Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1907)
Hillsboro Independent. - TkukL I lotllrrw w I . . ... . J;i. -' " ""OHd business witnoui cremii'.. .. exteod to tU our . . . b fidence..And tar Tl W TJITH Nit- onr. PwmrlPtnr , .T'.r: .ewt . .thi ion " aSee. i. Lew. u. uaiUi uuiiui uuti iiuvi4Wii iv 4Ka jnwiir ana curwiucuw icoiu.uii uuvii w i ...... w . I f r m Aw.v There's a ground that make a good president the bank; and when money earn- of wife Cmw. susmcion training ;nr ntprnnses De-tin 10 m Roosevelt would hard to buy credit the beginning Mrs. rr-nn lessie Diuwii, win v Hillsboro, Ore. i..,ir fir chandeliers. shades, lamp-bulbs, economical lamps, 'two-ball adjusters Lv ."uL.r in th,, lectric ine: - rw.Pialtv. Next door to W II M'K " OJ". Vaught's store. Thinking it over it is something I a l...,a If I or nam limes www- . - M.r of it were no. w w Al5iine in R. S. A. and t! ifck.Mu H of hf PL'S- I -ax tf thA bank tnere , , . 0 .u ir;ii.:Kr.rn TOnvtm-l w ue manwui awm mav wouu n0 gucn DUSinesa 111 ber w id ti years ma 3 moniw. reminds a man oi uie uuijr v. feeling just that way on principles. "A scientist analyzed the body Banks deal in credits; they Duy B ,Ier busband. father, three -a coil it fl a stockman buys . tXt r anl nne sister in o urn toe I li n u.' f i r t i m it uh i it 1 1 iv im iv" aim d,4a ' iuiuljvim "-0 a .1 . . iL . J I " . . and found only three ounces of and sells cattle; they pay me u- ,osa ot a loving wc ti fnntral services were con ducted by the Rev. S. J. Linusay . Tann where sue was tstu w rest. ) duty of America as has been witnessed She was born in Litchfield, Ky.. 'eral durin, O. M t or twel g- years. MI sbe was married to Frank R. .11 a aevoiea .. nirl ..... o,.h ir.Har h re- dautrhter and a aincere mena. amvAM ' ' onra rriA i nsr PKMin i i . i rvu tfir iui cnu - i o Va.) Mail "Evidently an old ceives; first, the assurance or se- .nw'tv secona. service; umu, VM.... " fn-n thrp or four Der cent way oi interest mow 3. dollar is loaned to the customer at a price which will pay the ex- maid." says the Milton Eagle. That striD of planking on Third street, between Main and Wash. ington streets, is certainly a peach. A few more feet of mud thrown on that thoroughfare would carry us back to the days cf "r.o bottom." by This Miss Pfioetoc Jack. On Mooday, December 4th, oc curred the death ot Miss rooeue oi consump- Webb & Hoover Carry a full line of Flour'and Feed, Al PairS SPS Material, etc. All Orders Promptly Filled on Short Notice Former patrons of the store are invited to give us a call. s Hillsboro, Oregon LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS fur iuhwi nr tne DanK uuu i lacic. 01 rarniiuKiuu ! . G A Kanlr hna tl I tinn after an illness of two years margin 01 yrvuu - - ----- rtn Tl,,flV .nd and it has wmbc JUuC... meet its expenses, Cet.Your Wits lo Work, Madam, pay salaries to .ts force of clerKs. eave, besides ber father and 11 To meet this expense of conduct- mothef Mr ,nd James Jack, S''ir ing the affairs of the bank the one brother and sister and .very ". ' Jtij ? a tkn KnnL- mnot irAPn iirr rirrie 01 near icjuiivks i ... . i to mourn tneir loss, funeral was largely attended, The only place in The Illinois supreme court dealt a staggering blow to the liquor llllCll'DU Ul U1C OKl, "J . I - ... I. .