Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 07, 1907, Image 5

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By V. W. BATH.
No. 2.
;42 a. in. .
No. 4.
5 :2 u. ni . .
forest (irove
Cornelius. . . ,
Mills boro. . . ,
Keedvitle. , .,
Hvavertun. . .
Portland ....
No. I.
.4:31 p.
No. 3.
..9:03 a.
ISO. 7 m
7:65 .
(tO. 8 01
: . :00
. . 1 1 :5ft
9 p m
Portland ....
IWvertou. . .
Kwslville. . . ,
Kurmt (irove 12:20
riiin train will run dally except Pun
ilav. and service will be maintained
king an the buainese will justify. This
will be a lut'al passenger train ol subur
ban nature ami w ill not carry a baggage
I'. (i. VICKERS, Agent,
No. 10 p m
6 -K)
kit s in bulk at Greer's.
Subscribe for The Independent.
New 11)07 bicycles In at Sears' Bicycle
Shop. Main St.
Burn. On Snuday last to Mr. and
Mrs. V. (1. Hare, daughter.
Baae Bull goods of all kinds a K. Lee
Sear's Bicycle shop on Main street.
Olympic Flour is the best you can get
at R. II. Greer's
Money to loan on real estate security,
II. T. Bagley.
Have Iw
umbrel la.
Sears fix that broken
At the Cyclery
For a quiet rest and a dish of good ice
cream or soda, viiiit the Den of Sweets.
One week from today is Flag Dav.
Ist "Old Glory" float from every home.
The Weekly Oregonlan and The Hills-
ooro Independent, both one year for )2
Died At his home near Scholia, on
May 2Uth, 1907, Samuel B. Lawrence,
aged 07 years.
Garden seeds ol all kinds in bulk at
1. II. Greer's. I-argett lines I have
ever carried.
Splendid new line of post cards just
received at Mrs. Bath's, one door east
of Tualatin Hotel.
S. A. D. Meek was a county seat visi
tor Wediiesduy and a pleasant caller at
tliisotllce. '
New sidewalks have lust been com
pleted in front of the residences of May
or jjunnis and ex Judge Kood on First
Stefaho Batke of Portland baa file!
In the circuit court of this county di
vorce proceedings against bis wife Agnes
Batke, on the grounds of desertion. He
ays in his complaint that they were
married in April, 1882, and that she de
serted him some five years agu, and ac
cording to his beat knowledge she la now
a resident of Winnipeg, Can.
Last Sunday about fifty people from
Hillsboro went to Banks to see the ball
games. Banks got away with the Hills
boro nine in the most approved style,
and immediately afterward the Banks
boys took their starch out of the Ver
boort club. Our reporter aays the big
crowd was orderly and good uatored
and there was no indication of liquor
shown by anyone.
In June the farmer loads his hay
We hope his crop will turn out well-
He is the country's sure main-stay,
For without him we naught could sell.
Now some sell this, and others that,
The wants of people always vary
If you want tweets. I'll tell you what
Try Palmateer's Confectionery.
L. J. Palmateer, Proprietor.
The program for the band concert in
the court house yard tomorrow evening
ing follows:
March Pkilo Senate It. B. Hall
Waltz Among the Hoses Kiefer
Schottisch Stay in Your Own Back
yard Mackie
Overture -Past and Present Dalbey
Intermezxo Pretzel Pete (made in
Germany '. Durand
Walts Selected
March The Motor... Kosey
Song and Dance Caprice Mirth and
Muaio Beebe
Gallop Dandy Pette
Born. On Tuesday of this week, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Johnson, who live
near the long bridge, west of town, e
School closes today for the summer
vacation. The pupils, teachers and par
ents are enjoying a "food bye" picnic in
the new Shute Park today and are hav
ing a great time.
Mention waa made last week of the
serious illness of spinal meningitia of
Will Marsh, of Centerville. Tbs disease
proved fatal and the young man passed
away the first of the week.
The United Railways Co. and the Pa
cific Kallwav A Navigation Co. have
been consolidated with C. E. Lytle as
president. It it aaid the electric line
from Portland to Hillsboro will be
pushed to completion and a connection
made with the P. R. A N. for Tillamook.
