U 14 Wf0 Volume :5,j IIILLSCOUO. WASHINGTON' COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOV. 16, 1907. NVmbkr 2S 1 if? filllsbcro Independent. JURORS CHOSEN d. w. BATii;pc.u5ir FOR NOV. TERM i in ihiIxt i not torceil uim snyun. Ii m nut our iirarlire to iitop jmt until onlt-rnl to do ao. Anyonr "" I'M T IIIIIHl llOtltV til Mitihl-r f tliry Ikj l.-l. 1 luule foi I he nnlfi f inn prim. COURT MAY NOT MEET. OFFICIAL COUNTY l'AI'KK. All Depends on I Urn Long the Holi day Continue Jurors Mostly T armera Two Printers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. ........... ,i r. k.1(.n.- .( H!!!9 i urnii, for tranaiulaalon through I ho mat: '. eemnd-claae mall matter Official Paper of Waehlngton County. Republican in Politics. tovKuriHiNo Katki: DiKi'lay, 00 cent an inrli, Hiiiiflu ciilwimi, (or four lniwr turns; reading nuii e, out) cent a wotd euli limcrtlun (notliinii Iran than 15 udiUmj ; irfui-niiiuul card, one inch, f I a inoiiili ; lodge tarda, . a year, aya. tile quarterly, (notice anil resolutions (rn to adverllaiiiK I'xIgtiS). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. B. TONGUE ( ATTOR-VEY ATLAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. If the present legal holiday sea son should be declared off in time circnit court . will convene on I Monday, November 25, Judge Publishers HU Hard. Print paper in carload lots has been purchased as low as $1.40 per hundred pounds. The same stock last year cost $2.50 in car load lota. Kecent quotations show an ad vance in price of 65 cents per hundred, or $3.15 per hundred (carload lots.) The spruce pulp from which print paper is made, a few years ago was $3 per cord with ample supply. Today it is $16.25 per cord and a limited supply. Paper will cost 5 cents per txiund within a year ctuU incie V, in ue liu limuuii un less American invention comes to the rescue. There is no field that offers so GOOD ROADS INVENTION AT PORTLAND N0V. 14 AN ,5 Address M Ho. K Olhers-Auiu RMe Q Kelly Bu"Tbj.4f,er100U McBride presiding. Business at the court house has been ' almost large a reward for the invention as a substitute for the present printing supply. If corn stalks could be utilized for making pa- Cer, and it is predicted they will e, at the present price of paper, stalks will be worth more money than an average corn crop at 40 cents per bushel. The best class of Sunday pa- Office: Rooms 3. 4 and 5, Morgan Blk. W. N. BARRETT ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Central Block, Rooms C and 7. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office, in Union l!lk.. with H. B. Huaton THUS. H. TONGUE JR. ATTOKNHY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Jtlice : Rooms 3, 4 and 6. Morgan BlocB Hlllaboro, Oregon. MARK B. BUMP, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. at a standstill for the past two weeks and everybody is anx ious to get down to business again. No business has been transacted in the probate court, except the tiling of a few papers and it will take Judge Goodin some time to catch up when the pers will sell at 10 cents as soon holiday season is over. Judtre as the present contracts expire, McBride ordered County -Clerk The dollar magazine will soon be Godmantodraw the list of jur- a thing of the past The news ors lor the November term of print irusi anu me m ri suyi ny the circuit court, and hecomulet- f raw material will bring the pjI tho list hist uwV Tha list result in a year. Within the last of jurors which is composed of ? davs in the face of 'the exist- Z7 tanners. 1 vervman am 9 ing war on trusts, me inttnia- Notary Public and IIILLSUOHO, ' Collections. OKU. O. F. SHELDON, Attorney - at - Law and Notary OllicH Over Weiiruim'a Store, Second St. rUwrial Attetion to Conveyancing, Pro bate Matters, Drawintf Ugal l'aj-era, Lie. JOHN M. WALL. Attorney-nt-Law, OlTice upstairs, Bailey Morgan Blk. hot a VaoNKs. MILLSBORO. ORECON. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hlllaboro, Oregon. printers, is as follows Kdinond J Arers, titles Creek.. farmer. Chancy Beneftel, Dairy farmer Albert Lincoln, WaHhiiiKton. .. .farmer. Richard Reamiah, North Ilillaboro, farmer. Michael Kitzaimmona, leaver. lain farm er. bugone Schiller, lieaverton . , .aurveyor. TO Meucham, Mountain farmer. Cyrua J Mendenhall, Buxton. .. .farmer. Henry M Vandersanden, Pairy. .farmer. R N Varley, S Foreet Grove. .liveryman Wm Raynard, S Tualatin farmer frank A Bennett. North toreat drove. farmer. J K Zimmerman, Washington, .farmer. Adolpu Cimino, F.aat Cedar. .. .farmer. J C Corey, Columbia farmer. C J Ilirdtfull, S Forest Grove. . . .farmer, Thomaa Tucker, North Ilillaboro, farm' er. Anton Herman, Corneliua farmer L A Loiifr, South Ulllsboro printer, Smith Shotwell, Uaaton farmer. W O Hocken, Beaverton farmer. Sylveater Kecdvr, Reedville farmer. Humphrey Boyd, Dilley farmer. Ole Olson, West" Butte farmer, George Moyer, Corneliua farmer, Walter Huge, 8 Forent Grove. . .printer, OO Donelaon, 8 Ilillaboro farmer. Chaa Hubbert, Dilley farmer. CLJohnaon, North II illaboro. . farmer. Fred Strum, Fast Butte farmer O F Israeli, Fast Cedar farmer. tional paper trust increased its capital stock $100,000,000 and to day has absolute control of the western product, Ontario (Cali fornia) Record. II. J. Blocki. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, is at the Hotel Port land. Sheboygan was derived from the Indians. Here is the way it originated. In the early days an Indian went to town one day greatly excited. He was looking for the doctor. His squaw needed attention. "She boygan," he said. Ever since that day the Wisconsin town has retained the name. At least this is what Nathaniel h. Clarke. clerk of the Hotel Portland says. rortiand Journal. And there is where Mr. Clarke is oti. Here is the story, straight A big chief of the Winnebagos had seven daughters, but was always wishing for a son. One day he went to town and got gloriously drunk and when asked what he was cele brating for. grunted out: "Heep mad! She-boy-again. A recent dispatch from Chica go says: Counterfeiters have tak en advantage of the financial dis order to flood this city with bog us $10 bills of exceptionally clev er workmanship very danger ous imitations oi the trenume, oitu-e, Mtore. iu the eveninii from 7 to 9 o'clock j.pTtamiesie, m. d. Lawyers Will Meet. The Oregon State Bar Associa- Saloon keepers and streetcar con- tion will hold its 17th annual ductors have been the worst snf- mecting m Portland on Tuesday ferers. The streetcar men now and Wednesday, November 19 refuse to accept any bill of that and 20. An excursion rate of denomination. Kather than take one and one third times the regu- the risk, most of them pay the lar single trip tare has been ar- fare themselves. Secret service ranged with the Southern Paci- men are hastening tn this r-itv in he. l his rate applies to all the an effort to locate the source of attorneys attending the meeting, supply, which must be large and .!.. ........ Ti.u iw.ltm Druu ullnl" " . .. , inl,wi; .u..;--' i: i . i r'ii.. tillice lioura H to 12; 1 to o, ami "'-""; mvu kiihiuc-m, pruviueu I oiwmuuy uirectea, ursi ciass single trip ticKets are sold from points on the rail roads in the state, 8. r. It. R. SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. r,..i,I.miw corner Thir.l an.t Main: nf np tir.ov'r Iwlia.lriK u'r: '"". 1 ............ ah n i.niuipiir au- were.1 d or i.ikIH r. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Ofllce: Morgan-Bailey block, op ...ir. rrwima 11'. 13 and 15. Residence g. W.'ror. Baae Line and Second sts. Both 'phones. The Hawaiian cirls who werp here recently left Seattle last Saturdnv nirrhr fnr AlncL-o ii-Vn.o A . . I . " . v. . K 1 I UVlt ora tor me Calalpa. thev will tnkp in t ho cio-hta I he catalpa tree is ornamental, few weeks. This was decided bv a last grower, hardy, and its Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred, wood is becoming of value. It who is in charge of the nine is makes the best of fence posts, i3 land bells. Saturday afternoon, fine furniture wood, and recent after a experiments have proved that it tween herself and the girls, the is the best material for making latter won. "We are going and paper. The cultivation of the ca- we will leave on the Humboldt talpa is liable to be a pavine: in- forJune.iu tonio-ht " ooirt dustry in this country in the near Weatherred. future. I . Portland r. J. BAILEY, M. D. rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan Bailey Mock, up etalra with V. A. Bailey. Residence, N. E. corner Third and Oak sts. I ortland