Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 25, 1907, Image 8

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    The Waning Hardwood Supply.
Although the demand for hard
w ood lumber is greater than ever
before, the annual cut to-day is a
billion feet less than it was seven
years ao. In this time the
wholesale nrice of the different
classes of hardwood lumber ad
vancttd from 25 to C5 per cent
The cut of oak. which in 1800
was more than half the total cut
of hardwoods, has fallen off 36
rr cent. Yellow rtonlar. which
was formerly second in point of
output, has fallen off 38 percent,
and elm has fallen off one-half.
The cut of softwoods is over
four times that of hardwoods,
vet it is doubtful if a shortage in
the former would cause dismay
in so many industries. The co
operatfp. furniture, and vehicle
industries depend upon hardwood
timber, and the railroads, tele
phone and telegraph companies,
agricultural implement manufac
turers, and builders use it exten
sively. This leads to the question,
Where is the future supply of
hardwoods to le found? The cut
in Ohio and Indiana, which, sev-
I II i 1 A A I
en years ajro, leu ail oilier hiaies,
has fallen olf one-half. Illinois,
Iowa. Kentucky. Michigan, Min
nesota. Missouri. New Jersey,
Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia
and Wisconsin have also declined
in 'hardwood production. The
chief centers of production now
lie in the Lake states, the lower
Mississippi valley, and the Appa
lachian mountains. Yet in the
Lake states the presence of hard
woods is an almost certain indi
cation of rich agricultural land
and when the hardwoods are cut
the land is turned permanently to
agricultural use. In Arkansas,
IiOiu'siana. and Mississippi the
production of hardwoods is clear
ly at its height, and in Missouri
and Texas it has aleady begun to
The answer to the question,
therefore, would seem to lie in
the Appalachian mountains.
They contain the largest body of
hardwood left in the United
States. On them grow the great
est variety of tree sixties any
where to be found. Protected
from fire and reckless cutting,
they produce the best kinds of
timber, since their soil fflid cli
mate combine to make heavy
stands and rapid growth. Yet
much of the Appalachian forest
has been so damaged in the past
that it will be years before it
will again reach a high state of
productiveness. Twenty billion
feet of hardwoods will be a con
servative estimate of the annual
productive capacity of the 75,
HX),(XK) acres of forest lands in
the Appalachians if they were
rightly managed. Until they are
we can exiect a shortage in
hardwood timber.
Circular 11(5, of the Forest Ser
vice, entitled "The Waning
Hardwood Supply," discusses
this situation. It may be had
upon application to the Forester,
Forest Service, Washington, D.
self released from sleep and wide
awake. There is no need to keep
thinking of the hour continually
for a number of minutes, no need
to reieat it over and over in the
mind; all this makes the brain
uneasy and results in the dis
tnrhl clumber: simply look at
tha wntf-h r i-Wk as I have in
HiVntPl and the influence of the
mind over matter will be clearly
demonstrated in the morning.
Trv it some niirht and observe
how smoothly this psychological
fact works.
Cider Apple Wanted.
For particulars inquire of G. A.
Brown at the Milne warehouse, or
64 Albina Ave.
Portland, Ore.
if tnlfpn natientlv and persis
tently will relieve the most obsti
nate cases of indigestion, consti
pation, bad blood, bad liver no
matter how long standing.
That's what Ilollister's KocKy
Nfnnnra n Tea wi do. i5o cents,
Tea or Tablets. Delta JJrug
Nmireof Prooosed Sidewalk Im
Notice is hereby given that the
City Council of Hillsboro, Wash
ington County, Oregon, proposes
to order that the sidewalks here
tofore constructed alonir the fol
lowing named streets, in said
City, to-wit: All sidewalks con
structed of wood on the east and
west sides of Second street, from
Washington Street to Lincoln
street and on the north and
south sides of Main street from
First street to Third street, be
rebuilt of gravel, sand and ce
ment in conformity with the pro
visions of Ordinance No. Am, 01
said City, approved June 6th,
1907. entitled. "An ordinance es
tablishing the elevation of grades
of sidewalks on certain designat
ed portions of Main and Second
streets in Hillsboro, Oregon, and
prescribing the manner in which
said sidewalks shall be construct
ed;'-' and that it is proposed to
order said sidewalks constructed
at the expense of the owners of
lots or parcels of land abutting
upon or adjacent to said side
walks, and that said Council has
fixed Tuesday, November 5th,
907. at 8 o'clock P. M.. at the
Council chambers in Hillsboro,
Oregon, as the time and place
for the hearing of objections, if
any, to Baid proposed sidewalk
This notice is given by order of
said Council, made and entered
on October 1st, 1907.
