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About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
Hillsboro Independent I Mill' ml I HXLLSBCStO CRJMOTI NEWS OFTIIE WEEK la a Condensed form lor Car Easy Headers. RAILROAD IS OUTLAW Openly Defies Authorities ol toe State of AiaDama. A Rttumt of th. Less Important but Not Less Interesting Ev.nts of the Past Weak. BLOODY RfcVENOt. c..n,h Slav Hundradt of Moor. In Kuniihmant for Traachry. . . 7 rasa Blanca. on Tangier, Aug. 7. the Moroccan coast, nu. - i. k rlllHlTK. tD tardea l7 " . , Moor, .re reported to hare teen .hot . iA tha town ........ In larva Dumuci , " . . i.,hf ha. been .cX ,rt7;u.;.-.oa of d- HIUTIA MAy BE CALLEd upon in. n.rtlM from French .nd Bp- " Uh cruisers. The flr.t .hot. were fired by the Moor., i ue -mrno. wul Tsk. Po..e..lon of th ..... .i.h . havnnet charge and Qov.mor vm inuout'u WIlm m J I . t- I. IU -. . . i.m,rdnient of the native quar- Road by Arm.a r.r ...v.. REPORT OnTsTAWD"0 Commli0n The French but no one ssry to Enforce Law.. nirinlngham. Ala.. Aug. . It 1. . til. U I .,,.!.. .t,l trunlia Will De or The occupation or lbsb - not unuaei - ter with meiiuue nueu-. had U men wounded I i. .. aiara killed. No European resiucm. w.- !,,, Hall Cain. i. believed to be the richest novelist In the world. nlllranl. of the native up- ... , wltkln a few day. to take . .. . I " .. . U - LllllnV ur.vv. ... K.ti,r,.nf. h.v a.fa ma oritf in ri.inr h ch resulted m iu -- . hn llne 0 tne oum t..liu...i. ' . I -- n . .. . r.u-u I nflHMtfDBIUU v - the newly-elected Fhilipine assembly, last week of eight urpeau." ' w.iiwav. the cancellation of i in,, n. . th nr aim cu .. itnu Aneiploaion of firedamp ink Prus- ie other warships with troop, whose license to ope raw . i .ian mint killed 18 men and Injured 11 Crln. on board to various L calmly "? other. &god with th. policing of seaport. ex-Chief Just ce. or n -Pr-- - .1 of Morocco and their action at Lasa ou"''" ke wholesale Blanca ha. brougni no pnu . . - " of the Soutnern license to operate In the .tate :ompany. a . . koli hnnn1 conference ueiu ueru nolnts on the Moroccan couai . nnvernnr :.... ..i r ....liniera. tblS aiieriiuu" Germany cure. mental and nervous - - o( the Algeclras Comer, Attorney-Gen. uaruer ana : ..... ur. are I nrmnlnent attorneys, iuuuu.u. i" n vun i Iin I 1 1 rt LWU V' " v - - l - t .teadr employment. Iaclflo Coast lumbermen will flgh the oroDoeed .dvanre In lumber rate. o MimlMipl v.l ley point. Z.i..nrj .hlr willingneH. that road If that company doe. not re- T(,ri1rfir!in.d tlie Steel trust are lpb n.l Snaln re.tore order in cede from It. present P"""u- wrangling over the quertlon of broken Morocco. No other countrie. are In- A .tate official ""' ' - n. niana Uriw.r Piimer wa. going 10 ubo overy One hundred unruly member, of the !,n, hpP bv the .teamer Lower at hi. command to make the Ireland, police force have been .., on Saturday night the Southern Hallway obey, the law. or exiled and 160 more will follow. French naval officer In command In- Alabama. i. j . u D.,hnr t tnati ,-ir tne raurouu iin wm. - Rich American, can not escape : :' ." ;:. (. fnr the hrpt to toD all business Inside the bv establishing residence, in fcngland. ." Krench consui. Au- state and confine Itself to only In- They will be .ubject to taxation undor ' . f . )veni The terstate business." said this official. the English law.. force went ashore Sunday morning "then the Governor will order out A German prince., who .vstem.tic at daybreak. The Frenchmen were the state . troop. .11- ...U nlU f.m Knmnean DO sooner on tne oeacu iuuu oi iuo ""-' --- ..o -...v. r r---1 ral . hv Moor h so dier. d aced ltsell in me aiiuuae oi a moo hotel, has been exonerate on me ,. - the rffvinir the rightful authority of th ground of insanity. French force sustained all it. casual- state. Thl. action would be followed A blast of 8,000 ton. of high explo- tie.. The Frenchmen fought their up by an extra session oiine legiam " .7 . '. . . r. I i. tun aia. l...o .t mhlh a law wnuld be enact' t.ln nf fin. marhle In It d . naled tne cruiser uaiuee 10 uuiuuui u ea wuwtu, i v rignT. nnn n. the native quarter. placed In the hand, or a receiver in a.Aw vv' i frn- oliia of AfinA onannrl iinnn ahi than 6U uATI. Five hundred brakemen and num-hhe Moor.. She wa. Joined at 11 her ol conductor, on me oiorauo o ciock Dy me t rencn cruiser uu- .TiiuniQn riutinr ctrisr b lutnern rauroaa nave siruca lor tnuvis mm uum mcu uum ,vw rounds of ammunition Had been ex I ran,iui Thin flm la aald to have Onlw Two Prataxla. and Neither On. un Doara ine newesi uerman-amerj- Kepn