NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TIMBER FRAUDS IN MANY STATES SAW BHOWNSVILLE bHOOTINQ.j ACT ON HARRIMAN MERGER Edi,Cr K,;B::r:.l-r..N-'-' W... D.cld M R.E.rd Kill Bartender Natrcu Washington. May i 3 Paulino D. Preclado, editor of a Mxfrn news paper la Brownsville, Tex., and aa eya-wltnes to the shooting of Frank Natous. the only man killed la the affray there, wai on the stand today before the Senate committee oo mil itary affair. Dramatically telling hU atory In Spanish and having It Inter im mm ior me committee, be proved to be the moat important witness during tbe present hearing. When the shooting began, Pre- unuo was sating in the court In the rear of Tillman's saloon. According to his story today. Mr. Crixell, who iuouucis a saioon across the street ironi unman s place, rushed In ex ..Itnitl. J ....... .ii.u7 buu rrporiwa mat the ne groes were out." The doors to Til man a saloon were Immediately closed and barred and Natous, the bartender, started acroa tbe court to bar the gate which connected the court with the alloy. Preclado fol . lowed, but before be had emerged rrom me saloon In tbe court he saw five or six negro soldiers In uniform enter the gate. They fired several shots, and Natous threw up his arms ana, exclulmlng In Spanish, "Oh. my God," fell on his back tie was killed Instantly. Another bullet grazed Preciado's hand and it bled profusely. Still another bullet passed through Preciado's coat and vest near the left breast pocket an broke his glasses, which were In case la the pocket. The men lmmed lately proceeded down the alley, shooting as they went He swore positively the men were negro sol"'"" TAKfc JArVsN'o KICK. less of Court. Two Senators Implicated In Bigg Land Conspiracy Yet. Chlcaao. Uit tt.A dispatch th. TrtKn r -... Wm nh InKtOD. D. C says: "Amitlnc revelations of conspir acy to defraud the United States of millions of dollars worth of mineral and timber lands will be told befor San Franciso Business Houses At tacked Federal Inquiry Orderee. Washington, May 29. Informa tlon that Japanese have been sub' Jected to ill-treatment and indignl ties In San Francisco came to the State Department today from two sources, and Secretary Hoot has taken measures for the protection of the Japanese through two channels Ambassador Wright at Toklo cabled that a Japanese restaurant and a Japanese bathhouse In San Francisco had been demolished by mob, and Viscount Aokl, the Japnn- ese Ambassador here, laid before Mr. Hoot dispatches from the Japanese Consul-General at San Francisco de tailing tbe same occurrence. Mr. Root at once made request on Attorney-General Bonaparte, that the United States District Attorney In San Francisco be directed to make an Immediate Investigation. Mr. lionaparte thereupon telegraphed both the United States District At torney and the United States Mar shal at San Francisco to forward re ports by telegraph. Regulate Irrigation. Washington, May 29. Ralph B. Williamson, of Portland, has been ap pointed assistant to the United States Attorney for the eastern district of Washington, in cases needing immedi ate attention in connection with the operation of the Sunnyside irrigation project. Mr. Williamson is author ized to institute injunction proceed ings to restrain unlawful taking of water from the Sunnyside canal or its laterals, when called upon to do so by the engineer t.l charge of the bunny sidc reclamation project. Manufacturers Want Tariff Revision. New York, May 23. The National Association of Manufacturers of the United States went on. record as In favor of a revision of the tariff and the negotiation of more trestles. Rome debating preceded this vote on the report of the committee on tariff and reciprocity. The committee based Its recommendations on a poll of the 3,000 members of the asso ciation. Of the total number reply ing 65 per cent declared for Immed iate revision, while 20 per cent ex pressed a "stand-pat" sentiment. Eight per cent believed that the time for revlsl"- - ""'""d I Washington, May 24 It Is not tha rand 1urle. of naif Joxen tbe Intention of the Interstate Com- l" ,r,llll,lur" ' frauds nierce Commission to await the re- ta wltn,n fw dajr- Th U , suit or tbe proceeding to compel E. it Is alleged, will Involve in cniu II. Harrlnian to answer curtain In. Lk...u. it.. n.m.a r.t men high In quirles that were put to him la tbe .d nniitieal circles. They JNew York Investigation before tak- . , : " ins: action on tha nri hir nf Include: tbe Investigation. "One United State Senator, one la tbe opinion of member of the lex-United State Senator, a man r- commission, it may be a year or puted t0 b, OM of the wealthiest S.0" a railroad man Harrlman to answer Question. The known from the Atlantic to in rac proceedings will be Instituted In New fie: two of the wealthiest lumber York tbe latter part of this month, or Zitohb jn th United SUtes; numer me nrsi or next montn. Jt Is expect-1 ,, ,,..,.. railroad ed that. If the court upholds the uu amaller fry. Including rallroaa Pnmrnijoinn vf r uln.i. .in I officials, coal operators, and men ai carry the case to higher courts, the bead of fuel companies. Should the lower courts be adverse Those men whose name cannot to the Commission, It 1 probable . , .,' K,, ,v r,nA lurr that it will carry tbe matter up. In- b mae public before the grand Jury asmuch as a right of the Commission acts, It 1 declared here, will ureiy la Involved. be Indicted by the evidence which Is 1 he case would have been brought earlier, but the attorney of the Commission have been engaged on other work. The arguments in the Standard Oil cases, which are to take now la the hand of tbe United State District Attorney In half dozen Western state. These frauds, It wa declared ye- place In St. Paul, will occupy thelterduy ln an 0mclal quarter, extend attention of Messrs. Kellogg and Sev erance, and they will not be able to take up the Harrlman matter until after these are finished. Without reference, however, to the determi nation of that question, the Commis sion will consider the merits of th general Inquiry into the Harrlman Into a number of states. Including California, Colorado, Washington Oregon, Idaho, Montana. Minnesota and the Dakotas. Much of the evidence ln thee frauds was obtained by Detective Hums, wbo la engaged la tbe munl- lines and reach its conclusion on the -iI1Mi rrt nrnii-Mi)n in San Fran- iacis preseuiea. j ne maicauuna are e-Co. and bv Francis J. Heney. wbo . ii 1 1 i . - that a determination of the case will be reached ln a few weeks. Northwest Postal Affairs. Washington, May 26 Postmast er appointed: Oregon Mayvllle, Laura E. Me- Connell, vice M. 8. Thomas, re moved; Placer, Kuth W. Scovlll, vice said to be Implicated ln the frauds. Molly Irwin, resigned. is prosecuting the same San Fran Cisco grafters. Upon the conclusion of their work In San Francisco, Mr. Heney and Mr. Burn are expected to return to tbe government service for the prosecution of tbe timber and mineral land thieves. Some of the grafters ln San Francisco are also Washington Columbus, Milan Robinson, vice K. T. Stark, resigned; Pe-Ell, George If. Dodge, vice J. G. Dunlap, resigned; Piedmont, John J. Cunnea, vice N. N. Bell, resigned. Kural free delivery carrier ap pointed for Washington route East Spokane, route 2, Frederick L. Hu gill carrier, 8. J. Payne substitute; Spokane Bridge, route 1, William F. Galloway carrier, Wallace Galloway, substitute. FIVE WORKMEN KILLfcD. Bursting Ammonia Pipe Fills Packing Plant With Deadly Fume. Chicago, May 2i. Five workmen were killed and several others ser lously Injured this afternoon when an ammonia pipe exploded ln the beef-killing department of Armour ft Co. plant at the stockyards. The Americans Win Con'ract. building was full of workmen at tbe New York, May 29. In the face of time, and the deadly fumes, escaping the keenest competition on the part from under nigh pressure, pene- of foremost Italian. German and other trated through every department of European concerns, another import- nt contract has been allotted to American electrical interests by the Italian government. The contract, valued at about $3,000,000, was ob- tbe building ln such a short time that 20 of the men were overcome before they could make their escape to the fresh air. All but five of these men were dragged from tbe place by taincd by the Westinghouse Company I their companions in such a serious Pugilist Puraoneo by President. Washington, May 23. The De partment of Justice today prepared and transmitted to the White House for the President's signature, when he returns from his outing In Vir ginia, a warrant for the pardon of John L. Lennon. the marine corps private who Is serving one year's Im prisonment at governor isiana, n. Y., for desertion. Lennon Is a nephew of John L. Kulllvan, me tormer pun lllst. whose Intercession wita president resulted ln clemency. nd