A Man ef Many Part. Her U bo urn using olj baadbUl prtutud. aud circulated la Cumberland, Kngland, early la tii nlcetoenti cen tury: "I, Jauics AVi;!;.;ug, pr.rlsli clerk, aitone, town cry or r:.J L. i:uan, task and sells ail cc:tj cf L.'.lfriUaaartea, aTTvcarles, etc., i:iov. Ue balr and vvliig ttr)t, and cut, oa tL sUortsst notice. Xiao "N. B I keep nu evening school, .woera I teach at reasonable rates, read tax wtIUhk, slnglaj uJ sums. "N. B. I plays the hooboy occasion ally. If wanted. N. B. My shop la text doors, wliers X bleed, draw teeth end shoo corses, sll iwlth greatest sell. S. B. Cblldrca taut to dunes. If agreeable, at six pence t-r week, by me, J. Williams, who buy und sell eld Iron and coals tho' cleaned and in coded. "N. Ii. A bat sind pair of stockings to fc cudgelled for, tlie best la 5, on Bhrof Tusbday. Tor particulars Inculre within, or at tho borne shoo nod bell, near the church, on tother sldo of the way. "N. U.-Look over the door for the slghn of the 3 li:'ons. "N. II. I sell cood ayle. and some times cyder lodgings for single men, Our Let Sena. One of the frrvntcst discoveries of physiology Ik tluit we once had six senses. What tl lwt sense was no one knows, iuid probably no one will ever know, but that our forefathers DomesHed It thera Is no doubt, for the remains of that part of the brain In which It resliled are still to be seen lu any one of us. These remains are simply a kiihiII and now perfectly Usck-H little masH of brain substance called the pituitary Ixxly. It consists of two tiny little oral lobes Joined together and lylntr In a little cavity of the skull, strangely named tbo sella turcica and situated over and behind tbs nose. It Is ipilte possible that It may have enabled our forefather to see In the dark before lamps and can dies were Invented, or It may have placed them lu communion with ghosts and fairies, or It may have been an organ that enabled them to go home In a boe lluo when they lost their way In the primeval forests. On the other hand. It Js iKiHHlblo that it was a bad substitute for vision or smell or hesr Ing and died out when the Improved sense organ developed. Mirror as Detective. "It Is Lot solely to please the lady patrons," said an Interior decorator, "that mirrors so abound In shops. They serve another und more Important pur pose. They help detect shoplifters. If you should study the vurlous watch ers In the employ of g retail stores you would find that they don't watch the patrons directly. They look at their reflections In the mirrors. Of course their watching done that way Is unpereclved. The shoplifter glances nt the watchir, sees that bis back Is to her and secretes a pair of silk stock ings In her shirt waist. The next mo ment sho feels an unfriendly and ter rifying tap on lxr shoulder, and the watcher, who lias caught her by the mirror's aid, bids her sternly to ac company him to tho ofllce." New York rreas. Whar the Flower Cam From. "There wns n teacher, teaching In a very poor neighborhood," said a New York settlement worker, "who received dally gifts of (lowers from one of her pupils, a ragged llttlo boy. The flow ers were of all sorts, sometimes costly hothouso blooms, sometimes simple, old fashioned garden (lowers. As a rule they were somewhat faded. One day the boy brought tho teacher a great bouquet of mauve orchids. To be sure, they were much wilted, but none the less It could be seen that they had one cost a great