Mrs. Emma Stolt, of AppJeton, Wisconsin A Neighbor Aded Me lo tie Perura. I Legon to Improve at Orw t ' 4 X " . ,rv, ."i , i" ' t " ' X 4 ' r ' Win news fLNrBo J.)lon C'lajfti'U, "EnglUh L'ustuuis, UKTipiiou auu m. - - l I., k'nirlflltll i volume la eariuus prnuu. ... -Blmw th NoruiBU couijuit. bus t' ....Mi.h-I h the Mscuilllau Ctuuaujr. lu valus la retly lu.-resswi by the ddltloo of oyer 100 colored liiumro julkiso ovra jatas. Oeeeaeo r-k .I tMr ..lap.-.l". rZ 're, I. Dotbln. bumorou m .... '. ,... f . derby bat to an om " . ...ast-tillne co erwlse purely .,,, ri .. b...g tb. bat ba.Bom. utHL MRS. CMMA SIOIT Mm. Kinma Applttton, Wia., wriim "Hurunn htta dona me Krt d1"' 0 ifHK since I lifirnn tukinic it and I aUiivi uuA to ptwak vimmJ word for it "Three veara into I a in wretchi-d wdition with baikaches, braring down Mins, and at timn wua i aoreaml lHine (hat I could not move aloiit. I ha ) inflammation and irilutl"n, and a Lltmiirh I luu'i IdifTi-rent relliedie. tht-v did ine no (.'(nnI. "A neiitlibor who had been uslntf Pe tr.n advined me to try it, and I am tflad that I did. I Wn to improve as oon aa 1 took it and I (wit miicli better. MI thank you for your tine remedy. l ia certainly a godsend to sJk women." Catarrh or the Internal Organs MIks Theresa Ik'rtU'8, White Church, lo., writea: "I iuffered with catarrh or me o- timcJi, bowela and internal orKani. fcv erything I ate aeemed to hurt me. I neer bad p.iifane of the bowel w ith out taking medicine. I waaao tired ninrnlnirH. and ached all over. I had a pain in my left lide, and the least ex ertion or excitement made me short of breath. "Now, after taking Perun for aix month, I am well aa I ever wan. 1'eruna hai worked wonders for me. I elieve IVrnna ia the bent medicine in l he world, and I recommend it to my friends." ...M .iirt worn by tne i lie iuii - drlf. tbe big American bonne.. u . i.. rr.vt of tbe gT grn.enta of drea. o often eu - .re one of tbe in-.m. v. .. . r - - tiona. .nr!tlon. W wvt '" - . f,,e th. .utorooblle ia le- . . . . ,harfl(r- tbey cling to mem. . . . . ..... i.. a marie bv u . .." ...n. will In time scribed in touuiry wi I Hut tneir ini. - - . , r ii r-i,,. The- author ana soiu.i .. .h. harsbneas or iu "-- ..-h Mr atraicbt acroaa the I .a,,,.. hmn barmonloualy ..- r "uu ..i.i thlnv. In country, up bi" uu uu"u ' It I re7 ln ui-iu' through woode and acroa. atreams. - tb tranltlon that Jar on otwi sense .. . uriit nnivA Air I .. . t.iuji and thev are a wager. iue acrouui "... y of tne otuesa vi lutereat to any automobile enthu.ia.t nOT,ttb) for the prewnt. I reuiuber -Paute and I!!a Italy," by Vn- on day going Into P ' .... ni.UI.Inl I i.. in the i touaeaevin'r. on Ioimuaie itagg, una v sj-a - bv O I'. J'utnaui's Bona. Tbe tx-ox " where our American aimiinuA . ., .... ii, "riivino I , ...n.,..UAi.n and cnange or poet" It la rather an attempt to de- BMneJt common In our department plct 'afresh the life of Daute a time and gtoreg, had Just been Installed. The r.. .t the mediaeval world, and g,OI)keiMrs w-ere beaming with pride -HneWallv the Italian world of tne J re- ,nd doiigi,t In their acquisition, A nM1.ll. I ...t.f .In At.A tintll.lltnf fl FW ivnto. through l'antes eyea. A nian, eviueim w j"i'..v i.nriv DHiifa's own writings and thoe nroaehed us hurriedly on our entrance. of bl contemporaries have been made roDtng to the little brass receptacles n.o ,.! of the work. fur the niouey flying to and rro over ............... in "The Life hernt. h asked engerly : "what it tne All illiercmii. I ... i .,...-. iMa in Lawrence Uou- American name7 auiA 4V. i.1'- v. -I , , a win" la the extract from letter or Neither my companion nor mjm-n .... . .1 .lka I.. II... T rum n-S mmeM tu'il ii. iTiin'a in allien ne umnir nMn but nn-a. iu " ait uwuaiu " " I " . . , . , hi. flr.t n.eetlmr with Oladatone: "In other Americans passing uy, wno mem rlia eveiiimr I went to Uryce'e to din- selves did not know. Never have I seen i.