Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 15, 1907, Image 3

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Government Prapared to 8upply Coin
, for Pension Vouchers.
Washington, Not 7. Word reached
she Treasury depait m nt today h, t
cause of reluctance to part w h the
currency they have od Land, ra lonal
Uaka throughout the' country are de
clining to cash pension vouchers, dir.
buying officers' draifui and oilier obll.
gallon ol the government Gom.
luent Treasurer Treat took measure to.
rmeve me condition of affairs and sent
telegraphic advices to all the subtrt-a.
urers to make prompt fay men t of cur
rency to all person holding such checks
or drafts of what way be due them.
These advices were as follows:
"Upon any nati nal bank forward
ing to any tubtreasury checks of United
flutes disbursing officer, including pen
sion checks, for payment thereof, if
properly indorsed when presented and
paid under guarantee by any bank, cur
rency will beshlpped In payment there
wi by express. "
Commissioner Provides for Recording
Patents When Papers Lost.
Washington, Nov. 8. The commis
sioner of the general land office has
formulated a plan whereby parties hav
ing some interest In land, patents for
which were Issued years ago but which
have never been called for by the pat
entee, may, without incurring the ex
penses of searching for lost duplicate
receipt or furnishing abstracts ol title,
have such patents sent directly to the
proper county officer for record.
It is believed that this method will
. be the means of placing many of there
ancient Instruments on record and of
straightening out title without Impos
ing extra expense upon interested par
ties other than the fees of county offi
cers. It Is said that many valuable
tracts are thus involved.
Central American Conference.
Washington, Nov. 13. Represents
tives of the five republics of Central
America, together with delegates from
Mexico and ttie United States, assem
bled at the bureau cf American repub
lics today to confer upon a plan for the
peaceful settlement of future disputes
between the Central American coun
tries. The conference is the result of
the joint initiative of Mexico end the
United States, whose desire It Is to pre
serve peace in Central America for the
benefit of commercial and other inte
rests. Creates Bird Reserve.
Washington, Nov. 7. The president
has created s bird reserve on the west
coast of Oregon st Three Arch rocks,
and three reserves on the coast of Wash
ingtnn at Flattery Rocks, Quilliyute
Needles snd Knpalis Rock. These re
serves are localities where the birds
breed In Immense numbers and the ob
ject of the president Is to prevent ex
terminal Inn of the feathered bipeds so
far'as pos-ible. The reserves embrace
the most prolific breeding places along
the coast lipes of the two sUttei.
Btrbpllfy the Entry Blinks.
Washington, Nov. 7. The general
lartd Cilice is engaged upon work of re
vising the forms of applications to
make entry under the various public
land laws and ths consolidation Into
one form of the application and the
necessary affidavits which are required
tc be executed by each entryman. The
Idea Is to secure uniformity in this ma1
ter as to style and site of the forms ai d
at the same time reduce to a minimum
the numlier of papers to be executed by
the applicant. Under ths new forms
but one signature wll be required.
Throwing Dirt at Panama.
Washington, Nov. 7. The engineers
on the Panama canal continue to In
crease the amount of excavation each
month, according to a cablegram re
ceived today at the canal office from
Chief Kngineer Goethals, on the Isth
mus. The total excavation for October
reached the unprecedented figure of 1,
888.729 cubic yards, as compared with
1,481.207 cubic yards for September.
For October last year, the total excava
tion was 638,254 cubic yards.
Evans Not in Danger.
Washington, Nov. 7. Rumors that
Admiral Kvans will 1 disciplined on
account of the speech he made before
the Lotus club In New York on Satur
day, in which hs said his battleships
were ready for "a fight or a frolic,"
are groundless. It is no secret that the
fleet will I In fighting trim when It
sails, hence the officials of the Navy
department nay that Admiral Evans be
trsyed no official secret.
Complete Jetty Soon.
Washington, Nov. 8. The depart
ment has nw assured that the jetty at
the mouth of the Columbia will be
completed in three years. It Is thought
that the additional $1,700,000 which
was stlpnlsted as the maximum In the
last appropriation bill will be sufficient
to carry the project to completion when
the government believes navigation on
the Colnmbia river will be placed In an
admirable situation.
Reject Lumber Bid.
