THI INDEPENDENT. HILU80W0, Et D. V. BATH. ' EIGHT PACES, SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. TIMt-TABI.K. , . ' mow 8IU.SBOH0. BOl'TH. HOUTH. . , No- 2. No. I. u 4:30 p. m . No. 3. 9:03 a. m. UO.KO MOKTII. Lv. No. 7am No. p m Forest Cirovt) H:4" 1:30 Cornelius 1:34 ilillHboro :M 1-.42 keedville 7:00 1 -M Iteavertou 7:10 2.05 Ar. Portland 7:55 8:50 ooinu cth. l.v. Mo. 8 m No. 10 d iii Portland :. :00 h-m IWverto.i i...ll:4 7:04 Keodville.. lli.Vi 7:1. 12:07 :40 CorntliiiH 12:15 1 :M Ar. Kori-Ht (irove 12:20 6:20 I'. (.. VICKEUS, Aent. . Childrens Umbrellas at Baird's. Bert Barber has prone to East ern Oregon to visit his brother. Mrs. Robinson, of Scholls, is a Hillsboro visitor this week. Golf gloves at Baird's-all sizes ana prices. We make all flavors of stick canay. ven of Sweets. Wanted -Girl for general house- worK; proou wages. Mrs. A. C. anute, Hillsboro. . A special missionary -address will, be delivered at the United Evangelical church on Sunday morning Dy tne pastor. Evan gehitio oervice in the evening. The Christian Endeavor of the Congregational church will hold a Hallowe en social in the church parlors on Friday evening, Oc tober 2oth, at 7:30. Admission, 10c. ; ' tuarnaire in Wisconsin ia nn joke, and both parties to the con tract must be up on family his tory. Besides paying for the li cense, which is 5, and answer ing the usual list of questions, the applicants must give the place of marriage, the person who is to officiate, place of birth, name of birthplace of father, and maiden name and birthplace of mot Vie rf KrV Chocolate chips, our own make. Den of Sweets. Born. On Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Payne of this city, a daughter. "Ben Hur" at the Christian church next Monday evening. with illustrated lecture and song. W. I). Smith is putting down a .cement walk, from the house to the gate, on his Main street prop erty. All kinds of caps for boys ta Baird's. Something different from the rest "Automobile Styles." There will be preaching ser vice at the Witch Hazel school house Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. County Treasurer Jackson and wife visited over Sunday with their son. Wm. Jackson and fan ily, in Portland. Mrs. Elizabeth Gammons was out from Cedar Mill Tuesday, shopping and visiting friends in Hillsboro. Have you seen those beautiful Sweaters for ladies; also white silk waists and ladies and child ren's gown's, at Mrs. Bath's? The only place in town where you can get Salted Almonds and Peanuts fresh from the pan. Den of Sweets, J. W. Sewell is giving his resi uence on Last Main street a new coat of paint nnd adding very much to the looks of that sightly proixirty. William Wilcox and family, of VV hue Salmon, are in the city vis iting Mrs. K. P. Simon and other relatives. They have decided to locate in HilUftoro. Riley Cave has a splendid line of ranges and a full line of heat mg stoves which he invites you to call and inspect before mak ing your fall purchase. The auction sale of Jo. Kiser's advertised last week to come off on Saturday. October 2G, has been declared off, as the property has been disposed of at private sale. ; j i II, E. Davis, formerly manager or the Ladd-Keed farm at Keed ville, but now a successful mar ket gardner near Gresham, won a $100 farm wagon at the fair held in that city last week for the best collection of farm products on exhibition. He was also given a gold medal for the best cream and three prizes on potatoes. flir. uavis naa nis exhibits all in one booth and they consisted of sixty-five varieties of vegetables. grains and fruit Harvey Baldwin, a well known young business man of Forest Grove, surprised his friends last Sunday by returning from Port land with a wife, says a corres pondent of that city. The bride is Miss Bird James, who came from Oxford. Neb., to visit with friends at the Grove. She start ed home Sunday and Mr. Baldwin went with her as far as Portland. and during the trip convinced her that Oregon is a pretty good place to live in and Baldwin the right kind of a man to tie. so they were married and returned to the col lege city. 'Ben Hur" with illustrated lecture in the Christian church next Monday evening, October 28, at 7:30. Eighty-five views will be used m the lecture by strong electric light Air. and Mrs. Geo. A. Webb, (singing evangelist), will sing two lllus trated songs. Rock of Ages. fifteen views, and "Home, Sweet Home, nineteen views. Those purchasing tickets of Mr. Webb, at Webb & Hoover's feed store, or at the christian church, any evening this week, can get them for 15 cents. Admission without a ticket. 