think bow much IX
i , i n uak wm uci u u.j i -
celling and apparently held the center- br Judgment, be decided to writ to Lucy I happiness her preaence might give ber
ritura vhlla frnm an.h pnrnar rtf tha I ta aaa if aha had th slishtest oblectiona I r. kn much shs Bllfbt
table ft rope went up to meet the green to bis teaching Maddy Clyde. Accord- che.r and ioiiim th weak Imbecile, her
When Davy Crockett wa on bis wy
iuuiv m a yv nruv m mm tuf girou " v. u r 1 suu mui uro i " -' 4f .
piece and on each coll of rope at the '"i1 n 'r th,t Tr' nlht unci. She was but human, and so, when from h TennesBe home to Texft w
tnble corner wa. a real crab-ft boiled h" U knew concerning Mad- (Ju, beg&B ,0 deTiM w.ya of preventing .h new repube, be rode over-
dy Clyde, and narrating ths circumstsnces hpr g(ingi ihe ii.tened. while th pain at chance friends from
: t. . ... under which h first bad met her, being ker heart arew less as ber faith in Ouy waa ' , . trtt.m Oue day they
In he , comer of .room was a life- .uo to repeat what h. knew would " Vo, n. would driv. down Little Rock Xc J-aZ'J,
size, nut not anae, nsnerman witn havs weight with sn English girl like wth
pipe In his mouth. Lucy, to wit, thst though poor, Maddy's could
v. The souvenirs were little silver ducks father and grandfather Clyde had been a.
i her to morrow, he said, snd se what
.,1.1 k. A...
As Guy had half expected, the doctor
... .t.rtled by hearing the high note.
of distant violin playing a rollick ng
air. Tutting .ure to their horses, the
Five new steamships are now build
Ing for a Eurnpenn coninanv that main-
tains a pasneiiKer and freight service
round the world. ' The new steaniKhlps
win ne nve Hundred feet long, and will
contain commodious staterooms for the
acconiniodntlon ()f pnsMeiigers during
the two hundred and forty days of the
trip. The route followed starts at Ant
werp, thence to Singapore, China and
Jnpnn by way of the Suex Canal. From
Japan the steanmhiim go to Honolulu,
enter I'liget Sound on the Pacific coast
of America, thence sail smith to Wan
Francisco, and onward through the
Strait of Magellan, up the eastern
const of South America to Montevideo,
and hack to Antwerp, after stopping at
some British ports. The comnnnv hn
been running ships on tills route for
two years so sueceHsrully that It feel
warranted In nutting the five new -m...
In the service. For those who have the
time, a round trip voyage would afford
n admirable way for seeing the world,
or a large part of the water ou It.
ilalntv rtrlzA sift
Tha rtlnca rnrila km. i.!..,.... .........
. - .. . . w i luicjiayri
crtrla o uaMi flultltity n ,1 .. .v. - . i.
i " ' " t luc UUir I ' - "iiiiumry, L I ' ' i t uiinuuipi ion. I u'
end of the string each held was tiny wl" "tricst myself In som wsy, rubor old fogies und-rmsnd her dlsesse, and If
I than vaiind van In tk.a .li.kt.. a I .... .: t...t .nd nnder-
uii, a. i - - . i . uk r ph. juu win 10 over to r.naiai -
Oalr a K.n.a n. .
A very dignified and self rent ,e-tl
bnker was touring throuifli th mimtn Maddy's lessons as h had srreed ta da
w hen a punctured tire compelled him to "ul . "aauJ w no1 uplclous. and ae-
walt while his chauffeur rei.alred the . vu nK n' ,rmal "lted patisnt-
tlre. lie strolled alons- th. lJ' ". ,0' f" th. Utt
roi.,1 for . short dl.m a ' -onuering was. u wou.o contain
.... .. a . . . ""C. 1 D .....
ii tou uo. n. wrote, vou ha k i.nr Atk..., wusi in'
to say so, and though I am committed, I call consumption. I don't beller. thos.
will extricate myself In som wav. r.ik old fn.i.. '..-j k.r dlaesse. and If
than wound you In th slightest degree." you will go over to Englsnd and nnder-
It would b som tlm ere sn snswer take her cure, give you Just doubl
to this letter could b received, snd until what you'll i,'t by remaining here. They
;lng such time Guy could not honorsblj hear going to Nsplaa for th winter, and,
itry Mftddy". lessons as h had agreed to do. undoubtedly, win .pond som tim. In
l'aris. It will h. lt th thing tor you
meu LIUOl cm l w ,
.everal other running
soon o..r- -----
nd be-
,k.r-! Turn back!" fthouted
the men 'who came Oirough the field.