- , . . .1.. A-A u in iv.iilntirn Tor mie iricuua Mimn rprpni v rtfiiucri cu i liic iiiviij ... , 1, Ll.'IUll I . .11 that the owners of property rent- money is as useless to a Danit as nn liable tn an v individual. II tne DanK .... al . 1 a aT Til . . I I . I a S1j-f for damages in cases 01 inega. omy u.c u.w. - "-;:'JKnn,,t9 frPKh from the Dan, sale of liquor by the tenants. in its vauns tne uepus.wr .u Den of gweet3- have to pay for the privilege ana Fifteen thousand people were there would be no interest ac killed by the railroads last year. crUe. The law governing bank- . .. . 13 ..L.'.l... L uive the rauroaas ana wniany ,njr institutions requires a cenain eu lor aaioon purposes are u-u.c ,w - I. u-j Almnnila and hnir buii ii . 1 1 . 1 1 a. aV 1. -v -v- nirnn a rnnnuv 1 v 1 11 J 1 n 1 lfct. uai v 1 a 01 Illegal oniy Kepi uie u t. ,7. ?,!, frnm th nnn. nroflt. Addl to ra wun O'lri wli conlileredT WeJ know Jint "' ket prlcet are, and we know ,1Ht l,ril'e, town where mil at. W are m.s tl)t we are do Dene on the lowet main 01 profit. Added to whiih our rica ia KluiitUJIy the bet in towu. Gamblers Get Nipped. The citizens' ot ScboIIa were treated to a first-class sensation last Saturday nieht. For some time complaints have been made that eambliner was carried on in the full swing and the . depopulation reserve to be kept in the bank to of this country would be a mat- meet the reauirements ofordi t.nfni,. fomi.ogN Ttntthol . u..:nao Knf nnt trt most I vicinity. Word baving come to ' v.i,b:- ' . .l. L. M. Hesse, the constable, be iuu swinx iu any unusual run on uie called t0 his assi;,tance H. L. Flint, anu peopie are growing "' lime is neeaea 10 can iniwun Koeber and James Jacquot as 1 I. . 1 T I - - - - every uay, Have we a republican party in the state of Oregon? We ask the question seriously, for the editor of this paper believes in the tenets of that party, as laid down from time to time by its actions on National questions, and as declared by the National platform for the last fifty years, and he would like to "get next" to the old party and train with it He does not want an office, but he would like to assist to the best of his ability in electing good and honest republicans to the various offices. So we say again that if there is a republi can party in this state we would to "get iiAxt." Irrison Irri gator. . You are fnterested in the mat ter of banks. We have taken satisfaction in looking into some things relative to banks and banking for the interest of our readers. Keep your money out of the stove, out of the books in the book case, out of the holes in the wall, out of innocent shoes, out of hidden drawers in the bedstead. When once you have demanded and received your money from the bank the pro blem of a safe deposit place will press upon you as it never did when it was in the bank. A man with $T00 in a hole in the ground 13 not as peaceful as a man with the same amount in even a wobbling bank. With. drawing your deposits has not nettled the question of a safe place for your money, it has in creased your anxiety, not lessen ed it. V . ., . . lour money in tne Dank is Used, in part, as the fluid ex changes of the nation; it is what makes the nation's