t THE INDEPENDENT, HltHBORO, Br V. V. BATH. EIGHT PACES. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R TIMK-TAHI r. tHOH HILLkHiiuo. 'I'I'l. MimTII. N. No. I. a. m 4:30 p. m N. No. 3, 6 :-' l. m 9 :03 a.m. OOiNU NUKTII. 1-v. No. 7 a hi No. 0 p iu Korest ( i rove rt :4" 1 ::u ('melius il-.:v.i l:'M HillsUiru tt:l 1 :4'J keedville 7 : 1 :.v lleavertoit 7:10 2:05 Ar. , I'ortliiinl 7:.V 2:.V UDINU SOUTH. I.. .No, H a iu Nu. 10 p m Portland :..:.:X) K:Jt Itravttriou 11:44 7:04 Hee.lville lli.Vi 7:15 MlllHlH.ro 12:07 :4() Cornelius 12:15 7::t0 Ar. Forest lirove. 12:20 0:20 I', (i. VICKEKS, Anent. Kcououiy FruiLJura at Greer's. Money tu loan on real ectute aecurity. II. T. luto-iey "Grandma" Wood a Lai lad turn I last Sunday and m uncouaciou inoat of tbe day, but recovered and la reported better now. The weight of 120 year ia telling on bur rapidly and ber friend A daughter was born to Hheriff and Mri. J. V. Connell yesterday niorniug, The sheriff's olHca ii now in fin con' ditiou and at bright aa new paper and i.int ...... .UL.. i TL. niE.i. I. .-..l. !...! I. i , , . ..i ma it. turn UBIU uiuw u ., ...... ..H.., ..,. ,UIf u ,,,ureu i )t vi mem m wniie longer. The total Kate receipt for the date fair amount to $20,000 approximately, a against 118.0(10 last year, or an in crease of 2,000. Tbia ia exclusive of tbe receipt from concession and grand tand, which were alau Urge, and will bring the grand total nearly J'.iO.OOO. Miss Mildred Wilton leave Monday for ber home in Southern Oregon, where he will apeud the winter and devote ber time to the study of mimic. Minn Wilson ha been stenographer in the I'.K. & N. general ollices since they were located here, end expects to return again when tbe springs' work begina. Kverytliing in tbe at (irecr'a. line of Fruit Jar I want a quantity Call and see mu. of Cuacara bark. K. I- (ireear. Olympic Flour I tbe bunt you can get at H. II. Greer Horn. On Sundiry, Hepteuilier 22, to Mr. and Mrs. i'hillip Kalacb, a aou. lr. I.oe, the Optician? llillsboro, October 7. will be in Horn. September 20, to Mr. and Mr, Kdward Bogc, of Furmington, ton. II. Wehrung and wife have returned from Newport where they apent the uiiuuer. Miss lenuesseo Y eallierred ha re turned from an extended visit at Seattle and Taioina. Mra. J. C. Kuratli and children have visited relatives iu Portland aince last Sunday, and are expected home tumor row. A new cement walk ia being laid in front of ruliiiateer'a restaurant and My era' bukury, and the good work will go right along. Judge Goodin is moving to the Davl residence on Fourth struct and W. O Hare ia moving into the house being va cated by the judge. School open next Monday morning, September M. The children may be sorry, hut there are a good many par ents who will send up a aigli of relief. A marriage license wa issued by County Clerk Fields o( Multnomah county on Tuesday to W, F.. Taylor of this city and Uosina King of Portland. W. X. Barrett, who has lieen at home fur the past three weeks, left last Sun day for the United State Naval acad emy ut Annapolis, where he ia a cadet. Andrew Jack was in town Tuesday and rexirts that lie had finished pick ing bops, and while big crop ia only about two-thirds of that anticipated, the iiiulitv ia good. J. J. Hill is rushing work on the North Itank road and part of it will lie in operation November 1st. It ia said that two miles of track will tie laid each day out of Vancouver. Miss Nellie Wallace and Misa Oertha Olsen resinned their position at tbe Pacific States telephone oilice Saturday Mis I'earl Smith and Mis Duer have lieen engaged to lill the vacancies. Kev. I.. F. I'elknnp is attending the M. K. conference in Portland and is member of the Conference Steward committee. There is a very large atten ' dance from all part of the state. Mr. and Mr. I'. (5. (iardner and Thomas Tucker returned Tuesday from a ten davs' outing at Collins and St. Martin's springs. They report a splen did time and say