i AT ForllHatoBuyforPa:M IB ADDS Successor to the L. M. HOYT CO. Jesse 0. Crandall, who has been at Billings, Mont, since last March, has returned to his home in this city. "Grandma" Shannon, who has been visiting in , Portland since last Friday, returned to her hme in this city yesterday. An interesting lot of school notes are crowded out of this is sue. They will appear next week. Gov. Chamberlain's "little joke" in not announcing the three judicial days last week will prove very expensive to every county in Oregon. Miss Kirkwood will show some new and dainty Christmas arti cles this season. Visit her store w hile doing your Christmas shop ping. Have you seen Baird's top notch selection of "the swell thing" in stationery, all the way from 10 cents to $2.50. Don't miss it. Members or the W. U. J. sur prised Mrs. Mary Sabin, their re tiring president, last Wednesday evening and a most enjoyable time is reported. Refreshments were served. The Reedville school was clos ed last Friday for a two weeks vacation on account of diphthe ria. There has been one death and several children are now suf lering with the dread disease. While splitting wood last Tues- -i A lift. oay a. w aiters, wno lives near Heaverton, accidentally struck his left thumb with the ax, com pletely, severing that member from his hand. Dr. F. J. Bailey is attending the unfortunate man. If you want a fresh new hat to finish up the season, visit Miss Kirkwood's Millinery Parlors, above Hoyt's. Any hat in stock will be sold at just one-half its original price. Children's and infant's headwear is also being Bold at very low prices. At a meeting of the Eastern Star hxlge Tuesday evening the loiiowmg oiheers were elected to serve during the coming year: w. M., Mrs. K. L'randall; W. P., Dr. J. Fi. Adkins; Associate M., Mrs. Grace Bailey; secretary, Mrs. Helen Deichman; treasurer, Miss I). Barrett; conductress, Miss Rose Cave; assistant con ductress, Mrs. R. C. Vaught L. P. Horton, of Eugene, and R. H. Cox, of Omaha, Neb., were in Hillsboro last inday and Sat urday looking up a location for an ice plant After talking with some of our business men and looking at several places where a plant could be erected, they left for Portland to conclude the pur chase of up-to-date machinery. They were much pleased with this city and its future prospects and may conclude to locate here, though they have some flattering offers from other sections. They are both men of families, and if they settle here will become per manent and desirable cituens. Mark Tracy was arrested at Cornelius last Monday for selling lquor on Sunday and at his trial before Judge Fitch Tuesday was fined $25. M. H. Otis, the new city marshal, made the arrest he having discovered a man named Haberstroh." a local clairvoyant with a friend, drinking in Tracy' a Baloon. On Monday last Mrs.' J. H. Sobbs, who lives on Fourth and Oak streets, had the misfortune to step on a nail sticking up through a board. The iron pen etrated the shoe and almost through the foot causing a very painful wound. She was unable to pull the nail out and Dr. F. A. uauey was cauea. lie removed the obstruction and thinks the patient will get along all right unless blood poisoning sets in. Deputy Sheriff Kane went to Forest Grove Tuesday and re turned with D. A. Bauehman. who is wanted by the sheriff of Pendleton, who arrived in this city Tuesday afternoon and re turned with his prisoner. Baugh man is charged with larceny by bailee. It is claimed he disposed of some mortgaged property and came to this county. He says he is innocent and can prove it at his trial. Joint election of officers of the W. R. C. and G. A. R. was held last Friday afternoon. Those elected for the W. R. C. were: President Mrs. Marion Brogden; Senior Vice, Mrs. Agnes Norton; Junior Vice, Mrs. Mary Wheeler; Treasurer, Mrs. Frances Arch bold; Conductress. Mrs. N. J. Haines. For the G. A. R. : P. C. W. H. Morton; S. V., J. W. Bar ber; J. V., Mr. Hays; Quarter master, R. Crandall; Chaplain, Francis Haines; O. I)., F. Dough ty; O. G., G. T. Ledford. The Sunday school classes and a few invited friends of Blanche and Alma Rice were entertained at their home on Saturday eve ning, December 7th. Those pre sent were Lolla and Mabel Ney hart, Arthur Way, Hester Pate, Melvm Crow, Alvin Huffman, Roy Schiedel, Lena