Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 26, 1907, Image 8

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    llillsboro Independent.
D. W. EATH. Iflitor and Prcprietor!
A firm of box-car iJJlers u re
ported to have begim operations for
the summer at Pendleton. East
Oregoniau comments ou the occur
rence as follows: "All the afternoon
that day there was a constant stream
from the car with
ve. ...... n
- 1
banging from the faucet. W
ed her LsbandU attention to it and
he pulled therefrom, sort of eel or
snake, which measured nine incbej
in length and is perhaps 62nd ol
an inch in diameter. 11
... t,at it is no member of the eel or
.n,v. family, yet it is alive a:
a u now on exhibition
m, Tvnrh's barber shop
asserts that it is a horse hair turned
it Look Like
From First ViA
n-uli '! thtt line
ilmtitni'D u f
into an animal propuction.
As far
their purchases, among them being a, we are concerned, we are up
. . t . rt ami e iui
. - r ,nj sn isiautiai anu flfrainst u.
well-to-do farmers of our commun
ity. Others were men who are per
baps not quite so well-to-do.and who
at the present time are owing uxa
merchants for the necesaries of life
T,nrrtinil months aco. Hut rich or
poor, they came and went.
pungled up the cash for goods they
had not insisted or knew absolute
lv nothinir aliout. What did they
care so long as they were being hum
bugged by someone? Perhaps when
they reach home the groceries were
as represented, and perhaps tney
were not. what if they were not?
Could they return to the local store
and trade them for goods that were
pure and wholesome? No. they
could not. The only thing for them
to do is to take what they get, pay
for it and look pleasant.
If newspaper reports le true, lx
Senator K. V. Mulkey was invited
to the Fulton Fuirbauks love least
at Seaside, and then snubbed at
everv possible opportunity. It is
said that the slights were malicious
ly intentional on the part of the
management, not a single courtesy
that is due to an ICx Senator of the
United States beinjr shown to the
man whose official career, although
brief, was honorable and highly
creditable. The people of Oregoh
who know Fred Mulkey and admire
him lor his open, manly disposition
and his fine qualities as a gentleman,
cannot help thinking how different
things would have been had condi
tions been reversed and had Senator
Fnlton been the guest of Mr. Mulkey.
It is possible that the newspaper re
ports of the Seaside meeting were
slightly exaggerated, but there is
still plenty of evidence that the ban
quet was nothing less than a mutual
admiration society between the Vice
President and Oregon's Junior Sen
ator. Mr. Fulton assured his guests
that the Vice-President was not an
iceberg, and the Vice-President
hastened to return the compliment
by declaring that tne Oregon Sena
tor was a pretty warm number him
self; but despite these exchanges of
official hot air, the friends of Presi
dent Roosevelt, and especially Sena
tor Mulkey, found the banquet a
decidedly chilly affair. It was plain
that they "didn't belong." Polk
Co. Observer.
yourself what it is. ana u anyuu.
can throw any Ugut on me sub
let the Itemizer know. Who
1, and ran eive us a scientific
reason as to why a common horse
hair should turn into a water snake?
Dallas Itemizer.
Long Live tUe Slag!
is the popular cry throughout Eu
ropean countries; while in Ameri
ca, the cry of the present day is
"Long live Dr. King's New Discov
ery, King of Throat and Lung
Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia
Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass., says:
"It never fails to give immediate
relief and to quickly cure a cougn
or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion is
hared by a majority of the inhabi
tants of this country. New discov
ery cures wealt lungs anu wit
throats alter all other remedies have
failed; and for coughs and coldsit's
the only sure cure. Guaranteea Dy
all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free.
.,,.1 with tlie "
.-.len.lil to Stiiiitt..
-On.ilm Tt.i'l''l ". owi-v.t, ,ve
,,., control uf U' he o ne.1
BOt..l.ar.ofiUsl-.k. A. ... ex,.cr,.
bia Southern prov.nl all 1 i.a..
