Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 02, 1907, Image 5

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By D. W. BATH.
No. 2.
:1H a. in. . ,
No. 4.
:2u D. Dl . .
Reedville ervk.- by th pastor nest
Sabbath evening.
Dance at Shut park Saturday niirhL
Moslcby Toelle' orchaatra'; tK kef, 75
No. 1.
. .4:30 p. m
No. .1.
..u:03a. m.
Forest drove
Cornelius. . . ,
I ItlUtMiro. . . ,
lU-averton., .
Beaverton. . . .
Ketxlville. , . .
IlilUtboro. . . . ,
Forest Grove.
vNo. 8 a ui
1 1 :.V
0 p m
No. 10 p ui
6 -.20
fins train will run daily except Sun
day, ami service will be maintained
long an the hushies will justify. Thin
will be a local pasm-nger train of subur
ban nature ami will nut carry a baggage
P..U. NICKERS, A Kent.
Economy Fruit Jan at Oreer'a.
.Ninety-aii in the shade lait Monday.
And 104 in the shade on Tuesday.
Everything in the line of Fruit Jar
at Greer'.
Mini llattie Butler left (or Oakland,
Calif., Monday.
New M07 bicycle In at Sears' Bicycle
Shop. Main St.
lou't forget the dance at Shut I'ark
tomorrow night.
Money to loan on real estate aecurity.
II. T. Bagley.
"Sure Thing" Corn Remover, 20c
bottle at the Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Horn. On Wednesday, July 31, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ci. A. Patterson, of thii
city, Utin toni.
On Saturday 8. 8. Barnes sold to Min
nie Fitzgerald three lota aoutU of the
depot for f 1.000.
Miss Annie fiIonall, of Portland,
visited with Mrs. A. B. Bailey two or
three days thia week. I
Fine time at the dance In Shut Park
Saturday night, August 3. Ticket. 75
cents. There is going to be a good time.
Try one of thoae 1U07 New Morrow
Coasters at K, Lee Sears' Bicycle Shop.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Mrs. V. White went to St. Vincent's
hospital Wednesday, where she will
have an operation er formed for the re
uioval o( a goitre.
We are prepared to do all kinds of re
pairing; In tirst class shape and guaran
tee every piece of work. At R. Ie
Sears' Bicycle Shop.
Mrs. Mary Humphreys, the Misses
Lois and Lucy Humphreys, Lottie But
ler anil John Humphrey left Tuesday
morning fur Tillamook (or an outing.
mis (.alia Howe, an O. A. C. student
mimm a ... . f .
jirs. irving rayne over
uorn. Monday morning, July 29,' to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Donaldson, of Red
vine, son.
union service will be held in the
Christian church next Sunday evening
The sermon will be preached by Key. L,
F. Belknap of the M. K. church.
Mis Virginia Owen, of Corvallis, vis
ited Monday and Tuesday with Miss
Grace Bath. She waa on her way to
WoulUale where ah will visit frieuds.
The Yal Preserving Co., of Portland,
want to establi-h a canning plant in
Hillsboro if the people of this city want
11 bad enough to do buaineaa.
Dav Marsh, an old-time newspaper
man and at on time proprietor of the
llilo (Sandwich Islands) Tribune, and
a son of Prof. Joseph Marsh of Forest
Grove, waa a Hillsboro visitor Wed needs.
Mia Lydia Brandt, of Tigardvllle,
died at her home Tuesday night at mid
Dliiht, after an illness of over year.
The funeral was held yesterday. The
deceased leave father, mother, three
sisters and one brother.
The Forest Grove Colt entertained
the McMinnville boys in a nice little
game of base ball last Sunday. It was
very entertaining, so much so that the
ball toeser of McMinnville are smiling
yet. McMinnville. 13; Forest, Grove 2
George Horner, a son-in-law of the
late K. II. arren spent a couple of
day thia week In Hillsboro, the guest
of his brothers-in-law, Dr. S. T. Link la
tor and B. . Barnes. He is installing
a large lumbering plaut in Grant Pass
for a wealthy California firm, of which
he I a participator in the business.
Mis Ard Feller hus kindly re mem
bered this ollice with some lieautiful by
drangeas, which ar blue this year and
came from a bush that gave forth pin
one last year. The reason for the
change In color is that nails were placed
at the root and the iron rust made the
transformation. Woodburn Indepen
Subscribe (or I'nt) UdesendenL
W. E. Thorn returned yesterday
from Newport.
