Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 18, 1907, Image 1

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14 14
Volume 34
BHIsboro Independent.
Repnbllcan in Politic .
iovcBTiaiNU Katki: Diity, 60 cen t
n inch, single column, for four Inser
tion!; reading notic-et, one cent a word
tich Insertion (nothing lr than 15
cent) ; prufomiional carU, on inch, $1
uionili ; lodge cardu, to a year, paya-
tlaatad an tha Tirat Ballet, Four
Democrats Voting for Him.
Davay for Speaker.
Salem, Or., Jan.
bio quitrterlr. (noticea and resolution I Haines. Washington
a-.-'. ... I '
tree to aavertlaing lodge).
14. E. W.
county, was
Hillaboro, Oregon.
Office: Room 3. 4 and 6. Morgan Blk
Hillaboro, Oregon.
Office: Central Block, Room 6 and 7.
Hillaboro, Oregon. '
Office, in Union ltlk.. with H. B. iluiton
iifiua : Koomi d. 4 and 5. Morgan Bloct.
Hillaboro, Oregon.
elected President of the Senate on
the first ballot, with this vote:
Haines 17, Hodson 7, Cochow a,
Bowerman 1, Bailey 1, Haines was
elected by democratic votes.
Four democrats voted for Haines,
who himself voted for Bowerman
Davey was elected Speaker of the
Davey's election at 2:30 o'clock
m .a . M t .1
was unanimous. Komcniia, a aem-
... .
ocrat ot Union county, nominaiea
Italv. including Sicily and Sardinia,
J73;,2o; Russia and Finland V
A.r China. IUA: JPaD- '3'835,
and the West ladies, ijfej.
There are not so empty refrigera-
tor cars in Oregon. TBe "
Pacific is hoiding them all m souiu-
. ..:v n
rai;fr.mia to compete w
Santa Fe in getting orange ship
ments. Cars can be bad only at
.... . .n;nu such as
competitive loaums
Stockton, and other California sta
tion The Southern Pacific com
pany practically owns western Ore
gon and sews it up wherever conven
ient to do so.
Shioners cannot use the magma-
cieut market now offered for produce
in California and when the railroad
company sees fit so give the return
ing orange cars with which to move
notatoes and onions it will be too
The present cold weather will
cause untold expense and trouble in
trying to save products that are piled
kimwlf All h rlprku wfre chos-
' . .. , i.r. in nn-n warehouses at points m
enattp.m. i he organization lor -r 7-" ",,. ,w
routine business was effective at 3: 15
Hillaboro, Oregon.
offl..a. iii.Htairi. over The Delta Druji
Store. Office hours- -8 to 12 ; 1 to tt, '
I n the evening from 7 to o'clock.
Hillaboro, Oregon.
oM.., nnmer Third aod Main: offlo" op
tairiorer iwliadrug ilor; hour. a.Soio itn.
froVKua druf Vu.ra. All clU promptly au
wared dar or nitcbl.
Hillaboro, Oregon.
Office: Morgan-Bailey block,
atalra, room 13 and 15. Residence
8. W. cor. Bae Line and Second u.
Both 'phone.
Hillaboro, Oregon.
nmra; Moraan-Ralley block, np
.t.ir. with F. A. Bailey. Reeldence.
N. B. corner Third and Oak eta.
A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
rmo. nrer HU'i Drug rttora. Offlre boon
from ;M) h li; l:ud to a, and 7 to Ke.lrteu.'.
,ih f nii a ootrlc Until plaut.
...mMll aLLaluitxl dT or UIKlll. Hlli
dod r ' -"U3-U4
p. m.
The vote in the Senate and in the
House caucus was:
Senate For Haines Smith, of
Marion; Miller, of Linn-Marton;
Kay, Bingham. Laycock, right,
Bowerman, Cole Hart, Malarkey,
Nottingham, McDonald. Scholfield,
Hedges. Caldwell, Mulit, Smith, of
Umatilla 17.
For Hodson Booth, Loughary.
Johnson. Sichel, Beach, Baily,
Whealdon 7.
For Coshaw Miller, of Linn.
For Smith, of Umatilla Coshaw.
For Bailey Hodson.
For Bowerman Haines.
