Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 19, 1907, Image 4

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    filllsboro Independent.
D. W. HATH, Publisher.
' This tajr is not foiveJ uon
anyone. It it nut our raclii' w wp
papers ontil ordered to do ao. Anyone
not wishing tlie aer inunt notily tiia
publisher or they will be lieia iiauie n
Ike tuueoriplloa price.
Entered at the Poatofflee at Hill
horo, Oregon, for transmlitlon mromB
the ieJl3 u tecond-clMt mall matter.
Official Paper of Washington County.
Republican in Politic.
4bvebtihi.no Katks: Hiplay, W) cirnt
an inch, untfle column, lor lour Inser
tions; readm uolire, one cent a word
each Inaertluu (notlilnic ! than 15
emits) : irifenunal curd, one Inch, f I
a iiioiuh ; Mp vanls, 5 a year, paya
ble quarti-rlv, (notices and lesolutiout
Iree to auver lining
for those who were
him to zo aboard
M. Peterson, of the McNutt
Real Estate Co., of Cornelius, was
in the city yesterday.
R. V. Hoyt ami family are send
ing a few weeks with his relatives
in Hillslxjro.
The families of Win. Schulruer
ieh and Mr. Ilurkbalter left last
Monday for a two weeks' outing at
O. W. CopDinji, of I'A'ho, went
to that place ten yems ago without
oiiitnlm n nue. This vear be
will Vinrvpst 2.100 acres of wheat,
This is but a sample of what en
t.Ttiri and mish will do in Ore
- The penalty for transporting
game outside ot Oregon for sale,
etc., isa fine from $100 to 500 and
imprisonment; for violation of game
laws, $15 to $500, for hunting
without a license, a fine, of $25 to
$100 aud imprisonment.
H. K. Haines, of this city,
week left at this office a branch on
which was hanging some twenty
or thirty as fine Bing cherries as
ever grew in this state or any oth
er. They were large as walnuts,
perfect beauties and as good to eat
as they were pleasing to the eyej
Forty dollars per ton for ice is a
pretty stiff price for congealed lux
ury, but that is the price asked for
ice iu this place this, summer. An
Ice plant in Hillsboro would be a
gold mine for some one, even if the
price dropped to one cent or less
per pound, as there is a good field
Jo draw fioni.
Justice Wright of the supreme
court of the Distrist of Columbia to
day authorized the admission to bail
of Mrs. Auuie M. Iiradley under ir
dictment on the charge of murder
ing Former United States Senator
Arthur Brown of Utah, iu the sum
of $15,000.
Vice-President Fairbanks has
been charged with beiug "stuck
up" and "as cold as an iceberg,"
but during his stay in Astoria and
Portland he was fonnd to be
genial and jolly, and the newspaper
bovs of Portland made his stay in
the Rose City very pleasant.
A citv can prosper only as the
country which supports it prospers.
The wonderful prosperity of Ore
gon is reflected In the building re
cotd of Portland for the six mouths
ending June 30th. This city led
the 34 principle c ities of the country
in the percentage of the increase in
building over the same period of
last year, with a gain of 78 per
cent, Corvallis Times.
anxious to see
the train, but
made his way to the platform as
soon as the cars stopped, lie ap
peared most cordial, and was parti
cularly attentive to a number of
1.: Kfnod near the
wuiaiugiutu " "
rrowd. endeavoring to reacn uiru
ir- ..!. it his business to snanc
hands with them, seemingly desir
ine to eradicate the impression
to his exclusiveness.
Articles of incorporation were fil
ed with the county clerk yesterday
William Bazlev. Sr.. Wil-
liam II. Sagley and oeorge
Bagley associate themselves togeth
er as The Baeley Co.. for the pur
pose of engaging in the business of
purchasing and selling real ana per
sonal property, owning, operating
and cultivating farms, production of
hops, grain and other farm pro
ducts. The capital stock: is piaceu
at 10.000! shares at the par value
ol$i each. The principal onice 01
th mmmnv will be located in
- t
The assertion recently made by
a public speaker that many men
who go to the legislature spend
their time trvine to pass laws to
" V
meet particular troubles which they
have experienced is too true. Their
personal grievances or selfish am
bitions warp their their judgment
or narrow their views. Too many
men who go to the legislator?
want a separate game law, a separ
ate fish law. a separate stock law
and a fence law, for their respec
tive counties. They are unwilling
to be governed by a general statute,
but want their own counties ex
ceDted in one wav or another. As
a resnlt our statutes upou such sub
jects are an interminable tangle.