deal of money. Tho pus ftlod teacher na sho took them said: " 'Jimmy, where do you get all these flowers that you glyo me? You don't steal them, I hoio.' " 'Oh, no, ma'am the youngster ,a wered; 'father's nn ash man.'" Pattl and th Waip. One of Charles Bantley's most amus ing experiences occurred nt Brecon when he assisted Mme. l'attl In giving a concert lu aid of the local hospital. Th prima donna appeared with Mr. Bantley In a duet. The vocalists had Just recommenced singing when the baritone burst out laughing and left the platform. Ills companion almost Immediately followed, although she at tempted to continue. Iu response to lond cheers Mme. l'attl returned and said, "The cause of nil this merriment I that a wasp has been trying to get Into my mouth, nnd wo could not go n." Iondon Tit lilts. Caught In the Act. Lady Visitor I am sorry to see you here, my young friend. You appear to have had a good duration. Convict Well, madam, I have been through college. Lady Visitor Is It possible? Convict Yes; that's the reason I'm here. Tbey caught me as I was going through. Philadelphia Inquirer. Causad tha First Coolneaa. Mr. Newly wed (reading Nobody ever jet saw a dead mule. Mrs. New lywed (who Is thinking of something lae and not listening)-Pon't you think your life Insurance premiums are a waste of money, John? Tha Nature of tha Creature. Tour cook" "Oh, she Is so careless that I don't believe she could drop n remark with out break In her wont."- Smart Set Those who are rash and preclpltstt Mldom enjoy the favor of th god Herodotus. The grandmothers of the old Dutch Punkard I. unities of Western Pennsylvania have made and used "Hickory Ii.uk Cough Remedy " and reared their families on it for a hundred years. Now you can buy it of your dealers. Ask lor it. and use it. iwause it is pure; lecaue it will stop your cough; because it is the best cough remedy made today. Try it. For sale by the Iltllsboto rb.arm.acy and all dealers everywhere. To Patron of the Oregon State Fai ti.- o..,.n ki.i. lL,r.l of Agriculture ai tends to you a moat cordial invitation to attend th Wu Kibbon Stat Fair and to Lav th Ire oa ol It camp grounds, whic.i hav been improved by the addition of SUM stall U tbs accomo dation of teams, th clearing of all un derbrush from th ground, the placing i.l vrinUe noon th streets, and th in alallation of septic tanks. The ground ill b electric lighted and carefully ,., l,v dav and b night. None lined brina- iroviioD from home, grocerymen will call at your tent and ittlm nrdera for everything needed. Osta, hav. straw, and woo. I can be hsd at re .....ij. rate, of dealers near the ground. Tents can not b purchased or mwin an hour' notice. Tent poles for sle near by. There i a re- r i i. .......,, I. conl ol ail wiiocatuoeu uju iu. in l!xi, ud if tha ame location i de sired for this year plea writ at ouce and the aaociatlou will endeavor o place you. AlBKST loZIKK, Superintendent of Camp Ci round. 1 OAft Juv choice home in J I ,J UU Hillaboro; corner, J block, large nearly new house; fenced, and will make an Ideal home; three-minute walk to the potoflice, one to tha depot; $1,000 down, balance on time. This place is worth I'.'.flOO; owntr non-resident. For particular Inquire at The Indceudeiit othYe. 1"AX NOTICE The taxpayers ol Washington County, Oregon, are hereby notified that the last half ol their taxes for the year 1906, and levied io Janu ary, 1007. are now payable ana will become delinquent on the first Mon day in October. 