they are much improv ed in health. Hev. F.dward Curran, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of this city, but now conducting a job printing oilice in Portland, was in town one day last week looking ufler some property be ow ns here. Should this item catch the eye of some lady wlio would like to go into the mil llnery business, slut will hear of an ex celleut chance at l'undoii. Ore. Full particulars given by addressing The Be. corder, of that city. When the bead aches from overwork or worry, apply Manuel wrung out of veiy hot water to the back of the neck and bathe the face ami temples with warm water, and then lie down for a short time if possible. Fx. Fred Mckinley illy, of Portland, ami Mis Filna luibrie, of tbia city, will lie married Octolier lt'tli. The bride-to-be ia a daughter of Mr, and Mra. Koliert Imbne and numerous friend will ex tend congratulations and best withes. Mrs. I. P. I hapiel ami children, of Southern tregon, are exjHH'ted to come to llillsboro in a week or two to make their home. Mr. Chappel i trainer for K. B. Tongue, ond i industriously look ing for a bouse to rent, but they are scarce. Kuratli Bros, last Monday sold the Henry SchmelUer bouse and lot at Third and Oak, to J. B. Truelinger, of Sheridan, for ll,:k)0, and on Wednesday they told the J. J. Osterlaee, on Tenth and Oak, to Mr. Wilkin of Keedville, for fMiM. O. D. Kikes of the Davis Hill vineyard, Forest Grove, baa our thank for a bas ket of aa floe grape a could poasibly lie grown In tin country of luscious Iruit. They were of tbe Moyer variety, large, splendid flavor, and a rare treat tu the writer and family. We do not believe nicer grape could lie grown anywhere. Engineer Charle Fallette, of the I'. K. AN. Hy., met with a painful acci dent last Tuesday evening by the explo sion of oil in hi engiue. He was sev erely burned about the hands and fat- anil a neat job of hair singing performed without the aid of a tonsorial artist. lr A. B. Bailey was called and attended M Fallette 'a injuries which, while painful are not dangerous. The fifty-ninth annual meeting of the General Association of Congregational Churches and Minister of Oregon will he held at Salem Octolier loth to the 17th. Kev. Howard Gilpatrick of tl city is on the program for an address on "The Sabbath for Man." The regular business meeting of Woman's Mission arv organization will be hold on Wed nesday, October 10. On Wednesday. October 2, at 9:30 o'clock a. ni., at St. Matthew Catholic church in this city. Gehard H. Del. man will lead to the altar Miss Eli.a' beth Overroedder, daughter of Mr. am Mra. John Overroedder, of Keedville, Tbe srooin it a young man of llillsboro who is well and favorably known and the bride ia a young lady who has num eroua friend in and around Keedville, ISoth will have tbe best wishes of all. Geo. II. Mimes, secretary of the Ore gon Historical Society, was in the city Wednesday gathering statistics for the Historical Monthly. Hew nt from here to Forest Grove and will visit Mc.Minn- villa during the week. Mr. Hines has a keen eye for anything pertaining to Ore gun with a history and is ever on the alert, the result being that the Ilistori cal rooms at Portland contain relics, manuscripts, curios and other articles of ntold value to this state. He ia the ight man in the right place, and any one visiting Portland should not fail to call on him and look over the vast col lection. K. S. Alexander, of Leaf Tree Kanch, presented the editor with a box of toma toes last Tuesday that certainly holds over anything of the kind we have seen this year. They were of the Koyal Ked variety, fine flavor and very large, though Mr. Alexander say they were put in the box just a picked from the vines, He baa come three acre planted to garden truck and it keep him busy supplying his customers, most of whom are in Forest Grove. It certainly pays to raise garden stuff for the market, when the right attention is given to the care of