House For Davey Settlemeir,
Rodgers, Simmons, of Marion; Holt,
Brown, and Upmeyer, of Linn; Eat-
, a a V. 1 t
on, washburne ana nawaras, 01
Lane; Jackson, ot' Douglass; Jewell,
ot Josephine; Carter, of Benton; Mc-
Callon andjwnes, of Polk; Bones
and Crawford, of Yamhill; Beals, of
the Willamette valley, where they
have been waiting weeks for cars.
Biown & Co., of San Francisco,
who have been buying potatoes, are
... . . 1 - ,4 . f CVior.
said to nave nau 10 canuaua at uuv.
wood for six weeks, waiting for cars
r. mrvo them to the market. A
large part of them are probably froz
en todav. The loss will be to tne
buyers, who have already paid the
McCorquodale & Broaddus have
had a carload of potatoes at Canby
six weeks, waiting lor a single car
to bring them into Portland and they
are still at Canby. Another firm
has 25 carloads of potatoes at Can-
by, where they have waited a month
for cars, and in that time have re
ceived one car. The same condi
tions exist at Mount Angel, Wood
burn, Albany, New Era. Newberg
and in lact all over the valley. A
producer over at Marquam has 2,000
sacks that under natural conditions
should never have reached those
markets at all. The general public
does not as yet realize the serious
Til1nrriru,V Pnrlu Parrptt am Maw
ell. of Washington; Huntley and . ......
Dye, ot Clackamas; Adams, Bayer,
Burns, Coffey and Driscoll, of Mult
nomah; McCue, of Clatsop; Connell,
of Columbia; Belknap, of Crook;
Merryman, of Klamath; Slusher,
Steel and Barrett, of Umatilla; Dob
bin, of Wallowa; Moore, of Baker;
Kink, of Malheur; Pike, of Sher
man; Donnelly, ot Wheeler;
Knowles, of. Wasco; Chase, of Coos;
Brix, of Clatsop; Campbell, of Mult-
Notarv Public and Collections.
" r
Tree Delivery
Of the best Fish, Game and
Meats. Our delivery is prompt
and in all Parts of Hillslwro
We have inaugerated a
new Schedule in Prices
and this together with our de
they will probably awaken when it
is too late. Oregon shippers are up
against a very serious problem, and
the farmer has to stand the big end
of the loss. Portland Daily.
Trade at Home.
An application of Montgomery
Ward & Co., the great Chicago mail
order house for an injunction to re
strain the South Dakota Retail Mer
chants' and Dealers' Association
1 .
nomah-Clatsop, and Davey himself lrom maintaining a boycot against
43. the firm came up for hearing in the
For Vawter Gray, of Douglass; federal court at Sioux Falls a few
Perkins and Kubli. of Tackson? days ago. and the result will be
, 1
Jones, of Clackamas; Beutgeu. Bev- awaiteI with widespread interest
. . - . a .a
endee. Freeman, Northrtip. W ilon vve at ot tne opinion that nine
Farrell and Chapin, of Multnomah; times out of ten people ' who send
Rackliff. of Curry; Hendrick of their money to eastern mail order
Wasco, and Vawter himself 14. houses for what they can buy at
home eet beat, and oiicht to eet
Immigration waa Immense. w ot. . .
Toe fiscal year ending June 10. , ...
.11 r c .1 , . . I ""k ail
iui uici uu suujcei Ol
immigration, according to the an
livery system makes this Hills-1 nual report of Frank Sargent, Com
mission General of Immigration.
During that period, the report says
the population of the United States
was increased by the admission of
1,100,735 immigrant aliens and 65,
618 non immigrant aliens entered at
tts ports, making the total adtnis
boro's popular market
Corwin & Hcidel.
tr..,;n mirchased the
Meat Market, we wish to announce
to former patrons and the public,
that we have established a free de
livery and have reduced the prices
on all meats. For the best cuts
and best service possible we res
pectfully solicit yor patronage.
aion 1,100,353. increase over
last year's record of 1,050,755 was
During the fiscal year 1005, the
ro Ileal Esta
.. r,t llouae. Main-
Office iootn 01 w-..
Money to Loan.