I can't," replied tne nuuier.
But you've missed tne ioru. v
drown!" . k.,.
"I've known that ror nan .u
What are you going to do?'
k.. till ou chaps come out
. . Kr- thA rlht way.
' ' The Z w with dimculty keep
L1 ln hi. footing and seemed about to , bj
notches cut Into It .Ix inches apart, one
inch wide and severs! incnes aeep to
k..i.v h. k.r.i. flrinlf. The board, are
i.i.t in tha notches, w ben the top bosrd
can be quickly aud evenly nailed on.
Another method consists 01 two poaia
,i,..n into the rround about three feet
th fence, with notcbea Doarus
4 . at.-
ualled across from eacn post to ui
with such rig as this troughs
can be quickly nd easily made by one
mn alone. Exchange.
ya Heloa Is BHftkt Proof.
There 1ft much talk of blight-proof
muskmelon varieties, and some are an
nually sent out with that claim, but It
Is safe to ay that even reasonably
bllght-reslstant melon haft not yet ma
terialized. The quest Is not by any
means boieless as Individual plants
vary to some extent In their power to
resist Infection, so that careful selec
tion may eventually Isolate a good va
riety that can be depended on to a
greater extent than those we now have.
Experiment Station
claims to be making headway In this
direction, and keen rrlvate growers are
on the lookout for resistant Individuals.
Fe.dlna Mild Aalmala.
Ralslnr alfalfa to furnish winter feed
for wild animals Is proving a great suc
cess In the Yellowstone National Park.
One huudred tona of line hav have been
harvested In the government field near
the Gardiner arch and atacked near th
soldiers" quarters. Three years ago a
deer was seldom seeu In the vicinity of
Mammoth Hot Springs aud as an x-
periment ft few bales of alfalfa bay
were scattered near the parade ground.
The next day a dircen blacktall deer
made their appearance, the number
ateadlly Increasing and now comprises
over 100. The animals quickly lost H
fear of human helnirs anil are not even
startled by the firing of the evening
gun within 100 yards of them, but show
much more Interest In the lowering oi
the flag" from the stuff in the middle
of their feeding ground.
Teatlnar Fertiliser.
The fertilizer tests at the New York
Eiierlment Station showed no gain In
...in. nhoNiihates or chemicals where
plenty of manure was mixed with the
aaii nn aandr loams the manure
iia-Maned it nn too much, and the com-
1 fertilizer nroved most ehVlent,
but ou the clay loams the opposite re-
aara nhtalned. The experiments
aaaaia tn (nit ICStS tllS t lfttUC CM TV
less for the form or source of plant
food thnn about the texture of the soil
In w hich It grows.
...... .or a a nort uisiniice and found a At .t th. answer can
red-headed, Jumper-attlred farmer boy Msddy who brought it to
husking corn In a field by the side of been horn that day. and
the road ami
little, snld
A perfect housekeeper may not b a
rni ii.Fiiiiiiunner. ner Snellen and tied
rooms may 1 spotless and her dinners
fit for an eplmre; but If she never has
n hour for reading, or leisure to play
with her children or to talk with her
himband, she Is failure as wife nd
mother. Somewhere letween perfection
and slovcnllii.'sa there lies a golden
mean. To reach It a housewife must
learn to turn off work, and to distin
guish between the kind of work which
may be slighted ail the kind which
must be done with llternl thorough
nesa "An all-day washing makes a
balf-day Ironing:" need to be the motto
of a wise woman, who preferred clothes
free from grime and stresk to rsrefully
Buted frills and starching that w.nild
rand alone. There are bouse, where
the fetish of thoroughness demands a
dally sacrifice. Just as there are other
houses where the dragon of laziness
and disorder devours both comfort and
affection. An old colored "tn.immv "
for years the chief dependence of a
rwnitnern ramiiy, nsi a genius Tor get
ting work done. Nohody ever knew
nsctly bow or whea her miracle
were wrought; Inst the house waa clean
nd tbe mea4s w-ess toothsome, and
"Aant Car'llne" wvas always happy and
leisurely. Oar d-tr ksr mistress sent
It wss
n... cv.. . .
