Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 05, 1907, Image 1

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Volume 3o
5, 1907
The Star Spangled
Fifth. (555-
) 0000'000000000
. H, aay, can you by the dim
That haa glowed ainca tha laat
roman candla exploded
While we stood en tha lawn at a lata
hour laat night-
Can you aaa if thay'ra gona, aa moat
'Of ua foreboded 7
Littla Johnnia'a laft aar will ba useless,
I faar,
And papa'a acorchad noil mak.a hi
faca vary queer
But, aay, do poor grandfathsr' whisk
ora yat wava,
Or did ha aoquira a skyrocket ahavaf
Unele Henry haa gona for aome cotton
and aalva
To apply to tha arm of your poor sis
tar Liziia,
And tha doctor keepa apaaking of
thinga ha must havei V
All night haa tha druggiat baan aw
fully buay.
Father oannot ait down, eo ha stands,
with a frown,
And looka out at tha firee that are bias
ing e'er town.
But, aay, do poor grandfathar'a whisk
era yat wava,
Or did thay melt off in that craah tha
bomba gave
!1a wMMi ' --5 0 oft
' JSSs? :HXr koo- 0 o jL
far ?V
Vie President Fairbanks and See.
retary Garfield Will Ba In
tha Raaa City July 13.
a Few ProTerba for the Fourth.
Dead boys tell no tales.
A new bomb sweeps clean.
Canon crackers alter faces.
All'a not cold that smolders.
Insurance is the best policy.
Celebration is the thief of time.
One good burn deserves auoth
(Special Correspondence.)!
Portland, Oiegon, July 1st. 1907.
Hon. James R. GarCeld, secre
tary of the Interior, and party will
spend Saturday, July 13th, in Port
land. They will be guests of Dr
Henry Waldo Coe for a drive over
the city and luncheon at his resi
dence and for a banquet at the Com
mercial Club m the eveuiug.
All Oregon is indebted to A. h.
Craig, passenger traffic manager of
the Great Northern Railway tor
publicity given this state in many
of the leading papers of the coun
try, including those of New ork,
St. Louis and other great cities.
n. Craig feels that that $5000 prize
offer of the Portlaud Commercial
Club should result in an enormous
advertisement for the state.
Vice President Fail banks will be
the guest of the Astoria Chamber of
Commerce July 15th, with banquet
at Seaside.
Portland Business Men have iu
contemplation an excursion cover-
ng about twenty-five points in
Northwestern Oregon and Western
Washington July 24-28.
Many complimentary reports are
Patriotism covers a multitude oi
A little burning is a dangerous
Never look a gift cannon in the
A living boy is better than
dead patriot.
Uneasy lies the head that wears
A shot in the gun is worth two
in the hand.
It's fin ill bomb that blows up
nobody good.
Accidents will happen in the best
regulated fireworks.
A eood aim is rather to be chos
en than great stitches.
Never put off till tomorrow what
you can fire to-night.
It's a wise father who knows his
own child the day after.
He who shoots and runs awty
may live to shoot another day.
The Weather.
The first four days of the week
were warm and sunshiny. The
maximum, temperatures in the
western counties generally occurred
Tha Pa'" U"Tei.ted City
Tha Ball Goti Up Teday and
Eanfbod will Celebrate.
KveryboIy will celebrate today
(Thursday ) The park looks like
a "tented city." with its many
booths, tents and stands. The
merry-go round is there, the big
dance pavilion will draw immense
crowds and the iig balloon goes up
this afternoon, and if everybody
does not have a Rood time it will be
no fault of the I'ourth of July and
Park committee, for they have
worked hard to make tin celebra-
a ortnriollS Slieors Tl na.L.
a week ago, looked far irom invit
ing, but it nas uetn (transformed,
ll,inl-e in I f('W willintr lion, la
The old soldiers have had four days
ot it and tuey ue enjoyed every
minute. Last Sunday three Ser
vice were held, and there ura
a large attendance at each, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday the
veterans, tue vv. k. L. and their
friends'tnioved eamD life talked
over old times, und at 1 1 o'clock
last night turned tut park grounds
over to the Fourth of July commit
tee. Fun will be fast and furious
all day today. We hope every
body will have a good time, with
no accidents to mar the enjoyment.