Dr.B.P. Shepherd,
fPucceMortoDr. A. Curri.)
cut Bk-T ,yry
things being
equal, or approximately ao, it is the
part of loyalty to trade at home, to
spend your money with your home
merchants. They help to keep up
your streets, county roads and brid
ges, youi schools and churches, to
care for the unfortunate and indi
gent, and by every reason that can
be brought to bear upon the subject
are entitled to the trade of their fel
low citizens. Montzomerv Ward &
CO.. nor anvothrnfthm will truer
you for a dollar if vou need it ever
Lytle f,,,nB '"eh Line Frem
Tina"" City Thirt,
Mllw Ctttward.
From Tw5'1 Oxonian.
The construction of a branch rail
road from Pacific Railway &
Navigation company's line at Tilla
mook up the Wilion river as far as
McNamet's caop a distance of 36
miles, wa announced yesterday by
President hy He. This is in addi
tion to the braachestodifletent sec
tions oftbe coast country already
mapped out. A locating party has
been sent up tit Wilson river and is
noar running preliminary lines.
The date of commencing work on
this part of tbtP. R. & n. system
cannot yet bunuounced, ar the
whole forces artengaged in building
the mainline ttstward from Buxton
to Tillamook. With the completion
of the main li, 'attention will be
turned to the dJetent branches.
The primarjjtirpoe of a road up
the Wilson rive will be to haul out
the vast bodies of standing timber
on both sides rfthe stream. The
forests are extesive and are of ex
cellent quality There is sufficient
timber in the Tjlson river valley to
keep a railroaiimsy for years haul
ing out sawlcji. The country is
mountainous it distance from Til
lamook Bay, trcthere is a large por
tionofit that till make splendid
dairy land win logged oft". To
gether with ti remainder of the
coast country, lit adapted for grass
and dairy proacU. By following
the river all th(ay a feasible grade
can be secured
The P. R. company, as pre
dieted wJiei foe Thmmond line
made Tillamatk itsobjective point,
has a warm fbton its hands ior
rights of wey between Garibaldi
and Tillamo:. The former com
pany has as4d for a permanent re
straining oridtr from the courts to
prevent the! istona & Columbia
River railroad from encroaching on
its survey bt?een the two points,
will be heard today be-
Mlloway at McMinn-
Good Roads and Rural Mails.
It is announced that the govern
ment will look more caretully to the
enforcement of its rule regarding
the roads over which rural free de
livery is established. The present
requirement is: "Roads traversed
shall be kept in good condition, and
unobstructed by gates; there must
be no unbridged creeks or streams
not fordable at any season of the
year." In many cases the residents
along proposed routes have made
improvements that enable them to
obtain rural delivery service, but
sometimes the efforts to keep up the
roads are relaxed. But the govern
ment has decided that unless the
roads traveled by the carrier are pro
perly maintained the service will be
withdrawn. The post office depart
ment now calls on the carriers for
reports on the roads and will stop
the service where the highways in
question are bad.
The 35,973 rural delivery carriers
now employed cover 863,363 miles
daily, and it is unreasonable to ex
pect them to contend with neglect
ed roads, or to work for communi
ties lacking the enterprise to keep
its common highways in decent
shape. Wherever a route is discon
tinued themselves are to blame for it,
for if alive to their own interests
and their duty to the public they
would give their roads various and
constant attention. I he iaea mat
a route once authorized is necessar
ily permanent is a mistake. Advice
on the best road methods is supplied
by the agricultural department, and
a neighborhood that loses its rural
delivery must itselfbear the discred-
it for so unpleasant and humiliating
an event. Newberg Graphic.
Will Probably Have Lloenaea Sa
leona and Shut Out the
"Blind Pig" Curee.
and this sui
fore Judge
It is conte
that its line
Forest Grove. Or., Jan. 15. The
city election held here yesterday
passed off quietly, the cold weather
preventing a few voters coming out.
The amendment to the city charter
whereby saloons can be licensed
here, carried by seven votes. The
mayor and three councilmen for two
years, and the marshal on the busi
ness men's ticket, known as the
"wet" ticket, were elected. Walter
Hoge, for recorder, and L. J. Corl,
for treasurer, on the "dry" ticket
were elected.
B. H. Laughlin, defeated M. Pet
ers n, for mayor, by a majority cf
57 of the 287 votes cast, as against
31a last year. J. W. Fuqua, C. L
Senator Burkett of Nebraska Ins
secured the passage of resontmn
calling on the postoflice department
to show by what authority postofli-
ces are opened on Sunday. It is
preliminary to an effort to secure
either a regulation or legislation un
der which all offices may be kept
closed throughout the Sabbath.
