Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 26, 1907, Image 1

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Volume 35
Number 12
Rlllsboro Independent.
M.mw i ins paper in not lorce.1 uin
anyone. 11 is not our practice to stop
paper until ordered to do so. Anyone
unt ixhui tlie papxr must notify the
pui.llnlier or thry will he held liable lor
Ilia suiM-riptinn pru-n.
ICDiered at the Poauifflca at Hills
ro. Oregon, for transmission through
tha mall as eerond-claas mall matter.
OfTtclal Paper of Washington County.
Republican In Politica.
an ..... rol,...n. tor f.iur Inner-
turns : reading noiiivn, one cent a word
: .
a mouth; lodge curds, $5 a year, pays-
hie quarterly, (notice- ami resolution.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Iloonls 3. 4 and 6. Morgan Blk.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Central block. Rooms and T.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Oitlce. in Union lilk.. with 8. B. Huston
Jllii t Kooins J, 4 and 5. Moriian BlotE
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Notary Public and
Collections. I
AttOrilOV' Ui JillW
... i . t
and Notary
Ortiee Over Wehrunn's Store, Second St.
Twenty-five years experience In the
ron r In ol Micintian.
Will practice in any
john:m. wall.
Office upstairs, Bailey Morgan Blk
1IOTH 'piionhs.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
oillce, upstairs, over The Helta Drug
Store. OMice hours H to 12 ; 1 to 6, and
In the evening Irom 7 to 9 o'clock.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Ki-.i'lcncr rurnrr Thlnl snJ Msln; o(Bp op
tsimuver Iwliaarus lore: to""", R. So to U m.
. ... 1 - ...a .. ... i..Imi,ioii Ui rrnulvlice
tmm is.u.iruii u.! Ail van initiy aut-
wsreu uay wi iuku.
n.liu-llt I V IVn GI'lIIJIillll I
ai lll.kn.A C rannil I
nm. a- Morcan nailer bloc, op-
stairs, riMims 1-. 13 ana i. uesiueuce
... . . - I. 1
8. W. cor. Hastj Line aoa uecona bib.
both 'phones.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Morganllalley
stairs with K. A. Bailey.
block, up-
N. R corner Third and Oak U.
A. B.' BAILEY, M.b.,
Hillslwro, Oregon.
0(HKwr RailMr's lru (Mors. OITW hoari
foiia a ! U. l iMo, n4 7 to f . HaMm
thlnl bimw north of rltr lwiric llhl plant,
talli promptly aiismlol dT or Dm lit. tfctn
phoOM. pUZ-ot
Dr. B. P. Shepherd,
(Succeaaor ta Ir. A. Burris.)
At his rooniB over City Bakery every
TueeJay, Thureday and Saturday.
President CalilornU College ol telepathy
rrofeseor ol Theory and Practice.
Kx-Metn. t'al. Hate Hoard ol Kxaminers
The Oregonlan and lnd
pendent, one year, S2.
The Government is Doing the Right
Thing. .People Should Study
th Subject Carefully.
The southern states have nearly
seven-tenths of the forested area of
the United States, the remaining
three-tenths being on the western
coast The vast area of this land
tal iuipoi tance that present elestrue
v. continue,
if they do, the land will soon be re
ccJ tQ More tb one
luurm 01 mis Mjutueru lorest area
already been stripped. The
destruction of the remainder is be
ing rapidly accomplished. A con
servative estimate iudicates that
within twenty years, at the present
rate of destruction, the southern
pine will be practically exterminat
ed. For the welfare of the South
as well as lor the benefit of the en
tire country, the forests of the Ap
palachiau region should becom
permanent. The soil will bear no
other crop than trees, and with
these removed the mountains be
come a menace, their wasnable soil
heing quickly carried into the
streams by the heavy rains, caus
ing floods anil failing water-power,
while the soil, silt, boulders, and
debris fill up and choke the dams
rivers and harbors
Within the past ten years an era
of manufacturing activity has been
established in the South. For
many years the Southern states
wr satisfied with agricultural su
ijJicuiacy; aim cotton, rice, sugar
and tobacco, sold to outside manu
liactunng interests, supplied the
I revenues which snrmnrteil her non
' ' r
ulation. Suddenly the South awak
enea to tne lact mat, with uer lacil-
" 'or generation ol etieap
electric power from her many
Streams, the cotton crop could be
manufactured at home and the pro
fits of manufacturing would remain
in the community. To day, in the
Carolinas and Georgia over $40,-
ooo.ooo are invested in cotton mills
run by waterpower, generating ov
er 100,000 horsepower, turnine
nearly 3,000,000 spindles, consum
ing 900,000 bales ot cotton each
year, with a manufactured output
exceeding $70,000,000. Over 6o,
000 people are employed in these
mills, and more than 240,000 per
sous are supported by their earn
The continued regularity of the
flow of a stream depends absolute
ly upon the preservation of the for
est covering of the mountain slopes
upon which it has its source. A
forest floor is covered with a thick
deposit of leaves, branches, and de-
1 laying vegviauie luuuer, anu usual
. .11 .
p ant li e. wbicli act as a sixmos to
a m . r a..