By C L. Hammond, Seeretary lllineia
United 8tataa Flag Association.
Wb-n rroMutit William McKlolay
waa ai.aluutoJ lx year ago, thou-
aoda of loyal America tin raleed flu-
at half wuMt over llielr pluiv of tiual
ueaa euj let them 11 y by ul-Ut aud by
day uutll lliey wont out. Tliey uu
duubtudly tboiitflit tliey went alio lug
reapve't rt McKiuley'a memory, but
they Were uut ahowluK proper rvapact
to the ring. The I'nlted Htutea govern
ment dlniilityed at tbnt time It flair at
half hiuhI from miurlne to aunaet from
the urtMldeiit denth until but burial.
Tue. government regiilutlona provide
tbat an the deutli of a prenldeut In of
Bee It Dug aliall bo dixplayed at barf
maat only one hiy.
Ia memory of the a.Vl,(MK t'uiou aol-
dler who lout their live durlug the
civil war, ou Muy 30, Memorial day.
eueb year the United Btutes iIIhdIuv
It Aug at half timid ut all army poata,
station and national cemeturlea from
unrlaa till midday. Immediately be
fore noon a lirir I played br tba
band, or field iuiihIc, and tha national
salute of tweuty-ouo guua la fired. At
the coneluxloii of tliU memorial tribute
at noon the flag la boixted to the top
of tbe ttnff and remain there uutll
unaet Tbe Idea ia that the national
enalgn la too sacred nil object to be
long la mourning for any man or num
ber of men, 110 matter bow exalted
their rank.
Tbe flag reverned, with the union
down. Indicate dlxtreHs. The flag on
anything but a fort, actually bealeged.
should never 1m dlxployed between
unaet and sunrlxe. .
When the flag in to be displayed at
half maat, It 1 lowered to that ooel-
tlon from tbe top of the ataff. it I
bolated to the top before it 1 Anally
lowered. WukIi I ngti u 1 Vet.
All day he wu warned that it might
not be beat
Te be ahowing tha youngttara tha
tricka of their firework)
He waa told that hia beard (hould ba
ahoved in hia vtit s
Or the aparka and the flamea would
exhibit thair dire worka.
I and Liizie and John, with our euti
ele gone,
Suffer here on eur tota In the gray ef
the dawn.
But, tell ua, do grandfather whiakara
yet wave.
Or did he acquire a July Fourthiah
W. D. Naabit In Judge.
Hiitery of the Immortal Document
Which Made Ua Free.
What ba happened to the IVc I a ra
tion of Iudeiendence aluce It aigulng
la recounted by William II. Michael,
formerly of tbe atute department at
Waablugton. In ITS!) congreu au
thorlced "the atn-retary for the depart
ment of foreign affair" to take atiarge
of It, along with other record, tmok
and paper of the Continental congreita.
Tba aume year the department of for
eign affair Wanie the department of
at a to, which linn, to all iutent and pur
poses, remained the depository of tbe
Declaration ever since. The great
document waa from 1811 to 1S77, bow
ever, deptmlted In the patent otllce, for
many yeora a bureau of the depart
ment of Mate, and was allowed to re
main there after the patent nfllce waa
placed under the Interior department,
tbe old department of tat not Iwlng
fireproof, while the patent otllce build
ing waa lielleved to s ao. After the
ritvaent fireprimf atate, war and navy
building wan flnlxhed the IVclaratlon
waa retunieil to II legal dcpoMltory.
I'ntll 1S1M the In- larntloii waa
framed and dlslayed In a Hteel cab
inet In the library of the department
of atate, where all vhdtor might e
It, but In that year It waa hermetically
aealed In a frame and placed In a
drawer of another ateel cabinet con-
atructed to protwt alo the original
signed cpy of the constitution. Here
the iH-claratlon atlll remain, locked
and aealel by order of the late more
tary Hay. and It la no longer ahown
to any vm, eiivpt by eclnl direction
of the atate department. New York
Time. "
part of him foil In the rant bv tha era.
Part of htm fell In t(i n- by the t;
Certain rrmaln Ml In 'hnrletim. fl. .
Kannrbunk. Main, rot Ma trmiarr and
In Nrw Jrnwy there lamlod a lr.