disastrous to the Arab.. The w.H HnlH aan aarai mam Wt VaOllIal" II1AI ) Am I i I n a. fnt n K A mMiiK atf I i l... a. . i " -k. .1 Ltl - , k r,.K WashlnKton. Auk. 6. Two ave- ' I ...... Itinii. tf nnaalhla nara n. a PA miPTI I C .urant i. alway. open. cruisers, but It wa. Quickly .lienced . "romnanv: but Three-flfthf of the output of the great . .,' PMnr,i, ianiin nartv whether one or both are taken the Delteer. diamond mine, in South Af- onj ininoj .,- government will be found strongly rlc is taken by American dealer, and party at the consulate. A third party intrenched, confident of repeating price, are .teadily rising. from the Spanish cruiser Don Alvara Kh, cio 'tKBCre(1t ,n Judge" de Iiazen wa. landed and occupied ". ,. t, V , . V li ¬ the Spanish consulate. The Euro- the Circuit Court of f PPeal- on a pean quarter of Casa Blanca wa. not writ of error.-or to the Supreme AamaaaA I VOUTl OI IUB (jniieU OlBiea UU KUH- I r.--. I i i j I .nl The remainder of the European iw .' " L PF ro.iHont. f fna . oithor not conflict with the other, and no at their respective consulate, or have 'urthf.? BrPea.1 "?8 '? flther. c"e- HrH h. hi, nhcailirr T V i7 .m, win kpn "f rd a German and ' ne, V . . u. 01 ApPea,B . naB dered by her physician to quit .moking . .,, , k-v. final lurisdlction In Question, of er- l huM 1 1 . . , 1 1 uiiKiinu . 1 onri 1 1. mo uaiuui, I ' ( - Howard Paul, the 'American enter tainer, who died in London in Decem ber, 1906, and whose will ha. been in litigation, bequeathed about $200,000 to London charities. The empress of China has been or- I'r.r, .., Qnoin k. . a n for aiTecting the law In the case, and Clintons a law will be made prohibiting the terms of a French-Spanish note 80 'ar 88 JudKe Landls' official act. cigarette smoking throughout the em- informing the power, signatories of ,n tne construction of the law are pire. the Algeclras convention, including, tne Buprem. Court or the EoU.the fighting leader c! the PnU- .the, Unlte ?f tMr l.ttlo on.y consider one Jane, in the Island of Leyte, ha. been Z.Vn. ii.TT .V, Under arMcle 8 of the Constltu- twntonced to dtath. One companion l,n Morocco- Tne next meaaure. totlon "excessive ball .hall not be re- wa. aeLieneea 10 imprisonnieni lor me 1 be adopted depend lnrgely upon what luirea, nor excessive lines imposed Oil. CO. TV v u u m .. m . .a. rrl?'?ra.,'s;" Plained t. f.l re,'rt .k' forth ,her,h.I,r5 these method. nd th- . T.T.. hv. hao on " ruw n inr; cn.umnor c ; ,'..d on the prorit. ' h siS'W Company. Com- m "ThTst 8d'' ,D.m? Company U re ..,' ,,e,.t"""li 'rll"1 of price, of lutriMil.l.. M T ..IHA -uiu i0, i,,au. . - iit,..l. - V... .rnducl. auriui tne la. "i. y;:!rt' The Standard ha. consistently t 5 Itl P"wr 10 raUe the PrlcJ'oVr. Xt tne tart ten veara T1 "Lately but also relatively to 'Hewt of cruda .. . The Stand eUlmed hat it ha. reduced tiaprlc of oil; that It haa l...n A'!a,f. . the consumer; and that on Vreat combination k the St. ,1'rd eouU have fur nished oil I t, price, that have prevailed. I "Each one It these claim., say. Commissioner fsiniih. "l4 1",PrOTe1 by this report' ... . The nrraul is annual profit, of the 8tandar.iT nil Company from 1S98 to lssi L;.over 1.7.000,000. The report lay.' "The total dividend. relven the Stnn,l.i ,,. 1883 to 1906 were & . u thus averaging 24.15 per cent 1 P'- TUe dlvldend however, wPr much les. than the total earning tt I. .ubstantlally certain that too entire net earning, of the Standard from 1883 to lit were at lea.t $;90,0OU,OOO and pos sibly much ,- "TbeSB Pnnrmfflll profits have been based nn m Investment worth at the time of u original acquisition uoi more than $;5,0U.u- The renort nf fiommlssloner Smith shows that the Standard Oil Com pany Is respocilble for petroleum prices for the rat quarter of a cen tury becauas thii company has con trolled the Industry. The report .how. the prlc alstory of oil pro duct, .inc. IK', or practically since the beginning of the Industry. Thl. gives an opportunity to compare the course of price, during the earlier competitive period with the course of price, during th. later monopolis tic perioa. it g lio .hows tnai prices would have been lower during this later period under normal competi tive conditions and In the absence of any such overshadowing combination as nas actually existed. These nrlcpa .how directly th. ef feet that the eilatenc. of this com bination haa had upon the consumer and also the results that have ac crued to the combination Itself by way of profits. Just conclusion can thus be drawn of the way the Stand ard Ull ba. used Its great Industrial power. SECOND HEARING