Dated this October 16th, 1907.
Recorder of Hillsboro, Washing
ton County, Oregon.
Auction Sale.
The undersigned will sell at
Fublic Auction on his farm 1
mile west of Bethany on Tues
day, November 5th, 1907, at 1
o'clock p. m. the following pro
perly: 1 good work team, weight
21XK) iKiunds; 1 double set work
harness, 2 milch cows, 1 3 1-2
inch wagon, 1 0-fxt suierior hoe
drill, 1 2-section steel lever har
row; I 12-tooth spring harrow, 1
14-inch walking plow, 5-shovel
jxtato cultivator. 5-foot McCor
mick mower. 9-foot Deere rake,
self-dump; hay carriage, fork,
pulleys and ropes.
Terms: All sums under $10,
cash; over that amount, 10
months' time on bankable notes
at ( per cent.
J. C. Kuratli, Auct.
The only true constipation cure
must begin its soothing, healing
action when it enters the mouth.
Ilollister's Uocky Mountain Tea
.1 1
restores me wnoie system to a
healthy normal condition. 35
cents, Tea or Tablets. Delta
Drug Store. 1
See II II Works.
"We hear it frequently assert
ed that if persons will impress
the thought firmly upon their
minds and continue thinking
nlnnit it until they have fallen
asleep when they desire to awake
at a certain time in the morning
that they will do so, but how
many have tried that method of
insuring a prompt awakening at
a given hour in the morning only
to find their rest throughout the
night disturbed and uneasy?
"The brain will usually re
spond to the will and awaken one
in the morning near the desired
hour under any circumstances,
but to prevent the broken, uneasy
sleep the adoption of only a very
simple device is necessary. Thei
last thing before getting into bed
take n watch or clock and turn,'
the hands to the hour at which
one wishes to rise and gaze at
this just long enough to fix the
hour firmly on the retentive mem
ory. Then, if no other absorb
ing thoughts intervene between
that and the moment one is lock
ed in slumber the night's rest
will be easy and unbroken, and
promptly at the hour in the morn
ing, 11s a rule, one will find one'
We can fix that broken umbrel-
a or baoy carnage, or sewing
machine. We have a baby bug
gy tire machine and can put new
tires on your buggy at a small
cost Call and get prices. R.
Lee Sears' Bicycle Shop.
When in Hillsboro, go to the
Home Style Restaurant, on Main
Street, for the best meal in town.
Meals at all hours.
Portland and Return, 85c.
From now until further notice
round trip tickets from Hillsboro
to Portland and return, will be
sold at 85 cents, good on any Sat
urday train, and returning on
any Saturday, Sunday or Monday
train. WM. McMURRAY.
G. P. A.
The grandmothers of the old
Dutch Dunkard tamilies of Western
Pennsylvania have made and used
'Hickory Bark Couch Remedy"
and reared their families on it for a
hundred years. Now you can buy
it of your dealers. Ask for it. and
use it, because it is pure; because it
will stop your cough; because it is
the best cough remedy made today.
Try it. For sale by the Hillsboro
Pharmacy and all dealers everv.
Flower pots and fruit trees rr
and shrubbery for sale at the Hills
boro riant and Flower Garden.
Knjoyabl at Distanee.
W wuwU Lae had pleaeaat
reunite If bad not l"n ou
th Liu.1 Insufferable little jroungiiton
who was t r allowed to .It up late."
-Why, what u the matter wita
nlwr .
Oh, he b tuo cnuureu "
.... ih. smart tbiM- that tickle u so
much wheu w wad about them In the
neI'aiT and tnat anve urn iu track
ed wbt-u we nuve to listen to them!"
It' an HI Wind. St.
Mrs. Athowe-ThafB a lovely Dew
gown you nave on. 1 thought you aald
you could not afford a new on this
Mr. Arduiip-80 I did. but my aus
fcaud struck a streak of luck.
Mia. Aihoiue ludetfd!
Mra. Arduiip-Yes; be broke bis leg
tbe day after taking out an accident
Dohrr that liars Vi a week.-Culcfo
Worth the Money.