-r i ...cted to see the 0. O. M.. Ian expression of greater amazement or hut I had not aeen Ilryce for a fort- contempt than the proprietor aa be night and did not know w hether be beheld four Americana who did not had aucceeded In getting bun. I rouua. even know the name or mis iriumpu on going In, Sir Alfred Lyall, whom I of Invention. knew; Sir Ueorge Trevelyan, whom i Not all orders to fight In time of war At Culross Abbey in Klfe, Scotland, tombatone has been found which is be lieved to date from tbe fourth century of the Christian era. The London Orsphlc u?iffi that the Rriiixh educational authorities set up phonographs, with a "ilandard accent" in all the si liools of the empire. Sometimes It Does. Teacher Tommy, do you know what an epic la? Tommy Tucker Tes'm. It's something you take that makes you sick to your tuinmkk. No C'hanre. "Poos your husband Indulge In games of chance?" "No, Indeed." "Rut I thought he played the races?" -Ho be, does." "Rut that's a game of chance." "Not with hlin." Houston Post "King Edward tbe Shrewd" or "the Wise" Is, according to a Paris corre spondent, the title a near posterity will iv to Kngland's ruler. , No Aiintr Required. Tommy Paw I Mr. Tucker What's th trouble now, tny son? Tommy Why Is It that tbe magailnea don't mike their readin' matter as Inter esting as thpv rtn their sdv'tlslne, pages? . Tbra Tber Cllarhe. Floorwalker I'd be BKhamod to let tny trouners bag as yours do. You ought to have them creased once in a while. Rookkopiier If mv .hill, were aa ihim a yours I wouldn't have any more trou ble in keenlns my trnuaera creased tbsn jou do. Cbiraso Tribune. did not know, but was glad to meet; Wemyss Held, the biographer of tos- ter. whom I bad been trying to meet ever since I came, and Lord Aberdeen MahJou's friend. Dut the O. O. M ...... ..... , hi... an.l r ii-n a .rs!d to ask u m uk ...... , - I whether be was coming. Suddenly 'iir. " ....i uis.lstoi.e' were announc-ed. ' "truck for one country of wMcn and there sure enough be was. and my no record finds Its way to official ro- eve. r...tened on him aa they have ports, totcn an engagement was mat never fastened on any man since I waa cited by Colonel Crawford In bis do 20 The first words he suld to Bryee 'rlptlon of the "Expedition Against on Bhaklng hands were. Ma Mr. Ood- Samluaky." Crawford company had kin here?' and then he began to apolo- prepare! to marcn to join Hasnington glze to me for not having sooner taken force, when proceedings were stopped any notice of my card, pleading pres- from lack of transportation. Crawford sure and loss of voice since he came happened to spy civilian teamster who back from hla stuumln tour In the bad stopped to rest and water bl West. I sat by him at dinuer and had horses. Ia such an emergency the colo. a most delightful talk with blm. He nel felt no hesitancy lu pressing the Is younger In apiM.'urunce thun I ex- team Into bis service, pected, as yuuug as I am lu play of The owner, however, was In no ha mind, with a (harming Utile vein of mor to ubmlt to wbnt be considered humor and endless Interest In all aorta nn oppressive act. Things looked bad of tiling. He left Immediately after for blm, for be was alone and lu the dinner to go to the bouse." midst of strong men. lie remained for a time silent and sullen; then be ob served that It was bard to be forced Into service agnlust tils will. He said Eipandi I that the captain hud taken advantage of circumstances, and that be would mnke a proposition, "1 will fight the captain or any other man In your company. If I am whipped Banking fiyMai! we pav INTEREST On iMtan very,,... ubt "tf to open Bavin Ice00"; wlt1 t. u ' free book- learn full particul Andrea Oregon Trust 8c Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Tyashlnfton su- OTJB GBOWINQ COUNTBT. Wllk Apoloalea. "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" "I'm going a-nkating, kind sir," she eaid. May I ekite with you. mv nrrttv maid?' "Vou're too high a roller, kiud sir," she ia. feci. Allen" "'A man may smile and smile, and be villain still.' quoted Fuels Allen u ... i. - . i.i.... , t that could keep