Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 06, 1907, Image 8

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    lllllsboro Independent.
D. f . EATH. Editor ani Proirietor.
or nwrnnnt Cftecfced Oaty
Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of
D..i.tmi hn represented tbe
v,.. ..... ;trt of that city at
the business men's convention
believes that the existing- holidsy
will have to be continued until
January I in order to protect tbe
banks. Judge Zwcu,
contends that public officials are
taking the holidays too serious.y,
thus hampering the business ol the
MtU. He believes
that practically all business except
the holdin of open court may be
"It now seems probable that tbe
existing bank holidays, so-called,
will continue until the new year,'
said Judge Lowell.
"There is a wrong unpick
amone tbe people as to tbe effect
of holidays upon business proced-
and upon the courts. m
2.39S.840 chicfinconvenience which will re
sult from the holiday experiment
from an extreme ana uu-
The substantial condition of the
Pacific Northwest b illustrated in
a most convincing way by the
wheat and flour shipments of Co
lumbia river and Fuget sound
ports. For the ten months begin
ning January 1 and ending October
31 there were exported from Port
land and Puget sound ports (ln
eluding Seattle, Tacoma and other
points) a total of 8,893,480 bushels
of wheat and a total of 3,561, 726
barrels of flour. Tbe exact fig
ures are:
Portland 5,380,050 bu. wheat;
ii 168,886 bbls. flour. Seattle, Ta-
cacoraa ana otner oounu pun.
3.53.43 DU- whcat;
bbls. flour.
Tbe heavy movement of gram rf .
for the tremenduous crop of the Lflivd for construction of tbe
present year has been temporarily day statute by public officials. The
delayed bv tbe financial situation, fact a .,. tneie is no legal reason
but is now on, and the months of L, my opinion, why tbe offices of
November and December win tbe gheriffs, recorders ana county
make tbe record shipments of all cierv throughout tbe state sbou
history. There are twenty-three ot transact in all respects their
vessels in Portland harbor at this Lrdinarv business in tbe usual way
time, including steamers and sail- "All business can be transacted
ing craft, and (heir principal cargo and au papers filed in holidays as
win crrain and flour. Tbe equip 1 1- M nhr Havs. except as in
rnent in Pueent sound ports issim- kjbited by statute.
ilar to that here. A few months ..The oay ,tatutory prohibition
must of necessity make tbe nnn- u up0n the courts, the law declar
cial situation in this part of the lag that 'courts shall not sit and
United States better than it has judical business shall not be trans-
ever been before, and in tne race 01 acte(1 upon holidays. The work
figures such as these it is impossi- Lf subordInate officials, the filing
ble for anyone to present a sub-1 an(j recording of papers, and the
santial reason for the continuance J -j- thereof when necessary, is
of tbe present inconvenience as to I jn 0 judicial business, and
actual cash. lCan proceed at all times in holidays
Tbe output of lumber irom tne as in ordinary days,
sawmills and shingle mills, as well .t ,11 county clerks and
as the products of box and furni-1 recorders and sherifls would realize
ture factories, and all industries this, and pertorm the duties of their
using native woods nas Deen ogcej there would not be great
greater during tbe present year inconvenience,
than ever before, and the cash for Xhe actual court business, of
this is constantly coming in. course, cannot be tried, and orders,
The live stock industry has had judgments and decrees cannot be
a good year; the wool clip has entered AU other business among
been enormous, while fruit in 1907 the ,nd ln ls iegai
has added to tbe wealth of Oregon in my opinion,
and Washington at least 30 per .The criterion s whether the
cent more than during prosperous acts done e ;udiciai in their char-
r f 1
1900. no ugures are avauainc uu 1 .1
from ngartfvwe
b,uUi CwrmpoaAtal.
Thanksgiving ;wa. curved bere
Kv the usual Dig u"""' : .
o7tu7kl? wd other Thanksgiving
Ol luia7 " .... ., . tint per-
A.nneie. Wbiie we
are not
'. . -.u -,vhodv eave
tain as to wbu. y -w -f - - - f
.hanks or not. we at least feel aie
I 1 kail
that everyw" -
to y tnai vwj
big dinner.