A new lot of post card, scenic and
comic, just received at Mra. Bath's.
ifread Hoyt'a announcement on this
.r. O"rn ' th. Conn-
. .1.- l'nh Srk...i 17 !
'OH Tat
psge. He is offering some special bar- Cowmen""! ,sJnw,,T
Miss Wilina Heidel left yesterday for
a visit of several week with ber sister
at Los Angeles, Calif.
John F. Lee and Mattie J. Hudson,
both of Bank, were married in th
county court room Wednesday by Jadg
Goodin. '
The gospel service will continue in
the tent on. Third street all of next
week. A cordial Invitation i extended
to all to attend these meeting.
I still have a few ladies' trimmed bat
at reduied price. Call and see them
They are worth mora than th prices
Mr. Imogen Bath.
A. I. Maryott, of Pender, Neb.,
brother-in-law of L. T. Cornell, was vis
Itina't in Hillsboro yesterday. He Is
looking for an investment and will visit
other section of th coast.
Mrs. Bath will Lave for inspection
next week a beautiful line of ladies' fur
mailings. They ar on th road now
and it will be to the Interest of the lad
lea in this section to wait until this
stock arrives.
S. M. Holland ha filed suit in the cir
cuit court against C. Khoadea In which
he claims damagea in the sum of 1400
Mr. Holland has also filed another suit
for damages in th sum of $433 against
C. Rhoades and Abbie Khoades, his
L . .
JiAJs , fc - - UI.
neon-----; .noummip LUtory
r-., g-ogrsphjr. reading,
nil ...i..tL-'.:i.
, . ,!, 0 A"t''metic, theo
ry oi 7muiar, tookks
physics, civil kovfr0lll ,
'S' Phy, men.
tat arithmetic. fSuip()1,ilioB ...
1 -ivvisj.
Rev. E. C. Oakley, of Oregon City
III preach in the Congregational
church next Sunday morning, exchang
ing with Rev. Gilpatrick who will oc
cupy the Congregational church at Ore
gon City in the morning and preach
a Union meeting in the park In the eve'
ning. Union services will be held in
this city Sunday evening In the Chris
tian church.
On th east side of Third street from
Main north for a block or more will be
found as beautiful a crop of thistles as
ever grew, and that section is right in
the heart of the city. This talk of beau
tifying th streets and improving the
looks of the town is all moonshine ; es
pecially so when the men that yell the
loudest do the least work in that line.
J. W. Bailey and Will Streeter, of
Pbrtland, left Tuesday .morning for a
fishing trip along the Trask and will
probably go on to Tillamook before re
Albert Meyer, of the Star Bakery, cut
the index finger of hi left band last
. week, whle splitting kindling wood, In
juring it so badly that Dr. A. B. Bailey
bad to dress it.
An ice cream social will be held at
the church at Laurel on Friday, August
tt. A short program will be rendered at
8 p. m., and ice cream and cake a ill be
served. Ten cents.
Mrs. Imogene lUth is at the whole
ale millinery room of the Loengart Co
in Portland this week getting ported on
new styles for the fall trade. She will
probably tie absent another week.
A Utile son of Walter IVrJ of Banks,
liev. I, i. tfeittnap will leave nex
week for months' vacation at kis old
horn in Benton county, where he was
born and raised. He will beaccompan
ied by hi wife. They will also visit for
a time at the latter' old home in Mc
Minnville. The M. E. church pulpit
will be supplied daring the pastor' ab'
vnaldo Hall" 1 the name given to
the new ladies hall of the Oregon Agri
cultural College at Corvallis. Waldo
Hall I under the cupervision of Mrs. J.
B. Horner, a lady who will look alter
the comfort and welfare of lady students
under ber care, and will be opened for
the reception and accomodation of stu
dent Friday, September 27th, though
rooms' should be engaged earlier. For
particular address Mr. Horner at Cor
lioy Tupper, on of Willard Tupiwr
who live on the A. B. Bailey farm, was
.died last Sunday after an illness of two wverely stung by bee last Sunday. U
want up into the top of a tall tree after
honey and the bee attacked him. He
had secured himself to the tree by a
rope about Lis waist and only for this
would have falleu to the ground, a dis
tance of some forty feet. He was so
badly stung in his fight with the honey
maker that Dr. A. B. Bailey was called
to dress his injuries.
months. The funeral was held on Sun
day afternoon from the residence, Rev.