Tews, Nellie Taylor, Nellie Peers, Roy Poole, Hazel King, Pearl Huntzeger, Mary Campbell, Florence Wilcox. Bessie Simon, Mamie Campbell Irene Boeker, Blanche and Alma 1Cu' JIi,i?boro' and Kuhns of McMinnville. B. T. Flint of Beaverton ex pects to leave for San Diego ai., mis week, where the cli mate is milder. He spent )last wmtet in California and sent The Independent several interesting letters, and wenotonly wish him a pleasant trip, an enjoyable win ter, but we hope to hear from him occasionally. He says Ore gon is good enough in the Bum mer, but for a man of his years he believes that section of Cali fornia about San Diego is better uurum me wei season. He tends to return early in spring. m- the Norman Anderson, who is not altogether unknown to a certain Nifty Ties, Stylish Shirts Shoes Collars Umprellas Dress Gloves Wool Gloves Work Gloves Blue Flannel Shirts Underwear Fancy Sox Nobby Suspenders Belts x Silk Kerchs Mufflers For "Ma and m-a t L u..w au,u Vl ionic, ),. ,.! i uuu- lie eye. and is held to the circuit court in the sum of $50 cash bail, which his brother furnished. He is charged with, and practically admits shooting Alderman Schul merich's dog one night last week: tie was under the influence of h tiuor ' and it is said he haa told the authorities where the whisky was purchased, and his being but 19 years of age may make it de cidedly interesting for the man who sold him the nerve tonic. which braced him ' sufficiently to fsur lead into ar little pet' dog. he dog did not die, which is no fault of young Anderson. He was arrested this week for the crime and taken before Justice H. T. Bagley who bound him ov er to the next term of court The Robley Male Quartette at the M. L. church Wednesday night delighted a large audience. The readings by Mr. Robley were especially appreciated, as were the solos by the members of the quartette. C. F. Stalker, the cartoonist was at the church last night and O. W. Blain will be there, with an illustrated lecture and moving piccures, this eve ning. Col. John Sobieski, a na tive of Poland, who has been giv in? lectures for thirtv-ni will be here Saturday night and he deserves a large audience, as he is a fine entertainer. Every une Knows wnat tne Meneley wuartetie is. i hey are sure to nave a crowded house and no one can afford to miss hearing this entertainment Monday night which is the last night of the v inter Chautauqua. Miss Rosa May Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hill of mis city, and Harrison Knapp of Ascola, 111., were united in mar riage by Rev. Belknap, Monday at 1 o clock. It was a quiet wed ding with only members and j few intimate friends of the fam yeaeuw ine Driue wore a preuy wnue silk princess gown with veil and bouauet of cam. tions. Mr. Knapp is the son of a prosperous landholder in Okla homa ana iew Mexico, and has but recently graduated. The iwy coupie lett Tuesday morn ing for the East where they will inaKe tneir home. The best wishes of many friends for alone nayVy iUe ionow mem .enne Weatherred ;T uie rortiana schools yes- 13:? A;'s? Kuth Jones in me nun grade during the teachers absence. " Holidays at the Pharmacy. fri,i -T1.".M,.W some nva UU31I cLLJlfr" i i , . ,viai've: ii so, you tan nna just what the Hillsboro ft 7g ."Vment'of anH :u'La"L "ele Koods for tKn holiday trade, Elegant line of best in the mar. Perfumes, the h -.. ui u: niQhflO res-.. & I u otnp. brushes hair Pa to Buy for the Baby:" Shoes and Stockings Knit White Leggings Toques-all Colors Zephyr Jackets Saxony Hoods Ruben Shirts Sweaters v Booties Ladies purses antfeard cases, and the Pyrographic outfit, irom $3.50 up. . In fact we have a large line of Christmas coods. and cor dially invite you to call and look them over before closing your holiday purchases. THE HILISBORO PHARMACY. HELD VP Elmer Millar Forced to Give Up $ IB 7r-Robber Escapes. Under the shadow of city hall, within tweuty feet of the city has tile, and almost under the nose of the city fathers who were holding an adjourned session of the council, Elmer Miller, who ii employed at Payne Bros, livery, was held up and robbed of 197 in cold cash by some footpad who is described by the victim as ''a small man with a mask over his face." The hold-up occurred Wednesday night between 9 and io o'clock, in front of city hall. The night was