calls for the conversion from team to electricity of the suburban tate railway lines operating around Genoa. Mirt Time for Klamath Canal. Washington, May 29. An extension f three months from April 20, 1907, as been granted to Mason, Davis & b., of Portland, for completion of their contract for a portion of the main canal of the Klamath irrigation canal project, subject, however, to a provision that they will complete and deliver such portions of the work as may be required for irrigation during 1907 on or before June 10, 1907. Ex treme weather and bad roads so seri ously interfered with the progress of work that it was impossible for the contractors to complete it on time. Steel Exports. Washington, May 29. Iron and steel exports from the United States in the fiscal year which ends with next month will aggregate approximately $!7S,OOO.noo in value, against 157,000, 000 a decade earlier, and $l,000,ooo two decades earlier, according to fig ures issued by the Bureau of Statis tics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The value of iron and steel manufactures exported in the 10 months ending with April, 1907, was about $150,000,000. condition - that It wa necessary to take them to a nearby hospital. An Ineffectual effort to search for dead ln the Interior of the building was made by employe wearing safe ty masks, but they were driven back by the fumes, and It was not until ix hours alter the explosion that the first boe"y, that of an unidentified man, burned beyond recognition, wa taken from the fourth floor. A few minute later four other bodies were found, all of them having been burned in a horrible manner. BIGCHlEFSIijj! President of United h Grand Jnrna, MONET TRACED D.j UNE Hu,e Sum. R'1" far fcH-M Mor, lndictmnH,.Wirvt t0 Avoid Difie STANDS BY HENEY Roosefelt Declines to Interfere la San Francisco Moss. CALHOUN HAS LAID DEEP PLOT Confer With Associates on Question of Uniting to Get Full Control of City Government. San Francisco, May 23. Report are current that President Calhoun of the United Railways baa engaged tn a deep-laid plot to defeat Francis J. Heney. seize the reins of the mu gan Francisco. K, Pep.. of Sa Wum mt acu not word. - Mr that we will Bisk good wher" . tocu.. was the brief comme Wm, nirns last mi". 1 ft WM (k. """" "" , mads fr, uicipai government unaer me guise only 7 " Puoucatioa of a law and order movement, and go Dy me ,i Kt hall Z c" ,njr lon8ttt " order both to save complin wnai 'th cltUen- himself from conviction and lmprls- ahlp or can - . 'w'rl to be onment under the charges brought lmDOS81Ule-,'"' "Ul 01 One hv h -,.r nna...Hr.n n,t in tha of tbe most pown magnates advantage of himself la hi tight known to Wall sire , thd nf Patrick Calhoun. ,.. fc. ,. " . i vhiuuuu nam uvju wuibiuk v Tbe prosecution oti inceA the eral days In a desperate effort to $200,000 with whtck t0, yQte(j consolidate tn aid of this movement Railroads secured Ua fraaohia from aU the more 'mP01"10111 financial in Ka , . , tha g., Irom terests affected by the graft dlscloa u'oll atrAtit to lue Bit rri.i... . .... -i i... ..... j,,iv afti.,1. ure- Men nl8" in iinanemi eircie Mint lmmed lately aittr th. Wg flr, were wm golQg u and out oI hlg la April. lll y 'I "w Mint was office throughout the day and It 1 TEX riBI-WOKXZBS. LaM la T Hl" " Thai BIUb liaT. It I hard to s why anybody should mind the ordinary summer boats, once une hss beard a little of the high torn- perature that men and women, too have to endure, la vsrlous ceilings, id order to esrn their every-day bread. Th tempwrsture In Death slly. California, Is sal to run up to a hun dred and forty degree In the baae: just a nli" place fur one of these fire worker to !t down and cool on in. Th. m..iat tub that w have to tell about ln tbl class Is that of the etok rs on ocean steamahlpa. They shovel coal close by a thermometer that marks between 100 and 180 degrees, and in sddltlon let the shriveling direct heat from tbe furnace mouth, tet they do not seem to be unhealthy, and thou unla at thorn make a buslueas of crossing th Atlantic back and forth to earn their living In the furnace- room. President Kooserelt tried bl hand at the hot work of stoking a war shin for an hour or so on bis return trip from Fsnama a few months ago, and seemed none th worse for the strenuous experience. Men familiar with tbe sea say that vttersD ar to be found now and then who are actually fond of stoking, and cling to the