Academy's second team defeated Pacific Univer- A. B. HAII.KY, M. II., PHYSICIAN A NO SCKGEON, IIillsl)oro, OrcRon. A Wheat Caravan. t - a i i i .. : i-isl wees was a oanner week sitv s second tonm n a t for wheat here. The local buv-1 football on the Wnl fii,i ut ers report a totil of $S125 being I Saturday, by a score of 5 toil paid out in three days, this all Both teams nlnvpH rlr, Loll going to the farmers within eight The game throughout was chiefly or ten miles of the city. At one a punting contest. time there were thirty-tour wag- v . : DieaK and ons in a line, all waiting their turn. The price paid was $1 per bushel. Fair Play Advocate. OdWoTrrlUlley . Pr... Hmra. . . u I mi m. ami 7 to Kwnenca S m hoinw north of city rlwtrlo UkM l-lanv. Call protni'lly ailonil' 'phon. day or mailt. Hoth HOLLISTtB'9 Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy MMioloa lor mj Inn QoU H.alth and Bn4 Vlfor. K - I.'. K -k Mo-.nta, T. . tab. fJl . J, m cn.. a !. )enuln rnaJa by laru oar-... ....... . FOR SALLOW PEOPLE H.iuaraa I GOLDEN NUGGETS Dr. B. P. Shepherd, (.Successor to Dr. A. Bnrris.) At hie roomt over City ruk'rr very Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday. Tresident California Col We of (Mepathy Professor of Theory and 1 ".minerl Ei.Meui. Cal. SUte Board of Liamineri November winds are sear. And banks are filling some with fear; Miles of Roses. Rut confidence vou surelv ran The Halkans, in some respects Put in the Hillsboro Candv Man the most repulsive region in Eu- If you have money to invest rope, is florally one of the grand- In sweets, then why not buy the est In Bulgaria, especially, it wst is possible to wander literally Let Dick and Jane and John and .iary Palmateer's Confectionery. L. J. Palmateer, Prop. through miles of roses. This is. of course, owing to the virtual monopoly which the country pos sesses of the trade in distilled essence of roses. In 1SS1 the country produced $12,200 worth. In 11H5 the value was $740,000. More than 0000 acres have been added to the rose fields during the past eight years. We can fix that broken umbrel la or baby carnage, or sewing machine. e have a baby bug- When you are looking for trro- uif iiianiuii- o..j v. veiies, glassware and crockery tires on your uuggy at a omau aon t iail to go to Greer's. lt keeps the best and neatest stock Try rop, George Reed, a bachelor 74 years old. said to be an Oregon pioneer of LH52, died at Dilley from cancer of the jaw hut week. He had lived in Washing ton county over 50 years. Two nieces Mrs. Oliver Chowning and Mrs. William McLeod, live at ou jonn cost Call and get prices. R. Lee Sears Bicycle bhoix in town. Hon. John 11 Scott, president of the Oregon Good Roads Ana. nation, haa prepaid a magnifi. cent program for the good roads meeting to be held at the Port land Commercial Club beginning Thursday, November 14, at 1 o'clock p. m. The meeting will be opened by addresses of welcome by Mayor Lane and Tom Richardson, with resjxjnse by Judge Scott The addresses for the afternoon will be by Hon. Wilbur K. Newell, Judge Alfred Battles, president King County, Washington, Good Roads Association, Judge Thomas F. Ryan, of Clackamas county. ex-Governor T. T. Geer, and Hon. James H. McDonald, nrpsi- dent American Road Makers As sociation and Highway Commis sion of Connecticut Thursday evening at 7:30 there will be a stereopticon lecture by Hon. Samuel C. Lancaster. Unit ed States Government Engineer, followed by refreshments, music and speeches, at which Judge Webster will preside as toast- master. The convention will re-assem ble Friday morning, November 15th. at 9 o'clock and the list of speakers for the morning session includes Professor Skelton. of the Oregon Agricultural college, Dr. Willis B. Morse, of Salem, President Campbell of the State University, Hon. Samuel Hill, president of Washington Good Roads Association. Dr. James Withycombe and Hon. John H. Albert Friday afternoon Senator John son, of nfT cowny, judge WeYwter, ot Mt'tnomah county, Addison Bennettof the Irrigon Irrigator," Dr. Andrew C. Smith. of Portland, President Coleman of Willamette i University, and Senator Kay, of Marion county. will talk, followed by reports of committees, elecaon of officers and an automobile ride to Kelly Butte. The horse show