their feces Just strslfht aa anyliody else." Determined OpIlmUra. "iiranilfntlier, how have you mnnaged to ruain your hojwriilncBS and you faith in human nature?" My dear, I avoid modern fiction, nev T ro to ee a society drama, and red tint bin in the newspapers that has a die play bead over It. The I'raellral Ke.nlt. l V. i ne riKMiuiia are crtainiy very eitravagant couple. What Is their In come? "They haven't any. Ifi all outgo." Iisltlmor American. lelf-Mwaa Tkeerlee. "It I the nature of women to be a delusion to men," growled the old cynic. "Yes," merrily replied the young en thusiast, "and It Is the nature of men to bug their delusions." Baltimore ' American. Though the Population There la Still Room tor More. The cities of the L'ulted States are the most expuuslve lu the world, and naturally take much Interest lu reck oning up their population from time to time. Every tenth yeur tbey And that city directory estimates are apt to be too liberal, but actual counts sel dom fall to show a large and substan- al Increase. At this time there la a general protest against tbe calculations f the government census bureau, and tbey are In truth far too mechanical. Averaging the growth of American cities between 181)0 and l'.X"), and add- ng the annual Increase to the years lnce the last census was taken, la not n accurate rule, though It restrains n undue optimism. Tbe last seven ears has ben a period of great busi ness prosierlty. Over a million Immi grants a year are coming In. Frban population la gaining on other forms. Some cities have been quickened In growth and others are slowing up. Tbe census bureau merely applies the meas urements of the Inst decade, which, In general, will fall short Hut the next national census Is not far distant and the oiriclal figures will allow the bureau that Its plan of computation Is crude. According to the department's reck onlng the insulation of the United States lu l'.NHl, without Alaska and the Insular possessions, was H3.fM1.51), and including these P, This Is au addition of K.txm.Wio to the continental l)pulatlon of the country In the alx years ending with VJmi. Cities have gnlned 15.1) per cent and the rural sec tion 8.S per cent. The four grentest cuies are .ew lork. credited with 4,113,0-43, Chicago with 2,04!US. Phil ndelphla with 1,441.73.". and St. Louis with fUi,3'J0. leading I.ston. next In rank, by 47.042. An Increase of a mill I . .. - .. I , mi min n Hum jriur is tne estimate for tne wnoie country. A bluebook re .-eiuiy punnsiiea in liondon places the annual increase of population In th world at n.3oo,(m, a fourth of which i In the United States. At the present rate or immigration more than lOum. Olio aliens will come to this country In the next ten years, but the tide will recede If the uneaxanipled business ac tivity of the present time should fall will go with you. If I coiKjuer you must lot me off." Tbe challenge was accepted and the man began to prepare. Tbe colonel wa throwing off bis coat, when a tall young man stepped up. He had recently Join ed the compauy, and wa a stranger to the other men. During the controversy itb the teamster be had been leaning gainst a tree In apparent unconcern. but now be came forward and Insisted on taking Crawford'a plnco. You must let me fight tbnt fellow," he said. "He will whip you. It will never do to allow the company to be beaten." Tbe young man gained bis point, but the men of the company looked on rather dubiously. He wa Blender and pale, while the teamster was big and bluff, muscular and hardened by expos ure, cool, oetlant and confident. Hut when the young man threw bis coat aside, he disclosed a framework of enormous bone and muscles, and the spirits of the company rose. The contest was short and decisive. The teamster wa completely van qulsle-'d. The victor. Mor.nn. nfter. ward became the famous niajor-zcneral or uevoiutlonary renown. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish It; give It something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will trow long and heivy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair-food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing ust what we claim It will do. It will Dot disappoint you. Mr iMt ke me tkert. 1 ertee ring Afr'm HaIf Vtfor . hr time it bre In era Mie mom n I. fn.n. Inrbee ln. TM . tAtAerflS relt tn me After inf in,At Aitknil Wit. ".. a. flrea. Benaa. wa. L4 eBM ijers .atetarare eff f StMArAtJU.. ILLS. CUCUT PKTDtAI, off. Taltoutaar. Tattooing, or the custom of nerma nently marking the skin with colored aiwigns, is of ancient origin. Thl praetuv is lornitmen In the Scrlp- vures; so n may ne inferred that was ruaiomnry among other tribes than the Israelites. The custom of tattooing among clvlllied natlona fast dying out, tliough there are a few establishments to be found where it still done. Among these la one on tl IVowery In New York, where the oper. sior Buveriises performing the opera iniu iu imnwn airrerent colors. some countries tattooing had a rellg lous Blgnlflcauce; but In olden time it w practiced merely aa method of adornment Th J a panes and New Zealand are famed ,lptn tattoo era, and t good workman can cover a man' bck with all manner of elabor ate design tn single da,, tborttlea sasert that Uttoolng was put on th body In acctent timet a a sub stitute for clothe. II Felt Complimented. A man from riilladelphla. savs s writer In tbe Iubllc Ilger of th.r city, was visiting In a town of verv ... I I I I A A . dv . . iniiiiiuiis. tine day, when he was about to make a purchase, he ,t; covered that be bad exhausted , small change. The shopkeeper could not break the ten-dollur bill offer.! mm, aiM tne man went out In the main street to see how he might solve uuiHTiity. lie asked several per .... UU1. u on nau ti,e requisite ....UU..I ior ine mil. At last an old. uc-imire.,, seeny negro camealon in aheer despi.ratlon the man mm- Lnde, can you thane a ton...M-. bill for mr "Uncle" linkt ..- .. v. ur fIl ment Then hi .hambllng fl...-. straightened. With a doffln nf A and . bow worthy of Chesterflehl. be '""t w i lu uijtnity: . 'No' .n"r"'' 1 "n't change no ten. nonar bin. but I done 'pm-iate. tb. - asme, sab." Ml la Animal.. Evldonee of a mind In all , even the lowest. I. found"" 7 ..enoiey. n, anM( nwim .' power of cholc. when It eats. ..i !k tree-,,. colony of onU M r 'he calWthamnturrJr wa to be agitated by jari JLL t Intervals sliowlng that t rT'? member th.r . ... .! I..1 1 mut r. narmiew. Coliee There was 0nce Iale "Pbomore who, a many collrg "n do' ,ounJ blmwlf in financial rll "n(1 PwneJ II bl good clothe. A little before Thanksgiving he gat blaT check from home. When be got bom for the holiday the Dnrt thing hi mother took out of tbe trunk was an overcoat and on it waa pinned the pawnbroker's ticket be bad forgotten to remove. Hastily grabbing th ticket, De "Id: "Hello! They must have forgotten to take this off at tbe Smith dance when I left It In tbe cloakroom." A moment later bl mother took out bl evening trounerw Tbey also bad a ticket on them. "Why, Reginald," he ald. "surely you didn't leave tbese tn tbe cloak room, too, did youf tilpplneott'a. Vieiin a.. laewlatlow. The remarkable heat Insulating ef fect of a vacuum l ftrlklngly brought out In the claim made for a new sKrtmen' bottle. Tbe yense! ha dou ble walls, being really one bottle w?:h In another, with ealed up Interven ing space from which the air baa been withdrawn. It is inserted that liquid In this bottle can be kept hot forty eight hour In the coldest weather, and that Iced beverage will retain their delicious coolucsa for weeks In th hot test summer. Vol a- Too Far. "Look here," exclaimed the leading man, a be entered tbe green room; "when I klused you In the third act some of the coloring came off your cheek and got en my face. "You tI11Il' napped th Irate leading lady I "Oh, that' 'rtght, madam. I don't mind be In vi'aln, but I don't want to be dwp-dyed f lllaln." lime Marklee Are Had. Most o( the stoii marbles used by boys are made In Germny. Tbe refuse only of tb mtrble and irate