work for love of It They sre exceptions, no doubt, and even ln their casta tbe taste la slowly acquired, a matter of bablt But there Is a dis tinct type of such men, big brutish fel lows wbo are generally the bullies or the forecastle; they love to task tbel great muscle and to feel the stlug of the best on their shoulders. In the basements of some of the big 1 ffauorttcs. .. .11 Tftr UKUklUB ft""IHJWB -Thaal-i . . . . i . uocu . .' alleged mai oilier couiereuto wcro the money remaiueo iar t tew Qa b . . y.uaiaeM center of th when It was " Piecemeal In city. It is stated that, foiled In their lnt Of IDU.UUUt luu'trieil Intn rnr. ..... nt tn.w.K with lha La ...ii.ii... i v-UI. v.b th. kul rency and paid over w Huef tnd by prosecution, through Intervention of from tll holier. Is lnUuse enough to rvlsors Th, ZZl . . lne, omn,lltee Beven- a"Vun cook an egg bard iu ten minutes If It .irnthened by bit ofeoDTerHatinn L .h- .'i t ... .hom- 1 laid on the floor six feet away from records of conference! tbe office selves from Ban Quentln. have tbe furnace. Firemen work In this at of Tlrey L. r'ord, attorney for the planned a new stroke by which they mosphere year after year without vtsl United KaliroaaB. "iactthat th hope to place themselve ln control ble barm, Mnvnr received saU.UVU lor aiirnltiir nf ufTnlru tn anrh a decree that they I Ktni nmr. mrnniLrfiil thlnn are told the ordinance granting ths overhead- will be able to block the efforts of Lf tha won,en employed In the French trnllev permit was learned throueh Snreckela. Hums and Heney. k ... . ,. -. , h. me ie.iuiu- -- - lueir atueuia am uuwiucu iu I , .v,.. ,k. t.m,.r.t.,r. In PnnptAAn IndlCimenu war. ..a. .ann.t. Id tn tnvm naw pnmm llflR lu " .... . -. - H ri.rnad chareing Calhuna. M.illnliv L a anraeaanr to tha one which has N1 It is as high as three hundred de- svirrt. Abbott. Schnilu and Ruaf l.iat relifned under fire, which will grees Fshrenhelt. But even this psles Jointly with the bribery of the Sup- be prepared to resort to extreme before the feet of a human salaman- ervlsor. Seventeen Supervisors were measures. Grasping the opportunity jer WD0 called himself Chabert, the bribed, so It may tnereiore be seen of the carmen strike and tbe riots F,r Kng anj wno used to enter ttrnt three or me mumments were and disturbances in tte Bireeis 01 iue - . ht-(,-- - ...rredto the hela in reserve. " w ise neneyicity, me reporiea piau is iur umsp method. The 1 lnuictments will meeting to be called under the pre- act as a sort or aavancs guard to text of a law and order measure. draw the fire of the defense. From this meeting those who have If the defense succeed! In shooting been active ln the graft prosecution anv holes in them, th three In re- will be excluded on the ground that serve will be altered to make them they have already refused to have mnregnable. taking advantage of anything to do with a committee the facts brous;ht out. which had been appointed to Judare Coffey announced, after straighten out the tangle or munici- runnlng his eye over thi Indictment pal government. that ho wtmid fix ball in the aum of I At this meeting a committee on 1.11.4 ( Trm aa ! late the woods my Master went. Class forsptot, foraiwnt. , loto th woods my Mstr case. Forspent with lor and sham. But lha olives tney wtr mm " Th little gray leaves wrs kind to Hub Ths thora trva Ud a mlna 10 uim A'Im Inta the woods h ram. Out of tha woods my Master want. A ad Ho was wll content. Out of th woods my Msstar came. Content with osath sod shaine. Whan dsth and shame would woo nuw from under th tree oraw last. Twaa oo a tra they slew Him last. Whan out of th woods II cam. Sidney Lanier. Moral. Aa, Idy Flora, tak my lay. And lf to find no moral losra, Go, look In any glass and say. What moral Is ln being rair. O, to what usa shsll we put Th wlldwaad Howar tnai simpiy And Is there any moral shut Wlthla th boaom of th roaci But any man that walks th mead. Ia bud or blade, or bloom, may find, According aa bis humors lead, A meaning suited to bis mind. And liberal applications Ha la Art Uk Nature, dearest friend; go twar to cramp Its use. If I Should hook It to som useful end. Alfred Tennyson. INTERS A CONVENT. Hswsllss Cataeae Girl l" lav af lae Sacra Hear!. Mis Mary Wong Iong, of msjor Chinese psrentag and daughter of a wealthy rice planter ln the Hawaiian Islands, Wong Leong, was recently in itiated Into the Order of the Bacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. The