Catarrh Op of tin" nwiHt common nf Mwn! df. es-ii-s, h nun h ui"'ruvat-l i the umliii-fi changes ol weather lit this tune of year. J'e-gin treatment at once with II'Mxl'i iar-apsnlla, which effects rad ical anil permanent ccj'r. This great medicine lias received 40.3CG Testimonials in two vears. which nrove its wonderful etlicacy in purifying and enriching the blood. lU't-i for all blood dweae. In n.ual I'luid form or rhoeolaled tablets koowu a Sarsatab. luu dwaea St. a.,.--) i Vaeleaa. One ther wu ia old ha that dwelt la th yard back of a culd atoraga war- ton. Kut aha never laid sny etft. "What would be th n!" aba ducked "Nobody would believ It." rl til taiae. "Toil sold that prii bulldog of youi. for $ I. 'IO). did you? What ia tber aboui bulldog t bat caa poibly makabin worth aa much money at that?" I "Th fact that somebody tbinka ht'i worth 11.000." Ilurara a ad Slnlee. Tber baa Ixs-n a rapid increase the last few years lu the liuuilwr aud value of the horses aud uiulea la the fulled Stutt-a. Ia V.HH) there were 13,J."K) horses and uiulee la the mi ted Stute l'ur" Iuk tbtf next five yeure there waa an lucreaace of 27.7 lr cent, ao that on Jauuitry 1, 1'ju3, the number of horses and uiulea had Increased to 1!),!HU,J0. but the Increase did not atop at tUat rate. On the firat of January, I!'!, there were no lea than :,5t4,lJO home and uiulea, allowing au lucreuae (of IS per cent dm'.ng the two year autiaeijueut to ".xio. Those who are Inclined to talk over production at the present are confront ed with flic iTtillf'utRhle fact that dur ing the aeveu ye"" oen the Increase In number amonnted to 60 per cent Mara lhaa II a da. The society of the Ulack Hind lr very eiil la (t not?" "In what reHpect?" "Its members seem to hare such ao ucalled for way of cutting their ao there wua aleo aa Increase In price per jualutuucea dead." Ilultluior Auierl-jhead amounting to over W per ceut. !"o. Tbua on January 1, 1!M), our borae ro.n, !..., 1. n,,. and uiulea were valued at $713.(lfvH,uiO, Our clothe are all alike, and tbh wlllle 00 January 1, VMo, they were monotony has led to unlimited extra valued at $:.27J,tU2,OO0. agancea. What ha not been done ti J Thla I a phenomenal record and yet. make the eternal pinafore frock lool notwithstanding- thla extraordinary In original? New elaboration are Invent crease In number ana value, horsee are d dally, each one more expensive thai In greater demand to-day than they the last, but nobody I deceived. It li have ever been before In the blatorv of atill the old pinafore, only a little mad , 'he United State. der, a little dearer, every day. Loadol Graphic. I Keeping lloara la Bonnde. Here la an enay plan of keeping bog Wall W.n.n a It baa long bee" kiwu '"' ,.r.-k an I other similar injuries in ,l. I, lM.f my lead to an(lufe. ,ln folloue.1 by the formation of .u under the bom of the boof. "' "rl; .,. ..eral diaeaae of the bor.e, or at lcat the oi of tlie hoof- In a bulletin of tlw South Pakota Ktatbui. Mr. Moore re,-ently rerted rculti ohtalne.1 In a numler of o' from applying a atrl.