A handsome new residence Las riaen
from the ashee of the Mouther house
burned several months ago on first
street. It is a two-story frame building
and will make Mr. Souther a fine home.
He moved in this week.
Get Ice
ing sr... oeeeu f. .
"dea., i, " "w
- uoine.
in ' Sb-Ll.
year. W tlZl
11 the ens'" hMtraill' -
will be fnu, hiwi. Hi. . ..
Sheldon toil"1 column Mr
sndUyoufrnil. .
teut 'tor,!T"cofact,1Upe
sact buime, ''Ibeplet,,
good to esi, . usiicious.
at i
t the
"n of g
The folio,,
. .1.1 "rri,.. ii.
tueu itoL. "coeswer
PortUnd.au, - ,r"k D. Morrlt
verton; Daw v " ohnston, Bea-
ud J.. , vrne.
Hoobwrv, Cor-
l h.1 . V grants
Both u . V, M"r offlcia
"b DritU - - i
well known u ., ' uu I'oom are
J. Tuescher, Jr., traveling agent of , ,nj "'fu'T popular
nuiiu, u
hidue, and . .7'""n. Pumpkin
"""10. Mel V.I i
On yesteii, .
of Arnold H(!,ir:u"'a "urriag.
the residency" " uihe Smith at
Regular services at the Cnogregational
churt h next Sunday as usual. Sunday
school at 10 o'clin-k. Murnina service.
An address to the Sunday School child
ren. Evening service: "Temperance,
the Why and How." Y. P. g. C. E. at
Iloaard Gilpatrick, Pastor.
Services at the M. 2. church next
Sabbath, preaching both Siorning and
eveniug by ihe pastor. Rev L. F. Bel
knap. Suuday school at 10 :00 a. m. ;
morning service, 11:00 a. m. ; Epworth
League at 6:30 p. iu., and evening ser
vice at 7:30 p. u.
you n it
the Boys and Girls Aid Society, was out wit. k.. "lur nIpiness aud
whom ther ""Vbod, with
from Portland Tuesday. Complaint has
been made to the society that the Dixon
children are not receiving proper atten
tion and Mr. Tuescher is here to ascer
tain if the report is true.
Finale. .
Thomas Tallman, who lives near the
condenser, waa taken seriously ill Tues
day night and Dr. Tamieaie waa hastily
summoned. It was found that Mr. Tall-
man was suffering from ptomaine pois
oning, the result of eating bad meat, it
is thought. Prompt medical attention
brought tho patient through all rislit,
but for a short time he was in a very
dangerous condition.
Thos. II. Tongue, Jr., of this city, was
married on Wednesday at Los Angeles,
Cat., to Miss Irene Cadwell of that city.
The bride waa assistant in the conserva
tory of music in the Pacific University
at Forest Grove last year, is quite well
known here, and is very accoioplinhed
and estimable young lady, while the
groom, a rising attorney and a son of the
late Hon. T. 11. Tongue, is well and fav
orably known toeverybody In thij couo-
The Independent wishes the happy
couple both happiness and prosperity.
Fred Adams met with an accident re
cently while doing carpenter work at
the condenser, which will prevent bim
from doing heavy work for some months.
While lifting some lumber he felt some
thing give way in the region of the stom
ach, and the doctor says the strain tore
way the lining of the stomach, lie
bss moved his family to Scholia for the
summer and may conclude to take a
trip of inspection up in the Coos Bsy
We are serving Jtonboniere ice cream
in hi la and JSundaea.
ln of Sweets.
, Teams wanted on P. R. N. Ry
k. grade near Buxton. Wages:
,J tea inn, f I 50; wheeler teams, $5.00
per day.
We are prepared to do all kinds of re
pairing In first class shape and guaran
tee every piece of work. At R. Lee
Sears' Bicycle Shop.
Kev. n. J. Lindsay attended the an
rami commencement exercises of Dallas
college on Tuesday and Wednesday. He
reports a large attendance and very in
tereitting exerciaee .
.Mi s Jennie Deichman, who lias been
attending the state normal school at
Bellingham, With., arrived in Hillsboro
last Saturday and will snd the vaca
tion wlih her parents.
i mi war veterans woo enlisted pre
vious to July 1, 18(13, may receive $100
bounty from the government under a
ruling of the department at Washington,
the statute of limitation which has been
a bar to this having been removed.
