'! Rillsboro Independent D. W. - BATH, Publisher. This parr u not furced anyona. It I. not our practica to ittop pa tier nntil ordered to do ao. Anyone not wishing tha paper muHt notify publisher or they will be held liable the u inscription price. Commissioners' Froceedinjra. Hoard met In regular monthly session this 3rd dav of July. Keport of r.. Uoduaan, county clerk, approve! cipts, 10C.L'5. Tba Scholia bridue. built by 1. lteasoner. was accepted and warrants ordered drawn lor the contract price. The I lolcouib brl.lge and repair ' "on the Ulencoe, Kosa, Keevee and work fol. lock bridtfes, the work performed Clyde Lincoln, was accepted, iienort of Willi Ireland, count r corder, was approved ; receipts I40U.WU. Coroner lirown's report on the death of U. W. Oid approreJ and bills allow ed. as was also the report on the death of John 1-skas, and bills allowed liiila were allow) in the case of State of Oregon y. Kmiiieraon. The warehouse bond of J. I!. I inlay was approved, also the warehouse bonds oliieo. A. lirown and lieo. K. i.agiey. The petition of l'eter Scheriuer have taxes refunded, as the same, : : amounting to $ I -10, was paid twice, was granted and the money ordered refund- Petition of K. H. Tongue for quit claim deed and refund of tux was grant . ed and paymeat of costs, peuultie and Interest to tie relunUeU. liills were allowed in the caxe of the Slate of Oregon vs. . K. Kobinson. The warehouse bond of C. 1!. lluchan an A Co , was approved. The petition of J. W. iliiinel et al., to ; ' change anil estulilisli a road was granted, expense to he paid by petitioners. The road petition of C. True. et. al received and J. W. Pewell, John Dor wick and A. A. Morrill, deputy county surveyor nsined as viewers, to meet al the residence of U. True on Wednesday, July 17, at 10 o cluck a. in., to view aud locate saiil road. The rood jK tition of T. W. Sain el al., was denied. Chris Christiansen was appointed sup ervisor of liouU JMstrict .No. The following hills were audited and allowed : tieall it Co, r and h O K Cooke, r and h W If .Nelson, supplies A B lavis, BMseBHing A col. . . O h Cooke, r and h Iteall A Co, " ConzeluiHri llros, r and h . . . . Mrs I' ti Woodbury, 11 of ex . HUihIih li ice, " Jjiwrence IMxoti, " 1-ee liyers, " (ilass and I'rudhoiiiiue, sta. .. , Heal I A Co, r aud h Thompson llros, r and h . . . - Itushoug A Co, stationery. . . . L'ouzelinan liros, r and li C A Cavil, assessing ami col. . Kosa lloerth, witness II 11 llawley, " W Htoraite A Trans Co, r A h A P Lather, c h Ilea II A Co, r a nil h liriggs llros, r and h , 1) McCamieh, c h Anderson llros, slate enses. . . M C Case, mil, etc W K Harris, iruit iiypectnr. J K Morback, r and k r Willis Iteland, record sal, etc tleo 11 Wilcox, assessor Itarnard A Co, stationery. . . . vw'J W Connell, coroner ,.. f W M Jackson, treasurer V L W House, nulse H J 1'Tainiesie, relief . Delta l)rug Store, relief f AM Collins, janitor I Thomas A MiT.ri.le, cir judge ; City of llillslioro, light, water 't V W Livermore, hriilacs Victor 11 Linilier, relief O W ISames, aHsesHing J 8 I-omung, r and h Ward IXiwi s, assessing D it lteasoner, briilges J 11 llenBiey, r and h , Tom Sain, Bupt sul. W W Lewis, ' A B Todd, Win Cioettleumn, briilties Big Four Lumber Co, bridges. k K U llugey, supt Bill, etc John .McUnui, " IliUslmro Independent, ptg. . V K Ilartrampf, r and h .... 1,257 30 6 20 4 80 27 (10 3 : 24 89 12 15 9 00 ! (10 9 00 9 00 1H HO 10 (10 37 U8 40 .15 40 4;w 00 . 5 (10 6 s0 1 50 1 50 250 50 3 75 3 00 5 00 01 37 23 10 i 15 80 1:l- ro I0t 50 18 50 H 00 50 00 8 00 43 00 4 25 40 00 20 83 22 50 35 28 20 (H) 45 OU 5 00 37 60 1,77714 20 00 IS 75 7 50 20 00 ' 3 60 45 30 104 00 37 50 ltl 25 7 30 10 30 t.lll xu Clyde l.yncoln, bridge W ti Prest'oltasse and col.. K P Brown, r ami h Ole Olsen, r and h John KaBnenbauin, r ami h.. II M Knssell, r and li J W Connell, sheriff J W Connell ex and printing. The Argus Big Four Lumber Co, bridges LJ HolU, Snpt Sul C E bhorev, " ' John A Johnson Supt Sul.... John Bever, ' " .... J K Ihckasun " "... ' F M kelsay, " " .... Thoe Murphy, " ".!!'