-t antlptlc treat- ... Inlnrlea of thla aoru 1 " .1. .1 in narlmi away the born if the boof from the part until the blood ooiee out. The foot la then thoroughly waahed In -i..,i.. .. .i..i.i..ri,i i,f mercury. In the proN.rtlon of one part to WW parta o! water, after which abaordctit cotton, aturated In a aolutlon of the aame itrength. I applied to th wound, and th whole hoof I packed In cotton. ur rounded by a bandage and well coated with tar. Thla preventa any further filth from coming In contact wiu we wound. The oiert!on must umially be done by a nuallded veterinarian. puua- quent treatment, however, can be ap plied by the average farmer, eince an that Is necessary I to pour a little of the ilutlon of bichloride of mercury upon the cotton which project from iha ,.,.. nmrt nf the bandase. The cotton will abaorb enough of tlie )lu- tlon to keep the wound moletened and hasten the healing process. If rem edy of thla aort I not adopted In the case of a foot wound In the borae, me owner runs considerable risk of erl ou Infection either of blood posloning or lockjaw. It Quiets the Cough This Is one reason by Ayer Cherry pc, i so valua ble In consumption. I' 6fPs mo weir m j teT ' u""" coughlug. jut K docs more It controls the flfnmt,on quiets the fCVcr, soothes, and heals. Sold fof60yers a rairaiar " aW Ch.n. . , ui Ufa prr,., i.VriiV-'" m'.l 1 f il prUas.--,;t,1,AB.IuiTT. Wa-a. aaaa. m - - Siitun rr. keeDinK tnm Ion Land for tke Bran Crop. Hen us may be planted late and ma ture before a probably froet Kor sev eral yean bean bave borne a good price, and If the wheat crop prove to be as short a threatened at thla writ ing the consumption of them Is likely "Physicians," remarked th though ,from ""l"g from bot P"turea to cow ful thluker. "are imni in ;,iur " Ipasturoa, and at the same time allowing "How's that?" nuerled the nartv al cattle to go from oue pasture to I to te larger than usual. The planting, whom the remark had been alined 1 1,10 otner ' A abown In the I harvesting and thrashing of beans may "If their patients get well." explain ketch. h opening In the fence may the t L, "they lose them, and If thei be as wide aa desired. Two by twelve die they also lose them." Inch plank are nail.! to the fence posts about four or six Inches from the ground, and two eitra posts are set out from the fence about a foot. The plank Is nailed to the Inside of these posts. and thla plank should be about four feet longer than the one fastened to the fence so as to go by the opening at each end about two feet. The hogs N'hereupou th party of the teconi' part dashed around the corner. Omlaaluaa of lllalnry. Herculas bad slain tb LVmsnth. boar. "I hated to do It," bo s;d, "but It wai sn sctusl neceaaity. W ar absolutely oiii or ninat. Still, bis stsrn fosfurfs .-rlaxrd will s mile as he reflated that by doing hit own siaugntcnng he had esc-spd tb pay meat of tribute to th nieit trust. I'adrr a ninrrenf Kant. ariety, " quoted ths mug with tbl Dtirsinr brow, " 'is tlis spies of life.' " "J." assented the man with the bulb ous nose! "but that Isn't tb nam of it eow. It's vaudeville." be done by machinery now, which re move a former serious objection to their culture; and If the crop area on a farm ha been made smaller than desired, by reason of the cold spring, a field of henna might be advantageously used In extending the sen son's crops. fl)d corn land la excellent for beans, Heat madaaaa. "Silent Smltb," ssli N,w Tor fcroker, "waa an'eceviitrlc man, but In many way a Vi,, ons. To rrienas and employe ha was sireedlngly kind. Ouct, Indeed, his ioiiM "vtKl ld from ruin. Mr. smith a food wany year ago employed s Fw lnn ,n conddeotlal capacity. Antner mP'oy ram to him on day ai t0,d nlm b bad better look out for ?oan wn aa be waa living beyond bis minis. .Mr. jsmltb frowned. 'Living beyond bil Blean. beT" be aald. 