Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 26, 1907, Image 4

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    HUlsboro Independent.
D. W. BATH, Editor and Proprietor!
The Columbia Diaaster.
Oa aa inside page will be found
an account of the terrible disaster
near Eureka, w here the steamer Co
luniliia went iliiuii with a total of
27 oassencers on board. A San
Francisco dispatch of July 33, says:
Sixteen uames were added today to
the list of survivor of the Columbia-San
Tedro collision. These 16
passengers were in a boat which
landed at Shelter Cove. The boat
also contained two dead bodies J
that of Mrs. O. A. Lewis of Pasa
dena, Cal., and an unknown man,
presumably a sailor.
The list of survivors uow include
160 names out of a reported total oi
257 persons on board. Ninety-sev
en persons are unaccounted for.
Following is a list of the passes
gers missing:
Mr. H. Anilttrmn.
W.J. Bacliuiau.
' Mia A I mm U.UI.-u.
Mn, J. Imdmii.
Mia A. Itoru.l.
Mr. Jan K. Ment.
Osrlni.le llullnr.
Mr. W. H. Iliitler.
Mr. K. B. Cmuiiuii.
. Mia I'lara CarpeDti'r.
J. W. Carpenter.
L. Clwhy.
Mn. L. , Harliiu u.l Hleveu CUby.
MM A. II. ii't Jim. A. V. Cornell.
L. L. Drake, it
1. C. IHirbain, Kane, IV
Mm. K. ranMir.
Mia Mauel (ierler.
Mm, Hlanihe K. (ionlun.
Mm. limy.
Mn. A. llapp.
C. H. Ilarrliixtim.
Mia K. Ilaydeu.
L. K. Hill.
Miutx. Alum B. , Klha I)., Grace F. and Mr. G.
A. Kellar.
Flurence Lewd.
K. Llfsvll.
Ky LewU.
Mr. B. Llppman.
Lewi ami Mm Lett I Mailt u.
Julia Matte.
L. Mero.
John B. MrFailyeu.
Mia MrKrel M Kearney.
Ctiaw Much.
Mluea Louine (I, anil Nellie Sake.
Mia Mary I'amoii.
J. E. anil Mia. I'aul.
Mia France 8rlirieter.
Mima Core aud Harau rVbull.
U. A. Hmllh.
Mn. William Hi.uln.
Ueorge Hparka.
J. U. Bprlnirer.
Mia Kill Mayntmit).
Mia A. 8. ami W. C. Tud.l.
Franklin t If, Kane, I'a.
Mlae B. am! K.llia Wallace.
Mn. S. and William Waller.
MUa W. White.
(1. F. Wilnoii.
V. A. anil Mn. YYIinlow.
Mm. 11. 1 and Itulauit Wiutt-n.
, M" II. WrlKlit.
J. K. Young.
Mia Lena Cooper. Total, 71.
Frank (ilune.
M. Maya
C. W. Merrill.
John HI Hit.
J. I'reuiiu.
'K. and Mr. Hllva.
A. Rpleler.
B. Vlant. -Total, 9.
P. A. iKiran, Captaiu.
W. F. Whitney, Klmt lillicer.
C. Chrlitenwn. ijiiartermaater.
II. C. lupre, Firm Amlxtanl Knalneer.
Max Clam, Kriotnl Awlitaul Kngtneer.
0. I'elermn, teaiuau.
W. T. Anilenun, water ti'iulrr.
Alexander, water tender.
Ed Lark In, oiler.
J. Mailillann, oiler.
. A. Schneider, biker.
Frauk I). !avl, Mnwi cook.
' K. R. Iirarer, pantryman.
J. 0. aud R. J. Alley, waiter.
A. L. Hlocker, waiter.
Ooiiir down almost to the bot
tom oi the sea with the ill-fated Co-
1 .
wmuia ana coming up again to
float for two hours in the icy wat
ers with no supiHrt but a door, was
the remarkable experience of Tearl
Beebe, of Tortland, as related to a
. ielegram reporter. Mis Beebe, a
.tall Dlotide, has one hand bandaged
' as a result of her ellort to save her
"I asked several men to show me
how to put 011 a life preserver, but
(they were too busy saving them
' selves," said Miss llcebe, "so I re
turned to my room and read the in
structions. When I got on deck
the ship went down and I with it.