activities go, 1 1 13 ooin tne propelling power and the oil can of the nation's enterprises. Banks deal in the depositors money and with this money, and together with their capital they rent this money to men in active, renumerative and safe business. If these men in actual business Cannot deal with the banks, or cannot buy credit of the bank they must sell their goods at a sacrifice to raise ready money or turn the key in the door. Rut the bank's liability to Rell the merchant credit all de pends upon the depositors leav ing their money in the bank, Money is a bank's stock in trade, as groceries is a grocer's stock in trade, lhe grocer cannot do business without groceries; the banker cannot do business with out having credit to sell -that is. without having the money of the people who save. No bank in Oregon can trust the most hon orable and successful business man unless the depositors will first trust the bank. This is straight, clear, true. Every thing depends upon the depositor having a sustained faith in the and to sell securities, when de- deputies, and at 10 o'clock Satur positors in any considerable num- day night raided the house of E. ber wish to withdraw their mon- Hansen, where the game was ip ey, before all the depositors can progress The officers captured Ube . , c, . , . players, five la number, and seized be paid. Confidence m the bank fh ' onev. cards and TOker chiDS then, is the real hope of the on the table. country at this present time. I Tuesday morninjj at 9 o clock the Every depositor who leaves his J defendants' Egbert Fonda, E. Han- AannB;tn th Kont nr kio . uenocic, wuiiam fietcner , . , , . . ... . and Elgin Wallin, appeared before share toward bringing things to Tnf, viLit .,i ih a normal condition; and without I guilty to gambling. The judge question the banking system, read them a severe lecture on their with its careful supervision, is one of the best guarded institu tions in the world. It is a mat ter of good sense, and a matter conduct and then imposed a fine of $30 on Fonda, $25 each on Han sen and Gerlock, $20 on Fletcher and $io on Wallin. The fines were caid at once and after the of public spirit as well as of good costs are taken out there wilt be financial interest to keep faith about $90 to enrich the school fund. with music bo in s mu 1 a, . .USJ1 room is more badW disficr,., .,:. week than ordinarily. One of its bellows straps "basted." n,t quently the boys and girls have to bank. There is not a bank in .StbAe.0,d the land that can conti ue to do I more generally iett than right ' an institution which deals in credit without which commer- c nnd manufacturing concerns and the general welfare would go down and out Propose to Have Better Roads. A public good roads meeting was held in Forest Grove last week to consider a proposition to unite the four road districts of North Forest Grove, South For est Grove, Dilley and Thatcher in levying a special road tax to be expended in building a ma cadamized road through the four J?a ' a r ii m uisincis. Mayor ijaugnnn. 01 Forest Grove, presided and the proposition was discussed by Col onel Haynes, Judge Hollis, Hon. W. K. Newell, County Judge Goodin, Senator Haines and oth ers. At the close, a motion was adopted unanimously favoring the proposition and directing the chairman of the meeting to ap point a committee to see that the matter was brought before the people in accordance to law, 1 he county has built some sma a. 1 . 