itr mi ij b0f0 2 Volume 31 IIILLSBOUO. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1900. Number 30 1 Blllsbcro independent. I R VI XGlDlTiirrmnTs " OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. OMK DULLAK I'fcK Y K A KIM ADVAX1K Republican in Politics. lOVKKTIBINU lUTfci: Ili)tiy, tHt :ctl I an iiiL-h, single column, for four Iiiiht tiont ; reading iioticen, one cent a won! etch Insertion (nothing ! thun l!i cecitn) ; uroftwHioiial curU, one inch. II it month : Matt card. .r a year, puvn hie qiiiirii-rlv, (not Wen ami lecolilioiif tree to advertising lotles). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. B. TONGUE ATTORNtY AT LAW Hllltboro, Oregon. Office: Room 3. 4 and 6, Morgan Blk W. N. BARRETT ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Hllltboro, Oregon. Office: CeDtral Block, Rooms 6 and 7. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Hllltboro, Oregon. Otlke, in Union Blk., with K. B. Hiihton T1IOS. II. TONGUE JR. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC JllU-e: Rooms 3, 4 and 5, Montun Block Hllltboro, Ortgon. 8. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hllltboro, Ortgon. Offlce, upstairs, over The Delta Drug Store. Orlice hours 8 to 12 ; 1 to 0, and in the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. S. P. R. R. SURGEON Hllltboro, Oregon. Rralrienre corner Third and Main; offlm i rip turnover lh)lllruic lUire; hour.. .8o lo 12 in. t lu 6 aii.l 7 K p. lu. Tliihmi to rrauutiioa from lull drug auira. All call! promptly u warad day ur main. r. A. BAILEY, M. D. rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hllltboro, Oregon. Office: MorRan-Batley block, op ttalrt. roome U 13 and 15. Residence 8. W. cor. Hate Line and Second itt. Both 'phones. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hllltboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan-Ballcy Mock, up ttalrt with F. A. Bailey. Residence, N. E. corner Third and Oak ett. A. B. BAILEY, M. I)., TIIYSICIAN AM SURGEON, Hillsboro, Oregon. OmoaOTer Bailoy i I'rug Htore. Oflloe h.iuri from;tli; l:ii tott, an.l 7 lo . KwMoiii I bird bonne norib or ciiy eiecirio iikiii piank Calls promptly auomled tiav ur mam, Ihitl) 'ptmnea. BpUfHH MARK B. BUM P, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Notary Public ami Collections. HILLSnORO, ORE. Tree Delivery Of the U-st Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is ptomit and in all parts of Hillslwro. We have inaugerated a new Schedule in Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro's popular market. Corwin 6l Hcidcl. Announcement. Having purchased the Central Meat Market, we wish to announce to former ratrons and the public, that we have established a free de livery and have reduced the prices on all meats. For the est cuts nd best service possible we res pectfully solicit your patronage. EMMOTT BROS. KURATL BROS. l or AND AUCTIONEER mil . oReal Esta il Be.Uenc.4lh and Oak 81... "i"'' Money to Loan. MASS MEETING WINS OUT CORNELIUS IS RE-ELECTED. Park Purchaae Propotition Carriet aa Doea the Telephone, Tele graph and R. R. Amendment. The election for city officials oc curred last Monday night with dis astrous results to the Citizen's tick et. The day was ideal and the voters turned out as never before at a city election and much interest was manifest in the result. Both tickets run neck and neck and it would not have taken many votes to have changed the result, livery man on the Mass Meeting ticket war. elected, which goes to prove that the majority of voters are sat isfied with Mayor Cornelius, who is re elected, and the men named with him to conduct the affairs of this city for another year. Follow ing is the results: MAM MHETING TICKET. For Mayor 15. 1'. Cornelius 150 For Trustees Homer Kin molt 138 Kil ScliiilineriL'h 17U A. M. Crlile 107 For Recorder 11. T. Barley 158 For Treasurer A. C. Sliute, no opposition 281 CITIZENS TICKET. For Mayor J. P. Taiuieaie 131 For Trustees 11. II. (ireer 122 John M. Brown LiU J. F. hMou 114 For Recordei Benton Bowman 130 The proposition for the city to my a city park carried by vote of 83 and 47 against. An act auth orizing the city to grant telephone, telegraph and railroad franchises upon the streets of Hillsboro carried by a vote of 221 for and 15 against. The President's Message. The President's message is very long. It touches upon many sub jects and deals with most of them in a spirit of enlightened wisdom. Of old-fashioned politics it contains no trace. From party feeling it is free. The discussions are based upon the broad principles of justice and the conclusions in the main are such as all right-thinking men have accepted already or are pre pared to accept without much de bate. Corporations still hold the chief place