1907, at which time interest at the rate ot U per cent, per annum will be charged, in addi tion to 10 per cent penalty, which said interest will be computed from the first Monday in April, 1907. Dated at Hillsloro,Oregon, Aug ust 30, 1907. J. W. CUNiNULL, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. THE PACIFIC COAST LEADER Oregon Stale Fair SALEMSEPTl(i-ai,'07 orr.x Ii.tY All XM.IIT The West is a good ami promising Live IStock dis trict. This exhibition will be of great value to breou- ers and purchasers entire stock-lovinjr The West will be at SALEM. Come and see the Display of HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS. SWINE, POULTRY Also a grand display of Agricultural, Horticul tural. Mechanical, Fine Art Works; Racing events Daily Special Railroad Rates COURKSPONHEXCE SOIJCITKI) W. II. DOWNIXU, President. r'KANK A. WKU1I, Secy 25,000 New Words a-o mlded ti the lct edit ion of Vol : tec's l:itemutioiiul I 'iciioiiary, The i :.'.tter if tln W1.1U, and th 1 1 Lc,;. u u. l'i :-in! ir;.l I'ic'.ionurv. h..ve lieoti Vu ly rei...'d. Tho Interna I is i.lwavs k.'tt nhr. i.st of tin (: tin e:. It takes onMuut Vurk, ex- 71 ien .ivi work nnd worry, lint it h ! 1 'ie only . ;.y to keep tho dictionary I ti.e I Standard Authority f thi- rncli.ih-s"skin'r world jj t t 1 er ilii-Uunitrie tuliow. Veltei I. a I.'.. It i t!i' favnry!o with Judges. Scholars, l'dncatorV. 1 rintrrs, etc., 111 this ami fmvi,:n rountru s. THE CRAND PRIIE sdlil"; ! Aw:;ri) was (fiven at th . ui 1.1 .1 1 .nr, M. iajuis. A petl canl w;'.l bring you in terxsun;; rwcimcn 1'.ik s, etc. G.&.C.MRr.'AN"CO,, V V baj W W t INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Your Credit is Cood For Any of our L' h) atvle of Luc-lea, ur r), phaeton. i'riiir, f:irm and aiu ber J etc. t5 r itioiitU or ir cent di"Couut lor cash. Addreaa t'eiitury Mftf. Co., IlilUU.ro and get large catalogue of style an. I i.riccs. Kverr vehicle wurranted iur three year trom any defect hatsVer. Deduced Round Trip Excursion Rates to Pacific Coast In 1907. Puriujrtii summer aeason of 1U07, re duced round trip eKCiirmon rate will be la effect from the Kant to the Pacific Coajit, Montaus, I.ritndi loluml.ia and Arizona oint. Hate frum Chieao via direct line to North I'acilic Coat omta will be $75, and from Missouri river common point (Council Muff to Kansas City inclusive) also St. I'aul and .MiiiiicmihiIis, rate will l 0O, St. Louis fii'J and lenver, Colo rado fprings anil I'uelilo I 'O. Hates to pokaue and ointa elTle.l will le f5 s than to the coast. Kates one way vis California will be f 1H.50 higher than those alHive men tionisl. Tickets sill tie on sale daily, June 1st to Keptetnlier 1,1, $60. ST. PAUL i Minneapolis Tickcis 011 sale August 10, September 11, 12 and i:t, Account Jamestown Expo sition. JSpliini limit, Mnety Days t A l)OVf is I'lllc from Portlnml i.oirnn Knmn M rates apply to Diilnth. run- iiuiii hiimiiiiimi Itate to ( hicasjo $71.r0, jiU raics io wiiiiiii.i, nansas tity, Si. liOUls and many other eastern points. For a comfortable trip take the "ORIENTAL LIMITED" Standard and tourist sleepers, dinning car ami compartment observation car. Meals In dining car or on tho a la carte plan. The "Fast Mail" is another good train. For In formation regard Ins routes and through rates to any eastern point, address II. ML'KSOS, Agent, Portland, Ore. WHY it is to your advantage to