- ----- - . .ir dm i
name tnsi asv. ana nn k.. .
thinking to lollv hlm n had ridden bv the office aa :... k.j -
--I - - " j uiu nr
I 1. Mt ..1 k.a , .1. UL. ..
That Is pretty yellow corn vou srs bor foreign psslmark, also that It ...
nusKing. ' I uriii-aia uanawrui
And the lad replie.1. "Yes. we nUntad m"". but tn? .,l5.ht. d
.. line lesst. M-fi.lv.
jeuow corn. I, .. .
...is .. "'y mat nay to car.
ion won i nave but a half crop, will
you r
Aiui to which the hov nnA. ltr.
' ' ajivrt vi mini
Thla tart reply provoked th self lin
I.ucv and hr m,i... a-ill be glad of your
....!.. -.1 . . T n , .aa. L.UCV I ... . ,
.,..- wura mev mow '- - - - i ine his rooting a" - .
likes vou now. win vou go? Yoo can of tne men who haa
i. ii., i..u . ;..i ..k. rnad car I awep " a.i.iii. waded
IVUI you got . 0ne 0r me u -
. Ml take good car ' . . fn fiddling waded
doctor's brow darkened. H ur th,t
(luy mesnt kindlv. but It grsted on h'
u-., , , care ior a trifle, and so, one, but sa
plsclng the letter csrefully In her basket It. snd the
hs kept on to Aikenside. 4 AortoT . .
Th letter waa iWLl.,11. V , . .
k .1 i . - """-j-isd in all
. llrr nearest darlina '
nfevlmia fliiw ' k.. jl
a,. tUI. WQPQ mtQ
to Msddy Clyde, her true, womanl. n..
isirtant man and said testily, "Why ,U,? kP' Ouy. while resding It,
you're not far fro: . fool, aro your " -"' w. Of course he
And to wi,l,b the boy replied, "No, to teici " t nisds Lucy 0v hi
here Is only fem.e tu U(v. bttt,r t0 know th. h !' t bim
Judge's library. .UPh thini,. Bh, wl.hH,M,hW";
... auu lilt, SaVSnt-g It WOU.U
doctor to travel In the Old World, a feel
In ,7 at anlk...: .i.ll.wt In hla OWf
. ... ......w.,.nla was - .
s aesire to visit .'"i" -"
I ranee, and the nls,-a he hsd dreamed oi
.... . . . flna'a
a. a miy, UUt never hopell to a-, -
plsn besnn in l,. . f.sslble. and pos-
"ihly he miirht k... ..i.i,t-d but for on
thought, ami .1.,.. . .k.m.ht of Msddy
wnger fiddling u ' "
ine tiD with ft merry Jig.
'"VS.! . rou men by ..ttln : out
tbere nddling In the face of death?
Ended Crockett .of tb. resmM
stranger. e.idtee" I
-Well, colonel. .u
student of human na.u.j.
a, a I mlftMUl 1 Haw 1UIU
I found I D" - - . .
needed help. I om i -ne?
. .k....t-.l mvself hoarse, ftnd
Eatlxatlaa Milk Yield.
In reckoning the milk yield of ft cow
common mistake Is to figure on the
basis of her yield during the first two
rrofiwor Gray, of
or iui". ,
.-adlan Experimental Farm ftt
Ottawa, gives records of cows showing
that the yield at nrst is very urs--,.....
noted as a great milker start-
v . . .. . ... .
tn lead, and aid so tor sisiii.
-o months, but was finally next to the
.... h. whole herd, with only a
ii Q .aar.ald heifer behlud her In
Bllia.i a J
i.i Tha onlv wav to find out what
j iriui - - . -
. la raallV noma IS to w.-iau mo
a hi " i " - -
milk at frequent Intervals throughout
be season.
A Barrel Header.
x barrel header, such aa the store
ell, li handy Implement to own. But
If there re only ft few apples to ne
barreled. It may
not pay to buy
press. One can be
rigged very quick
ly by using a plank
or scantling with
oue end under a
stud reaching to
the shed plate and
temporarily nailed In place. The barrel
to tie headed forms the fulcrum. B
careful, says Farm Journal, not to press
th apples too hard.
Oraii E.
Tvhn s hen Is made sick eating too
freely of grass she lay. what are known
as "grass eggs." urass eggs sre poor
stuff; they hnve sn unpleasant flavor
t,a nlit wabbles around In a weak
and watery white, and Is green and dull
In color. The term is one applied ny
eandlers, who discover while testing
that there Is a pale, greenish hue to the
eggs, and that they are not at an oi
the bright, fresh color that we find In
healthy eecs.