the garden, and this Mr. Alex ander is doing, a tbe constantly in creaing demand for bis product will testify. Fdwin Jeter, of whose desertion of hi wife and children wag mentioned in this paier last week, was brought out from Portland and given a bearing bv fore Judge Good iu on Tuesday. Mrs, Jeter, who lives at Gaston, i a frail, sickly little woman, while her husband is a husky cuss and well able to provide for his own, but he prefers a jag and hates woik. The judge beard the evi dence and placed him under a bond of fo00 to guarantee tbe pavment of 11.00 per day to his wife. It was shown at tbe trial that Jeter earn at least f 50 per month, but most of it slides down bis throat in the way of liquid refreshments, while bis family are left un cured for by him. He was permitted to go, but it will be a good thing for him not to over look that little matter of $1.00 per dny. dipt. A. M. Collins of this city and Capt. M. C, Collier, of Scbolls, were comrade in the War for the Union, stood ide by side on the battle field, enjoyed each others pleasures, shared each other trouble and "drank from the same canteen." The result is that now, on the downward pathway to a re ward in a better hereafter, they are in separable iriends, and their meetings are frequent and enjoyable. Another thing that binds them closer together in friendship is the fact that the wive of both have their birthday on the same date, and this happy event always means a reunion and a social time. The birthday came around again last Tuesday and the celebration was held at the home of Capt. Collins, corner Ma ple and Second street, this city, an I as usual joy ami a feast were the features of the pleasant gathering. Among those present were: County Clerk E. J. God man and family, Capt. K. Crandall and wife, Mrs. Max Crandall, Mrs. Maggie McKinney, M. C. Collier and grand daughter, Miss I.uoilla Collier of Scbolls, and A. M. Collins and wife. Dinner was served a', noon, followed by a very pleasant social time. The two ladies, as well as their worthy lesser halves, have the wish of hundreds nl friend that the reunions may be many and each one just a little happier than the other. I leeu enlarged by cutting out the parti , tion wall and adding tbe old treasurer'! ollite. This give tbe sheriff and bis force more room, much better light, and is a decided improvement. Mrs. Anthony Tongue was quite badly injured in an automobile accident last Sunday, near ber farm northwest of this city. She wa in tbe machine with Mrs. T. H. Tongue nd tbe cbaffeur, A. C. Birk, whenahe autc ran Into the hank. Mr. Tongue bad one rib broken. The other were not injured. Among the pupil who will go to tbe O. A. C. at Curvalli for tbe coming school year are Grace Cennell, Frank Connell, Mary Cate, liurson fate, Nellie Neil, Grace Bath, Harry Bowman, Karl Donelsm and Walter Galloway. New students from here to that institution are Alliert Asehbahr, L. Brogden, Cba. Marlin, Uubv Galloway, Frank Beach ami Fred Thomas. Quite a number leave today and tomorrow, and the rest will go up Sunday or Monday. The University of Oregon opened it door Tuesday, September 24th. The n . 1 .. 1 11 1 MiiU H'buUU u ibJ..M..uS I.-- shown an increase of more than twenty tier cent over the registration of the same time last year. Almost every high school and academy in tbe state is rep resented, and a large number are pre senting their credential from various eastern preparatory acboola. Tbe year will mark the highest point in enroll luent that the University ha vet reached. The very serious question that is presenting itself U how to take care of all student. The lack ot funds has mad It impossible to furnish and beat all of the room in the library building, and for the same reason, the new girls' dor mitory will have to lie idle for the year, Students, however, are adjusting them selves readily to conditions, and the outlook for the year' work ia excep tioiially good. Coaventi0- e W. C. T. U. of