. 0 W I lines, " " ... j J J Krebs, " " II L Flint ' ..!! K t; Brown, cor' lees lr K II ISrown, iror plivsiciun Thos Lyons, cor wit Tonv Pupa, " " V. II Ureen, " " F F' Murray, " juror. . . . Chas Koberts, ' " . . . . Ileriuan I'amperson ' .... Isaac Ball, cor " U A Kempfer, " " 1 I) Wirth, ' '...! F J Bailey( health otliccr . ! ! W J Itutuer, sul etc John Nyherg, supt sul W Daniels, r and ji C B Bih hnnan, suleti- DrChss limes, relief.... DrWI'Yia " Pete Peterson, " II T I'gley, justice fees V J Bailev', witness Herman Acscbabli witness... W'ard iHiwns, const (its . . . . F'-d Fesler, J P w itness Kd MiCrai'ken, " Thos Ciheeu, ' Wallace Brown " Wm Liptoii, " J II Wem-ott, bridge J II llenslcy. " Herman Burkocr, witness. .. tieo lAlford, ' .... C I. Johnson, juror R Beamish, ' Peter Uotlicb, ' Chas ljiinkin, Wm Nelson, " V. L AblKitt, " K Waggener, tueiil for juror llillslsro Com Bunk r and h II 1. Kosnell biidge J W ticxslin, sal etc i W Hewell, supt sal 'A Buuning, r and h Boys, girls aid society, relief lan leisy, relief Mr. LI wood Haines, relief.. LO Walker, r and h A B Todd, r aud h s, . :H0 00 1H 00 22 75 25 05 38 Ml 225 00 24 10 II 00 H7 05 5 00 7 50 5 00 7 50 17 50 17 00 10 (Hi 7 50 13 i.) 12 21 50 5 00 I 50 1 50 1 50 1 IX) 1 00 1 00 00 1 (HI 1 00 00 Mj 31 20 12 50 ltl t'.u 31 81 24 45 , :to oo 45 00 4 45 1 5t 1 50 1 20 1 50 1 50 1 Mi 1 50 24 148 12 ,09 43 37 50 3 (0 tv. in 25 00 IV 23 00 13 8(i V W Uwi. r and b L C Walker, r and a 1 IV 0iiu Court adjoorned. .nIW J. W.UOODIV County J ud"B- Court Caleadw. a santar Mror lb Clraa" Court M eoo. A. McBrld.. presidios. Follewlat Is ta.co. 1,W.l"d"L.. Jlk.-a,T. for. upon th fur W, IB W asllus. InaulMBt; lasolrsacf i jui 7a rm Soow aa4 I. B. Uuitoa vs IJ UoarM. et al; equity. wmium 148. la th. bbimt ef lb stut of Wllllaa. J porwr, lnsolvaney; lBtolncy. ISA), pnaldsot sad trusUsi of T. . r, , v. B. v st. . Attiufli ror tiui"-'- ' . 17, LeulM Joat Mnia tana. . . . IWW. prwtasot aad trusts of t. . - - Jaa Clark aod wlf; " F """"' w isms, W. H. tyd vs Josame. B. H. Uufhlta aod Tbons Ku. (oroclosur of by ebaole 1 1 a. jul, Amolla Oraur v Bdnaoa umw, ilius. Cyrm M. McKay v PavM r. MsllMSallb; action ror auain. L. A. Mc.Nary vsUoktoa wiuiams. ni the Williams his alfa. at al: forwkisur. 2116. W.tJ. Miller TualaUa Mm i .Kuom far numav. IIU Inni y. VlDMUl V KBKIID t al; partlUon. to IM7 MlallllH K. ITIII: JK.'imr.., txm. Vlnosut lowk v Klcbard Kuio aad W llbslmlD Kasha, eoatlrBiauoa. riM. Itabslla O. Morrow v Andre Bruoo, Biiu KoshlUO. K. IIOUM aud WBWUBS"'- iunlT raraclosur. tiU, TualaUa Acadsmy aad PaelM LBivsrsur va Mort Hallstl: poaamslou ol rl aropsrty. B. M. Ward, dolog bualaws asm Lumbar Co.. vs K. V. Cuwll. i al; roiasu BMChaulo lla. tiV7, H. K. Nobl v J. Arthur Wslroui. i ai uli uuu;l title. 2 J.ihu K. UUlr vs K. P. Cadwsll. l ' foraclusur of lien. iWb, um, W. Klnrvs S. 0. Hu(bi; suit to null ml. J. c. Bill v lito. ecnuimericn, i (uraclosur. ills, John Mama v Jossph Wei till and Ao lout Wtlutl; dtmutl. Xta, aslma Vob v Harman Jullu Vob; dl. Tore. a. T. Paekwood V Joahua McDanl! and C. U Bwssosr; lbrwlour. XMa, Mary A. Hare, admlaiMratrlx with will annaxod of lb tate of Cratbla S. Hamilton, deeaaNd, v Jsnnl Hamilton; for monsy, 238S. Tb Ptno Company vs Goo. W. Oonlin and Harry L. Hamblstt; condemnation. 2364, lieo. W. Miller v 1. W. Shuw, X. B Todiim admr. of tb wute ol hoe. H. Tongue, deoeaMd, A J. W. roull; Injunction. 23AS, W, 0. UoMlla A Harry L. Hambletl Tb I'eno Company, a eorporalloBj Injunc lion. IMA. Row A. Worley v Fred Q. Bucblell el al; lo quiet till. 3369. Job a L. 8obujlman v A. H. Rudy el als; lo declare trust. 