cere mony took place In the Catholic cathe dral of Honolulu before a large assem blage. Sister Alelda, as Miss Wong now known, Is a graduate or the almost Incredible temperature of six hundred degrees. HUNTING THE CHAMOIS. la Its Relief of Greek Refugee. Washington, May 25. The State Department received the following dispatch today: "Owing to great number of refu gees arriving ln Greece from Bul garia and elsewhere In Turkey ln Europe, the Greek Chamber of Dep uties before adjourning for the Eas ter holidays, authorized a loaa of 10,000.000 francs for the purpose of furnishing- these refneeea with th. the implements, etc., necessary to enable tnem to begin life la their new home." StevenslOont Want Railroad Job. Washington, May 23. According to Mr. John F. Steven her husband ha not been offered the presidency of the Northern Pacific Railway by Jame J. Hill or by anybody ela. She atated tonight that the report that Mr. Steven wa to become the head of that railway svstem origi nated In Wall street. Mr. Stevens say Mr. Stevens now ha three of fers under consideration but none of them ha any relation to the presi dency of the Northern Pacific. "Woman In Blue" Arretd. Washington, May 25. Mr. Isa bella A. Case, who attracted aome at tention a "The Woman Ii DIM. who tried lo aee the President at Oyster Bay Inst summer, and wno has since sought to see the President wa arrested here last night on a charge of Insanity and taken to the House of Detention, pending exami nation. She Is 40 year old. Child Lbor Commission Meets. Washington. May 2 The Na tional Commission on Child L?OP. composed of official representatives of the National Manufacturers As socatlon. American Federation of labor the General Federation of Women-. Club, and the National Civic Federation, met here to organ ise. The commission called on Pres ident Roosevelt. President Return. Horn. W.shlnon. May l-- Presi dent and Mr.. Roosevelt, who bar iTn enjoying six Vftnml'rfMrV Pine Knot, the co.m ry TMr't Rooaevelt. arrived In tbl city at (;4i Wednesday night. Abandon Army Post. St. Paul, May 29 An order today from the War Department announces the abandonment of Ports Assiniboine and Keogh, Montana. The former is garrisoned by the headquarters' .tuff. band and Troops A, B. C and D, Sec ond Cavalry, which will proceed bv railroad to Des Moines, la. Assini boine i by 'ar the hrgest fort in the United states in point of area com prising 2i0.ono acres. Fort Kengh. the other abandoned post, is located several miles from Miles City, Mont Rates on Petroleum Too High. Washington, May 23. Freight rates on petroleum and It product from Ohio and Pennsylvania to St. Paul, Omaha, 8loux City and 8loux Falls constituted the subject of a hearing before tbe Interstate Com merce Commission. The complaint Is that the tariff In force ar ex cessive and unreasonable. mrs. Mckinley near death. May Llv. a Day or Two., but Cannot Recover. Canton, Ohio, May 24. After a consultation yesterday afternoon at the McKlnley home with Dr. Port man, the family physician of Mr. McKlnley, and Dr. E. J. Eyman, sup erintendent of tbe MasBlllton State Hospital and a physician of wide re pute, a statement wa. issued that there Is no Indication that Mrs. Mc Klnley could long survive the attack of apoplexy from which she la suffer ing. The doctors say, however, that they think dissolution will not come for a day or two. Mrs. McKlnley Is In a comatose condition, and It Is stated that there are no grounds for hope of a better turn. Surgeon-General Rlxey reached here at 6:45 o'clock this morning. Strikers Ar Act'v. San Francisco, May 24. In conse quence of Increased violence attend ing the extension of service by the United Railroads to several new lines yesterday, Thornwell Mullallay, as sistant to President Calhoun, made a demand upon Chief of Police Dlnan for better protection by th police for the company' property and em ployes. Shortly after 6 o'clock about 200 strike sympathizers mobbed an Eighth-street cor at Eighth and Bry ant streets. The strikebreaking crew operating the car, were badly beaten. Haw This Aalaat la Fareaed I Moaatala Lair, Exciting sport, tbe more exciting be au w of tbe hardships connected with It, 1 offered by chamois bunting ln .auiu iuo uiu ui "" - . . ... . ,K. emnnn nn rh nf th 8a ..nt law and order will be aDPOiniea. i" """"""' """i"' h. v. tha accused until 11 nVlnr.k which will eo first to Chief of Police sre