Washington, Nov. 8. The Cascade
I umber company's bid on 60,000.000
feet of standing timber in the skima
valley has been rejected, together with
l others, by the secretary of the In
terlor. Protests by lumber men against
the cruisers' estimate of the amount
standing csneed Inquiry with the result
that the secretary determined to dis
pose of it In another manner.
Chsngss Celilo Plane.
Washington, Nov. 7.-ColoneI Roess
ler, engineer In charge, Is revising the
plan for work at the Celilo canal, be
cause it was found that the foundat ons
are of. character dlfferenl I from that
originally claims,!. The War depart
ment discovered that the plans drawn
hy the first engineers were based on In
accurate assumptions, necessitating
Senator Hsyburn Will Brlna- Matt..
Before Congress.
Washington, Not. 12 Senator Hey.
bnrn, of Mar,0( purposes to trii.g Lfoi
congress the Issue of the long and thort
haul in the form of an amendment to
tne interstate commerce law preventing
railways from chsrging more to haul
freight to a point leu distant than that
to which a letter rate Is charged. The
proposal of Senator Heyburn will In
volve exactly the issus contained in the
complaint of the Spokane chamber of
commerce, and if adopted by congress
and sustained by the Supreme court
would settle for all time the much
mooted questicn as to preferential rates
tor terminal points situated on tide
Senator Heyburn has been giving ex
position of his views lately and has an
nounced nia intention to Introduce a
bill of the character cutlined.
Since Spokane's complaint has been
filed here and the Interstate Commerce
commission has given Its extensive and
extended! liearinga to the case, other
cities, nd bly throughout the South,
have fileV similar ccmplaint, so that
Une rM wjn u hJf
icore of other rases. The same trans
portation principle la involved in them
It has been learned that, not from
inaction, but from desire to give most
careful consideration lo the case, the
commission has deferred for so long s
time its final ruling. It U generally
recognized that ths Spokane case raises
questions which go to the whole theory
of arbitrary rate adjustment which has
characterised railway management for
many years.
According to the contention of Sena
tor Heyburn, it Is nnjust to Spokane,
Boise, Salt Lake or any other interior
point to charge it the rate from New
York, for instance, to Portland, Seattle,
San Francisco or Los ALgeles. plus the
local distributive rate back to that in
terior point. He argues that the inte
rior points are made to suffer for the
sustainment of the theory of water basis
competition, which he argues is largely
tbeoreatical, anyway.
Advices are coming to Washington
that shippers at Boise, Salt Lake, Chey
enne, tiutte, Helena and other interior
towns sre preparing to back up the
measure of the Idaho senator,
Ships Currency to Banks.
Washington, Nov. 9. The financial
situation throughout the country from
the treasury standpoint, is more encour
aging today than at any time during
the past two weeks. The controller of
the currency is making large shipments
of currency to national banks and ap
plicants for increased circulation con
tinue to come in undiminished. Up to
this time between $6,000,000 and $7,
000,000 increased circulation has been
shipped to national banks and each
day's shipments show an increase over
the preceding lsv.
Q ietion Never Raised Before.
Washington, Nov. 13. Attorney
General Bonaparte said tonight that
the question of the validity of clearing
house certificates had never been sub
mitted to the depatment of Justice, and
that the action of the United States
Distict attoney in Dallas in challenging
their legality was entirely a new point.
Until the matter comes before him
formally, be must decline to express an
opinion. He added that District Attor
ney Atwell was scting upon his own
initiative, not having been authorized
from Washington to expreis any views.
Support Policy of Forester.
Washington, Nov. 7. Forefter Pin
chnt in an informal statement declared
Western sentiment was spprcxin a'ely
unanimous in support of the forest ser
vice. He said one feature which has
won favor was the $500,000 to be spent
in mails and bridges in reserves, ap
propriated by congress; als) the $100,
000 spropriated from the bureau's gen
eial fund He said thousands of set
tlers were tsking homesteads in re
serves, disproving the assertion by op
ponents of the forest service that the
policy Is to keep sett'e s out.
Appoints Oklahoma Man.
Washington. Nov. lit. Silas H.
Reid, who was to-lay appointed to suc
ceed Judge Wickershain in Alaska, hails
from F.l Reno, Indian Territory. In
view of the trouble that has followed
the appointment of Northwestern men
to Alaska judgeships, the president de
cided to take a man farther removed
from Alaska and its powerful influence,
field was indorsed by Governor Fran
and otter prominent Republicans ol the
new state of Oklahoma.
