jlMghitfgJtt IIILLSBORO. WASHINGTON COUNTV, CPtEGo FRIDA Volumk 35 KUMBRK 0 JL'Ni: 14, 1907 PROPOSED STREET RAILWAY FRANCHISE FINAL READING JUNE 25. Aaking Right. of. Way Over Cer tain Streeta In th City at Hillaboro--Raa! It. OO Following is an ordinance asked for by the United Railway Co It has had its second reading be fore the city council and will come up for third and filial reading; Tuesday evening, June 25th An ordinance granting a franchiaa to the United Ituilways Company, a Cor poration, ita aucceesort and amign, and authorizing aaid Kailway company, Ita am-cepaora and aaRigns, t lay, construct and uiaintain single or douhle track rail road and aiding upon certain dealgnat d streets within the corporate .imiU ot the City of Ilillaboro, Oregon, and lha right to transport paxaengera, freight and express mutter thereover, and granting the right to erect and maintain polea, wires and fixture neceaaary (or the operation of aaid railroad, and pro- riding fur the repair and improveinen of certain designated portion! of aaid atreeta uited by aaid Company, and regu luting Ilia fare to be charged by aaid Conipuny w'thin the corporate limitafor the tratiHjortutioii of passengers, and rt'guluting the operation of cart of aaid Company on said tracks within the cor porate limit of aaid City of Ilillaboro. TIIICCITTor IIII.LMHOKO DOKS ORDAIMAR follow SKCTION 1. That lha Uulted Hallways Com paiijr, a Corporation, in sucoeesors aad assigns. D, aud hereby are, authorised and empowered to lay, cunairuet aud maintain a slogls or double rack siaotlaril gauge railroad, and be, and o .eby are, authorized aud empowered to oper ate care ibereon, aud bo, aad here by are, authorised to Iraaaport passengers, freight and i press mature thereover (ur hire upon the following elreeiaand portloue uf slreels In the City of Hiilsboro, Ore gun, U-ll: Cuinmenclng at Iba intersection of Mala Klreel with the Eastern limiuoftha City of HIILboro; thenca Weaterly along Mala Hireel to the Intem-ollon thereof with the oealer line of Hie FaciHc Hallway at Navigation Com. pany'i railway; alao eoinbienclng at the point of InterMielioD or Ibe Norib Una of Mala Street with the wiilr line of Plret street, and running llieiioe South on Klrat atreel to ita Interaction with Maple treel, alao beginning at the Inter, auetioa of the North tine of Main Street with the eeuur Hue of Hecnud Street, and running tbeooe Houth on Second atreot to the Intaneotton or See ond and Maple Streets; alao beginning at the In tersection with the North Una ot Mala Street with the center line of Third Street, and run ning tbeiire South to the toleraectton of Third Street with Maple Street; alao beginning at the interaction of the Eaal Hue of Third Street with lha eenler line of Haae Line Street, and running tbeiir Westerly on Haaa Line Street to the In, leraection thereof wun lha Western elty limit. And alao the right, power and authority to erect and maintain poles, wirea and flxlurea neoeaaary or con Ten lent for lha operation of laid railroad along the ililee of said designated portion) of aaid Htieela, all subject 10 the terms and condi tions hereinafter set forth. SKCTION 2. That the aaid United Railways Company, In successors and bmus, shall with n months from the data of the paaaags of this Orillnsnr, select either First, Second or Third Streets for Ilia purpose of construction of Ita Hues of railway flora Main Street to Maple Hireel, and upon surb selection the franchiaa herein grautod upon either ol said first. Second or Third Stre Is not so selected, shall lapse, aad all that portion of Hae Line Street lying last of the Streets so selected, shall also lapse. SKCTION I. Said United Railways Company, Its aucceasora and assigns, sball lay, construct and maintain said railway tracks so as to eon f.am to the grade of aaid Streets and In such manner as not to unnecessarily Interfere with public trarel Ibereon; Provided, that If Ibe grade ofaiu-h atrrels shall m have been proper ly established by the City of HllUboro prior to I he commencement of the construction of said track thereon, lhal the city council of tha City of Hlllsboroshall, upon requestor iba said Unit, ad Hallway tympany. Immediately