From the tirnt .lay ol rvkimur opera-
tion the . Vylt .ro"'itin.
d continue.! lo iticreaee lt revenue u,.
to the time it aiim-ritM with the O. U
4 X Mr. llarriinan then bought the
.tJckoith roa.l, tliie lH-ii.U the only
.y he could nam control. I'rolml.ly he
lu.a.ineJ that in buyiuic the U.ii.U he
ooul.1 get hoU of the roa.l through fore
cUure. If w, he was io error."
Some work hat been acc..iii.liHhe.l on
the coaat. hut itradinu will t in full
wim; in about two weens. A burnt, in
being loaded at the Albinu .lock of the
O. H. A N., with equipment und mater
ial that arrived from the Kaat a Bl.ort
time ago. Two iteam uliovul are due
Tuesday and when they are loaded the
barge will be towed to Tillamook by the
tug Suuihoii. The e.iti'uieiit and ma
terial will be used by the l'ortlttnJ
liri.lge CoUipitJ1
f r buildinn ib
i .... 1 ... 1 . ... . .. F .1 lam P cr "
...... ...iv jy n ., in
couiotive, llx
each uf
bav. A g
'l"ke, rL;tl,
itin. it i. L..X h " "
over 80 years.
five." Guars
by all druggiv
'k luit he con tract
1 Jtt -A - A rth
I"'' !. the carg.i
Mone but the I rave
Deseive the Fair"
,tf-.gi fg. .rfti it rfh .
and a car
1 .... 1
.,l,inZ coal aiu
1 V ,,
oaiher cou-
1.... 1.
, v bas witnessed
..r 1' ' .v ,l,1e ca-.es ot
" '"e nio !" .
. T .U. Atuos r.
I a sore oil
oil.. CUIl" -
. , ...cr. 1
A Wond
1 uri Xiyroti
t if
iicannir ever
King, of that
len'a Arnica
y kg with JhichI baJ sufl
now eighty
'j 11 w . m w j
Hut w hether you be brave or tim
id, you will get nothing but fair
treatment here. V are in bum
Bens lo make friend and to keep
them. V ran only do this by
giviug the people their money's
T.01II1 right along, by offering
the frehet Kuoda, by prciiiptand
olite service, and by cliurging
onlv reasonable prices. We know
that vou will lie saliaticd with V
what we sell, with the price j
seMat, aiul Willi our selling im m-
teeJtoCtire all sores,
Portland ,'nd"eturn' 85c
l-om now ,,,, furlM notice round
trip tickets fr.,i 10 orl'ttl"J
and return, wiuWU ' 85cenlH
on any Kan...i...i ..a. "' returning,
on and Kata,jul or Mt,,,,lliy
train. VM. 'jIl'KBAY. U. P. A.
Subscribe uJti Indeoenflent.
,Mr.l ul.l lloll Jult H: l. "" "7-
Order For Hearing.
,fiii'-,u'r''"'"" r . r,.
! $60. ST. PAUL, I $60. 1
i Minneapolis anil Return
. . 1 o'i ... .. iiN
Tickets on who auum lu.spptemui'r n,
i and 155, Account JamestoHii Expo
sition. Upturn limit, Ninety Days
Meat Ma
Fresh Meats and Groceries.
Opposite the Shute Bank
Your Trade Solicited.
ihirsery Stock
. ....
Progress is being made in the fZ )0ve s ratC IVoill l'ortinut, ()rf;'0Il. Same p.
efforts of the Chamber of Commerce rates apply to DllllltU. Proportionately low
fine automobile road KA Mlinu iVmn Wnwliimrii.M mill fli...rAi. itoillts.
from Tortland to Tillamook, Busi- l,it to CllifllSTO 71.50, from SnobailC. 01. M
oi:in:u of
Low rates to Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis jv
ana many otner casiern poinis.
For a comfortahle t rl i take (lie rJ
t.T3TTPTVTrri A T. T.TTVTTrnnr."
ness interests of the Coast city, led
by Editor Rollie Watson, of the
Tillamook Herald, have taken the
matter up and it is understood a
considerable amount of money to
make the proposed improvement to
the highways is already in sight
over there.