.nr. rrumpa, ot isuxton, who lias re
cently returned from Palmer, Wash,
was struck in the lip by a flying piece of
steel and an artery severed. Dr. A.
B. Bailey was calley to attend the in
Irving Bath, publisher and proprietor
of the Bandon Recorder, ia expected to
arrive in Hillsboro tomorrow for a
week's vinit. He reports the Coos Bay
country filling up rapidly with a deeir
able cIuhs of people, and says that for
health "Bandon by the Sea" has no
During the month of May 2,086 tick-
els were sold at the Southern Pacific
depot In this city for Portland, and 320
tickets to Forest Grove. These were all
one-way ticketa. During the same
month 100 caroads of hay, oats and
milk were billed from Ibis station; sev
en carloads of Inmber were sent out last
week, and the condenser ships from two
to three carloads ot milk daily. This
goes to show that things in Hillsboro
are moving right along.
Mrs. J. W. fewell and daughter Mary
left last Sunday morning for La Grande
to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law,
C. C. Frazier, whose death in Cali
fornia was announced in this paper last
week. Mr. Frazler's son, who brought
the body of his mother to LeGrande
for burial about a month ago, waa un
able to return to his father before he
had passed away. The funeral occurred
on Wednesday.
We acknowledge an invitation to the
Commencement at the University of
Oregon, which will be held June 23rd to
the 20th. The graduating class numbers
fifty-five men and women, from all parts
of the state, the largest class that has
ever been graduated from an Oregon in
stitution. In addition to the asual com
mencement exercises, the musical pro
gram of each dav w ill be exceptionally
attractive. The railroads have granted
a round trip rate of one and one-third
fare to those wishing to attend these ex
Complying to an invitation of Judge
Goodin, one day the first of the week,
"to take a ride out into the country and
et a little fresh air," the editor of this
paper took a seat beside the genial judge
and enjoyed a five hours' drive through
as fine a section of farms and beautiful
country homes as can be found any
where, and over a stretch of road that
lias no superior in Oregon. We hav
often heard of the .''horrible" roads in
Washington county, but on the Farm
lngtou-Portland road, leading east from
the Farmington bridge for two and a
quarter miles ia a stretch of road that is
a credit to everv man living along the
highway, and what is better -still, the
road will be made better from year
to year. For this great improvement
the traveling public can thank 8. K
Olson, Andrew Jack, D. M. Mclnnis,
Loss. M. Johnson, Judge Nicodemus,
Geo. J. Jack, J. Boge, Fred B. Clark,
Alex Bews, J. J. Jack and Sol Jack.
Some time ago theie gentlemen went be
fore the county commissioners with a
proposition that if the board would put
trie road In proper shape (bar would
agree to keep it in good order by
dragging, rolling and grading, for a per
iod of five years from June 1, 1W07 and,
to dig and keep open outlet drains from
the road through their.respective farms,
sufficient let to all water drain from the
roadside. This the commissioners
agreed to do and for $350 got S. E. Olson
to do the work, which was finished only
last week. Mr. Olson, with the help of
his neighbors, whose namea are men
tioned above, went to work with a will
and now the Farmington Portland road
is a credit to any section and a model
other part of Washington county would
do well to pattern after. Our drive led
us to Scholls ferry where D. B. Reasoner
and a force of men are putting in an 80
foot Howe truss span bridge which, when
completed, will be 236 feet in length.
Mr. Reasoner ia doing good work and
harrying it along as fast as possible.
J. W. Bat,, w
W.nn .nd B "' McCourt. Ed.
for Rock Cr;.0:.18'1-
filing HP7,r? !:ru''-'
ties Greear uv. Ju..
... fo, th .... ?' "' '"touior-
TIl Vnliin.
School CoCXT'
g,egation.lch(fch , tfc
!!T '?1 thabeV
present. The exercises
"7. V ::,uu ntertaining. The
about 200 partlclpsted.
Preaching service at Witch Haxel at 3
p. in.