keep an ac. k couutuith mi snouo, RC3U$C 11 ' a strong, careful, succeaaful institution. BCC1USC U urowinu, every particular. active, BfC3U$C Vour account will he appreciated b the bank, and your in tereata will always be carefully conaidered. BCCdUSC Tll'H l,ank ,'ai' an excellent fire-prool nult and a modern burBUlar-proif nafo in which to put your fund and papers. BtCdUS? f 'very depoaitor is always a welcom visitor at the bank. BCCflUSC Tlli', a"k l,1,li"9 te needs of it customers, and properly t takes car ol them whether their business is large or small. B?Ci)U$ 1,H' n 'st lisive hanking bueinet, anJ consequently, no lody cau serve you better. ' BCCitltt? 11 a l108'1'0" t( make gooil investments for you, to collect your darlt or notes, and attend to your banking want gen erally. - BCCflUSC Its dealings with nil customera are tljeotutely, and it ia wavs r..J to assist and to advise. Bemuse we do not believe you can ask lor better tr.im-. t,.n this Unk itive vou. im.l we therefore ask von to 4 lTT l'reaident or A. C.ShaU. Cashlei. OREGON amd union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily I...irl.i ,!!.,,, rar. .Ia.lv to ka., ,,v. i,r, "h I'.lllman t.n.rl.1 .1.,,,,,,, Fn (irIBi!, rluilin rhairra'. nt. .1 w ty tn u-i .i,ov AVm, ... "lc 'rtKon Kauway an r,. i vui Kuoua conform to th "Pure Food and Drug Law." 1007. llh aaj rtw Umit ol October 3I,1J7, W. McMCBRAY, Farm for Sale S mile south of Schol'la 1- ,. 53 acre under plow, bal 1 acre. "--' . nc. ia ,UJ timber. Good o. 1 with Bin ,ru, Bood ,rm bou u ,,. good frame rn. grsn- erryi "J od other necessary boildings, good No. 1 iinod 7-acr orchard with ice. all virinti ol fruit 1 mile from school; djufch st coror ol land. v furthar psrtlcolars inquire ol A. F.KRUGER. HlUfdal. R. No. VahinpuCoouty.; LAW vka ta papartmaot ol lb. falVk-KSlTt o OKKUOM ol Ln a aplMidld opportunilT lor Zmui bi.o to unui a Ibor. 11 traiDlua. All au. jZt, mb b ill-upportio a u ciu, ut imarfer wllh th.lr mku. lar ur rislfrti M.w ouuru. OREGON SMreury, Tal M. 11-17 and I'ronorilonately low auu uregon poinis. from Spokane, $04. KEK, oheg6n. safe, lilxral, prompt, accurate, and progretiive, up-to-date bank In al- fe. ill J te, f writ. irt ii nJ. W. Bhute, 70 HOURS fORTUAND to CHICAGO doCbanssof Cars 70 AKKIVK KKOMI """ .7. 1 hi. t:Wp I Omaha. Kao- CTw.Uul,fhl- T:Upaa .r-u.lla twl.uiD SOOpi r-,i,.m. Miio- "Kikaii. rpirB" f,nhw mformatlos aik or writ vour Ilr. ,nt, nr. $60. 1 Return I'M AIU KtiK 1 hiratt limianit ?lwial I litiKtna Aiiatittc " 1;. p m via Hunt. Inwtnn SI. rauP" at Mill 6:1 p ta McMnRRAY, General ranger Agent, J yavila,ina Co., Portland, Oregon IHE DELTA DRUB STORE HilUboro, Oregon. Prompt, Accurate Service I A ii ft f ift i ii 1 1 l IV v w -J T'' yy ii EMM0TT DR0S. ral Meal Market Fresh Meats and Groceries. Opposite the Shute Bank Your Trade Solicited. Nursery Slock ORDKR OF Peterson & Yates. Cornelius, Oregon WALNUTS A SPECIALTY. Imported Trees provvn on con tract direct from France. Hard iest varieties. Strayed One yearling beifer, light red Jersey, short horns turned right back. They are quite flat; white spot in forhead; legs part white. Wni. Norton, Hillsboro. Tree Delivery Of the le.st Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt and in all parts of Hillsboro. We have inaugerated a new Schedule in Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro' s popular market. Cor win & Heidel. Be 09ise! POST CARRY water a bucket any longer. ave an eaperlenceo Uy.irauuo r.ngineeren mri mnar nla.