tttetatMl MU,f Voi.itmk :5 IIILLSBOiiO. WASHINGTON COD'Tv OliKGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 10, 1907- . Number 15 fiillsboro Independent. SENATOR TILLMAN THE BLACKGUARD I). W. HATH, Publish k k. HIS VILE SPEECH IN IOWA. L. B. Raymond Gives Him Seeere Searching In the Washington National Trlbun. 1 laT 14 not forced upon anyone, it la not nur practice to slop lpnrs u ii in oruereu u Uu au. Anyone uol wiahiuif the par muni uotify tba j.ui.umrr or mey ftlll Ixt Iiel4 liable lor Ilia aulnx-ripliou iiriiw. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPEK. ONK IHM.I.AK HKtt VKAKI.M ADVAKt'K ttoutreo' at tbo Poeiofflce at Mils i ro. Oregon, for transmission throuru the mall m second-class mall matter. Official Paper of Washington County. Republican In Politics. 4DVKKTIHINU Katics: l)tiUV, 00 cent au Hit li. Hinula column, lor lour Inter tiong; rending notic e, one cent a word statement tbat the negro is not a tul !::!' A,r,("ll!:'"l,:?Jh"? I? never can be equal to the white at inuiiili j lotttj runlrt, 5 ft yr. pay- njau may le his honest opinion "m- the Senator Tillmau gave his tirade ou the negro question at the Des Moines Chautauqua a w eek ago Sua day afternoon. It was as outrage ous a jierformaiice as ever occurred in the state of Iowa. Tillman's PROFESSIONAL CAROS. E. B. TONGUE ATTORN KT-AT LAW Hillaboro, Oregon. Office: Rooms 3. 4 and S. Morgan Blk. W. N. BARRETT ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Hillaboro, Oregon. Office: Central Block, Rooms I and 7. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hlllsboro, Oregon. Office, In Union Blk.. with 8. B. Ilutton THOS. II. TONGU1S JR. ATTORN KV-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Room A, i and 6, Morgan Bloca Hillaboro, Oregon. ' tion temicrately and cou fines hi in self to facts he is entitled to respect ful hearing. But when he trans gresses all the bounds of decency, udvises law breaking and justifies murder and mob rule, he forfeits all right to be heard by decent peo pie. Among other things be said in his Des Moines tirade was that the citizens of the North amalga mated with the negro to' the lull extent of their opportunities, and that the track of the route of Sher man s march to the sea could be traced on after years by the mula- toes born after the soldiers passed that way. Who is this man Tillman who talks about ''amalgamating" with negroes? Who is he who black guards Union soldiers (or alleged association with colored women? Jf of the slaveholding family of Mr. Hedges In Error. State Senator Hedges, of Oregon City, says that the state authorities cannot suppress" gambling in Mil waukie. But the state of Oregon has decreed that gambling is un lawful, and public sentiment favors the decree. If public sentiment were less pronounced against be evil, the opportunity for indulging in hair-splitting legal technicalities would lie much more favorable, If. as claimed lv Mr. Hedpea. the leeislature has granted the tnun nf to milk t CO tbe buttermilk cock Milwaukie the rieht to license job- tail was invented. A berv and theft for the pambler is cooler it b.sbo equal. As a tonic, a twin brother of the thief, both y e Ne Vork Press. il s- BETTER THAN OTHER DRINKS BUTT"M"-K FACTS. At One Ti wte Product, is NowofGwe Velua to Man. Iin, as a Drink. Long before Fairbanks learned seeking to get something for noth ing, it could also license a few mur derers or other lines otlawbreakers. If Milwaukie really needs the won cy, as badly as some ot its thrifty citizens seem to think, aud Mr. Hedges is sure of his ground, why not license a few counterfeiters? There are a few people who per haps could stand robbing fuel bar ons and franchise grabbers, for ex. ample, and a license to steal from them should sell for even more money than can be secured from perior to every!1'1'; alcoholic As an alterative it is without a rival. A gl;iss. A cube of dill pickle. A lump of ue. liutterinilk to the brim. Ouaffand rejoice. Such a drink would not hurt the chances of any prospective candidate for president There are sweet buttermilk and . . . -tl- T . i sour iniitermiis. w uie lormer severely alone. One it a few days in'the ice box and it will ferment. Then drink it In tue old days in the country no housewife ever Badly Mangled. Ii. M. Porter, a well known resi dent of Tillamook, who has lieen