2371, Wm. H. Bagley it. vs W. T. Hollonbsok; daaia-es. ' 2373, A. V . Anlbony vs HllUboro Gold Mining Co. a corporation; delivery o' dock. 2381, Joxpbln E. Wyna va Henry Wynn, dl- Tore. 23H&, Chart Frost vs Annie frost, divorce. 2406, Portland Union Stock yards vs Roses Regbltto; appeal n-oasjusUo court. ' 2107, H. T. Buxton v J. Martod and Maiy May tod; to quiet title. 240S, J. H. Hoffman vs Eliiabstb fa'earhards A Jacob Oearbards; lo quiet till. 240, David A. Hood V Alior Hood, dlvoros. 2414, Tb Pane Company a corporation v W. W. Ripey; rtgbtofway. 2416, Carl Doraneon vs Anton Jaoobeon; for money. 2417. Ballard Bnow Liniment Co. vs O. W. Hawkins; fur mooer. ' 241S, Lllllaa Bond vs B. T. Waaler; damases. 34 IS. Mlllaa Bond vs J. W. Connell; damagw. 24. 0, lavestmenl Co., a eorporalloa vs John L. Scbayleman; to quiet till. 2421, Mary A. Coskrlll v T. L. Cockrlll; dl- voro. 2422, Jobn R. Roberts vs Maud C. Rooorls; dl voros. 24l, Uannab f. Campbell v Joseph Camp bell, divoro. 2421, Pacllle Railway NavlgaUon Co., a corporation vs Mary 8. McUor, right of way. 242A, Pacltle kallway A Navigation Co., a cor poration vs Weslera Timber Co., a corporation; for right of way. 2427, Cbarlea A. Wvmaa vs Carolina A. Ladd tali. 242. HeavertoB A Vt llltburg Railroad Co., vs Geo. Mazsel Roelna Maicel his wife and C. O. DeVer; for bt of way. 2429, Nora Hill vs Daniel Hill; divorce. 14;il, RoOlna L. Boardman, vs R. C. Hush et alt; for accounting. , 24J. Btcfabn Balkeve Agnes Balk, dlvore. 2434, Ths Cornelius flat Bank, a oo.po atlon VI M. B. Allen; appeal irom oouutr eouit, 24;i, W. W. Etpsy v Cornelius Brown; money. 24 3. W. P. Beard v Mary M. Bhepard et alt; lO quirt till. 24:17, v. L. Rulter vs Mettle Ru'.ter; divoro. 2435. Rota Reghltto A;UnjDw Petroueve Lug. gl Maol and Uulteppe Mtuet, for money. SMS. Eugene D. Smith vt Mary A. 8ml lb, di vorce. 2440. B. M. Holland C. Rho.de A Abbi Rboadee; forecloture ol lien. 2441. laivlo L. Mccracken A Martha A. Me. Cracken vs Edward McKlaney et all. to qnlet 2442. Ruby t. Brown vs Hertchal H. Browa. dlvore. MAddoK-KImberlin. A pretty home wedding was solemn ized Thurs,lay, Jan 27th, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mr. C. I). Kitnberlin at Hillsboro. the contracting parties being F.tta Marina, only daugh. ter of Mr. and Mre. C. D. Kitnberlin, and Manhall J. Maddox, of Portland, the ring ceremony being preformed by ijev. 1.. t. Belknap, pastor of the M. K. church, n the presence of a tew rela tive and intimate friends of both bride and groom. To th atp.in. dmg march by Mri, Althea OgdorK of forest l.roye, the couple entere.1 the ,. ...... wM.cn a era beautifully decorat' i.n ,"rn, n'1 The .. -n cnooipagnechiHoo Panama suit and carried carnation. After the The . well known in W.shington count, and a former .indent of Tualatin Academy and the groom Is a fireman M""'' '7, ihe - R- X- After Jul? th thev will ! st knm. i .k.:. t The Dal I Oregon. Ninetieth Anniversary. Tl.e children, grandchildren and great grandchild of Thus. . lWy lhtr. d at t he old homestead, two miles south eant of Beaverton. on July 1st, to cele brate with him and his aged wife the ninetieth anniversary of his birth. Thos. Denny w. born in Kentucky ml when three years of sg moved with n Parent, to Jennings county, Indian.. In A.nl. 1H4W. with hi. young bride .nd party o( neighbor, and friends he arted on that perilous journey .croM the plain, by o, team. ! Xoven.ber of the same yr th.v reached what is now the town of Wlllsburg. Thev re aiained there till U,e following .p,n when they move,! onto th. donation Und claim UDo0 w,lich ,h,y hn reaided eontinuoutly. "county Gorrcspondence"! -W. want a. r.portwr Ir. .v, ww. j lUgular f urretpouilent. (TooUlhrLaeWek.) Born June 28. to Mr. and Mr. Hiram lie, near Sherwood, a son. 7red Colfelt has purchased