BEGUN. nd four others were given 36 years. The trial of Faustino Ablen. the chief of the Pulajanes, will take place thi week. King Edw.rd showed hi. spprecla mn of labor in striking fashion during hi. visit to Cardiff, the center of the Welsh coal trade. He not only knight ed Lord Mayor Crossm.n, of Cardiff, a lahot hadnr, but he announced the In stitution of an order of chivalry for miners. TI1I1 new decoration, which will bear King Edward', name, will I fur heroes of the mine who distinguish themselves in rescue work. Haywood waa given a great reception at Halt Lake. Governor Hanley declares that Indi ana is solid for Falrbank. France has invited Spain to Join in an expedition sgaln.t Morocco. John Bums proposes a British pure ioimi taw K ngtii American packer. A bind of New Yoik Chinese made s on Boston Chinese, killing thiee Union Faciflc will enconraae coal mining by independent companies now that it has lost much of its coal land. Irrigation work In California. Ari- aona and Nevada will be cut from 115.- uuu.uuu last year to IHOO.OOO this year The Alabama secretary of state has declared the franchise of the Southern railroad forfeited for breaking .tate HWI, Four American school teacher, who have jn.t returned from the Philippine, via Asia and Eurcpe say wherever they stopped, in India or other British nn. sessions, Japanese were busily engaged f in making sketche. of fortification, and uarDora. Corean .oldler. revolted against dlsbandment and fought Japanese In o7iui, uut were quelled. innate ba. made a powerful iwwh for a permanent arbitration court at The Hague. trance, Spain and Italy are to ena an army to Morocco to put dow the uprising. Kooaevelt will positively not allow nimseir to be renominated for an otner term but will support Taft The Oklahoma Republican ronven tloa has nominated Frank Franti for governor, John Sharp William, ha. defeated Governor Vardeman for the Demo cratic nomination for senator from Mississippi Congressman Jenkins opposes th state rights doctrine and predict civil w.r ir it 1. enforced. Haywood will tour the West and address all union, of the miner. f tMioratlon. Harrow and Richardson, attorney. in tne defense or Haywood, cannot it agree and one or the other will with f. draw before the Tettllione and Moyer JL rase, are called. A strike ha. been averted In th. Northern Paclfla .hop. at St. Paul. A wreck on th. llllnol. Central near Milan, Tenn., resulted In four death. The Georgia legislature ha. p..sed and th. governor will sign a prohl tltlo. law. develops at Casa Blanca a. a result of the occupation of that town. Farls, Aug. 7. A special dispatch received here from Tangier says the street fighting In the bombardment f Casa Blanca, according to a refu gee who arrived from there on the (earner Anatole, continued through out Sunday, and was still In progress when the Anatole left at 6 o clock unrtay evening. The French ships fired a total of about 2,000 .hells. I'he number of Moorish dead will un Into the hundreds. A single nrty of marines killed 150 Moors. The French wounded number about 2. No Frenchmen were killed. The Marabout Sldl Marout was wounded. raris, Aug. 7. A correspondent of the Matin says the military commander st Ca?a Blanca sent excuses to the French consulate for the attack on the landing party from the Galilee, for which he blame, the customs guard.. The consul thereupon demanded that me culprits be given to him. The commander complied and sent th. sol- diesr in chain, to the consulate. The consul Intimated that they would be instantly .not at the BrBtt .ign of fresh trouble. nor cruel and unusual punishment. Inflicted." In the opinion of off! clals of the Department of Justice, the case can reach the Supreme Court on the ground that the $29, 240,000 fine is excessive, because the Standard Oil Company of In diana, the defendant, ha. capital stock of only $1,000,000 and asset, of only $10,000,000. The astute lawyer, employed by the trust may find other constitutional question, to raise In the Supreme Court, The government Is ready to meet uch an issue and I. confident of victory. It will reply that the Stand ara uu company or Indiana Is, a. Judge Landls has construed, the Standard Oil Company of New Jer sey. the great Standard trust. In fact and that the fine imposed upon the trust must be measured by the re source, of the truBt, and not one of tne .ubsidiary, dummy branches By the Department of Justice at- teniion is caned to the common prac tice in criminal courts or imposing fine, npon vagrant., when the Inabil ity of the culprit to pay the fine 1. Known to tne court. But such un. tence. have