The August number of the Woman .
Home Companion ia primarily an a l
.torr numberim-l. " th
twelve indi-.peu.able departments that
appear in each i-...-. The m-on-l in
.Ulmentol Anthony Mo,'. e ove
., 1 Menu's I'ath," appear, in tin.
and all Ibe other ticlio.i loim-a
ilia atmidard of Mr.
Arnold the contributor, are Anne Hani-
illon Donuell.autliorof "Kebecca .Mary
May Label Fiak, In one ol her in one u(
her inimitable monologue. Zona 1 nibs
Clinton PamerfielJ. Mary W.lholmuu
Hasting and Jeannette .oo,r. v.m
. , t .i.v..td to the vaca-
tion problem. d !' Kvurett ,,H,e'
u-r,,rt V.. Kamr.ter. Anna Slee.e Kicb-
ardson and the F.ditor all ttive aon.e ad
mirable vacation iinse.tlona. The ii.im
be, is elaborate pictorially with a double
..I nhotuirraph. of children of roy
altyaud ol other proininet people and
their pet ponie. and liiuairauoi..
uch well kuown illuMtrator aa K. I
tou Steven. Blanch (Ire-rand Herman
. . a . i t A
Heifer. The article 01 greaiem
10 moat women in the August nuuilr
i. contributed by lirace tiould, tlie faiih
ion editor, ou the cominir fall and win
ter faahioin. At this very early date
Mia tiould has aecured authentic infor
mation on tint mi.jett iliruiitfl tbe ex-
ceplio.alc0.,w.lijIli;wi"' "'!"a,M
Home Coi.ipoiull hMtpW mad-in all
the great fa.hi,,,, 4.eIlWrt. TUU
will prove to b, ol the feu'rl 1"" '' "
interent. Mr.. Sante. J Ki' l'ar,U"n
continue their talk, witb t'1" Xlr.U'
uie Farmer tell, iiuaf tl)aa't'"'l,l'l'zl"
ll.ijie' novel. I picnic .luhe., anj Kvt,, Par."U con
tribute aeverul altrait" lU""K"" ,
aiimmer eiubrgidory. tl"l'lre" ''
pauea are entertaining U uul-
, To the Ladies.
I have something new this
A l-alnt,,.. Bkta
A friend ou ,.nterl ,tud, ,f
Georgo IntieH, the kweTica ,an'1"
oan palnt. r, while W va at v'orlt
and reiuarki-d that tW Plt-ture on lua
eaael aeemed to uim nnf0 better than
frrtaln former work' of the art,st
"KlKht:" auld inneM. "This Is eotns
to be one of my best tbl"Bs. B,'d the
reuaon U that I have iA ,he sooA ,uclc
to brenk my rlKht armnl am obliged
to pulut with Uly bund. You see,M
bo udded. Hhowlii bl rltfht band la a
allng. "thla hand had tweom" ao darneJt
clever that I coukl not f'ltl'n UP wlth
It. and It painted aT wltiout nw,
while thla hand" bo'1" tfie ,,?ft
with which he held hit brunh ls awk
ward and can du nothing without me."
Painters & Paper Hangers
week in Ladies'
Aprons, Muslin
White Waists,
and Knit Un-
derwear, Hosiery, Hose Support
ers and Corsets. The R. & G.
Corsetinallsizes, white and drab.
I still have a lew TRIMMED NATS,
which will be sold VERY CHEAP.
Mrs. I. Bath. m
11'uj-vimt.iu 4Litiuni, im YJk
Paiuls, Oils, Varqisf
Last May, Thos. Howe, the
breeder of fancy dugs, entered A
C. Shute's a-yeat-old pointer dog
Don Harold, in the Kennel Show
in Portland, and he has proven
prie wiuncr in every class. The
animal secured two first prizes and
three medals; a stiver cup for the
best novice dog, another for the
Dest pointer dog in Oregon and
three medals as awards in the point
er class.
Regular Correspondent.
The niuHic pupils of Mia Alice Cle
ment gave a recital lant Thuriday after
Lawrence Liyengood and family have
moved to McMinnville.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Abderaon are en
joying a two weeks vacation at 8eaalde.
J. 8. Clement is having a new barn
erected on till farm In South Beaverton.