0 paicnes 01 macadamized road about the Grove this year and the people like it so well that they want more of it SCHOOL NOTES. Hillsboro high school penants, foot ball postals, school girls' and boys' leather hat bands in the high school colors, at Mrs. Bath's. SUMMONS. la lb Orcuil Court of th Suta of Oirg.ui, IbaCouutjrul MathlliKton J. M. H. Kl!wl, l'Uilitiff, K. I.. lliiiMirll, J. A. buouall, Mrli A.lity, J. ('. ILihu.-rluM. kdwafl HuiiK.rfcjrJ, U. It l ui,ni-,l. ('. ,. Huuiiall, F. L. Iiulinull. A. I.. Imnncl, ... L. Huuii.ll, A. U UiiuuhM. I. J. Hunii.ll, it. Huunell, tut AuuaC. liuni-iu-nla-li. In-. fauilallla, ( MHUMl T.i (tub and tretf ot ulj Iwlt.u.luuta In lb Noit of Hit: Hlaia ufi)r.K"U Yon arc bfftiy r.(iilrd to .r ami intarr ll.u n.iu pUnii Him) aifaliial foil la the ali.ive 1. 1 1 1 i. 1 u,. or tcnira .NuvauiUir Ji1, l'i7 au.l if you tan in aiiwr, for want tbareof, tho tilaiiiiitt will ,,1 lo tbe Court fur Un ri!ri Oi-inii,,, In tiie iou,pliut lo-wll: a iu-iti'i-oi parutlou a.rnaluln tin r.oe. Iivniit. r.'-i of the partlm. .lalnliir and .Irleu ioiiu, iumt.1 ami onlurlng aalt. of the folloHliiK i. tIIh1 iraiulM, U-wll; '"" ' "i w- taction corner brtwran w U..U 1 I I .S. K. I W. ami x-vilou t T. H. K. in. hi u.e niiiaiuelle Slerlillau, WasbliiKUiu i ouoty, Mala oi iireiiou: running theiii a. '2b Jexntt K. li.itucha lo a nioiia at the H. W. cor. uernl the li. .. ti. of J. I., nivalin an, I af thence N. M. ileirreea SU diIiiuIh. K. 11 66 i.ina tliiiur N. ii uiiuulM E. 6!. nucha, lo lhe V. line of lhe S. half ol nalil I). I,. ('. flienrv wild nahl line S. o'Jilenreea 4s mlnutva W. Hi .VI chu. Iheni-e H. 1 ilt'irrra . clu. I.i the plai-e of beifln. ulini, ciiuulnlng lOOac ea, ami for the itiHrltiti lion ol the iroceeii af mIiI ale amount (he .r tie. hereto aiwrdlug to their reiertive inter enta, alter ile.luctlav the i.l.iiniir. iuu in ii. .ki aim tue coau and exieua of I III mil. , I lil-riimruoii in puhllnhe.l If order of II, in. J H. ixHMiin, I uiintjr J ii line of aaid niuiily, the dale of iimt iuhlicallon Im-Iiik Oct, lllh, l io7. liaied Oct. loth, 11HI7. '. 1. & I). f I.ATOI'KKn K. Aluirmj) fur l'lalntiir. Kirt luih. Oct. II la.t. Nuf. j. i-jyf. SutlltliunM IN 1 1 IK ( IK' III' i ul 1. 1 oh IlKKi.'lS ,iK W A.-IIIV,., :. 11. Kin .-r, I-. a mill. I 1 1 i I !. I t.lier 2E llsboro. Ore 1300 00 275 00 3100 00 2050 00 Items of Interest to Parents and Pu pus from die School Room. Miss Wilcox, of the second grade, ana Airs, raitn, of the seventh grade, spent Friday of last week in Portland shopping. ii was announced in the last is sueoi iiit Independent that the Hillsboro school had adopted the simplified spelling. If this were irue, we would only be following ttlal aia..1. -it. a 0 imAdiue oi iew york city and wners, as well as a large number normal schools through tbecoun try. It is the purpose ol the prin riml fn .1.. ., r . tuc pupus oi our . vHuiuit:u wun me too pitii in more than one way and to show how some of the erroneous spellings have crert into cr K puy Aext wck we wui oner an eipianation of simpli- Lost, strayed or stolen A 12 pound shot ued bv the athl.t.. s- exercise. disarpcared from tv,- -.1 1 . - ""wi grounds recently. A ward is offered for its return. The ie- Real Estate Transfers. Cephas F Clapp and wf to W II Green pt of blk 13 8 Park add fo..; J 0 Schulnierich and wf to Mar ion Moore tract in tec 30 1 2 n 4w Edgar Ilannon and wf to Qott leib Scherzinger ie of nw A lots 4 A 6 aec 0 t 8 n 4 w . . . 