There will be the regular arvu.-es at
the United Evangelical church on Sun
day. Sabbath School at 10, morning
service at 11. evangelistic servle at fi
p. in.
One Door East of Tualatin Hotel.
Fire Crackers!
Fire Crackurs, Torpedoes, t ap P:st al
and Caps, Canes and Ammnnitirn. Flas,
Fane. Red, White and Blue Ribbon, Pa
per Parachutes aud Kitee, Roman Cand
els, Sk i Rockets. Pin Wheels, at Mrs.
Batb'a. Fine assort men t of tire works.
Greetings Front Niagara Falls.
Something new and pretty in post
cards. They are twice the si of u
ordinary postal.
Sandalat Sandalal
I have the bare-foot sandals, in all
isee, la heavy welt soles for children.
Thev are cool aod durable, jnt bat
the boyi and girls want.
There will be Children's Dav exercises
t the Christian rh
evening. A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all.
Reedville preaching service will be
held after the Sabbath School next Sab
bath morning bv Rev. John M. Fergu
on, missionary evangelist ol Portland
Children's Dav exercises will be held
at the Tualatin Plains Presbyterian
cuurcii next Sabbath morning.
mere will bo evangelistic services
held at the Tualatin Plains Presbyterian
cuurch bemnning next Sabbath evening
T .. .. T . . ... ....
j. in. rerguson win assist the pas
tor. Meetings every night next week at
s p. in. A most cordial invitation is ex
tended to all.
Rieger'l PerUBei ...
frywhcrea.tb.te,tm.(iei.nj ,
using them waiUsatigfiej with nooth.
er. Ths Ilillsbow Phlrmv .... .
.tool "Royal CWrj, Buds' "Pasadena
Rose" and "P,0 Alto Pink." Call
and get a bottls l Toa want iomethi
fine and lasting.
To out Customers.
Our chopper will D0t be operated after
June 15th until about July 10th. Chop
ping next week on Tuesday. Thursday
ana aaiurasyt i
; . Cornelius, Ore.
Commissioners' Proceeding.
The commhtBioners met in regular ses
sion Wednesday morning.
The report of E. J. Godraan received
and approved; rscsipts 1170.90.
Report of Vtillu Ireland received and
approved j receipts $324.35.
The petition of. Hill Telephone Co. to
construct telepkans line along a county
omd inn ..-.in .
The road tetionof J. VV. Haines, et
al received and read first time and re
ferred to prosecuting attorney.
The resignation of R. S. Robinson a
supervisor of District No. 22 received
and accepted, h,
The. application of O. W. Hinea of
Road District No. 21 tor funds to com
plete road work received and $75 appro
priated from general fund to said dli
Petition of M. E. Buck, C. True, et al,
received and read the first time and re
ferred to the prosecuting attorney.
The following bills were audited and
allowed :
Psler Vandsiianusr, rsfuDd tax I I M
Nsls C iTsnon, 24 0
W H Ltvsnfood sod g Q olds, r sad h I 00
C Stanley, wltnMS.. f
Uo Sch wandsr. J urot.. M w
Oroner a Rowsll, r aad k j 74
Km Bras, r " 24 12
Muslin underwear for ladies and knit
underwear, hosiery and supHrters for
children and ladies.
White Canvaa.Clcaner
for cleaning canvaa belts, shoes, slippers
and articles made of canvas and duck.
Will not stiffen or shrink the shoes.
The city officers and the Fourth of
July committee made a trip to the new
Shute Park this week for tho purpose of
looking over what had been done in the
ay of improvement. Much work has
been done and there is still considerable
1 to .In. rit bv the 4th everything a 111 1
ready for the big crowd.
Dr. Harry Laue was elected mayor of
the city of Portland last Monday V sue
cesd himself, enongh republicans voting
fur him to defeat the regular republican
nominee, T. C. Devlin. Nominate a
man at the primaries and then kill him
on election day seems to be a pleasant
pastiuie for Oregon republicans these
Twenty-two cords oak and 13
cords ash, 4 ft. leuaths. O-lt to be
no larger than 7 nor smaller than 4
inches in diameter. This wood wan
ted on board cars at any station on
this division of S. P. R. R., which
takes the Hillsboro rate. Only good,
sound wood wanted; will pay
prompt cash on delivery of wood on
cars. Please quote prices.