Waatrm New York " anothrr. I know;
part of him landed In Wtnnlt.
gult a lanre pk-ca fell In alexin.
Maybe Ma vertebrate eolurfin may fall
Over New Meiloo e rattlranake plulna.
Maybe hia rtba may oVacen.t one aoi all
Maay montha hence with the autumn a
,' ralna.
And If "nie ehreJ of Mm. hapir. yoatini.
Don't ahtp U back to Ma aunta and Ma
. 11 friend, and be
Mark It." na eectlon of Jonea; nee Ia
; JwaTSca Xnrla la Kw Tcfc Globe. i
Ask any child what the above stands for today, July 4.
being received from the newspapers
of Nebraska, containing good words
about Oregon as a result of the
Omaha busiuess men's excursion to
this state.
It is the consensus of opinion
among the best advisetl graiu men
tbat the wheat crop of the present
year will leave in the hands of the
farmers of the Pacific Northwest
Irom 35,000,000 to Slo.ooo. 000.
assuring good times.
Large delegations will to from
Oregon to attend the Christian En
deavor Convention at Seattle, the
National Educational Association
Convention at Los Angeles, and
the Baptist Young People's Con
vention at Spokane, and all should
bear in mind that every ticket is
good to any point in Oregon.
Judging ftotn advance preparations
being made by the different delega
tions, they will do a great work in
advertising the resources of thjs
Good reports are leing received
from all the fruit sections of Ore
gon. The crop is satisfactory, the
prices are good at the present time
and the prospects for the fall fruit
crop are the brightest in the history
of the state.
Fonrnl: Puree containing a turn ol
money. Owner can hava the same by
calling at Ibia otllce, proving property,
an J paying for I LI ootk.
Wednesday afternoon, when 90 0
or more were common throughout
the Willamette valley and in Dou
glas, Josephine, and Jackson coun
ties. The following day was tbe
wannest in the eastern counties,
when maximum temperatures of
90 were general in that section.
This warm spell excited considera
ble alarm, as it was feared that it
Would Continue and culminate in
damaging hot winds, but fortun
ately it turned cooler Friday, and
coo :loudy weathes, with temper
atures slightly below normal, pre
vailed until the close of the week.
During the last three days good
rains fell in the Willamette valley
uu iu me cuasi counties, ana
thundershowers, heavy in places,
occurred in the counties east of the
Cascade Mountains.
Fire Crackers!
Fire Crackers. Torpedoe. CaD-Piatol
and Can. Cane anJ Atnmnniticn. Flaga,
ran, Ked, W hit and Blue Ribbon. P.
per Parachute and Kltet. Roman Can,!-
els. Sky Rockets, Pia Wheel, at Mr.
Bath 1. Fiae aaeortment ot fire work.
A Memorable Day.
One of the dava
with pleasure, at well as with pro
fit to our health, is one on which
we became acquainted with Dr.
King 1 rsew Life Pill, the nainW
printers that cure headache and
imiousness. and keep the bowels
t- a aaa
ngui. 75c at au a rug stores.
The parade is due to leave Main
street at 10 a.n. sharp.
There is practically no such
thing as gratitude on the part of
the public lor any moral service
rendered by a newspaper. .The
same is true of a favor done an in
dividual by a newspaper. To tbe
averaee citizen the newspaper is
as impersonal as a railroad corpora
1 it, attitude nf tlie
IIUU M 14 - - "'
is often to use it but to beat it if
you can. Every editor has had
good citizens urge him to attack
this or that evil, and probably
after the hattl had
TttVUlU a ' - " v-
been foucht and won, the same
man for some purely personal or
business reason would stop bis pa
per and his advertisement. Rural
- The Charming Woman
is not necessarily one of perfect
rr a features. fn rvl;n
IVfl lJ UV - - 14 J l.,u
woman who could never serve as
an artist's model, possess those
rare qualaties that all the world ad-
mir.c- neatness, clear evea rl.qn
smooth skin and that sprightliness
r . 1 . '. tl...
01 siep anu niu u accompany
trend health. A Pllvsicallv weak
woman is never attractive, not even
to herself. Electric Bitters restore
weak women, strong nerves,
brizht eyes, smooth, velvety skin.
beautiful completion. Guaranteed
by all druggists. 50c.