Root's Retirement Reported.
Washington, Nov. 9. Secretary
Root's retirement from the cabinet is
once more reported, this time it is on
good authority. Ill health is the rea
son assigned. The secretary is suffer
ing from both nervous and digestive
troubles. Mr. Root wants not only to
retire from public life, but to take a
long rest, free from business cares of
any sort.
Railroads Kill Five Thousand.
Washington, Nov. 9. Five thousand
persons were killed and 76,286 injured
in railroad accidents in the fiscal year
ended June 30 last, according to figures
published todsy by the Interstate com
merce commission. This Is an increase
of 775 in deaths over last year snd an
increase of 9,577 in the number in
jured. Northwest Rural Carriers.
Wsshington. Nov. 9. Rural carriers
sppointed for Washington routes: fair
field, route 1, Christian Hanson car
rier, Ole M. Blom, substitute; North
Yakima, route 6, Matt W. Rickman,
carrier, L. B. Stockman, substitute;
Spokane, roots 11, Stuart O. Dowdy,
carrier, Emma G. Dowdy, substitute.
New Wsshington Carriers.
Washington, Nov. IS. Rural car
riers appoiated for Washington routes:
Col ton, roots 1, Alfred Simpson, car
rier, John Stanley, sub; Rochester,
route t, Alien James, carrier, do sub.
Preferred Creditors Get Cream of
Resources of Portland Bank.
Portland, Nov. S. Developments
yesterday in the bank failure of the
Title Guarantee A Trust compan) were
as follows:
Miruuam building, Included as
$400,000 asset. Is not available for
meeting claims of depositors, because
held as security by Ledd A Tilton, for
1807,000 debt.
Three depositors of broken bsnk, dis
satisfied with appointment ol George
II. Hill as receiver, petition Federal
District court for invo untary bankrupt
cy, their object being to supplant ths
receiver w ito trustee at pointed by
bank's creditors. .
Validity Is doubted of assignment to
State Treasurer Steel for security for
$35,0OO state deposits, of timber land
collateral in Benton and Marion coun
ties. So much of assets of bank are assign
ed to preferred creditors that it looks
as If depositors will suffer heavy loss.
State Treasurer Steel exacted only
$100,000 security for $395,000 deposits
of publjo funds, thereby violating the
It seems likely that Treasurer Steel's
bondsmen will be called ou by the
I ttie tu maae good the loss of public
The American Surety company has
given bond for 6SD,000, and six Port
land men for $60,000 J. Tnorburn
Ron, Wallace MuCamant. Louis U
Clarke, J. 11. Peterson, M. B. Rankin
and J. W. Cook. Boss' liability is
District Attorney Manning hears
that the Lank received deposits while
insolvent, and that there were swind
ling operations, and will make Invest!
Senstor Heyburn Mskes Vigorous Ap
peal to Roosevelt.
Washington, Nov. 8. Senator Hey
burn called on the President yesterday
to protest against further deposits of
government money with New York
banks until those institutions consent
to pay reserves of Western banks in
cash instead of cashier's checks. The
piesideut requested the senator to pre
sent his views in writing, which he
did ss follows:
"On behalf of the people of Ihs
Western states, and especially tbose of
the Northwestern states, I would urge
that no further deposits) of money from
ths treasury of the United States be
made in New York banks except on
the condition that such banks shall
immediately make available in money
to the banks in such Western states the
full amount of the reserves held by
such New York banks on account of
such Western banks.
"The tying np of msny millions of
dollars of Western money representing
the reserves of the Western bsnks held
by New York banks must inevitably re
sult in empowering the New York
banks to determine the time and condi
tions of free resumption of banking
functions by the Western hanks, where
as, If the reserves of the Western banks
could be converted Into available mon
ey at once, the financial situation of
the West would be free from domina
tion on the part of the Kast.
Qll!ett to Consult Bankers-Gold ll
Circulated in San Francisco.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 8. At a confer
ence with members of the clearing
house snd leading business men today
Governor Gillett will be urged to call
an extra session ol the legislature to
take some action regarding the present
financial situation, in view of the fact
that taxes become delinquent Novem
ber 30.