It seemed as though I would never
stop. 'Hold your breath,' I kept
saying to myself and I tried hard,
Jut still I wanted air. I don't
know how far down I went, but
suddenly the wire rope was jerked
from my hand. lYrhaps the Co
lumbia striking bottom did it. Then
I legan going to the top of the
waves. For two hours I floated by
means ot the life preserver. In
the dark I struck something, it was
a door and I clung to this; a big
wave took me to a raft .and after
those on loard it told me they could
got reach me I climlcd on and was
saved. I had almost no clothing
on and on reaching the San Tedro
I'was given a pair of overalls. W.
il Smith, of Tortland, won't tell
you, but he was one of the most
taluable men 011 the wreck, doing
much to save other women and my
self. The last of the women to be
saved by Captain Doran was Mi
Buxton., trained nurse from lot-
est Grove. 'It' no
gone,' said the captain
assisting the woman.
use; "
as be was
The next
moment a wave swept Miss Buxton
into the inky waters and the Co-
InAbia almost immediately vcm
mate of Mrs. II. II. Shaw of Stock-
I.... Mica mivtnn was
- - h n ul
ton. Cal. 1 ue women
. -1 ... ...j , r-rttn
nletely dressed themselves before
coin? on deck.
'We were on the sue oi me amy
r .t
that was up," said aims uuxiuu,
"and it was difficult for us to make
our escape. V-aptam vuiu
ed down and lifted me up to where
he was, saying as be did so that the
vessel was lost. As he made mis
remark, a huge wave carried me
overboard into the ocean. I was
tile last to enter boat 6. which had
28 passengers. There was no panic
that I saw. I could have got out
sooner, only I went back for my
watch. Until the lite boat picneu
me up, I was in the water swim
,nmcr full v three-auarters of an
"'"O J 4
Carrie Martin, of Eugene, was
quickly prepared to take her chances
with the ocean, and put on a Hie
preserver, but was told there was
no danger, and removed it and put
r ' a LtA
on a coat. A lew minutes lain
word came that the Columbia was
sinking, and Miss Martin bad just
time again to don the preserver and
make ber escape from below.
San Francisco, July 24. Cap
tain Bermingbam, United States Su
pervising Inspector of Hulls and
Boilers for this district, will tomor
row begin an investigation of the
sinking of the steamer Columbia by
the steam schooner San Tedro, in
which 77 lives are believed to have
been lost.
Captain Bermingbam declared to
day that he would institute a most
thorough inquiry . into the loss of
the vessel. He went to Eureka to
day to take the depositions of the
Captain and crew of the San Tedro
and summoned the oSicers and crew
of the Columbia to be in attendance.
Captain Bermingbam said: "I'
the published statements that the
San Tedro refused to take on board
a boatload of survivors is true, then
the master of that vessel is guilty of
Hansen Mast Tell Why.
San Francisco. July 24. Not un
til Captain Hansen and the members
of the crew of the San Tedro reach
here from Eureka, where they are
now engaged in a squabble with the
master 01 tue ueo. vv. iiiuer over
the latter's claim for salvage, will
Inspectors Bolles and Bulger begin
the inquiry into the ' cause of the
wreck of the steamer Columbia
The Inspectors intend to get from
Captain Hansen a full statement of
the affair, with particular reference
to the charge that he misunderstood
the signals given by Captain Doran
from the bridge of the Columbia
and failed to give the Columbia op
portunity to clear the course of the
lumler schooner.
Captain Hansen will also be call,
ed upon to answer the charge made
by Third Officer Hawse, in his
sworn report to the inspectors, that
Captain Hansen acted In a cruel and
innuman manner after the wreck
and refused to assist in the work of
rescue by taking on board his vessel
boatloads of people whom the sail
ors of the Columbia had dragged
Irom the water. Mr. Hawse makes
the positive statement that when
he approached the San Tedro with
15 rescued people in his boat, Cap
tain Hansen ordered him off, say
iug that the schooner could not
take any more on board,
When the firemen turn out the
thing to look tor is a hot time.
Terhaps it is a good thing for the
American people that they can't
read the Japanese newspapers.
"Is it a white vest, or a white
waistcoat?" asks an exchange. If
you can afford only one, brother, it
is a vest.
William Dean Howells says it is
a crime to accept money for poetry.
Hut isn't the man who paya money
for poetry also guilty?
Stage coaches on thier way to the
Yoscmite Valley are being held up
by masked highwaymen. The far
West continues to have some local
Inasmuch as Mr. Rockefeller's
fine for scorching in bis automobile
was only 25, we may reasonably
mvj-w .Mat nil! UUI rCSUlt in ft
further advance in the price of oil.