"There is no real need of mail de
livery in cities, or openinj country
offices on Sunday," said Senator
Burkett. "It does not seem certain
whether the determination of the
matter is merely by execu ive order
or requires legislation; so I want to
get an explanation of the xact stat
us of it. If it is by execu. ive order
of the department, I hope I can se
cure an order stopping it; if it needs
legislation the effort will b made in
that direction. There is no reason
why postoflice employees s'unild uot
have something like the rt al day of
rest that other people enjoy."
Borings 1,000 feet deep in New
Orleans have encountered nothing
mnm arilid than mild. SUlld ailU U
little thin clay; hence the problem
' I. .. r r .. f. .t..
Hinman and S. A. Walker were 01 maning saie wunwuu
elected conncilmen. and U. G. Han- piersoi a giaui rauroau nuSe ....
na marshal 8000 t0 built acros'' tne Ml!,,s'
' . I . . ... 1 t 1 . .
The new council will be composed sippi near the city is a nam one .
( fv,,.. .jr ,nri1m.n and three eneineenng science 1 ne pier win
' .. . .
w .eid..d over bv a mavorof rest on umoer caisson.
the latter faith, so in all probability uring over 60 feet by 126 and 140
Forest Grove will license the sale of ft high. The bottoms of the-e
honor if the policy as advocated by caissons will be 170 tea ik-ww iiv.
- - 1 e r .t-
k.,.;Ma tV1rt-l followed, sunacc 01 iuc nvu.
m by the P. R. & N
his been definitely lo
cated betwetnthe two points and
the surveys n)a:ked, and that the ri
val road novl his its surveying crew
on the grounp.who are making 10
cations by taking the numbers from
the Lvtle stakes. For a portion of
the distance along the shores of Til
lamook Bay Cure is said to be room
for it wo parallel railroads, while in
other places f htre is room for but
one. The Warfare between Lytle
A portly citizen was strolling
along the wet sand shortly after the
flood. Seeing a draggled object
near the waters edge, he went over
and moved it with his foot. 'Here
said he "is a suit of my new under-
The pompous guard hastened up.
"We are going to take all those
things to the City Hall and you will
have to come there and identify
them," said he.
" Identify them, repeated the port-
A n afetlH
citizen. UOIUZ rounu mu"""-
of the suit, which by the way waaof
the style known as the "combina
tion," and taking hold of the bottom
of one leg he stretched it out on me
.and. then takine a sleeve he drew
. . 1. Tiir" aaid
it out at ngni angic. -
he with an air of triumph tnere is
half an acre." Then going rouna
to the other side he drew it out in
th same wav. until it covered nine
feet by twelve, then looking at tne
guard with the air ot a man wuo
has won a victory,, he remarked,
"there is another half acre. It tnere
is another man in this town that a
.it f hisunderclothes will cover
let him nave
for Mayor Laughlin will be called
upon to decide the tie in the council
Ita raloon is established here it
will be the first one the tawn has
ever had. Every year for the past
ao years there has been a fight over
the question, but the last obstruc
tion to a saloon was removed in yes-
An early moruing customer in an
optican's shop was a younn woman
with a determined air. She ad
dressed the first salesman she saw.
"I want to look at a pair of eyeglas
ses, sir, of extra magnifying pow
"Yes. ma'am." replied the sales-
terday'a election when the amend- man; "something very strong?"
ment to the city charter was cameo. ye9 sjr , while visiting in the
In a recent decision ot Judge country I made a very paintulblun-
McBride he held that Forest Grove def wycj 1 never want to repeat."
could not license a saloon under the I indeed! Mistook a stranger for
present charter, but that decision aa aCqUaintance?"
. . ...i.rolWeofOatepathy
rreiJn ""' n,i rraftif. Huneary amounted
Es.Mem. Cai.
als-v kA J1 1 ta.
department reiected 1 i.d8o alien, . y ' ? w, not contribute
' 1 I H,n. a. ... . I
and during the past year inxi of r 10 ttny 1M,W,C mattei in yur
- " I PAmmtiH 1... . 1
the immigrant aliens -that is, those . u: iacy liave no interest
who intended settling in the United . anjluln8 tllat you are interested
States. hn -Signal.