400 00 Louit Roy to A J Roy tract in John ilarria d 1 e 1 1 n 3 w... 600 00 John J Baxter and wf to A L Matteaon 67 acres in Norman Martin d 1 c 1 1 3 w..., II II Geitfer to A C Breckanbury 30 acres in Wm Geiger diet 1 1 3 w , R T Whitty et al to Sherman Murphy pt ol aec 11 and other lands 6000 00 Onalow Young et al to F A Hal stead et al lots 20, 21, 22, A 23 bpenceri homestead (23.66 a). 2000 00 G W Waterburyetal to Barbara WetKand et al 12 acres in aec 84tlnlw Abel A Leonard and wf to Frank W Metcalf w of aw J ec 14 t 2 t 3 w Marion Moore et al to John M Kemler tract in sec 30 t 2 n4w Thomaa Tucker to M N Bonham lot 2 blk 3 Tuckera and Ste- wartg add HilUboro 250 00 lliomna Tucker to J B Bartlett etwfhitSblk 3 Tuckers and Stewarts add HilUboro 250 00 A V renn and wf to Mary B Locke 11 acres gee 20 t 1 1 2 w T G Toxld to Lyman A Ware 1 acre in II Buxton d I e 1 1 n 4 w ; Kllen M Starrett et al to F M Starrett part of lot 7 Fruit- vale add horet Grove fC1 nn ...... WW J A .McLot et al to John T Bak. er et al 10 acre in sec 3 1 1 n 4 w Ha Vincent et al to Godfrey F AtropMOacrelin eec 25 t 2 w 9000 no miro Urackenlmry et al to 1) D ump 17.2a acres in Win Gei- seruic IHSw 100 00 1200 00 25 00 100 00 770 00 150 00 1 00 Wait for the Conflreo-ationnl uazaar, December 7. iTTrTTWMTj 7R) -llllf B U LLET I N Great Northern Railway The Way to Go East The Oriental Limited A Swell Train Daily CrossinL'both niountain ranges by daylight. Com partment Observation Cars, Standard and Tour ist Sleepers,' New .Modern Dining Cars and Day Coaches. V" , Another (Jood Train T$2l FAST MAIL (Daily) Also errics complete modern equipment. W. A. Write lor rates, folders, berth reservations, etc. H. DICK90N. C. r. A T. A. Great Northern Kjr, 122 M St., Portland. ROSS, A. 0. r. ., Beatlle, Vi aab. WHY r. i It Is to your advantage to keep an ac- count with .T.W.SIIUTK, BANKER, 1I1LLSDOHO, OREGON. B(C4tt$( ttronR. careful, aafe, iucceailal institution. liberal, prompt, accurate, and BtCaatlSe U ia a growinK, 'OTery parucuiar. active, progressive, up-to-dato bank In i Ult&UU Your account willl appreciated by the bank, and your in- - -urentj win aiwuya "a "'"' . BftaUlf Thl, bank ha an e.rellent flre-proof vault and a moilern -burgular-proof iafe in which to put your fundi and papera. BCC4U$C Every depositor is always a welcome visitor at the bank. BttaU- This bank studies the needs of its customers, an takes car o them whether their business ia large and properly . ii takes ear ol them wiiemor meir uubukub i iai. m BCCaUSe1' Jes a ixcltmive banking business, and consequently, no- body can .tarve you better. BeCaUlf It n Pillion to make goo.1 Investments for you, to collect " j ... ". il lt r -' v""r inking wants gen. erally. BeCaUSe "dealing with all cUHtomcrs are aWlutely, and it Is al- Because we do not belieT, ,0o can auk