Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 11, 1907, Image 1

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Number 23
Volume 35
fiillsboro Independent.
D. V. BATH, Publisher.
r Thl paper it not forced udod
anyone. It i not our practice to stop
paper until ordered to do to. Anyone
not wiabing the paper must notify the
publisher or they will be held liable for
th lubeeviption price.
$1.50 a Year, In Advance.
Entered at th Poelofflce at Hills-
i j.-o, Oregca. fcr traasxlislca tim;i
the mall.- ea second-claa mall matter.
Official paper or waahington county.
Republican in Politics.
Aovkktisinu Rath: Display, 60 cen
an inch, aingle column, (or lour lnser
tlons; reading notice, one cent a won
each Insertion (notblng Iran tnan l
cents) : professional carta, one inch, f
a month ; lodge turd, (5 a year, paya
ble quarterly, (notice ami resolution!
tree to advertising lodges).
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Office: Boom 3. 4 and 6. Morgan Blk.
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Offlce: Central Block, Room 6 and 7
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Office, in Union Blk.. with 8. B. Huston
jlfio :
Koouil i, 4 and 5, Morgan BlotK
Hlllaboro, Oregon.
Notary Tublic and
Attornov - lit - l-aw
A Complete success.
Fine Exhibits in Hie Aericultural, Horlicultural and
- - . .-r- . cniAniiiH crinwint of
VIIIC Alia aCUi iiiiviiw"3k'"j T
Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Poultry-List of
Exhibitors and Prize Winners.
jlarfH'ffl'y.loDbdki and eort
on burot leelhsr, on b
llriGeo wiiw irt
too quilt; l,t on
Amid showers of confetti, the
screaching of horns and music by
the band, the best street fair held
in Washington county for years,
came to an end in HilLsboro last
Saturday night The weather
for the entire three days was
ideal and the crowds came from
every part of the county and not
a word of dissatisfaction was
heard from anyone. The fair
was a great success, so much so
that all are of the opinion that
the one to be held next year will
be one of the best held in the
state. It will be a county fair,
open to the whole county, and a
return to the glorious fairs held
in this city years ago, of which
people are still talking.
The agricultural and horticul
tural products which were exhib
ited in the Linklater building on
Second screet, were certainly
fine and said by many to excel
tknen rlisnlnvprl at the state fair.
On the right as you entered this
building was tne Art uepan
ment, presided over by Mesdames
L II. Greer and U. W. Loneison.
'ho Aiarav was one of the best
in the structure and consisted of
ovorvtViinor in the line delicate
npedlework to the most beautiful
paintings, all done by the ladies
of Hillsboro and vicinity.
W ir7 . us ami, cup.
t B Powell. U & wlWt. ,. ;.
VVM ws lVtUB(
curio01- cnM' "in, bL
Haiti Butte, u on y,l( center.
LolU Butler, Wo,, burnt wood bos
Beat rriHtotl 2d on Uedapread
1 .Ml, aha.
M7 Lwderi, lit on pillow, and pil
low topi.
MriJcW Gr, lit d . .
pillow top.
Mri Wm Morton, lit on Mt Mellick
V Doughty, to oa vnruU.1 ....lit
F-lii Godmaa, lit ou pillow, lit
n A T , . . . . AvVliKitcwl OITYI P
c : .,t u.rwrul tnminclnn twoo
line tsiifviiucua ui " i
of his own make, which was very 8 a turned wood
creditable indeed. I Mi- s1?00; w on emb dre
tu iAa .r fmiira. uwe VV. I Wilma HeiUeL JJ 0n iom.
K. Harris and B. Scofield; on Mtu Stream, three wound prite on
VfKCUiuica, it. w...... Z I
Kelsay; canned goods, Mrs. L. MrtKicbteMiUn quilt, lit on pil-
A I..,..1 Ma P f Ifpirlel. I r.m allD. lit On bolltar inru,!.
V. turn -J . - - I " I -
We have been unable to get MnWA Thompton, lit on bureau
of th nou trv exhibit-
th result, but it is safe to
say that everything in the num
erous coons received isi or nu
Beamlih-.W F. Thornt! 1st.
1,000,OOO..W K Thome l-l.
Potato Top Thoa I'oniifll 1st.
Green. Jacob Aihbargor Ut.
Unnamed. Kov Marlia lt.