L. F. Belknap of the Hillsboro M. E.
church conducting the services.
Isaac 11. IVvine, who was sick in a
Roeeburg hotel, found the only cure
known for cancer. While his attendant
was away from the room for a moment,
lie got out of bed and with a 22-caliber
ritle shot his brains out. He had been
ill for more than a year.
Mr. and Mrs. EJ. E. Everts of Unl
versity Park spent Sunday In Hillsboro
with their cousins, Mrs. J. B. Wilkes
and Miss Ethel Waters. They were
accompanied by Mr. Everts' mother and
brother of Wisconsin who are spending
the summer in Oregon.
In Portland the mercury registered
102 last Tuesday. It is believed to have
been the hottest dav Portland baa ever
known. On July 23. isWl. 102 wa
reached, but owing to a breer the heat
was not so oticeab!e a on Tueeday.
Several women fainted on the street be
cause of the beat.
Hereafter Cashier A. C. Shut will
collect the water and light assessment.
Collection will be med ai ins onuie
Bank between the 1st and 5ih of each
month. Remember th change and
don't forget that a penalty is added for
failure to pay V th 5th.
The Hillsboro Pharmrcy Las put in
free delivery service, which will un
doubtedly I appreciated by th patron,
of that store. Every articl purchased
there will be delivered without extra
eh.rg anywhere in the city limit.
Medicine delivered at boubtween
f a. m. and 8 p. m.
The City Bukery I putting in a new
brick oven wiih a capacity of 1200
loaves of bread and such other products
as are turned out by a first-class bakery
Mr. Commons expects to be able to turn
out the first baking from the new oven
next Monday.
Cora A. Shearer this week filed suit
(or divorce against ber husband, Grant
Shearer, on the ground of cruel ai.d in
human treatment, drunkenness and de
sertion. She says that be defrauded
.woman out of $100 and a watch, and
owes numerous ksloon bills. He left
her without mean and hi prem-nt
whereabouts are unknown to her. They
were married at Mapleton, Ohio, in
1H80 and tbe plaintiff horn is in Port
land. They have oue child.
The care of the Confederated Onion
Growers' association vs. the Southern
Pacific railway will be heard at 202
Commercial block, Portland, September
2 at 1 p.' m. This case Las arisen out of
an increase in the .rata on onions in
quantities less than on carload, from
the station of Beaverton, Hillsboro and
Tualatin to Portland. Other increases
were complained of, among which is
that in carload rate from Beaverton to
Portland the alleged abnormal rate on
fertilizer. The company baa answered
the charge in a letter to th railroad
commission, hich, after receiving the
statement of both side, set the date for
the hearing.
James Gray, a lad of 10, was badly
burned about th face, neck and right
arm last week Thursday night, and it 1
owing to his pluck and "sand" that be is
live today. At about midnight h wa
pumping oil from a tank at the P. R
& N. tanks near the 8. P. depot. The
tank was about emptied and while pass
ing in front of it, he (tumbled and fell
over a lighted lantern. Toe name Irom
the lantern ignited the gaa in th big
tank and there was a terrlbl explosion
which awoke sleeper many block away
Young Gray waa In flame In an instant.
He snatched bis shirt off and with it ex
tinguished the fire, but wa badly
scorched in the effort. Although suf
fering great pain and entirely alone, lie
went to the residence ol Dr. F J. Bailey
and aroused him, when the lad was
given the proper treatment, after which
he was taken to bis home, corner Sec
ond and Washington streets, by th doc
tor. When th boy reached Dr. Bai
ley's residence large blister had formed
on hi face, arm, neck and face.
It is reported that many of the towns
in Southwestern Oregon are now infest'
d with parties who are circulating
counterfeit coins, most of them being in
the shape of five dollar gold piece.
Several merchant in Coo county have
been victimised a well a several mer
chant in other nearby town. The
North Bend New Company also reports
receiving five of' theee peculiar coins
which ar found to be counterfeit of
t'j rankest kind. The autboritiee of all
nearby town have been notified and
effort ar being made to apprehend the
one circulating the coin. Albany Herald.