In this city, three individual
owners of motor cars have pledged
to give $500 each providing the
matter will be taken up and pushed
totbelimit. lat tnamoeroi torn- ., nlnI-Viv t.r,..
, -IBS lit lillilinirii. .1 ,! 4 1 "iiiumi.vii' r i
mercehas received a communica-UJd w . ,,4kvw. 4,., IS 4 U'.iwli rA
tion ltom Editor Watson in which YfiA 1 J
I I u riniaw u.il W.ff Jit tf.mf JIMt-MJ Jl I sm, y JTm- m wpj Hf"JH.MJf-VTl-,-J r
he goes exhaustively into the merits
of the two routes proposed, the
Peterson & Yates,
Wf.iinlnril mill tillll'lvt NlOOIIOru si ill II I II IT Car
aiKlcompartment observation car. 31eals in jj
dining car or on the a la carte plan. The Rl
"Fust MjiII" is another jrootl train. For in- &
formation reanlina; routes anil through rates Kj
to any eastern point, address
Itnporteil Trees grown on con-
tract-direct Horn rrance. naru
icst varieties.
The Charming Woman
is not necessarily one of perfect
form and features. Many a plain
woman who could never serve as
an artist's model, possess those
rare qualaties that all the world ad
nitres: neatness, clear eyes, clean
smooth skin and that sprightliness
of step and action that accompany
gooil health. A physically weak
woman is never attractive, not even
to herself. Electric Hitters restore
weak women, give strong netves
bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin
beautiful complexion. Guaranteed
by all druggists. 50c.
Wilson River route and the Sheri
dan, Dolph route
"I liave been over both routes
numberless times," writes Watson,
in a letter received oy Secretary Gilt-
ner today, "and am quite familiar
with them. By the Wilson River
route, the distance from Tillamook
to Forest Grove is exactly 57 miles,
from Forest Grove to Portland 40
miles, making a total of 97 miles,
As stated in my former letter the
summit of the Coast Range on Wil
son River is about 3000 feet above
sea level, and the first five miles
from Gales City to the top of the
steep climb is 1500 feet high and
this grade cannot be lowered much
without securing another route,
"As for the southern route, via
Sheridan and Dolph the distance
from Tortland to Tillamook is ex
.... 1 . ik
il is 10 your advantage lopcpau ac.
couut Mitll
BlCdU$t strong, careful, safe, liberal, jroni(, accurate, and
asiiijjjjjjjjjjijjjjjiaajjjjjj)ouv.vvaBi hi mmaoMt vswn
RtCAUSt " ' ttrow'mii, active, jirouressive, update bank,. In
-y particular.
R( jll Your account m ill ie appreciated I17 the bni, nil )'onr
" will ulwuys lie carolullv considered.
RCCflUSt T',i'' l,an,c 1,89 an exrell,,nt fire-pro(i( vaul iol'rn
mHw Pfo iu wliicli to put yuur fmlKil paters.
BCCdUSC 'very dJHsitr Is always a welcome vimtorat tlie banlt.
CatlSJ T,,i8 bank ,tlllli'8 the 'es of its ciKitoiu'", n'l rI;r,y
" - car ol them whether their Inisineaa i lrl!e or Bl"11"-
actly 112 miles, but the greater dis- RtCAUS? 11 B IoluH've luinking liuineH anJ conieqiieutb t
tance over this road can be easily 1 " cu -rve yu 1,utU r-
RfCilUSt 11 1" ln l"Bilion t" ""iko K'"1 inventnienUta voi. 10 collect
j tlnrfu or notes, and attend to your btl'n wft,ltH Kn"
Filter the Water.
There are those who assert, an
say that they have seen it demor
strated, that a horse hair placed in
ordinary water will within a period
of some 10 or 12 days turn into
living creation. The editor of this
paper is not from Missouri, but just
the same we hive to le shown.