Unnamed Yellow. C W Utxlinoiid
Ice Cream, Roy -Murlin Int.
Unnamed, John Fruedciithul lt.
Muak Melon, II lUck let.
Banana Cantalouie. C W Ue.linon.1
Pomegranatei, Mr U Murlin lot.
Paraley, F Gaealur Ut.
Vegetable Marrow. Thoi Council 1st.
Sweet Potato, H Cave Ut.
Bummer, Geo Doughty Ut, (' W Kol
Una 2d. U Crandall :U.
Crooked Neck,' 11 F Gordon Ut, Hoy
Marlin 2d, Chaa F.mrich :'(.
Hibley, I. Manning Ut.
Hubbard. V 8 Tilton Ut, J W Gate
Id, W E Tborne 3d.
Oreen Hubbard, J C I-amkin Ut.
Yellow Hubbard, J C Lamkin Ut.
Marted, K Cramlall Ut.
Mammoth, Geo Harrow Ut, S Moon
2d, II Harrington 3,1.
WilCOZ. lit. "hw trl!n
Mn E D Thorn, Sd on Bat hdkf. lit
on drawn wor Ddkt
John Witte lit, Joa P.iahop -M, l ux-
ton Grange 3d.
Giant, Geo Baker Ut.
Field Pie. R Crandull Ut.
Little Pie, W K Thomo Ut.
Sandwich Island, 11 Cran.l.ill Ut.
Hybrid, R Craudall 1st.
. ,. . ..... I in uiu "taiuiieni, were muiiy Calico, R C'randall ut.
riniuBing vm. i otnerw uvi euiereu as sampiesi Mammoth, J rruedentimi it.
exhibitors and prizes awarded: 0f workmanship, not for prizes,
In this department were many
millinery by Mrs. I. G. Bath, the
only one in the building, and
without question the best west of
1U1 v 11. -
Dlonf anA Plnuroi. floivlan VtaA
some beautiful plants and flowers
Field lorn, John Stabkie Ut, John
l:, illy - i, G A Baker 3d.
Pop Con, W E Thome lit.
Siit' ir C ane, B Flint lit.
l.nom Com. Ben J Schofield lit.
Flax in ilieaf, H lick lit.
Millot in nheaf, 11 Dick lit.
Alf.ilf:i. K Crandull lit.
O.ita in iet. Imperial, M F Meeiing-
cr 1ft.
Wheat in ilieaf, W B Jolly lit.
Suiillower. L R Inglei lit, Andy Mil
ler JJ, John Stankie 3d.
Tobacco, F Gaealar Ut.
Kulc, l,nheaileJ, George Harrow
lnt, J W M:irli A Son 2d.
lVaua, dry, Golden Wax, Geo Dough
ty Ut; rhubarb, K II McNelly Ut; pre
J .......
scrvf.l mr, iirJ A iiuoiie ict, imu
warian pliuiii, J A Zimmerman lit; nn
(.rinciitid grape juice, Mn R B Collini
Ut; P.tniHon plum, Mn Fred Adami
Ut; Oienon-grown lemoni, Sin Koy
M.niiii Ut.
Chicken, Meadamel "3 A Zimmerman
Ut, B K llainc 2d. Roy Marlin 3d;
corn, Meadume Cora Flint Ut, J A
iniim rinan 2d, R B Collin 3d ; beam,
m. h,1,iiiu. II W Smith lit. Roy Marlin
id and 3d ; ea, m-wlame L W Houb
Ut, V O Doneleon 2d, Roy Marlins;
U'cta, Mt silaine Fred Adam lit, H D
Schnieluer 2d; tomatoei, neadameRoT
Marlin Ut, J A Zimmerman 2d, Godman
:t 1 ; preserved tomatoei, Mr Fred
Adam 1st; onions, Mil Uoy Marlin J car
rota, Mrs Fred Adam; cauliflower, Mea
d imes I. V House Ut, F C Franci 2d;
around cherries, wr R 11 Greer; mam
moth ground sane, Thomaa Tucker.
Greer; peer, nri C E Peichman; peare
ipiced. Mr U 0 Gardner.
Apple. Moedame C W Redmond lit;
W D Hare 2d; crab apple, Meedamee
Souther lt, Will Adkin 2d. K Moor
3d; plum, a-r Souther; grape, Mr
Souther; white grape, mm Soutuer; rea
currant, Mr Redmond; whit currant,
Mr Souther; quince, Mr W O Donel
eon. REUCS.