lor better treatment than this rive you. and , ask you to write to or call upon 1. W. Shute, a 1'resident or A. C..8liai, CashieJ. - f HKCATR will I ute, OnrnnN -SlidirlClINE aw UNION PACIFIC Three Trains to the East Daily tourtat ilaap. aa. npnaaua tnarlMalmo In. --....,. i uw ihrnn.h .......... .impin. nn rriniii dwliwaaiTurhaAiii,Kana CIIt; ra "'""' r"'r rmi iK-m. t 1-, Kn-t nany HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Chan of Can 70 SUMMONS. , IN TIIK CIKCI'IT I'oriiT OF TIIK HTATK OK OKK(i()N KUK WarilllN'iiTON COfNTY. N. H. Iliulun, I'lalutirr, vi John K. I'aviilMin, IKlL-n.lauL TuJohii K. Havldaon, tlie alMiva named (k'fi'ii. daut: in tiie Name ok the state ok okkcjon You are hereby rwulreil C appear and an-wer lhe wiuiplalut or the plaiulln" filed herein within Ix weeka from tn ile nfilio tint publication oMIila iuminona, and If you (all an lo apK'ar andaiuwar, plalutlll' will a,.ly lo the Court for Ilia relief Ueinamli-il In nil complaint. Ui-wll: Kor adecreatjiiilgliig that the plalutitria the owner In fee iluiple and In the,m of tin aoulheam iiuarler of the northeast quarter ol Hactlon an, T. 8 N. K. 3 W. of the Willamette Meridian, In WaatihigUiu County, Oregon. And that You have no claim upon or Interem In shI.I real estate. That plaiatlll"! title Ui the wme lie forever quieted and that plalutlll have lut h other and further relief aa lo the Court may uppcar equitable. The order authoriilng the aerviee or thin num. mona by publication preacrlbva that tin- name hall be publtahed for alx weeks and the daw of the Hrt publication la Oct. lllh, 1 7 . Till inn mom la aerved upon you by publlca Uon by order of the Honorable J. W. (khxIiii, County Judit of WaahltiKtou County, Ortitou, which laid order waa datetl at IlllUliciro, Oregon, Oct. 10th, lt)7. S. B. III KTON, Altoruey for riuliiliff. Flrat pub. Oct. 11 laat, Nov. 22, l'J07. Mu'ljlu Klll'llT. iH'll l, ,,., , 'lo SIk ii kiii'ler, w,i- a;M( duiil In lhe imuie 1. 1 II, c MmIi t l tu n by li..; . Il.-.l Ui ap.. i.r an I plaint 1,1. il i , Court and i-.n-a on or i-elorr il.le of II. . nrat puliliraili'ii , .'Hi 0 l hr. I;i.m, uu ll. i Uiber, lA7. b.ifTuaui Ui .iii.i.i j umde Lereni by the I oi.u : .1 i.m, ami it, .lay ..nor i,i-i,,r i fi-.iir. I.i .(,;,, r ai.d ni.-K. ol lull iiibcr, I;, a h uli 1. the 111 the .ii'K'f t ,r :ii.' pin, in .ii uli'l II y.ju fall mi i.i appear ainl Lire lli iai, i,.l, ,Uy ,,l ,llt a atit tin ri ui ti. in lor the rt-lifl , U- l in ,.i I wit: rur a (Un v ih'i-iai in a ilw .1 In ymi to the Nnrih i-al i i i Tow unlp H North ol hanue i r-i m vuu M.'rnilan, .,niKti.u i . ipii..h i0 ,. uiiiriguKe, that al, miina.Ke I. .,.,!') i jj lalute ol llliillalliilia ami lliat ,.n,i,i! rn-uve tue ii-ki ill u lo ml, l Inn,, an. I l.,r m. i. ri'iiei aa to tiie Court may imciii j,i.i au, t,,u,i. llile. IUU aiiinmoni la publil,e l by . r . .. r ,,l n,. iniuiiraoie J. it. immkIim. Juilte ol the Cuiirlot Wanliluiiloii County, on K"ii Made and entered on lhe .'lib day oliN-tnbr iuu;. JollNKON .1 him , Altorreya for I'lalntirt. rj in Couiuieirial lil.ln f (inland, iireinm. rimipu'i, (ul. 2i lai Ik,, e. i,.r lixecutrix' Notice. I M,.,p TU, 1 It lie er r limy . Notice ia hereby given thai I, the uu.ler.lgn 1, have tiaen by liif muniy e.iurl ol a-..iiiK. toil t liuiity, Hnaoli, apiKiinurd raeeiitri ul the la-t will and I .'Uiii-iii ami em.le nl Ch... f. t laik, diifaned ami have duly iiialllii'd .