establish the graJei of such street. II It shall become necessary In Ibe laying and ooosuucUni of aaid tracks to remove any planktngor tie paving or aay other character of paving upon aaid atreeta, aaid Kallway Company sball relay the same and put Ibe same In a good condition as the aame was In at th time of removal. Th said Rail way Company, It successor aud asslgua, sball, during Ibe life of this franchise, keep the nor. I Ion of said streets occupied by It tracks for Ibe full width between lha rails and tracka and for lha dlatauceof one foot on each aide of the rails thereof In aaiood enmUtioa and repair as Iba remainder of said streets; and If at any time lb said meets upon wbk'h aaid tracks are laid are permanently Improved with broken stooa or other material, said Hallway Company, Its mm reason aad assigns, sball pay a proportion of lb cost of aaid Improvement upon the basis herein before provided ft repairs; provided, however, that In rase a single track shall be laid upon said treat or norlloa thereof, then tha said Hallway company shall keep In repair or relieve or per. aaanenlly Improve with brokea atoa or ether msterlsl, toe lull wtdlh between th ralle and lor a distance of feet on tha ooislda of each "of said rails. SUCTION . Said poles, wire aad futures ball be placed and ntalulaloed. so s Dot to an atraasarlly lulcrfere with travel on said atreeta, aad are to be pieced, erected and maintained under the direction and control of the City Coun cil of aaid City. SKCTION . Tha lata ar charge I traospor. ...i...id railroad wlthlatn City II ml U Of ibe City ol Hlllsboroshall act eiceed lha sum af jv (11 cent lor aca pa"ee" ,' " -' one trip In on general direction. SKCTION . Said Railway I ompaoy. It euo smw. and assigns, sball bar Iba rtghl t eon airucl and maintain a euie trace perty abutting on or conllguou SECTION I. The motive power employed foe operauag ear npon said railroad track or tracks, shall be electricity or oilier power Ibaa steam: provided, however, that the aaid United Rail, way Company. It suorsseors aad assign, are hereby empowered to ua leaa kwoeaeUvea during iba construct Ua. but not lor regular traf. Se. SECTION t. This franchiaa shall be null and void at tha option of lb Council of tha City of HUUborolfaald Railway Company, 11 uooes oner assigns, shall fail la construct and bar In operation laid railroad between HllUboro. Oregon, aad Port laud, Oregon, within two (2) years from th date of approval of thla Ordl. a nee: provided, however. If lha United Kail. ways Company, Ha auoeesaora or assigns, shall fall to const: act lis railway line on Main Street, Rasa Una Street and one Una from Main Street South on either First, Second or Third Streets prior to tha expiration of one (1) rear from Ibe dale of Ibe paaaags of thla Ordiaance, than this franchise sball, at lha option of lb City Council 01 Hiilsboro. b forfeited as to a II ihoaa street or portion of streets, upon which said railway line shall not have been constructed. 4KCT10N 10. The cars to be used npon aaid railway for the carriage of paaaeogera shall be of approved coast met Ion for Iba comfort and convenience of passengers, and at least on ear la each direction shell be oper every two (2) limits of each day th rougboat the length of said railway from HllUboro, Oregon, to Port lead, Oregon, between the hour of all ( o'clock A. M. and leu (10) o'clock P. M. of each day; provided, however. that wreck, strike and other causes not nader tha control ol said Railway Company which shall prevent Ibe oiwreliou of ears a herein provided. shall absolve the said Railway Compauy, II suc- easenr and assigns, from operating car aa pro Tided la Ibis Section. SUCTION II. ThU franchise sball continue In force for a period of twenty-live (26) year from the data of It approval by to mayor of lha City t f Hiilsboro, provided tha same shall be accepted by lha United Railway Comiatuy In writing Iliad with the Recorder within slaty u) day after It approval by lha Mayor; and provided further, that said Railways Company, it lucoeasor aud Assigns, ball comply with all of tha provisions of this Ordl nance, aud a failure to comply with any or all of said provltions ahall