This la tha Line Given a Franchise
Thrawah This Clty.Huna'raa' af
Man anal Team at Werk.
by "Fighting Bob" Evan,
Admiral U. 8. N.
"The Fourth of July, 1A!iH, wa real
ly the must HiiH'tni'Uhtr one I ever
wltneaeed," Maya lieur Admiral Itobley
D. Uvau Iu the New York I'rea.
'W were lyltijj outside Rantlttk-o
harbor after the alnklnit of tbe Hpan
Uh fleet 011 the 3d of July.
I had Iwii workliiK liiird on tbe 3d
and wa up all nUlit and had retired
about 10 o'clock ou the Fourth to get a
mueh u wiled rest.
About 11 u clH'k my onlerly came
to. u. bad . atuLllaatilua -i-4jmH
lantern In my flier, auld:
"'Another Innit Ih cvmlni out, sir.'
"That can't U-,' I uimuered.
"'Yea, Kir. I Haw her. air,' he reit
erated. "By tbe tliiK- I ivitehi'd the dock the
Tela aud Mhhshi ImxettH. on watch,
bad their wiiri'hllht.i iion bur, aud
wa read philnly Itelmi Meneilex. And
then Im'kiiii the nmt Imttle In the bU
tory of the world by wurrlillitlit.
"The Ti'Xiia owiuil up her twelve
Inch gun, und the HiM Khot atrm k the
Relna Meroeilea l.niiilnlile. Then fol
lowed a fUKllhule from the Muasacbu
aetta, while the whole Meet moved up
for position In the fruy.
"Then tbe allure batteries and fort
opened fire, und nhelln fell thlek and
faat about 11. For Fourth of July
celebration and nolne, for eitltement
euthualamn nnd patrlotlHin, tbat rourtli
of July, stunil out a the moat
spectaculur one In my exiierlenee."
a 1 tvi In
5M,.;UU HiiUboro; corner, block,
large nearly new house; fenced, and will
make an Ideal home; three-minutes
walk to tha pontotlice, one to the depot;
$1,000 down, balance on time. im.
place is worth 12.500; owmr non-reai-
dent. For particular impure i
Independent office.
Tha Oreeonlan and Inde
pendent, one year, 82
Work has 'jeen tegun clearing
the buildings or! block 13, between
Jefferson and Columbia and Water
and Front streets lor the erection of
terminals for the Oregon Electric
Railway Compauy. Passenger and
freight depots will be- erected on
this block and all the traffic from
the new Salem liue will be collect
ed and delivered at that point.
Work on these buildings will be
commenced as soon as the ground
is cleared of the present structures.
Track for this road has been
completed from the junction ot
Hood and Moody streets to the
Slavin road, in South Portland, and
the United Railways Company is
rapidly closing up the the gap to
connect the new Front-street line
with the Salem roads rails.
There is great activity all along
the line of the Oregon lilectric
Railway. Four concrete sub sta
tions along tbe line Tor the even
distribution of electricity and for
feeding it onto the trolley wire have
been commenced. These stations
will be located at Garden Home,
Wilsonville, opposite Champoeg,
and north of Salem. Tbe build
ings will cost $6000 each.
Work will be begun this week on
the erection of steel on the piers for
the new high bridge across the
Willamette river at Wilsonville.
The steel is on the ground and the
piers are completed ready to receive
their burden, the falsework lor
the bridge erection ia now largely
in place and the bridge will go up
in a hurry.
On the Salem end of the road 1 2
miles of grade has been constructed
and the work tor the . remainder of
the distance between Salem and
WMaoirrlttc tefrrtrm UgTrj -mm
acter that crews can construct t
mile a day. The heaviest work
now going forward is that south of
the city, where nearly 500 work
men and 1 so teams are busy. All
rails needed for the construction of
the line are on band and will be
laid as fast as the grade is ready
for it.
"I see no reason why tbe Salem
road should not be in complete op-
a t If
eration by the end ot ucioDer,
said Chief Engineer Donald yester
day. "Tbe work is progressing
favorably all along the line. We
are not having trouble in getting
workmen and our crews are full.
The weather is favorable and ma
terials are in good supply. Our
equipment is being built in tne
East and will commence 10 arrive
by the last of August."
