Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, April 19, 1907, Image 7

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Is certain if you take Hood's Sursaparilla.
This great medicine cures tUone eruption,
pimples and boils that appear at all seasons;
cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or. eczenw;
adapts itself 'equally well to, and also cures, dys.
pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu.
nuitism and ratarrh ; cures nervous troubles,
debility and that tired feeling.
Saraatabs-Forthoas who prefer medicine In tab
let furiu. lluud't laraaparilla ta now put In choco
lated talilets called haraataba, M well a Id the ueaal
liquid furiu. teraatabs bar identically the same
curative properties a the liquid form, bealdes accu
ral of doae. convenience, wugiiiiiriu ! by evap
oration, breakage, or leakage. lru((tata or proiuptlf
fel mail. C L Uood Co.. Lowell, Maae.
Mrm. C
I 1
r .
Tyler, hurlinfftne,
saya r "T lie carva of a tare farm, ao
uiu-h to do ami ao llltla haUh to Ho It
with. rauatHl almiMl a complete braali
downt bloud Door and thin: do atraua-lh.
little aleep. Hootl a Kareatiarilla nave
appetite, natural eleap, pnrlaut beaiut.
Bbreiitfui to ao ail bij wora.
Guaranteed ander the Food and Drags Act, June 30, 1906. No. 324.
The eorxratlona must bw cr-rrush-d!"
roard tb candidate.
"Hold on," snouted a man la the gal
lery, "you yourself are a toekbolder
in at leant throw corporation that I
know about"
The candidate frowned darkly.
"Well," be cried, "if there were no
stockholder there wouldn't be any cor
porations." "I admit it," ahouted the man In the
"And If there were no corporation
they couldn't be crushed, could they?"
With a withering glance at the man
In the gallery the candidate resumed
bla argument Cleveland I'laln Dealer.
Better thaw Drlaej.
When the drunken tramp tried to
teal a valise from the Santa 1 train
at Molllday a few n It lit ago he cau-d
a panic among the pan tiger. In the
quiet Interval that followed the tiring
of the Drat shot a woman In the cualr
car threw her arms around her bu
band' neck and walled:
"Oh, John, let' die together."
"Oh, huck!" responded the proy
husband, "let's get down behind the
seat" Kanaa City Journal.
The kidneys have a great work to do
in keeping the blood pure. When they
get out of order it
causes backache, head
aches, dizziness, lan
guor and distressing
u n r I n a ry trouble.
Keep the kidney well
and all these suffer
ings will be saved you.
Mrs. 8. A. Moore,
proprietor cf a restau
rs nt at Waterville,
Mo., say: "Before
wing Doan's Kidney 1 ills I suffered
everything from kidney trouble for a
year ard a half. I had pain In the
back and head, and almost Continuous
in the loins and felt weary all the
time. A few doses of Doan' Kidney
Tills brought great relief, and I kept
on taking them until in s short time I
was cured. I think Doun's Kidney I'il.s
are wonderful."
For eaU by all dealers. 60 cent a
fox. Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
OoU from ke Sea,.
The electrolytic recovery of fold
from sea water Is itlll a dream of
many European chemist. A. Noden
proMK to use a electrode sheet of
copper and lead or lead aud cast Iron,
each about otie-tweuty-dfth of an Inch
In thickness, and to surround these
plate with porou canvas bag for col
lecting the gold that falls to adhere.
The bath, within reach of the tide,
would have a depth of two meter and
a width of ten meter (about thirty
three feet). With cement partition
every forty femets, a battery of 100
such bath could be run together, and
It I calculated that thla would furnish
ISO grama of gold per day of twelve
hour. In this time, 3,000 ruble meters
of water would be treated, a current
of 8,XM) ampers at 2.5 volts being re
quired. The annual cost I estimated
at $12,000, and the profits are figured
at $20,000 on a capital of $40,000.
Uood for m Cold.
Bishop Olmsted of . Colorado was
making a Christmas address to some
Denver children.
"Eat heartily on ChrUtiua day," the
bishop said, smiling. "Do full Justice
to turkey, to cranberry sauce, to plum
pudding, to all the good things. Hut
don't give way to gluttony. Don't glout
over your Christina dainties like
Bala boy I used to know. This boy
said one Chrlstmn morning: 'My,
wish I bad a cold!' 'Why?' asked his
brother. 'Cause mother ay to feed a
cold, and If I bad one to-day, wouldn't
I feed It though !' "
Am laaolt.