never been construed a. excessive line. Fines Coal Land Thieves. Cheyenne. Wyo., Aug. 7. In the Federal Court Judge J. A. Tllner ihia afternoon overruled the motion for a new trial in the cases of E. M. Hoi brook, E. E. LonebaiiEh and Rnlipri McPhllamy, recently convicted hero 01 conspiracy to defraud the govern ment In the acquisition of coal land. The Judge Imposed a fine of $10,000 ench on Holbrook and Ixnphnnah aim a u,uuu une on McPhllamy. whom he designated as th ton. rt the coal miners. Each must pay one third of the costs and stand cora- inuiea io jau until paid. Haywood Hold. Reception Denver. Colo., Aug. 7. William D Haywood, secretary-treasurer of the Western Federation of Miners was at his desk In the headquarters i mo leuerauon this morning . .uniitm nireani or v u nn through the room, offering greetings and congratulations on his acquittal of the charge of complicity in the uiu.utT ui ex-uovernor Steunenberg naywood expressed ."ensure at tils reception In this city on his arrival last night, and t-uiniismsncally or the demon stratlon at point, along the road. Phon. Girl. Strlk. Acaln. Helena, Mont.. Aug. 7. Twenty telephone operator, went on strike here today In compliance with the request of the Montana Federation of Utior. The strike was ordered as a vmmthAtU . . .. . -j .... uiuiriiimi ior tne line men, mute and several other cities are without telephone service for a "iiiuinr reason. The Te enhono Pnm puny hn. applied for a temporary In Junction restraining a boveott. anr argument thereon will be had before Inlted State. Judge Hunt tomorrow. Lithographers Admit Dafaat. ,!.wW.T0kk An- 7 Th. .fruggle or the Lithographic Artists. Enmi. er. A Designers' League with th. Na- uonni Association of Employing Lithographers, which began In Au gust. 190, ha. been ended as a re- sun 01 tne abandonment of th. fight vj iug union. More Land Fraud. Lo. Angeles, Aug. 6. The sudd.n departure of United State. District Attorney Oscar Lawlor for Portland and Seattle I. considered significant, wnen taken in connection with the recent tJIsclosure of extensive land fraud. In the Imperial Valley When he left the city Mr. Lawlor said he wa. called by Important business but would not give any Information a. 10 11s nature. As the Investigation a rnnllnnoH it i. . .t """l'n V. . u""eyea tne name, of prominent .capitalists will he aMtA .Ilk . V. . . . 11 -.. .11. iuhw aesert land entries.'s Strlk. t On. "c.., o. umcials of the v.u.urao.0 & southern Railroad said today that 75 strikebreakers were on tin, K.DlnVrr J .Cerent ; r... 10 taxe the K.i. "-ninmen. yardmen brakemen and other, of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen who 1 on strike to enforce the demand. It .wltchmen and yardmen oTan ln crease In wages of 2 cents an hV Thhe" Mhe rX Z"tim?"n by non-,nlon me, """ manne'' About to Start North. Spitsbergen, July 25. via T, oe. Aug. 6. The Wellman Ch Record-Herald polar expedhTon been hampered greatly by . wind, which at times becsme a J.h 1-nt gale, threatening the hV " house. The damage done h I repaired and a, arrangemon,, have been perfected mJ 11 now tns ha. bePen found to Mtlsfsctorlly, It I, hoped ther accident, occur, to start 7 '."J" Pole .bout the middle Vjlf": th ... ,C?p,u:,d JP Mctnrla, B. P Anc- ft have been received here 7? A.iTlr"' tempted sealing raid by th t " ,U .esllng .chooner.,,hif"M"'' Midori Mam on th. .erooKert Dd Cooper Islands, guarded 7' " "Ian.. The .chooner Kalk. ?us ha. returned to Mlyako n.u r prnv.nce. Japan, snd reported .V'"a of her sealing boat, and 11 1 mr' tur-Ki by RuMlans. 1 tten P F.d.ral Court Contlnu. Iny.t ligation of Standard. Chicago, iiur, 6. The prepara tlon. for tt aVcond federal Investf gatlon. of tW aviation, between the uiniiunru UlAmaanr OI inulltUH and the ChlcVa tt Alton Railroad ordered by Jhco Landl. of the United States ntrlct Court on Sat urday, win beglitomorrow. The call for the special (rand Jury will be Issued and Unit. State. District At torney Sim. wlllfo over all the evi dence presented at.Jthe recent trial or the Standard Jll Company, which resulted In conrttlon and . fine of $29,240,000, aniwlll .elect the wit nesses to be nbpoenaed. It de veloped that thi reason for haste ill this Investigate I. that the statute of limitation, running agnlnst the government, ail because of It the Chicago & Altoo will escape rein dictment on between 80 and 100 count, of the 1,46? on which the ...o.iunra OH company waa cuu' vlcted. Tnl "tatute of limitations bars prosecution nn offense, committed more than three years before Indict i"ni. naily of the shipments on wnl"h th. standard