Flat Dutch, J W Marsh & Son Ut,
John Witte 2d.
Drumhead, Tennii Pyle lit.
Unnamed, Roy Marlin Ut.
and Notary
Office Over Wehrung' Store, Second 8U
Jiiat ocrnsa the hall was the
r.nrio department, in
charge of Mesdames J. W. Sew-
ell and J. A. lmDne. nere were
rvn riisnlav articles that had been
the plains more
Special Attetion to wnwy.u, - - ,
bale Matter, Drawing Legal raier, r.vu. man niiy jeois twv., ...o.. ... ,
sirumeiiLs inui, nau ..v.
. m- ... . . irom iamny ui ittiiuijf i"i "
JOHN M. WALL, century, war relics ifrom the con-
... t nw HictSWltn tne inaians anu uic
Atloriiey-at-Lan, it.1Mi,anf 'filA rare and
Office up stair,. BaleyMorgan Blk. valuable books colored with &
OHU HUlluiww - .
that are treasured by their own
ers and bring up memories Doin
joyful and sad.
Alter tnese, ana aisniayeu un
both sides of the long hall, came
the Agricultural and Horticultur
al fWnrtmpnts. and we do not
Office upstair, over The Delta Dmg hesitate in saying that no single
store' omceboura-8toi2;lto6,and C0Unty in Oregon could have
In the evening Irom 7 to 9 o'cloca. made as nne an exniuii, nui ivr
. I frnftintr iiruvi rilVJT w 1LI1 1L
j. p. TAMIESIE, M. D. u.,, or,ln F.vnrvthino-
a. -. .w-..,. r. tUa f-irm vvna rpnrp-
Hlllaboro, Oregon. frnm trip hiu- notnto. the
aldenee corner Third and Main; oBIm up U)-foot Com to the SQUash and
rir.o l-U.dra .tor.: hour a, ?-J?"i niimnb;na that Dulled the SCaleS
I'lilZK W1NNKR8.
Mr. Riener. Ut and 2nd on ruga
liaaia K..hnnilu.ri. lat. anf TlilloW.
.i I Koniltifnl nlanta on flnwera I n..t.l rnln U'lmut J W Marsh & Son
.M in. j ni A'lniuv. ivu dvihv i , uw.w - .
M. TV n l).in.lmn 1 at on ranter-1 in the front window of the build- ut
Piece col. em! ing, which attracted a great deal Mole W bite Winter W heat , J os Con-
noti card of attention, and much favorable Beil lit.
niiiow. comment Among the lot were Kinck wheat, Jo Conneil ut
Mn, E. o. Crandall, 3d on center- two lilies with very large buds, 0ATS
I Dnktr Pmkla VAOQ olwflVtl
piece. i une uauj "urei ivm, " j - ...... . . c.iui
' . .!.. V.ll.r Whlta Unanian. J W Marsh Son 1st
mri. k. u. coinni, lit on piano can. in uiou .., v. c Ki:u .1"." w'M.r.l, A Son Ut. J
riosaie neaiuerreo, ist on aoia pu-i vtiiiKavcvi hvuico, vuoouiii.
low. , lax, fully twelve feet in length, Fruedenthai 2d
Mr W J Jones, lit on bnrnl wood one buncil 01 CUt caniauona nu
V VT.V.nuafl lettUCC
uinifT, man uiuniuouvi iuu Kiuvv wit I cuts vunt'ii vi i iu v '
' . I . . vprv at-
air M Btuebe, lit on drawn work cur- The grH') iiouse i 'f:n
I. v. f .i i.j avrei
lain, bed aprea.l. - pBTO'"--. r-r r nv time
Jeaale Vonelaon, la on nmi, sa on I inviiea wt gu L" . . , .f
f,uit. 1 and see trie beautiful assortment
Mr. F A llain.... Int. lancv work. I OI Plant rlnu,'pra. DUU9, rvKa,
Miaa Simpson, Ut on five baBketa, lit I CamaUOnt, etc.
on quiit
Hlllaboro, Origon.
1 . . .i.l 1 to P
fro ia lwli lrK "u'r"
wared daf or ulhl
luir., .......