'Dear me tht won't do. Send blin ber to ma at one. I'll bav to raise bla aalary.' A Famaas " Elmer StrhkletL the "spit ball" pltcber. bad been listening a long wulla In New York club to tb boasting of a rival. "Well," he aald, exhausted at last, "you are pretty good, Mike; but out In Mountain View there I young fel low who can beat you. You'll bear from blm next sea sob. Ill specialty 1 tbo alow ball. This young fellow ha uch a alow ball that, when be pitches and their cultivation doe not differ" It and see that It I going to be hit, materially from that of corn, bene It be can run after It and fetch It back does not require any special Instructlo again.'" Filial Obrdlraee. "Harold," she murmured ia his ear "mamma says I mustn't encourage you t come here so often, and I have to do si ihe telis me, of course, but you don'l leed snv en-onmvenient An vou. dear?' ' t'rtoada. Nsi Look at th youthful airs sh Hira on! 81,e's IS years older than I mv it slie's a day t Kan And jou wouldn't tear under ths sing yourself, would you, drarl or skill to grow tlieni luccesafully. CATTLE BTII.C. la Doubt A boat One Point. 'Tint 1 lmve tnlked long enough, my friends." the loug-windrd orator. "He fore I (it down, however, I sm willing lo answer any nneaiions you would liks to ask m In tu.inra I I .n..f ,. . . . u. icu w runner ' iiiiroure. A brief pan,, followed. Then timid man In th audi mee roe. is a motion to adjourn In order 7" Isked.tM.irnj, Trilmne. c-annot Jump the two planks, and small lump over, ns they ore lengthwise of lions thnt go between tbera cannot the openlni;. The cattle will rendlly step over. The snme plan may be nseil for sheep, only three planks may he niM-essnry to retain them, although the writer uses only two for them also. Furmre. Jto Kara Crop for Alfalfa. Some people still think alfalfa should I own with a nurse crop. Those who have bad exierleno with It know bet ter. A recent publication of the Ari zona Experiment Station sutua up the facts as follow : Nurse crop hinder the development of tops and root of alfalfa, especially when by reason of a thick stand or rank growth shading effects are exces sive. After the removal of the nurse crop the weakened and undeveloped al- fnlfa plants are poorly fitted to with stand drought and the stand may be lost. In the average Instance the m In yield of alfalfa due to a nurse crop rirohnhly more than offsets return from tho nurse crop Itself, OWAItll E. I IT Hllvr, I Molehill; llelpa. A very Intelligent nnd ohservlnir suys: The Importance of a mulch to counteract a drought was presented to me In a rather forcible manner last Hprlng. We hud planted a few rows of early heuns and after they had come up we had a cold spell, and In order to save the beans from the 1M frost, they were covered with plnnks. i. rtcr the danger from frost had missed. b L II ; (,,.,,1. Hllvar.7 Ool.t. Ho.-. "I'l-T. hi. I . - . x, ; u .1... ..,.. r,a i.r . ii,t iM-r.t a...;?,' .. .V.7.. , TYr"0 ' ' r I,lk" w-re rill i.r rt II. I iM-nt ii lnnu:at i id L m Carbooala is NGRAVING Write Us PLATES TOR PRINTING HICKS-CH ATTCN To Hand Oregon I n 1,1 between the rows and left for about two weeks, which was n dry scn oti. At tho other end the plnnks were moved clear away. The part where the plunks were between the row ninde lonhle the growth of the others. The jrowth wns evidently due to the mois ture saved by the planks. Traa.pnrlaf Inn harsea. The freight and transportation barge on a full car of stru wherries tn southern points are often from $J(K) to $.1(10, while on a car of south ern penelies the cost of refrigeration and the high priced packages that have o be used run the cot up nhove $.100 in