Oil Company wa. convicted of accepting rebate. wurro betweel SeptemDer, .ua, and Align it. 1904. When the grand Jury convenes 01 August 14, a fe. day will .ufflca to present th. vl oence a!i,.f ,y Alton. The jury w)m consider Infractions l"e Elitin, um occurring irora "sui, iio4 nntll M.rcn, uvo. Trmport Br..ks Down. San Francisco. Aug. 6 The trans- port Warren, which left Saturday large contlnReni 01 iih..iu passengera wai compelled by . breakdown' of machtnery to put back She had hardlr got outside the bay Wn"n th omcert in the engine-room no,lr"d that her machinery was not r"rklnt M It ought. Chief Engineer Donnllr. f i. Army Transport De partment .n exhaustive ex amination" of th. Warren', machln- V' na ' In hope ,11 a k. W1LLPR0V0KEJAPAN Movement of Fleet to Pacific May Bring War. . BOODLUHS WILL START ATTACK With Bsttl.shlp. In Psclfic They Will Bscom. Bold .nd Japan Will Retaliate. Washington, Aug. 8. Ther. wa. much Jubilation on th. part of naval officer, today over the specific and un qualified announcement at Oyster Buy that th. battleships of the Atlantic fleet will be sent to the Pacific. Until this statement wss mad. by authority of President Kocrevelt there was a grow ing feeling on th. part of naval otlicers that these vessels would not be sent around Cp. Horn. On. of th. moat nttanti.l officers of the navy believes that the sending of these battleship, to the California coast will cause so much itritation that war between th. United State, and Japan will lie the result. 1 hey are already figuring on promotions, ss history ha. shown that sdvancement In the naval service i. much more rapid during war than In peace. All naval officer, .re forbidden to discuss international questions fcr pub lication, but privately they do not be.i tate to declare that they believe that as soon a. the Altantio fleet .tart, on iu long to th. Pacific the Japanese government will send one of its fleet to the coast of California or to th. At lantic coast. They declare that th. presence of the battleship, of Admiral Evan, on the Pacific will cause th. people In that part of the country to become more bold in ttiBir attacEB on tne Japanese This, they say, will cause Irritation which they fear will lead to serious consequences. ADO NEW TRAIN. v FiNaD $29,240,000. by for National Irrigation Congrss. Sa"ram,.- me. 6. Plan rhHt UDected to be the greatest i7,K""" celebration In the history ?f,hl onVry were announced here Klay r the Hoard of Control of ,he Plft J.t vatlonal Irrigation 111 11 ,., Con trsa. weeks- There will he a two r . .....I- n 1 V. f a tlont n.,,1 "IT. ' hM In connection with i,:"" " open. In congrew- ern Heretofore f,nP;; been largely West In h. .?hiiiion. but this year SWe t0 't . Nstjowt character. tnttA nobbles l.'.nd. . .rrt Ar,hr Ont.. An. .-C.p-'"'n 8. C ar:, returned from Isle nW"wln?0M .uperlor. where he '"c J;".,n Xntlng the Brit- Southern Pacific Will In.ugurst. N.w Expc.s S.rvlc. Portland, Ang. 3. Harrimsn offl cials. both in Portland and San Fran Cisco, sr. seriously considering placing a special msll and express train on the Portland-Han francisco run. 11 1. ex pected thai a decision will be reached in a few day.. Railroad official, .re Inclined to think the additional service is assured, although'the train will have to be officially ordered by Ueneral aian airer Calvin fiom the San Francisco ntftae. The proposed new train will be re served exclusively for handling mail and express, and is being consmerea as sn expedient for lelieving existing con gested conditions, which, it is said, are responsible largely for the unsatisfac tory passenger service on this branch of the Southern Pacific. This special will carry no passengers. The express business on this line has incressed to an extent that it is impos sible to handle it with the facilities that sr. now ptovided in the passenger trains and at the same time make schedule time with these trains. By combining both the express and mail business and handling It witn a special train, the railro'd ollkials figure that it will be possible to operate its passen ger train, on schedule time, .ince it is the discharging and receiving of ex press that invariably delays trains. , Eight Injured In El.v.tor. Cincinnati, Aug. 3. A peculiar accident on an elevator in me Power building, at Eighth and Syca more streets, last evening, seriously intured eieht cersons. Th. car was running by electricity and a broken connection In a switchboard extin guished the lights and took from th. operator the power to control the car. as a resuu me cruwu ir.iuru the bottom In safety, although In darkness, and then, by a sudden re newal of power, the elevator went to th. top of th. shsft so rapidly that th. balancing weights were thrown off and fn falling struck several passengers. New Cruiser in Commission. Vsllejo, Cal., Aug. J. With ap- oroprlate ceremonies, the new cruls- ' ... 