. h
1 v a iv is aa 1 1 uviu a ti v tuuiivii. a 1 1 v. it 4
test covering suieius anci protects it
j .'it. . . ..
from .lir.rt rav,nf,i,- . ,
the force of the wind, and thus
evaporation is reduced to a mini
mum. With the forest removed,
the falling rains soon wash away
lne covering 01 vegciaDie matter as
well as the soil which underlies it,
and nothing now checks the tor
rents in their downward rush to the
sea; streams and rivers are quickly
filled to overflowing, only to sub
side to extreme low water after the
floods have ceased.
If vou want a g'Mxl Talcum Powder,
call for the "Velvet Talcum Powder," at
the HiHjboro Pharmacy.
The parcels post advocates, we
understand, will try to convince
one and all that the passage of such
a measure by congress will benefit
aud assist the country merchant, in
stead ot hurting him. If they will
now show us how the paiclcs f ost
will injure and demoralize the cata
logue houses, a great light will
break in on every country village,
hamlet and town. Oregon Trades
man. Try one of those l'7 New Morrow
Coasters at R. Lee Sears' Picycle Shop.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Well Written Advertisement
n.i f fi, most attractive
lr written announcements
has appeared in The Independent
for a long time is that of the I
land Business College, printed
where in this issue. The heading
is strong and artistic, the wording
cleancut and impressive. Send lor
the catalogue mentioned in the ad
vertisement. It is i beautiful pro
ditrtinn that tells all about
school and its splendid work.
No educational institution in
Northwest is better known than
Portland Business College. Its biadir.po'uti1.Ul,luUirprtjll.
i r r A P Arnwtrotur dice against ! l',lu "peratiuns, pro.
principal, Trof. A. Armstrong. of gljl)Uin nc(
nas been engageu in muum v..
his life, and has an enviable reputa
tion as an educator. He knows the Tui nation list Utug.kej frequent
reauirements of employers of office y 0( jute in reUtion u the launching of
help, andean prepare any willing
aiuucut to uicci ukui.
.... . . . ...
in this commercial ag. m
... t:
Business is monarcu oi ail ue sur
veys. Opportunities are not want
ing for those wno are property
qualified. A course in the Portland
t....:.. rti-.T -111 nrare .n
UUMU "... t.-r -
young man or woman 101 wu.a
for work in
the commercial worm, ana resun
a position that will render the in
vestment of time and money in a
business education the most profit
able that can be made.
Mr. Armstrong received twenty
seven applications for office help the
first week in Julv, tnirty-two tne
second week, and they are still
"pourinz in" at the rate of from five
iu ciKui caiu u-y.
la, a
There is absolutely no question
about a position for any young man
or woman wno is quanneu to ao
a a . 1 .
bookkeeping, shorthand and type
writing work with accuracy and a
moderate degree of rapidity. The
college has received not less than
1000 calls for such help during the
last year, and now bas applications
, , ..a- 1 .1.
from four different points in the
f ,
Pacific Northwest, and personal and
telephone calls are so lrequent as to
be positively annoying. Write for
a catalogue. -
Visiting cards owe their origin to
the Chinese, who from the earliest
mnn. in th mMto, r.ro; ll
J " " f"'1"
The cards which they used for this
purpose were large and coloted a
bright red. When a Chinaman de
sires to marry his parents communi
cate the fact to a professional match-
maker, who at once runs over in her
mind the eligible young women of
her acquaintance and selects the
one she thinks will make the most
fitting bride. She then makes a
call on the young woman's parents,
armed with the prospective bride
groom's card, on which are written
his ancestral history, name and the
date of his birth. If the suit is ac
ceptable the bride's card is sent in
return; and if the prophecies for the
wedding are good the particulars of
the engagement are written on two
large red cards and sent to the
friends of each family.