County Correspondence j
I W wnl rprtr In vry town.
Uvular Correapouilent.
1.1: W. Slilt
rt'liiriiing fruin
Purll.nd uu. .lay M
thrown from the .uo ""'f
iMsbiK over Loth fet n.J iol.ictiug
U..alpwouml-. Th. extent
olth.iDjurie.lohUfeetu liJ U
U.rmln.l-utiti-cerUintl.ut a uun.ber
of the tmsller bones are) irat iun-u ...u
that alone will univwiuie a ifoo..
vacation od the .art of H. W.
P E )uvin. of I'ortlanJ, Ims l'urchaa
1 . 1. ..1 ..
J the tvieuty acrea ju . '" -
Win. Tucker place aua eiu.icv,
t !l I .... ...
clearing a place to uunu ou.
u i' mm in tiuttini! "new ailla
. -- .
under hie
baru and buiKling an a.Ui-
lion to it.
W. H. lioyJ u,l 'fe ,'H'"t Su",,uy
with Mr. aud Mr. F. li. Anderson at
T. C. IJveruiore, hither of F. W. l-iv-
eruiore. tlie aaw unit mau, icij
with droey and the end
any time.
ia expected at
H. C. Walta a former resident of this
place, but recently in charge of a lection
ifuna for the S. P. Co. at I-aFayette, ia
in charge of the lieaverton section tern
porarily. while W. K. Itarnea ia vwiting
old friends in the atate of Minnesota,
J110. Barry was poisoned by eating ice
cream one day lust week in I'ortlund
Altera week's enforced idleness he is
now able to be around.
Mrs. Ida W. liurni and aon Archie of
Portland visited with Mrs. Hume' moth
er, Wra. Watte of this place, last Sun
day. Archie ia now employed by the
Home Telephone Company aa electri
Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Hills of Los An
geles, Calif , visited the fore part of the
week with Mr. Hills sister, Mrs, F V.
A very quiet enjoyable time is the re
port from the dancing party hint Satur
day night.
On August i:ltli, the taxpayers of
this district w ill have a chance' t ) vote
on the new school house question ut a
special school meeting.
Aunt Nillr.
Regular t'orrenpondenl. '
Misa Hera Morelock visited in Port
land last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Fan no nnd aon
Frankie are in the iit-ili Ihi liinxl for a
week or two.
Mra. Win. Krieger, of Louisville, Ky.',
and Mrs. Wm. lleharrell ot Portland.
are visiting Mra. Thoa.. radlev Jot a
lew uaya.
Mra. A.' J. Fanno, was visiting friends
n the neighborhood last week.
John Burrohgha and wife of. Portland
visited Mrs. Cieo. lilnsser last Wednes
Mra. Jessie Frazier of Walla Walla
and little danghter are visUinar her
mother, Mra. Thos. Bradley.
Mra. Baxter of Pueblo, Col., is visit-
ng her aunt, Mrs. Wm. iiobinson for
a few daya.
Misa Helen Fanuo ol Portland and
her cousin, Asa Fanno of Chlco, fal.,
are visiting relatives in the neighbor
I'ncle John.
A Thiladelphia preacher has been
deposed because he failed to put on
enough style to suit his congrega
tion. We are able to sav in his lie-
half that he did not wear celluloid
It would be better for Japan not
to make war on this country but i(
nothing else will do her our prodtic
ers and manufacturers will take
pleasure in showing her our fine
line of war supplies.
Teople who want something
bright and original may be referred
to the story of a Texas cyclone that
picked up a letter and delivered it
to the person to whom it was ad
dressed, twenty nr.les away
The Interior Department has giv
en women teacuers notice that if
they take up claims in the West
they must oly the law and live on
them. This came about through a
decision in favor of a Minnesota
teacher which was construed wrong
ly, and has given rise to the opin
ion that teachers are exempt from
ordinary rules.
When a young woman's heart is
broken by a fickle suitor she is con
sidered justified in claiming damages
in a good round sum for the break
age. With superior masculine bus
iness instinct a young man in ew
York has starte.l a precedent by
handing in an itemized bill of the
expenses of courtship when the fair
one proved false. The male heart
may be tougher in its breakage than
tbatol the more susceptible se
u money plaster is
as ethcacious in the one
case a Ju
1 1. . .. .
I harJ1 Jair ,
utucr ana u uoes seem thar i,
the unlucky
, " "n cPly rrse as well
as with a denuded heart.
watM aa. 1 t.