each ear thnt comes Into the State; Hal of this would be profit or Increased Income to the local grower. The local grower can often sell di rect to consumer; tTlere are no henvv r refrigerator charges to pay, and hew two ItPins alone often eat up over one-half to two-thirds of the gross sales if fruit brought from a distance, while he local grower saves It. J. II. Hale Connecticut, In American Cultivator. I.aas of Manor. An authority claims thnt fully one- i third of the manure voided on the 5r aii. I1ULIDAY OFf f R ! "rm" or ,n" 1 s,n,f'" it. The vi'iW'r:,v B r.irnuiiitnt i,.n nw ....... m.u s. ,n,A ' " is causen y Sr'iM;,"" I', Mm nr,1"n "f ,wo f"ri" of organisms I am, i ,o ,mh- i ik ui, ii wuicn miii res an ll'il tto'n an- ti i or .., niiiiiuliinee of oxyg n and dies when ex- ithmi-iik. , i: i"""-'i iu ii. i ne lornier thrives on the i".r"",",i "'"'"Ide t the heap and the latterln n.,r.'.,'i"; "" '"""rlor. The hitter's otn 11 m. to 1. d. CEO. H. STROSO low pkst. Fot.Uiid. Orrfoi LICE IN POULTRY Corax Spray a Safe Preventive Simple, Cheap, Harmless to fowls. ".D Mule Team" I'..rsx was a goov Hi n g to rid poi.ltry of lice. I had used so much liill.ini-.iml.l.i .i,- killer that mv I'oul ry lioiis.-s were regular fire traps I gave tn V S. C. W. leghorn lioio.e a 'mI spravmg j tint twoiuontlioagit. Sim-i-I l avei aught hi vend lien ami 1 (,,,,,,.1 seems :o iirenn up ttie more complex particles nn, prepare them for the action of the former. If the nctl.,n of the former Is too rapid a great deal of the nltrro- gen pases off Into the air In the form it ammonia or free nitrogen, and I lost 'o tn soli from whence It came. ..i.''brT-rTrJ .: MM 1 B- BASKET 1MB IBI IT PIC KINO. no lice. I mii'Vid ol lice and shall continue I . to use '"'0 Mule Ti am" llorat ssaspiav, il-"i as a w.idi. (SiS'n.Hl) Mil.-', n. R. I'.i khiam. Koswell, New Mexico Tha tp-ln-Dn, ow. Tbe Improved cow, says the American tanner, is the cow that continually m urovea in ner milking qualities. She Is not the only Improve p,,w. fr tll(, ,)rn. - eup K ami or me Im proved steT Is an Improved cow. It Is not only nix-essnry to have the tmprov- -i o .i in, run me sire sluuild alo be nipnueii. u me improvement Is mmle lint Is iiiy-esnrv. Keen nn it... i. , .... in,- rovemeiit lest there he a retrogression, Mm MADE FOR ( SERVICE and qiKimnteed absolutely WATFRPRCXDr OILED SUITS. SUCKERS AND MA1 very garmarit guaranteed Clean Liybt Durobte 5u3- SlkKa3,S jm trirrr oemri wnewsf CAnwesemv fmm sar ajaiia i ( w r i ' - r. n. u Ma. 4-r rm writing to adTartlaav alnM f f asaauaa tbl a Is pa par. Mrrlnoa In Vrrmont. The merino si p Industry In Ver- nont is again entering an era of pros ,Tlty that presng a Imkuii. Whllt "'"'a npproacning the palmy "'"it yenrs sgo, the Industry rriniiin-wiiii racn yeur for a decade ,'ni nas snown an Increase In shlp. inucy strains of merliii inkling !,ecp to Africa and Aus- raiia. Hoelt Ball fop Horara. Pne , f 1 a . .1 i um-aen, rock salt placed In boxes or trough, )n wlnt( nd scattered about the pastures on m grsss m summer Is preferable to 117 uiiiit way. name nave little f up ii man tms will be fonn.! ...u i"i-niirui inn pcnnomlcal por beers however, this pl,n doe not r , m t, to to dlsolv that they are not at.i- ret a aufflclent quantity of It to satisfy heir want, hence It Is neoeaa.r. in Uu loose salt for them. Krnll Pleklna; llnsket. This basket Is made from an ordi nary iHdewnre fruit basket. A strap goes over the shoulder of the picker and lenves both bands free for gather ing the fruit