"Doo-oo-boo !" sobbed the young wid
"Don't cry, dear," said her mother.
"It will not help matters any."
"B-but the m-mlulster In-Insulted
me," sobbed the bereaved one.
"lie did!" exclaimed the astonished
mother. "What did be ay?"
"He s-saia that poor J l:r wa
p-probably b-better off," answered the
y. w.
" A Tra Prophet.
"You are going to marry him after
be has been engaged to and has Jilted
every girl In our set 7".
"Yes, dear."
"Well, I always said be would get
hi punishment some day." Houston
Catarrh Is not merely art Inflammation of the tissues of the head and
throat, as the symptoms of rinfring1 noises In the ears, mucous dropping back
into the throat, continual hawking- and spitting, etc., would seem to Indi
cate ; it is a blood disease In which the entire circulation and the greater
part of the system are Involved. Catarrh Is due to the presence of an excess
ef uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be
come torpid and dull in their action and Instead of carrying off the refuse
and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acldln the system.
This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
parts oj tne system. These impurities la the blood irritate and inflame
ine omereni membranes ana tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts f the body the ca
tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full
feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever
comes and poes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
I had Catarrh for about fifteen f.ffect by this disease. It is a waste of
years, and no man could have time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays.
I coald hear of, but no rooi Vet Yasjcs' mnaiauons, etc. tiucU treatment
uitea. i then he,-an 8. s. s., and oocs nor. rcaca me blood, and can, therefore,
Blnks Why sre you playing your
organ In a lonely spot like this? The
Grinder I'm erudylug a new piece.
I'lck Me-Up.
"Don't you think he 1 the most sen
sible man you ever knew?" "Kr
well, you see I never knew him befor
be wa engaged." Houston Chronicle.
Customer Can you recommend this
as a good blood purifier? Druggist
Madam, one dose of that would cur
the eruption of Mt Vesuvius. I'hua
delphla 1'resa.
Passenger (faintly ) 8 -top th
hlp! I've dropped my teeth. Punch.
"There are lot of men able to gov
ern women." "Ye, and "they're all
bachelor." Houston Post
The Artist Oh, se madam ba s
grand face. I shall make se speaking
likeness. Henpeck Er well, old man,
you needu t go so rar a mat, yuu
know. Metropolitan Magaxlne.
Johnnie Papa, pupa, come quick 1
Mamma ha fainted. Papa Here, put
this ten-dollar bill In her hand. John
nie (a moment later) She say sli
wanta ten more. Fllegende Blaetter.
"Money doesn't alway bring happi
nesa and peace of mind." "You ar
right there." answered the man wltb
an anxious look. "Sometime It tempti
you to buy automobile." Washington
Star. '
, Weary Wiggle Don't call at that
second bouw down the road. Meander
Ing' Mike What's the matter? Cross
dog? Weary Wiggle Worse than that
A new bride that doe her own cooking.
Topeka Journal.
Dora I It true that Jnek is going
to marry you? Flora Yes. dear. Dor
Well, you'd better muke him sign the
pledge. Flora Why, .' tck doesn't
drink. Dora No. but he probably will.
Cleveland Leader.
"Where did you get that black eye?'
asked Tete de Veau. "Oh, only a lov
ers' quarrel." L'Olgnon answered airily.
"What? Did your girl give you that7"
"No, It wa her other lover." New Or
lean Times-Democrat
"And what were the provision of
xrso cxixs vt JUaBT.
ataatlal. .lvaa ' ' He,.
Not many days M " , tu
bej wltb the is'" W.
In Pari King W;S fesrsb.
Bernhardt on the tell, ,uJ
quite a chat with her. i,lliljr
new argue, not hr fc
ly flattering to U lTa'tlW.aM
but a notable '""""'".verelgn
demeanor, rnfortuiiat-ly j,
did not go luto drt '"lnf this
ru,...rkalle conversation tfc,,
moet democratic Institute
phone Instrument. "at dlitlmit
to construct In Vmd from
every -day experience, th, way ,t
sll happened. D " ll.te.
Mme. Bernhardt I W Dtr tp.,,,,,
tt 10 o'clock In the
her balr still In curl (
"delng up" the breads
the telephone bell ring. Hiiy .
In ber hand on ber ,
Into the sitting room, tan,,,,.
from the book and tou, her fea
turn sweetly.
"J'arrlv," 7 B"'Mt after ti
nts nner of the country.
Hello," come iruH hard British
"Que ' rst-1! o lr Inquire,
the tragedienne anxlounlr.