It will be interesting! to the sur
vivors of the armies of the Cumber
land and the Tennessee that histor
ic Mission Ridge is to be tunneled
for a oubllc highway. The suc
cessful bid for the work was $122,-
423.66. The tunnel when bunt
will be the largest in America ustd
for a public highway, being 700
fe lornr and 2 feet wide and high.
National Tribune.
Fevrth ef July Praverfce.
Accldenta will happen In tba
regulated C rework a.
A shot In tba fua la worth two am
tba band.
littla bu ruins la a daDfefeu OataaT.
lie wbo shoot and runs a way aaa
Uv tti about another day.
Never look a gift cannon la Baa
Cannon crackers alter facea.
Ou good burn deaerraa annfhatr.
Patriotism cover a multltud af
Whatsoever thy band flndaU to shon
shoot with thy might.
It's an 111 bomb that blows Bp Ba
body good.
It' a wise father wbo knows bla aw
child tbe day after.
I'neaay Ilea tba bead tbat 1
A living boy la better tha a a
Never put off till tomorrow waat yea
can Bra tonight
Celebration 1 tba thief of Uma.
All's not cold tbat smolders.
A good aim I rather to ba chose
than great stltebea.
Insurance la tba beat policy.
A uew bomb sweepa clean.
Dead boys tell no tales. Carola)
Wells In Life.
A Naive Prayer.
Juat before the Indeclalva battle ot
Monmouth In tha Revolutionary war a
brigade chaplain In Waahlngtoo'a army
Is aald to have offered up thla noloae
"O Lord of Hoata, lead forth tor
servant of tha American army to bat
tle aud give them tha victory; or, If
thla be not according to tby aoverelga
will, then wa pray thea ataud neutral
and let flesh aud blood decide tba la
ue.w Harper Weekly.
The Largest Amarlean Flag.
To bang Iu tha great court of tha
poeiomce aepartnieut Iu Washtngtoa a
Baa- will aoou ba mailu whleh 1, la K.
lleved will be tba largest u tba world.
U, win iai sixty reet long by about
thirty five feet wide. Tba thirteen red
aud white atrlpea will ba nearly thraa
teei wiue eacn. lue cost wUl be I'AIU.
A Ward ef Warning.
Oh. see- the lovely roman candla
Juat a slick without a handle;
In llahtlna It w recommend
Tou don't look In tha business and.
Rieaer'a Perfume are recognised v
fry her as tha beet made, and anyone
uaina inavni will slaaeJ astia a 1 "
" tr iu, UillaUiro 1'harniacv carries la
stock "Koyal Cherry Bud,"- "Paaadana
Rom" and "I'alo Alto Pink" Call
and get a bottle if you want something
floe and lasting
A Wonderful Happen lag
Port Byron, N. V.. has witnessed
one of the most remarkable cases of
healing ever recorded. Amos F.
King, of that place says: Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured a sore on
my leg with which I had suffered
over 80 years. I am now eighty
five." Guaranteed to cure all sores.
by all druggists. 25c.
The sight of a boy on the street
with an habitual cigarette or pipe
between his teeth is bad enough
(and there are some in Newberg)
but just a little worse is the girl
whose tramp, tramp, up and down
the street is accompanied by the
continued champ, champ champ of
her jaws on a wad of chewing gum.
We decline to say whether there
are any ot tnese in Newberg.
Newberg Graphic.
Wa are prepared to do all kinds of re
pairing In firit class shape and guaraa
tea every piece of work. At R. La
8ear' bicycle Shop.
e . ' I it t..
There's a lot of Satisfaction
in a shoe which after month's ot
wear, needs only polish to "Look
like new." oull find comfort,
ease and profit in the
Hamilton-Brown Shoes
your children
will want something pretty and good. Come and
see ou
Scjiool Shoes
No better made. No better can be made. Our
guarantee goes with every pair. .
Our line of
U the finest in the county.
tkVtfJ Cunt- TrVc 1
t- ,i crriaJ hf aa aa-io-daU Orocary Ileae. Oar
The obi Keliaiie uorut-r uiuvw; ili
4 .itSW,
v. mj
v - ia . awv
hk. L4 1 S.