Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 14, 1906, Image 1

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    Tt tiTtckl SUtf
Nl'Ml'.ER 31
filllsboro Independent
IRVING BATH, Publisher.
Republican In Politics.
iuTiirnmo Katii: DispUy, o cru
kb inch, simile column, (or (our Inner
tions; reading notice, one cent a word
each Insertion (nothing lm than 1
cents) ; professional carl", one Inch, 1
hie quarterly, (notice! and lesulntionr
free to advertising tougesj.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Rooms 3. 4 and 5. Morgan Blk
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Central Block. Rooms 6 and 7.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office, In Union Ulk.. with 8. B. Huaton
office i Rooms A, 4 and 5, Morgan BlocB
Hlllaboro, Oregon.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office, upstairs, oer The Delta Drug
Store. Office hours 8 to 12 ; 1 to 6, anil
In the evening (roin 7 to 9 o'clock.
Hlllaboro, Oregon.
R.ldne owner Third an Main; offlw .op
MairaoTar Daltadruf atra; boura, .8otoliin.
I to i an 4 T to p. m. lelephona to r.l.n
from ixiia driw tor. A ii call promptly alia
warad dai or nix hi.
Hllliboro, Oregon.
Office: Mornan-Balley block, op
tain, rooms 12. IS and 15. Residence
8. W. cor. Uaee Line and 8econd its.
Uoth 'phones.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Morgan-Bailey block, up
stairs with F. A. Bailey. Residence.
N. B. corner Third and Oak U.
A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,
Ilillsboro, Oregon.
. o "."!!! i;!! .omJ!S
IhIM houa 'north of "city alacirle lUhl plant.
Call promptly atwndad day or ''' J"'"1
phoo.a. wpua-ui
Notary Public and Collections.
free Delivery
Of the best Fish, Game and
Meats. Our delivery is prompt
and in all parts of Hillslwro
We have inaugerated a
new Schedule in Prices
and this together with our de
livery system makes this Ilills
boro' s popular market.
Corwin & Hcidcl.
Having purchased the Central
Meat Market, we wisn 10 annuu i
to former patrons and the public,
that we have established a free de
livery and have reduced the prices
on all meat. For the best cuts
and best service possible we res
pectfully solicit your patronage.
Residence 4th-and Oak Sta.. HiUsboro
Money to Loan-
Dr. B. P. Shepherd,
(Successor to Dr. A. Burris.)
Al hla roome over City Ury mry
Tueedsy, inmauaj .-
frssldenl California Coltoe of telepathy
Koleesor ol Theory and Vneuc.
JCa-M em. Cal. Mate ltoaru oi .au..u
nut I
Persons Asking for Information ef
Oregon and Its Opportunities-
Write to Some One ef Them.
Oregon's greatest need is people,
not in the cities, but in the smaller
communities and on the farms
There are hundreds of people in the
East and South who want to come
to this Oregon country, but do not
care to do so until they know more
of the climate and opportunities.
The following list of people want
to come here and have the where
with to make homes and business
for themselves. Few of them are
from Missouri, but they all "want
to be shown." We wish the readers
of The Independent would write one
or more of these persons a letter,
giving a description of the country
here, the advantages, and tell them
why Oregon is a good place to live
in. Stick closely to the truth for
the truth is good enough. No ef
fort is made to classify these names,
but you can easily determine those
to whom your locality would appeal.
Every reader of The Independent
can find the time to write one letter
at least. By so doing many letters
will be written and much good done.
Read over the list carefully, pick out
one to write to and "do it now:"
George B. Wheaton, ijji Sum
mer st., Grinnell, Iowa, wants to
know of the country.
M. V. Bateman. Monroe, Iowa,
and R. II. Boldrick, 864 21st St..
Des Moines, Iowa, want descriptive
Walter Burke, Bloomington, In
diana, wants to know about dairy
opportunities on logged off land.
Prices of lands, terms, etc.
S. J. Kimball, Elgin, Illinois,
wants same information.
John N. Biguey, Box 35, Colfax,
Iowa, wants general information
himself and sends following names:
William Miller, Colfax, Iowa, Wil
liam Brock, Colfax, Iowa, and John
Stonehocker, Coltax, Iowa.
Quotation from letter of J. R. C.