which closed Saturday at Portland was a tre mendous success, and the Oregon animals on display as well as the show itself was voted by Dr, Withycombe as just as good, if not as large, as the one in New York City. The Portland Commercial Club's monthly dinner Tuesday night will discuss how Oregon is advertised. In additian to local speakers. John H. Hartotr. iust elected secretary of the Eugene Commercial Cluo, John H. Whyte, Manager Astoria Chamber of Commerce, and speakers from several other points, accompan ied by delegations, will be pre sent, in addition to prominent Portland business men. There will be a grjecial excur sion of Portland business men to Mosier, Saturday, the 16th. to attend the meeting to be held Saturday evening. V e take clearing house certi ficates" is a sign now to be seen in the show windows of almost every rortiana ousiness house. The financial sky is clearing and there is every prospect that two weeks more w in see conditions normal. Miss Sheldon will trive lessons in water colors and pastel. Les sons given in classes or individu ally. Corner rir and Eighth streets, lndepenaene 'phone 356. Missouri's Great Bird. A Kansas City man haa inst sold to a man in Honolulu, Hawa ii, hve hens at each, and these were not the finest in his flock. He has a rooster left which he values at $2000, and another $1000 and several hens which it would take from $250 to $1500 in legal com 0f the realm to buy. -Butler Democrat The American Rankers' associ ation wants to have our bank notes printed in bright tints. In that case it will mean something when a man asks to see the color of your moneynrsL Riley Cave has a spld iine of ranges ana a iuii line of heat ing stoves wniui ne invites you to can ana msr-M. Detore mak ing your fall purchase. Dance at Hillsboro Hall Satur day eveninjr, lo ember 16. The Portland Telegram of last Thursday says: Sheriff Stevens and County Judge Webster put their heads together yesterday morning to determine what could be done with W. T. Aldridge, who became insane from worry over his small deposits in local banks and who was placed in jail yesterday. The sheiiff is tired of Aldridge's company, for he is constantly lecturing in a voice loud enough to be heard all over the jail, and his continued pres ence there would give the jailers and his fellow-prisoners no peace of mind, un the other hand, Judge Webster cannot legally hold an examination or commit the insane man to the asylum. In this predicament the sheriff and judge decided to appeal di rect to the asvlum authorities at Salem. There is no question about the man's insanity, and the authorities at the asylum have agreed to receive him tem porarily. The formal proceed ings can be taken when the holi days are at an end. Among oth er papers on Aldridge is a deed to property in Asotin county, Washington, and another deed to lots in Washington county, near Hillsboro, on which Aldnch was making monthly payments. In his ravings the insane man jumps from one subject to another, but his financial worry is much in his mind. Little is known of his history, except that he was em ployed on the north bank road and came to Portland after learn ing that the banks were closed. Fine Art Exhibit. The art lovers of Forest Grove were given a rare treat last Fri day and Saturday when Miss Bain, head of the art department of Pacific University, put on dis play over 300 works of great ar tists in her loan exhibit Such an effort has never been attempt ed by another institution in the state. The event took people from Gaston, Hillsboro, Cornel ius and other towns in this coun ty. Masterpieces were furnished by Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. William S. Ladd, Mrs. W. M. Ladd, I. N. Fleischner, Mrs. Henry E. Jones, Dr. William Jones, W. S. Ayer, C. E. S. Wood, Miss Burns, Mrs. F. C. Kamm, Mrs. Hugh Hume and H. C. Wortman, all of Portland. Thanksgiving is coming and Greer's is the place to get rais ins, currants, citron, and in fact anything you may need for a nice dinner. If an editor makes a mistake he has to apologize for it, but if a doctor makes a mistake he bur ies it If an editor makes one there is a lawsuit swearing and tho smoll rtf nnlnhnr. hilt if adoc-- tor makes one there is a funeral, cut flowers and a smell of varn ish. A