found everywhere In the highest todav to furnish bonds and remarked Dlnan and request his resignation ln I mountains of Germany, Austria, Bwlta- that he would accent ln lieu thereof the name of the cltliens of San Fran- triand. ln Transylvania, In the Car- cash ball of $5000 on each count, Cisco. If Dlnan refuses to turn over katnianf, io in the Alps, and these Assurance was given mat pending tbe control oi me puv; utremely shy animals are regarded by tbe arrangement oi uiu no arrest to tnem me muiyi. .ii true huntsmen as tbe moat dcslr- ?r.I?!. i'.t th. -ondit lona ln th. sble of all game. say. Edmund Goes eltv are so serious that the only solu- In the Outer s Book. The chamois be- tlon is a vigilance cnmnntv --, puiiB ij vu vr.', .. , vu. .... acting as urh, tney win '" Hike It ain ot in orosa piaiua, ii pre- trol ot the city. A pan oi inn iiiau i(er tn, barren, wild ot tha hih snmm- IB auegea to do an anempi. 10 per suade the governor to act la concert with this vigilance committee, using the carmen' strike a an argument to Induce the governor to Issue a call for troops, and possibly to Drmg will be made by the proiecution, so the Dine men accused of the giving or taking of bribes are tt liberty on their own recogniianci until 11 clock today. y The statement was tTA" dally that all bu f 4.uv'" Van enure amount of The bots Of 80." 000 will be forthcoming at the ap pointed hour today. Schmltz, ln addition to $50,000 curity he ha already given to e- cure hi liberty pending the trial or aootit tne inicrvtmwm the five counts of xtortlon brought thorltles. against him and Bnet jointly, will have to nut ud $160,000 In bonds. Ruef will have to Pt up $140,000, but, Inasmuch a h now Is and for mora than two months has been a prisoner without any Immediate hope of release, it Is understood that he will make no attempt to give bail. It la said. Indeed, mat under tne WANT TO BE AMERICANS. Japanese File First Citizenship Paper t Los Angeles. Los Angeles. May 23. Joseph v.i.i, w.rta and ManI Suskl, Jap anese photographer and residents of nhiu-iinn Is made. DU Btovi. ... . All application, .o made will tie held pending a decision of ths , Fed- .r.l authorities ni circumstance, ana i yiew oi me iact - f , ht yearg pagt, today that he turned sta tea evidence, he thl cclaaUoSs of Intention to be- prefers to remain the prisoner of ome Amerlcan citizens. These were Elisor Bigg. th. flrst applications of that kind President Glass, of the Telephone "a nrs i apj. ...- since Company, already ha given bond ln r:!rd,gln of tne District Attorney the .urn of $90,000. He will have '5'. the existing law. of the to put up $20,000 more to retain his i th"e 1. nothing to bar liberty. .,, . tha naturalization of Japanese as clt- Halsey has put up $110,000 In Clerk ha. decided bonds, covering the .11 Indictment. .DDl,ca't0M against which j i n n uu.iii.i mm . a .1 will Dare to put up $10,000 addition today. n m When Foreman uuver. or me grand jury, filed , the , 1 f-2 Si to arrive at any in cuuri, .v """ tim. - rtll renort trnm thal'me nniv a, V v. . . . ... " " arand lury. i um t cu 10 mean . r: 7 i.Jl.lnnntl sr. t I IHiki GOVBrnmeni wonirui mai more I . ' it.r.tta I New YorK, way . -Commerce Commissioner Prouty, ad- Washlngton, May 25. Increased dressing the National Manuiacium. difficulty I being experience! In ob taining horse and mule for the rmv. Bids which have Just been opened show that prices generally have Increaseu. i vtuariermas ter's Department ays that Army mule are bought practically by the pound. An experiment I belbg Two Dth From Plagu. Washington. May 23. A cable gram from Honolulu to th Marin Hospital Service In this city, report two death yesterday from plague and on new case of that disease. Call for Bank Statement. Washington, May 24. The Con troller of tha Currency today Issued a rail for a statement of the condi tion of National bank, at the close of business on Monday, May 20. Army Appointment. Washington. May 28. The Presi dent appointed Colonel J. M. K. Da vis a Rrlgadler-Ceneral of the line, to ncceed General Constant Wil liams, who retired. Can't Trust Fch Other. Chicago, May 24. Western rail roads are In a deadlock with respect to their efforts to agree tin longer schedules for passenger trains be tween Chicago and the Pacific Coast, Denver and the Missouri River, and between St. Louis and the ame points. It develops that the mall contracts are keeping them apart and mat mere Is little likelihood of their reaching an agreement which will cover the time out of and Into St. l-ouls. It Is possible, however, that there may be a lengthening of time out or and Into Chicago. 