Local banks are much more optlmlg
tics over the situation today, and the
fact that business does not appear to be
seriously disturbed by the use of the
clearing house scrip is giving them
much encouragement. The new paper
money Is being accepted everywhere
without question and business is going
ahead as usual.
From the subtreasury here $945,000
went out in gold yesterday. Interior
cities got some of this coin, and the
balance went into the banks here.
More will be paid cut today.
Japanese Feelirge Hurt.
Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 8. The riot
damage commission today ended in
speechmaking. For an hour Howard
Duncan, counsel for the Japanese gov
ernment, declared that the mere dam
age to property was not f'r a moment
to be compared to the grave injury to
the finer feelintrs of the Jnspanese.
Commissioner King replied with the
statement that anything he could award
in the way of monetary damages conld
not possibly be of such balm ss the
cabled explanation already sent by Sir
Wilfrid Uurier to Tokio.
Army Moving on Utes.
Omaha, Nov. 8. Colonel Frank
West and eight troops of the Second
United States cavalry from Fort Des
Moines were today ferried across the
Missouri river st Forest city, opposite
the Cheyenne agency in South Dakota,
after reaching (iettsyburg last night
and marching 18 miles scroes the coun
try. The command will cdntinue the
march tomorrow for Thunder Butes, 80
miles further west. It now appears to
the army men that the campaign
airalnet the Utes may keep the soldiers
busy all winter.
- 4
German Wsrshlp Blown Up.
Kiel, Nov. 8. The boilers of the
German school ship Blencher exploded
this morning while the vessel was near
Murwick. The vessel has recently been
used as a receiving ship. At a late
hour tonitiht 10 bodies had been found
on board the ship and a roll call of the
crew showed that not other men were
missing. Several of the wounded men
are not expected to recover. Three
hundred of the crew were absent man
euvering. Reclamation of Zuydersse.
The Hague, Nov. 8. The government
has prssented to parliament a bill for
the reclamation of a portion of the Zny
dense at a cost of $ll,00,0O0. The
work will occupy seven years and will
yield about 40,000 acres of fertile land.
Elevators HHIs and Decks Bora
Flames Or';"to In Great Northsrn
Storsgs Plan. Containing 600,
000 Bushels of Grsm
Duluth, Minn., Nov. B. Fire of 'sn
unknowo origin last night deatrnva.1
ths Great Northern elevator "A" In
Superior, togttber with Boo.000 hush
els of grain, principally wiiwrtf t c
which was isny cuvtrj by insurance.
Ths elevator was oar. by the Great
Northern raiirosu uui aa iesd to the
A. D. Thomson eompDy of Duluth.
Tne sparks toon ignited the Grand
ReDublic mill on Tower KaT alin. th
Great Lakes Dredge & Duck company's
duck and ths Duluth Superior Storaira
company, which enntsiued the finish
ing plant of ths WeUter Chair com
pany. The fire start! at the southwest oor
ner of the elevator dock, and bjefore it
was noticed had communicated to the
elevator. An alarm (as turned in and
four fire tugi responded, but owing to
the intense belt tbey were driven out
of the slip sod devoted sll their ener
gies to saving ths adjoining pioperty.
The steamer! W. A. Parent and W.
A. Rogers wets In the elevator slip
loading wheat and ths latter was to
take out 200,000 bushels of wheat.
The fire wu under control by 1
o'clock and ths damage is placed at
Conditions of Title Guarantae & Trust
Co. to Bs Investigated
Portland, Nov. 9. Developments
yesterday In ths affairs of the Title
Guarantee A Trait company were a fol
District Attorney Manning says hs
will cause ths arrest of officers of the
bank today on oomplaint of C. F.
Eh man, who deposited ii.aan tne day
before the bank closed. - Kbman agrees
to swear to complaint charging the hank
officers with having accepted deposits
when they knew the bank to be insolv
ent, contrary to law.
State Treasurer Steel's violation ol
law in depositing $300,000 school funds
without security IS oonsiuereu ij dis
trict Attorney Manning, of Maltnomah,
and District Attorney McNsry, of Mar-
ion, as basis for criminal prosecution.
Opinion that Steel shonid resign is
held In numerous qusrters and Is shar
ed by Governor Chamleilain, but Steel
says be will not resign, resignation
would enable the state to sue bondsmen
for indemnity.