the livery barn and barroom In connection in the town of Tualatin and i having exten give repain made to the properly and expect to take charge of the eame Jin- mediately- ' , " ' ' I,.rk Morback. Ora Johnson and othf - lk Sherwood cituen. that' have been win. netted with the lumber intsrest dow n the Columbia river returned" home dur ing th week shutdown" having occurred In the business. The Sherwood cornet Uud Jiave pos- i - - V,.i,rll, . .f dl- tors up Bnnoiiiiciiiic a'-ev v. July ball on the evening ol that day; The popularity of the boys in furnish inir flrst class inusjc nuJ iiuiiutni'i'og order is utlicient guarantee Utat'thej affair will prove a ueciueu Wm. Hasfelter i recovering from severe wound of the foot made with an ax while slashing on the Unit of V. McClure last week, also tieorge Huff man wounded by a piece of gluaa cut ting deeply into the kuee cap., Mra. John Corizeluiati applied curUuliciBcid on the arm a few day ago thinking thej preparation was a diluted solution of the same and in consequence a painful burning of the tissues resulted. A workman, an employe of the bridge company at YVilsonville, lost his bain nee and toppled off the new railroad bridge and wa instantly killed on Saturday. He tell 110 feet striking braces in hi decent, the body finally alighting in a scow moored at the bank of the river lie low. The lumber manufacturing business is on the boom in this vicinity, for in ad dition to the plant of 25,000 feet daily capacity to be located near Middleton depot, of which mention has been made, another of smaller caliber will be erect ed in Chehalem trap on the Winter's place, while the third new enterprise long these lines will be situated two miles southeast of tow n on the Modaon farm, the latter controlled by "McMinn- ville parties "Slugging affairs," the inevitable re sult of overindulgence in booze, possi bly may be regulated to the. rear now, naMiiiich "as it is surid" the Sunday lid will be fastened down again hero, (until the cloud roll by presumably.) It is reported that not drop was. on tap last Sunday. 4 Jack Hess, a well known farmer' re aiding near town, recently returned from California where he has been visiting relatives, and while returning via the Klainalli l-ake rattroau met with an citing adventure he is not likely. to for get. The train became unuiaimgvalde on mountain side and. plunged uncoil trolled to the bottom, uppettiug, derail Ing and smashing the car lie occupied, but fortunately none .of the occupants were seriously injured. . t - The publicly expresses, utft-alled for opinion of certain "Buttinskies" inedi cally, or otherwise, almost- "always proves erroneous for the simple 'reason that ignorance and prejudice is the cor nerstone of thought. For instance dipt) tlierla is the true disease only wliou it is proven so, diptheritio bacillus found on microscopical examination.. Membran ous croup does not always assume the above condition, hence the lack of con tagion in a great many instances.;. Butt insky to the contrary notwithstamling. George l'arrish, formerly a resident of the county but at present a, farmer of Tillamook, has been in town the past few days on a visit. He report time lively at the Bay City and the railroad people making rapid progress on the new line to the coast. A sporadic case of scarlatina .implex ha appeared in the family of Angelo Chereglno, at the Sandpit three mile below town. The place is under qnar antine and the disease is not expected to become epidemic in that neighbor hood. No new cases have been reorted during the week. Henry Mier and ltl year son, Karnewt, were severely bruised in a runaway ac cident at Conzelman Bros, sawmill i uesiay aiternoon. i ne team iwjinie frightened at the noise 'made by the steam whistle and bolted, with one sill upon the wagon, knocking them both down, the rear wheel