employed w ith the Miami Lumber company ot Hudsonville, was caught in the shaft of the saw Saturday and frightfully mangled. Porter was stooping' over the shaft oiling the bearings when his clothes caught and hurled him with terrific force against the floor. He was raised again and jammed against the side of the buildiug. Workmen picked hiiu up iincon- s a blood I home as quickly as possible and medical attendance siimtnoned. His injuries are fatal aud lie cannot recover. Porter's right arm was nearly torn from his lody, all of his ribs broken and he sustained a fracture of the skull which extend ed completely across one side of his head. He is a brother-in-law of W. II. Cooper of Tillamook. MARK B. BUMP, ATTOKN KV-AT-LAW. Notary Public and ii r i.i.snoko. South Carolina, the probability i that he has, or has had, if his father did not sell them off before the war I - r a .x . . , , .. r,viwtinn " sa'e to say mac ne conaoiteu I with ftirfv err an ar t Yi 1irt.-u.t gro women. If he had any proper CULT I ROM ty leit to hint upon arriving at his I mm'nriiv If ia mnr tlian nrohaliltf i j mj - i J l W that it Wu largely due to the pro- I Osafl(a r( tKa 1 1 1 we otl c ikai f r ( (a.A.a I W aW IHlAi U U V 3T1 VUk V ana nowrj i , . Ollite Over eurunK s btore, second BU I ... . . . was meir coior ana wuo toucti mat O. F. Attorney I .; a r t years exrriocce In the iinian ana uis loroears niigiu ao Y ill practice in any cumulate. The chances are dollars to doughnuts that in the vicinity of Tillman's home there are persons of mixed blood who owe their pater nity to him. Talk about the amalgamating" of Northern peo ple with the negro race! Why, in Tillman's section it is the fashion; here in the North it bring disgrace, And Tillman and his kind evident ly feel deprived of their rights, be cause they can no longer sell their half-brothers, or their illegitimate children or force them to labor for Tweutv-live courts o( Michigan. court. JOHN M. WALL, Allorney-nt-Law, Office upstairs, Bailey Morgan Blk. IIOTII 'rilONKS. HILLSBORO. OREGON. 8. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Hlllsboro, Oregon. J. P. TAMIE8IE, M. D. 8. P. R. R. 8URQEON Hlllsboro, Oregon. Rmlilt-nrf eornrr Third and Main; olllee Dp t.i....wMr iMit.lnitf aiiirt: hours, n.xoiouni. I to and 7 In . m. Ti-lephtwe lo retHlo from I .Inn .lore. All calls roopur rortxi J or umlu aoa- Ollloe. uimliiiri, over The Delta Drug Store, otlice lioura 8 to 12 ; 1 to 0, ami them without recompense In the evening from 7 to U o'clock. yi10 is Tillman that be comes here and assumes to teach law-abiding citizens their duty? Less than five years ago he countenanced and upheld coldblooded murder of a white man, by all accounts letter than himself, the murder being committed by his brother. He ad vised the assassination beforehand, he appeared in court lo overawe the Judge and jury, he subsidized the lilork. no-l j'uuin. atuii Residence nieni, ana in a civilized community he would have been indicted and punished as accessory to the crime This is not the worst feature of the case, nor is it the deepest disgrace connected with it. It ts found in hlnrk no. luc lua' 111 tue cuy oi I.CS Reeldence, Moines, the capital city of Iowa, an F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllsboro, Oregon. Ofllce: Morgan-Ualley stairs, rooms 11'. 13 and 15, 8. W. cor. llaie Line and Second its. Both 'phones. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Hillaboro, Oregon, . Office: Morganlialloy atalra with K. A. lialley. . m. corner luira aim u ., fnnA c. atternoon to ait and listen to this red-handed, vituperative blackguard for two hours, and if the public nrinra aw In Vw Vw! i ...... ! l- Inij.- OrnrwnTrr 1lll-y't iru Hlora. OrTloahoBri ' ""- from h allo u. i:im ton. nd ? to . Kwi.ivoo rupt him with applause. And at Ihlrd hoiiw north of nlir l.-oirlellliii.lBt. t lau.-w. uii ai txia ammpiiy iiT or nii.i. Hoih I the close enouch people were found I to indorse his views by holding up A. U. BAILKY, M.D., I'llVSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ilillslioro, Oregon. 