- ni h enei utrix All perwiua havm claim. 2n,il naiil e.lale are hereby re.iilrr. In .r. i.. i,i il.a aame Ui uie with prnier vom hen., at my re-i deiii'e in Ninth Knrii i. rove wiliiln ma iii troiu dale of ihl. nollre. I'ated at HilUboro, Oregon, lhlaO.1. IMti". I'hAMI.K K. I.AKk, Kxe utrlx of the laat Hill and le.iame.,1 of Chaa. I'. Cl.rk. Jirmuil M. HAI1.KY 111 .Ml'. A lUirney for relate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Ill the County Court of Wahliiimin l'..iii.iv ftkle oforegou. In The Mailer of lhe kjitat of i.,.. lieceaaedf l'aiiie. Notice la hereby given that the uiideralgul haa filial hla Dual amount In the above emitted aiate and that the County Court haa fixed Sat urday, ilieiirdday of Novemlier, Hj7. at the hourollu o'clock A. M. In the County Court Knom of Waahinglon County, Oregou. aa Ih time and place for the hearlua Of obilM.ll.ill. If ii y there I. lo the tld final account, and If none there be. th la said account will be approved tut tne ailinli.lHirator be dlacharged. KKANK MKI.VIN, Admliiinlrakir. l.AI'li STKAII AN, Atuiruey for Administrator. Klrsl I'ub Oi l..l' i I al Nov. "'. OK Guardian's Sale. IN THE COUNTY COL'KT OK TIIK HTA TK ORKtiON KOIl WAMUlNtiTtlN Col'NTY In the Matter of the (iuardlaiiahlp of III. Krpeatad, Judith Kriatal. (ierda Krpe lad and Marl l.anxlatler Ilex, tint, Minora. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned III aell at public auction, under authority of th County Court of Washington County, Ore aon, all the right, title and iutereat w hich the above named minora have In and lo th real property hereinafter described, and that the in. tereata ot aaid minora in auld real properly la aa follows: HJorclia Krpeatad, aa undivided one. twenty-fourth; Judith Krpeatad, an undivided Wiith; Oer.ia Kroeatad, an undivided l.'JIih: Marie Laradaller Ilexum, an un.ll vl.lo.1 I ;jih; aid real property being deacrlbed aa follows: Ail of th Hornbeam quarter of th Soulheant quarter; and LoU 1, 2, 3, and 4, all In Sec. lo, T. 2 8. R. 2 W. of W. M. in Waahlogum County, Hute of Oregon, excepting therefrom th fol lowing: Beginning at th aoulheaat corner of aid Section 10, running thence west 14. M chalna, theuce north 8H.C4 chains to Tualatin Klvr, thence down said Kiver to Una between geca. 10 and II In aald township awl range thence south SO chalna loth place of begin ning; and that aald real property will be sold to th highest bidder at public auction lor cash In Vhand, subject to th approval of said County Court, and said sale will be held ou the 2Jrd day of Novemlier, 1HU7, at the liourol 11 o'clock A. H. of aald day at the Court House door In II lls boro, Washington County, Oregon. ENDRK M. CKDKKBKKtill, Guardian of th above named Minors. Notice. NOTICK in IIKRKI1V (I1VKS Ih.t .11 I,. In- relative to the ailairs nl kai'ht.1 I. ll.u home, or I he llnwlh.iiiie K-l.t,- nuun,! .. reeled to K.ann ma Woicestur Hull. Ill, g, 1l,ird " hlreel, I'liriland, Oieiron, and that all IrHiu-aciiuia reganlliiir, the purchase ol Murk, un. pleinenti., orotner personal proierty. oiird ly liiiiu, Im-ated or iielougliig on v. Iial is known as "Ihellawthiane Kami.," situate sl,ui uM miles Ka-toi Hill-,.ro, In w asblngtim ( Ui,. ty. Mate ol l iiegon. U..V iH i iiiiici l,y u , or anyone elaitnlng under inin. inn.t lcnu' dueled at their plai e ol I'li-ln,--- l,,r, mi IlKI. I.. IUU llliiiiVK , THK HAW lllilKSK Kil lTK Hated at Portland, i ire'iim. .