Governor Chamberlain will continue
holidays Indefinitely, and probably will
issue one proclamation lot all of next
week. t
Secretary Cortelyou Swings Club Over
Eastsrn Sinkers.
Wasington, Nov. 9 The West is to
receive sll the assiitancc at the com
mand of the Treasury department to
meet the great demind for money to
move the crops. Sntetary Cortelyou
discussed the situation with the presi
dent yesterday, snd has formulated a
plan, which will be carried into effect,
unless the Eastern banks tlse to the
occasion and show )m selfishness.
Mr. Cortelyou is of ths opinion that the
large Importations of gold and the
housecleaning which has been done in
New York have placed the banks there
in a materially Improved condition.
The government no longer feels the ne
cessity of aiding the Eastern situation,
but is .impressed with the Importance
of meeting the situation which exists
in the West, where there is pressure
for cash for crop-moving purposes.
Nsw Lemon Troub'e.
Ran Francisco, Nov, 9 A new lemon
infection, termed "brown rot," has
bn discovered by ths University of
California agricultural experts, which,
if not checked immediately, will injure
lemon growers In the Sonthern part of
the state thousands of dollars. For
many years it hss been thought that
the peculiar disease wis "blue mold,"
another common fungus growth which
infects lemons. It has been discovered
that brown rot Is contagious and
spreads like wildfire, while bine mold
is non-contagious and does not spread.
Chinese Hsvs but Ona Frand.
Shanghai, Nov. 9 The Chinese offi
cials are incensed at ths refusal of the
Shanghai municipal council, which Is
predominantly British, to permit the
Chinese universities to use the public
lecrestion grounds for sthletics, giving
as a reason that ths grounds ars for
whites alone, though Japanese and
Fast Indians have not been excluded.
Native persons, comparing this hostil
ity with the sentiments expressed in
Secretary Taffs speeches, unanimously
declare that the Chines rtn ony ,)e.
pend on Americans for true friendship.
Union Pscifie Dreps Mining.
Chicago, Not. 9. It a irin0nnce.l
here that the Union Pacific has ar
ranged to retire from the commercial
coal business on Jsnnary next. As a
preliminary, orders hare been issod
for ths construction of a branch line 20
miles In length from Rork Springs to
an extensive coal fisld n the north
owned almost exclusively independ
ent operstors. Heretofore the policy
of the road has been not 0 run branch
lines to independent fields.
Only Seventy Survive.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 9 A ajp'p.tch
received today from Sarnsrt and by the
officisl telegraph sgencies says that a
special repreaentativs ol a news
paper who was sent to Ksrstagh In ths
Hissar district of Bokhara, which was
destroyed by a landslide following the
earthquake of October it tfpot that
3,400 persona perished and only 70 se
es psd.
Receiver for Title Guarantee S
Trust Co. 0! Portland.
liabilities Placed at 2,680.000 and
Assets 3.OO0.00O bute
Had runds in Bank.
Portland, Nov. 7. Distress of the
Title Guarsntee A Trust comnanv
1 1
reached a climax yesterday when Judge
Wolverton of the I'nited States District
court ordered the institution into re
ceivership, on application of Nathan!
Coy, a stockholder, thiouith Joseph Si
mon, attorney. Judge Wolverton ap
pointed as receiver Ueorge II. Hill,
vice president of the bank. The
matter was taken Into the Federal court
because Coy is a nonresident nf Oregon,
living near Boeton.
The bank closed on Monday of last
week, with only $9,000 lank money in
its vaults and U,IHI0 due from other
banks, out of deposits aggregating II,
800,000. In the succeeding holidays
proclaimed by the governor, the hank,
unlike the other money institutions ol
the city, rrmsined closed.
The trouble of the bsnk was precipi
tated by the call of State Treasurer
Steel, on the last day it was open for
business, for $100,000 of state funds.
The state has on deposit $31tft,0J0. This
money, says J. Thorburn Koss, presi
dent of the company, and other bank
otiicers, is amply secured by surety
bond in Treasurer Steel's favor for
$100,000 and by timber land collateral
made over to him in the last few days,
from the assets of the bank. How
much depositors will get of their mon
ey depends on the ham. linp of the
bank's assets, which are i f a kind that
cannot be turned quickly into cash.