25 cents. Pur chase your ticket before Monday night The Cow-Puncher" to be seen at the Crescent on Monday, Oe tober 28. Hal Rsid has written a stirring and adventurous tale, though differing widely in at mosphere to any of his previous plays, the scene being laid m southwest Arizona at the time of wealthy cattle kings. ueraldine Graham, a young ro mantic girl, who has taken up the study of medicine as a pro fession, but through the death of her brother, one of the cattle kings, is called west to take en tire chanre of thousands of hpad rank Peters, who recently of cattle and a bunch of much. went from this city to Portland, darine cawhovs A hilarious and has gone into the real estate busi- enthusiastic welcome is perpetra ness in that city, having purch- ed unon this supposedly tender. asod an interest in the Pioneer Real Estate Co. Call at Powell's for chandeliers, shades, lamp-bulbs, economical lamps, two-ball adjusters. Ev erything in the electric line; house wiring a specialty. Next door to Vaught's store. Ed. G. McLaughlin of Junction City has been appointed operator for the Southern Pacific at this station, taking the place of A. W. Wooley, w ho resigned to accept a like iwsition with the Northern Pacific. Grangers are requested to bear in mind the fact that the regular meeting of the Grange occurs on the second Saturday in Novem ber. Remember the date and make arrangements to attend. On Saturday last, the 6-year-Hd daughter of L. A. Duncan, living south of Cornelius, fell down stains and dislocated her left hip. Dr. F. A. Bailey was called, who administered an an aesthetic and reduced the dislo cation. On Monday last Mr. Gaenzer. who lives near Buxton, met with a painful accident which will lay him up for some time. While cutting logs on his farm he was caught between the timbers and had two ribs fractured. Dr. F. A. Bailey was called and the suf ferer was promptly attended to. Forest Grove News: If Doc Ijirge keeps on the way he has for the past two weeks he will soon bo an export cement man. He noticed a little flaw the other day in the walk that had just been laid and had a hole drilled out so he could refill it with com. ent The work is getting along nicely with Dr. C. L. Large attending. foot in true western style by the cowboys belonging to the ranch. m i i i ine cool and deliberate manner in which Geraldine meets these rough fellows and their antics, is wonderfully interesting. Tom Lawson, the foreman of the ranch is ring leader in all exhibitions of rough riding and lariat throw ing, but is finally captivated by Miss Graham. The Honolulu 'girls have come and gone. They arrived here from Forest Grove last Friday on the 9:03 morning train and re mained until 4:30, when, with their chaperon, Mrs. Edyth-Toz-ier Weatherred, they departed for Portland and Astoria. The girls were met at the depot here wun carnages, given a delight ful ride about the city, taken to the public school, where the pupils were gathered to meet their Ha waiian cousins, and given a ban quet at Hotel Bigelow. At 1:30 a public reception wa3 given the girls at the Crescent theatre, at which time Mrs. Weatherred told briefly that the object of the trip to this coast country was purely an educational one, and to meet and become acquainted with the people here. An hour was pass ed in singing by the girls, a num ber by Miss Florence Tongue and another by Mrs. Layton, when an opportunity was given to shake hands with our Island neighbors and bid them welcome, which was done with a will. The girls enjoyed every minute of the time spent in Hillsboro. and just before leaving for the train promised The Independent a let ter for publication after reaching their home. They will go to Tacoma and Seattle, and from the latter city take the steamer for San Francisco, leaving there for the Islands. We make pop-corn balls, fresh and crisp. Den of Sweets. Mrs. R. C. Vaught is spending the week with friends in Amity. Born, on Monday last to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowe, of Phillips, a daughter. R. B. jGoodin and family of Salem, were guests at the Imbrie home over Sunday. L J. Campbell left this week for a business trip to Minneapolis and North Dakota. The best roasted and freshest peanuts in town. Den of Sweets. W. A. Goodin and family, of Astoria, attended the Zilly-Im brie wedding and were visitors in town until Sunday evening. For Rent or for Sale. -The Thomas Otchin farm, 6 miles north of Hillsboro. For terms ap ply to Mary