passing over Mr. Mler's shoulders, producing a number ot uruises and lacerations. I tie young lad was less Injured, the damage Wing confined to the region of the knee joint, but not of a serious nature. Beaverton. Regular Correspondent. ' Thos. I). Mitzel of this city and Miss Nellie Hageman of Kelso, Wash'., were married in Portland July. 4th. TI ey will reside in this place , Mr Mit.el be ing employed by the l.ivermwre Mill Co. . Miss Lois Vincent visited Saturday and Sunday with friends in Vortluhd. Mrs. O. W.Tefft, after having spent a week at home, has again returned to Kalama, Wash., where she is camping for the summer. Miss Dora Fisher, who has been re iding at Aberdeen, Wash-for the past year, accompanied by her niece. Miss Ktta Cady, will spend a couple of weeks visiting home folks in this place. The Beaverton baseball team gave a demonstration of the national sport, on the local grounds, last Hundav In ton-. unction with an aggregation of balltoss-i , ers from Xew jerusaleiu. Tha result scor, u( j3 to 3 in favor oi ii ton. rl Rolf, ,tl new "candidate for the treiden, st h'n loma in '(eofgWU boy al'ifh arrived lust Sunday. , The Tijuhkh.! ton of C. II. Fry fell from a t .. fractured his collar boue(.dy. ggo. I'-euvertoo,,, quite well represented at the celsbrgtiuB Ju'V 4tu gt Hillsboro. Fully two-tiiirjsuf th people who went way from j,, to celebrate went to Hillsboro. ' It i too bj iat the noise of a Fourth of July cssjUgfjon annoy tome of the vounijer nitiou to such an extent that thsy mast take a social excursion to distant poi,, to avoid it. For their IuforiuatioQ J Bjoold say that there is a country Jujt ., 0f the state of ash- inglon her, uu July 4th is the 'rlli'""u oJ Bol tlie ruii1 Aunt Sally. WiiiTMBfield. The follujn ja taken from the Cor vallis liawtt,,j July Nth. ' The groom ia a former hnidont of Hillsboro, a rela tive of th Wiiiy 0f this city, an, I a young nianyUo has a host of friends who wih bim ami his bride happiucHH and prosx,tity ju their new relationship : A pretty mi,jng occurred Weilnes day evenmut ,oiue of Mrs. Caro line Majlis n j((l addition, when Miss Florence iMaxfleld became the bride of Sltrii Wilkes, of Southern Oregon. I 1 lie ceremony! as performed at H:IK by Kev. C.T.iturd ol the Lnite.1 i:,an gulical cliunb, b)i the presence of about loriy nve rlativlt-a aud friends. At the tainted time Miss Leon a Jackson Uimil. wedding march ami me young cuipk descended the stairs and took their aces under a large bell of white lilienigiiiended from a green arch of ivy tnd string. Thev were pre ceded by tio arettv little (lower girls, Fruncis WiU ,,l Verim Mai thews. Alter coiijriijiation., refreshments were serveUuai tbe evening spent in a social way. Tfje house was beautilully derorated throughout with (lowers. The bride iorf while silk, with full length veil laj darned carnations. She has been a pup,,!,,, teacher in the t or vallis public irtinols lor several vears and is a niulati womanly girl who is highly estiue4 by a wil circle of friends. Tin (room is a former impular O. A.C (Jtudeot gjf high character, aud is lAdding a t'f position at tliu Blue lilge Mine it southern Oregon. Mr. and Mri. Wilkes were the recip ient of man; handsome and ireful pres ent consisting i,( silverware, china and linen. Thev left J- ridav noon for their new home, followed bv the good wisliea of many sincere friends. They Wait the Knots Untied. A. K. Deven of I'ortland, has com menced Suit itllit circuit court of this county against liia wife, Kinaline Ic vere, en th, r,J,l of croei anil iuliu- man treatment nfttssatilt. They were married in Iowa 's K, and in IS'.Ci she hit him a clip acres the forehenil with a large plow tile, hrting both his feel ings and his face, ind in l'.HM eho as saulted him with Wr Hits, a In Sullivan. At this time he wu Id ill health and the