It Is had uracils shake any kind of fruit from the tree. u aiioin.i always be picked by hand nnd carefully placed In the package In which It Is sent to market. Hy this method Injury to the extent of 10 tn 25 per cent may lie avoided I laarratltad. "Women," remarked the yonng man with tha eorry look, "art delusion and ana res." "So?" queried the Innocent bystander. "Tea. Terlly," rejoined tha y, m. "Not many moons ago I rut out clear an lived od free, lunch two week In ordef to blow myaelf on an opera and a sup per for a young woman. After supper I aaked ber to marry me, and what kind of an answer do you auppaa sh banded me?" "Glva it op." rejoined tho I. b. "She aald ahe waa very aorry," con ttnued tbe y. tu.. but I waa entirely too extravagant ro make good bus- band." S rohlmaa tap Ao,,rlna theatrical aianager, said recently after bia annual London business season wss over: "Two- thirds of tbe communication in London that two or three yrs sgo was settled by correspondence or calls is now done by ceiepnone. Ihe result is a man s work is more roscentrsted aod b gets more time. 10 perhaps 100 or nor engagementa I might bave during the day, half are set tied by telephone, evfn to engaging actors and liMenmg to lyrics. I litre decided mors stage questions this vesr mis wsy tntn by correspondence or per sonal meetings. In fact, I bave engaged two star actors and mad agreements with three authors for plays without hav ing tvtr met them." To Mack fnp Hint. It wu the doting hour of tho long weary trial. The courtroom was packed to suffocation to bar th venerable Judge a charge to the Jury. There was a minute silence before be cleared bit throat and began to speak. "Gentlemen of th Jury," he said In Prt, "In arriving at a verdict In this case you must take the testimony of the witnesses fop tue defense to consid eration and g've them full weight." At the words "full weight" one of the Jurymen fainted. He waa eoal dealer. MiUiukap Sentinel. "Mildred, wht ?i,.t mn lis abed till 9 o'clock T 1 eallfj . at 7, aa you told tn to do." ! know It. m.m. f nlr wanted ths plessure of knowing thst I was going to sltep two hours longer." aelal THampfc. TM you siteKj tr. Skitnmerhorn's Ahvellsneoiit shower tbs ether aightT "Yes." "low was Itr "Complete mre.,, jt rained cat aod logs tb who! er,ni'nr . ,e-r" AVegclnbk IVcparfltionraf As similaiini ihcFooJiindnef'ula tliig the SluBuuiis and Ocmcls of Promotes Difieslion.Chccrful- ncss ann liesi .contains nciihr p Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Naiic otic. Jm (at JW- jtumSmd e Hfrm .lw - amp? (opW tunr aiMaypran ar Apcrfi-rl Rpmcdv forroanlttvi- llon, Smtr Sloiiuirh.niarrlkMa Vornw .Com ulsions .Kcvvri s h- ncss and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 'l-iaiain ii i-.i nl.' . . as a. atr: -m ' . , J 1 1 - D Em J a .7 i 7. V l tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The Kind You Have Always HoufLt, and whkh Las been la use for over SO yenr; lias borne the efirnatnre of - and lias beeu mode under Ms per- (j?ZxSv&?j?Z??7, p " upcrvbilon ttlnce Us Infiinoy. irv, OWe Allownoonetodeoelveyouinthls. All Counterfeit's, Imitations nnd""are but i:sprlniuU that trille with and rnlnp;er the health of Infants and Children Experience against Iiperluient. What Is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless nubfttltute for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Jt Is l'li-axaiit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotio ubNtance. Its