Miller, County Assessor, Lincoln,
Neb.: "What have you to offer to
say a colony of ten families, in your
dairy lands or any others? What
are prices and terms?"
A. S. French, R. F. D. NO. 3,
Goldfield, Iowa.
George B. Frazier, R. F. D. No.
4, JJox 18, Atlantic, lowa.
Len L. Kopf, of Maxwell, Iowa,
asks information concerning home
steads in Oregon, and sends follow
ing names ot interested parties:
Edward Conner, R. F. D. No. 2,
Maxwell, Iowa. Ray West. Max
well, Iowa. A. J. Ayers, R. F. D.
No. 2, Maxwell, Iowa.
Thos. V. Conner, 600 21st St.,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, asks about
the undeveloped lands of Oregon.
C. O. Brewer, Wain Stennett, R.
S. Campbell, J. B. Anderson, Geo.
Hastings, all of Atlantic, Iowa, R.
F. D. 4, want general information.
Peter B. Narber, of Beaman, la.,
is anxious to know about farming
in Oregon. He sends these names
also: William Haitt, Conrad, Iowa
John Benham, Conrad, Iowa. John
Cakerice, Conrad, Iowa. George
Ryan, Beaman, Iowa.
W. A. Miller. R. F. D. No. 1
Council Grove, Kansas.
James Hughes, Capt.G. B. Ward,
Perry Lacy. David Bear, David
Curly, all Monticcllo, Indiana.
Thomas Spencer, Lee, White
County, Indiana.
Mrs. Dora Brande, R. F. D. No.
2, Alden, Iowa, wants information
herself and sends following names
ol neighbors and friends: J. A.
Brande, Alden, Iowa. Will Hega
land, Alden, I nva.
Quotations from Alvin C. Dick
over, 2515 Little Rock Ave., Ft.
Smith, Arkansas: "Can you give
me some information regarding low
priced irrigable lands in Eastern
Louis Pauliss, Route No. t, Box
15, Saunders City, Neb.
R. L. Smith, Shawnee, 21 a West
Main St., Oklahoma. Asks partic
ularly about cheap land and logged
off dairy lands.
Nelson Lovely, Greenfield, Iowa.
1 G. W. Lovely, Greenfield, Iowa
C. H. Lovely, 1363 Market street
Oakland, California. (This family
expect to locate in Oregon almost
F. Piohaska, R. F. D. No. 4. At
chison. Kansas, says he expects to
buy an Oregon farm but will look
over ground first.
W. Hickling, McCook, Nebraska
interested in dairy lands and also
asks about free lands.
S. E. Jacobs, Tampa, Kas., asks
for same information as Mr. Hick
ling. Robert F. Skoglund, La Junta,
Colorado, gives also following
names: John blcogiuna, iienry
a Ma
Lane, Nels Shuland, all of Lajunta
J. W. Curl, Alton, Kansas.
II. E. Dutton, 1551 Fourth street
Boone, Iowa, writes: "What are
chances for renting farms, with ma
chinery and everything furnished
lor first year?" Sends following
names: E. W. Kirk. 152 Fourth
street, Boone, Iowa; Srewart Baker,
Rhodes, Iowa; J. M. Dow, Elba,
Ohio; G. H. Dutton, Coal Ridge,
C. L. Parker, 445 Lucas St., Bar
berton. Ohio; Lew Thompson.
Boone la.
George L. Ferguson, 2812 Hum-
bolt Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Edgar j. Robertson, New Rich
mond. Wisconsin, wants a small,
well-located farm near a city, for
dairying; send following names:
Frank Randall. Rev. H. P. Blake,
Herman C. Webber, all Route 6,
New Richmond, Wisconsin.
Edward Merry, Nicholas Flagler,
Edward Fellisou, all of Wimbledon,
North Dakota.
A. W. Noble, Riceville, Iowa,
sends addresses of following farm-
. aa. rW i 1T!1 J
ers: Koum w woman, 11. w Hu
man, Mike Wagner, William Herd
man, L. M. Mosher, all of Riceville
F. C. Schultz, St. John, Kansas.
F. N. Ivy, R. F. D. No. 1, St.
John, Kansas; P. C. Peterson, 1433
W. 13th Street, Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. Gertrude H. Anderson, Box
103, Oakley, Kansas.