-a and arlect vou a plant that wll deliver Hie water to any part of your farm, borne or barn. Vou hare no Idea bow Utile It will enal when the rlabt ..lection la made, can oe tween 7 and 8:90 a. m. and 4 lo& Wp. m. .Jllll. boro Hotel. FKKKR1U U. Ml For a Good Square Meal to GO T Iks Eity Restaurant -9hoiiOrden;Seva lyi la th W.TkaTi None better in Hillsboro. Everything neat, clean and up to date. L. C. McCRACKEK, Trop. S&Howneu Transformed to Dusky Betntj A dark kin become taenia ting when delicately soft, usxiertprtaS with th radiant glow which indi cates a healthy, actiraikin. Robert in keep th ikin refined ia quality, keep. Dorn free from clofjirg-wait and itimulatet the tiny eapUIarie t contribute the color which charm ia blonde and brunette alike. Robert inc ia certain protection against tan, unburn and freckle if applied be fore eipoiur to sua or wind. Spread like an Imperceptible then R of jraus over lain turf ace, formirf hieldrtimulitinj and preterrir; a aeucate, lurtrou beauty. y-" M f mm er fROBtJtTlNE Jfl sar as, a rfli (S C f Your orders ill be tilled falls- t to ralv and economically here ( All of oui uroceriea are freh and of the highest KHihle urade at rice that make huviii a l!cu- f ure. Ve guarantee all the pro- p vision we mil to Kive entire st iufactuia. Should you 1 di.atitied with the kind of tlour you are iixiiiit try "I'ure While" it ha never fulled to ileaae. Our special Wend Koaated ctd fee and tine flavored tea I ire Itiviot; excellent tatisfuction. No deal i ver coinlete with us till you are aatiftied. kail Bros. Dealers in Hilhboro Heal Estate AND AUCTIONEER. OHice south of Court House, Main St, Money to Loan. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. King' WITH a Now Discovery FOR OQUCHS reicR OLDS Trial Bottle Free Am aw ill V AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TR0UBIFS. GUARANTEED SATIS FACXOiiY OR MONEY REFUNDED. BICYCLE SHOP BICYCLES. GUNS, UMIJRI-L-LAS AND SUWIXO MA CHINES RIvPAIKEI) Agents for Uioycles. Call in lie fore buying or getting work done elsewhere. HAND SAWS FILED AND PET F. R. DAILEY. Manager Sclienette Row, west of Schulmerick' store on Main St. Portland and Return, 85c From now until further notice round trip tickets from Ilillslxiro to rortlaml and return, will be sold at 85 cents, on any Saturday train, an. returning, on and Saturday, Sunday or Monday train. WM, McMURRA Y. O. I'. A. LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS Executrix' Notice. Nirtlcel. hereby glren tbat the nndiTliriie.l ha been by the County Court of hlnton County, Oregon, duly appointed eiiculrla of the laat will and testament and eatate ol Joaci.h B. MeFherann, deoeel and haa duly nualifled auch evecutrlx. All penon. havlim rlalra. againat tald ental are hereby required to pre aunt tb tame lo me with pror roue hen, at tbe law ofllr of M. Bailey liump, In 1 1 il Ia.tu.rr Washington County, Oregon, within U ruonth. from date bereot. Dated at lllll.boro, Oregon, lhi Aug. llih 1W. EM A Mel'imisns, Fxecutrli or the laat will and te.iamem and e. tale of Joaeph B. Mrl'liermn, der. a.s.1. M. BAIl.EY HI MP, attorney for ihe ei ale! Flra publicailou. AugnM lo. t. Seph-m-ber U. Executor' Notice. Notiee Ii hereby given lhat tbe undrnutnrd, by an Order made and emered on the Kin day ot Angu.t, Ii7, haa been a.polnte. a. Kxeru lor of tbe KaUieof William Jamie.ni, and all