atro Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'cveri.shneHS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conrtlpatlon and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Momach and Dowels, piviiig healthy aud natural ttloep Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. OGriUlflE CASTORIA always Boars the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Th Etaraal Ira. Edith la on of the chilrfrpn. n a household whpr Snbbatb olisprraiH'M art of th old srhool type of spverltjr. I shall always stay her,' sne de clared at th close of her second day at tb bea'h, "beraun they dou't put Ui bub aw.iy no Sunilny." (oanparallTp Ksppnaa, 'Tou traded your auloinuhil for a Jersey row, did you? Doe. n't the cow cost you a food desl for feed?" "Yes. but an doesn't cost mi anything for repairs." I. II ninki'S Wintering ft'ivnll snys good Hera. n in'lk'niior III living frnin hi, A Til a tv the r.,1,! innnth, n n ,r prv,e,l ror the purpnsp. He slntes thnt ts mar he su.v)Wfl!r wIlt(,r,M , provided .he ., m.r miM l.r to the bees and us,-,! fr no ,,, rur,K,se. There Is a,pv, Hn henlthy odr. thst Is a. dlsnstrous to h.-es ns anything else, emitted fr.,i -nyed fruits, vetm,,,., .,, ,, , ns nre usually stored In cellars. The bee cellar so,, , Xm rntPri(, p d sturl.e.1 any n.-re tlmn Is al.s.,lutelv nee,Br,: It slHi,,,,, mn. ' iinnio 1 " ""un lur I ne uttl nif Iters. Mild Kick. -TTiPorptlcsll, - muttered th professor, f,"1" ,h td smouot of chsms ht b" btnded bsrk t im. "all th proi,H- of ouht ta u tTt9t but m of th. in. ki.... - tio'n.L,' bti iu,t Pil hit bill for lctrl ",,us- honey Mlaannrl Skeep, A new breed nf ili,f, i. ..... . , ,i..v, .." '.V..'" 10 har The General Demand of tho Well.lnforai(jd of th world ha 'wys been fr , gimple, pleasant ni enclent ll,U4 laxauve r.medy f known value; lxatlv, which phyal 'n could saactlon f(,r family, use bausB Its cogent part. ar known to then, to be wholesome and ru y beneflolal effectf acceptable i th irlU,ni an4 ntle ,-et prompt. " tction. wpplyB ftat demand with lt "nt combitaitoB of Syrup of been develop,,! by wi,llnin nu'Cf'V, Ellx,f cf grant, tbs Call- r,".r,:v,j,,,,rm::.,r ;v - crow wer. tlu. '.. I ?rM fro thl. '"I of Fig. ... VUr4r , Rflnn. . . . J " '""WM With a (W.n ffc. . . " .. a V,r''nce Of tn en- Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslnws Sooth Ins Syrnpthab si rmed to uat lot Ibalr ciiliaraj luilug lb ietttiuif jwriud. DIpIbIopj of I.nltop. "Tes, sir," ssld Tuff old Knutt, "me an mother feller wunst run a Swlas cbees factory up in Wisconsin." t "A Swiss cheese fnct'ry,' said Katon Joitalonf. "What part o' tb work did ou do, yon old snoozer'f" "I Did tb boles in tbe ch ." Not Warth Whllp. A aster I'enon I can't tip yon. younc man, unless you ban change for a tenner. Walter (slslor him nn) Keen dime, sir; I haven't a nickel about me. A Financial Pea.lml.t Gnye Yes, he I whut you mljht term a Qnunclnl pcssiinlst. Myers 'What's a fiiiuaclal ppsvluilstT (are A man who la afraid to look pleasant for fear bis friends will want to borrow something. Gallia Bqaara. IT I'm going to brtug Jolt horn with me to dinner to-night 8 he Oh, mercy, dear, don't I It'a the cook' da out. and I'll bay to cook dinner. lie Never mind; I ow Jolt one, anyway I Xonkers Stateaman. fc&B B2-OOD THE SOURCE OF ALL DISEASE amapn f-TQ PI. Vim f, 0 permanaD itu TiaB'-a ana an I.fTTnaa Dls'aaat naniijr curm hr Hn Klin.'a lrM it. Kaitf ttt tlKk tSlrlal tt.ktl. traauaa. Lit. H. U. HUM, Lat. Ul .ick OU. flUa.rfa, An effort Is beinir made to encourare the diamond cutting