render this Or dlnanoe, at the option of the Council of tha Cily of HllUboro. void, and all right therein confer red for felted; provided, however, that If any of Iba term or conditions of this Ordinance shall be violated by tha said United Railways Company, IU successors and assigns, by reason af cause not under It control such as strike and wrecks, then such breach of tba term and conditions thereof sball not authorise the forfeiture of the franchisee herein granted; and provided alao thai this Ordinance at d the franchisee herein granted shall be revoked and forfeited only by OMInanoe of th City Council of lb City of HllUboro. DON'T MISS THE ( LEAGUE MEETING PORTLAND, JUNC 20. AT TI30 1907 Maatina at tha Marajuam n Friday. June 21-- Alao tha Graa Big Craws Eapeetew A Fetale Devil. vvnen fcmma Ooldtnan, the an archist, endeavors to incite men to deeds of violence against the repre tentative of this Government, and is permitted to do so in public. without let or hindrance, she dem Portland, June 10. Tha ottieers of tha Oregon Develop ment league will meet at tha Portland Commercial Club Thursday evening, June 20th, at 7:30, and every active worker, aa well aa tha presidents aud secretaries of tha different commercial bodies are urged to be present. The league proper will open Friday morning at 0 o'clock at tha Marouam Grand Theatre, and this seeaion will close at 12:30. Afternoon recess for Mower par ade and general recreation. Friday eve-1 ning exactly at 8 o'clock there will be a special pipe organ recital at the First Presbyterian church by Professor fcdgar K. Couraen, one of the beat organiat In America, free ot charge to all visitor residing outside the city. This is a rare and unusual treat. There will be s morning session of the league Saturday from 0 to 12:30. and tha program in cludes some of the most effective and thoroughly practicsl ad-men in the country. The Oregon girls tuken Knot by the "Telettranl" reached home Satur day night. Those in charge of Philip S. Bate are expected to arrive home to morrow. They have given the state a vast amount ot advertiaing. The ad dress of John If. Whvte, manager of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce, be fore the Ad Men's Club of Portland Wednesday ulght, made a great hit. The Rural Letter Carrier's Association of Oregon held a most interesting and successful convention in the Oregon room of the Portland Commercial Club Saturday. The Grand Lodge, A. F. A A. J., of Oregon, will lay the corner stone of tha new eight story steel build ing now nnder construction for the com mercial club Wednesday afternoon, I) . W. T. Williamson, grand master, officia ting. The reception given the Omaha business men st Portland was unique in the extreme. The governor, the mayor. and 100 representative business men party Sunday morning at 9 aNw - I Ws Come and Help Us Make theEagle Scream WILL BE' Celebrated at HIILSBORO, Orep Best and Biggest Celebration ever held in Washington county. The attractions will be numerous and the best that can be pro- gj cured, while the Fireworks will excel any )t thing ever seen in this section. - - - - aV W . eW V- Grand R. R. Excursion from BUXTON and BANKS The G. A. R. Veterans Into aor pro- as II line of railway m- -' pmrld-d that wae mi. Ii ir. a or tracks shall cross any Mal te ,. shall be .lak4 or otherwise uua or Ulued .0 a. ool W lulerfere with or ten.a aU "'ilTi.V.v , The treed of ear operaled epos mm trtrli Wlthl. lb. l.y "-' ,eM.boro shall aol e. the rata .lie. perhonr. and ear. .lorplog ,".U sot or-trud lb. cro- lreta a -14 City. onstrates the falsity ot uer own utterances and a possible weaknessl met tha 10 our Jaws.