The Greenville District Sunday School
convention will be held in Uuxton next
Saturday in a srove. There will be a
trong program and a picnic dinner.
All th Sabbath School of the district
are expected to be represented by large
delegations. Rev. C. A. Phipts, state
Sunday School worker for Oregon, will
be present. M. Hidden, of Portland,
a bo is the superintendent of temper
ance work in the Sabbath School for the
W. C. T. V. of Oregon, will deliver an
addres and Rev. A. Robinson, who for
merly bad charge of the Buxton church.
expect to b present. Everybody in
vited. A. B. Garrigus is vie-preident
of the Greenville district, and expects
the county president will be there also.
'" . plane
general hMor;; .
school law.
Cominenciii t'eJueillliyi
VMJ aioc.1t.tt,.1 and continuing
until rruiay. "unu.ipj ,f)0:
WHnVv-ruJal1ili hUto ' of;
tbbgraptiv, reaTinj.
Thursday-W ritten aritllletiCi theory
of teaehiiigiiramiuar, physiology.
Frldtty-0"Krl.hy, ikI.ooI law, civil
, . -i' v
u IBrT fuiy.
M.C. Case,
t'uunty School Supt.
Tillamook Out, 0f the wildernean
From the Orgonin.
Tin first locoiuotrve in Tillamook coun-
ty arrived t "y City on the barge
Wallieutt lat Saturday and its it,w.r.
aneecrei'l niudt excitement. A sne
cial dipputcli to tlieOreuonian says that
it Was welcomep 17 a milnber ef vlo,
neer residents,", kho Lad never before
viewed tlie iron horsu at any closer
range than in thspa 0f uiagaxine or
newspapers, : Tin knidunt it interesting,
but there ar features in connection with
it that are hardly -rwlitable to Oregon at
least to Ih.ise who have had- Oregon's
transportation ; 'facilities in their bands
for so many yean. .ta,ly forty years
have e'apseii lirnf the tirst locomotive
appeared ii) Oregon ami for nearly a
quarter of a centsrv, we have enjoyed
Editors Will Meet.
The executive coruiui! tee oi the Ore
gon Press Association uu-t 111 IVrllunl
Monday. Several coniiiiiinicutioiis acre
read from cities where it wus desired the
association should meet this ve.ir, but
after considering them at l. ntli it waa
decided to have the meeting at t-easide,
August .., 30 and 31. One reason for
this was because the Regatta is to be
held at Astoria on Thursday. Friday and
Saturday, Auuuiit 2S. 2.1 an. I 30, and
many of the newpuer bretliem will
want to attend this event, w hich is con
sidered one of the moKt iinKrlaiit and
enjoyable of the year in Oregon. D. W.
Bath, chairman of the executive commit
tee of the Press Association, w ill Koto
Astoria Saturday where he will meet A.
J. Bellinger, of the Avtoriun, and other
members of the executive committee,
when complete arrangements a ill lie
made for the trip. It is expected mem
bers of the Association will rendezvous
at Portland on Thursday. August 2'.
and take a boat Friday uioruiiitt for As
toria, where the afternoon will be sent
at the regatta. In the evt nin'tlu- party
will go to Seaside where qiiaiters will
be provided tor the crowd. Saturday
will be devoted to a business meeting of
the association and Saturday evening
will be speut in a s N-ial way.' On Sun
day the party will be taken to Fort
Stevens where thev will be entertained
by the officers of the ot and shown the
government works, fortifications, main
lines, etc. Sunday night will clone the
meeting by a pleatunt social gathering,
A full Itinerary is heina prepnred, which
will be forwarded to every meinlicr of
the association and other newxtaier
publishers, who w ill be invited to attend
and join the society. It is expected
there will be a lurge number lu atten
dance, and it is earnestly desired Unit
the "boys" as well as the "girls" make
arrangements to go and throw the cares
of life aside for a few days and enjoy
the delights being prepared for them.