R. No. 4, Hillsboro, Ore.
Paul, the 7-vear-old son of Supt. Rin-
gle of the city water and light plant,
fell out of led about a week ago and
fractured his collar bone. His parents
had no idea the bone was broken until
Dr. A. B. Builey make sn examination.
lie reduced the fracture and the little
fellow is gelling along all light.
The Salem Electric line which is try
ing to get a right-of-way from Beaverton
to HilUtwro, is meeting with success,
over half the required amount of money
to pay for the right-of way having been
ratr-ed. It is stated the road will cer
tainly be built to this city and at once.
This w ill make two electric lines into
Hillsboro. It'emcome.
In response to a request from the
State Board of Education for the school
children of Wellington county to con
tribute a penny each to the Perry Arc
tic expedition fund, a day was set to re
ceive contributions, and Supt. Case re
ports the following amounts having been
received by him, and the source: The
Dane school, District No. 84, 47c; Die
trict 42, Stiady Brook, 25c; District 8,
Lleeyville, 3ic; District 70, Mead, 00c;
District 10, Dilley, 4.1c; District 27,
Watts, t'0c: District 7, Hillsboro, 22c;
Pisrrict 63, Helvetia, 5V; District 23jt,
Tigardville, 7.'h; District 3, Laurel. $1;
District 31, 85c j District 48, Beaverton,
30c ; making a total, of a very unpopular
und, of $0.38.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greer leave next
week for Hillyard, Wash., a suburb of
Spoksne, where Mr. Greer hss property
snd where they will make their future
home. Mr. and Mrs. Greer hava IU-mI
'n Hillsboro eight years and ten years
in Forest (irove, and they leave a host
of friends in both cities. Mr. Greer Is
in poor health and it is aincerely hoped
the change of climate from Oregon to
Washington will be very beneficial and
his life prolonged many years. He and
bis wife leave Hillsboro with the God
speed of all.
Wm. Conneli has added very much to
appearance of hia Third street property
by putting a coat of paint on his resi
dence; Mrs. Susie Morgan has made hor
fine home on Second street look like
new by the magical touch of the paint
er's brush; Mrs. Siegrist has added a
porch to her nretty horns on Third
street; Dr. Wood has ordered all his
tenants out ot ths wooden structures be
tween the Shute Bank ami Tualatin
Hotel, and on July Ut will break ground
for double brick store, and it is said
the Grsnge may erect a handsome brick
block between W. O. Donelson'a snd
the Nelson Co. hardware store. New
residences are going up in many parts of
town, and though there ie no stir or ex
citement about the matter, the steady
march ol improvement is going on In
Hillsboro. If a few unsightly boles in
the sidewalks and planking on Main and
Second streete were repaired and replac
ed by new plank, the strangers who come
and go, would have lees reason to knock
the county seat because ot ite neglect in
keeping its walks and streets in decent
The sermon before the graduating
classes was delivered by Rev. L. F. Bel
knap in the M. E. church last Sunday,
the house being crowded to the doors.
Mr. Belknap gave as hia text for his
baccalaureate sermon ProT. 4 7: "Wis
dom is the principal thing; therefore
get wisdom, and with all thy getting get
understanding." The sermon wss a
masterpiece. Following is a brief synop
sis: "Many have great learning but
fail for not noting the relation of things.
Education means to draw out, to de
velop, and make us masters of ourselves.
Man is a trinity in unity, body, mind
aod soul. True education must evenly
develop his body, hia intelligence, his
moral character and nature. Why
should we be educated? First, for our
own sake; second, for the sake of our
fellow beings; third, for the honor and
glory of the Creator who made us. by
take care of our bodies? In the great
problems ot life, there is need of a
strong mind in strong body." The
speaker quoted President Roosevelt, who
has a certain sort of contempt for a man
with soft, useless hands. "Boys, especi
ally, from the lives they lead, need to
care for their bodies. Avoid bad habits.
Great numbers of volunteers were re
jected during the call of our country for
defenders. The time may come when
our land may need protection, but me
cigarette boy will have uo place. To be
perfect physically ia not enough. Mind
rules the body. Learn to think lor
yourself. Face great problems and set
tle thsin. Strive for the best. The
trained Intellect has the advantage.