"80 you waut to marry my daugh
ter, ehT ijuerWd tbe stern aud wealthy
"I do," answered tbe young man.
"Are you aware, air," continued the
a d. "that It ciwt me more than 113,
Olio to brlug her up aud educate herf
Xa air." reulled the applicant for
tbe Job of sou In law, "but I'm right
here to Inform you ahe'a worth every
dollar of If f'tsU-ago News.
Anoient Chemistry.
Iteyoud a doubt the Egyptians knew a
great deal about cbeinUtry. This would
seem to be proved by their skill In fix
ing colors aud, above all elae, by their
wonderful art of embalming the bodies
of their dead. Without a pretty thor
ough knowledge of tbe principles of
chemical efflulty aud combination the
Egyptians would never nave been able
to accomplish what they did In those
Whsn Csrlyle Heard Dieksns.
April 20, 1803, Carlyle wrote thus of
one of Dickens' readings: "I had to go
yesterday to Dickens' reading 8 p. ax..
Hanover rooms, to the complete upset
ting of my evening habitudes and spir
itual composure. Dickens does do It
capitally, such as it Is; acts better than
any Macready In the world; a whole
tragic, comic, heroic theater visible,
performing under one bat and keeping
us laughing In a sorry way, some of
us thought the whole night He la a
good creature, too, and makes 30 to
0O by each of the readings."
Rational Dress.
To go up and down stairs without fa
tigue would be In Itaelf the freeing of
thousands of women from an Intolera
ble dally 'hardship. And It Is clothe
and not the stairs that csuse the trou
ble, though women do not realize this,
as they refuse to make the experiment
of trying a different style of clothing.
And It Is the same with all they do.
They talk of freedom aud remain
bound themselves and as far as pos
sible try to bind others In one of tbe
most harassing forms of slavery that
hi 1 liwiiulty can Invent Lady
I In. ,'i ton In Hatlonal Dress Oasette.
A Queer Lizard.
An extraordinary reptile habit la de
scribed In a book by K. L. Dltmars of
the New York Zoological park. A large
Mexican horned Heard, excited by an
attempt to measure It, emitted a rasp
ing sound and expelled a Jet of blood,
which struck a wall four feet away
and formed a trail of 103 large spots
along the floor. Tbe blood came from
the eyelid, momentarily much swollen.
Shooting blood from tbe eye has been
long attributed to this creature, but It
seems so rare that naturalists have
doubted Its reality.
Mexican Horse Hoods.
The automobile horn walled mourn
fully, and the horse began to rear and
"Whoa, there!"
The driver pulled a tiny attachment
to the right rein and a hood fell from
the animal's forehead down over hi
eyes. Instantly then It became lamb
like. "A Mexican Idea," said the driver.
"In Mexico all spirited horse wear
these hoods that at the flint sign of
trouble can be dropped. It la a good
thing. It has saved thouaands of
lives." Kansas City Independent
Wu Try the Independent
phone for long distance.
Hickorv Rark Cough Remedy
made bv The Hickory Hark Remedy
Co-. of Sakm. Ore., guaranteed to
be Pure: guaranteed to cure your
cough, or money refunded. Cuai
anteed make a friend of you
Vot aaie t,y the Hillsboro Pharmacy
uu nrst clb dealers every wuerc.
City Baler products on sale at
Hurst' Confectionery, near the de
pot. What H Missed.
On of the offlriala of the Indian of
nee t Washington was visiting a res
ervation in Montana on government
bualutu wheu a certain chief
who bail taken a fancy to Undo Bam'
agent Invited blin to stteud the wed
dl"tC of the ludlan's daughter.
Tin ln,iiHn office man was, to his re-
sTret, utiable to be preaeut at tbe featlv
itlea, but tbe Indian laconically de
scribed tha function subsequently In
order to ludlrate what tbe agent had
""lv dugs," said tbe chief, "and
plenty pe." '
The Wnl Indian Tick.
In addition to tbe mosquitoes Infest
ing certain parts of the West Indian
Wand, there I a still more disagree
able (ft uch attacks tbe unwary
forever. This is tbe tick, a tiny In-"Kt-
Tbe tick hides in the grass and
attache itself to the clothes of per
sons who walk out of the beaten roads.