Mike FbcJ'..tonB51'iSii
..1,1 wno is uu
F!". ' " roiieee at Port
Thanksgiving day w,th
his parents in wis
Pet Juchiemich visited witn
ncKkntally taking in the serenade
at Myers' last Saturday night
B G. Leedy, of South Bend,
. AiiiMiwr lait week.
was running ow ""i-r
Those wishing grain chopped
Leedy at once,
tir r rr,i sold out his lense
on the Juchiemich ranch to a Mr,
w ' i.t r,tnerlv of Crook county,
hu' .Vai;: Mr. Merritt will winter
at this place.
t w TiVard. who was crit
i.iiv Hi. has now so far recovered
as to be able to warn uuk,
T-t rountv Surveyor A. A
Morrill is cutting up a 76-acre tract
into a acre loU near me new
Tbe Portland Salem Electric Rail
tmllv tles are already
tnincr out alone the line. It
expected that they will be put up
during the weex.
fttt fvr and wife were sere
vnw .. .
naded by a host at tneir juiu
n-, .n.l I? nil Mountain friends at
their home in South hena usi oai
,.rA nicriit The music was char
acterized by the firing of guns and
the rine n? of a multitude Ol cow
h!! and other noise making con-
includinz the grindstone
orchestra, contributed to tne noise
Refreshments were served, .nvery
hemselves until a
u,, 1 , , . .
ate hour, when tne crowa, wwumg
the happy couple many years 01
health, happiness and prosperity,
departed for their homes In high
spirits, all leeiing weii rcpaiu
their part in in the serenade.
the dairy products of Washington,
but Oregon has jumped from noth
ing ten years ago to 5,000,000
five years ago, and $17,000,000
during 1907. The progress in irri
gation has never been so marked
as during the ten months just
passed, both in government and
private projects.
More homebuilders have come to
the Pacific Northwest than ever
before, one system of railroads re
porting for Oregon points alone 230
colonists for every day between
September 1 and October 31. Many
ol these new settlers have come
to tbe state with from $2,000 to
$30,000 and have invested it the
result will be a great increase in
the productiveness of both states.
Building operations throughout
Oregon and Washington have been
without precedent, and, while there
are numerous skyscrapers, office
buildings and apartment houses,
the building of homes has led.
wore niouey uas been placed in
industrial plants and transportation
facilities than through any other
avenue. Wholesale and retail
trade has been unparalleled, sur
passing even tbe sales of 1906
and this during the weeks when
our banks, like those all over the
United States, are paying iu clear
ing house certificates.
The products of the farm and
orchard are bringing the highest
possible price, and that conditions
will be normal and that substantial
prosperity will reign here within
the next ninety days is absolutely
assured, if people can only get into
the habit of looking through opti
mistic glasses, and there is not
single sound reason wny anyone
should be pessimistic. How they
can be otner tuan conndent it is
impossible to conceive.
You know as well as anyone
when you need something to regu
late your system. If your bowels
are sluczish. your food distresses
you, your kidneys pain, take Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It
always relieves. Delta Drug Store.
This is the season of decay and
weakened -italitv: eood health is
hard to retain. If you'd retain
yours, fortify vour system with
Borkv Mountain Tea. the surest
.v ice. tea or tablets. Delta
Drug Store.
"Go to Webb & Hoover 'a Feed
Store for poultry and stock food,
hay, flour and seeds.
From Progress,
RecuUr Correspondent.
Livermore's sawmill has recured
another tie contract, in spite of the
financial stringency and are again
running full time.
Will Tucker, Jr., U building a
house on tne una wnicn ne pur
chased last summer from his lather.
O. W. Tefft Is the contractor in
".1 uk. m three of
, There .,,, t "f
of the iwli Imperial.
Metschan goTbis new .a con,
v . , man. ine
V 0 u-aveu' - that the
drummer told the man that ine
money is mBg at Pre""7;7nV
Many seem to think
that eventually the g.verX
will recall the issue win to the
fact that ' (Sd We Trust" has
been omitted from the latest pro
ducts of ..ints. FP16 a11
over the country are discussing
the omission Neither uo
like the design aa well as tnai
h nU. hirh has been
in use many years. -Portland
For s"
A good, well-matched driving
team, new high-graJebu.arn.
harness. Inquire of F. M. Hei
del, Hillsboro. Or.