Good physique and trained mind are
not enough. The moral nature hould
be strong and well disciplined. Educa
tion of the body and mind without a
moral and spiritual training is dan
gerous thing. Neither would I empha
sise the spiritual. When this ts done
to the neglect of the intellectual, the re
sults is fanatics and religioua cranks. 1
velop systematically. Io dPt
mente of lite the world Is calling lor
i.t.r. All treat leaders hsve be
trained men and women. Goal
. 1 1 TMrhers little
nu ,
Us how they are fashioning the future ol
their pupils."
Hlllfbora Lumber Co, rsllai ,
ResvesA K .
Brwln Rlilsr. """Inland ool
OlaiaA Prudbomos, Hatlonwy.
W O Dooeltoa, nun, lad ..
J T You til, rand
" " ...
A A Morrill. " '
El GodmtD, clerk tie,.
Oregon Wa.hlnloo Hp. Co, r sad a...
Ths Irwin HodaonCo, aUonsry
Blanch Rle. sx am board
Uwrno I )U 00, SX hoard
Mrs V C Woodbury.
Us Byert, '
j j Younf. r and a im
Ths Irwla Hodsoa Co, suuonsry.
WHI.Tda. randh. :
Kmtm A Rfersn. rllr..
PMiOe sun Tsl Co, rsiiof .
Baals A Co, r and a . "
1 B tmlar. a-"""! and eol.
f w lAinmor, r and k
Wallace Brows, wltom
t N Pools. mln ad oo
A W Collins. iaHrta.
Thos A McBrlds, elreuu judg
Faith Walls, whdws D a
Mrs RHta Bcbnss, .
Ed HcCmci". w'lasit
0o H Wilcox,
M rwlf. wltno" Da ,
Barman Atbborber, u A
Poml Uro TIbmb, SMntln,
W O DomUoo. rHf.
q w Barnsa, aw-ln, ln4 Col
johnwB Bros, raad t
W at jaexso". '
u " " bllunr
A B Pl. MM,n d cut.
A 1 Ror. rail---
j g Marsh". " ...
Brlse Broa. r BBdh.
suraos Broa. r and 1
Ha Bros, brdr
CUT of Hlltobo'O. llfht ,0(J mtmJm
H T Boito", """""I and sol
II c Cas. '' st " "
M c Cats, oflles fPni.r..
Willi Irsland. aalart .,, -Hllfboto
lBd.seBd.at, Brmun, JZT
C I Hlr. ' - .
M.X Wil. wltn 77T
BS RoblowB. "! '!.
Jobs I B"'' 1
joB. !T- B4 brtdsZT.
O w HI R bb li "
Tho urphr. P !.
A Raor-aa " .
O HsasT- "l j
P.MT vasww "r.
ST O Pi.! 1 a
aaa "
Rand H
The following historical and financltl
report to the congregation at the dedica
tion of Zion Presbyterian church, Reed
ville, baa been handed us for publica
tion :
On the second Sabbath of January.
l'JOl, Mr. Robinson held the first Pres
byterian service in this community.
Prior to. that time various denomina
tions had occupied the ground, but eack-
eventually ceased and left the field des
titute of any gospel preaching. A Salf
oain school was sometimes maintained,
but naturally declined as the services
were broken off. The school house wss
always open for religious service, but as
time went on many felt the need of
church building where greater respect
could be given to God's name and wor
ship. In January, l'.M)2, steps were tak-
en to secure a lot in view of building
church, and W. M. I -add to favor the es
tablishment of A church and donate
lot. The condition of the community at
that time however, was not favorable to
this project, so nothing waa done until
February, l'.KKS, when the matter waa
again taken nu and W. M. lald referred
to Martin Winch. Again there was de
lay and nothing was done until early
last year when our pastor wrote to Dr.
Hill asking him to give us his personal
influence. He turned the letter over to
Dr. Holt requesting him to take up the
matter w hich he did and finally a deed
was given by the 1-add and Reed estate
for the land upon which the church now
stands. On June 20, 1900, s subscrip
tion list wm circulated by the pastor
and the people very liberally subscribed.