1 . . 1.. er ualirornia, receimy muiinricu, was placed In commission shortly be fore noon Thursday. Captain Thomas S. Phelps, who will commsnd the cruiser, made a brier apeecn ana then read the orders to the crew as sembled on the decks. This wss fol lowed by the raising or the nag over the warship, which Is the finest ves sel that ever cam. to this yard. The California was built by th. Union Iron works, but was turned over to th. government and completed Flrs.TR.g. In Foothill. Vlsalla, Cal., Aug. 3. A disas trous fir. has raged .11 day along the foothills ten miles east of this city. The territory devastated wilt probably amount to 7 or iuu square miles. The entire population Is fighting the nr. na reports re ceived are very meager, from here the flames could be seen late at nia-ht. climbing th. low-lying hills, apparently still beyond control. A number of barns snd outbuildings have been consumed, as well as many stscks of hsy .nd grain, be sides thousands of acre of wild feed. ih , """lon. a ..14 .C'w. bad made hi. 1. mno "'DO. . oorrespononniB bp1" r,..01-. and Washington. hlcl o,n .U Vnm th"t great " h."'1 Canada by the fiTEr ' gBTe Ig,e KoyaU t0 " lttlta.1 n. ...a Jn D I. Not W.rrl.d. Clsvai... .. g. John D. iTMell,. ' ...I. no Indication In NhlH it T T7hat the decision of JdM uJ'a Xg the Standard Oil rvUdl. f'0 tA klm 10 ths ,r "T ,B . far a. anoear- a tno"" Qra.t Moropoly I. No Th.n or Robb.rt. Chicago, Aug. 5. Judge M. Landi. Saturday in the United Stute. Dlalrlct Court fined the Stand ard Oil Company, of Indiana $", 2 4U.UUU fur violation of th. law against accepting rebate from rail roads. The fine 1 th. largest ever assessed agulnst any Individual or uny corporation In the history of Auiurlcuu Jurisprudence. The case will bo carried to the higher courts by the defendant company. The peiialty Imposed on th. com pany U the maximum permitted un der the law and it was announced at the end of a long opinion. In which the method, snd practices of the Stuudard Oil Company wer. merci lessly scored. The Judge, In fact, de clared In his opinion that the otll vluls of the Standard Oil Company who were responslblo for the prac tice, of which the corporatlou was found guilty, were 110 better than counterfeiters and thieves, his exact language being: "We may as well look at this sit uation squarely. The men who thus deliberately violated this law wound society more deeply than does be who counterfeits the coin or steals letters from the mall. The nominal defendant I. the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana, a million-dollar cor poration. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, whose capital Is $100,0UU,()UU, is the real defendant This Is for the reason that, it a body of men orgunlze a large corporation under the laws of one state for the purpose of carrying on business throughout the United States and for the accomplishment of that purpose absorb the stock of other corpora tlons, such corporations so absorbed have thenceforth but a nominal existence. They cannot Initiate or execute any Inherent business policy, their elimination In this respoct be ing a prime consideration for their absorption. So, when after this pro cess has taken place, a crime Is com mltted In the name of such smaller corporation, the law will not consid er that the latter corporation is tne real offender. And where the only possible motive of the crime Is the enhancement of dividends and the only punishment authorized Is a fine great caution must be exercised lesi the fixing of a small amount encour age the defendant to further viola tions by esteeming the penalty to oe In the nature of a license. "The defendant argues that to hold It for 1,462 offenses would be a violation of the constitutional pro hibition against the Imposition of excessive fines .and It is urged that congress could never have Intended to confer upon the court such power It Is the view of the court that for the law to take from one of Its cor porate creatures as a penalty for the commission of a dividend-producing crime less than one-third of Its net revenues accrued during the period of violation falls far short of the im position of an excessive fine, and surely to do this would not be the exercise of as much real power as Is emuloved when a sentence is im posed taking from a human being one day of his liberty. "It Is the Judgment and sentence of the court that the defendant, the Standard Oil Company, pay a fine of $29,240,000." under the seven indictments sun pending against the Standard Oil Company, an additional fine amount ing to (88,440,000 may be leviea against the company, How to Mak. Publ'C Pay. How the Standard Oil Company can exact payment from the public: Fine Imposed by Judge Landis, ia, 240,000; attorneys' fees (estimated) $260,000; total fine and costs $31. 