Mr. Ferguson, two of whose down
town friends had just dined with
him, had taken them into the library
for a smoke, according to the New
York Sun. "I must tell you a good
one on my wife," he said. ''She's
been roasting me because I look at
the headlines in the papers once in a
while to see if anything important
is happening in the Thaw trial.
Well, the other afternoon, while
the girl was away, she put a pan of
biscuits in the oven to bake, and
while she was waiting she picked up
a paper and begun to read the stuff
herself. She got so interested in it
that she let the biscuits " At this
moment Mrs. Ferguson came into
the library for a book. "And the
joke -"of it was," continued Mr.
Ferguson, without a moment's
pause, "that they found the cow
next morning in a forty acre lot."
"Ha, Ha. Ha!" roared the guests,
laughing till the tears ran down
their cheeks but not at the story.
OAA Bu choice home in
Is.'UVf HiiUboro; corner, J block.
la'ge nearly new house; fenced, and will
make an Ideal home; three-minutes
walk to the postoffica, one to the depot ;
1,(X down, balance on time. This
place ia worth 12.500; own.r non-resi-denL
For particulars inquire at The
Independent office.
K1 Mympio Hour la the beet yon can get
l S. II. Greer t.
ort -
He Saysth Southsra p,elfio H
Absoluts' No Conssetien With
th.Till-"9" R. Project.
Has Kdward II. IUrrimsn, because of
the Lriti,.i(iul f M method, of conduni
the trannportstiu Utilities in Oregon, and
... territl)rv tbrouu iru.tej
- liv
new railroal pwjecu, n, particularly
in coniiw'iiu - ui me r-acinc
. v,.i.t .,n r, ... . .
luuimr " "nmiiY, wmcn
. . . l.onIlriK.t.,d (rom ii:,,., ,
- xillamook ml Astoru, i,h otDer
- 1 bmnch lines to tap tiie rich and vet un
i i .. .. i ..
tombed territory vi me coant. Since
the firnt movtuui eurm was turned
v on ' J'.' iw . w way iprcul
'.:.. .... ,;i ; ,. ,.....
... . ... ...
in i,,,,. wai bring derireil.
- E. Lvtle,preid.-ot0f thecompanr,
w ho gained a point um older railroad
men because ol bit I'fuintency In con
structing the Colmnbii Southern, ap
peared ax head of tli rnterprine from
its incipiency, taking over the grade
started bv thedetunct I'ort'tml. Nehal-
em j, Tillamook Railrotd Company. In
a iurpriHiiigly ihort time connection
' ll,e Qr"t ''"I '""i " the
I rifcf.ni. UI VWUJ flllttiv auukUCI U I HClUCt
, . . . . rtlmnF
t,mt ,,arriui,m , i,ller(),tej in ,be
Soon after, when construction was
well along and equipment wn needed,
several cars were purckued, sliich bore
the while initials of tlit Oregon Short
Line. The letters wers obliterated and
the initials changed to P. It. & N. At
the same, time the only locomotive
"K1'1 ,,,r ""' llillsboro and
Buxton, to which polnlthe west end of
, ' . ... . . .
the road has been completed and ia In
olH)ratioi, wa formerh h property ol
the Northern IViflo. t
By some h theSonthern
ra-ilic hM uiBl,lay'"' '.iendliness for
1 the new roim irom mot,
fact was taken to iodirnte local Harrl-
mim oiliciaU had more tlmi a passing
interest in the connection. It was
...1 .. .!... .l-.i.itA tlit. iimnv 1'i.i.ra
lH"m . . ' '
the llurriman interwts Have held sway
over the Oregon territory, no move bad
been mane toward reaching the coast,
and particularlv'tli Tillamook country,
which is regarded the richest of the
stretch from tha Columbia river south
to Humboldt Pay.
Keporta from time to time of the al
leged purchase of I lie Astoria A Colum
bia Uiver railroad t the Hill interests,
which finally culminated in the sale,
were other reasons signed for Harri-
man's desire to tap Western Oregon in
that locality, and since the success of
the P. 11. A N. sudertaking has been
ansureJ from the manner in which
construction has wn cameo, on, anu
that no expense M tanj spared to get
the beBt possible li". tbe Harri man
relationship gaineJ "treiigth in public
In rebuttal of the popular assumption
is the denial of Mr- 1-Vtle, who asserts
emphatically that Harriman has not
one penny invested in the company,
either as a first hoUcr of the bonds or
any of tho stock. When asked for an
explanation of the presence of O. K. A
X. equipment on le roa.i and the build
in of a connection t Hillsboro by the
Southern Pacific. Mr. Iytle made the
following statement:
"Flat carl porch! for the P. R. A
N. bore the name ol me u. H, L. They
were purchased through A. J. McCabe.