W. B. Jeffreys, R. F. D. No. 5,
Beatrice, Nebraska, wants informa
tion concerning logged off lands for
dairying. ,
C. A. Pearson, R. F. D. No. x,
Genoa, Nebraska, sends names of
N. C. Nelson, Genoa, Nebraska; E.
Taylor and C. E, Peterson, both of
Genoa, Nebraska.
J D Diehl, 818 W 5th street, To-
peka, Kansas
George Shaw, Box B, Redwing,
Minnesota, is interested in the Wil-
lammette Valley between Portland
and Albany Sends names; G. W.
Cappers, J A Smith, Abel Olson, all
of Redwing, Minnesota.
F L Norrison, Stanberry, Missou
ri, enquires about logged off lands.
K Parsons, 2330 Jackson St, Min
neapolis, Minnesota, wants to know
about diversified farming lands.
Gives addresses: Charles Parsons,
Homer Badman and Fred Badman,
all of R. F. D. No. 6, Chippewa
Falls, Wisconsin
C F Booth, R F D No 1, Laurel,
M D Blecker. R F D No I, Oel
wem, Io.rs. r.iats a good farm
Wants data from every part of state
so as to select location
Bert Winchell, 1020 Wellington
St., Waterloo, Iowa, sends names of
Roy Thompson; George Wightman
and Mrs. Pearl Pierce, all of Shell
II L Ladd, Sergeant's Bluff, Iowa
P G Nelson, 250 East 16 Street,
Des Moines, Iowa
Wm C Benner. Nauvoo, Illinois,
R F D No 1, farming and stock
Dr II E Lovejoy. of Rippey,
Iowa, dealer in high grade Angora
Goats, wants to locate in a good
town and buy a farm near said town
Sends names of Miles Moraine, A
Lieberknecht, and E Perigo, all ol
Rippey, Iowa
P Boland, R F D No 1, Merced,
California, asks about dairying
" Where not especially mentioned,
parties want information on genera
farming opportunities, climate, etc
Please mention The Independent
Ne Cause Assigned for Suicide ef
Pacifio University Girl-. Had
Everything to Live For.
Coronpr E. C. Brown was called
to Greeuville, near this city, last
Sunday, to investigate the death of
Miss Elsie Burnett, the 1 7-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. I.
Burnett, of that place, who shot
herself with a 22-calabre target gun
the afternoon before. Mr. Brown
decided it was a clear case of sui
cide and deemed aa inquest unnec
essary, lne iiurnnis live on a
farm about five miles north of For
est Grove. Every circumstance of
the case points to deliberate suicide.
Miss Burnett left a note to her
mother, saying she wished to be
buried in white and without glasses,
which it was her custom to wear on
account of defective sight. She
had some little keepsakes which
she asked in the letter to have giv
en to certain friends, among the
little gifts being her canary bird.
Her father had purchased an ounce
of laudanum recently to use on a
poultice for his hand He had used
only about a teaspoontul, and the
remaining portion was found in
possession of the girl. A few min
utes prior to her death, Miss Bur
nett was playing on the piano, as
happily as usual. Her father,
mother and brother were in the
sitting-room. After finishing her
music, she passed through the
house to the front porch, taking
with her a 22 rifle. Tlacing one
end on a table and the other about
an inch from her temple, she dis
charged it, the bullet passing
through lhebcjt)killing her in
stantly. She wu) a student in
Tualatin Academy and Pacific Uni
versity, at Forest Grove and was
studying music with Miss Emma
Staehr. She had a cheerful dispo
sition and was a very popular girl.
Mrs. E. Liepold, with whom she
roomed, said she had noticed noth
ing unusual in her manner and does
not think she had any idea of tak
ing her life when she left her
house for her home Friday, about
24 hours prior to her death. Mrs.
Liepold says she had left the room
in good order, all her things being
in their accustomed place. The
cause of her death is a mystery, and
will perhaps never be known. Mr.
and Mrs. Burnett, the parents of
the unfortunate girl, came from
Minnesota about six years ago, and
have a valuable farm near Green
Postage stamps of the issue of
1907 at 6,000 presidential postofliees,
will bear on their face the name of
the state and the city in which the
postoffice is situated. The chief
reason lor this is said to be the be
lief that it will help to do away
with postoffice robberies and make
it much easier to trace criminals.