V. F. Deaainger ia the contractor in
Mil. Oatitt Hedge is viiitliig with Mis.
Ella Teftt.
F. W. Cady and family viaited rela
tives In Portland laat Sunday."
Henry Zimmerman, engineer at the
Hour mill, bad the misfortune to have
one of bii toe. di. located laat Monday.
J. O. Kuenzi, who is working at Oak
Grove, spent Sunday at home.
Mies Moulin ia enjoying a vi.it from
her mother, who reaidet at Vancouver,
M. P. Cady and wife spent Sunday at
Uladatone Park attending Chautauqua.
Mia. Lillian Evans ia working at tbe
poatofllce during tbe absence of Mr. An
deraon and wile.
Aunt Sallv.
Scholia and Mountain Bide.
Krgular Corra.pond.nt.
Mi.. Lucy Woolfe of Perrydale ia vis
iting her aiater Mrs. F. A, Miller.
Our village black.mith ha. changed
hi. location from North Scholl. to South
Haying la in full blast at this present
writing. Hav seems to be a good crop
on Mountain Side.
. I.. Steels was taken very sick
while at the conference which was being
held at lorvallis, gave out while preach
ing. He was taken to a nearby house
and attended by his son Raphael. We
understand that they have taken him
over to his daughter's, Mrs. Grace Law
rence, at Etna, Wash.
Mrs. Walter Pro.oer went la.t Satur
Jay to Hill.boro to help take care of her
mother, Mrs. Landros.
Ell Evans and wife were over on
vi.it from Newberg la.t Sunday, at C,
11. Urooks.
All work guaranteed to give
ished. Refiuishing of House,
Trotupt and satisfactory service,
satisfaction. Estimates furn
Store and Office Furniture.
Vour patronaee is solicited.
Shop opposite Dr. Tamiesie'i residence on Main street.
Headquarters for New Era Paints, Varnish
1 11 t .
anil liriittiii'N. ;
The "Pull" and the Jek,
PrshieM men are constantly being
p(l"4d by young men who seek poet
tli.i IhrouKb letters of recommenda
tion, often In the form of personal re
quo.ts from fellow bualneaa men. One
nay well question whether theae let
ters hare any great "pulling" power
tiftiT nil. Tho Saturday Evening Post
tell of Htich an Instance. After being
very politely dbtmlMsed by several
ii;i!ini;ern w'th the stereotyped eiprea-'
vhm that tliere waa not a vacancy at
prefer t, the young man tore up the let
tm nod went back to the pluce laat
"Wbnt can I do for you now?" the
mnnnr asked In an annoyed tone.
, "Pii-rton me," said the young man,
"but I've Juxt torn up those letters.
OiiiM you fflvo me a job on my own
Tint malinger looked amused and
Mlil: 'Wo need a young fellow to clp
rntlj(ft tn the machine shop at $4 a
wool'. If you like, you ran have that
tinfi'. jviuiothlng better turns up."
"Vph, rliV replied tbe Job hunter
Tir. teudy now."
If vou want a good Talcum I'owder,
call for tbe "Velvet Talcum Powder, "at
tbe Hillnboro Pharmacy.
Special iricea for Swellaud'. Ice
('renin fur purlieu, socials, etc., at Wa'k-
er h.
Try one of those 1907 Mew Morrow
Co:iHtcra at K. I ee Sears' Bicycle Shop.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction.
School Ollicoi s of Washington Co.,Orcgon, for tho Year Beginning
Juno 17,11)07. Arranged hy Sii)t. AI. C. Case, Hillsboro.
A letter from J. C. Greer, who is
now located at Hillynrd, Wash.,
says that he and his wile are as well
aa usual. He is taking treatments
for paralysis and his physician is
hopetul of m permanent cure. Mr.
Greer thinks that lie will receive
help, but to think that a permanent
cure is in More lor him is a belief
altogether too good to take much
stock in, but he is hopeful, and his
Hillsboro fi tends w ill certainly wish
that he may receive the benefits
his physician predicts.
Vice President Fairbanks passed
through Hood River Wednesday on
his way home, atcr his visit to the
coast, and was given an impromptu
reception on the arrival of hi train,
by number of Hood River citi
zens. Mr. Fairbauksdid not wait
put on his
gave a very im
The funeral of Mr. Hatcliffe who died
. II. 1 . . ...