in his thoughts. -The evils of unrestricted corporate rule in business and politics and how to remedy them he discusses at length. He begins with the recommenda tion, in which every honest man concurs, that corporations should be forbidden by the law to make campaign contributions. From this he passes to the very import ant question of allowing appeals to the government iu criminal cases such as the one iu which Judge Humphreys gave his famous immu nity decision. Mr. Roosevelt re marks that similar, if not identical cases, have been decided by other judges quite as contrary t) Judge Humphreys, and he laments that all such matters cannot be taken to the supreme court for final settle ment. It also disturbs him that a single district judge against what may be the judgment of the im mense majority ol his colleagues on the bench," may nullify a law of congress "and then deny to the government the right to have the supreme coutt definittly decide the question." This is indeed an in tolerable state of things. Mr. Roosevelt points out that it not on ly hinders the government in its efforts to control the corporations, but it also works direct wrong up on workingmen who may sue for justice against wealthy corporate --sdoers ,v . i ne rresiuent goes on it has become the settled policy of the government to apply the crimi nal statutes against the predatory corporations. Every effort was first made, he remarks, to control them by civil proceedings, but those efforts failed. The case is much like that of the fruit-grower in Web ster's spelling book who first tried tufts of grass upon the bad boy in his apple tree, but finally had to re sort to the big club. The criminal law being absolutely the only means of controlling the corpora tions, one may discern how import ant it is that no weak or complaiot judge should have the power to thwart the department of justice by such a ruling as.the one which the President quotes. Rebates are still common. Criminal proeecuinKs have by no means stopped them, and the government must have every proper aid lrom congress or they will continue in the future as in the past. Portland Oregoniau. Hopgrowers Heavy Losers. Oregon City, Or., Dec. 4. The inability to procure cars is not more injurious to any one industry than it is to the hop business, and even then the grower bears the brunt of tue loss that ensues. Not with standing the fact that there are stored at Oregon City, Aurora aud Butteville' more than 4000 bales of choice Valley hops, all branded and awaiting shipment; buyers are un able to fill telegraphic orders from brewers in the East for this crop. The average grower, in order to harvest and market his crop, is re quired to borrow money annually, paying from 6 to 8 per cent intrav The producer, under these circum stances, is unable to repay the amount of the loan until he has sold the crop and received his mon ey. Under the ordinary transaction the buyer does not pay the grower until the hops are shipped. As a result, the grower is not only liable for the interest charges on his loan for the additional time, but must al so pay warehouse charges, which, considering the inadequacy of stor age room, are excessive, but must assume the further danger of loss from the elements. In this city the grower must con- tend with the further disadvantage of a lack of warehouse room in which to store his crop pending its sale and delivery. The Southern Pacif ic Company are without warehouse accomodations for even temporarily storing hops, while the warehouse of the Oregon Water Power & Rail way Company can accomodate not to exceed tnnn bales. lioUl ut street railway company and the riv er steamers have received instruc tions not to receive a single bale for shipment even to Portland Pr-s ent conditions leave the growert en tirely at the mercy of the railroad corporations, and are require 1 10 await their pleasure in the matter of furnishing cars before they can real- ize on their crops." Roosevelt Third Term Chicago, Dec. 5. The Roosevelt Third Term National Lue been formed iu Chicago and today an application for a charter was made at Springfield. Edward A. Horner, formerly ofLeadville, Lolo. is the organizer and president of the League. The National headquart ers will be in Chicago. Clu&s will be organizes in every county and city in the United States. "We aim to get 5,000,000 mem bers," said Mr. Horner. " not our purpose to appeal to politicians; in fact we don't want them, his to be a matter which is to come direct ly from the people, and for mlf I don't care whether President Roc, veil likes it or not. To my ra'nd he has nothing to say about it. "The people have absolve and implicit confidence in him andwe're going to see that they elect h:rn to a third