Nothing less than a practical demon
stration will allow us to believe any
such stulT, and even then we would
consider that sonic underhand work
had Uen done. At I.ynch & Wise
carver's barln r simp they now have
two wlr.te hairs plucked from the
tail of a horse, which is expected by
immersion to turn into a small snake
or worm at no distant date. That it
will or win not iio m is causing 110
little controversy within the corpo
rate limits of the town ot Dallas,
All this controversy is occasioned by
a most peculiar happening. We
have always claimed, ami it is the
truth, that Pallas has the best,
purest and ctxilest water in the state
of Oregon. Taken, as it is, from
one of our finest mountain streams,
brought to the town under the best
possible conditions, with every pos'
eible means u-ed for the eradication
of extra matter, yet the icculiar
thing mentioned above happens.
Wednesday tnortv'ug while turning
on her kitchen lancet Mrs. Alvis
Lynch noticed a foreign substao
overcome by the excellent condition
of the roads on the Sheridan route
and the poor state ( repair of the
Wilson River. Again, the Wilson
River route runs for 40 miles
through green timber where the
suu rarely penetrates, while on the
Sheridan road the roads dry out
quickly, the country being open
and cleared, there being very little
timber along the road.
lit Ml . .,
1 win assist to the utmost ot my
ability in any way I can and I have
no doubt a considerable
money could be raised in
and with the aid of the county
Portland citizens and automobile
owners, this road could be much
improved. The trip from Portland
to Tillamook could easily be made
In from six to eight hours, for it has
already been made in nine hours,
the 60 miles from Sheridan having
RtCdUSC lts dealings with all customers are abeolmV
rtJ to axsist and to u,lv ice
ml it is al-
we do not believe vou can ask (url.. n..r ....... . ., . hank will
4 aive vou, and we therefore ai-k y.)ii to w rite to or r,n inonJ. w Mmte,
1 President or A. C. Sunf, Cashic.1. c'1"
sy V -
?4 HolL
been made in 5'i hours.
would like to co operate with Port
land in this matter, hope to see
many of your citizens here during
the Tillamook lair, August 22, 23
and 24.
Secretary Giltner.of the Chamber
ot Commerce, says a great deal of
interest is being manifest in the pro
ject and feels sure it will be carried
The Tortland Automobile Club
is also working along the same line
as the Chamber. Portland Tele
Typewriters Attention!
1 have just pat in stock of carbon
paper and ribbons tor typewriters, and
when in need rail Dd see us.
Ilillsboro, Ore.
amd pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
inrtxiin tiii mnn inn.ltM anil toiirl't .1,-ri.
In cr ilmljr lo ommn. t hiri;,,, pi,ki,
" "s-"ni! -r iiftiiy 10 Runs,. 1 nr ihr.nnh
liH'iaitl wis-Hy u, hi..iin,l Kn. ( iiv ,,
dmlrn rlmirrn-. i-m. ,tmy, lo y,., "
'' tn l,
11 minion
Mi r.'s
" Pm
" Hunt.
si. r.ur
I Mull
:!-. 11 la
from ri"1 ..
1;. i .r'lnr.
I 'It v.
ef attti
..... vt
worm. r- - ,hl
I AUll
" la.kanr ,n,. .St.
SM nil -
b ii p ra
:l." P m
8 ;! p m
' j Yoor friend to remember tosj
j. j forever ? If yon do, make ami
or tier si prccuv vi . -
Prices $1.60 to $10. let as
.. nno iil for too. These
are the pens yon see advertised
in the roa?niine. We warrant
them as well as the maker.
A Memorable Day.
One of the days we remember
with pleasure, as well as with pro
fit to our health, is one 011 which
we became acquainted with Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the puiuless
purifers that cure headache audi
biliousness, and keep the bowels
right. 25c at all drug stores.
Reduced Round Trip Excursion
Rates to Pacific Coast in
During the summer season of 11)07, re
duced round trip excursion rates will he
in effect from the Kast to the Pacific
Coast, Montaua, Hrltitili Columbia and
Arizona points.