They consist chiefly of real estate. The
liabilities are placed at $2,600,000
and the assets at$ 8,000,000.
The failure of the Oregon Trust A
Savings bank last Augut-t, started
a run on the Title Guarantee A Trust
company, resulting in withdrawal of
$486,000 deposits up to October .8.
Thia exhausted the bank's supply of
ready funds and it was unable to realize
on its several big projects.
Ssn Frrnciscans Unite In Support of
Mayor Taylor.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. The election
of Mayor Taj lor, District Attorney
Langdon and the greater portion of the
Good Govern met t ticket appears to
have inaugurated an era of good feeling
in San Francisco. The bitterness of the
campaign has vanished overnight, as
though by magic. Men and journals
who led the opposition to Dr. Taylor
were outspoken today with pledges of
loyalty and co-operation, r. II. Mc
Carthy, the defeated candidate cf the
Union Labor party, in a signed state
ment, promised his services tonight to
the adrainistraiton. Daniel A. ttysn,
the defeated Republican candidate, also
assured Dr. Taylor of his co operation.
The Evening 1'o-it, which has fought
Taylor during the campaign, published
last night an editorial in which the
ninjor was highly praised.
txscutlvs Board Asks Authority to
End Strike.
Chicatro, Nov. 7. The rational ex
ecutive beard of the Commercial Tele
graphers' union of America yesterday
prepared a circular letter for issuance
to all heal unions asking them to vote
upon the question of granting authority
to the board to call off the strike which
has been or. for the pat three months.
The letter will be sent to all locals to
day and the official order ending the
Btrike will be Issued as soon ss two
thirds of the Iccsls have isgnified their
willingness to end the fight.
Pcrtlsnd Opsrators Returr.
Tortland, Nov. 7. After be'ngont
for 7 ilava. the commercial telegraph
ers of this city, at a meeting last night,
decided to c til the strike on so rar as
Portland is concerned at 8 o'clock this
morning. The meeting was attended
v.- .hnt 9fi of the strikers and the
action that was voted represents the
work of the telegrspners ss lnnivniumis
rsther than as an official proceeding on
t. rr nt the Portland lrcal. The
strikers will Immediately t scats the
rooms they hsve been occupying in me
Esmond hotel as headquarters.
Small Bank Closss Doors
Pan Francisco, Nov. 7. The Citi
.nr,. Rtta hank, one of the smsll
institutions of San Francisco,
closed it doors yesterday and announc
ed through Its president and principal
stockholder, R. E. Ragland, that the
bank had decided to suspend onsmesi
nntil the holidays declared by Governor
n: V...1 ns.seil. He also declared
that the institution was sound and
would be able to meet all Its onnga
Th labilities of the bsnk, ac
cording to Mr. Ragland, are $91,000,
and hs places Its, resources at $140000.
Forest Fire is Rsglng.
Doadwond, 8. D., Nov. 7. Reports
from the lumber camps of the McLaugh
lin Tie A Timber company at Westhant,
t n. .,tK nf here, tell of a heavy
timber fire raging to the west of the
camp and close to the Wyoming border.
The company sent, onnr'"-'"
with 75 men to fsve its preserves, but
n.. i. ... clin ked bv (lames. The
company has 600,000 feet of cut timber
lying in the patn 01 me umc,
will probably be loet.
Japanese Land at Manila.
Vnr. TheJansneeecruis.
L:.k aont to the Jamestown
exposition, hsve anchored In Manila
bay on tneir way nu.
;.r,f. keen planned for
their officers and men and every conr-
tesy will be shown tbera oy me
army and navy.
Handle your fruit as little ss pos
sible. If you want the flavor of the fruit
to come out well, do nut use sn excesa
of sui;ar.
Give your fruit a brisk botlirg. If
allowed to stand and almiuer it will
not retain its shape welL
Never use poor fruit for canning.
Tli r4 tt.re go"d. l et it t-e
as fresh ss oallile, snd not over ripe.
I not stir your fruit when It U
cooking. If you want to kuow bow It
Is (Mining slotig, take out s piece of It
without dUturhing the rest
When the cans sre rviidy for sell
ing, see that the covers fit perfectly.
Never ue one that dea not hug down
tightly to the shoulder of the J nr.