500.000. Present price (average grade) kerosene per gallon, 1 cents. Proposed price, same, 1a cents. Gallons refined kerosene to one barrel crude petroleum, 15. Number gallons to be sold at in crease of 1 cent per gallon over pres ent quotations to reimburse Standard Oil, 3,150.000. Number barrels crude petroleum, 210,000,000. In crease in dollars. (31.500,000. Cap ital stock Standard OH Company or New Jersey. $100,000,000. Capital stock Standard Oil Company of In diana. $1,000,000. Wealth of John D. Rockefeller In excess or 91.UUU,- 000,000. (Exact figures not known to himself.) Rockefeller's interest In Standard OH (27 2-5 per cent total capitalization), $27,400,000. Figures based on on. barrel crude petroleum producing 36 per oant kerosene and by-products, paramn, lubricating oils, etc Flogged li Public Vitw Hazelton, Pa., Aug. 5. Louis Samobolla, accused of wife-beating, was publicly flogged by Alderman McKelvey, before whom he had been brought for a hearing. After the testimony had been given, Alderman McKelvey seized the man by the col lar, dragged him Into the street, pulled the coat from his back and then handcuffed him to a post. The crowd divined his intention, and man took off hit belt and gave It to McKelvey. Th. alderman 1. young and strong, and th. flogging wa. vigorous. EXPEL A Dramatic Event Among Police ot New Tork City. LOSES STAR BEFORE COMRADLS Hslnz. Buys Mln. and Tlasln. Mont.. Aug. 3. Repre senting F. Augustus Helnze, W. A. Kidney nurcnased st sheriffs sale here the property of th. Basin Bay State Mining Company, Including the famous Katie mine, his million- dollar concentrator, a smelter, vs- lous other mining claims and placer locations slong th. Boulder River for $392,864.71. This was the smelter used by Mr. Helnze tinder lense after the destruction of his Butt, plant by fire. BlndMcO.. Ov.r for P.rjury. Boise, Idaho, Aug. 8. Dr. I. L. McOee, of Wallace was bound over by Probate Judge Leonard Thurs day to answer th. charge of per jury lodged against him because of certain testimony given by him In th. Haywood trial Man Who Fl.d B.tor. Loaded R. volvsr Punish. d and Mad. T.xt of Sp.sch by Chl.f. New Tork, Aug. 1. A remarkable scene, slosely paralleling mat mem orable on. In Paris when Cap tain Alfred Dreyfus waa publicly dis graced before the French army. wa. enacted In the trial room at police headqusrters. For the first time In more than 30 years a patrolman had been adjudged guilty of cowardice. H Is Stephen S. Walsh, who, accord ing to the charge mad. him last week, fled from an armed man who had shot and killed a woman. The keen Interest with which the unusual case was followed rose to a point of dramatic Intensity when Po lice Commissioner Bingham, who had presided personally at the trial, an nounced that the charge against the unfortunate man had been proved. Then the Commissioner turned to In spector Richard Walah, In whose dis trict Stephen Walsh was a patrol man, but who Is no relative of the dismissed man, and directed the In spector to strip Walsh of his shield and uniform buttons so that he might not even leave the trial room with the emblems of bis former posi tion as a policeman In good stand ing on his person. The orowd looked on In wonder and excitement as the Inspector advanced to perform hi. unpleasant work. The dismissed' man stood still and offered no resistance as the shield was unpinned from his breast, but when the Inspector started to detach the buttons of the uniform Stephen , Walsh stepped back and appealed to his attorney against any further hu miliation being put upo. him In the presence of his former comrades. Commissioner Bingham, who was laboring under great excitement, then Interposed and directed the In spector to conduct his former sub ordinate to the steps of the police building and eject htm. Stephen Walsh offered no resistance and went with the Inspector to the outer door way, where he was formally directed to leave the building. Throughout the unusual proceeding Stephen Walsh maintained his composure. MAY FACE MURDER CHARGE. Sulran'. Army Varqul.hed. Tangier, Aug. 5. Reports from Tetuan say