'ptioues. L. K. FISKE D ARDER (OWN KI.HS. : ; (MIKliON Dr. B. P. Shepherd, (Succpasor to Dr. A. llurris.) At bis moms over City llakery every TucfeUy, Thurait.ty and Saturday. President Culifornln CoIIpc of Dsloiiatby Profeaaor of Theory and 1'ract'u'e. Ks-Mem. Cat. Mate Hoard of Kxamlners The Orefionlan and lnde pendent, one year, 82. their hands, to make a respectable showing as to numbers. But it was as discreditable to the audience as if Jesse James could have been resurrected to tell his story, or Or chard could have leen brought front Idaho to repeat his tale ot wholesale murder, and the people had applauded and cheered at the recital. Teddy bears, $l to $ l. 50 at Mrs. Bath millinery store. Also a nice lot of dolls. one that only rmits a man to run thought of churning until the milk gambling joint. A license, to was sour, and the residue after steal indiscriminately would bring the butter was skimmed ofT was in so much money that Milwaukie nectar for tbe gods. Buttermilk couia lay out a new park. Mr. trom tue modem creamery is a Hedges, however, should not mis- fraud. Only t few milk dealers take the temper of the people on serve good buttermilk. Never this subject. A mistake may cost touch it unless it is perfectly white his clients some money aad much Yellow buttermilk is dangerous, discomfort. We have not yet sue- Did you know tbat buttermilk ceeded in stopping murder entire- was waste product in tbe North up ly, and arson, butglary and other to about i8;o? Fact. I have a crimes flourish. But it has been vivid recollection of a fine specimen uite deDnitely settled that what- of Yank touring the South at that 1 ever gambling is done in this vicin- time. At dinner in a roadside inn ity in the fnture, will be in some he said to the waitress, "What dark secluded stmt such as murder have you to drink?" "We have ers or other lawbreakers would some delicious buttermilk," she re seek in order to escape detection, plied, and fetched a glassful. "Oh, Civilization has reached Portland take that stuBtway," he cried; "we and tbe practices of the Indians and I only feed it U) f hogs in my part otner neatuen races, will be aiiol-lot tue country.'". Vint the tuera ished. Portland Oregonian. pcutie value ourmilk is begin ning to be unde'ttood. If our hospitals would usi more butter milk and less sweet lilk their pa tients would be less jtnnatient. A buttermilk diet till invariably cure the gout. It contains more casein than whole milk, cream, skim milk, or butter. The fact that casein does not brm uric acid Patent for Oregon Mineral Land llie rorest cervice Has recotn mended to the commissioner of the general land office that patent issue ou the lode mining claims of J. C. Lewis, in the Rogue River mining district in the Siskiyou National Forest Oregon, The forest officer who made the examination has reported that the "dapts it for tbe use cf the gouty claims are beinc extensivelv .level. As gout aud rheuroitism are first oped and that valuable mineral de- cousins, buttermilk k good medi posits have Wen discovered. Clne ,or tue nieiin,atic 1 here are The claims from two groups men wbo feel 0 llged to take an known as the "Benton" and the "T occasional drink 01 whisky. Some C. L." croups. Thev were lnrateil of the cleverer ones take a small in 1893 and relocated by the pres- Ulassful of buttermilk as a chaser, ent owner in 1894. Large expen- wnicn suows ruuen wisuom. ditures have been made lor the de- The most eminent scientist in velopment of the properties aud the Europe spent many years trying to evidence of the mineral deposits are understand the mcritsof buttermilk such as would seem to indicate that He has discovered a few of them the land possesses mineral in pay- A great majority of men prefer ing quantities. . sweet milk. In the good old sum The recommendation that patent nier time they should never take a issue is in accordance with the pol- drop of it in a public house without icy of the forest service to encour- the addition of a little lime water age the development of the mineral There are 6,000,000 microbes in resources of the lauds in the nation- every cubic inch of sweet milk left al forests and to make the lorests at your door in tbe morning by the contribute to the development of delivery man. A few of these fel such resources by keeping the tirn- lows may be bad; most of them are ber in the country for the use of the not only harmless, but necessary to miners as long as they need it. help you digest the milk. Be not Endorsed By The Countv. fearful of microbes, "The most Popular remedy In It lias l)ecn st'1tei1 and statetl Otsego