Kates from Chicago via direct lines to
North Pacific Coat points will be $75,
and from Missouri river common Kints
(Council bluffs to Kansas City inclusive)
also St. Paul and MinueaiNilio, rates will
he 00. St. Ixjiiia (Hi) and Deiner, Colo
rado Springs and i'uelilo t0. Kates t
Spokane and oiiits effected w ill Iio f")
less than to the coast. Kates one way
via California will be $13.50 higher thaii
those above mentioned. Tickets will lie
on sale dailv, June 1st to Septemher 1",
1!H)7, with rinal return limit of October
31, 1107.
Ci. P. A.. O. It. A X. end S, P. Kys.
Organizers, either sex, on salary of
1 100.00 a month and exiiunses for an up-to-date
Association, paying weekly ick
and accident benefits and furnishing
free medical attendants to all its mem
bers, liberal contract will be made
with producers of business.
American Sick and Accident Associa
tion, Buffalo, X. V.
When You Go to Tillamook
Utiip t the Will i K llot'HK. M nillt-K nr.l ol
Komi (iroT ou W ilaoo Klri r Koxl. Kmni;
Mol. 2.V-; li.lKlng, 2.V; bnanl wllh room pr
week. Stl.uu. llnrMji: 1'eftm over uIkIiI. Iisy
tud gram, ft. AO; bur alone, T.'ifl.
W nler pined tlimiiKh hoinw: mnlern bath, etc.
Teleplioue or write Hie proprietor,
J. F. KKKIItll, Wllxin, Ore.
Be 09ise!H'
kfl any lontT,
) I Til ran Ho Knuineer rx
pert vonr plaee and telect run a plant Hint will
deliver lue water U aov part of your fnrm. home
or barn. You bave no lilea bow Utile It Mill
oont when the rlitht a-luctlon la made. Cull tip.
tween 7 and S:30 a. m. and 4 tn." :p. m. , llllli.
boro Hotel. FKKDKlC II. MILI.KK.
Fora Good Square Meal
lb Ely Restaurant
. . . . UfA..W 1 .
Ii Sho.t i intern wven ij iu -
None iH-ttcr in llillalMiro.
i .1-4
neat, clean ami up
L. C. MCKACKt., frop
i i
Agents for Bicycles. Call in lie
fore buying or getting work
done elsewhere.
F. R. DAILEY, Manager
Srhenette Row, west of Schulinerick's
store on Main St.
Wm. A I cm mi II A.
n.i ranger Agent,
The Oregon Railway ami NavitM,: r . Portlantl. Oregon
- sis
Iill,l)t)r0( Ores011-
- Prompt, Accurate Service
Our t:oo.1, coi,frm to iU
"Pure Food and Drug LaW'"
Sallowness Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dark skin becomes fascinating;
when dcli'-mcly soft, umltrspread
with tlie ra.liunt glow which indi
cate a healthy, active sliin. Kobert
i e Lcrpit! r ikin refined in quality,
kcrpt pores free from closing waste
an.l si i iiiuLtrs the tin jr capillaries to
rutitriliutc the Cilor which charms in
l.lnn.leand bninette alike. Roben
ine is certain protection against tan,
sunburn sn.l freckles if applied be
fore exposure to sun or wind.
Sprn !i Ukean imperceptible sheen
at ir iiize over skin surface, forming a
shit! I tiiniiiatinjf and preserving a
delicate, lustrous beauty.
ExmIi In Voeabularr. Iiiithnm,.!.
ful In site ami cmiR-nt, ju.n. u,i,,l v
l'il to etilllilo CDeruptlnin uf irix,,
iiwuro, and to avoid imlntelliiriljie tech
on nlHIi-.
Kicels In Arrntnnt tai h wnM 1
iflns a immirriipli hi lUmrriTt I lnil.t.
M ill phii-e hikI larninlilvi airnlit liy tlHpie
Excels In Etjrmololei. 'I l4, Hrn viin'.
pb'le ami sa-lt-iitiilr, uml eml.ly tlm t..t
niillmif lihlliiliiirv. I !... an. .....
xl r rrtiwilr. Into nl, n,ti i hi.i.