I'ae the bent grade of sugar. It mny
coat a little more than the ordinary,
but It will make your fruit enough
better to pay the difference In cost.
Before putting fruit In glusa Jars,
wash them In sonp auds containing s
little soda. Then rinse well with scald
ing water, sud eet In the sun to dry.
Have everything lu readiness hefore
you begin operations. The woinau who
liaa to run to imutry or kitchen every
time a thing is wanted makes henmll'
double the work that's ueceswary.
Law suits Judicial robes.
It Is easy to keep moving when you
sre going down bill.
A man naturally wants the earth
when be buys a building lot
Every man hoes for the best, and st
the table they usually grab for It.
A woman thinks that s bird In the
hat Is worth a whole flock lu the bush.
You can't tell how high a man Is
going to fly by the way he flaps bis
Boyce Did you ever go up In s bal-
loouT Joyce No, the elevator In s
forty-story building la enough fr me.
Bohhs I bear that Jones is study
ing Esperanto? Dohhs Yes, he thinks
that he can swear without the Record
ing Angel getting wise.
Bowers Why does Smith sit beside
that sawmill every afternoon? row
era He Is going Into the country on
his vacation, snd wants to get accus
tomed to the buzz of the mosquitoes.
Tlie largest church Is In Rome.
The largest falls are In Africa.
The largest match factory Is In
The largest stock exchange Is In New
The largest river Is In South Amer
ica. The largest public gardens are In
The largest public gardens sre in
The largest bank In the world is In
The loftiest structure In tbe world
Is In Paris.
Tbe largest suspension bridge Is In
New York.
The largest hospital In the world Is
In Paris.
The largest' gun works In the world
are In Essen.
The greatest stove factory Is in Ie
trolt, Michigan.
The largest stone structure In the
world la In Egypt.
The largest monument In the world
Is In Washington.
The largest life insurance companies
are In New York.
The largest brewery Is In St. Louis.
There, also. Is the largest tohao fac
tory In the world.
rawlllsl Drink Salt Water.
"Pugilists," said an athlete, "tHileve,
as a rule, that salt water drinking
hardens the -inside. Whenever you
see a husky bather bend over and
calmly swsllow big gulps of tlie Pa
cific, you can set him down for a pugi
list. "I once knew a light-weight who
drank two quarts of salt water a day
wbeu in . training. I have known
heavy-weights to drink s glass or two
of tlie awful stuff, day In and day out,
all the year round.
"They think bisly blows can't hurt
them if their Inwards sre pickled In
salt water."
A Javcalle Malar Fakir.
"If I have ever nature-faked," anld
Rev. Wiillam J. I-ong, the gifted nature
writer, In Stamford. "I have done ao
unconsciously. My knowledge, not my
veracity, has been at fault You
know," resumed Mr. Long, smiling,
"snyone may nature-fake through Ig
norance. Thus :
"One day I was addressing some
Stamford schoolboys on the subject of
bees, and, turning to a bright looking
little chnp, I said:
"With what part of Its body does
a bee buns, Jacob?"
"Jacob answered confidently but Ig
norently, launching s tremendous ns
ture fnke.
"'It's buziium, sir,' he ssld."
Drlak Pleatr Watvr.
Few iieople know that fluid lo the
way of Water snd other hsrmless bev
erages Is of even more Imports lire to
tbe : preservation of health than the
fHMl they est; Indeed, food would be
of no use, nor could It t assimilated
by the system, nor would It nourish or
maintain the tissues. If It were not
for the assistant of water.
Ilada'l HearaeS That Stase.
Miss Gushing So yuu are an au
thor? Mr. Wright Ye-es.
M as Gushing Ob, how delightful It
must be to esrn one's living by wield
ing the pen
Mr. Wright Te-ea, I always imag
ined It would be.
Tkra asS New.
nim (quoting) After man cane
women, yon know.
Her Tee; but mat has been after
ver since.
There sre now In the New Tok
savings banks ?:Sk1.Ik11..VK.
It Is ths fashion lu Pram for school
boys to have their hair shuved off.
A chimney 113 feet high will swsy
ten Inches lu a high wluj without dau-
Vladivostok liniKirted Inst year from
Australia and the Argentine Itcpuhlii
Ututw timu li.usi,iMi Kllful ol Uie.tl.