T,.e,hoi.a to rewd!!"
All caua iui'.'
Hlllaboro, Orgon.
,on.TlalleV block. OP-
12 11 and 5. Re.ldenc
: W ... Line and Second te
Both 'phonee.
w j- BAILEY. M. D
Htlliboro, Orgon,
Offlce: Morgan-Bailey
y.Zi v a. Bailey.
N. 5.orMr Third iu
A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,
.ovctriiN ASD SCRC.EON,
Hillsboro, Oregon
lini eior. Ofll( ho
third hmi-. nonn ; , ,!. Ho,a
III " " unliXJI
'km.aa north f
lilU promptly aiun.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
AJB MJ-a. Sltfwt-.
,",a trKS Rm '"""T
Ba.1 Bra;. ffiVil.Ziam T- la tab--k
h. It N'T' "....ia mad b
"V.- o-u. ..a ftid VH
ana .i""
M lonn. "7,:" op.s, Hadlioo, "
Dr. B. P. Shepherd,
(SueceMortoPr. A. Burr...)
1 UT-e"' f '
..:..-. r.Hlorni. College ol Ortep-tt
toi iv'w v . a v - - - 1
pumpkins that pulled the scales
tn the HNVnound
mark. One sunflower measured
17 inches across, and there were
plenty of pears and grapes that
can be grown in no other country
... . .1.1
wun greater success inai nere,
and the beauty of it all is the
fact that nearly all of this mag-
nincent iruit was grown aimosi
within the city limits of Hills
boro. This department was pre
sided over by Mesdames C. W .
Kollins andWm. II. Conneil. and
Vio 1'iHuia tnnV PTint (li'llo-ht in
u.v. e-- ......... ...
block, no- showing the wealth 01 the larm
Keeidenc. and giving the names of the lor
tunate growers, in iact inesuc-
nuci nf nil (ipnnrtmprita in thp
VV.J V . M. .. I -- ... - - -
building is due to all the ladies
who worked hard and laithtully.
James Lamkin had on display
some boilers and other tin uten
sil of hi3 own make, which at
tracted a good deal of attention
nrA miirVi favnrnhlf mmmpnr
OlIVI IUUVII . ' v ' .....w - - "
The Independent othce was the
nnlv nnn in thp eountv havintr on
exhibit specimens of job print
ing. hiie we are opposed 10
'..inir our nwn Vinrn " thp
many favorable comments on the
quality of the work is very grati-
fyn.tf- . ,
The special premiums on ereu oy
Rros.. of Portland, through
IL H. Greer of this city, for the
best jar of fruit, vegetables,
meat or fish, put up in Kconomy
jars, was awarded to Mrs. L V.
House lor wineoerry unu tauii
flower, and to Mrs. J. A. Zim
merman, of Reedville, for chick
en. The ladies were given a
dozen jars each.
Mrs. I- A. Hood, Ut on leather pil
low, Ut on euiocking pillow.
Mr R II Greer, 1st on painting.
Mr A M Collini, 2nd on picture.
Mr E 0 Crandall, 1st on picture.
Florence Kemp, Ut on llk quilt
Mr M Alk-esheimer, lit on belt.
Mr P M Juckion. lit on worsted
F.lizabeth Milne, let on cushion
Miss Simpson, 1st on pincushion, 2nd
on rentermece.
Mr John Bailey, let and 2nd on pic
Elizabeth Milne, 2nd on eyelet boler
Mattie Smith, lit on iiuilt.
Mrs II Campbell, 1st on hand-made
Mary Sewell, 1st on two picture
Jessie Donelson, 1st on picture.
Mrs W 0 Donelson, lit on waist, 2nd
ou pillow.
Asenia Brown, 2nd on handkerchief
Mrs R II Greer. 2nd on picture
Mr W R Hoyt, Ut on sofa pillow
MrsHV(tate, 1st on pt lace hdkf,
Ut on centerpiece.
Lizzie Grossun, Ut on sofa pillow.
Liola House. 1st on picture. 2ad on
Marsnret Redmond. 2nd on picture.
Mrs L W House, 2nd on centerpiece.
Ona lord, 1st on silk quilt.
Cecelia Greer. 1st on burnt wood
Mrs R C Vaught, 3rd on picture
Pansy Sheldon, 2d on centerpiece,
Ut on burnt wood, lit on picture, 3d on
Mrs Barr, two 1st and two 2nd on
Mrs Sigler, let on cushion.