Industry at Cape Town. The work has been heretofore done almost exclusively st Amsterdsra. but at present a rrent deal of this werk being done in the United States. fader th Clara. "Don't be serious, Jack. Let'a chnnr th subject. What is thst br.ght star?" "That' Sirius, too, dear." Chicaaa Tribune. Stat of Ohio, City ef Toledo ) , Lui-ai County. i Frank J. i hener mate path that ha I. - ftarlner of the Arm ol J. I heney A Co., 1oln I ii"n,.uuiit7ini huh IUIP.1IU..IIII uim hiii nnn win ,ar I ia .urn f ONE lll'NPKKD KOI LARS I,,', . '5 every eae of Catarrh that cannot be cured br IU.u..lll.ll'.l.i...kC.. U FRANK J. CtTKNET. worn to before me ami nlwrrlbed In m . enve, thla aiu day of lmlT A 0. Inns. I Seal 1 A soy. riall'i Catarrh Cure ! taken tniemallv. ami seta direetly utxin Hie blcel and miiroua.ur faces ( Ihe.fili-in. ee-id forteattmontala fr-. r.J.i 11 " 1 1 CO., lo.eUo, O. Sold by all d' "e. laa Hail's Family 1'iiLi for eonat'pstloa. put l.arklaaT. "O, Julie! Julie!" eighed the despair ing youth. "Mow Bisny more times bavt I got to ask you to nurry me: "How can I tell. IJeorire.'' tlie faltered. Tou baven't aske me th.t time yet." Every part of the body ii dependent on the blood for nourishment and Gtrength. When this life etream is flowing through the system la a state ol" purity and richness we are assured of perfect and uninterrupted health because pure blood Is nature's safe-guard against disease. When, however, the body is fed on weak, impnre or polluted blood, the system is deprived of Its strength, disease perms collect, and the trouble is manifested in -arioni ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different slin aflectionj show that the blood is ia a feverish and diseased conai uon as a result of too much acid or the presence of some frritatin tumor. Sores and Ulcers an the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Llood Toison, etc., are aM deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to prow worse as Ion? as the poison remains. These impurities and poisons Cnd their way into the blood ia various ways. Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to tour and" form nric and other acids, which are taken cp hy the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming ia con.act with contagious diseases fs another cause for the poisonin of the blood ; we also breathe the germ and microbes of Malaria into our lunrs. and when these get Into the ttwxt in fuujwvut ijuaukiij ii uccoincs a earner tu uia. , it are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the drc-s ol some oia constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and Uey are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Had blood is the source ol on dis ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the j?.19 fur5, 1 KnfTf.pift nma tvsv Pnr I tmiililn nf nv character S. S. fa. is tlie oesi I remedy ever discovered. It roes down into the circulation and removes any and all poisons, supplies the Healthful properties it news, n '"i and termanently cures blood diseases ol every kind. The action of S. S. b. W so thorou-h that hereditary taints are removed nnd weak, diseased blood made Strong1 and Icalthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Xlood Toison. etc., and docs not leave the Slightest trace f the trouble for future outbreaks ."aTaaK fcl.xl is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. vS It is a Iso .nature . greatest tonic . made ysX THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO-t ATLANTA, CAm