The trip from Portland may lie made by
train, but many wih to tike the river
trip and unless other arrangements are
decided on the water route will le de
cided on. k
Robina I. Board ui an et al to J
W llui'hes part of Andrew
Harper dlctl4w 1 00
J W (shiite and wf to The Bait- v
ley Company 157 acre in
Ja Burston die and other
I m .nujfis.
ad 1 All Summer Waisting9, Lawns, Uatistios, iiii
'Mti'Organdies, Voils, etc.,
CT' 25 percent discount
amtT ..Lntiki-FaJH-v and I
zz .; v k'ack...:
jBce Hose, ln .wliilo, tan
25 per cent discount
' '
Th electric storm of Wednesday even
ing waa a cracker jack and reminded
astern people of old times, though the
heavy rain and wind usually following
uch storms wa lacking. Th day had
been oppressively hot, th mercury go
ing as high a 102 and not a breath of air
stirring. About 7 o'clock in the evening
rain began falling on th mountain
west of this city, th sky becam over-
east by dark, angry clouds, and along
bout 9 o'clock the battle began, lasting
for fully two hours. Lightning flashes
were vivid and frequent and the thun
er at time deafening. To th natives
this was a storm never equalled before
n this valley, while to people coming
from the East where electric storm are
not only of frequent occurrence but de
structive, nerve-racking and very dan
gerous, this wa only a "slight renin.
der." But it wa a beauty just th
am. The Independent Telephone Co,
hVl a couple of do-en telephone line
ut out of commission and th Pacific
Suite Co. bad some thirty-fiv burned
at, and both system bad linemen at
work in all direction early yesterday
morning. 1 ne city electric ngni ptani
came in for its share of attentioa, wben
bout 0 o'clock every light in the city
a snuffed out in twinkle. Clyde
Lincoln, of Glcncoe, ufTered the toe
fin new barn and fifteen ton of bay.
Both were struck by lightning and burn-
I to th ground. We understand that
Mr. Liucoln had no insurance on eillier.
uite a number of small mishap are re
ported, but nothing of serious n
Ur. Hardly enough rain lell 10 lay
Z FinearNorttnenl of Gents' Fancy and Colored
ST ;' Rse.iil' 20 per cent discount 2
Large assortment of Ladies' Fancy and IMain g
?iik and Lisle Gloves, In white and col-
or? , . 25 per cent discount zz
JtT . Large Assortment of Ladies Summer Knit Z3S
y Underwear, Vest, Panti, Union Suits, and ZS
g - Copet Covers "40 per cent discount IS
communication me rest oi me
United States by transcontinental rail.
Tillamook is one of the richest region
in the West. U trslhc-producing
territory ol wooJerfnl value through ev
ery mile of th disiahee between Port
land and the ocesri. Thnt it should re
main so long without railroad facilities
is a powerful indictment of the transpor
tation influences which have bottled up
such a large proportion of the entire
state of Oregon, '.but, even long-neglect
ed Tillamook lis" J'ps.-essed transporta
tion advantages other section of
Oregon where th first locomotive La
not yet appeared.' 11 ta an outlet by
wav of the Tacit ocean, and although
the ship service hs Wen poor and th
rate have been (mlrageou. it ha been
possible fortheresioeui ol miamook to
reach Portland in Ifw two to four days
and even ship out l Jiglit profit, but
ter, cheese, and other product of small
farming. . '
With th dwell" ' Lentral Oregon,
nothing of this km ' is possible. They
bare lands of tnit richness and vast
forests of fine timber.. Their, flock and
herds roam over thousand ol square
miles of, fine pssture. There are rich
mine of precious asetais, and great de
posits of coal, orything In that
treat einoire is so tsr from a market that
the country is forfeit , to stand still and
await only ten or n.teen vears f i r a sight
of th first liavui.ofvve. Other Iiavs
spent almost tbeir .whole lives In that
neglected and vte-l Un, 0f latent
riches. j - " ,
Tillamook has si''ted its first locomo
tive and ere long '' ui railroad communication-wrtri
trW vvt t.f the world.
ait would
Utioo trinit i i"4,1 Schwenn and
Kruttechnitt. Jl ' "T " their power
to kee
This happv en-bne'f tfig wait
not have le d it der
on the effort of ' n'ornia Ira
p that countrj IMt.ed up, as they
ar keeping ine un siaie, me
great forests Ivinf !teen Portland and
the new coast 'outlet. worjl, be still un
broken. Kortuns''1'. the Tillamook
line is ing pubed by a man who
builds railroads metriing more
th.n r.mmises. OwKn nee. Is a few
more Lvtles and the removal from pow
e dust, but the air is much cooUr and r of Scnw.rin
L indication ar for mor rain. J"-""
Stubl. anj Krutt-
Guardianship of Myro-n and Gla.lys
Hewitt, minors; guur.lin ri ordere.1 to
pay Dr. J. P. Tamiesie the sum of $10.00
from money in his posweion belonging
to this estate.