Ada Allison, 1st on cushion,
Alice Wehrung, 2nd on picture.
ReWca Wilkei, 3d on silk quilt.
Mn I. U Inslei. 1st on bed (oread
Mn J A Imbrie, three lit prize on
sola pillows.
Mrs A Imbrie, lit on cushion top.
Mn Ida McNutt, lit on chemise.
Ada Allison, Ut on doily.
Mrs R II Greer, 2nd on picture.
Klia Shorey, Ut on Rattenberi, 2nd
ami 3d on centerpiece.
IVrtha Johnson, one 1st and two 2d
on Pillows.
Mrs Bertha Johnson, 1st on baby suit,
Ut. 2d and 3d on painted pillow tone.
Mn Salgard, 1st on tidv, lit on ibop-
ping iag.
Selma Nelson, 2d on doily, lit on cen
Mn Borden, lit, 2d and 3d on three
Delborah Barrett, 2nd on Batlenberg
Mrs F.mmott. 3d on milt.
, - .
Mri J P Tamleste, 1st on eofa pillow,
.Maine uaon, in on painting.
Mis Hendertoo, lit on two picture.
Sweetwateinan Htnlla. Helvetia, lt;
J Schlagel 2d, 4 Guerber 3d.
Red MountainA Guerber lit.
Concord A Uuerber Jt, J Bcblag!
Black Hamburg J Uroaaen 1st, Dan
Stnller 2d
Relsling A Guerber 1st
Jannaville A Guerber lit.
Woiden Improved A W Barber lit.
Niagara A W Barber 1st, Benton
Bowman 2d
Vncliih Walnuts 8 T Bowser 1st. C
E Koonti 2d, M F Meesinger Sd
Ri.itar Mn Jo Conneil 1st
Filbert Tho William, Vineland.
Chestnut J G Pellette lit.
Buckeye W 0 Donelson lit
Almond, I X IV J Q Palette lit.
m Jot Conneil 2d
California Black WalnuU-Mr KB
rnllinl lit.
Peanut G Ueesinger 1st
liirkorr D Fomeror 1st
ri-Mti R B Collini lit. Mn Joe
Conneil 2d
f..mtv H llnnlarman III. r.
1tt.natOD. 2d
Tn Jars L John ton lit
strained E J Johnston 1st,
Haemal E J Johnston lit.
BurUnk-J W Gate! lit, Dan Stoller
2d, Geo Hrro 3d.
Kdee-K crandall lit.
Empire Stat-R Crandall lrt.
Am.rican Wond.r-E II McNelly lit.
Improved Bar bank E Whit 1st.
F 0 Frncii lit, Geo Doughty Jd.
GMslar 3d.
gugar-JecooYungen lit. w b iuwu
2J. . .
Marigold 8 Crandall lrt.
Btod'i ftx.-T0hn Witte lt. Mn
Nybart 2d-
Yellow DanTrD Corriea lrt, Stow-
ell 2..
Unnamed Roy Merlin lrt.
lem"-c W Redmond lit, Dr Wood
8nk-A B unt 1L
f r. GreenThna Conneil lit.
ronaml-i 8 Robinson lrt. Julia
Rictei 2J-
GoUe "''C.rt, W E Thome lrt,
J frurdanUial Ut. 1
Canadian Field Peaa J Vruodentnal
J W Gate 1st.
Rice, J W Gates 1st.
White Rice, J H Humphrey Ut.
Red Rice, J H Humphrey- l-l
Red View, J II Humphreys 1st.
Pride of the West, Row ell Ut.
Nameless. W K Tborne 1st.
Yellow Flint. CS White 1st.
Nebraska Flint, Benj SchotUU 1st.
White Dent, R Crandall Ut, A
Barber 2d, John Witte 3d.
Bloody Butcher, Benj Schofield Ut
Gold Medal, Jos Robinson Ut.
u. 11. r,r..n. W E Tborne
OIUWViii e
Yellow Dent, Roy Marlin M.
Yellow Flint, C 8 White Ut
Stowell. Evergreen, W K Thorno Ut.