Excels In Pronunciation hli h i ln.ll
(icl liy n-illiiiir v illi thn ,t, i....,,
niarkfii k'tt.irn uw In t(,.. m lMxillMMiki
tliexMinilKolwhicbarclauit mtlio imit
lie -hnil. m 1
Bxeela In Definition!. Tlw-r an rlour
term., j ft ci.tnpL-le, M n. um ,
nrlor in whu h tlinwi.i l I,.,. i ...
-hmlca of mpnln. Many of the detlni.
tlim.an.lllimtmt.1. oenni-
xon in Its Appendla whlrh 1. a packed
StiiU'lM.IIW .f II". 1 1, hill, W,
xeaia aa a Working Dictionary.
otli.T l-k emiKHlM-a ii t inn, h 't i.
formal Inn. or la In.ll..,.,,,). Ui
Koine, Mudr.KlHa.l, or olni.
The International haa 2J80 quar
to pages, &KiO lllnstratlona. z; (KiO
new words re w4. Gaz.'tt.r of the
World, and revised l.i'.iTat.hical
Dictionary, eta. It received
THt. C!)AM3 PTliZE
(HlGHMT AWARD) i th. World.
rair, bt, Louis.
.) f,u,. ."Ai T,,t 'nctatlon Iu
irii. tito ami p .ii rtaiiimic
...r inn wnine inmlly. Alao
ill.wtnitl pMUjpUlet.
Sphinoculo Mass,
I wrmtm V
vrnvrwu.! J
r4sv J '
I rulm County I'ourt of the Bute of Oroa
k W alili.U4 Couuly.
In tli waiter of Ilia 0 iiardtanshlp '
of .-wli II)J1. John llaywoud
au Uiwg II. Ileyitooil, Minor.
lUrriil U. llvyol. On duly aHuUd. qtial
lii..l ami aouiitf nuardiau of till) above Baiatd
luiuors, li. til.td Urrvlu her duly van Bed wll.
linn pr mg an order auiliiirliiu- and lleeualnf
her. u .u. n guar llu, Iu wllall ll.a Interval, vis:
hu hiiillviiitd oue aixib luu-rvat, of aald mluors
iu and toatia flio.og daai rtlxd real atte, to.
wit. l.oU iiiiiuUtc: IvOr, flv and all, Iu block
numbered lour, In Thome's Addlllou Ui Ilia Town
(uo city) f llillxbufo, Wanliinaloa eouuiy, Orw
K,,u.l i.iuaie .. Iu older llial tlia uncovda
tiie.eol way bo put out at liilorml of lu rated la
w.uiu pioducuve al.M.k lor Ilia benefit . f said
An, I It apprarlnsj U. the murt, from such pe
IIUun, tl.at 11 Uid be la nelli ial lo wid
tnai Hi real eaialo be sold, aa pr)il llienrlu, II
I- tl.rteiore nnlernl that aald tltnu t and Ibe
aine is h.-r. I.) ki lor heari.iK, befor tl.la coii'l,
on M.iu.tay, a.ik.isi i, Itar7, al luo'clock a. n.,aud
that the nextol kin of aald war la, and all paraoDS
liilere.te.1 iu aald lata, appear bafora lb la court,
at aald beariiia. aui auow eaua, if u , wL a
llcenwaliould not baarauled for Ilia sal of said
real ratal.
And II furtli, r appearing1, fronTsald petition,
thai Harriet (1. Heywood, guardian herelu, la Ibe
next of kluof aald minora, Ilia ordered tbat Ibla
order be served upon aald nluora, audtbelrnaat
ol kill, said Harriet ti. Ileywotal, and upon all
perw.ua intereate.1 In aald ealata by publliallou,
by piibllahinga eopr lliareof for three suoceaalve
weekaln The till li.lx.ro Independent, a Dewspa-a.-i
piibllahvd weekly at lllllaboro, Oregou, aud
ot a general clrculallou In aald lAaablugtou
eouuiy. the 11 rat of which publl.allous ah all be
In the Iwue of aald paper dau d July li, l'A.7.