Although the streets of Nankin sre
reputed tu be the best of any Ulterior
Chinese city, tlicre la 110 sewerage sys
tem. The Italian women are industrious.
Even while walking along the street
the Itomuu gins are busily engaged lu
According to the most reliable re
port, there are 2iCn Su'i.tay school
in the world, with a total enrollment ot
I'ti.tMKI.lKK) pupils.
Theodore Roosevelt ia not the first to
give Oyster Bay presidential distinc
tion. George Washington ouce spent
two days there.
It is tlie opinion of the supMrtcrs of
the (Ju.eii Victoria Clergy Fund lu Lou
dou that the minimum wairn of th
clergy should be at least $t,ms).
This year lSN.IHXl tons or pig Iron
have been shlej from Scotland, of
which the l uiled States took 4'.MNH
tons, eleven times us much as In the
same jXTlod of last year. Engineer.
Gulls are recommended hi place of
carrier pigeons lu consequence of ex
periments made In France, which
showed them to have superior Intelli
gence and to le able to brave stormy
weather much better than pigeons.
The only law passed at the recent
session of the Manx legislature, which
has received the royal assent, has been
proclaimed at Tyuwald Hill, In ac
cordance with the custom for l.iMH'
years. The law alsdlshes the compul
sory viewing of bodies by coroners'
The gutters of Rio de Janeiro ran
with beer for several days recently.
The municipal lalsmitory, having dis
covered that practically every liecr In
the local market contained a danger
ous amount of sulphuric add, the au
thorities proceeded to destroy all stocks
011 baud.
The older a mini Is, the quicker hs
ia burled after he Is dead.
A woman never says she is hun
gry; she says she feels "faint."
Praise some people, and It acts upon
them like au Intoxicating liquor.
Some women's Idea of Independent
is to have a liiun to depend on.
A man's fishing enthusiasm wanes
very rapidly If the fish don't bite.
Half' a man's time is spent In try
ing to square himself with the fools.
If you believe all the women say,
you can't believe a word the men say.
Every literary society hue for Its
foundation the mutual - admiration
The largest house Is too small II
you are living in It with some one you
A boy never attracts much attention
except 011 the day there is a lira st bis
house. ,
A woman can get along on s very
suiull Income If It la larger than lur
A gisid many people lielleve that to
know a lot of contemptible gossip l
to tie wise.
The game of life Is a good deal like
gambling; no one si em to win in the
long run.
Never lielleve a man's own story of
how brave he was. Brave people are
always modest.
After a girl passes twenty five or
twenty-six, she might as well marry ;
she'll fude, Hiiyway.
A woman demands tfint her husband
Im perfect, but runs along In the old
human way herself.
Get Mm; religion Is like getting In
love; you don't want a crowd aroufff
a. hen yoil get It.
One third of the Insane recover.
China eXirts ll,(KKl,HHl fans a year.
A good glove cutter makea $100 a
The world celebrates 300 marriages
In Sicily lemons sre only worth $2 a
The crystalline lens In the eye never
atopa growing.
There Is In Paris a Buddhist temple
with 3 memtH?rs.
The cheek-hone Is the most sensitive
part of the issly.
Americans are the best, Russians the
next best dancers.
Tlie production of chewing gum
grows smaller yesr by year.
In Iceland men and women are In
every restwwt political equals.
There Is a tremendous demand for a
satisfactory hoot-blacking machine.
House numliers In Berlin sre In lu
minous paint, snd sre plainly visible at
Emm coal refuse are obtained 4ki
colors, msny Jierfumes, several explo-
ilves. a great nn inner or acius sml
nedliines of Incalculable value, saccba
1n, ssphslt, numerous insecticides,
ihIK fruit flavors, lubricating oils snd
K.aaaa-h Said.
"I wonder," remarked Nervey, casual
ly, "If kissing really Is Injurious."
"Well, rnj.lleil the athletic girl, mean
ingly, "I've known men who hsvs found
the mere attempt at kissing Is Injuri
ous." Philadelphia Press.
la lb Naraerr.
Mother Bobby, do you know that
Ring Solomon aald, "Spare the rod and
poll tbe child r
Little Bobby Tea, bat be dldnt ssy
ll till he was growed up. London Tsle-