The postoffice robbery at Chicago
a few years ago is a good example
of the ease with which stolen post
age stamps can be disposed of, for
no trace of the ierpetrators was
ever discovered, although nearly
$100,000 worth of stamps were stol
en and these mostly in small de
nominations. Another reason for
the change is to enalbe the post of
fice department to determine the
amount of business done by differ
ent postoffices and prevent padding
through stamps sold by some offices
to residents who do business in ad
joining cities.
Rockefeller's income every day in
the year is $ 14.383-52, Every
hour of the 24. waking or sleeping,
playing r, jlf or skating, sitting in
church or superintending his new
house at Pocantico, Rockefeller is
sure that $6,840. is accumulating
for him. This is $114 a minute.
His fortune accumulates at the rate
ol $1.60 every time the clock ticks.
Mrs. Imogene It" lws a tine line of
readv-to-wear bt for ladies. Before
making a selection call and see them
One door east of Tualatin Hotel on Main
Issued by Great Northern Railway.
The Great Northern Railway
and Great Northern Steamship
Companies have issued a new edi
tion of playing cards. They are
better cards for the price asked than
can be had elsewhere. The adver
tising, consisting of the trade mark,
is work into an oriental design and
is confined entirely to the back of
the card. The Steamship card is
the more elaborate of the two and is
finished with gilt edues. Great
Northern Railway cards fifteen cents
per pack. Steamship cards twenty
five cents per pack. Mailed to any
address on receipt of price.
Passenger Traffic Manager,
St. Paul. Minn.
Why not carry the tollroad fight
into the state legislature and have
the law repealed which gives coun
ty courts the power to lease public
highways? Such a system is to
antiquated in this day and genera
tion. And as there is a determina
tion to stop grafting, if possible,
we do not know any better or speed
ier way to stop the tollroad graft
than to repeal the law, which the
next state legislature ought to do.
Tillamook has beep bottled up with
the tollroad graft and it is time to
put a stop to it, for now is the time
to open up the country, invite
homeseekers, manufacturers and
capital to come here. Tillamook
Lovely for Both.
Ifyouareaman refuse to give
your wife a housekeeping allowance.
Make her beg for every cent she
If you are a woman try a little
nagging. No matter which of his
foibles you choose, your husband's
love will gradually die.
If you are a man remark often
and in the presence of strangers that
you never believe in love, that mu
tual esteem is enough for anyone.
If you are a woman remind your
husband that you might have made
a brilliant marriage had you not
feared that your refusal of him
might wreck his life.
if you are a man keep your
"manners" for other womcu and
allow your wife to open the door,
find a chair, and mount the stairs
If you are a woman make a fuss
whenever "hubby" brings a friend
home unexpectedly to dinner and
treat the guest as if he were a pick
pocket. New raiiens, citrons, current and all
kinds of nuts at H. II. Greer's.
Wanted Gentleman or lady with
good relerence, to travel by rail or with
a rig, lor a firm of fr0,000.00 capital.
Salary 1,072.00 per year and expenses ;
salary paid weekly and expenses ad
vanced. Address, with stamp, Jos. A.
Alexander. Hillsboro, Ore. no. 5
No better made,
guarantee goes
Our line of
i the finest in tho county.
Eferythinn usually carried hy aa ap-to-date Grocery Iloaae. Our
immense salei mak it possible lor mn to carry itrlr.tly Ire., goods
Not a shop worn artUde in the eeUWishmeai.
The old Reliable Corner
If Senate Does Not Act He
Reappoint Bristol, Other
wise He Will Not.
Washington, Dec. !. If the sen
ate committee on judiciary, upon
again reviewing the charges against
District Attorney Bristol, decides to
recommend the rejection of his nom
ination, it is not believed that the
President or any member of his cab
iuent will exert influence to have
the recommendation of th commit
tee overturned. In renominating
Mr. Bristol the President pursued a
perfectly consistent course, for,
while he withdrew Mr. Bristol's
nomination last winter at the time
the charges were filed, he sent it
back to the senate when he had re
ceived Mr. Bristol's explanation of
his famous letter. There was not
sufficient justification in that letter
in the mind of the president, to unfit
Mr. Bristol for office, although At
torney General Moody and other
officials of the Department of Justice
IUC U '1IU.1 ic view.