local railway et)U'rmo'it dealer, and
when the orJor w placed with him,
I understood the c were soon sold to
him br the Oregon bort Line. But il
that is any reason !y Mr. Harriman it
interested in tbe roan, whv is It not
equally true that Mr. Mill has a share,
when it is known tnsi uie tlrst locomo-
it .
tive secured i"""" irom tne
orthern Pacific
"Regarding tii connection between
the Southern 1 '"'"lc "' faclBc
Kailway A Navigation Company at
liillsboro, it i '"own fact that
arrangements t " connection were
started bv the oCcial ol the Portland,
Nehalem A Tilln"J"k' which corpora
tion later disorgnni'1 and I pnrchased
the right of way '"r distance of Un
miles from lli!"",,r"- I tie Southern
Pacific was Meed to provide a connec-
- 1
tion, because ' covers that
point. Ho influence was necessary to
get iu Therefor. ' has no significance
as relating to lr- "larriman having
holdings in tbe P. ' X-
"As to the money, that is furnished
by the 1'nion Tr,,,t Company, ol San
Francieco. Io PI, ol that state
mant, I can refef n.Tone who is Inter
este.1 to the record ol Multnomah,
Washington, Ti'k and Columbia
counUee, wherein i shown the filing o(
a mortgage in the sum ol t.'i.OUl.lVO, to
which the Pacific Kailway A Navigation
Company and the I'niou Trust Cum
paor are parties. The mortgage we
tiled after construction bad breu started
on the line, and tbe first work, '.'0 wiles,
was pushed with money from my per
sonal account.
"Now, as to who bas tiie boud sat
present, is a matter in which I am not
concerning myself, nor do I care. Tbe
bond are on the open market to be
bought by anyone having the price.
Perhaps Haiiltuau, Hill, Morgan, Rock
efeller or Uould have them. I do not
"If Mr. Harriman has taken the
bond from the Union Trust Company it
would make no difference. The Union
Trust Company has obligated itself to
furnish the money, and it is the busi.
nest of its ollicials where they sell the
bonds to reimburse themselves. The
stock is in my name, and no one else
bas an interest in it further than those
who are member of the board of direc
tors, from which the executive otlicers
are alio elected.
"The fact that the Southern Pacific
ba a connection with our line mean
that road will get the business of haul
ing products of the Tillamook country
and intermediate territory until such
time a other road are built from Port
land to Hlllsboro, when it ia probable
the buaine will be divided. The
Southern Pacific would naturally be
pleased to ihoulder the expense of build
ing tbe connection in order to secure the
haul on that etuff.
"At tha same time it was possible for
the P. It. A N to connect with the
Northern Pacific at Scappoose, and
when the entire system is completed
such a relationship will undoubtedly ex
ist, for we will have deliveries to make
to both Hoe and if they can be expedit
ed by way of Scappoose, it is to our in
terest to form a connection.
"Tbe coast country ia not any richer
today than it wa when the Portland,
Xehalem A Tillamook interest attempt
ad to tap it, and yet it ia not laid Mr.
Harriman ha the bond and it i hi
money that I building the road. He
doe not own it and will not operate it.
That I certain. I cannot lathom the
reaentinent against Mr. Harriman.
"For the past few years a hue and
cry ba been carried on that Mr. Harri
man would do nothing for the develop
ment ol the state. He has been accused
ol drawing millions from Oregon traffic
and putting none back In tin shajie of
new work. Now. if he see fit to build
new line under tbe direction ol other,
for example, the Pacific Kailway A Nav
igation Company, why should the rest
dent ol Oregon object? His money will
go a far a any other, and I don't un
derstand the antagonism. What we
want in Oregon is more railroads. It is
immaterial who build them, o long as
the isolated region are given proper
transportation facilities.
"One reason why it is' assumed I am
acting for Mr. Harriman is because he
purchased the bond of the Columbia
Southern after it had been demonstrat
ed the line wa bound to prove profit
able.. The firt 27 mile of that under
taking were built with money furnished
bv a number of person. Subscription
ranged a high as $1XM), and it wa on
ly by the hardest effort that enough
wa ecnred to complete it to the 27-mile
point. Some experienced, reilroader
declared the road would never pay, and
they tried to how the Central Oregon
country could not furnish uliicient traf
fic to bring dividends.