perwin. havlr.g cl.imn agalnt aald t.J. tat are hereby notified aiei reiimre., u i.r.. ui th aame, bigeiher with the proper voucher. therefor, to the nndemgned at lila roMetice sear Hearerton. Oregon, or to. him al the law ofne of I. B. Tongue In IIIU.tro, W ahlngu.n Coanty, Oregon, within Six mom),, from the data hereof. Iatd at Hillaboro, Oregon A ilguat A. l. I'AT. tlin ih day of i JAMSS H. JAMIE N, Kxecuior. t B. TON; IF, Attorney. rir publication. Angrm 1. Iat, Kepu-m br U, IUU7. ' i rift p'- t-- Pt -) Refcree'a Sale. Naic U hereby ( lvn thai, by vlrlu ot tit , m anJ onlurul Itie Circuit four! ot tn 8lal or oreaou fr Wlnu.tou ouaiy, duly smJ ao4 entr,.l ou July Uh, M. '", Sarah M-.l and M. C. HW..1 war plaJa tnla.au.1 Muio BraJfofJ. Lwler BraJtord and Lilly J. lluruawera licoii apiwlaUng Ba, LI.. uuJeriued. a relaraa to Mil tta brlnaft Jhm.ti1J imI Mtalu. 1 will, oa Monday 8 wiuhr ii. l'Ju7, al lUo'cloi-k A. U. ot aald day, al Hi wiuili duor t.f Ui Court lioua la lllllaborw uncoil, nil, al pubtie auelion, lo lb blgbaa ti.l.nr. iur cub lubaud, all lb follow I n da. at ribJ real iiuu, lo-.ll: liciflumu ai a pulul on th North 11 u o lb K. Uoll.roi.li l. U C. '. cbalu South. W.1T thaiut Wti.l, ul lb oulbw cofttr ol . , T. I S. U. 2 W. WilU Mr., lhoc Norib .! rhaiua to a atak ou lit Suulb lluo Sec. . llieuce north Ml driem i.' mluulv watakn tli. arrtloii liu. -V ol cbalu to lb quartan aw llou coriirr belKtwu avcllou and 17, tb.uc uorlb Mi d'(tre. SU uiluulc at. on lb. hu of IK-nry Ni. land laud claim, cbalD to lake, 1 belief eaat ebaln. lo tha erutor of Hie county rl, llinca aoulli II defrm W iniiiiiira il In aai.l road 1U.J cbalu lo a ainl Mi chain. aath and S.70 cbalu alof the aiuilmwi iHirncr ol aeellou . Ibeuc aaat I hnki, ihcui-a HMilh 00 degteaa 4.1 mlnula aut t'halua lo a iiake, Ihviie auiilb S dmrv SV uUuulea raal 1.77 chain to rauier of Tualalla lilvr, Iheuca up lb. river to a point du aoullt Iroiu Hi. (.lace ol beniuulnf, th.uc north . ) c haiua to lb placaol brgluuln, coulainllif 27. 3.' acrea, nior. or leaa. SHhi .rorty will he told .uhjrct lo coadraia llou by nan! court. ili,c. my hand Ihla AukuhI 'ii, l!U7. 3. W. CU.NNKLL, H.l.rr. Cttation. IN Tim col NTY IXU KT OK THK STATU Ot OKKllON POK WASHINGTON COl'NTY lu xhv Mniierol th(liiariUaantp of . Ml. .i.ll. KriMMa.l. Ju.liil, Kr.uU, I ,.1T.T1.. .t r.la KrKlaa au.l Marl UtraUal. i ' 1 lr llciuiu. Minora, ' TollauaO. llaii.Mi and Ola Kriw.tad, th. oval of klu of lliu ahov named minor, audio all Iits.hu liiturpair.1 lu th. ratal, of th. ahot uauii'.t Minora: Vou am hon hy riio.1 and required to appear iKM.ire the alove nauied Court oa lb 71b dar of svpu-mlier, 1I7, at Hie hour of uj o'elot-k a. m. of aaid day, nnd ahow cauae If any th.r be, why an or.li'r .hould not be made in lb abov en. titled court and cauae autborliiiif and d I reel I u K. M. federlwrgh a guardian of the abov named mluora. lo wll .aid minora luiereat lu Ihe foliowiiiK deaorlbed real eatale, to-wll: All of th Souihtaai '4 ol lb Soutbeaat and I.ou I, , , aud 4, all iu Hoc. 111. Twp. it 8. of R. J W est of W. M. In Waihiniftou County, Stat of Orison, excepting Iherelruu tb folio win,: H.