.o.im.ieniyon tlie Nth of this month
wu held la.t Sunday at the houae,
jme. vampneii preaching the sermon
Jirs. Katclifle had the bodr embalmed
and kept it seven days that her son from
L" - 1 .
muni coido. lie was laid to
re.t In tbe Mountainside cemetery and
his grae was beautifully decked with
it at a .
uuwers. ne nad been a soldisr in tbe
civil war and flags were
graye. Mr. Campbell
presaive talk at the grave,
. Hettie.
Long; lUe the King!
is the popular cry throughout Eu
ropean countries; while in Amerl
ca. the cry of the present day is
Long live Dr. King s New Discov-
m, ivinK 01 inroat and Lune
Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia
nu aine, 1 ruro, Mass., says-
It never fails to give immediate
relief and to quickly cure a cough
or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion i
shared by a majority of the inhabi
tants of this country. New Discov
ery cures weak lungs and sore
throats alter all other remedies have
failed; and for coughs and colds it'
the only sure cure. Guaranteed by
all druggists. 50c and 1 1.00. Trial
bottle free.
JO it
2:i jt
2 jt
35 it
3 jt
4! jt
55 jt
(12 jt
7 jt
81 jt
100 jt
lot jt
li3 jt
104 jt
Cha. Itolcomb
II ( Kitch
M N lionhaiii
A Ueverman
O M (ialloway
Kobt 1 homp.on. . .
Peter lioscow
Ixwis Powers
Jos Connell
A liner ilriggs
K X Harding
Kit Herb..
A 0 ('ar.tens
W Vandervelden.
L J Corl
l)uis Wilcox
ieo J J uck
J II Downing
John II Sewell
A W Wright
Win True
II UTigard
Mrs J J Jeppe.on. . . ,
H C Pearwn
Alr n.o Wirth
A T Buxton
W A Johnston
J Millar
Mark Cox
J E Hates
Orant Mann
Joseph P.urgholzer. .
J OtiuHtin
N I. Wilev
I. S liierly
(I A Plietb
A C Wirt
t'has C Clapn)iaw. . .
John Dorland
ltenton Phillip.
Thos II Fairbanks..
I.OUIS hinignn
I I. I.indtay
H U Vincent
A I. Hill
1 ieo M Holt
W W Jaquith
P Kdnner
1 ierhard (loetr.e.. . .
Phillip Kalanch
John Schneider. . . .
Allred iucrber.. .
J K Dallas
M S I'.arnes
A'm L MeTens
rba. Miller
K M XjkU
K'arl llerettren
Ueorge Kieni
.1 1 Northrnp
W K Newell
I II Porter
J A Johnson
Katherine I-ennen. .
f' N Pateman
Hred Iliirgdnrfcr.
I P Ay.lelott I.!
Hans Peteraon
I C Clutter '
r.rwin Hitter
A II (iarrlitus
Win Kelly
D H ltailev "'
C M Sootield...
8 P Hitler
lake Men.inirvr. .
Kreil Perger
W E Shaver.
Mrs ii Williams..'."
Paul Heuai hkel
F W Pribnow
F C Hrn;hol7fr....
Fred linger
. Miller
Otto Parsons
Allert Dethlesa...
W W Parrett
X A (iap.ner
A P Chrixtensen.
John Hchmeltxer.. '
A Vanderwlilon
U Pailev
M L Kolrt...
E J Mendenh.il "'
ha. Thorn pon..!!j
'ir. Alma slur,!,, k
Mrs Adelia tstitt. . . I
IJ C Wilaon
;.Ih MorrlHH.y . . .. .
,!J II Collier
I Adam Jleil
''llenrv David
!lt M "Kyle
.K 11 (ireer
W J lireirg
; K M Mava
Win Hamelinann. . .
,KJ Ward
iM II Parker
V O Inkley
II M Vanderzanden.
Mr Walter Hoge. . .
,T WSain
' .1 C Heard
J.Iobn Caldwell.
, Peter Nelson
JWiii Premuier
jtt'm Chulmers
iC True
J J K Howard
'.Mrs V Nelnun
, Fred Huane
, 1. J Francis
"Henry Scliinale
.!! I. Hill
,,P fl Anderson
, J Lutiimlieid
, . (' F (iraU-1
, iCIihs White
.EC Johnson
Peter (iranat.ky. . .
, jMary lieetz
..J F PetVngill....!
.. Hurry Flint
.. Herman Pehberi!
.. tj wiiii. .;.