"Mr. Harriman purchased the bond
after the 27 mile were in ojeration.
rPnntinued on Last Page. '
wr.- r -T-r -r - v. . v ,rx y t". t tza 1 jjk bi r m m,ur 1
8 Intro's. 4
& fniT?,K.Hr$
rvl Kr hpf tr made. N
Kj guarantee goes wi
th every pair.
is the fin
b3 Prrthinf mtitUv carriel
est in
nf a
'ft ImmeaM sale .nH it p
Not bop worn article in t
aN rr.. ti Reliable C
Teachera' Wages Have Inereaae)
Total Number of School Chil
siren in the County, 8,097.
The Superintendent's Annual
School Report for the year ending
June 17, 1907, shows an increase
over the preceding year of 130 pu
pils in the school population of the
county and of Jf 102 7. 50 in the
amount of county school funds ap
propriated. , Teachers' wages have
increased from an average of $49.75
to $55 9 for male teachers, and
from $41.14 to $44.14 tor female
teachers. The amouut of county
school fund apptopriated was, as
given below, $36,884.59 or (there
being 6097 school children) $6.05
per capita.
Kxtracts from the annual school
report show the following:
Number of persona between
four and twenty vear of
age residing in the county
Male ,
Number of day attendance
during the year
Average daily attendance. . ..
Number of schools visited dur
ing the year bv the county
Averuge length of time involv
ed in each visit
2 hour
Number of mile traveled in
performance of official dut
ie during the year about 2500
Cash on hand June 18, 1900. . 'M',H:t 08
Heceived from county treasur
er from district Ui 112570 'J3
Kecelved from county treasur
er from county school
fund 3CH84 69
Received from county treasur
er from state school fund.
Received from rate bills and
Kecelved from sale of bond
and warrant
Received from county treasur
er from lit aryfund
Received for library from oth
er source
Received for insurance on ac
count of loese
10341 10
410 0.1
1775 00
1 78
110 48
08 42
Educate for ucces in a hort time and at mall expense, and send each eta
dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality ia our motto, and rrrraUtlon lor
thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in
struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the
voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier la our shorthand;
easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forma and penmanship free
write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper In Portland.
There's a lot
in a shoe which
w a
wear, needs only ioiiflii to "l.ook
like new." You 11 find comfort,
ease and profit in the
Hamilton-Brown Shoes
your children
will want somtthing pretty and good. Come and
see ou
School Shoes
o better can ba mad.
line ol
tbe count.
-to-dtOrocrr Iloase. Our
i ole lor as vy carry airicuy iwi
be ertatJiabiaewt.
Grocery and Shoe Store
Received from other source. . 617 M
Total receipt 77009 M
Paid fur teacher' wage 4H213 )S
Paid for rent of room and site ' 26 00
Paid for fuel and school sup
plie 307 M
Paid for repair and improv
ing ground 2023 11
Paid for new school houe
and site 24oli M
Paid on principal and interest
of bond and warranU.... 4896 CO
Paid fur iuurs.e 138 ft
Paid for clerk (alary 1200 94
Paid for library book 140 93
Paid for all other purpose. . . 3341 33
Total disbursements oG141 08
Cash ou hand June 17, 1907. . IO808 48 v
One effect of the new law which
limits the hours of labor in railroad
telegraphy is to create a demand for
about 6000 new operators, and thi
supply is far short of this.
She handed in a check payable to
Susan II. Smith. The cashier, who
was a German, noticed that she had
endorsed it Susan Smith, and gave
it back with a polite "You haf for
gotten the 'II.'," Overcome with
confusion, she murmured, "Excuse
me," and wrote below the endow
ment, "Age J3," Lippincott'a
In July brightly shine the uo,
These day we'd rather walk than run.
And cool soft drink, ice cream and
Appreciated very much.
So come with wife, iweetheart or frleud
Or come alone for we intend
To iuit you all though want may vary
At Paluiktoer' Confectionery.
L. J. Palmatbkb, Prop.
To Contractors.
Bids will be received by the
County Court of Washington Co.
Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m., on
the 8th day of August, 1907, for
the construction of a bridge across
Scoggin creek, near the residence
of Thomas Sain. Specifications
may be seen at the office of the
county clerk. Right is reserved to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the County Court.
County Judge.
Perhaps you need a bracer-
something that will give you ener
gy, life and ambition. A sugges
tion try I. W. Harper whiskey.
Sold by F. K. Cornelius. Adv.
of Satisfaction jfl
after month a ot S
I'f.uri f