as black as Ink, owing jto the fact that the elec tric lights were out, a habit that is becoming chronic. Miller was on his way home when the hold-up Cent stuck a gun in his iace and told him to "shell out," which he did quickly. Miller could not see the robber further than he was not large or tall. It is thought who ever committed the crime knew that Miller had the money and thefxxrk et he carried it In. One person was arrested yester day on suspicion, but he proved an alibi. J City council Meets. The city council held an ad journed meeting Wednesday, all members being present May or Dennis appointed Dr. A. B. Bailey health officer, and J. W. Sewell fire warden. The appoint ment of marshal and water and light plant employes was contm u?d. The mayor announced the following committees: Water UnH Lizht - Connell, Schulmerich, Emmott Finance Carlile, Connell, Schulmerich. atreet-Sewell, Tongue, acnui merich. Park-T Emmott Con nell. ' Sanitarv Emmott Connell, Carlile. The nroormf nrM nance requires all 8alnrma lnan at 10 D. m. An ordinance was introduced to permit the t n rpmain open un til 12 o'clock p m. Another one was introduced to limit to four saloons. j0tn were read second time and held for third reading, their passage at this meeting be ing obioct tn hv Alderman Schulmerich. N Ladies' limo Journal patterns at Mrs. I lath's. vTiaTstaiiaMc . Pr- W. D. Wood, health physi cian for Washington county re ports the fAii,.-incr births, deaths and contain, a iaasps for No- vember; Births, 27; males. 11; females. 16. Deaths. 18; 12 females and 6 males. iMhpria cases re- Ported, l; typhoij fever, 8. For'TatoBuyforMa:" From TUtardvllie. Regular CorrwipondtDl. Koy Marion formerly of tbii place and now of 1'ortland, wm teen in Tigardville Sunday. K. A. Tbouiai of reactivate wai taken to a 1'ortland tioapital lait wek on ac count ol a bml leg, which bai troubled hiin considerable for a Dumber of yenri. Frank Fiacber, one of Portland1! treetcar men viaited with bia parenU, Mr. and Mn. F. X. Fiacber, laat Sun. day. Cbas. Lleberoiann, Sr., baa been re pairing the telephone linea in bia die trict during the past two weeks, aet'ing up polea and cutting away tbe brush which had begun to embrace tbe wires at different points. v Mrs. Kuohne and family hava moved to the McMahoo farm. Harry Kuehne bad Chaa. Quigley to aaaiatbim in plow. log Saturday. J. Jepaon haa moved on the Kiermei- er farm at South BenuT. There will be a big Cbrlatmaa tree at the Orange hall on December 21. A good program is being prepared for tbe occasion and a moat cordial invitation la extended to one and all to attend. Preeenta for everybody. B aure and come, But don't forget that there will also be a Chriatroaa tree at the Evangelical church on Chriatmaa Eve. An excel lent program will be rendered aa naual. Everybody invited. A neat aurpriae was aprhng on Wm. Bremer, of Bull Mountain, laat Monday night by a large crowd of bia friends. The young people played gamea until late hour, when refreshments were serv ed. All report having bad a good time anl are looking forward to the next event of thia kind with considerable sat isfaction. It seems that our road eupa vieor la not going to be outdone by tboaw ot oth er road districts, ao be baa called a dis trict road nieuting to be held at Tigard. villa on December 21, at 1 o'clock p. m. to determine which roads or portions of roads should be improved and to vote a special tax of not more than 10 mills on the dollar on all assessable real and per sonal property in road district No. 9, to defray tbe expense of such improve ments. This is taking a big step in the right direction, and ahould be of inter est to all resident of this district, and it would not be doing more than their share for one and all of these property owners to come to the meeting and give this project a good big boost. From Beavertoau RrfQiar Corrupondant. , The last weeaa news from Beaverton were beaded from Progreea through an error somewhere, but they were Beaver ton notes Just the same so that Uncle John will not aeed to think that I am edcioaching on hia territory. Jas. Hunter, who haa been a brake man for tbe 8. P. K. Ii. for several years fall from the top of a box car a few days ago and is now laid up at this place for repaira. Fred Rafter and wife were arrested last Saturday night