Flower pots and fruit trees, roses
god shrubbery for sale at the Hills
boro riant and Flower Garden.
Schilling's best is a business-like
name; you know
what it means; and it
means what you want.
. -. ... uHU,
wanted .aWSrs &v;;r
raoewsli toa Inerawt lubMrlpllon Uil ot pro.
Inanl month I. .uvlot, on
eommluloo bun. iipertnoe aennm., .
not iKnurr. oood opportunliy lor ngni V"
on. Addrcn Publlbr, o w, oii.u
For a Good Square Meal
A Real WooderUiML. tcnarge.
South Dakota, with its rich silver The dance given by the Beaver-
mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges ton "500" club Thanksgiving eve.
and strange natural formations, is a was a very enjoyable affair. About
veritable wonderland. At Mound 35 UP' aucuueu.
City, in the home of Mrs. E. D. Mrs. Ethel Helms, eldest daugh-
ru a umwirf.,i ras of brallno- ter of A. M. Kennedy, rural carrier
has lately occurred. Her son . Ml'
, . lamuy nome in cast oa.wwu,
seemeanear ueam wun mug uu Nove-mber ,8( and was buried Sun
throat trouble. "Exhausting jay -t patton cemetery near Ral
coughing spells occurred every five eigh station, a large concourse of
minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when people attended the services.
I began giving Dr. kings New Perry Smith, son of Perry Smith,
Discovery, the great medicine, I the carpenter, chopped his hand
that saved his life and comoletelv quite severely while chopping wooa.
cured him." Guaranteed lor Aft "pair work by the
local surgeon me Doy is gciung
-co TO
ills Citf Restaurant
-8boiOrten 8eTn Djrtln tbe Wek"
None better in HilUboro. Everything
neat, clean and up to date.
l. c. Mccracken, rrop.
ral hi
coughs and colds, throat and
troubles, by all druggists.
and$t.oo, Trial bottle free.
along all right.
Last Saturday night a hop buyer
stayine at the hotel was robbed
ouyer tor tne 01a nome 01 alter going to bed. A young man
Huckleberry Finn" of Mark by the name of Baker was arrested
Twain's "Tom Sawyer" fame has lor tUe na " evidence
, . .. , w , , was tuusiucicu suuilicui uc nasi
.c .u nunuw, aw., .n c bound over tQ the and
person 01 a straneer. wno wants
to take the dilanidated ram.harVle Rev. Blanchet. a converted Cath
' ' . : . 1 1 . . u - r
structure awav and convert it Into w : "l "LUfu "l c a
museum, ine price nas been I ,a c
. . . 1
namea, ana tne sale is expected to
Fresh Meats and Groceries.
Opposite the Shute Bank
Your Trade Solicited.
be closed at any time.
When winds shriek high in fiend
ish glee,
And enters winter with his key
Protect yourself, from disease
Take Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea.
Delta Drug Store.
Salt is a very useful though hum
ble friend ol the housekeeper if
I 1
she would but realize the fact.
Damp salt will rub off the discolor
ations left in cups by the sediment
of tea and coffee. Salt will set the
dyes of black and colored articles,
if a little be added to the water iu
which these are washed. Salt,
mixea wun lemon luice. removes
Six knights of the green cloth
were captured by the very efficient
sleuth of West Butte precinct. L.
M. Hesse, in a raid last Saturday
mgnt near hcbools. Upon appear
ance before Tudee Kindt last Tues-
be dav thev entered a nlea of cuiUv
- 'j ,
ana tne total tines and costs amount
ed to $115.
Mrs. Kags and daughter Etta, of
Portland, spent Thanksgiving day
wun ii. j. Vincent and tamily.
W. H. Boyd and wife were among
those who witnessed the football
game at Portland on Thanksgiving.
Chas. Johnson has had the mis
fortune to lose a horse, it having
strayed away. At last report noth
ing had been heard from it.
Ed. Allen, who was station agent
ai mis piace arxmt two years ago,
I , , . ' ..