"This Is King Edwntf of Knglantl.-
"F.dwanl you don't man .
'Sure. Just citiue ovWfro,u Lonnon
How' everything?"
'Tree I nie:i. sir, tat and dandy
What train did you coo, 0nV
"I came by ro.r' Xcat Her ini,.
ness Is with me."
"Ain't you tvuiiu orn to see me be
fore you leave toD?"
"I may what' th,"-get off the
wire, central! eh ? what the blank,
blank, blazes r-r-r
Bernhardt remove the receiver from
her ear until the storm blow over aud
then resumes :
"Where y' stoppln"'"
"At Earl De Grey's. Wnat y' going
to do this afternoon r
"Nothln" much. Wai f0n. own ta
the Louvre to get I shirtwaist."
"Come on over, tsllleres and I are
going to be busy while fixing up the
Anglo-French entente, but we won't be
long at It W are ping to see you
play to-nlitbt Can't you uouA a couple
of tickets?"
"Sure. I'll bring tbem over this af
ternoon." "Fine. Ooodby."
"So long."
Of course that Isn't ut the wav It
your uncle wuir "inai i llou,u 1 all happened, but it la about the way It
have all he left after the payment orjwouId hnma m the United State If
his just debt." "Ah, very good of the k, ihouId w a queen over the . ,
For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour
se, strength. How Is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate ? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparllla. You
know It makes the blood pure
nd rich, and builds up the
general health In every way.
U St o. Awn Co.. Le.ii.
Alee aianufaataieja at
All( CLKP.
f eapereeatlkle Se4.
"Do your stre cars run on Bon-1
day?" Inquired the girl from Boston, i
"Not w you'd notice It." replied the ;
Philadelphia glrL Cleveland Plain ;
Dealer. 1
font Shew for Ike Hat.
First Diner (to bis friend) What'
the mutter? You look worried .
C. - . ..
JCTviiu uincr well, that fat man at
the next table baa aat down on mv het
and now both his fat boya are sitting
u uis auee. Fllegende Blaetter.
for Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of vt&ffl&&U
Mothers wfll M Mr. WUSIoWs Soothlna
tvra p tne be I remedv to ttes tuff last! cbUtlre
SurtBf lb teelhlu artul.
Jeka Brl.kt aaS Lor4 ktaaaere.
In oue of bis apeeche In the House
of Common John Bright quoted In a
spirit of banter and ridicule the well
known line writteu by Lord John Man
ner In hi callow youth :
"Let wealth and commerce, laws and
learning die.
But leave ua atlll our old nobility."
Lord John, who wa present. Imme
diately got up and pulverized the great
tribune by retorting: "I would rather
be the foolish young man who wrote
those line than the malignant old man
who quoted them."
at. Vitus' raare and all Marroue Dlaraaaa
1 BKraaiientlr cured "T lr. aune a wre
fcu.r.r. Hand . k KKK ,1 trial rtUa and
ireatlae. Ur. M. U. huiaa, UL. au Arcbau, f UU..f a
Nat laaareeee.
"What did that ruall boy lay when
you told him be might grow up to be
President of the United State?" (aid
oue school trustee.
"It didn't eem to lmpre him," an
swered the other. "Ue ald nearly
everybody wa being mentioned for
that position nowadays." Washington
Sm Ul Iclon eTjav Toa Ce Elxw&m
Onld Crown. S3; HrMae Work, par
tooin, IJ: fiai-a.tt: aavet t'ulluga,
auo; OolJ rilllu(, tl.
Iftii First Btraet I'UUI UNU, OREOOX
Banking by Mci
On saving deposit ot a dolUr
or more, compounded twice
every year. It Is just as rsv
to open a Savings Account w.th
us by Mad as if you lived m il
door. Send for our free book
let. "Banking by Mail," and
learn lull particular. Ad Ikss
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland. Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
old man. wasn't It? What did be
leave?" "Just debts." Judy.
"Invest," said Oobsa Goldo, "but nev
er simulate." "But what, precisely, ll
the difference, father," young Oolde
asked, "between an Investment and a
simulation?" "If speculation," th
other anawered, "If you lose." Denver
"Crlttick was pleased to siiy that my
play had few equal a a bit of real
ism." remarked young De Rlter. ' He
aid even more than that." said Pep-
prey. "Indeed?" "res," he added,
"and positively no Inferior." Phila
delphia Ledger.
Sprocket l'ou've talked a good deal
about your new automobile. What Is
there o specially attractive about It?