Without exception," the report Eight years ago an Italian was
continues, "the countries from condemned to tft1 VMra' imnrSenn.
which we formeily obtained the rnen for manslaughter. Heescaped
greater part of our foreign popula- anJ wa not heard of until recently!
tion, ana which are inhabited by wncn "was found that he had built
races nearly akin to our own, have a cel1 'n his own house, hadconsti
supplied us-with smaller numbers tulcd servant his jailor, and had
during the past year than during faithfully executed sentence upon
1905 Ireland, 17.950; England, DmscU. The trouble is that the
15,218; Sweden, 3:81; Germany, government will not count his veara
3010; Denmark, 1229, and Scotland, as "mateur prisoner. He will have
unless. On the other hand, the to begin now to serve his term in
four most considerable gains are: official incarceration
Italy, 51.641; R'a. 30,768: Ii Dr. nTu. . .
Greece, 8974. and Turkey, 5165 ter weathV 'n " W1Q
Th. immi,ration from aLL ' W?al.her "Actions of the old-
- ""'- esi innabit
65.t33; I we will forgive him
ant which are now due,
and Hammoiidon this strip ofterri
tory promise to be as keen as that
waged on the north bank of the Col
umbia between Hill and Harriman
If reports are t0 be believed Har
riman is also involved in thisstrug
Kle for favorable locations. Tb
Wall street w izard has been ' credit
ed at different times with being be
hind each of the two projects. The
latest rumor wa t0 the effect that
the A. & C has been purchased by
the Harriman interests, but this is
authoritatively denied, and a sworn
affidavit to that effect, by General
Manager Talbot, will be submitted
in court today at the hearing of the
injunction suit.
The Lytle forces have displayed
much activity during the past few
months despite the most adverse
weather conditions and the fact that
the construction work is being done
in the mountains where storms ae
very heavy. Twenty miles of road
has been strutted west from
Hillsboro and the line is now in op
eration. Terminal, and yards have
been located at tne Tillamook end,
and location established from that
point to six miles north of Garibal
di and along the Salmon Berry and
Nehalem rivers. distance of 4a
miles west of 1 1 illsboro has been per
manently laH Seven locating
parties are now i0 tne ge1l closing
up the gap-
an acre ot grouna
them, he is welcome to them
was practically obviated yesterday.
Gone Back to Good Old Name.
'I was looking over the society
a 9
column of my newspaper," saia a
lady of the old school to the New
York correspondent of the Cleveiana
Plain Dealer, "and it did my heart
good to see how people have re
turned to the good old habit of giv
ing their girls names that stand for
dignity, poetry and the traditions of
our race:
There was not a Sallie, a Mamie
or a Nellie in the list. In one an
nouncement ot a reception given by
a mother on the coming out of her
daughter there was 1 Dorothy, 1
Alice and 1 Eleanor, 2 Helens. 1 Au
gusta. I Elizabeth, and. thank hea
ven for it! one plain, lovely and
old-fashioned Mary. There was a
Lucy, a Jane, an Agnes and three
or four Ruths. It seemed to me, .1-
hosier of Vhe respectable day. offer-
ty years ago.
"No. not exactly that; I mistook
a bumblebee for a blackberry."
Most of us have heard the story
of the traveling salesman who, when
told that he could not include spring
overcoats in his expense account,
left all mention of it out of his next
account, but remarked that it was
there j ust the same. The customer
does not always see the actual mon
ey payment for his furniture and
other premiums received through
the medium of trading stamps, but
it is there just the same. Oregon
The questian of how long it will
take to exhaust the coal deposits in
the earth is not of as much import
ance as that more intimate problem,
how long the deposit in the cellar
will last.
The Oregonlan amJ Inde
pendent, one year, S2-
better made.
guarantee goes
line 01
i3 the finest in the cou-UV
There's a lot of Satisfaction
in a shoo which after month's ot
wear, need only polish to -Look
like new." You'll find comfort,
ease and profit in tne
your children
will want something pretty and goou. Come and
see our
School Shoes
m SHOE 105.
No better can be made.
with every pair
"". . 1. nor Crocery and Shoo Store
The old Kenaui jn
k a.