W'.l''iftuaeo0lty In this city in coiiv","'Thurt,M tli. W. C. T. U The met in this city September 1. Mrs. Addito.i, the st I l,'-'Uut. Ufc aiding. Delegate fro t (i,V)( wert r"ni. at Chnr..k' and Beaverton Mrs. Barne., president of HH1" L'uion." welcomed the coiiteni'"" -i-i M r ponded to by Mr. Brt. of Fft,t Grove. Mr. Additoo'i prnc- , ju plrlng, ber words Uin instructive anJ Interesting. A very ptout Itur, 0, tbe convention wa h PfitiUj, o( meeting and bearing- MlB Brooj, World Missionary bo touring tm, continent in the interest of th, y, C j U. The following oillr ,1. for the coming year: 1'resi lont-.Mr. Willi"". Iverton. Vice-President.-.Mf- Sarli KoUerts, Foreot Grove. Corre:-Knding Secrstary - Hri. ii Benjamin, Heavertun. Kecording Secretary. Mr. j jj Brown, llillsboro. Meet me at Wchrung'a Saturday. 'ice line nf I'rrrelliTnt llaird'. Hume Sule Gill wanttd ot Restaurant. the Geo. Carleton Burned. Geo. Carleton, well known in this city as an ex-bartender and a remittance man, was badly burned Wednesday night, in a fire which occurred in a little old school house, just uuth of Pacific avenue in Forest Grove. Carleton and man named N. Wellman were carousing and punishing as much whiskey a their tank would bold without ruptering, when Carleton laid over a table and went to sleep with In head resting on ii arm, and it i thought be tipped ov er a lighted lamp, for when found flames were coming out all over the old build ng. The right side of his face, neck, boulders and head were badly burned, nd his left eye entirely destroyed Miss Iteba Hoffman, who live in that vicinity, noticed flame coming out of le old school building and gave the lann, but tbe structure burned to the ground. Carleton' relative live tome- he re in England and have for year ept him in money which he baa squan ered aa fast as received. He lived in illsboro some two or three years ago. is ruling passion for liquor baa always been too much for him, and on that ac count baa never been able to keep a job. This will only be another of the many lesson be has taken no heed of. Wellman wa found lying on the porch, too drunk to realize hi danger- out position, and dragged to a place of safety. Carleton ia reported to be in a serious condition and may die. The Oregon Agricultural College open next Monday for the fall and winter term. Entrance examination at tbe Agricultural College have been let for September 27 and 28. Many inquiries ave been received and answered bv Clerk Crawford of tbe college, and the ndication are that the otienlng of chool will show a larger freshmen class than ever before. There bag been manv hanges in tbe personnel of the faculty this year, and several new departments and courses of studies added. Eighty-one students have applied for rooms at the boys' dormitory Cauthorn lall. These will just about fill up the hall, and others will have to secure ac commodations elsewhere. The new girls' dormitory i nearing completion, and tbe south half of the building is now about ready for occupancy, and I lieing furnished so aa to accommodate the first installment of girl who have already applied for rooms. The remainder of the building will be finished by the time it is needed. ( Among the new departments added thii year are Poultry and Agronomy. The former will be in the hands of Prof. Dryden, and the latter will be taught by Prof. Scudder, both men being new appointees. Votes For The Queen. Madge I m brie Mildred Wilson Maud Shannon Marie Tunzat 2! Imo Gray 2 Ivum uve J Kstella ISowlby 4 Etta Schuluierick 7 Fay Cor win I.islie Cate Byrtle Sabin. .. W'illabelle .Moore In Kowell Minnie llartrampf Grace C. Fallette i Josephine C. Fallette 2 Annie Jack 3-j Maggie O Donned 315 l'J 12 Blank Lottie Butler Maude Alexander.. . Genieve t'almateer. Meryl Wbitcomb. . . Iva Carter F.llie Godman Mellie Wallace Ona Ford Jessie Donelson Jennie Keasoner. . . . Kose Wilcox Susie Gheen Maud Gnllith Total. 