-KliiuiiiK at the 8, K. corner of Section lu, thence, runulUK Weat 14.6:1 chain., th.uoe North :w.l!S chain, lo Tualatin Klver, Ibenc dowu tald river to line between Section. II) aud 11 in aald towiuhlp aud raiiKe, thence south 21. W chain, lo the place of Ih-kIuuIuk. And roa and all paraon. ar hereby notified lhat tald petition tiled by tbe aald guardian ia ' (r hearluu uu the 7th day'of September, l'J"7, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. lu aald Conn. IN W1TNKSS WI1EKEOP, 1 hare hereunto aet my hand ami Ihe teal or .aid Court thi Uib day of AllKUnl, 11M-7. E. ). tiOKMAN, County Clerk. Klrat publication Augiwi 16. Ua September 6, Isni7. Notice of Final Hearing. In the CuiKy Court of the Stat of Oregon, for nashuiKiou ( ouuiy, Kll.aln!iii (irllinarher Kutale. Notice ia hereby gireu Ibat Kred Herman linicinaflier, Ihe executor or Ihe laat will aid leaiameui ol the eatale of Kllzabelh OrlUmaeher. , ,,, ,. ,lllal svcal, ,lctj eli eoutor with Ihe rlerk of Ihe Cooiuy wun uf MaoblUKtoul'uuiity, Oregon, and that Monday, the bull day ol Hepteiulier, A. p., HH17, M 10 tcl.Kk a. in of .aid day. and the Court room ot ai.l louiuy Curt, lu ihe court houae, in 11 hT .r.. . ori'iion, liaa Iweu app,.inu.a by Hon. J. w" .'iT.". .' " "' ""rt' a lb lime aud plaielor the hearing ijeetlona lo aai.l tiaaaal aocoiini and aeiilemeiit thereof. ' KKKI) IIKKMAN (IKITZM ACHKK; KxiM iilorof the la-t will and leatatnent of KIIm U'lh (irilmat her, deceaaed. Klrat publication Augii.t , laat publication. Sept. 1.1, 1'.I7, J. H. 11 VAN, Ally foUxeculor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Nolle 1. hereby giren that th uuderalgned adiiilnlirir of the hjiaie of John p. Mobr. mann, iltceaatd. baa filed in tha County four of vtaablngtou County. Oregon, hi. final . count, u unci, adinlolairalor, and the tame ba been net r.r hearing and aetllenieut before aald conn on Monday A tiKiiat 2(1, lw, u lo o'clock A. M. of aai.1 dav. JOHKPII HIMOV Adiniuiatrator of tbe Katate of John P m!.i.,. man u, i. ('eae.l. (Htt publication Aug. 2 Ijut Sept. I.) Administratrix Notice. Notice I. hereby girep that lb. under.lgned a been, by Ihe Counly lourl of hl.... ouuiy, Oregon, appolnte.1 adnilnl.lralrlx ol the emale of J. w. kateima a. . .. . " 111 of .i,i dw'eaaed umim ...h ... Mualiilod a.,.Ch artinin(.irairl. and all peraon. having claim, afloat aaid t.te ar. hereby no. lined u. present them to me. with dt, era, at the law oillce of w. v u. .. ...... .iiTii.uiiK.iiiati bowman, at i(airt, oreaon. i.hln ... u" 'r"n Ihe date of tbl. uothw 1'aled Ibi. Allgmt 1, lau;, HACK A. KATCLIKFK, Admlni.lrairlx, with ihe Will ......i . , . Halclllle.deceaaed. ' ' ' W. N. rtAKKKTT and RKNTON llovYu.v a.. orncyi. lor A.iiiliilrHtrl t (Klrat publication Aug. 2Uat Sept. i. ) NOTICE OF FINAL EETTI Cura.-r No. els hereby gi,e hat , luilm. rator of th e.tate of fhrlatlan Burg! .r.cr. d.waaed, I, a, ihl.d.r filed in th. ," ourl of W aahiliKton Conm. L. - '. ,.., 'eu, ni. nnal ml and rein a. .uch almtolatr.t, i tate, i the aame haa been aat r... a.... k. ng and acltlemeut Ufore aai.l court hou in Hillaboro. iiea.. ...... . inodoe... m. ofMiadly '"n"' Iied Hi i Aus.i.i 1, i.,r7. KKKI) ItfRf.lKiRrKR, of Ihe eal.ie of thrl.t. Burf. A I in I n rator, dorler. d M. It. Ill MP, AlU.ruey, Strayed. On t J I ' r 1 1 , , ' " or Auii.t Irom St. M .r.'. n-uveri.i in i.i... . .. i , .. r . white. ..k.i i.. ... . .... " 'r' uu" tn Finder ...! " J! ol.l. :ZT'lUfn wsrYwll I When You Go to Tillamook tr air that U IIITir rwi ..rove on i!,. k,.-'. of V'n. zv , , , ""i. naiee; ee. K uu li.i raea: 1 r.m . I"" irrain, ,i.r-1. (,ay aloi... m"w. Hay Tf it'phoij of i - imngn houaa awa.. a... . ltl.epfpeUJ;""'," ,w' r- "EHEa, Wliaoo, Or.