Sparker When I come along with It
thia afternoon In front of your place of
business just you take a good look at
that girl on the front eat Chlcaga
Guest Tbese egg are rather flav
or v. Pretty aitress rearcawry 7
Guest These eggs they're not quite
Pretty Waitress (to another pretty
waitress who I passing) Dick was In
last night. lie asked after you. (To
guest) Did you say tearcawfy? Guest
(gloomily) Coffee. Chicago Chroni
Thirty yar is tb average ag of an
ostrich and th annual yield of a bird In
captivity 1 from two to four pound of
$100 Reward, $100.
Th reelera of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there laalleaatone dreaded diaeaae
mat science nos been able to cure In all It,
tiaitei. and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the only positive cur known to th
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a eonatltu
tlonal dlneaae, reiiulree a oonatltuiloDal treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally,
acting directly upon the Uood and mucoui
uriaues of the jratera, thereby d-ilrojlng th
luundatlun ol the dlwaaa, and giving the pa
tient strength by banding up the oonatltution
aud anaiatlng nature In doing its work. Th
proprietors Est so much faith in lla curatlvs
powers that they offer On Hundred iHillars
lor anycaaethat It lalls to cure. Bend for list
01 testimonials.
A4dreaa. P. J. CHKNIT A CO., Toledo, Ot
Bold by drug lata, 76o.
Hall's family fills are th best,
Tb black diamond field In Brasil be
long to the government, which farm them
out, and make a further profit by a 13
per oent eiport duty.
no malter how
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without a
en vou buv
ooK for the
Portland Oregon
P. N. U.
Ne. 1 J-07
WHKN writing to adTertlaere pleaae I
tf maanoa ta ia paper.
e .1 - . . 1 . ' . . .. ..
from the Are bottleT and efter r. ""'n ",orc .luan wmporaniy relieve
irZJttSf&irt&iK Catarrh rrmaricntly t!.e Uood must be
yaiarrn is v ciooa aiaoaao, an
know there Is nothing- on eart
better (or the blood than S. 8. S.
noooar mm more or 8. n. t
tbaaldo. JtaHAXSOS,
Lapeer, Xtloh.
nd thorotigliiy purified and the system cleansed
ftb. of all poisons, and ct t!ie "same time
Strengthened and built up. Nothing equals
o. o. o. lor tai purpose. It atUckS the
disease at its head, goes down to the very
bottom of the trouble and makes a complete
I a. - at a-1
atiiu usunjf cure. o. o. o. removes every
pamcie oi me catarrhal poison Irom the
Diooa, maictng this Vital stream pure, fresh
stnu ceaiury. inen me lnUamed mem
branes begin to heal, the head Is loosened
and cleared, the hawking and spitting cease,
-every symptom disappears, the constitution is built tip and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a
ne tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh beein the
wac wa w.. j. write iu at siaiemeni oi your case aud our physicians will
send you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice
wiiuuuw .ti4uSB. v. sj. c. 19 ior saie at an nrst class cniT stores
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
Men'eXhnoe, ! ta l.rMi. Hr.a' Hhnee. .1 to !.., u,,lrn a
hhoee, (M ta M.AO. Mlaaaa' at t h lid pea a Khnn, la I.IM.
W. U Douslas shoes are recot;nlzed by expert juilua of dotwrar
Sob the beat in style. Ill and wear produced In tins com, try. Kacu
part of the shoe and every detail of tb making Is tanked after
nd watt-bed over by skilled shoemakers, without ro;rJ ta
tune or cost, If I could take you Into my larve f-t.np at
, ......w. .mwr .. ep. v
Ttie ramliling stru' ture shown In the
cut Is the residence built by Ilobert
Loul Stevenson at Samoa and named
by blm Vallluia. It seem that the
German governor of Samoa ha been
trying to buy Vaillina for an official
residence, and the matter ha aroused
good deal of discussion. Stevenson
as niueriy opposed to German
premacy In Samoa.
hoea are mana, y . womiu man auuVraiaiiu aht ney nonT'ifii-lr share fit brtta
nire''. and are or freater value than anv other niskea.
. 1. I n ( I ame ana pnr. ia arampfi on tne nniiere.
aar long
erlr arxt infMlrtf ahrt. Take
eVeaf lMir A9M4U eeae arcMatea,..