for being drunk and disorderly. Upon their appearance be fore Recorder Clement Monday morning tbey were given 43 hours to leave town. The Congregational Sunday school will have Christmas exercises and a tree in the church on Chriatmaa Eve. Mias Broad, a white ribbon miaaion ary, lectured last Sunday afternoon la Fancy Handkerchiefs Up to date Neckwear Umbrellas Knit Jackets Kimonas Felt Slippers Silk and Sateen Under skirts Elbow Gloves in Colors Golf Gloves Facinators and Silk Shawls Belts Fancy Ribbons Dresser Scarfs Mexican Doilies BAB QBE) Successor to the L. M. HOYT CO. the M. E. church and in the evening in the Congregational church. Large au diences listened to both lectures. Mra. Har.el Malurkey and son of Port land are visiting witli J. T. Williams of "Laurel Cottage." Freelami Einmona mx'iit Nundnv with his parents at this place. Harry and Will Duviea of lianks were In town one day lust Week. The Ladies Aid Society o( the M. K. church' lias announced a Christinas sule ot holiday novelties at the lift1! next Sat urday night. Mr. Lesia, who has purchased a tract of land iu the Kruitvulo Lands tmldivi slon just south of town, 1ms completed his bouse and will reside therein from now on. Aunt bally. Real Estate Transfers. Ellen O'Connoll to Mario O'Brien lot IK) Steels add lieu verton 1W Honey D Ott to John J Baxter e iz ,.f it a i.ik 11 V (1 1200 00 Albin Flosa and wf to fohn 1 Claaaen et al 30 acres sec 4 t Z ,1 w 1100 00 Lyman B Eair and wf io Orin V Fair f.O nerea Rt 'M t 3 n 4 W. 10 00 John D Brady to August Specht Pt of blk -N fairviewadd noro M00 00 Jane M Smith to C L Bump lot 6 blk 1 Smith add to F O . . 10 00 William Kel.lt and wf to Win Edwards pt of blk 17 Went The - Crescent - Theatre Thursday Evening, The Tennessee Jubilee Singers. They tell a wonderful story in song, and artistically illustrate in sons and melodies, in a most novel and ideal way the "Negro American Life." The individuals of this company are unquestionably the most novel nd ideal Colored ICntertainers in America today and are selected from the best material in the United States The Tvnessee Jubilee Singers have entertained in nearly every part of this country since 1871. They have traveled by stage, traiu and 011 foot to fill engagements trom ! ton to Los Angeles and from tbe Gulf to Winnipeg t Their program always includes up-to-date numbers; sacied and old time melodies and many fresh and striking selections, constantly adilinK to their extensive rcportoire, and are always able to present an entirely new program at every appearance. Prices. - 35 and 50 Cents Sons Service. Next Sunday at 11 o'clock, Elder Beery will preach at Far mington, and at the Christian church here in the evening. Mr. Webb will assist in conducting a song service, consisting of illus trated songs, recitations and ad dresses, followed by a short ser mon on the subject of "Mother, Home and Heaven." You can't afford to miss this service. If you don't want to stand, go ear ly. Ushers will meet you at the door. Commences at 7:30. 1 00 (!2.r 00 500 IO 2.W (H) M 00 c t 1 n .'1 w I'.cnj I. Indies and wf to I milliard W Kill tract in nee 4 t ! n 4 w Henry llmiiinn and wf to Leon ard V Hill tract in sec 4 t 2 n 4 w Alice ISiirleigli to J 1' Williams tit of see 1 1 n 1 w Portland Height J (i JuNIIIHII tO H (' lioWll'S lot I'.t Aslihrook farm 3 acre O.-icar liiilJMin and wf to H K Gordon 5 a in Wm Stokes d I asoo oo , James K Hitvle and wl to Jacob ( tetHlxililef '.M acres in Kdw Conxtal.le d I c t 1 n 2 w 2."00 00 T A (loft and wf to Ixi Bel e Tattle lots 2 & 21 blk 5 llydrt l'ark F U lUiley an I wf to Oln Wet- l oo tleson t ol lot 8 blk 5 Fair View add Hillsboro 400 00 First National Hank of 1 1 il 1hIm ro to Jos L Btichhol.er lots 7 S ,V 0 blk 0 Simmons add Hillsboro H50 00 Grange Meetlna. The Hillsboro Grange will hold its pnuual election of officers Sat urday, December 14th. All mem bers are requested to be present. Philip Olsen, Master. The Annual Oreaonlan. Get your orders in early for the bip: Annual Oregon ian. You will want to send several copies to friends in the East. So leave your orders early at R. Cave's hardware store. December 19, 1907. WATCH The Don ti Sweets irom now until Ihe Holidays for Holiday Suggestions - IN FANCY CANDY IIOXKS CHRISTMAS CANDIES, HOLIDAY CIGARS. riPES. ETC., ETC 1