.1.. !,. . ... wm ucic icw uavs Btfo actinff a
7 c . Pa,nt ,rom relief while Agent Mcllvaine was
l uauus. oau anu water, applied til.
to basket and straw work, and - .
rubbed in with a soft nail brush 5. f,r?" . "avlM iding
- . n- , , iioimca Dusiness college in Port-
a most effective cleansinz aenL land thi. "
Brass ornaments may be kept!
briglit by rubbing them occasion
ally with salt and vinegar. Salt
thrown upon the grate wilt soon
put out a fire in the chimney.
bait, when added in
25,000 New Words
Nw Gattter of World
' " i mi-. 1 -
NawBloraph!cal Dictionary
Needed in ETeryH?
r'w titlo8 w..h "Z
rabli.h.,. W,i.iflld. M..a-
Notice to Fruit Crowera.
The fruit inspector of this county
has found that almost alt trees are
irted with fruit pests, anu iu
law requires the owners, or persons
thereof, to de-
U - ,
stroy or eradicate such orchards or
pesU. You are, tbe-eiore,
that unlesa auch orchards or pests
are destroyed or eradicated uc.u,.
tbe first day of March. 1908. I will
proceed, under the law, to either
cut down or destroy such orchards,
or have the trees sprayed at the
owner's expense.
W. K. jiaki.
County Fruit Inspector.
r:i.. nny,a hna a snlendid line
of ranges and a full line of heat-
ine stoves wnicn ne inviw
to call and inspect before mak
ing your fall purchase.
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Winterton,
N. Y., bad a very remarkable ex
perience; he says: "Doctors got
badly mixed up over me; one said
heart disease: two called it kidney
trouble; the fourth, blood poison,
and the fifth, stomach and liver
trouble; but none of them helped
me. so my wife advised trying
Electric Bitters, which are restor-
Inz me to perfect health. One bot
tle did me more good than all the
five doctors prescribed." Guaran
teed to cure blood poison, weak
ness and all stomach, liver and
kidney complaints by all druggists
Wantpd A bov of 14 to 16
to learn the printer's trade. To
the lad wno is not airam 01 worK
nnd wishes to lparn a cood trade
an opportunity is offered at this
01 nee.
Here's Cood Advice.
O. S. Woolever, one of the best
known merchants of Le Raysville,
N. Y says: "If you are ever
troubled with piles, apply Buck
len's Arnica Salve. It cured me
of them for good 20 years ago."
Cures every sore, wound, bruise,
burn or abrasion, 25c at all drug
It is intended for those who
appreciate quality, for those gen
tlemen who enjoy a thoroughly
matured, rich Uld rveniucKy li
quor I. W. Harper whiskey sold
by . E. uorneuus. u
A Dangerous Deadlock.
That sometimes terminates fa
tally, is the stoppage of liver and
bowel functions. To quickly end
this condition without disagreeable
sensations, Dr. King's New Life
Pills should always be your rem
edy. Guaranteed absolute satis
faction in every case or money
back, at all drug stores. 25c.
Portland and Return, BSC.
til further notice
tiVlrpffl from Hillsboro
to Portland and return, will be
sold at 85 cents, good on any bat
rl rpf-iiminir on
any Saturday, Sunday or Monday
train. yyiu. iuhuuimh, j
G. P. A.
T?o.ene is showing an example
of enterprise that many other Oie
gon towns will do well to emulate.
They have no time to talk of "pan
ic" there, but are going right ahead
with their advertising campaign,
which is t continue for one year,
ilvinr an expenditure for oue
vMr of i.ooo tr month, and the
merchants have full-page advertise
ments of holiday and other goods
in the daily papers. That is prac
tical boosting that will bnug Urge
returns on the investment. l or
every $ 1,000 thus expended. I'm-
irene and Lane county are pretty
sure to get investments of outsi'le
capital of at least ten times 1l1.it
amount. And one thousand per
cent is certainly a good return on
any investment. Roselnir; Re
When you are looking for gro
ceries, glassware and crockery.
don't fail to go to Greer's, lie
keeps the best and neatest stock
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Stiles and family
of Portland, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. K. G. Anderson Thanksgiv-
Willie Desinger is again able to
salt wnenaaaed in proportion to be around after having been con
whitewash lndtir h lot,.. c , . u -on
1 10 u"a 10 a rort and hospital for
adhere firmly to any surlace to three .v. k p,1?1 ,or
which it may be applied. atism. ' m rneum-
Aujit Sauy.
ine ciaim mat prunes cause
baldness was started by some doc
tor who was trying to make trouble
forhis landlady.
oltry Wanted.