term." CRUSHED UNDER CAR WHEELS ALBERT BEALAND KILLED. A Half Filled Whlakey Flaak Telia the Whole Story. .End of a Thanka. giving Spree. Albert Bealand, aged about 36 years, was killed by the cars at Middleton on Thanksgiving night. Coroner Brown and Dr. V. D. Wood, of this city, went to the scene of tbe accident and found that Bealand had been run over by the cars, bis left foot cut off, chest crushed in and the body otherwise cut and bruised, Pieces of the dead man's sweater were found four miles from where the accident oc curred. The man's clothing was cut into shreds, showiug that he bad been carried along by the cars for some distance. A strange coincident is the fact that twenty-three years ago, Beal and's father was found hanging to tree, about sixty rods from where his son. was killed Thanksgiving day, and Dr. E. M. Brown, brother of our present Coroner Brown, was acting coroner at that time and conducted an inquest over the re mains of elder Bealand. It was in timated then and is still thought by some that the son had something to do with the death of his father, as the feet were dragging on the ground when found, and some thought at that time that he had been strangled and then taken to tie tree and tied up. to give an ap pearance of suicide. A bottle of whiskey, half lull was found on young Bealand's body which tell its own story. The fol lowing is from our Sherwood cor respondent and tells of the circum stances more fully: An awful and horrifying result of the overindulgence in strong drink is made painfully apparent in the sad ending of a young man here on Thanksgiving day, who unconsciously lay slumbering on the railroad track, apparently dead to the surrounding world and met sudden death under the carwheels of a passing train. Albert Bealand, aged about 36, raised in this local ity and only son of a helpless and destitute widow residing at Middle ton depot, came to town on the above named date, fell in with con vivial companions and spent the day imbribing freely of, "that which stingeth like an adder" and leads down to the valley of the shadow of death, all to quickly, and in this unfortunate case, instantly. He attempted to make his way home about . 5 o'clock in the evening when on reaching the warehouse, fell across the track and lay help less until removed by people pas sing by. As he was just on the outside of the town limits, and not subject to arrest the town authori ties did not molest him, which had it been done would have saved his life. How he managed to cross a high railroad bridge and reach a point perhaps a half a mile from town is a mystery unexplained. Here it appears he again sought slumber on the track and his mang led and lifeless remains were gath ered up and taken to Middleton depot the next morning by the southbound passenger train, having been run over during the night by a passing freight, without being dis covered. Bealand was a quiet, in dustrious young man, when not given to dissipation, and his em ployers speak highly of him as an efficient man at his work, being principally engaged at sawmill work when employed. Dr. Trice'e White Flake Celery Food, the new. Breakfast Cereal, at K. II. Greer's. Tax oa Fisherman. It cost the people of Oregon $30. 648.95 to protect game in Oregon during 1906. This is shown by the annual report of Game Warden Baker, who recommends that game protection be extended by the crea tion of a new fund to be raised by requiring all trout fishermen to take out licenses. Among other recommendations made are two that the law protect ing beaver be repealed, that a boun ty be offered for cougars, wildcats and timber wolves, that the elk pro tection period be extended ten years, that the law forbid possession of game birds, either dead or alive, during closed season. Mr. Baker reports that game birds of all kinds are increasing in numbers and most kinds are very plentiful. A Washington, D C, special says: The Bristol nomination has been referred to Senator Fulton and by him sent back to the judiciary committee with a note calling atten tion to his action at the last session. It will now be referred to a sub committee, consisting of Senators Kittredge and Foraker, who are ac cussed in Collier's article of conspir ing with Fulton to prevent Bristol's confirmation. Fnlton says he will ask that the nomination be rejected and that the subcommittee stands ready as It did last season, to report adversely. Collier's article only serves to make the subcommittee more anxious than before to reject Bristol, for it is generally looked upon as inspired by Secretary Hitch cock, who last winter used his best efforts to secure Bristol's confirma tion. A St. Paul, Minn., despatch of last night says that a cold wave is headed southward from tbe