County, and the best friend aKain tbat niiIk is t1ie on,y perfect of my family," Wm. M. Dietz, ioo(X- It is supposed to be meat, editor and publisher of the Dtvcrr. bread and drink. It is also stated 1 . . ournal. Gilbertsville, N. Y is Dr tnat the moment a kumui 01 sweet Kinc's New Discovers Tr milk reaches your stomach it is proved to be an infallible cure for curdled, which means of course coughs and colds, makimr short that digestion bas begun. Why work of the worst of them. We al- alIow tb, curdling process to occur wavs keep a bottle in the rinii. t in the stomach? Sour buttermilk believe it to be the most valuable is curdled before it enters the ah prescription known for T.nno- anA mentary canal, which relieves the Throat diseases." Ouarant.l tn stomach of one duty. The bacteria never disappoint the taker by all are enabled to set to work immedi drugstores. Trice 50c and Si 00 ately to relieve jour vitals of sun Trial bottle free. Ilaoe Hall goods of all a II. Bear's Bicycle shop on Main street. I,ee n Augut harvest has begun, True as I have a little son. Hut then that's neither here nor there We want to know if you're aware That Pulmateer's Confectionary n warmest days is cool anj airy. We toll cold drinks and fine Ice Crsam. That all good folks do much etteeni. L. J. Palmateer, dry distempers. St. Louis Globe' I...... A rl.r.l 1. 1 I ltA I'll - LlfJlIlO in pM.JUl) Hi!lrro; comer, J Mock, V'care prepared to do all kinds of l.ghl machine work, at R. Kicycle 8 hop. large nearly lie bouse; fenced, and will make an bomV; three-minutes walk to the potorticc, ine to the depot; 1,000 down, lJnt0 on time. This place ia worth -.3'H'i wnr non-resi dent. For particm Inquire at The Independent ofli pot Sale. rti.linffnr drivirl horne, a years old: T . I " r I lcer For particular! inquire of John Howard, Laurel, W- Normal Schools Up To Board. Tuesday, August 20, has been set aside as the day for a special meeting of the state board of Nor mal School Regeuts for the purpose of reconsidering the question of the legal status of the Monmouth and Drain normals and whether or not these schools will be authorized to continue operation or ordered to close their doors until the normal school question is finally disposed of by the next legislature, will be decided upon. This special meet ing was called upon the petition of State Superintendent Ackerman, W. B. Ayer, of Portland, and K. Hofer, of Salem, the law requiring the Petition of three ineiul)ers of the board to call a special meeting. The question of the right of these schools to continue to operate f un der authority of the permission of the state board was raised by W. B. Ayer, of Portland, who contends that, since there is no legal appro priation for the support of these schools and the Ixmd is forbidden by law to contract indebtedness on behalf ot any of the schools beyond the limit of their appropriations, th board has no legal or moral right to recognize either the Monmouth or Drain school and it is the board's duty to the public and for the good of the normal school cause to close these schools up tight for the ensu ing two years. While the members of the executive committee, to whose attention the matter was first called by Mr. Ayer, do not agree altogether upon the delicate" points at issue, they are a unit, however, that the question is too grave to pass upon lightly and that it de serves the attention of the entire board. When You Go to Tillamook Stop at tha WHITR IIOi'HK, K mllt-n or Koreat OroT on W lton Hirer Uoxl. Kl; Mtiali. Of; loilitliiir, board Willi mom lr ek. 96. UU. llorwii: 1ain over ulnlil, bay and grain, 11. W; liar alone, Vx. Wtitar piped Ihmuith hoime; modern balh. etc Telephone or wrlle the proprietor, J. F. RKK1IKIE, Wilson, Ore. THE SERVICE IS PARALYZED TELEGRAPHERS QUIT KEYS. News Service Badly Cripeled-.Oe-orators Deaert Their Peats All Over the Country. From TuemUy's Ort-gonian. Practically the eutire telegraphic business of the country is tied up as the result of the strike inaugur ated in most of the large cities by the operators of the Western t'uion Telegraph Company and the Postal Telegraph Company, and one or two other telegraph companies of minor importance. The strike now involves not only the commercial telegraphers, but also the operators of the Associated Press in all the large cities of the