Ot .V1S0..7 to ,,..
lyde. He would not !' h" "lo "'I"1"" " west of the Mississippi wh
7'b iy. even though Ouy "" a " "Ji ng at the Juund of
Liiey as steel. II-would stsy ; h would w0dn t come running ai
. a. . .L- .... V I 1 I aa h .. a a. I. itlft tCTWWlft.
Work. an the poor, but iht did imt Un- C . ,n "m D" w L, i- h
M.H..,llght and springtime moods .11 ".mm.'would le, her come rZl lZ "m '"'i, " Urn 'mid
to the contrary, the fact retnaln. tha ln h" not any be ter snk h k"",'l "'( ' " hi. ?0Z
marruge not a man's work. W Tl th" - th.'i Et J
of hi. d,r..t delusioi fro,,, wUloh h, ' Ph;W bad sdvlaed . win. firs, wsgea. bM .oV iCl. Jopb wss
parts begnklglngly. Moreover, it la nn ,. ' '2ZV' .n1 ,hT wr going before remit. ha. .... . ..it a littl
all k. i... . ..."
ta h.la ki ,k was there imcy ss steel. l, "..m ,tsy ; h wo.nu w0mnt come
Wrlabta of G
Tha American Standard classifies th
weights of gi-eae as follows: Toulouse
and Einbden, adult gander, 23 pounds ;
.nn.ler. 20 noutuls: adult goose.
23 pounds ; young goose, 18 pounds ; Af
rican adult ganaer, pou.ma; juui.g
gander. W pounds; ftdult goose, IS
pouudft; young goose, n poun.is; lii.i.s
and Canada, adult gander, 10 pounds;
young gander, 12 ponnJ: (,ult ,x,l,e'
Maaaa-laar Ileas
A selected lot of on. doxen nena wm - - w
man aft- as tne average inrmer r
lay aa wrf ---- ..... I ,
will care to have hatched, and if tne
bens are mated to a pure-bred cock be
ha tha sire of ftll the chicks hfttch-
fd on tbe farm, thuft securing unlform
... i aoina snd general characteristics,
Instead of having chicks of all sixes,
..... and clora and not of character-
lstlc merit The ben not In company
-... naiaa will lav lust many eggi
aa If with them, ftnd the egg poaaes
even necessary
reover. It It m
to bin. ii. ,i..
, , . - noconi-
1)1 Shtlient f lhr.ua. i. ...
' .oMigs wincb are
.... w-orK. lt K(.n,,ri,lljr mi)re (h
hla itfnUni r-P I..
i'...i....KiiiK mroiigh years
u .m, ......roi.niue cotniitlon
..... u. ii.yaician nan advised a win
er ln Napie and they wer, oini b,fo".
long. Then followed a f .
Mcred to the lov,r'a ,y,, whirh ""a
- -.-., .in. now I nris "-,.
cemlng home, and h. mnt ' li,tl
pines as a hr.sbi
ways been his
I In n.
u ami rathiT has il
'n r. a1 a a i
. . . - wniniiprpfl
' k, k ,: 8,np,,rMt p,rp bI. toward . .,.mri bout "'fhts." she begso: '
which .11 hi. IdeaHsn, yerils. Tha bo,ht thwtt lt fQ1
, meron. other snd very mo. 1 U reconciled ; to fee, ,ha, ftt les.t 5
ve enter Into men', hesrU la t ,n ('fo" "' " willing to I never think of
the least overlooked. It I, only o,,,,,, ,Mtl , ? tnVt" ,T" your you ..k of it
that to the average mn hi. ....... h.n '.. 1 n,7 r-ll you hus- know Tour rnniii
f . 1 I 1 Ka. 1 a . a-ta-Wl f IUU
" he read. Mt I. h' ".!,?. 1" '"t'' ConM' upon " W.h'1!
hrob of psin. for Luc, snoke , hhn n I? ,u,-l beseechingly Into
ua. ----
I've dr-m-d about
,,,.rri. i. . " '"'ore
e7 more tnan a ver
tMSlltlf.ll ilr..., . . ..