encounter brought on a relapse. She also made life unendurable, he says, by unsing insulting liniiutfe in presence of other and her conduct injured his busi ness. She tried to get the keys to hit place of business, iml has taken a letter of hi from the poiUitlicewliich he wants and which she opened and retained. He wants a divorce becsure of the al ledged injury to hit Icoliug', his biifi nes and his face. In this instance it is a woman that will ask Judge Mcliride to use his judi cial knife in severing the. hateful bonds. Albert Fendt married his blushing (ier trude in 1'orllsnd in l'J04, and after a short period of Win he tock to the woods and is running yet. She wants the judge to keep lnui guing. Charles W. Brewbaker says he mar ried his wife Kmrn at 1'ort Orchard, Wash., May 24, lau). and on or about the Uth day of April, 1W.". t I'ortland, she willfullvand without cue gave him the shake and has continued to live oway from him. Consequently he wants a divorce and will k Judge Mcliride to do up the job, and to give such other relief as his honor may deem just. PROBATE COURT. In the matter of the estate of Frank Bernards, deceased; it is ordered that Charles Iternards, executor, be directed to institute sucli proceedings against Ann Bernards bs may "'em pmiiei for the recovery 0f all money or personal property belonging to said estate. In the matter of th estate of (ieorge A. liore, deceased; it is ordered that the administratrix execute and deliver to Francis I.. (iorp deed conveying to her the interent nl i A. (lore, deceas ed, in and to Wis described in petition on payment of ".V.ta). and mai m salelof lands tie ard hereby ia in all re- specie conlirined. In the nutter of the estate of Lay mond Dixon, deceased; James Dixon appointed administrator on his tiling a bond in the ..it :'). and K. A. I'ix- on, J. W. Sherwool and S. L. Curly le were apKii,i appraisers. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ueanlurservl. .t the Conitregatlonal church next Sunday i'l,l",l si'.,,,y miiioui at iu o clis'k. Jlornmu r "Homely Virtues" The congregation is Invited hi i .'i,- uni.in services in the evening, v p s. C. K. at 7::!0. Howard Oil Patrick. I'ast-.r. Services it n. f V.. church next Sabliath, prescdif,,.' both morning and evening by tl ntor. Kev. I r. Bel knap. Sunday .chool at 10:tHla. in.; morning service 11 IK) a. m. ; Fpworth league at 7:ikj 'n u,.. aud evening ser vice at 8:00 D. ' Preaching service at Witch llael at .1 . in. The Kev. , '7T7Im k of Pallas will preach st ti.-'.,.lu.rnacle on Sunday at II o'clock, ,to ,t 3 p. m. and at p. urday eveni. number of the it. ifKirb ..in ureacu on churches will " i,. in a union service In the taliern..! n Snn.lav evening. The services ,,,i.noe eat li night during next wk The Bev. N. W. ';ager ot Dtt .' present on Wed nesday evening tod will preach. SAILOKS In black and white, rough or plain htraw. GLOVES A new line of gloves, White, l!ack, Brown and Slate color, in both long and short lengths. UNDERWEAR A new line of ladies' and child ren's knit underwear. New muslin gowns, corset covers and white skirts. APRONS White, Mack, Gingham and the Fancy Handkerchief aprons. Just received. Wants. Strayed. Buckskin Mare; white face, black tail, split in left ear; hind foot deform ed. Reward. F. Brampton, It. F. I. 1. Hillsdale, Or. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that more than six months ago I wove a carpet for some person, who suid they lived in Buxton, and whose address is unknown to me. The same bus never been called for, and if not taknn away within thirty days (mm date of this notice, the carpet will be sold to pay for weaving, warp and advert ixing. Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 5th day of July, l'.H)7. JACOB ASCIIBACIIEK. Carpet Weaver. WANTED. Organizers, either sex, on salary of fli'i) Ot) a month and expenses for an up-to-date Association, paying weekly sick and accident benefits and furnishing Tree medical attendants to all its mem ber, liberal contract will be made with producers of business. American Sick and Accident Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. Lost. Wednesday afternoon near the merry i round at the 1'ark, a small black piiiMe containing a small sum of money and three keys. If the finder will re turn the keys to I.. M. lloyt's store he can keep the money. ' Hay for Sale. A quantity of clover hay for sale in the field in Hillsboro. Inquire ol F. M. lleldel. Your Credit la. Good For Any o( our I'.'H) style of buggies, sur reys, phaetons, spring, farm and lum ber v. agons, aud etc. $ 5 per month or 5 per cent discount for cash. Address Century Mfg. Co., Hillsboro and get a huge catalogue of styles and prices. Kvcrv vehicle warranted for three years from any defect whatever. To Hop Growers. Quasha Chips and Whale Oil Soap for upraying hops for Sale at tba Climax Feed Store. For Sale. ONF. SPAN HORSES AND TWO GOOD Cows. Inquire of C. M. Nickle, two miles west of Hillsboro on Baseline ihe new liarber when In Corne lius and get a tirst-c.Iass shave and haircut. It coils you nothing if voti are not satisfied. L K. FlsK, rroprietor. When You Go to Tillamook Stupsl the W1IITK Hlil'HK. 12 mllee west Of torcit drove ou W I lion River Hoed. Hate; M.-ala. ASc; lo.lKlni.2Ae; board with room p' unit grain, II. M; liar alone, "to. i.r i.inxl through house: modsra bath, te. Telephone or wrll the proprietor, ICy Q VV 1 S 6 1 " "an" eVperSenoed ,w Hrdreulle Kngloeerex- tx-rt your place and iwleci you a plan! tbal will . . . .. nf ni.v f.Fn. hAMI or bum. Vmi bare do Idea bow PHI It will t- vt'r lliu wnirr w muj w. oot lien the runi e leouou i. niu. '' " tween 7 anil s.:aj a, m. ami vu p. . boro Hotel. FKEDRIC H. MILLER. Wanted- A Cream Separator; state capacity, make, length of tima used and price. Address, Box 48, Route 1, Laurel, Oregon. Land and Mineral Decisione. The following synopsis ol Land and Mineral Decisions is furnished this of' tice bv WViodford D. Hsrlan, Land At torney, Washington, D. C, and under this head will be published from weak to week decisions which may be of in terest to our leaders: If it is shown that a legal subdivision entered as coal land is not in fact of such character, the entry should be canceled as to such tract. An entry of coal land must beiestrict ed to contiguous tracts. Land which produces a crop, though an Inferior one, whether of grass, wheat, barley, or other crop to which the soil and climate are adapted, which ia a tair reward fur the einse of producing it, is not desert land. Annual rainfall taken into considera tion in determining whether lanJ ia de sert in character. Final proof may be submitted oo an entry during pendency of adverse pro ceedings auainst entry. To establish residence, there must be, concurrent, with tha act ol settlement, an intent to make the land a home to the exclusion of one elsewhere. To the Ladies. JIOISKKV Some line new Hoisery in Black and Brown for ladies ami children. NECKWEAR Ladies neckwear and Windsor Ties, ami Garterettes. TOST CARDS! TOST CARDS! A splendid line of new postcards in leather, water colors, scenic and comic cards. Something to "please evervone. RIBBON'S! RIBBONS! AH colors, all widths. Mrs. I. Bath, Independent Building, Hillsboro. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Cha Robert, and wflo Frederick Col. felt part of blk t Tualatin NU UU Mary K Robert el al to Kre.ler .ek i oi- fell pari or blk 1 town of TunUiin luxi uu Walter Hannan et wflo Kab UiumbIIciu tract In eeo 4 1 2 u i w 7' UU Nancy I Banks el al to hut llarier part of lot S blk 1 Hauki . lc.0 uu M i Kinney lo J W ihule part or eoo '.'H lDlw ro uu T 8 Button el al to t W Moure and wr part of eeo 18 1 2 s 2 w 3niu I M l.amond lo Jobn M (ill! and f lot 12 lu Idd Reed'e add to HeaverUin aud other land. . iVj oo A U Holt man aud wf to W C KerUou lot 1 A 2 blk Soutb Park add Kon-t CI rove . -."iooo Rather I Woods to Joseph. Veriullyea 1 acre In W B Chat Held d I e 1 1 s 4 w... miiui R W Alrey and wflo L J Moltlt pailol J U Walker d le 12s t w .o ou Mary A Blae lo Hubert V Whitney part of lot 10 Flrwood Kariu (6. 