He burrows In the flesh and makes a
very pnUfu (iut, which swells and
itche exceedingly. Hundreds of ticks
biv been found on one person, and
in oom rase tbe bites have been so
ever that a long Illness has resulted.
-New York Herald.
A Live 8ign.
At Orantbam a remarkable sight has
been witnessed outside a public house
known 11 tbe Beehive inn. Over the
doorwiT U a hive In which bees store
tbelr houey, and It is believed to be
the onlr "living" public house sign In
Euglani-London Standard.
Cream Bread, best in the city, at
the City Bakery.
The name tell tbe story everybody
know it; everybody liks it; everybody
uses it; I. W. Harper whiskey. Sold
by F. E. Cornelius. adv
Poultry Wanted.
JLenz will pay the market price
in cash for hen, chickens, turkeys,
geese and ducks. HilUboro.
Girl wanted at
tbe Home Style
A. P. ASJMSTHONO, LL. B.. Phincipau
Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu
dent to a position a soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for
thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual In.
struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose, leaf, the card Index, the
Toucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Cbartier ia our shorthand ;
easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, businesa forms and rnmanshin free
write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newsDaDer In Portland.
Out of Sight
"Out of siiiht, out of udud," is an old
uying which applies with special fore
to a sore, burn or wound that's beep
treated with lliickleu's Arnica 6alve.
It's out of siiilit, out of Mind and out of
exibtence. I'ilea too and chilblains dis
appear under its healing influence.
Guaranteed by all Druygiiit.
(uratfi Bros,
Dcjilors In
Hillsboro Real Estate
for at wk, 10 In km mnriH. fnr rem tn .hm Rw Fnr. m4 Hi.i than n
mil M fcoai.. WrlM for ! Ll.l Marknt K.T". Hhlwiin. In n.l .l.m..
V 1 aMA. Uib om tha sMthi wnMn. IhustratiBf ail rur Auitnala AH
Trapf titer. Dbms. Trap. Oe,m Iawb H.w ! wrier U trap. ud t teitii e sair.
'ul U..pev. J arwutrKnr k.peMl. pntw. fi. T Mir ruat.iter H V Hid- tarxied into
amlOe M4 Fun t M 4 ( kuWt IMU. Wat-si 14 nest. lea.l. f I Ml.au Ml...
Ollice south of Court House, Main
Money to Loan
Tree Delivery
Lunche for parties holding pub
lic sain furnished on short notice
at the City Bakery.
Good grocers like Schil
ling's Host, for it makes
good-will and not trouble ;
in case of complaint, the
money is ready.
Vni froc.r raturnt fur nont r II o doa'l
Ilka II: pir bia
Dr. King's
tier Discovery
OLDft trial BoHJ fret
OB i
The Newest Modem Commercial Hotel in Portland Kfl
Opened July 1st, 1907.
Hotel St. Phillip,
Main Entrance on Burnslde. II. M. Tierce, Proprietor.
8. aw.
Of the best Fish, Game ami
Meats. Our delivery is prompt
ami in all parts of Hillsboro.
We have inaugerated a
Heiv Schedule in Prices
and this together w ith our de
livery system makes this Hills
boro's popular market.
Corwin & Heidel.
staVTake street car at the Piiot. Onlv rnnrn.tn f.'ira.ir,f 11. ....1
inihecity. rive blocks from Union I cpot. Uurnsiileand Fifth street
car pas the iloor. Steam heat, electric lights, hot ami col.l water in
every room. Rate 1 per day and up. ISiKjciul rattt by the we-k and
month. Free bath on every floor.
llillslwro people are cordially invited to (five Hotel St. Phillip a trial
when in the city. Your comfort and satiofrtction I assured.
Get Your Wits to Work, Madam,
and figure out how much you are paving
now for your Groceries, and ask yourself
what quality yon are getting. Do you
think that the quantities and qualities
will compare with o'lr when price is
considered? We know Just what mar
ket price are, and we know what prices
we sell at. We sre sure that we are do
ing huniiiefiM on the lowest maigin of
profit. Added to which our service is
admittedly the beat in town.
uentral Mea
i Market
Fresh Meats and Groceries.
Opposite the Shute Bank
Your Trade Solicited.
Nursery Slock
Peterson & Yates,
The greatest tea-drinkers
are full - bottom Dutch
men. There isn't much
nervoois prostration in
Your jroc.r returai roar non.r U rai sos'l
Ilk bihllhai , Bail; . pr hi IB.