200.000 a Year for Singing. Ixindon, May 24. In an Inter view with a representative of the Tri bune Enrico Caruso confirmed his statement that Director Conrled. of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, had entered Into a contract with him for four year, at a yearly salary of $200,000. Caruso, on his psrt, agrees to be at Conrled' dls posal for nine months each year and to make eight annearancea In each of the nine months whenever Conrled appoints. 8pain and England Catting Thick London. May 24. Th Madrid correspondent of the Telegraph aay that th relation between tha Span ish and Rrltlsh royal famllle are be coming closer dally. Member of th British Royal family propose henee- fortb to spend moch of their holiday time la Spain, association today, said the govern ment should exercise direct control over the capital and accounts of rail roads. He suggested that Interstate railway, should De vaiu-u government. He said: "Any compre hensive scheme of legislation should ntadTat Fort Riley Kan ,n buying live to r.rIS Xt Ions' and yearly a .mall number of pedigreed fBd a,?Ja!"dtr!efl Tupon cotnpctl colt. and putting them through a dlscuss nd agrte upon of training for the cavalry tlve rates. service. This experiment ha. proved beneficial. Tacoma After Standard Oil. Mv 23. The city coun ell will throw a gaff Into the Stand ard Oil Company by enoeav... ... - Hug Railroad Bridge. 'xt Vnrlr. May 25.- Another aten In the progress of the Pennsylvania pas. an ordinance r airing o.M..-. Kew York extenHinn ... pany to sink It big tanks into ' IV II 1 1 1 irau " . . - taken thU week when plana Railroad New nor extension was pany io ,be a Tory costly wi I tn r anil ina riimynu r- a. a. a L. Ari I T1 TlTf East River bridge of the New York parnR to fight the ordnance 10 me Connecting Railroad were submitted last ditch. The trouble cam ato' n to th. Municipal Art Association, through the ' C.rtVn -acklng Tht. hrldea will form part of a steel P,ant to JL,i" . violating an viaduct connecting the New York. H.nnce that the plant shouldnot New Haven A Hartrorq Railway with ba wlthn 600 feet of any mua.u- the Long Island and the Pennsylva- mable building. nla. It will be the longest and hear- leet teel bridge In the world. - Head. Off of 62. - Frankfort, Ky.. May Alfonso Will Rals Fin. C.ttla. court of appeals rendered a decision Madrid. May 25. King Alfonso Is t0(lay mandating the elet llon in negotiating for ao Island In Northero Leukine and ia Jefferson county in Spain, where he proposes to build a 1905 thu. removing B2 officials. The summer residence, and brecd tnor. dM,arC(1 that the election was oughbred cattle. The example of not "free and equal 'itnm King Edward and my Engltoh no- meaning of the cons tit ut Ion and th,, blemen prompted tne Ring'. plans. ther. ws. much tnnd for The Queen I taking a keen Interest The court hold h " DOyntments in the project, and antirpatM wltn hai the right to make appointm pleasure the summer holiday under to fill the vacancle. . t -jiHntii she Was famlll.. with . r..i..H I . , -r Four Stat Stria. iu "a----- . i uinam" , ., .... fnnt . May - - VI. t 2 3. A" " ... tu:ii a I . ..'" - th. Rnckr MOuniam Hooseveu n.Ilnl, tha linemea at "" , iki, etat New . York. M.T 'S.-Presldent Bell Telephone .Vdmg an expert - r. mi inter- went on -- "f ! cent, a collerlst reg '-ar on Mua- increase -"" -ff-fted day. Tbe son River. June is. presence of About 160 men - "- . KPneral the Annapolis crew In th rac is linemen state tha tr a h what hm. ,Uo over Utah. Wyoming and loan tains, and, like tha mountain aheap, th Ibex and the mouflon. It select in tbl territory full of chasms and can yons the most Impassable region IU lair. During the summer months the -haruole roams In tbe higher altitude. but ln the winter time It must descend to find its feed. After feeding It re turns to Its old Impassable nooks, w ber It feels secure. As in tn esse ot mm leer, tbe male Is called a buck, and the female a doe, but, unlike all other animals of thl kind, both sexe r tntlered, the born being called "krlck- elor,' but those of the doe are some what lighter than those of the buck. Tbe doe brings forth one fawn every year, sometimes two, but very seldom three, which are very aeany wveu oj tbe