. . Chas Ha in ford. . .
. I lohn Hill.
. JJohn Wliite
, Sol Weckert .
. (i S Holiinson. . . ,
,. I. linker. .. .
.. T J Allen
. . C Whltmoro
,.Wm Kavmond. . , '.
, . John Kihlgers. . . .
. . C Chrintiiiger '
. Tony Si nay
.. Otto Seidleman.i.'i
..'Mike Kalm
.. Peter droaHen.
A 1. Ilulconih
M II llenilerxon . . .
t'ba. fr,ii
John Vunliiin
C Holtsmeir
Andrew I viiiiiann. .
V A Hailev
J II Hauler
M C Lincoln
John Hanleluick. . . .
Mrs I J liaymond.. .
Win Moore
E F Willis
II O Carstens
II T Huston
I Maltewin
P M Clark
I I, Morelork
f W Shute
("5 K Parrett
J C CriKker
W R MontKomerv. .
O ChriHtensen
tO Meaclmm
,.'D M Whitroeli. ...
, H M Moore
,,'D II Adanii
. . D Crnirkuhank
..,W E McUllum.:...
. .'Jus Mcdsren
.. Frank llilloke
.. John BorJ
. .1 Anlahr
. . Mrs M o'Ponnell ..
..Maggie Hrickell....
. . Elmer Wright
.. I. M lltfW
. . J M tlverboltzer. . . .
..I 11 Maiwfll
.. 'ieo W Toole
. . Win Joo
.. L L Crawford
.. J W Hen
..IJolin A IM"'
. . V Abeisher
..J W HarnM
.. A L Nfli
.. 1" A MclMiald
. J A llrown
.. 8 Lllollfnbeck
. .;Wm Iln
. . Clifford 1'iion
..l B Cooler
,.1'MK rt-b
I Heruorpon.
. ., ' larger'"
i. S Lames j,,n yuijl0l
Kurk halter J J Krehl
J E I lil'kl'rmin
L D Huldernian,
A Tantiock
John Kienl '
J J Itoliert... .
Miss T N'eweli! '.
Louis Herring. .
Jos Lain I
J as llntchinon "
1 Henry Johnson.
F IP Hurrett. . . .
J T Shearer. ...
J W Howard
l-ee Hin kaliay. !
Samuel Kunz.. .
(Ora Unirigiis . . ',
A II 4 Ollon
.llenrv Huhmar;,;:;;; f 0
J C.Miller
H Wilkini.
C Nelson
'" Hracly
, W Arnicntrout. .
Mr. 0 N Johnson .
P M clod
imtav Tuefel
Kli Smith
W T shearer
J F John
A Ltirebv
Ie,l SiuU
W'm Davis
n Fair
lomii iimrar.
. .llenrv Miller "
, C Yenger
,lNels Joiiiisoij
..Joaepli 8ax .......
Jihn Woell
J W Johnson
Carl Loreti..'" "'
Priee WiUon
J Cowman. .
Otto Wohler.!"'--
Samuel Short!
J P Young ''
Skk Kemmer.
Amlrew Fuller..'.'"
J'i Fgo '"
Theo Hernards.
Carl (irihner
E J l'.onliu
Wm Morrins
K L Sharp... '
jW C Heater. ...""
John r.elli.li
C V I '.loom
Pw Hull
i-'olin Berg"
IH Schini.lt........
II H l.-kwrn! ...
" J Christensen. . .
Mritj Iler
'Arrive Csmpbell. .
II W T.vlor
w t'rotlier
J C ( ninniings . . .
0 Hristnw
''nilrew Freedeen. .
'nh n Cox
"ia Kent!'
All u-iill
?. Hanef
w T Hnoerg. . .
f I. Turner
Unrw as.
M M Mead.........
C W Kitch
EC Miillov
M W Marnh
J Ynndeliey
1'brin Si hindler
It P Collins
Chris I'etiM'Hiiu
W I. Hatchelder....
F 1 1 Mmirv
H II Wahl
llenrv u'np
li M Banks
Matliew King
A (I Hoffman
A Knox
D M Mclunia
M K Denny
W It Cute
C II Ilolznag. l
J J 8mitli
S Stein
David Iegler
(' C NelHon
Henry Bogo
Jolin Nvberg
John Ihrig
H Turner
It N Sproat
Jas Berrv
P Patten
P II Simpson
D O'lMnn-il
W 11 Da via.
iott!eib Hchaad
J J Yonkleek
Otlo Mever
J C Iiafferty
A T Huker
C Hall
ieo FiMhcr
A T Cole
W II Mctormick...