A. Simpson, Hillsboro. W. A. Harris, county clerk of Columbia county, accompanied by Mrs. Harris, visited at the Im brie home over Sunday. Miss Sheldon will give in water colors and pastel. Les sons given in classes or individu ally. Corner Fir and Eighth streets. Independene 'phone 356. Mrs. John Riley, living east of Hillsboro, had a fall last Tues day which resulted in the frac ture of her right arm. Dr. Tarn iesie was called and set the frac ture. J. W. Enochs is up from Reed ville for a couple of weeks. He will move the nouse on his North Hillsboro property to the back of the 3-acre lot and in the spring build a much larger house. The morning subject of sermon in the Congregational church next Sunday will be "Worship and Praise : in the evening. Using What We Have." Tenny Weath erred will lead the Y. P. S. C. E Olave Johnson of Mountaindale was a Hillsboro visitor yesterday and gave this office a pleasant call. 1 his was the first time he had been away from his moun tain home since last April. At the Tualatin Plains Presby. terian church next Sunday morn ing the pastor will deliver a ser mon on example and Its in fluence," and will repeat the same at Reedville church in the evening. ine independent has been so crowded with work this week that we have been forced to ne glect the paper and several good items have been left out on that account We have help coming and hope to give more attention to the news next week. Chester A. Whitmore, presi dent of the Portland Rose Show accompanied by Mrs. Whitmore, attended the Zilly-Imbrie wed ding. He is also president Marti. At the home of th.K-j . ents.Mr.andMr8.U'-Par. of this city, on SaV i kwv, Viv Rev. L p fV .A" FTM.ziily7ofro-Jjap. Edna May Imbrie. . May if MarrUge Ucesrae. S ha?; H: Spiering. 21. Beaver Octnlir. ..I111 anderzander, V-mM Green vi . ... ...t. F. M 24, Zilley. 30. Portland, Edna over wnue . unnmeii with real lace. She wore , tulle veil and carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. The matron 0h 0 r Mrs. Ida Gooia McW ar; tne Dnue, vw - "mi crepe j chine gown jd .w . k bride roses. ne bridesmaids Lucile and Letitia Imbrie. wert attired in pink batiste lnd car ried pink carrions. h beauuiuiij uworated with JHO, was nilfl Oregon grape, smilax. chrisan- themums ana .mo8. Miss Hillsltom. . " YUrvy, 2t. Salem, Mar garet Anderson. 17, Hillsboro. Wallace Brown. 20, Hillsboro, rva Morelock, 20, Beaverton. Ch. E. Morrill; 21. Hillsboro. tiara P. IVmpleton, 10, Forest Grove. Arthur W. Stuart 20. Port and, Minnie E. Mohr, 20, Hills boro. J. W. LeTourneau. 22. Sher wood. Tennie A. Newman, 22, Kex. William J. F.ilwnnl &A,ra Mary A. Simpson eaUght th ; Komilda Leedy, 18, both of Sher bride's bouquet A buffet lunch ! wol- f oo. r. .Frost 23, Hillsboro, Inez C. Shaw, 21, Forest Grove. August OWrst. 20. and Bertha White, 18, both of Middleton. Alex Dames. 27. of Gaston, and Mary Kahler, 17, of Gales Creek. was serveu w me guests 75 of whom were froto out-ofl town, cominu from Portland Salem, Astoria, Heppner. St Hell ens. Seattle and Vancouver Wash. The bride and froom ef by carriage for Portland and de- uanna i ri "-u xt. Lrr tur "t bride were numerous and very beautiful. They will be home to their friends alter December 1, at their home on Portland Heights. On Sunday, October 20th, at the bride s residence, by Rev. L. F. Belknap. Arthur 'W. Stewart of Portland, and Minnie E. Mohr of Jobes Crossing. At the courthouse, on Tuesday, October 22, By-J. W. Goodin, county judge. William J. Ed wards and Addie Romilda Leedv. The groom is a prominent young man of Sherwood, and the bride is the daughter of B. G. Leedy, former master of . the State Grange, and both are young peo ple who have many friends. They will make their home at Sherwood. On Sunday, October 20, at the home of the groom's father, A. A. Morrill, deputy, county sur veyor, by Rev. S. J. Lindsay. Chas. E. MorrilL of this city. and Clara P. Templeton, of For est Grove. After the ceremony, which was witnessed by only the immediate memberj of the farm ilies and a few invited friends. splendid wedding repast was served to all present " On Sunday. October 20. at 'orest Grove, by Rev. S. J. Lind say. Wallace crown of Hi lsboro. and Miss Reva forelock. . i Beaverton. : - . -. t On Wednesday, October 23, at the M. E. parsonage, by Rev. S, J. Lindsay, Geo. P.. Frost, of Hillsboro, and Miss Inez C. Shaw, of Forest Grove. of the Irwin Hodson Co., of which company Mr. Zilley is a traveling salesman. Do not fail to see "Yon Yon. son at the Grescent this f nday evening. ihe National btock Company