: "",w Jl"K"rft In
- ," i.ng flown o" ln" J .
mikni M.i.i. .... .. iha doctor
i u. a t k ' oeslde
tl ahf.a .k. I haran
. .. whst I ssy,
I m-. .. .... .k.t
nd shea I tell y
thst bill except wu-
kaiiava mm. t
u wl" ,rr
r-...IISata4 Farms.
Tn mske one Urge farm out of aever-
i amall oneft my prove a good dispo
sition for cheap farm properties In
..,.a localities. Large consolidated
farms seem to be doing well ln many
in.i.nei snd to have less trouble witn
tbe labor problem than do the ftmftller
fftrma. Amerlcftft Cultlvfttor.
Good news trsvel; not
as bad
pi will bear of It la Uiiie.
news of coursa
, . ' a. ii
VO ft HVmI thlna ..J
" a. in lu.
. . t ,. i
o rsnidu
OUt still
u win ,rr
f..t.j. -Ircumstsnces,
knew sm . ,hi0 '"'h' 1 "d 1 kanw- '. th. I did much to In-
look, s, very ,"t hal ! f" 'h 'U ..0,,, ,l "" ' would be n,,M
little Up, V, i ' ,om,l'n your one.'
wbich 'would' hi" "h rT,r.v:rd?rrkm,rva7 k did no, M"!d'
t vou will
.SaT. . "d'T. bu
ui. w.u, and mayb U
eyes flashed with n.M. ...lalmed:
"I Wilt aat k. . . ' ... .,l.att 1
... rnariiy vm" . .
y i win not ! I'd b a hired girl berore
I'd do It :
Ma UL -ISXtotr Mid Davy, "for D'er keeping qua.lt... U thoM that
if nf ti m our hora? 1 fertile.
it... arm l'prn. w
lliriw . mm iaf
.11 of Juther, ror run......
riaaltv about that squeaking lid-
dl. in tWft out-of-the-way place.
...iaati llartwless.
m harhelor was dining at thft
home of ft newly married friend
"Have a pi" r ln,, fl,r' "
bacb." ald the fair hostess, "I mftdft
It myself." .JV. . ... ,
Thank you, rejoineu utuuai...
ter seldom eat . .
' . . . m I am-
"Oh you needn t D arraiu o. h
Oldbach." aald b b""- 1 V
pptce Of It on ft tramp iph ".
wtaaaa Ha railed.
niars Yes. lie Is ulnf her
husband for divorce on the grounds of
1 1 .... ta nrovldft.
Il.iu.v r - -- .
Mra. Biggs uoein t me get euougu
to- eat? . ,. .
Mra. Dl On, 7-; dui no isiu
to provide her with the diamond 'k
I lace tb wanted.
alfalfa Meal for rwi.
Tha Varmont Exuertment Station has
tested this product when fed to dairy
cow nd fluds that It produces wlthlu
8 per cent a. much milk aud 0 per cent
as much buuer as "u. u.a..
Where alfalfa cau be grown there Is
but little use for "store feed." In th
Fastern market, however, airana mca.
Is sold for $27 per on. b11""' Pr,'
than 1 pld for bran.
Praalas Fralt Trees.
Ta trimmlns treea It should be remem-
I bered that the wound made by cutting
off limb close to tne trunit or a tree
ill oon heal over, while the wound
made by cutting off the limb two or
thaaa inches from the trunk leads to ae-
i cay and sometimes causea the ultlmat
Iowa of th tree Itself. ancy truiu
naaalaa AttlM,
tn 18S9. the Indiana Statft Expert
.nt otation set out from forty to
rt varieties of the Russia ftppleft and
ana m-hlch ha don especially well Is
the red queen. It 1ft medium in sise,
somewhat conical, greenlah yellow, with
a hrleht red cheek tn the sua. It Is ft
hanriannia nnle. but like most of tbe
Russians, too ftdd for eatlnf out of
hand, but excellent for cooking par-
pows. Thft tree 1. ft proline oearer aau
la Indiana tb seaso la up to Christmas.
iiaa ta Park Aft pies.
Two Uyera of fruit should be placed
In the bottom of barrel with stemt
down and close together possible.
These will form the racing, ror mis
nd will be th top when opened, tin
la with th earn grade, snake orien
nd when near the top put In two mor.
lyer with tenift up, letting tne iasi
Uyer tand full Incn aoove tne rnime
of the barrel. Now put on the lid and
Ia.1t nres. Into Place, shaking in.
barrel In the meantime. rarm Jour-Dai.