- Lincoln, the most o clock at the union depot. There was merciful ot meo. did not liesitate to l "reet car ride, reception and luncheon send coonerheads like Vallandie- 101 ,y' K08ef wer Oiatriboted by the " I I a 1 1 1 ua a .I.a U! I. . i 1 1 f . nam t k....!.!.. 1...... iJlUB, UH in Cl UAIU lUl'IIWU IU1 UlCilV-UIUkl ticawu fi, u ,.n , l, 4 t . . , ... ....... . Bule "8 the train was decorated wilb ana yet wnat V ananciiguam laugnt roaes; in fact there were roses .wry will hold their encampment on the grounds the now Shnto Park from June 29 to July 3, nt 11 p. m., when the park will be turned over to the ourth of Julv Committee for the BEST CELEBRATION ever hold in this county. Tell your neighbors nd come youaelf. - 1U( lUl.liS SOON. rrri was oot nearly so niischievouas the teachings of Kmtna Goldman. He gave aid and eucouragement to the Union's open enemies, who could be and weie combated and defeated; but the doctrine of oppo sition by assassination is secret and insidious and much harder to sup press. Unlortunately lor ourselves Four boys left their homes sud- where. The Portland Roe Show A Menly and clandestinely, with the i icma win certainly te the most charm ing eent of the vesr 1!07. Health Hints. . Never get cold feet, especially in politics. For palpitation of the heart quit reading market Quotations. A good way to treat appendicits we have sanctioned it when applied 13 to cut out the surgeon, to other Governments and have Avoid late hours; when the clock thrown open our doors for the ad- strilt 23 it is lime to go to bed. mission of its adherents. Many ol Maladies which iail to respond to thera now claim that the United anv ot" treatment should be States is no better governed than Russia, and, in fact, they are op posed, as Miss Goldman states, to any form of lawful authority. Free America is just as odious to them as Autocratic Russia, and the as sassin of McKinley stands on the same plane as the assassin of Van Plehve. They are not use to the ballott as a remedy for existing evils, and they teach that labor and capitol are irreconcilable enemies, and that one must ultimately des troy the other. They are. in fact, dangerous lunatics, who aim at chaos, and do not hesitate to com mit murder in their effort to tear down the structure of Government. They should be exterminated as ruthlessly as wild beasts are killed for the protection of human kind. Every teacher of anarchy is an ac cessory after the fact to the murders of Garfield and McKinley. Rainer Review. Good Wool Crop. John Harms last week removed the wool from his flock of CotswolJ sheep, and had fleeces that weighed from 8 J," to 20 pounds each. He showed a sample from the back of a yearling ewe that measured 20 inches in length. The fleece from this animal weighed 20 pounds and was sold for 21 cents per pound, bringing $4.20. That money is the interest on 6o at 7 per cent, counting the care and feeding for a year at $10 Mr. Harms claims that his ewe is well worth $50. Her site sheared 15 at bis four year old stage. V estern Uregou. Olympic Flour la the beat you can set at K. II. Greer's. treated with silent contempt. Remember that care killed a cat, and the man who has no more than nine lives can't afford to worry. Nose-bleed is often caused by not minding your own business. It may tie cured by calling the police and diving into the nearest drug store. If you are fat, get thin, if thin, get fat. Nature never meant you to be satisfied with your weight. A bee sting is good for rheuma tism, and therefore those who have hives are seldom troubled with scia tica at the fame time. Ex. It is said of the late Dean Huff- cutt, Governor Huehes Wat ad- - o - wuo commuted suicide as a result of a nervous breakdown from overwork, that he was one of the most brilliant men ever eraduated from Cornell University. And in his comparatively brief career since nis graduation he has fulfilled the 1 t . . origin promise of his youth. He seems to have had one conspicuous iailing, however, and that was. his inability to appreciate the import atlriat j-tY a at u, mvasionai rest and recrea tion from exacting intellectual pur suits, n is said of him that he never took a vacation. They reck on 111 who count on Mother Na ture s carelessness as a bookkeep er. Typewriters Attentlonl nave just pot in a slock of carbon paper and ribbons for typewriters, and wnen in nee, I call and see ns. E. 1.. McCORMICK. Ilillaboro, Ore. Money to luan on real estate eeenrity II. T. Parley avowed purpose of seeking their fortunes in Nevada. Tbev did not let their parents know their desti- ... 