Lin.l ..j , .tneci0B
The U,::? Und and
Mineral Iw...!.. Uiibed thla of
tice bv V.,..if ... ,i.,lD. I-"d Al
t-'ney, W..hik,.on D. C, unu"
MIUrtl If. I"' a
tin. heua will U nubli w,u
to week decuion. whka U or,D
tereat to our i..t.
Coal: Kail ..' 1. declaratory
tatement within eUtr W
of actual po.ei WJ make payment
within one ye f piratlon of the
time for tlti0 tenjr,ib lnJ ,ubJect
to u.e entry 0f tDo,Ur e bn coiuy..
( itb lh ,
Final proof; Final pw"1 uk" 'i
out authority or it WiJ-
False wean., in 'k;Di Un' pr'
1 punishable uud-r tb
rmal proof though tecnuieaiiy Vou,
plete, la not alwav. received.
Heady-made proof, lutmitted before
Hie atteatiuic 0uiM, tituout proper
cros-exawliiation abouM not be accept
Mineral: .,i ,hity valuable lor
phosphate deposit! if auineral in char
Laud coutainioir aJpo" ' gyp"
cement, aud more valuable ou account
of such mineral thao ( agriculture, ia
not subject to agricultural entry. Land
lonUining- uuliQ0 nf be eutered aa
mineral laud.
1 state of Fdward D. Kerr deceaaed ;
Ida Kerr appointed administrator upon
tiling a bond in the iun of im
Estate of lUymonJ Dixon, deceaaed;
bond of administrator filed and approv
Estate of Wm L Curtia, deceased ;
report of administrator approved and
authorized to nav inch sums aa are
asked for ia petition.
Estate of John Fisher, deceaaed
claim of F. M. Kouioson presented and
allowed In the mm of M JU and thebal
a ace disallowed because the same is
barred by the statutei of limitation.
Uesignatioa received from F. M. Kob-
inaon, administrator, and same was ac
cepted. 1. C. Fislisr waa appointed ad
ministratrix of therttate and her bond
fixed at 1 1,000; upoo Cling same letter
w ill issue.
Estate of John P. Mohrmann, deceas
ed ; dual account filed and set for hear
Matter of the guardianship of John
M., Geo. 1)., Karl C, and Imogen
Lather, uiinon; inventory and appraise
incut died.
(iuardianahipof Ujordis, Judith, Ger
da, Erpbtad and Maria Lorsdatter, ruin
ors; F. M. Cetlerhsrg appointed guard'
lan and guardianship papers will issue
upon ma nun. i bond In ttie sum oi
Guardianship e .Myron and Gladys
Hewitt, sila of rea property confirmed
Portland and Return, 85c.
From now until farther notice round
trip tickets from liilliboro to Portland
and return, will beiold at 85 cents, good
on any Saturday train, and returning
on and Saturday, Sunday or Monday
train. WM. McMUKRAY, G. P. A.
btauululKuU, .unlpwUooe. Q
ad arlKlaabwaCaUMaiaaiM
aotad aad. mmlk to Ae as.
i W awl fnimmomJ , pa
photos apkara,
book .1 7J a m
u- TZ-Upkra $0.75
d Onga,
Taut . l32S
for . . . . $1.50
AMn all mif
FUd BuUdiai Saa Fraacuee
R,cntlr Enlard
New Words
"' i.irt h. dta. ew.
rwV80.u.r1. Pt
V? . IlkMiinaa 1
-JIoiuiaKoro' fciuot.oa.
dlo Every Home
. Ill tii,fll
Kfula. m. W
f mi
ui:?s.-i i"1 11
r ""Wnm-tiiM ,
I have something new this
week in Ladies' White Waists,
Aprons, Muslin and Knit Un
derwear, Hosiery, Hose Support
ers and Corsets. The R. & G.
Corsetinallsizes, whitcand drab.
I still have a lew TRIMMK I) HATS,
which will be sold VERY CII1CAT.
Notice is hereby given that mora than
aix months ai0 I wove a carpet for aoine
personwho auid they liveit in Buxton,
and whose address is unknown to me.
The aame haa never twen called for, aud
if not taken away within thirty daya
from date of tliia notice, the carpet wrtj
tie aold to pay for weaving, warp aud
lated at Millaboro, Ore., this 5tn day
of July, l'J07.
Carpet Weavt-r.
Your Credit is Cood For
Any of our 250 styles of busies, sur
reys, phaetons, soring, farm and lum
ber wagons, and etc. (5 per month or
5 per cent discount for cash. Address
Century Mfg. Co., llillaboro and get a
large catalogue of styles and prices.