Pride of the North, William Tapper
Cucumbers, Mesdame J A Zimmer
man ii. Rov Marlin 2d. F G Franci 3d ;
..,iv,..l t.i, klos. Mrs H 1) SchmelUer let,
21, ltd ; catsup. Mesdame 11 D Scbmelt
i.t s.l. C.mlman 2d : Chili auce, Mrs
1L B Collins; rhubarb, Mrs U G Gardner
l-l. Nianara crapes, Mrs J A Mm
. . ,,,.,,u..i,Mrri. Mesdames J A
Imbrie Ut, W S Tilton 2d ; strawberries,
Mesdames C K Deichman 1st. W 8 Til
ton 2d; raipberrica, Mrs F McCarty;
LorriM. ira LW House; nectar
ines, Peter Nelson; peaches, Mesdame
1 ..tm,.M 1st WD Hare aa, .imiuor-
man 3d ; petite pruues, Mrs John Hou
... i- i.... 0,1. .ilver prune, Me
11 K Maine 1st. RB Collin 2d ;
' iiiiinca. Meadamea B K Maine 1st; R
,. ...mi... ,! . M vunlM. Mr K U.
Amber tup bought 1853, Mary bewail.
Violin 1862, Thome Tucker..
China bowl 1852, Mr W O Doneleon.
Spooa brougnt Irom Iielauu, ISC
yean old, J A Imbrie.
Knee buckle worn in Scotland, 100
year ago, J A Imbrie.
Candle tick 100 year old, Mn 1
Gold dollar made in 1837, Mn Rich
ter. Br tea kettle, presented to Mr
Nlcklin, greet grandmother of Mr J
Latnklo, by Qeorg Washington, before
he became president.
... . . . mff l.
Copper ore and piit i". w
Old hot gun date unknown, 1 t
Sugar bowl 1832, Mn Ed Moore.
Violin 100 year old, Mr R II Greer,
Kauri gum Iron New Zealand, W 8
Knit lace made by Mr Smith SO year
old, Mn Smith..
Piece of wheel from the wrecked te-
quina, Mr Prter Boecow.
Dutch oven 1844, no nam.
Maitadou tooth from Alaka, Mr W
G Hare.
Maatadon tooth found on Jo l-on-nell'i
farm, Jo Coanell.
Moo teetn and ipong from Alaska,
D McCamUh.
Nehalem b-wx. Dr Wood.
Walrus tusk, toUm pol Irom Aiama,
A Imbri.
Gold coin, Dr Wood.
OBtrlch egg, 8ewll, Imbrie, Wiley.
Raphia bakt, MU 8lmpon.
Rtpbia and Indian bakt, Mn J A
Petrified bU found tn tunnei .
Buxton, 1200 feet above ea level, IKXI
ieet under ground, ami so nine irou.
ocean, Fred Coinlto. ,
tCoaUnoad oa Fourth Page.)
Jnr wm WHIP M : . .
n we
for pi it Nwth.
'11 itt hmn
Hritx f-r Prtr LUt. MttrkeH 1
ll 7 .
( wj aervat m w m m .jrw
0, zSyV WVWfWgS
A. P. ARMJTRONU, ui. . .
PMucatcs f.,r .uccea. In a short time and at .mall tt
dent to a ,K.9ition a. soon a. competent. QUtj ' jj Tndlvidual in-
thon-uKh work bring, n. over 100 caU. ' t J card Index, the
atrnctioa insure, rapid progrca. W ISm f our ahorth.nd;
Tite today. f,f rrhant. any bant, an)
ata aaaaava- . . I " V aaT
1 T I.
There's a lot of satisfaction in a .boo w it
A , 1 t:.1. fn "look
after month's of wear, ncis omy -
You will find comfort, ease ana
to,..HAMH.TON-.mtOWN 1...0 ,
. - t 1 . 1 11 ct nrl'l. L V Uliu
SHOES, no Utur
1 am Sf'O OUI GUI I w w
goou. w.th eycry pair.
i-n.Mn irt made 4,UI .-u' n
UU I IC 1 vn
II f
I a. 1 . a
11 a xrh
II " J The
r Xn tear -a
erv House
5 the finest in the county.
t,.uallv carried by anjup-to-date Groc-
Our immense sales make it posiible
..:.i fral, foods. Not a shop
(IT U3 lO Ciilljf a
worn article in the establishment.
old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shoe Store
1 rwu"" , and practice.
.7. Board oi Kta