that mountain tribesmen Inst night attacked and vanquished the government forces under General Bagdadl, the chief of the Sultan's army, who Is conducting the opera tions against the bandit Ralsull. Sev eral Calds nre among the killed. General Bagdadl had his leg broken. There Is no truth In the report that a bank at Casa Blanca had been pil laged, and the story that the ser vants ot the British consular agent st Elksar had been murdered 1 discredited. Virginia Roads Glv. It Uo. Richmond, Va.. Aug. S. Shortly before midnight the state officials re ceived a telegram from the attorney of the Virginia railroad to the enVct that th. 2 -cent rate would be put Into effect on or before October 1. on condition that the matter should be aken to the courts for a final decl- lon as to its legality. The statement given out by the railroads Is that they have deter mined to give In to the people and to end the conflict. Colo Design Hi. Last Work. New Tork. Aug. E. Thronwh letter from President Roosevelt. made public. It was learned that Augustus St. Gaudens. th. famous American sculptor, who died, had de igned tne new gold coins which am now being completed. This design Is probably th. last comnleted work I that left th. hands of th. sculptor. Soldier Is for Complicity ii Northern Pacific Robbery. Astoria, Ore., Aug. 1. An enlisted man, giving his name as Henry J. Gruber Is under arrest at Fort Ste vens on a charge of being Implicated In the robbery of a Northern Pacific train In Montana Inst May In which Engineer Clow was killed. Gruber Is but 20 years of age and came to Fort Stevens on July 22, from Butte, Mont., where he had enlisted a tew days before. That Gruber Is the man's correct name Is considered certain for the reason tha,t he gave his father's name on the descriptive list the same as on the "D and A" card when he en listed. He was placed under arrest at 10 o'clock yesterday morning In accordance with telegraphic Instruc tions received from the commanding officer at Vancouver Barracks, who directed that the prisoner be held until an officer arrives for him. Gru ber Is kept In the guardhouse heav ily Ironed. Would Move Head Camp. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1. At thl. morning's session of the head camp convention of Woodmen of the World, Charles A. Reynolds, of Se attle, sprung a surprise In the shap. of a motion to change headquarters from Denver to Seattle. He told of the dissatisfaction that has been cur rent among members on the Coast by reason of keeping the head camp In Colorado, while the scene of the greatest activity of the Woodmen Is located on the Coast. The state of Washington, Oregon and California have nearly two-thirds of the entire membership of the order. Ask. Limit to D.msg.x. a San Francisco, Aug. 1. The Met ropolitan Redwood Lumber Com pany, owner of the steamer San Pe dro, which collided with the steamer Columbia, has filed In the United States District Court a petition ask ing that the liability for libel against the vessel be limited to the value of the boat and the amount pending for freight. In the same court C. P. Doe, owner of the George W. Elder, which towed the San Pe dro to Eureka after the accident, has filed a libel on the San Pedro, ask ing the court to determine salvage. R.fut.s to Try Power.. Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 1. Judge Robblns vacated the bench today In the Caleb Powers murdor trial fol lowing the filing of an affidavit al leging prejudice. The action of Judge Robblns was unexpected by the prosecution and was a surprise to the defense. Judge Robblns took up each allegation of Powers snd de nied specifically that they were true, and snld It wss too late to mar his record as Judge by sitting In a case when, he wss accused of unfairness. The trial has been indefinitely postponed. French 8hip Orriartd Out. Paris. Aug. 1. The Minister of Marine has Instructed the command er of the Mediterranean .qua (Iron to hold two cruisers In readiness to de part for Morocco. He also tele graphed to the captain of the crulsT Forbln. commissioned to (he Arores, to remain there until further Instruc tions. Special dispatches from Tang ier received here late tonight exnress the fear that the number of Euro peans murdered exceed that first re ported. ( Murd.r.d by Moor. Tangier, Aug. 1. On the pretext that they were displeased with the harbor works, three tribe, todsy at tacked Casa Rlanca, one of the chief seaports of Morocco, and massacred the native guard, and seven Euro peans. The other European. In the elty, together with a nnmber of Jews, took r.fng. on a German .hip,