Matter ol the estate of J. W. Katcliff,
deceased ; bond of administrator filed.
Estate of William II. Lung, deceased ;
ordered that certain personal property
prayed for in petition l set s part for
Christian Lung and minor children.
Estate of John X. Fisher, deceased ;
bond of D. C. Kisher, administrator tiled
and approved.
In the matter of the guar 1'unship of
John Luther, et als, petition t nr II him
ber received and August 2 at 1 o'clock
a. m. set for time for bearing siii I peti
tion. Estate of Kufus Norman, insane; ta'e
of realty confirmed.
Estate of Louis Vandecotivering, de
ceased; Peter Vandecotivering named
as administrator ana letters will issue
upon bis tiling bond.
J. H. Baker files his resignation as
guardian of Adam Kulton, feeble mind
ed J report approved and resignation ac
cepted. (flisl iHibllrailoo Aug. 2 lt Kept. J.
Notle U bsrshf f I Tn that tbe iinrlrnlirnol,
adalalMrator of Useful of t'hrt.dan Hart
dorfsr, dseeawd. baa Ibtxlsr InlbtConnty
Court of Washington County. Oregon, hi Anal
aeeouot sod report as Th administrator la aald
Mtl, ftB4 (be tame baa been art f.-r final bear
In aa4 stttlsnwnl brfur aalI r.iurt at Ihs
court aoen I Hlllaboro, Orccon, on .--i,tmlwr
i, 1907, at Ito'clork a. m. ot aald dar.
twt4 this AoJuM I. 1 7.
rREn ni R(,ix'Kn r,
Admlstntof. of tbs mate i'f ChriMlan llurg-
dorfsr, 4ccwatl.
at. B. HI Mr. Altorner
II Shields and wf to C II
Spencer part of sec 1 t 2 2
Warren Barnum to John S
Clement aw )i of ne 1 ec 2S
tlsl w
J C A Id rich and wf to Jacob K
Keeher part of block Id For
est Grov
Geo L White and f to Baie
Line Lumber Co 1.40 acres
on Tualatin river
I (' Schulmericb and wf to I)
P Hopkins part of sec 30 t 2
Grace II Kobinsou to Francis
1. Gore part of sec 27 t 2 I
Samuel S Sutler and f b
I .eon Girod 21 .50 acre in
sec Xi t 1 n 2 w
Ileiurich Tober to Anthony
Slawny part of sec 17 t 3 n
4 w
K.dwsrd Muen and wf to Lot
tie levies nw A of se 'i sec
ISt 2 n3 w
Washington ('abler et al to
Ilelma Mow part of blk 1:1
A lit West Portland Heights
I. A Campbell to Emma K
McCresry part of blk 35 For
est Grove
Paul Weigand and f to Adam
Mueller lot 1 block 27 Cor
nelius Oregon.
Paul Keiiners to Alfred She-
pard w,1' of nw sec 21 1 1 (
3 w
K W Haines and wf to J P
Eorbe se sec 11 t 2 n 5 w.
Emma K McCreary et al to
Samantha W Coleman part
of blk 35 Forest Grove
Kstella A Atterbery to West
ern Timber Co lta) acres in
sec 13 t 3 n 5 w
Win Iieidt and wf to. Mury
Trautman part of blk 32
West Portland Heights
Wm 11 McKldowney and wf
to C L Urge part of blk 1
Walker add Forest Grove..
J F Schoch to N C Hodges lot
5 A 6 blk 14 Forest Grove
(South Park)
Emma C Fletcher et al to II K
Higby tract In sec 31 1 1 n 3
II E Highby et al to Mary J
Shaw tract in sec 31 t 1 n 3
K B Bates and wf to John
Allen 49 acres in sec 30 t 1 n
4 w
Geo II Baldwin and wf to F
W Emerson 5 acres near
Forest Orove .