Iiated July II, 1U7.
Couuiy Judge.
.State of Orecnn,
l ouiity or Washington I
1, K. 1. (ioDMAN, rotiuty Clerk
an.ln-omclo t'lerk or the County I'ourt of the
staicofung .n, for the I'outity of Washington,
lo hereby certify that the foregoing eopy of Or
der of Court haa been by me compared with the
original, and that It la a correct transcript there
from, and lb whole of such original Order aa
the same appears of record at uiy otUce and In
my cualody.
Ju witueaa whereof, I bare hereunto set m y
baud and albied the seal of aald Court, Ibla 11th
day of July A. 1. , 1UU7. '
rXAi l County Clerk.
BENTON HOW II AN, Attoruey for Guardian.
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice la hereby given that, by virtue of a IU
cense and order of sale duly made and entered
by the Couuty Court ot Weahtngton County, Or
eiion, ou June 5, lu7, llcenslug me lo sell, at
private aale, tor cash ln hand, all the Interest of
Kulua K. Norman, an Inaati person. In and lo
tlie hereinafter described real estate, 1 will,
from aud alter Monday, July 8, W.I7, proceed to
sell at private aalo, lor caah In band, lo In high
eat bidder, all Ih right, lltl and Interval of aald
Kulua K. Norman, lb a sam being an uudlvliled
one.ililrd Interest, In aud to a tract of laud lu
Washington Couuty, Oregon, deacribed aa:
Comincm iug at a point lu chains Boulb. of the
N. W. coruerol rtoloinoll Hlehanlsou I). L. C. , lu
Section 11 T. H. K I W. Will. Mar., tbeuce
South xe.AUchs. to the 8. W. Corner of Hectlon
II, thence Knt 20. U7 cha. to a pot on aectlonllne,
thence North 3V. 68 cha. lo the 8. E. corner of
Henry Kultlels 10-arre tract, thence Weal au.16
cha to the place of brgluulng, containing au
acrea. more or leas, and lying and being la 8ee-
lion II, T. 2 8. K. 1 W. Will. Mer.
Maid land will be ottered for sale In two tratta.
Iiated at lllllstro, Oregon, this Jun 7, IMI7.
(iuaidlan of Ih I'eraon and Kalat of Kufua K.
Norman, an Inaan person.
IIENTON HOW MAN, Ally, for Guardian.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice la hereby given tbal 1, Ih uuderalgoed,
hav been by the County Court of W'aablugton
County, Oregon, dulr appointed administratrix,
with Will annaied, of Ilia eaiata of t.auileui
l.ticiua l.uctacher, deceased, and bave duly
qualllled aa sucb admlulatratrlx.
A I persona having claims against said ealale
are hereby required to present the sain to me
wllh prowr vouchers, at the law nttic uf If. H.
liiimp, llillahom, Oregon, within six mouths
from date hereof.
Illllxboro, tiregon, June Tib, 1907.
aj:na kmzahkth li'ET8chkr,
Administratrix, with the will annexed, ol the
estate ol Gaudeua l.ticiua l.neUcher, de
ceased. M. H. Dump, Attorney for the Katate.
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
executrix of Hi last will and teatameul of
Annie P. Caldwell, deceaaed, baa filed In Ibe
Couuiy Court of Washington County, Oregon,
her final account lu aald estate, and that the
same has been aet for bearing aud arttlemen
before aalj court, on Monday July Zi, IUU7, at 10
o'clock A. M.
l'aled this Juue JO, l'.W7.
Executrix of the I.aat Will and Testament ol
A li li If S. Caldwell, Deceaaed.
Beiiion Bowman,
AlUirney for Executrix.
Dr. king's
FJew Discovery
mo Smmua. . mat
nl ma mxt m i.iha
OLDS Trial Belli Ins
von a
Good Meal
lit) TO
The Home Stylel Restaurant
Main Street,
l:'etwen Tl.inl sn.l Fourth
Short Order Meals on Sunday
MP.S. I. HUMKE.rropr.