17 3 12H ItM 10 11 IS 23 I 2 1 3 1 1 2 8t0 Treasurer. Mrs. 8. I'- -iorgmrtf j,ur. est Grove. The following Supf"tt''"letit were also elected : literature. Mrs. Howard rj. Press, Mr. Kose Abraham ; Evangelis. tic, Mr. Cady. Land and Mineral Decisions. The following synopsm of Und and Mineral Decisions is furninhed this of fice by Woodford D. Harlan, Land At torney, Washington, 0., and under thi head will be published Irom to week decisions which miy U of in terest to our leaders: Coal Land Prior poseiion, with out filing, will not avail M aainit an adverse claimant who baa complin with the law. Contest, Practice The withdrawal of a contest leave the i'sue a between tbe entry man and the government. F:ntry Tracts of land cornering on each other are not within the rule of contiguity. Final Proof Submission of fraudulent final proot, conclusive of riitht under the entry. Homestead Entry In determining whether a homesteader is disqualified by the ownership of land, the grant of a railroad right of way acros the same cannot be regarded aa diiuinibhing the areage held in fee by the homesteader. Mineral Character An agricultural entry of land returned us of the charac ter subject to such entry, and ihown to be such by final proot, if not affected by a subsequent survey in wbichthe land is returned as mineral in character. Practice In matter! of procedure, de cision of the department impart judi cial notice equally with the Rule of Practice. PROBATE COURT. Matter of the estat of Albert Bieland, deceased; final account filed and notice for closing estate ordered posted. Estate of I. J. Kaufman, deceased ; fl nal account set for hearing on Monday, October 21, at 10 o'clock a. m. Guardianship of Win. Zigler, incom petent; Monday, October 21, 'at 10 'clock, set for time for hearing obiec tion to the sale of real' estate of guar- iunsuip.(. . 1 j Matter 61 the will and testament of is. sstoiis, aucease.1; will admitted to probate and Stephen fctoltz anoointed executor, George Dooley, Vandehey and Chus. Barrett named as annnitera. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Nimnn and wf to J II p Veach and wf s J of lot 7 blk 2 Humphreys add llillsboro.. 800 00 K G White to Harry Staffers tract in Fairview add llillsbo ro 1050 00 J T Finley and wf to C T La Tourneau 10 acres in sees II & 12 t 3 s 2 w 500 00 Mary J Tucker et al to Charles W Tucker 3 acres in sec 21 t alw 160 00 J N Swift and wf to Gertrude Pollock 12.54 acres in R 8 Tupper d 1 c 1 1 s 4 w 1254 00 Frederick Colfelt to C G Cutting part ol sec 32 t 2 1 w 700 00 Jos A Moore and wf to F M Les lie 10 21 acre in Firwood farm 1150 00 Wm Keidt and wf to Thomas Huuter lots 25 20 A Z7 blk ,ti West Portland Heights. '. 1 00 Nelson B Lacourse and f to W F Barnbard port of blk 0 I'ur. dy's add Dilley ; ar0 00 Geo A McDonald and f to Thos J Shipley lot 5 blk 2 Banks 550 00 Cba W Mi'Connanghcy and f to Seth W Seelye part of sec IDtSn.tw 25 HO Samuel Gowan and wf to S Y, Hoover and wf tract in Wil cox d 1 c and other land 600 00 Anna Kaufman et al ' Christ Oeflnger 10 acre in J H Hied dlctlelw 100 D P Hopkins an.l wf ' S A Davies et al tract in tec 3o t 2 n 4 w 600 00 Mahala A Kolierts to H nry p Roberts 1 acre in see 1 1 5 w 15 00 Wm Keidt and wf to W'ni II Starr lots 22 A 23 blc ' West Portland Heights 1 CO Wm E Kelley and wf to Irvin E Kelley 20 acres in 2-1 1 2 n3 w ; 200 00 Peter Jacquoit and wit" Mary vE Kozen 30 acres in Hiram Johnson diet 12 10 00 DO Ingrabam and wf El"t ern Investment Co rcl "n sec 20 t 2 n 3 w 1 00 JWShuteetal to J H ' 1 blk 7 Oak Grove JJ boro ..275 00 Robert Alexander et al f C Alexander 153.45 acrei in W, r.,.w.t.r il le t 1 4 t . Jan More l"t 30 Willow-Brook laf acre 4500 00 450 00 Notice Person who intern! to enter live stuck, cait'e, horses, sheep, li'iK. toultiv, etc., at the Street Fair and 1 1 nrnii'at ti-k ta til.l K.r V h If rvi 1:1 V j l'i day atij Snturday of next week, lest in the city, at are hereby notified to have them in . by October 1st. aud notify- Dr. A. 11. Bailey or Jarae Imbne, of the committee. Thia will give each ex hibitor a good place for his exhibits. good line Cream Brei.i the City Bakery. Have of Heavy Work r.i, ... Hvervliodv w t p - - - ' r.'