Kvery vehicle warranted for three years
from any defect whatever.
m . the new barber when in Corne
I 'rU lu nJ Ket nrst-claaa shave
I Z. and haircut. It coste
nothing if you are not satisfied.
L K. FISK, Proprietor.
Organizers, either sex, on salary of
$100.00 a month and expenses for an up
to-date Association, paying weekly aiek
and accident benetlte and furnishing
free medical attendants to all its mem
bers, Liberal contract will be made
with producers of buainesa.
American Sit k and Accident Associa
tion, Buffalo, N. Y.
5 I JUU Hillaboro; corner, block,
lurge nearly new house; fenced, and will
make an ideal home; three-minutes
walk to the postoflice, one to the depot ;
$1,000 down, balance on time. Tbia
place ia worth $2,500; owmf non-reai.
dent. For particulars inquire at The
Independent office.
Typewriters Attention!
I have just put in a stock of carbon
paper and ribbons for typewriter!, and
when in need call and aee us.
Ilillsboro, Ore.
A Memorable Day.
One of the daya we remember
with pleasure, as well as with pro
fit to our health, is one on which
we became acquainted with Dr.
King's New Life Tills, the painless
purifers that cure headache and
biliousness, and keep the bowels
right. 25c at all drug stores.
To Contractors.
Bids will be received by the
County Court of Washington Co.
Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m., on
the 8th day of August. 1907, for
the construction of a bridge across
Scoggin creek, near the residence
of Thomas Sain. Specifications
may be seen at tne omce 01 tne
county clerk. Right is reserved to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the County Court.
County Judge
Farm for Sale
ll.l'g acres, situated 3 milea south of
Scholia Ferry; 53 acres under plow, bal
ance iu pasture and timber. Good No.
I tarm with living water, good frame
house of H rooms, good frame barn, gran
ary and other necessary buildings, good
No. 1 fence, (iood 7-acre orchard with
all varieties of fruit; mil from
school ; church at corner of land.
For further particulars inquire of
Ilillrdale, K. No. 3.
Washington County J
Hillsboro Heal Estate
Office south of Court House, Matn Kt.
To the Ladies.
Wunderlich & Schwarz
V.ALVl 31 1 X I N
lloth l'l.on.'s III LLSIiOKO, OHK.
o o 1 o
Shingles, Lime,
Brick, Pire Brick,
Cement, Gravel,
Fibred and Uniibred
Will meet Poi llniitl prices
At all times.
Climax Milling Co.
f HILL &
Painters & Paper Hangers
Painis. Oils, Varnish
All work guaranteed to f;ive satisfaction. Kstimates furn
ished. Refinishing of House, Store and Office Furniture.
Trompt and satisfactory service. Your patronage is solicited.
Shop opjtosite Dr. Tamiesie's resilience on Main street.
Headquarters lor New lira Paints, Varnish
1 nil I! mi vli iw
Tree Delivery
Of the liest Fish, Game and
Meats. Our delivery is prompt
and in all parts of HillsUiro.
We have inaugurated a
new Schedule in Prices
and this together with our de
livery system makes this llills
lioro's popular market.
Corwin & Hcidcl.
Mrs. I. Bath.
Independent lluililitig, 2nd St-
o o 1 - o o o 00000
Sand. I
When You Go to Tillamook
ri..nt IhfWIUTK llornp.. 91 ml Ir. wni or
rir.i drove nu VMIxm Hirer kotit. Kate;
to.'til.. V; linlKlnr, lioant with rnoin r
wwk. ftti.uo. Il.pr.rt: 1m ovtr Dlglil, l.ar
nn, I k'hiii. I.'"; liny aluiia, '.to.
W r .ll tlim ugh himiw: mrxlero buth, flc.
Ti'iii..iiiv ur write the .r.i.rlft.ir.
J. t UK HI Ml, Wllaoa. Ore.
n t c. i ,on T r,R
o)Q wiSG!:,,;re7-
RV wter
y lunver.
llT'lrftlllll KhiMlieer e.
I.ort jr.iir .l.'r an. I elrd tun a plsnl Out u
.1.' iv.-r Dm wm.T t nr n l rnur fn, home
.r t..irn. .mi bare mi ile lino Utile 1 1 win
p.i-l when the rlkht liotti.n I ma.ls. Call I
te. n 7 an.) n :io a. in. an. I 4 In 5 up. in. , Mill
lro HiXi-l. IKKI'KICH. M1LLKK.
Money to Loan.