which is j holding a three-night s engagement w. tne Grescent commencing Ihursday, October 24. Popular prices. Schad & Menzel'8 National Stock Company, which is holding forth at the Grescent for the re mainder of this week, has an ex cellent list of popular plays and comedies, a good selection of specialties aud the company is one of merit Popular prices, E. E. Wickerson, of Vernon ia, was in town ihursday with a load of Northern Spy apples. You can talk about your Hood River apples, the Nenalem fruit is just as good, with' this differ ence, at Hood River they have to spray while here they do not Mr. W lckerson says there is any amount of fine fruit going to waste that in another year can be brought to market'on the P. It & N. Ry. W. P. Dyke of Dallas, has tak en office room with Attorney O. Sheldon, and will solicit in surance for the Oregon Fire Re- lef Association, of McMinnville. having been appointed agent for Washington county. He is also tudying law at the University of Oregon at Portland, and three days each week will be spent in the university. Mr. Dyke is a hustler and a good man to do business with. Hillsboro school district prom ises to be the first to have a test case under the new truant law. A couple of lads who will not go to school, but prefer to loaf on the streets, smoke cigarettes and prepare themselves for the peni tentiary, will be given an oppor tunity to turn over a new leaf or go where they will have to be good. The meeting at the Christian church will close Sunday evening with an illustrated lecture on the subject of "Ghosts." Everyone is requested to take an offering. The subjects for Friday and Sat urday evenings will be "What Shall the End Be?" and "Al most Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings Mr. and Mrs. Webb will give stereopticon views in connection with the sermons. : A cordial invitation to everybody. The National Stock ComDanv. now playing at the Crescent Theatre, comes highly reconv 1 J x - iL. i" X menaea to me rescciu manage ment, ine auracuun iot this Fnday evening will be the side splitting comedy, i on ion3on. " The play for Saturday nieht will be announced Friday. There are a number of specialties between acts and there are no dull waits. Prices, loges and orchestra, 50c: dress circle and balcony, 35c; boys in gallery, 25c. , Dance in Hillsboro Ho. Saturday evening, November 2nd. The floor and decoratinna are now complete, making this as nice a hall as you would wish to enter. Dancing every two weeks from above date. The management will endeavor to make it a pleasure for you to at tend these dances. Come and invited your friends to have a good social time. The Two lor $2.7$. The Hillsboro Independent and The Youth's Companion one year for $2.75. Old subscribers can take advantage of this splendid offer by paying their subscription one year in advance. A play with a well denned pur pose yet wun an uuurnying thread of delightful humor is "ThA Pow.Piinpher" to be sepn at the Crescent on Monday night October 28. The author, Hal Reid, has drawn his characters well, notably Tom Lawton, the central figure. Poet not 'Na:ure's fama Brave as a lion, he couia write his name. TVioro in not A dull moment from the time Geraldine Graham, a young dashing New York girl arrives to take possessiu" w ine ranch left her at the deain 01 her Kmikor until rurtAin descends on the death of Lutchea Cordov ia, who recieved the bullet in her own breast aimed at her bpanish over, as . m . Fierce were the hres mk turn ed in her breast ... She died for her love, in we rar golden west" The pain in Ma's head has gone, She's as happy as c0.. --. Ier health is,nghtthr temPr Since taking Hollister Rocky f Mountain Tea at nignt Delta Drug Tor Sale. Black Minorcas, Brown Leg horns and Barred Rocks, both hens, pullets and cockerels. , R. H. GKEER. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of I. J. Baughfman, deceased; final account approved and estate closed of record. Guardianship of William Ziegler a spendthrift: Benton Bowman appointed guardian ad litem and ordered that certain real estate be sold as petitioned for. Estate of Adam Paque, deceas ed; final account filed and Satur day, November 23, at 10 o'clock a, m., set for time of hearing ob jections to final settlement Estate of Dwitrht H. Thomas. deceased; inventory and appraise ment filed and approved. Estate of Chas. P. Clark, des eased; last will and testament fil ed, and admitted to probate. reari uark named as execu trix.' M. B. Bump, attorney. Crescent Theatre. The Crescent management has received the following report from the National Bureau of In formation, relative to the "Cow Puncher," the attraction for Monday, October 28: W. F. Mann's "Cow Puncher" has been reported to us from number of cities of from 2,500 to 12,000 population and all say "the company and staging are good. une says, 1 ne specialties are fair. ' It is' a company of ten people." Some of tne comments are as follows: "Good 'company and gave - satisfaction. Show gave ' ' excellent satisfaction. fin scenery; above the aver age; show pleased." . Prices' for this engagement Lower floor, 50c; loges. 