1 . a nation until two oayi alter men disappearance, for fear they would be recalled. It is presumed that by this time they are tasting their first fruits of liberty. We wish them well. It is highly proper for older and wiser headi to wag dole fully and predict all jorts of "bad ends" for boys who run away from home, but what man is there of full stature who can blame them? We all know what the boyish wander lust is and bow it gets into the blood at the springtime of year. Many staid old codgers even to day 00k about at the trees and the meadows and feel the call of the wild, and long for the exultation of the open places. And many and many more staid old codgers re member in a mist of iweet memor ies times when they themselves started to "run away'' and seek their fortunes in the biz wide world. A little more misty and a little more sweet is the memory ol those futile enterprises which left the dirty and penitent boy on his knees with his head in ni9 mother's lap sobbing for the very joy of be ing home again, we all know the wanderlust of boyhood. It is a very natural and a very commendable emotion, for it indicates spirit and enterprise and ambitiou to do great things alone and unafraid. We have all felt the wanderlust in ma- turer years that called us out into life, sometimes alone and sometimes in the companionship 0f a loyal friend who shared our timorous ad ventures. And how many are there of gray-haired old men in the world today who would not feel that the price of the long struggle was not too dear it tney onl re. turn again along the weary years to sob for joy at oeing ,n lbe olj nome and penitent at a mother's knee. Those boys are an right. They do not now realize the aching hearts they have left behind, but the beri mine holes, seeking whatever ad ventures may lie-in their paths. Mark Twain understood the wan derlust when lie told us about Tom Sawyer and Iluck Finn. It is boy ish nature. If all goes well, those boys will be back again not a bit worse for their premature contact with the world ot selfishness and hunger. But under whatever skies they wander we sigh for their op portunities. We. older grown, still know the lascinations ot the wanderlust. A soldier of fortune who had fought under eighteen diflerent flags died a few days ago from over indulgence in dumplings. Peace hath her datigets no less terrible than war. Every man hopes some day to run across doughnuts as good as the ones he used to steal from the pantry shelf when he was'a boy. Perhaps it will please you to hear that England has erected a statute to the memory of your olal friend aud neighbor, John Smith. Wanted. Twenty-two cords oak and 12 cords ash, 4 ft. lengths. Oak to be no larger than 7 nor smaller than 4 inches in diameter. This wood wan ted on board cars at any station on this division of S. P. R. R.. which takes the Hiilsboro rate. Only good, sound wood wanted; will pav prompt cash on delivery of wood on cars. Please quote prices. ALBERT N. STANTON, R. Na 4, Hiilsboro, Ore. Remarkable Rescue. That truth is stranger than fic tion, has once more been demon strated in the little town of Fedora, Teuu., the residence of C. V. Pep per, lie writes: "I was in bed, entirely disabled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me, nnd all hoie had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then in stant relief came. 1 tie cotigKing soon ceased: the blecdine dimin ished rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guar anteed cute for coughs and colds. 50c and $i.oo at all drug stores. Trial Inittle free. Egga for Hatchmf . Full I'.l.Mxl 1 '.row 11 leghorns, Black Minorcua and Uarred Plymouth Itock etrga for hutching- felting of l.'t, 11.(0. A reduction will be made inllOOegg lota. It. If. GUKK.n. i . 3 There's a lot of Satisfaction in a shoo which after month's ot wear, needs only polish to "Look like new." You'll find comfort, ease and profit in the Hamilton-Brown Shoes your Come and children- will want sonMtlung protty and goou ee ou "School Shoes No hotter made. No better can b mad.. with every pia Our irn.ir.ni tee iocs of Our line GROCERIES l the finest in the county. JOHN DENNIS. m. . -i i n..i;ahlfl Corner Grocery and Shoe Store a - f l;Krt is thri.. j Fi m.mwm-m I JT laK w .'. I "uuiney are JUMVrClTJ1X. off to the tuning pools, the swim-' -M fsm Shoe (pi $ V (lrSH0E &