F W Barnhart to Cora S Mc-
1 00
27K2 00
MOO 00
100 00
1 00
I V) 00
2.ri00 00
I VH) 00
tidO 00
2200 00
175 00
1000 00
7500 00
1 00
175 00
1 00
1 00
:$ooo oo
20:0 00
10 00
1 00
1 00
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Elliot 4 acre In sec It tin
4 w
M L Brdan and wf to Will E
Purdy 1(1 acre In sec 1711
n S w
James Fullorton to Minnie
i'itzgerali part of blk 6
Highland park add Hills
Edgar A Kobinsou to Grace II
llobinsoa tract in sec 24 t 2
U w
B F Purdy and wf to Robert
1! Lambert lot 3 A 4 blk 6
Amended Plat ot Purdy'
add Pilley v
Toni Sioay and wf to K A
Peterson n of ne i see 30 t
1 (3 w
Louis Koberstein and wf to
Wm Martin part of Donald
McLoddlctl4 w
375 00
1 00
1000 00
10 00
60 00
2000 08
400 00
The Gentleman
Boy's dou't think that because roil
wear colored soi and a boiled oolla
that you ar a gentleman. It take
more than that to utill you to thai
ram. We bav seeu boy In ptch4
overalls and with sock less feet wko were)
gentlemen, every lucn of them. Tlvey
did not congregate on th street corner
every night and spit great puddle of
tobacco pic on tbe sidewalks, nor da
we remember ot having seen their fin
ger staiued with cigarett filling.
Their langnag wasn't miied with filthy
and heathenish slang either. Tbcy wore
their bat straight on their Lead and
didn't cock them over on on ear, giving
them the appearance of a typical rowdy.
They were not given to making ill re
mark of every woman that passed ; they
remembered that their mother wa
woman and for that reason, il no other,
they owed respect to her i. Thy did
nut carry lb idea that they could win
th interest of eyery young lady whom
they might choose. They gav tbe lady
credit for wanting oin choice in th
matter. The boy to whom we ref
didn't sneak around back alley aad tan
beer bottle they were too straight for
ward for they earned the clothe thy
wore and the money tliey spent, and
asked no odds ol anyone and vet these
boys, as we said, didn't wear boiled col
lars, but they were gentlemen neverthe
less. Ex.
The outcome of the libel suit brought
by the Lever Bros, against th London
Daily Mail and Evening News, owned by
Alfred Harmsworth, now Ixrd North.
elide, wa the withdrawal of the plea of
justification by tbe defendant, and th
agreement to pay the $250,000 demand
ed. Thi is aid to be tbe largest dam
age ver paid for libel in Great Brit
ain. Portland and Return, 85c
From now until further notice round
trip ticket from HilUboro to Portland
and return, will be sold at 85 cents, good
on any Saturday train, and returning,
on and Saturday, Sunday or Monday
train. WM. McMURRAY. G. P. A.
.-w-.-v--'--'''r',-,-'i n mmis m mi 1 1 1 1 1 it
years old. We are here for business and are prepared to do
all tbe latest and up-to-date work from a thumb-nail sticker to
a grand solar cab. f
Having purchased the O. M. Pope Photograph Gallery, we
are prepared to continue the business at the old stand, and as
there are two of us to handle the busiuess, we propose to ro
out at all times to take Scenic Views and other Photographs.
Bring on the Babies 1 X
The Edison
TO tbe Edison Phonograph can be applied the old saying: "A
pleasure shared is pleasure doubled." It is tbe art of entertain
ment expressed in tangible form. Three is never a crowd when one
of the three 1 an Edison Phone graph. Love tongs, dances, funny
songs, ballads, all kinds of music in your own home, with es(
trouble and greater enjoyment than any other form of entertain
ment, and especially than any form of musical entertainment. You
cannot possibly know Itow well the Edison Pbongraph reproduces
by listening to any other make of talking macbioce.
You can hear the whole program at onr store.
The prices on Edition goods are the same anywhere is tbe
U. S. If you buy here you have no freight to pay which meant
something about 53.00.
One yearling heifer, light red
Jersey, short horns turned right
back. They are quite flat; white
spot in forhead; legs part white.
Wm. Norton,
If yon want a good Talcum Powder,
call for tbe "Velvet Talcnrn Ponder," at
the Hillsboro Pharmacy.
9 4.20
Edison Standard or No. 3
" Triumph
" Records, per dozen
You can hear the recrods at my store any time, and we will be
only to glad to play for you. You will be surprised at the re
markable distinctness and clearness of the Edison Phonograph in.
producing sound. Cash or Installments Same price.
e l Mccormick,