PURELY VEGETABLE BEST EVER WRITTEN PRESCRIPTION WHICH ANYONE CAN lASItY MIX AT HOME. to ::.a. .b:v ".m.H .hat , r ; iri n"iT trait of the R. ,. ,"'"" gH,u beneflclal ffecti wold 7 a,w ta. cot Z 1 Cwnila rtf Byrup Co.. and for H: b a toadtag Said lo Promptly Overcome Kidney and Bladder Afflictions Shake Simple Ingredients Well in Bottle. Mix the following by shaking well in bottle, and take in tcai-poonlul doses Iter meals and at bedtime: Fluid Kitract Iandellon, ene-hlt ounce; i;umpouna jvnrirwi, uuui-e , ompound Pjrup harsaparina, mree uncea. A promineni pnysician is me nthrritv that thee simple, barmlesa ngredieiita can be obtained at nominal cost from any aruggiei even in uie smaller towns. The miiture Is said to cleanse and rengthen the clogged and inactive Idnevs. overcoming liarkacne, luaMliier weakness and Urinary trouble of all inda, if taken before the taBe of Hrluht'B disease. Those who have tried this say it positively overcome paiu in the back, clean the tirine of sediment and regu lates nrination, especially at night, cur ing even the worst forma of bladder weakness. Every man or woman here who feela that the kidneys are not strong or act ing in a healthy manner , should mis this prescription at home and give It a tiial. as It la said to do wonders for many persons. Tbe Hcranton, Fa., Time was first to print this remarkable prescription, In October, ltftm, since wnen an ins lead Ing newspapers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other citi have rnads many announcement of it to tbslt readrt. Analatr. I Deplorable O a I loo It. Vhy, what' th matter, ehtldf Revolutionary General (In Cuba) "Hoohool I ain't bad no offer yet ' II v you called tb roll of tb army this v nesrlr B rer old an' I'm mornins? keered I'm foin to be S ol maid I Boohool" Bnperlov Allaial. Girl with the (iibson Olrl XeHl Th a.'rs thst odious .Mrs. Nookum fives her self! llsv you noticed the shaurd fuss she mnkes over tint sor"-evetl poodle dug? Girl with ths Julis Marlowe Dimple- Tea, hut thst isn't the worst of IL Kb pells kit nsma "I'hydeau. Subordinate No, (enersl ; It Isn't neo esssry. Ut's on tb sick litt.-aCbicaje Tribune. rretly Hot. "Under tlie equator, gentlemen," r marked an extensive traveler, "It 1b m bot that tbe natives have to put Deal In Ice chests to prevent their laylnj hard boiled eres." I,onlon Mall. RHEUMATISM Is most painful. what stood I IS' JACOBS OIL S mtmmBmmnmrwmmmtmmtsxjrwmjwmmwmmmmmvm Give Instant relief. Removes th twinges. USE IT, THEN YOU'LL KNOW ZOO. ALL UKUUUIS 1 OOO. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES Jo'iTui av'nSHOES FOR (VIST MtMBIII OFas. THS fSMiLV. T ALL IC. 325,000 Reward Tomn W.L. THE RK ASON W. I.. UonglM ahoM ar worn by mow worta In all wvU oflifa Uim any otrMr mk it bat-sitf of tbir CTfwIleol itvit, uv-tiiMfi(, and tHBri'r vouing qtiaVttti. 1 b krtioo of tbaloatrMrt ami othar materials for far h part nf tba hem and awrv detail of tha making i looked after by the mo)t enmplemoryantratioQ of upehntDtienta .foremen and akiltadi hoe maker, wno raoeiva tha higher wage paid I alb het adiifftrv, and wboss workmanship eannot I toallad. If I could tak youi nto mylarmfaitorteat Hroekton . Maea., and "how you hnw oarefullf W. L. I'ouglae hne ar mada, yon nv wear miger and are of gpa'er ultie than anv other maka, would the understand h th i Af. holdthalrhat( At batur. Watllwte, Ait rourrfaalartot W.L. Uouslaa shoae. Il ka eaannt nipplv von. taai 4lsm tataavar. Siwat taal rry iktn b mad. CsCnlos (eta, W. L, Iswgis, -i..-" '4 I