A meeting of the subscribers was called
on July 10th, and a committee elected
for building and completing the bouse
of worship consisting of Messrs. Wslter
McCallum, J. .Miller, James Borwick,
snd D. Shaw; J. B. Imlay was sleeted
Through the kind providence of God,
the work has been conducted to the sat
isfaction of the entire community and
today we come to dedicate this work of
our hands to Him whose presence is not
confined to an earthly temple, but whose
191 7S glory fills every house of Zion erected to
(lis name.
Amplication was made to the Presby
terlan Board of Church Erection for aid
to complete the structure, one tnou
aand dollais was recommended Dy tne
Presbytery of Portland and granted by
the board.
it wa. thoneht wise to build a fence
around the church lot and erect sheds
and furnish the church complete as it
now is, and at Ihe dedication endeavor
to clear off all indebtedness
We have received some smsll subecrip-
tln, from Portland. Vt. unsiawr,
John Cran and Dr. Holt were all helpful
to the pastor in his efforts to secure sub
scriptions in Portland.
Ws value the whole property as you
it today, including organ, bell, pews,
lamps, pulpit lurinsnings, sneuw
fanra at about 11.2.50.
All i naid but bills amounting to sow
.... a-. I..
hich we hoped might ue raisea x..T.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter McCallum,
J. Mdler, sec.,
James Borwick,
D. Shaw,
Building Committee
Reedville, Oregon.
June 2, 1!K),.
... . 1
k 1:., f ih rontributora to tne neeu-
vills church fund is being prepared, and
when completed will be published.
This is the Great
- Steel Range
We send it anywhere for tho
small cash payment of only
and allow you to make the easy payments of G K 00
month until paid for. - If you aro not thor
oughly satisfied with the "ECLIPSE" after a trial, wo take
it off your hands and refund your money. Could any
thing be fairer? The price of the "ECLIPSE" and full
description ia given in our catalog sentfreo on application.
The Edison
.. 40 IS
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jolia A JoBaaoe.
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lee for tale in tmall quantities at u.
Den of Sweets.
Card of Thanks.
To the many irienus b i
1 J.,inJ I KatJ
whoso kindly a-suiea nie uu.....
last Illness and iea:n 01 mT
husband. J. tirant rellelte. I wish to at
tend mv sincere thanks.
Mrs. J. l. reueiie.
The O. A. H. aod . n. . oi -
boro, Or., join in thanking the managers
of Crescent Theatre l r in. ua. v.
house for memorial terviceson oanoay,
and Decoration Dv, also Prof. Barnes,
Mine Wilcoa, and Mrs. Pittenger, with
their classes and all others that assisted
that day.
When a man leaves home in the evening it is be
cause he seeks amusement. The best way to keep him
home is so give, him the amusement there. Make
home a competitor of downtown, tho club, tho cafe,
the theatre and the concert hall. No ono thing will
furnish so much amusement for so many peoplo, so
many times, and in so many ways as the Edison
Talk about versatility! If you had a brass band
on tap and several leading concert hall singers on sal
ary, and two or or three funny men to crack jokes,
and a beautiful soprano to sing ballads, you couiu noi
give the same amount of varied entertainment that
the Edison Phonograph gives by simply changing
You can hear the whole program at our store.
The prices on Edison goods are the same anywhere in the
U.S. If you buy here you have no freight to pay whtcu means
something about $3 oo.
Prices: Kdison Standard or No. 5 f 20.00
" Home - 30.00
" Triumph . 30.00
" Records, per dozen 4.20
You can bear the recrods at my store any time, and we will be
only to glad to play for you. You will be surprised at the re
markable distinctness and clearness of the Edison Phonograph iu
producing sound. Cash or Installments Same price.
e l. Mccormick, hillsboro, ore.
& Paper Hangers
Paiqls, Oils, Varnish
All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Esti
mates furnished. Kefinishing of House, Store and
Office Furniture. Prompt and satisfactory service.
Your patronage is solicited. Shop opposite Dr. Tarn
iesie's residence on Main street.
Headquarters for Xcw Era Paints, Varnish
and Ilrushes.