.'S. ' Aw---i-i:u tna bale Saturday at Wehrung's. Somethinc tipu ami im.i,v.i.i. Men's Fancv For Iiart?ai 111 altoml Oia T fcnds Sale at Wehrunii's Saturday. City Uakerv timilllrt.! ml C'il 4t Hurst's Conlectionery, near the depot. The I.oota Tlnd ung s 28th. Sale at Well- begins Saturday September Men's stvlish lMts nnd Xobhv aox at Eaird s, the Gents' Fur- msher. Cider Applet Wanted. For particulars inquire of G. A. Brown at the Milne warehouse, or write INGHAM VINF.GAR CO., 64 Albina Ave. rortlaud. Ore. A Sale that is a Sale, A real gen uine bnrgaiu sale at Wehruug's Saturday. Caacara bark wanted at the Hillbsoro Pharmacy. Notice To Uoraemea. Horsemen of Washington county, you are hereby notified that a meet ing will be held in conjunction with the Street Fair, to be held ia Octo lier, in which we are invited to par ticipate in the flstivities, and agree to give an exhibit by a parade of stallions, foala and dams, togather with the best pair of draft horses, etc., etc. You are hereby notified to be on hand for such a parade. A premium of some kind will be given. EFF SCIIEFFEUN Tret. R. CAVE Secty. Old Hedge's School Books. Full line of school upplles books taken in exchange at store, Beaverton. Go to R. Lee Sear's bicycle shop for bicycles and lupplie, ammunition and gun supplies. Loom Etuis xc ier vard at the X rnn 1?.! CI.. o 1 . iMiu oaiuruay at vv eu rung's. Lunche for parties holding pub lic sales lurnisueci on snort notice at the City Bakery. Flower pots and fruit tiees. roses and shrubbery for sale at the llills boro Plant and Flower Garden. Visit Mrs. Bath's Millinery Store and see the splendid display of trim med hats. A beautiful line to se lect from. No matter what you have on hand, drop everything and attend the Loom End Sale Saturday at Wehrung's. Tablets, slate pencils, colored crayons and colored chalk at Mrs. Bath's. Ruler given with every purchase. btreet Fair and Carnival next week Thuesday. Friday and Satur day. Big time promised aud a big tune will be had. Remember that- the Street Fair and Carnival will be on in earnest in tnis city next week Thursday, Friday anu Saturday. Everything points to a grand time. When in llillsboro, go to the Home Style Restauraut, on Main Street, for the best meal in town Meals at all hours. While at the Carnival, the ladies are invited to visit Mrs. Bath's Mil linery Store and look over the latest and most fashionable hats. Noth ing to compare witn them ever be fore seen in this city. All persons bringing stock or poultry for exhibit at the llillsboro Srrppt Carnival ana voiuiiy trail. will olease notify the Fair Commit tee not later than Monday, October 1st, at 2 o'clock p. m. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church will serve a chicken pie dinner Saturday, October .stn, at Grange Hall. Will serve dinner one day only. Trice 35 cents. Chairman C. W. Redman, of the Speed committee of the Carnival and Street Fair, announces that there will be races on Saturday, October 5th, as follows; Buggy race for county horses. Race for John Buchanan's horse, E. B. Tongue's horse Fortia-Knicot; Ex hibition by Lord Lovelace, and two running races for ponies. Poultry Wanted. I will pay market price in cash for all kinds of chickens, liens, tur keys, ducks and geese. J. Lenz, llillsboro, Ore. Will Meet October 17. The Washington County Veteran As sociation will bold their semi-annual re union at llillsboro, Thursday, Octolier 17, 1907. All soldiers nnd their families are urged to attend. lty order of tbe president. R. W. McNutt. Horace G. Fitch, Secretary. Notice. . NOTICB IS IlKREBY OIVKN thsl nil lniUlr- Is relative to the sflaira of Kscliel l H- thortis. or The Hswihnrne Ktt. houM he noted to Room 81 WoreCTler BnlMln. Third Oak