I inutia J
ttVM Q-taiaONIUdS
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iVNoiiirNuiiNi mmm
iO 1011103 039HT1K3 ONV JR3I 3H1
Hillsboro, Ore.
fl--xjgi rO, ri i.jSV ykA(SS. .
It is to your advantage to keep an ae.
couut lvlth
.T.W. SHUTE, HANrailH,
BCCail$e U U tronif. careful, safe, liWal. prompt, accurate, and
ucce fal Ustitution.
-It i growing,
-every Articular.
active, progressive, up-to-date hank in
For the general newsof the
World also for information about
jiow io obtain ilie best results
in cukivafino" the soil. Stock
Kaisiny,rruitUrowiiiy etc-
iou can secure this excej
paper by
BeCaU$e Your account will he appreciated l.y the hank, and
teres ta will always be carefully conBiderel.
BeCaUSe JhU lnk bMnc1le"t fire-proof vault and a modern
burgular-proof safe in which to put your fund and papers.
BeCaUSe Ewy depositor is always a welcome visitor at the bank.
BeCaUSe Th,1 bank the need of its cuHtoiuer, ami proinrly
takes care of them whether their business is lare or small.
BeCaUSe ?' doM clueive banking business, and cons.tiuentk. no-
body can serve you better.
BeCaUSe 11 11 in Pltion to make guoil investments for vou, to colli-ct
your darft or notes, and attend to your banking wants gen
erally. BeCaUSe Its dealings with all customers are alwolutely, and it is al
wavs rmi to assist and to advise.
Imported Trees erown on con
tract direct from France. Hard
iest varieties.
Tbe Secret of a
Beautiful Face
lie in kerning the skin pro.
tcctrdaswellaacleanscd. Just
washing ia not enough that
only Iravei tlir delicate turf are
mure exposed to the irritation
of dust and Rerun ( to merti
lesi attackt of tun and
weather. After washing, ap
ply Kohertine and experience
itt dclii'htful refreshment.
Vou will admire the line-lesi
oftncsi it imparts to face,
rerk and arms. Jt not only
ttimulatet a radiant glow, but
protects the skin from Incom
ing coarse. Prevents burn
ing, tan and freckles.
ij fmtr fimttlit fir
we do not bellere yoo can aflk for better treatment than ttiis hank will
irive vou, and we therefore ak you to write to or call tittnn J v K,ta
1 i.... a ui..t. r -i. .
M i om1 ifjti ui r pu1, v sBliict
A Rents for Bicycles. Call in be
fore bwyiiiR or Retting work
done elsewhere.
F. R. DAILEY, Manaeer
Scheneite How, west of Sohulmerick '
store on Main St.
"i v w m--y-a-T -ia
fm mm
Viits-ilSo ilo
Oregon '
V Yw f m ja sik e W m aw m bbi
and umun ratine;
I Three Trains to the East Daily
ubscribins for The Hinsboro Independent
and payinc $2.2s ror Ihe two.
Thmuffh Pnl'tota ttainrlarrl and tnurlit (p.
Ini rmrm )if In fmih, Ch1rffot Hrnkan:
Umrtti lpinf rrdily to Kdmm 'tt?: thrmivb
f'ullman Umrim tlplne car inroDllT rn-
(1tiridi hl lo I'htRaurn aa1 Kiibm I'iit; rjv
No ( hanga or Cars
For a Good Square Meal
liM'A I K
-I1 !!
Mt imfli
H niirton
K X r-"
IA p in
via H iint
rt Mall
I t m
riim l'nrll.ii.1. i ,r
-n Lata. IwD.rr Ki
W"h. iimalin. Kan
I'Hy. t Louis, t hi
I'M'i anl K"t
"all iMkr inrr Ft
Worth, omnia. Kan
aaan1 Kat
Wall Walla. l.l.ir,n
man. Mlnnarnli. hi
111. I'lllllII: U...
x, ' tiir tmnil al
6 U0 p
IA p m
-t.O TO
For ftirlh.r Information ask or
H'-S-t iw-n, or
General Passenger Agent,
The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon
EEf'K lily Restaurant
..r. ,h, w,,-t,
None tter"ir7.ri.W0. Everything
"t, clean and up to date.
I C. iltCRACKEN, Trop.