doctor can use a word a yard long without knowing what it means, but if an editor uses it he has to spell it Any old col lege can make a doctor. You can't make an editor; he has to be born. Success Magazine. We are prepared to do all kinds of light machine work, at R. Lee Sears' Bicycle Shop. TREAS. JACKSON MAKES REPORT UP TO NOVLMBCR I, 1907. On Hand at That Dale the Neat "Sum of $20,695.85, Divided In Funds as Given Below. We are under obligations to County Treasurer W. M. Jackson for the following statement at the hour of closing his otlice. No vember 1st, ll07. Cash on hand. $20,695.85, which is divided as follows: County fund $ SltUl Xi County (School . . 5:l'.i.l 41 Indigent soldiers fund lyl K"i Library UM us State game Uw M 40 Land indemnity fund ill (HI hatatea 1 111 :ti) Drainage diat no 5 H :ii) Institute fund ' 5o K County Road :m r.atraya I M City of Ilillaboro 410 (Ml roreat t.rove 64(1 64 ' Beaverton VI 47 Road dist no 1 L'.' Ki " " 2 Ml UK " " 3 10 02 " " 4 :17 1)5 " " B l -M 51 " " 7S 43 " " 7 n:i IS " M M 3-J0 OH " " 10 (10 (i! " " 11 -. 47 " 12 :ii! w 13 tin :;s 14 67 74 " " 15 75 SP2 ' " M LSI (i5 " 17 4J S'.i " " IS .in 5:1 " " lit 2H K5 " " 20 2t 11 " 21 :i7 ft5 " 22 n " " 23 HI Hs " 24 2S 5!l " 25 4 M " " 2'i WW " 27 l(i l'S " 2H 2d 40 " " 2W 10 (2 " 30 17 M Hillsboro road fund 2:17 M I'oriivliua road fund 22 IH) School dint no 1 " " 2. 25 47 " " "3 IS 15 ' " 7 355 7( " " Hit 11 S2 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! 155 u-I " " "5 JSS .VI " " L'.ljt 44 47 25 25 (7 " " 2s!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24 77 " " 14 2( 12 If a; it." .'.'!.'!!.' '22 iwt ' " " 3!t.. 07 ' 40 .13 25 " " " 45 3 24 " " " 4S 115 10 41) 7 4S " " 41 lit 2 0.1 63 1U 72 651 1 45 01 ' 6S (t 72 a) 11 34 til 37 47 " " " list (it 7(1 ' 74 HI M 75 150 00 ' " "81 103 S7 " H2 (HI " " " K'J 235 40 " " " K4jt 23 OS " " " hli H H5 KS 1 30 (14 (HI " " "00 2rt IH (HI 17 S5 " " " lOOjt 10 30 101 1 IS ' 104 6 10 20,lil5 H5 Hillslroro high school jtonants, foot ball postals, school girls' and boys' leather hat bands in the high school colors, at Mrs. Bath's. Dance at Hillsboro Hall Satur day evening, November 16. The only place in town where you can get Salted Almonds and Peanuts fresh from the pan. Den of Sweets. WE BUY FUKSslHIDDE 1W tux Mnh. IO to 5 r. mom m Mil Hi ftnttttv D idiim miiiin Tns An ia am ti Kj4 P nrs m nl ll i,a m ni Limit U W rit. for Pru. Lint. M nrkft U irt. Hhtiittia I tun, kd-I aUml ,nir HUNTERS'& TRAPPERS' GUIDE a'. f nat. tsstUiar hinind. Hrt Itunf n lha Mir.)rt r writWn. Illustrating M Kr Aixntals. All about TraplHtrs' Hrri4s. Ih-. ts, Traivs. (Ume Imw Mi and whara to trap, and lna a nit CMful trat-rwr. It's a riilr .iirrl'HMlta. rui. ti. Ti (Mir niet-mars $i V. HiArm tamixd inW tMatitifwl It Ihir Hntrni'tii- Hint and )-' atlra. U am male fc- traa. l.ut ir Imc -ir Mm a4 fun to a astd ga4 tuihajet srwaaa Aadmah Ura., Ifeiib 1 1. atlaIU.MIaa. DEUJ H STORE Hillsboro, Oregon. PKALKIt IN Pure Drugs i.d Medicines We car r)' a complete line of Fine Sundries. If wo do not have what j'ou want in stock, wo will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's Agents, we aro now prepared to supply All Your Wants in tho . . . .SchoolIk)ok Line Upon the- Exchange and Introductory Plan. Wo also haven full line of Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Ktc. School Hoots will bo sold for CASJI ONLY. Positivklv NO CREDIT. HAMIiM.RnM Mil UHi.MtiVrsVilVllii I . .V"' ,t: m ' i V na shoo which fnijgHJf "K? j polish to -look mbmp month's of wear, needs oaiy ponsa w Qt. i-, iew:' You will find comfort, ease and profit frffyP 3HAMILTON-imOWN 8HOK3. VS our children will want somehing pretty and There's a lot of satisfaction i after month's of wear, needs only like new in the lour tuiiu'" - i crUinni CUOES. io better made. o good. Come and see our bOMUUL onuc, better can be wade. Our guarantee goes with every pair. oun li.nl, ur GROCERIES is tha finest in the county. f iClMlfj Everything usually carried by an up-to-date Groc- i aV 0 ITa.ip On iminrtno,. LtilaJ T iln if T.ricyiftl cup or us to carry strictly fre-h fuoU. Not a ehoii jjTly TTVa Uimviv a sa a i v v.nJi.wi-ve JOHN DENNIS The old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shoo Store. m mm a am a tw av m i m rM 1