couutry, save a few in New England and the Middle West. The strike of the Associated Press men came at the end of a day of negotiations be tween General Manager Melville K. Stone and officials of the telegraph ers union in Wew iork. uwing to the radical demands of his oper ators, General Manager Stone asked for 24 hours in which to advise with the members of the Board of Direct ors of the association. This request apparently accept able to General Secretary Russell, of the Telegraphers' Union, and to a large number ot Associated Press operators who realized its reason-1 ableness, but a number of radicals on the Texas circuit would not con sent to a postponement of action on the part of the Associated Press and quit their keys. This action was followed largely throughout the country. The news report of the Associated Press, however, was not entirely crippled, the superintend ents and correspondents in every section of the country managing through various channels to secure the transmission of a large volume of news to the members of the asso ciation. A serious phase of the strike de veloped one afternoon and during the night when it was discovered that railroad telegraphers in many places were ' tampering with the wires at relay points. By with drawing "plugs' from the twitch boards aud grounding the wire communication on a number of dr cuits was interrupted and in soma iustauces entirely shut off. From the developments of yestar day and last night it seems certain that tbe Order of Railway Telegra pher! will support tbe commercial telegraphers in their strike, and it is not improbable that the railway telegraphers' orgauization will be come more deeply involved in the strike should it be of leugthy dura tion. While the strike at this time hat the appearance and to some extent the effect of a general strike, such is not the case. A large number of commercial operators are still at their keys and will not go out until instructed to do so by President Small, who is now en route to Chi cago, where he will hold a confer ence on Wednesday night with General Secretary Russell and other officials of the telegraphers' organi zation, and possibly with President Gompers, of the American Federa tion of Labor, President John Mitch ell, ot the United Mine Workers of America, aud other leaders ol tht labor world who are iu Chicago awaiting the arrival ot President Small. In Portland the operators of the Western Union and Postal Tele graph Companies struck last night. The Western Union men were call ed out by President Branin of the local union at 7:21 o clock. The Postal operators left their keys at 7:44 o clock, liotu strikers were very orderly. The messenger boys struck last night at 1 1 o'clock after holding a meeting at which they formulated a demand for consider able increase in pay. "Sure Thlug" Cora Reuiover, 20o a bottle at the Hillaboro Pharmacy. For hop ticket try the Independent oilice. Printed quickly and for little money. Co to R. Lee Sear's bicycle shop for bicycles and supplies, ammunition aad gun supplies. Pies, Cakes, Bread and Buns at tbe City Bakery, Try them. DIIEM. TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. PRINCIPAL Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon as competent Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual In struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card Index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chattier is our shorthand; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, Imsinrse forms and penmanship free write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper In Portland. There's a lot of Satisfaction r-T- ---rf . in a shoo which after month's ot wear, needs only polish to "Look like now." You'll find comfort, ease aud profit in the .111 Hill I- ''Awvm'MB Hamilton-Brown tilW 1 N better made. No better can ba mada. Our guarantee goes with every pair. Shoes your children will want something pretty and goou. Come and see ou School Shoes Our line of GROCERIES U tho finest in the count. Everythinu tiiiUv ivirrieJ hyaa ae-to- late Grocery Iloeae. Our mmeae salei mk- it p .iii! lor to carry strictly ! to-ids Nota sl.op-w.rii artii le io the eataWishaeat. JOHN DENNIS. $H0t()'S. tLACJK SH0E r3 The old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shew Store .gsggSJ2aTO 1 ft fv. im) - tv j rz 9W.1 1