-ept .p; (KimI pub. Sept. Urn Nov. I.i, I'V; ) ' Tree Delivery Oftlie Ust i'i.sli, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt atul in ,-il I pans of Ilillslnro. We luve iimugerateJ a new scmauu u wt and tli is together with our te- livery .system makes UiulliWs boro's popular market. Corwin 6c Heide. Kura 1 Bros DciilcrN in US' Polytechnic DOSioeSS College r1Es Oakland, Cal. (Inc.) Capital retook, - - flOO.OdO flreat Mnlnea Training Mcliool of Ih West. Over ltxai studeiiu attending this year. Finest Hnlliilng and Kqiilpinent In the I'. . National n-putatlon for high grade work. Indorsed by Oakland Chamber of Commerce and leading eduealors throiighoul the W est. Home Intluencea. Ideal cllmau-. Terms low. Piasllltin for all graduates. CoMFl.tT Coma ra lJ IH'slrlFM Traihihu. mioRTiisnn, Tvpim BtTiaii. Hankinu, Civil., Kil'TSKSl., Minin.i and MaiitAN- ICAL F.NOIMIXHINO. CollllUCta Special School ot telegraphy (or KnrTHMis Pa itvtc Raihroaii Co., and prepares operators lor piaiilloiis, K'sl to (76 per month. Writ fer catalogue atallng course desired. Hillsboro Real Estate AND AUCTIONEER. Ollico mnilli tif Court Ilotiae, Main Money to Loan. St. A FULL LINK OF Electric Supplies and Globes Chicago Portland sinectal 9 :u) am via H'llngton Atlanllo Kx press :lt p ra via llnnt- Ineton atTTanl Fast Mall :l.ipm via nokan TIME HKIiUl.K from Portland, Or. salt lake. Ienvr. Kt. Worth, Omaha, a. an saa Cliy. i l.oul, Chi cago and Kant sail lk. Inr. Ft. Worth, omaha. Kan- aautly, Ht. Inila, Chi eago and tut Walla Walla, law Is win rtpokane. Wallace. Pull man, Minneapnna, ni. Paul, imiuth. Mllwan kew, Chlc.gnand Fasti AHKIVK FROM I tOO ail 7:15 m 1 00 pm For Inrthar In form alios ask ar wrlU Tour aaare llrket agent of . WM. McMURRAY, General Tassenger Agent, The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co,, Portland, Oregon 1. YEARP RIENCC w I V T aa a esa ftJI A mtt j? CcaioNt Anvnaa setnltng a sketch and rtewrlplloa amy eiitrkly aaeeriain onr opiinun free whether an Invention Is pslentsl'te. CormiHinlea tlons strtcllvcinnitenllal. lUlnllmnk on I'atenU ent frea. nl.liHit aireiiev for siH-urln pafents. Patents laa.n llinmati Vunn an-iiil n-U4, althout cl.sraa, Ui the Scientific Jlmerican A handsome lv I'lnstrated weektv. I sreest He. eulallon ..f mr a-lennne tonnial. 1'ernis, 1 1 a r.-nr mimi ba, f u sum iijsii npswuii-r. 5Co.31B'Md-TNewTorv OAoa. t riU Waahluaiou. It- u Li&lit Where You Want It "The Economical." TiirtiH ilnwn liko giiH. Tlio oritjiiiiil pull airing turn iltiwn. Tnll tlie string fur "l'.rikjlit or Iiiu." It is renntiiniriil. Wan awnrilt'il liinlicat ami onlv awaril lit the St. Ixmis KxtiRitit)ii. HOUSE WIRING. Next door to Vaught's Grocery, on Second Street. Tine Line of Chandeliers. J. R. Powell. Nursery Stock OKPF.1l OF Peterson & Yates, Cornolius, Oregon WALNUTS A Sl'F.C'IALTY. Imported Trees tract ilirtct from icst varieties. grown on con France. Hui-