11) acres lu0 OU BenJ J.neway to Mary J Jaueway lots I 1 3 A I block 4 Hberwood SuU 10 r C Drib and wf to J Buckley tract ad- Joining Korea! Urov on east iooo uu Nell J Bion Snd wf lo M A Hliaw :w acres In aeo IS t 1 s 2 w . 'jiuo Uo Mrs J H Le to WIMI.m Holl loll SI UtM blk 14 Weal Portland HelihU ) OU 8 L Wirth lo J l W Irtb acre. In 12 a 1 SOU ou J W Bhute and wf lo F M lleldel pari of sec 14 A 2Si I n 4 w (M acre.) 1 oil F M lleldel el al lo 0 W MoUee .am a. abov . (io W I Clark and wf lo Mary A Clarke lot 7)ray Oak eubdivi.lon (8W acre.) 1 OU Wo Shield, aud wflochariee Hall KM) acre. In aece IS A 24 1 2 n w In) 00 Jo. iluliwr loJobu Ctiubaer parlol aeo -. iooo UU lneetmeul Co to Luui. V (illlnt el m lot. 14 A IS Anbhroiik Farm "Mo OU Nelaon H Whaler et al lo Wm II While" 2UJ6.63 aecs II, 15, 10 A 22 ('2u& acrel 7KXU 011 . jOi - jiOi. it'wrOi rCiv . SAVE And got tho newf of tlio world twick kacii wkkk. w t local news onco it wt't-k niul nn illnstrntod magazine ' onco a month. y THIS IS THE COMBINATION The Nvinl-Workly Ori'tfon .loiirnnl, one year (IOI roio) I.SO The lllllaboro linlepi-iidont. on jear (5ropieM) I The- l'aclllr lontlilv, no year ( 12 copiea) I.OO I'nbllalierV I'rlce for (hp Tliroo ... :i ALL 3 FOR $2. ' ' The Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal (publislieJ at Portland, . Uregon is a larra newspaiier puuiisneu inesuay anu rnuay w each week. It has its own leased wires, and its reports of events are always the latest and without bias or prejudice. Its market reports are corrected up for each is to do that and nothing else. 1 hey aie reliable, us story nar nml niirs nf romir are nlwavs interestiutr. and its farm de L A i n l a j partment, soon to be a feature, special paid writers. The Pacific Monthly (published at Portland, Oregon) is the leading magazine ol the West. stories are clean, wholesome and The Hillsboro Independent is your LOCAL PAPER and f you need it to keep iu touch with the local news and happenings. P THE THREE for one year for ONLY $2.00 t .1 r-W New or tajuvmihamiK'.mj.mp-fm ma Shingles, Lime, Brick, Fire Brick, Cement, Gravel, Fibred and Unnbred Plaster. Sand. Will meet .'urtlaml prices At all times. Climax Milling Co. Reduced Round Trip Excursion Ratea to Pacific Coaat in 1907. During the summer season of 11)07, re duced round trip excursion rates w ill be in effect from the Kant to the l'acillo ('oast, Montana, British Columbia and Arizona poinU. ' Bate from Chicago via direct line to North Pacific Coast ointa will be $75, and from Missouri river common oints (Council Bluffs to Kansas City inclusive alnoM. I'aul and Minneamilis, rate will I St. Louis f't'.l and Denver, Colo rado Springs and 1'ueblo t"t0. Hates to SHikanu and jHiints fffwteil will be ) less than to the coast. Bates one way via California will be $13. ft) higher than those alxive ineiitioned. Tickets will Pe 011 sale daily, June 1st to September 15, P.HI7. with final return limit ol October :il,l!H)7. , Wm. McMURRAY, ti. P. A.. O. li. A N. and 8. P. Iiys. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's WITH New Discovery PflR sOquchs PRICK an a ai ha OLDS Trial Bottle free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATI8FACT0KY OR MONET REFUNDED. . -g- to. ..V jJb- S1.50 issue by one whose business it a. o will contain original -articles by L It is beautifully illustrated. Its p intensely interesting. s Renewals. ' BuildingMaterial 5 i 1 t