Mr. Bristol's conduct iu the land
fraud cases during the past summer
would not tend to turn the president
againt him; if anything, it would
strengthen him with the president
and, in sending in Mr. Bristol's
nomination at the opening of the
present session, the president mere
ly carried out his policy established
last session.
While the president believes Mr.
Bristol is qualified to fill the district
attorney's office, it is nevertheless
believed that if the senate judiciary
committee disagrees with him as it
did last session, he will accept its
judgment. In that event, it Mr.
Bristol's nomination should be re
jected, the president would make a
new appointment; if, on the other
hand, the senate should fail to act
on the nomination, the president
could consistently reappoint Mr.
Bristol immediately after adjourn
ment. Dr. Price's White Flake Celery Food,
the new lireakfant Cereal, at It. II.
Notice to Fruit Growers In Wash
ington County.
The Fruit Inrpector of this County
lias found that almost all trees are in
fected with fruit peHts and the law re
quires the owners or pern ns having
poHScssion thereof to destroy or eradi
cate such orchards or pests. . You are
theiefore notified that unless such orch
ards or pests are destroyed or eradicated
before the first day of April 11X17, I will
proceed under the law to either cut
down or destroy such orchards or have
the trees sprayed and cleaned at the
owner's expense.
Washington County Fruit Inspector.
There's a lot
in a shoo which after month's ot
wear, needs only polish to "Look
liko new." You'll find comfort,
ease and profit in the
Hamilton-Brown Shoes
your children
will want something pretty and goou.
see our
No better can be mde.
with every pair.
Grocery and Shoe Store
A Wondertnl Magazine Bargain
for $i 35-
The most remarkable bargain in
interesting current reading matter
of this year includes an offer of Les
lie's Weekly (the famous illustrated
journal) for six months, Judge (the
great comic cartoon weekly) for six
months, and Judge's Library (a not
able magazine of fun, containing
each month ten or fifteen stories)
for six months, all to one address
for $3.35. As the price ot Leslie's
Weekly is $4.00 a year, of Judge
$5.00 and of Judge's Library $1.00,
it will be seen that this is less than
a one-half-rate offer. It is made for
those who subscribe to the entire
combination, to be sent to one ad
dress. This offers one of the best
holiday or other gifts that can be
made. It gives one-half year's
high-class reading matter, which
every one in the family circle will
enjoy, including two ot the most
popular weeklies, and one of the
most popular monthlies, all at a cost
of about 13'cents a week. Remit
to Judge Company, 225 Fourth
Ave., New York City. This offer
is only good for a limited time.
Figures giving the average cost
of living on December ist, compiled
by R. G. Dun & Co., show that
there has been a marked advance iu
I . ... xt 1 .
. a, xnmninn with Nni'PtllWr
v . , , ...
when a hnrh-water mark was
reached. In the lapse of one mouth
the cost ot living has advanced from
$106.68 to io8.77, reached on De
cember ist. The cost of commodi
ties is the highest since February,
1884. In discussing the subject the
trade authority says the rise iii pri
ces is "fairly representative of the
greater demand that has followed
increased prosperity throughout the
nation, and because of the advan
ces in wages, which has lifted the
purchasing power of the people
above all previous records in this or
any other natiqn."
Habit is a remarkable thing. . It
is a force of unknown power till one
tries to overcome it. One may get
into the habit of idling, and he finds
his natural energy disappears. One
may get into the habit of working
hard and intelligently, and it grows
on him, till he cannot quit. How
ever, it is noticeable that this habit
is not so common as the other oue.
But it is just as strong when once
acquired. Ex.
Sealed bids will bo received up to the
18th day of December, 190(5, for from
NX) to l.OtH) cords of wood, cut from large,
old growth ereen timler. Also bids on
slabwood and sawdust, delivered at tho
Lluht and Water plant, of the city of
Hlllsboro, during the summer of 1!W7.
The right is reserved to reject any and
all bids.
Chairman W. & L. Com.
Dated, Dec. 0, 1!XXI.
Tablets! Tablets 1 Tablets!
At McCormick's.
of Satisfaction
Come and
V k L &