J. Lenz will pay the market price
in cash for hen. chickens, turkevs
geese and ducks. Hillsboro
kii 1 :u.nouun
wd Ciiggj-M LUWC8
w Dr. King's
tier Discovery
F0R CHgf 8 tjSS&r
The cost of tjoocl tea is
50 very little: only a third
of a cent a cupl a ccnt-ancl-a-half
or two cents
for the family breakfast!
Your rroitr rturni rour mon.f U fan 4oa't
Uk Stlnllm I)'i r
r-' . Try the Iudeen(lent tele
ihuiie for loti distance.
I r-
fVlf1 Cofvriomt Ac
A rjv "; a.'ii.ltr g a ekfltrh ncl dMTtptln mmf
n hi. nif KnriH'i ut iM""i-ii trm writihr Ml
tin cull'. n 1 pr-'hut-lf pfi(titHhln. ((.niliiuntr.
i,,,,! r.-iiy M.i.u.imtilM. HANObOOK on imit
.1 fj.-M. niilfit H,i 1 tut tMiinnifMiiviiia.
CiixiitM litk-n thr..Utfh Mulill 4 CO, rKMlV
t.u n tt-.e, rixut ti'ifif, IU tt
Scientific American.
A (mii.1."lT ttlninit4 '. I,rirwt fir
rulnn.'M ..f miiT p. iMf 1 1 illo ).iirn&l. Ti-rnm. f A m
,..r: I ..ir n...Mli. IL BolU l ll Miiw
MUNN Co.3618'"""'- New York
Are You Gettina Keady for tfie Holidays I
Millinery Slore.,
Will be Headquarters This Year lor
Christmas Gifts.
This Splendid Slock will be ready for Sale on
Mnndav Morninfl. Dec. 2. lurt hasers by ay-
ins a small deposit down, can have Iheir Gills
laid aside for Christmas Eve.
In the Meantime come here for
Ladies' White and Colored All-
Woo I waists.
Ladies' and Children's Hals and
Infant's Caps and noods.
My Line of Ladies' Trimmed Hals is pronounced
by all the BEST in the city ana me prices
the Most Reasonable.
I Mrs.emoene Bath
In The Independent Ollice Buildins,
Second and.Washington Sis.. Hillsboro, Oregon
No Prettier Stock Can be Seen in Hillsboro
f-T-1 Akin
xt t, rcnt-l news of the
I UI l-iiv. 1 j.
1 m.w . 1 i-7 ! -io -1-111 nlVMlT
World aiso ior unui m.va. 7.
liow io obtain -ilie best result
in cultivating tlic 5oil, Stock
Raising FruitGrowintf etc.
You can secure this excellent
paper by
subscribing fop Tim TiulcpomUMit niul
paying $2.25 for tin; two for ono year.
The newest .uuucn. rv V V V ina
Opened July 1st, VJQ.
Hotel St. Phillip,
Main entrance on Bumside. II. M. IMkrcr, Proi.ieior
-Tk "trert car at the IVpot. Only concrete Fire lri.. I.,t.
. .w l:.. t.i.wk. from Union IViHt. lturimiile an1 F ill I) nt re r
In llA TUT. r I . V l"v .... I . . . J i
n.M tha door. Steam heat, elactnc liKhln, l"'t an.l col.l wm. r m ?
can p ..... tl M. ... .-.i .... Sumiul ratii hr the week un.l tJ
eery room. ivw- j -r- -
mnih Kree bat lit oo every floor. fVI
?nililro peopW r cordially invited to aite lintel St. Phillip a trial )
when in the city. Your coralort and satisfaction it aimired.
I 1
q The Secret of a
Beautiful Face 9
liet in keeping tha ikin pro
tecteduweUudeanied. Juit
mihing ii not enough that
only leavei the delicate mrfita
more expoied to the irritation
of duit and gerrrnj to merii
leti attacks of tun and
weather. After wuhing, ip.
fly Robertine and eipenenc
t delightful refreshment.
You wilfadmirt tha line-lei
oftneii it Imparti to lace,
reck and arma. It not only
timulatei a radiant glow, but
protect the ikln from becom
ing coane. Prevent! burn
Ine. tan and frecklea.