mother and which she protect against all dangers. Coats la Vailed .tates. In tbe United State there ar at preseut, It I estimated, about 2,000,000 goats. Nearly two-fifths of these are Angoras. The rest are of various Im ported breeds, cross-breed and mongrel mixtures. Many American fsrmers keep a few goats with their sheep, It being a well-known fact that dogs which are given to worrying sheep will not so readily molest a flock containing a goat or two. The climate and aoll of most of tbe States of the Uulon are well fitted for the raising of goats, and as a goat costs fur proper msliitensnc only about one eighth as much as a cow and yields a surprising number and amount of prod ucts there Is little doubt that compe tent goat raising In this country, espe cially in tbe vicinity of large cltle. would prov exceedingly remunerative. The chief things to be remembered In tbl connection re that good breeds are esseutlal to success and that al though tbe goat will thrive almost any where and stand any amount of cold, It does best on dry land and when kept ressonsbly wsrm. Most people have the Idea that th uoBt. to do wvll. must be allowed to run more or less wild snd b .Iway ...... m tb open air. A a matter of fact. It adapt Itself admirably to farm life and give It bet result when properly fed snd stabled. It soon be come much attached to those wbo look after It and will follow IU keeper about simply for the pleasure of being with him. Hsl t'lassa aa a Crlase. A gentlenisn from out tb wild and woolly west has been acquitted of a -v..,.. of stesllng a pbonogrspb oa the plea thst he was mentally unbalanced at the time. Besides, tbe Jury held It Isn't a crime to sieai a pnonwarsyu , It's Just a plain misfortune. Wsshlrg ton Herald. - A Mkalr PraspaaC "Ar you g"tn to bsv a prlng open ing for your customer r Oh, lot of them." Wht do yon mesa by thatr -I manufacture umbrella." Baltl more American. . sir down In tb bottom of every man's heart I burled tbls truth: Tber I no uch thing a freedom. rasp--, r-v'itviia WABT WONO I.tOItO. Honolulu convent Sbe possesses a very clever and brilliant mind and I tn accomplished musician on tbe gui tar, violin and piano. Mi Wong" grandmother and mother ar part Ha waiian, her father nd grsnaratner us ing full-blooded Chinese. The flrst of her race to take the veil In Hawaii. sbe la looked upon with great Interest by religious thinkers. In her new lire she hss become a great favorite among both ber pupils snd the slaters. Waate4 a Coatlaoaaee. A Western Benator, generally es teemed on of th ablest lawyer at th north and of th capttol, enjoy telling of an experience of bl rly day at th bar In Chicago which showed that be did not then enjoy tb reputation be now hold. I wa retained by an oia into- woman,' ay iu ceusur, ber only boy, charged with house breaking. Bhortly fter tb begin nina of leaal proceedings sgalnst th boy, I received a message from th old lady to meet ber on pressing uusmeaa. When w met, h rushed up to me. snd In so excited voice exclaimed: - i want ye to git a continuant- ror m b'y. "'Very well, madam,' w-a my re ply ; 'I will do o, ir I can ; out n win be necessary to present to tbe court some ground for a remand. What shall I sayf "'Sure.' responded tbe old lady, 7. can Jlst tell the court that I went a continuance till I can git a better law yer for tbe b'y. lis Waa Mevlasj. In a murder trial ln Cluclnigiti a n- ro hotel porter wa called a witness. How many liot were nreu i ua asked. . "Two shots, suh," be answerea. "Close together I" "D laik dat, uh,'' he ald, clap ping hi band barply as quickly as b could. "Where were you when the nrst ws flredr t waa tn da basemen of de hotel, suh. blnln' a geminao's shoe." "And when the secona snot wa orea bar were your "At dst time, suh, I was pass In' de Big Fo depot" Assateesterllr Taaahl la Scaaol. The head master st Eton school la England I. a believer In ambidexter ity. He has punished offenders sgalnst the school rules by msklng them writ certain number of "line" with tb left band, Tb new form of punish ment hs met with genersl approvsl at Eton, though It Is said that some boys would rather be birched than have to undergo the new pensnce. Writing with tbe left hsnd Is an Id to have a good effect on tbe brain. The opinion la expressed that the boys st Eton sre fortunate and will be grateful for tha knowledge when they grow op. !xve is pnrtlrulsrly blind when It nme to seeing danger (Iguul. 1