C Kocher
ieo W Stitt
M Baker
E Hcin.i'ii
John I loaton ...... .
Win Buiii'Neiii
Carl Phi hi
P A Keiuel
S M TntiNtall
David Wenger
.1 11 Turk
1 1 .N 1 llOlllllS
II Bi ige
t) West roll ,
M p Avrcs
A L Nelson
.1 II kitttcrnian
C Dod'tHon
S Shot well
Jos Beifenriitli
Frank Miller
Anderson Hutchixon
John llciflcr
("Iins Bucher
T Berry
Jas Cuinniing
(ieo Boland ,
Aiulrew II eck 111.1 u. .
W C Ingles
John Holm ,
Chns Krahuier
Fred SchoHold
Frank Weim-nluick .
Sam Ormliiff
John Tracksel
It I. Schechln
Win Williams
P ChristeiiHen
1 1 Hunger. ...
Carl Her
J P. Moreback
K C Francis
I' J Clark
D B Biho
A V fjinlilin
It I. (irillitlis
It K Pattoti
I0I1 11 Davis
W A Hermans
Fred Cireer.cr
Iari.lt Hazlttt
Mrs E A tiill
I I. Kruse
N D Heauvert
A HenU
Addrs of CUk NO.
I Hillsboro, R 1 71
Cornelius 175
I-aurel I'M
, Cornelius, R 1 73
Forest (irove. R 1 40
Portland, R 2 Ul
'Hillaboro 620
Hillsboro, R 3 52
Hillsboro, HI 50
Dillev 10tf
kiaston 68-42
IGreenville 79
(ireenville, R 2 84
Forest;(irove, R2.... ' 02
jForeHt Orove 643
(iuBton, R 1 80
lllillsboro, R 2 72
Beaverton, R 1 7H
hillsboro 71
Sherwood, R 3 33-33
.Cornelius, It 1 71
slierwood, R 3 S9
; Beaverton, R 1 XM
Bacona , 21
Cornelius, R 2 34
Tualatin 127-12s
Forest U rove. R 1 . . . . 05
;tiaston, R 2 60
; Reed villa 3
i Sales Creek 84
Hillsboro 39
(iaston, R 1 ,. 27
Cornelius, R 2 45
Buxton '-"O
Sherwood, R 3 32-11
Kex 08-12
Beaverton, R 3 04
Sherwood, R4 03
Mountaiodale 04
Forest Grove, R 1 . . . . 42
Hillsboro, It 3 4U
(ireenville, R2 60
Sherwood, R 6 65
Uurel 13-13
Sherwood, R 3 40
Beaverton 271
Uurel. R 1 25
Albion 25-14
Uurel, HI 07
Mountaindale 18
Cornelius, R 2 60
Cornelius, R 2 51
Hillsboro, R4 118
Hillsboro, R 1 70
Kist 22 8
Beaverton, R 2 60
Hillshnro, R 2 42
Cornelius, R 1 35
'Beaverton, R 3 , 33
SrapiKJose, R 1 23
Portland. R 2 58 60
(ireenville, R 3 47
(iaston, R 2 34
(.aston, R 1 48
Portland, R 2 60-5.'i
Cornelius, R 1 12
(ales Creek 21
Mountaindale 11
(ireenville, R 1 21
Buxton 104
Sherwood 23
llolbrook, R 1 107
(ireenville, 112 00
Buxton 32
Cornelius, R 2 43
Buxton 20
I.Vedville 34
Uurel 35
Hillsboro, R 4. 7
Oswego. 11 1 30
Galea Creek 17
Hillsboro, R 3 44-37
(ireenville, HI 24
Timber 00
Sherwood 137
IlillsUiro, R 5 47
(ireenville, R 1 47
S.ghers 21
Newberg. R2 38-5
Beaverton, R 3 28
Hillsdale. R I 40
Sherwood, R 3 38
Forest Grove, R 2.... Ill
Buxton 21
Forest (irove, It 1 ... . 37
Newberg, R3 40-10
Sherwood, R 1 3-9
Sherwood, R 2 61.6
Hillsdale, R 1 92-12
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Shingles, Lime,
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Plaster. Sand.
Will meet Port land prices
At till t linos.
Climax Milling Co.