75c; bal cony. 35c; boys in gallery, 25c. " The Portland papers say of this show: It s the best of the kind since the Virginian." . We are prepared to do all kinds of light machine work, at R. Lee Sears Bicycle Shop. ' Took tho Bait A Frenchiuun wbime wife deserted him amused bis neighbors by telling bow be. Rot her back without troubU. "Did 1 run after her and beg her to com back?", ha druuiutlcally asked. "No, my frteml. I did not run after her. J iliust tillixh In ze pa pa I re cat I bare drawn fifty tounanu iranrs in Tarla muulclpnl bondn, and she rae back much quicker uo In no time." London Telegraph.' M. WEHR8JNG & SONS. LEAD IN HIGH GRADE GOODS AND LOW PRICES. .--.WATCH OUR BARGAIN ' COUNTERS.-'-. We will place Bargains there every day. We ask our customers to price goods of other merchants, including "Port land," and then compare wilh our lines LADIES DUKSS HOODS, MKX'S AND IU)YS CLOTHING. GKNTS' FURNISHING GOODS W. L. DOUGLAS AND DR. REED'S SHOES For Men. and SELBY CO. SHOES for Ladies. Also a complete line of Groceries at bottom prices. Highest market price paid for produce. I The Best Paper lor Family Reading. The contents of The Youth s Companion are chosen witn a view to the interest of all tastes and ages. The father, as wen as the son, enjoys tne taiesiuu venture: the mother renews her girlhood in the stones forgiris. while the paper always abounds in stories, long and short which may be read aloud in the most varied family group to the keen pleasure of all. ' . Full illustrated Announcement of The Companion for 1908 will be sent to any adaress iree wim sample copies of the paper. New subscribers wno senu $1.75 at once for l'JOS win re- all the remaining is sues 6f 1907, besides tnegiiioi The Companion's rour-ieai Hanging Calendar for lauo, m full color. . THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, unknown tot144 Berkeley St. Doston, Mass. ' A FULL 'LINE OF Electric Supplies and Globes Light Where You Want It "The Economical ... n Turna down like ( The or.g.n. (ring tarn down. Tull the siring "Bright or Mm." It m' Was award! hi!ieit and only swsrd at the H. fault Kiposition. , HOUSE WIRING. Next door to Vaujrnfs Grocery, on Second Street Fine Un of CM""" j. R. Powell. --Crescent Opera House-- W. F. 31 ANN Presents The Dreey Western Playv Piumicllneir" By Hal Reid, Author of Human Hearts. 329 Consecutive Night3 in New York, Chicago and the East A Beautiful Story About an Arizona Cow Boy. A WESTERN PLAY WORTH WHILE. Port land Papers say it's the BEST Western Play since the Virginians. PRICES-Lower floor, .r0c; TiOpe8. 75c; Balcony, 35c, Gallery, 2rc. Faith in th. Ooctor. Aa English aichauKe quotrs a story said to bava beeu tokl nt a "charity dinner." A. man was brought Into the ncrlilcnt hospital who was thouKht to ho dead. His wlf was with hint. One of tliu doctor said, "lie Is dond." Tim ninii raised bis bead and suld, "No, I in nut dead yet," whereuiwu his Vlfa inl- monlBhad him, saying, "lie quiet; lue doctor ought to know bent." We can fix that broken umbrel la or baby carriage, or sewing machine. We have a 'baby bug gy tire machine and can put new tires on your buggy at a small cost Call and get prices. R. Lee Soars' Bicycle Shop. Flower pots nd fruit tices, roses and shrubbery for sale at the Hills boro Plant and Flower Garden.' ftj Writing Paper. And other materials lor corresjiondenca are so plentiful, so varied, so food and so cheap hare that no one should be without a sufficient supply of . CO a KBIT STATION KB V. Styles chsnge In this aa In other things Sometimes the newest tint or 'hape of paper anl envelopes may be only a panning lad, but as we sell . iiox PArna and irini , at extremely low prices, one can indulge in all the fads without being guilty of extravagance. The Hillsboro Pharmacy. FANCY ONES STYLISH ONES ' VXXJLX Jt JL A JLXJL A AJLJL 3 Ladies9 j; i ? a Jy z & . sNTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi Jj gl ft TINTED EMBOSSED WHITE KID alt Bars !K4