Canadi an Northwest. In Winnipeg, Man itoba, the thermometer was at zero at 5 o'clock. The coldest place in Canada tonight was Priuce Albert, where it was 14 below. Chester A. Gillette, who last Wed nesday night was fonnd guilty of the murder of Grace Brown, received a telegram from his mother, Mrs. S. S. Gillette, of Denver. The moth er urged her son to have courage in God, adding that she had wired to his attorneys to appeal the case. She promised that she and his lath er would be at Chester's side when his next trial took place. The Pittsburg flyer, on the Buf falo Rochester & Pittsburg railroad was wrecked near Golden, N. Y. About fifteen persons were injured. No one was killed. Fire at San Francisco destroyed the plants ot the Whittier Coburn Oil company and Barber Asphalt Paving company. The loss is esti mated at half a million dollars' Will Scott, a trainman, and John Drumweight, a passenger, were killed and three persons were in- uted in a rear-end collision on the Illinois Central near Ripley, Tenn. Helen Lambert, the actress who was injured in an automobile colli sion in Central Park, New York, in which Tom Cooper lost his life, died in Roosevelt hospital of her in juries. J. P. Ryan, a railroad employe from Spokane, acted the part of host to a trio of friends whom he steered towards the North End, Portland, at an early hour Thurs- da f morning. He became ac qu dnted with Jessie Cooper color- ;d. and according to the complaint he filed with Patrolmen Brouthers nd Ellis, she "touched" him for ,160 in gold coin. Tbe woman has been mixed in aHairs ol this kind before. The music of the slot machine will no longer be heard in Portland, as the mayor has ordered every ma chine out of business. Will his or der stick? SHE TRIES TO KILL HERSELF TAKES CARBOLIC ACID ROUTE Laura Meetlnger Tired ef Life Trie, to Peleon Hertelf, But la Pre vented In Time to Save Hee Ufa. Miss Laura Messlnger, about 16 or 17 years of age, daughter of M. F. Messinger, of Laurel, attempted suicide in a drug store in this city at about 9 o'clock last Monday morning, and but for the prompt intei ference ol John W. Bailey sh would have succeeded. The girl had secured a bottle of carbolic acid somewhere anel going to the Phar macy asked to have some medicine put up. While Mr. Bailey was writing the directions on the labels, he happened to glauce up and saw the girl swallow something from a bottle, and surmising that it was poison, ran to her and dashed the vial from her hand, scattering the fluid over his hands, burning him self quite severely. He forced her to take an antidote and immediate ly summoned Dr. F. J. Bailey, who arrived promptly and gave the girl an emetic. She was soon revived and taken to the home of Dan Hill where she has been making her home. Her lips, mouth and throat were badly burned, but she will re cover;, thanks to the prompt work of Mr. Bailey and the doctor. Miss Messinger has been, des pondent for some time, and this is her second attempt at self-destruction, it is said. Mrs. Hill, with whom she is living, has noticed that the girl was trying to get away with herself, and notified the drug stores not to sell her any poison, and she has been unable to get any thing which would cause her death at either store. Where she pro cured the acid is only a matter of guess work, bnt it is thought she secured the bottle out of town. She is now at Mr. Hill's and will recover. Portland will have a new theatre. A child of George Stager was burned to death in a fire which de stroyed his restaurant at Dows, Iowa. John F. Martin, a prominent at torney of Birmingham, Ala., was instantly killed by the overturning ot an automobile. Two foreigners are dead and thirty-six are violeutly ill. several of whom will die, at Millsboro. Pa., from eating wild parsnips. A four-story building in Chicago burned, causing a loss of $250,000. The fire was caused by an explos ion in the basement. Fire that broke out in the Nook- sack hotel at Nook sack City, Wash., destroyed the hotel and seven busi ness buildings. Loss estimated at $100,000, Senator Fulton introduced a bill appropriating 10,000 for the Lewis and Clark monument at Clatsop. First class line of Boy's and Men's heavy work ehoee. Will Hand all kind, of wear and tear. J. C. Oreer. Fresh Oy-teri or a choice Cocktail L. J. Palinateer has for tale, Best Confections in the City Lowney'i he make a Specialty. Hmokert, Chewert, can be supplied With goods at good at any tried. Freth Fruits, Aparox, Hot Bullion, Vigoral Good things to feast upon, 80 when in town give bim a call You'll get a square deal, on. and alL Of placet you will not And any) Like Talmateer'! Confectionery. Christmas Sale and Chick en Via Supper, Grange Hall, December 15. Watch for tb po3tersl