quarries is em ployed, aid this li treated in such a way that thert I pram-ally no waste. Men aad boy ire employed to break the refuie stone into small cubes, and with their hsmrurn they acquire a mar velous dtiterity. Tbe little cubes are then thrown into l mill consisting of a grooved bedetone inJ a revolving runner. Water It fed to tlx mill and the runner is rapidly revolved, while) th friction doe the rest. In half an hour th mill I (topped and a bunhel or of perfectly rounded marbles are takei out. Tbe whole pro cess costs tb mcrttt trifle. Philadelphia Hecord. Caere l' The proprietor of the celebrated mountain Inn wai showing tbe new guest tbe beautiful lurroundlnga. "Ah, these cliff.!" ald the proprie tor, rapturously. "In electrical storm they are awr-lnsplrlng. Tbe next time a storm rl' f,oe tnut 'ou "re standing on the porcn ' 'nn" Wny' lr. the air I alwy heavily charged." "I don't doubt It." laughed the new guest, winking at mother late arrival, "and If I dn t bapln f standing on the porch I can feel assured that It HI be heavily charged anyway on my bill." AVcccUble Preparation Tor As similating the Food ami Reula ting the S'omachs and Dowels of Promotes Digeslian.Cheerful- ness and Itesr .contains neltncr Oprum. Morphine nor MinexaL Not Naiicotic. (2 rr-' t fl- rtfnMJwa A . . rm A Dafect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Dian'hoca. Worms Convulsions Tcvcri sh raess arel Loss or Sleek Its Simile Signature of NKW -.TDRK. Don't Poison Baby. pOETY YEAKS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo PAREQORIO or laudanum to mako it sleep. Theso drugs will produco sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are tho children who havo been killed or whoso health ha3 been ruined for lifo by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which ia a narcotio product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of tho narcotics named ta children at all, or to anybody without labelling them " poison." The definition of " narcotio w is S "A medicine which relieves pain, and produces sleep, hut which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul sions and death. " Tho tasto and smell of medicines containing opium aro disguised, and sold under tho names of " Drops, " "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any medicine to bo given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas3 II. Fletcher. Dr. J. W. Dlnadale. of Chicago, 111., ay: "I use your Caatorla and advlao lta use la all famlllca where there arc children." Dr. Alexander E. MIntle. of Cleveland, Ohio, say: "I have frequently prescribed your Castorla and hav found It a reliable and pleasant rem edy for children." Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Cmaha, Neb., Bays: "A medicine 10 valuable and beneficial for children ai your Caatorla la, degcrvca the highest praise. ( had It la use everywhere." Dr. J. A. McClcllan, of Buffalo, N. T, says: "I hav frequently prescrlbcj your Castorla for children and always got rood rosultt. Ia fact I usa Caatorla for my owa children." Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Loula, Mo., aaya: "I heartily endorse your Caa torla. I have frequently prescribed It In my medical practice, and hava alwaya found It to do all that la claimed for It" Dr. C. H. Clldden, of Et Taut, Minn., Bay: "My experience aa a rrao tltloner with your Caatorla hai been highly aatlsfactory, and I consider It aa excellent remedy for the young." Dr. II. D. Denner, of Philadelphia, Pa., aaya: "I have used your Caa torla as a purgative In th casea of children for yeara past with the most happy effect, and fully endorse It aa a safe remedy." Dr. J. A. Doarman, of Kansaa City, Mo., aaya: "Tour Castorla la a splen did remedy for children, known the world over. I use It In my practice and have no hesitancy la recommending It for tho complaint of infanta and children." Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y, aaya: "I consider your Castorla aa excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicine and pleasant to the tasta. A good remedy for all disturbances of tha digestive organs." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS lieara the Signature of j (EMM) J liiig txACT eo"or wrapper. A six . w jr e mi a i J r s tcyy toco Tie Kind You Have Always Bought In Us For Over 30 Years. fWl TAWS NMf. tT MWMMAT aTHCCT, M VQNR ITV I M vNlrtl 11 PRUSSIAN hiavc powotns A AilArAntA.1 mm rnr Iivatm 1 'ouirhA UtMlwier. JndlireAtlun Wind TruuUAAi ItAAlAra fte (MtiitA. aAllMirDi& Pri HimUr.Fi Tt'n . HT I'Ai'l.. Mini Ierepreeslble. "lie would Joke at tha grave's brink." "What cause you to believe that?" "Why, be Is a boarder and be joke about prunes." Houston Tost Mothers will nod Mr.. Wlnslow-s ""tblns Byrup the brst remedv ON lot Ih.U ohUUr.4 lurlnf tb. (Mthlns period. Jfo Secret. "Do tell me, Mrs. Mannldre, how you succeed in keeping your hired help so lornr." "Hy letting them merely help. I really do th. work, you know." at. Vitne" Peace enfl I1 Hereon ple J prrmAnaniir ciiriHi r " "Z ,.i a GialleeTLV H. U. alla Ut. U Area BU. J-UUa,.-e. Hotels Aaioaar tb Pyraa.lde. The Egyptian pyramid will prob ably lose much of their inafrniflceut and legendary npiiearanee In tha near future. The Egyptian government baa given permission for tbe erection of homes and hotels In tbe vast plain stretching from Kskebleh to the Nile and covered with tbe ancient sphinxes nnd structures. Already several socie ties have been formed to avail them selves of the picturesque view for the building of largo hotels. All around the pyramids of Glilseu there are to be erected real American skyscrapers from nine to ten Btorie In height New York Tribune. HOWAUn J5. rtURTO?r -A.-ATer r3 ChemHt. leeJvllle, Color-Ada, Hpt'iiun frit-Mi Ould, Hll-r, l-Ad, tl ; Ould, rtllT.r, 7M-; old. ". ! f lae or t'onprr, l. C'venlde twf. VAllln. AnvAlnpa end Aill prlrllft .iitoo application. Ciintrot end t'rn pire work AuUclMd. liAiufAuoAl C'erboMia N tluual ilauk. SuellaA IcIti Aatlnt- SAUAA PlAAtA WeurlAa WaU OrUli ItalU aApfet Ally foe wnrk In Lb north w.i. Llrlll pie ent .Abtn. toolA Yt A OArrv A Iafaa AUiok. Write uaaIi your aiA-hin. err WAntA. wll rlrillera' ooutrAot bleaka true' irtStOB MA0B1SI1T OOMfAST. 1H-A-4 Mat Ham ., FotUaaA. OrA. ITNGRAVING Write Us i- PLATES TOR PRINTING HICKS-C11 ATTEN Portland Oregon Hi Chup it Cii Bi touikt Ii til East Dilliirf Mud Qtlckw Wilti IhToflii ST. HELEN'S HALL PORTIAND, OREGON A Olrli' School ot the blaheat elae. Collegi ate department. Mmle. Art. Elocution. Qym nsilum. fall term opens 8eptember 14. StND TOR CATALOGUE SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IN THE DLOOD When the llooJ is pure. resl1 &ai Wealthy, the skin wilt be soft, smooth and free fro- i,icinishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu lation its pre,cnce ii manifested by a skin eruption or disease. These humors pet Into the blood, generally because of an inactive or elnggish condition cf th. members o( the body whose duty it is to collect and carry off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid poison. The bc-ins to throw oil the humors and acids through the pores and elands cf the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheuta and skin eruptions cf various kinds. Eczema appars. usually witk a alight redness cf the skin followed by pustules from which there fows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally n the back, breast, face, arms and les, though other parts " the body r accted. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks ana Dieecis; BRING VOtIR TOOTH 1ROIJRLM TO US Before Going llsewhere. DR. B. 1. WRIGHT. 