. Finest . Gardens
Are always reported when Portland Seed Co 's "Dumond Brand
Seed ar planted Why? Because w y0u the t Ma th.i
best oa thi Coast Our handsomely Illustrated and descfiotlv
ruiiiuai iciie ai aivai vur wjceuj. rimtS. Kavi Jsnran P,mna
FertllLier, Incubators, Brooders, P?ult7 nd Be Suppllea yJ
Whi J
Portland. Orgon
Dose Ara Enrolled oa Forea.
Among the addition which will be
made to the police force of Lexington,
Ky., toon will be two famou blood
hounds. They are Nick Carter and
Ivy, the two man-hunting dogs owned
by Captain V. Q. MulIIken, who recent
ly moved to this city from Wllmore.
The dog are known all over the
State for their sucoea in running down
criminals. It Is proposed to add lx
mounted pollenien, who will be used
to patrol the newly annexed suburb.
When Captain MulIIken heard of thla
proposition be asked that be be made
one of the new patrolmen, and a tb
result of a connultatlon between him
nd the city officials It was agreed
that Captain MulIIken should receive a
position a mounted patrolman, and
V r .m, ,1mmM elv ha ttHet
to the force, the city paying for tneit
care and maintenance. Indlanapoll
Weal Wat Break Frleadehla.
An editor, talking the other day In
New Tork about Oliver Hereford, mid:
"He sat In my office one afternoon
when a young novellat entered.
"'Mr. Hereford,' said tb novelist
eagwly, "1 ' your opinion very
luuch. Now, I want you to tell me
candidly what you think of my new
"No, no. aald Hereford, hurriedly,
'let u remain friend."'
Choi ly The dentist told m I had a
large cavity that needed filling. Etbel
Uld he recommend any pedal course
f study T- -Cincinnati Tribune.
During last summer three very beau
tlful sister, pasting a quiet seawm
among the bills, received an unexpect
ed and unusual compliment. It was
their custom twoor three time a week
to drive In to t nearest town. One
day they found the place lu commo
tion over the aavM of a circus, and
hastened their eryda to leave It a
quickly a possible Hut on the out
sklrts a horse cant a shoe, and they
were obliged to atop it a blncksmllh'.
A rickety country agon with a saw-
backed horso wastla,,dy baited there:
It wa heavily l"Sji with a dlsconf-aged-lnoklng
manj tod woman, and a
large family of children, most of whom
were lu tears. I'rtwntly,' however, the
children stopped crying to stare, and
the more th: stared the more Interest
ed and excited tliey became. At last
they urged their father forward to ad
drc the strange lailea.
He came up, painfully red and hy,
and after prolonged thinning and stam
mering, blurted out hi question with
desperate dlfwtness;
"Be you gals the Circassian Bean
tleaT We've missed the p'rade,' and ev
erything else, and If you be, 'twould be
a reel consolation to the children to
know It for sure. V knd thought
you must be. b'' so extry In your
looks; and It seemed like eiKNigb you'd
drive down after the procession to get
fixed up, your boss hat-In' cast a shoe
same a old nro'Hle, here 0 offense
If you ain't but beye?"
- They - bad to ow-reluctantly that
they were not But thoy are gracious
glrL. as well as teputlfu. and they re
membered that their n,au Included of
ferings from their admirers, among
which were long stemmed rosos, French
chocolates and a decorated tjoX Df bon
bon. Not even toy balloons, peanuts and
pink lemonade could nave brought
greater Joy to the disappointed chil
dren than did the, delights, freely
bent owed by three VfnDupreu, -mj boUn.
teoue beings, who If eonfeejsedly not
Circassian, were yet ioTPy to behold.
It Is arce! snrpriaing, however,
that since th"4 occasion the three glrlt
have been nicknamed among theli
friend The ClrcasUD Beauties.'
lattaaa Made froaa Patataas.
A large number of the button now
In use, purporting to be mad-out f
horn or bone or Ivory, are ln reality
made out of th common potato, which,
when treated rtaln . acids, be
eon,,. si""1 h"rl s stone. Thl
nualfty of the P"tto ,i.nntg ,t t bnt.
toii niHk"'' nd "T Pd grade of
button l m ,ron' the well-
snwn tuber. The r.tnt0 button can-
. ,, ., 4a!niilsneu from oth-r ave
by a cam"-
then only by lnce they are
,lored to -nit the riou on .heh
il,ey are to be n- ""'l are every whit
.. ool ks'kln " bu,,on of bone or
Shoo' "'aa;er.