Mmu, Portland, Orcifon. and ht all transactions rrgrdlnic the pnri'hspof lclt. Im plements, or other personal pmpertj. owned tr them, located or belouRln on what Is known u The Hawthorns Fnn, " lnial- aioiii "irs (S) mile Raal of Hlllhoro, In ahlnirton i oup- IT, State of Oregon, now occupied lr w . n. i ai, or an,ooe claiming under him. rnunt be con dueled at their place of bunlnew ar..rcald. BACH IX I.. HAW 1 m-Kr. THK HAWIIIilKNK MTATE Dated at rolnd, Orenon. fi'pt. xuy, 1ii7. Flmt put- V. lat Snt. 1M'"7. ) Administratrix' Notice of t-inai Settlement. vmiM la harehT alren that the underlined administratrix of the estate or Martin Ander. on, deceased, ha filed In th Coiinlf Court of Waahlngtoa Counlr, Oregon, ber nnai eccuuu. la aald entate, and the aame na dcch . hearing . before ld court, on Monday OcloU r 2i, no", at 10 e ciora a. m. Dated thl September 2 l. THKOIKIKA ASDKRSOS. Administratrix ol lb ICute of Martin Ander. ion, Deeeaaed. or M RaKBETT. AUT. mr 'iin"""'"" (rirt ub. sept. Ti. lat mot 1. r.'7. ) Manufacturers' Begins Sept. 28th. H. WEHRUNG & ONS' y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Accurate Measurement ot Droga. Is abeolutelY necessary tf Ih prescription Is la be cflectlv. We are net er loo busy to Lake the Urn to measure or weigh th ingredients of a preaortptton In the eery dot. PRE8CKIJTION WORK. Admit of Bo mlitakee. If ear, skill and x perleno oonul for anything lu your estimation you will bring your prescription here to be filled. Your doctor will (all you Uieaam thing. llillsboro Pharmacy. The Newest Modern Commercial Hotel in Portland , Opened July 1st, 1907. IP f CORNKR FIFTH AND Bt'RNSIDK STS. Main Entrance on Burnside. II. M. Pierce, Proprietor. fajT-Tak-e street car at the Pepot. Only concrete Fire-Proof Hotel in the city, rive bliieks from Union leHt. Uurnsideand Fifth street ii cars Miss the door. Steam heat, electric liulits, not ana com wator in 1 .... - . 1 . 1 . 1 k.' ! ..lu K t lia muik anil every room, nates i per uj mm uj. c-iiai " month. Free baths on every lloor. .. . . 0. , .11 Hillelmro ieoile are conliallv invited to five Hotel St. rhillip a trial when in the city. 1 our comfort ami satisfaction is assurer. The Edison Phonograph T NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice H herehT glen lhat the nndemigneo, Eieeoloroftbe tiioi mu -. eeaaed, ha this day Hied in me un ....,,. Waahlngton Connty. Oregon, nu rnai accouu. and report M rich eie. iiK.r In aam cmsm. sd.i th same has been set for final hearing and tel. I tlement before aald Court al ihe ( ourt llotue In Hlllaboro, Oregon, on Oct. i w. ai m or. m. of aald day. I Dated thl Sept 24. ' I iiorai to. men. I r.-we of th Eelate of William II. I-ung. de- eeaeed. St. BAILET BI XP, Atiorney r.. rtret pah. ScpU , last, o. I, w. O the Kdison rhonoirraph can lie applied th old aayiDR: "A pleasure shared is pleasure doubled." It ( tbe art of entertain ment express! in tangible form. Three is neyer a crowd when one of the three ia an Kdison 1'lioncnraph. Love song-, dance, funny onifs, ballads, all kinds of music in your own home, with lesa trouble and greater enjoyment than any other form of entertain ment, and especially than any form of musical entertainment. You cannot possibly know how well the Kdison Thongraph reprodocea by listening to any other make of talking machince. TODAY IS THK liKST DAY TO COME TO OUU STOKK AND 1IEAK AN" EDISON. You can hear the whole program at ourstorc. The prices on Edison goods are the same anywhere in the U. S. If yott buy here you have no freight to pay which means something about $3.00. , Prices: S20.00 :so.oo 150.00 4.20 Kdison Standard or No. 5 Home " Triumph " Records, per dozen You can hear the recrods at my store any time, and we willlbe only to glad to play for you. You will be surprised at the re markable distinctness and clearness of the Kdison Phonograph in. producing sound. Cash or Installments Same price. e l- Mccormick. HILL8BORO, ORB