34J' Weehlnstoa St. P onload. Oregon mm If urprlrtng what a lot of noise tbera la masquerading a muaio. Flrt Small boyt'm ' square w.d p. tJ UcZ Z u " 8nd Small rtoe-i, "rdA'- tef T " W foln.' First Small BoyWhen a, comes along rm . clrm, oar ter go. Judro, t the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended to keep it ,ft , pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a tatd, leathery anoearance. Acne makes its appearance on the lace in the - ' 11 form of pimples and black heads, while Tea" ;rd4 E"J,Bf MiTo Tsoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ. S? "i luit53 SI B. J. ent parts cf the body One cf the worst V lZttg2t"r w.'t,?ie,.UV0ii forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum; form tVr,r"!!Ci P'T,'JIa4i Jt. f ,,;t- ,Inf rt tf,l, 1. tl, .rain oUBi5y,wtobId"Sff sometimes causing baldness. Toison Oak tK ."'a s Nr, i. rt pieea ana ivy are aino gi lF?Vr;&Af hit disease. Theh I.'."" ' w i I . f iooJ ! lies dormant ii sazreenble types of skin amor producing the trouble 1 the blood through tha rmuLh?r b''bfe" Winter to break out and torment tha lurof thtroobl.w- ... ,...., n.S.. ". treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and removes tha humors so that the skin instead of being' irritated and diseased, is nourished by a upply of fresh, healthy blood. External n!i.l r.l Ail v.. AAtia 1tinna errv. purely vegetabe whii they itching cucd by a fc fkia affections, can never cure the trouble they t30 BOt reach th blood. S. S. S. goes down Into the circulation iorces otit every particle foreign matter and restores the blood to ita orni Pnrt fymHition. therebr rermanentlv curinir every form of akin tion. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent fret til who writ. S. s- ,4 t all rst class dnijf stores. rue MWirr spcmc co- Atlanta m a ret I Lit ftlLLH. r!Mfmyi all th flitw mid ft or lis) comfort to try honi In diiiin room, s)lttnaj mom mi tverr pli ttltfrt Aim mr lnml)lm, rifiin, narnt ftnl will not Mfl or Injur any Titnsj. Try Ihrtm nnrm nr1 ?nm will nr I without tiuim. U not Bll l7 nttaisrs, ispna Fr-iBiu swr aa. KAAOLD ftOM&AS, lit PU At., Mfkl7 WHAT $10 WILL DO Do vmi wtnt to know how lift. If put tn work At om-, will lav the foundation of your fortune? If you do, drop us a line today ank lnn for partt'uUni mnrrnitiin V AVKKLKIiilt th Hfautiful the tncomuaratile honnitw ad dition lu tt City of Fortlaud. $!0 SECURES A L0T whlrh In s err nhort lime will double ami treble In value. No such opi.ortuntir 1ia evr pre sented llAell In this einintrv, where en kdisII amount lnve(el monlhly hai the ailvsntagee of B hoAllbjr lncreate, Aa In WAVERLEIGH The Beautiful Iu location (within walk in dta. tani-e of the city ; W niltiutt's by rar) ; lu flftiiinn (y npoVr the city with ft rfirt view ot the mountain) ; and many oth er f aturea that make It the mot nVtiiratile home alte irntxrty In tha Northwent. Loin fjut and up. W rita today for full particular!. H.W.Lemcke Company Siilhi Washington PORTLAND OREGON llCI M mm Tnatenllf kilts lire en Ponltrr hf Its funiAA. It ! Arr powerful tbe itmnf. t nf all lire llllere. It le nervAearr remetlf, heraitee lire Inferred poultry rin aot lAf or thrive. Snld hf deAlre. Mane onlf br t'ba. H. 1.111 Co., Beattle, I'ort land. San f'ranrlaro. CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICK The Inllowln sanonnrwments are from leadln bualneaa men end llrni, and are we.l worth f four careful reading, lbs lilt mar eontala Juel the propoeltloa jou ere loos ing lor. REAL ESTATE CAST CREEN ACRES) Th enly trsets en tbe market where 70a ess eentraet to eell year ema. Tea trains a day. Abandonee ol water, rrtee lloD OO per aero aaa y pay menu cobs ia 01 write lur partiou lars. SIICHia a THOMPSON pokes. Weihlnjua. . USIUt Ha o The Kutee Organ Is the tsndsril. F. very bo'ljr knnwa the K.atey tn be firat claaa, rich of tone and durable, Kelee Psrlnr Oresni ranne In prlre from KtO to 1.'i0. The eul ahown atmre taetyleSil, price l-Vi. We alio hae Parkard and rhlrego rottaee Ortratia, Victor Talking Maihlnea, and twenty difffrent makre of t'lanoa htelnaay, Knabe, Cahle. I.tidwlg, t onoeer Klne bury, I'srkard, nelllngton and many others. Writs for eatalogtie and price Hat. Ton ran buy Juet aa cheap by mall aa by ytalttng one ol nur atorea. Be aure and sddreaa your letter to U. P. J oh neon, manager Sherman, Clay & Go. Opposite PoeUifBco PORTIAND OREGON f. H.U. Mo. at-sr yilKIwrlUwig t av. awd eertl ear wloaoo oe. 1