"pld you Ter know'" remarked the
m.lical authority, "thtt tny one who
instantly .Ing.n, can
ILff consumption r
"Even o." tb, hard hesded
man. "sosi Iopl might etand a
rhc of living b, letting eon
on ta. I PhltaaW.
pbla rre
rhen u on aJnta ln being your
. . .n eB Work Mirtlma -nd
own t i" .
I Mm
Javeaile Idas.
Little Johnny (In cemetery) Say,
paw, why didn't the man who 1 bur
led here go to heaven T
Paw Perhap he did, my son. ,
Little Johnny But It ay on his
tomb.tone. Teace to his ashe,' and It
t?A ICTt I
8$3blJg"e I
Mad. In all (trie and alt alia. Uat Wat. r and en
aaywtirra. Itnat ilrllllu( Toole BtaUa. .tt vmiw
luga ana prlove. BEALL A CO.
S21 Hawthorn Ave. PortUnd, Or.
For Baby'y Batht lor Baby' C othes; tor
an Eye Wash, Mouth Wash, ajtaiiiixing
the BotUa.Washlna Napkins.
All dealera, Kample Kcirax, NtHiMli't anrf SM,r.
enlr flcture In lo rolnra, ft fenta ami wuir 'l'al
rr'a name. A.l.lreaa PACIFIC COAnf UaHAK
( I)., (laklan.l, ( al.
must be a
hot place where there's
"I'm urprlsed at you," ald Jlgley,
"trying to borrow a dollar from that
fellow Harduppe. You're urely not la
uch wful need of money."
"No," replied Shrude, "but I felt
sure Hardupiie was. Anticipated him,
that' all." Catholic Standard ana
"What's all thl Japanese question?"
asked the boy with tbe book and slate
under hi arm.
"Why," replied hi chum, "It sll csme
from toppln' a Japanese kid from go
ing to school."
"Did, eh? Well, that' Just like this
eotinfrr. Always showing favors ta
foreigners. Nobody ever top u kid
j from going to ebool."
The General Condemnation of So-Called
Patent or oecret meaicines ;
of en Injurious character, which indulge in extravBgant and unfounded pretensions
Oi an mjuriou- cure manner of ilia, and the
Nation. Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale
tav. establiahed more clearly than could have bc.n accornplished in anv other wa7
The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies.
e. fich phvsician. tJ jft1-
-irBSli Kn0WB COmPODent PartS' ,
Known Excellence ana wuv WeU.inforoed of the world and the approval
To gain the full confidence of 'fL'tial iat the component parts be known to
of the most enunent VVjritii! Fig Syrup Company ha. pub
and approved by them, and, therefore, u Md upon every package a
hodPfor many year. JrSJSonnitj of product which they
V ,i thereof. The periec. puv uu . p,2
run Bt.okii." : .fhirsJ character are wi"tu uj ,
i demand in a laxative. remedy of an etawaJ i cnar Com y only
f Syrup Company', o"?" by physicians, but the product
taaUwTthat it cleanses, sweeten. 1- effectJ d without
7vnt riiaturbinsT the natural
without aisturouiB k7 "--t71 from time to time. r ,
Uving to increase the quantity from ,
This Taluable remedy h been long ana M the m eiceUent of
xanvai - Vrr,, informed or tne woria w i . . ?
physicians and .rrJESSata name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir fl
adooted the more eiaDoraie v,t1elv it wiU always V
") There are otter eimwi -a-- adT&nUge over aU other ramiiy
Cfll t the California Fig Syrup Company poshes the g on whi h it
O J"1
. saving w
.1 Th s Taluaoie remeuy ; ..i.i -ida accepUnce as tne moax -.ixuu. -
i.J family 1&
y known to
1 flf mor fulV descriptive o tne y ;
U called for by 'ZT the tM name of the Companyalxloma r ig nyrup
alwavs note, --"r n Tprv rackage, wneiner
' . . nlaH ATI T.I1H 1 1 VU v ' ' ' - .
9 f ull name, Syrup or igs
nnaUtheone laxat.ve m
Fips. which h-7ntv"u;SdSuta. in original packages of one sue only, the regu-
?ru flrtr,penUper botUe. f t,
'"Every bottle U old nT Dttat the remedy' Is not adnlteratii
BecreUrr 3 . AJedtajj A Drug, Act, June 30U, 1006.
or niisbranclea wiuu"
San Francisco, laie
M TtViA. KTa
i r
ii a&. im
T7 t m a M FADELESS DYtb
f-" U I W aTl S W - aartaa calar ailk. Waal aaal cattaa aejaeSV aaejl