Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 16, 1906, Image 5

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No. 2.
a. iu. .
No. i.
& :2U o. m .
Forest Grove
Cornelius. . . ,
liilUtioro. , , ,
Huaverton. . ,
Portland ....
No. 1.
..4:31 p,
.9 .07 a. m.
No. 9 p
1 34
I ii
1 :.V
L. 8. Nelson bat been appointed regu
lar agent of the Southern Pacific Rail
way at this p lint and ia now in charge.
He comes from Medford where he was
generally liked aud has already made a
gd impression, on the patrons of lbs
otlice here. He is a young man of pleas
ing appearauce, courteous and aocom-
Get your candies and nuts ior Thanks
giring at Walker's.
R. C. Vaught has a new sidewalk
laid lo front of his place of business.
Dull, undressed, bait dreesed and
wholly dreaaed at Mrs. I'illabury'a.
J. B. Imlar, of Reedville, was In town
modating, and will undoubtedly prove a yseterdav and save this office a pleasant
satisfactory successor to Mraara. Hin-caM.
ISO. 8am
No. 10 p ni
except hun-
Portland . . .
IWaverton . .
Keedvilte. . ,
Corntliu. .
Forest Grove . . ..12:20
This train will ruit daily
ay, and service will be maintained as
long as the business will justify. This
will be a local passenger train of subur
ban nature and will not carry a baggage
L. 8. NELSON, Agent.
Coryaliis & Eastern Railroad. .
NO. 1-
Lmtcs Yanulua ... 6:20 a. m.
Arrlres alt'orvallls 10:40 a, m.
Arrtresat Albany ll:0.a. m.
No. 2-
I.eiTM Albany P-
Laates Corrallls 1: p.
Arrlree at Yt'Ulu .6:45 P. m.
No. t-
Lanres Albany 7:30 a. m.
ArrlTM at Ixtrult ...12:Pp. m.
No. 4-
Leavee Detroit ... . .-1:00 P. .
ArrlTM at Albany , 6-M p. m.
No. a
UM Albany-. ....
Arrlrea at Corrallls
No. 10-
Laaves Albany .
ArrlTM at Corrllls
Laavea Albany.
7:16 a. m.
.S:35e. m.
l 60 p. ra.
..4:Wp. m.
ArrtTei atCorvallis
No. 6-
Leaves CorTalll.
ArrlTM at Albany
Leave Corvallls
ArrlTM at Albany
"No. 7
Leavea Cortallls..,,..
ArrlTM at Albany
LeaTM CorTallli
ArriTM at Albany
No. 11-
Leaves Albany
Arrives at Corvallie..
.7:36 p. m.
.S:l&p. m.
..S:30 a. m.
...7.10 a.
shaw and Tabke, which certainly takes
a mighty good man to do. Ilia family
consists of himself, wife and baby.
First class line of Roy's and Men'i
heavy work shoes. Will stand all kinds
of wear and tear. J. C. Greer.
Rev. Van Dyke and wife, visited with
Treasurer Jackson and family last week
Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Van Dyke
is a stater of Mr. Jackson and her hus
band Is a missionary in Malaissia, lying
between India and China, where he has
Iwen stationed for the past sis years.
He gave a lecture at the M. E. church
Monday evening which waa very inter
esting and instructive and had on exhi
bition some very rare curios from the
Beld ol bis missionary work, lie was
granted a vacation about a year ago and
will return to Malaiaia January 1, his
wife returning with him. Mrs. Van
Dyke was deaconess at Eugene up to
about six months ago, when on account
of ill health, owing to the typhoid fever
epidemic in that city, she gave np her
position and went to Ban Francisco,
where she married Mr. Van Dyke lust
Dr. Trice's White Flake Celery Food,
the new Breakfast Cereal, at II. II.
S. 8. Barnes waa passing a remon
strance Wednesday against Sunday
theatres for Hillsboro, which waa signed
by quite a number of church people.
We believe that the attendance at the
Crescent next Sunday will settle the
question of Sunday theatres for Hills
boro. If the seats are well filled, it will
show that performances on the Sabbath
are wanted, but it, on the other hand,
the attendance ia small, it will demon
atrate that they are not wanted. This
The Misses Tennessee and Lucy
Weatherred were Portland visitors last
Combs, bair brashes and clothes
brushes. New line at the Hilliboro
"As Told la the Hills" Thrilling South
ern Play at the Crescent Theatre nest
Sunday evening.
Good old-fashioned Chewing Taffy this
week only, at the Den of Sweets, at A)
cents per pound.
Geo. Scbmear and family of Portlaud
were the guests over Sunday of J.
Kuratll and family.
Frank Barr and family have moved in
to their home which waa recently com
pleted on Eighth Street.
Drs. Ward and Bishop, of Forest
Grove were in Hillsboro Monday to give
evidence In the Dixon case.
Japanese paper napkins in choice de
signs, crepe papers, tissue papers, ahelf
papers, etc., at Mra. Pillsbury'o.
postal. ,t the Hillsboro
Get your canJ' J nut for Thanks
giving at VY:k'v
A new line of I'1-'0 n 1 fancy station
ery bas just ln r'ved at the Hills
boro Pharmacy- & o&ething to fit your
Isaac Camp'11 Bl1 wife, who pur
chased the Carter pis mtmt of tom n ,r.
rived Wedue-ly 'ro Hamilton, 8. D.,
to take posses!"0 of their new borne.
G. II. Martb. deputy clerk of the
United State Court was transacting
business at ths rl,r bouse last Satur
day. He formerly lived at Forest Urove
but now reside! in Portland.
Claude Greear having abasement
made under bi bouse, which will
vroatlv Improve his property. He is at
present living witbi bis parents, Mr. aud
Mra. J. M.urewr.
Prof. J. R- Poe11 bas ordered lumber
to erect a house on Lit U, on First Street
naar Jefferson. Hs says the mills are
behind in their orders or he would have
had the structure under way by this
"As Told in the Hills" Company is
playing to packed bouses at the Empire
In Portland ttiii week. It comes to Hills
boro at the Crescent Theatre next Sun
day evening !r " performance, at
8:30. No Matinee.
Wm. Benson left Hillsboro Wednes-
lands of Mr. Walker, !s assessed at the
rate of fuO per acre for tillable and $-4
per acre for niu tillable land.
Jesse Snyder, of Scholia was in town
Toilet paper three rolls for 25c at
the Hillsboro I'hsrmacy.
Mrs. Mary Humphreys has gone to
Heppner for a month's visit with her
John Tunzat returned home Wednes
day from Portland where he baa been
Mrs. J as. Imbrie is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Elmer Smith, who is very
ill in Portland.
Mrs. B. P. Cornelius was called to
Portland Tuesday to the bedside of her
sister, w ho is quite ill.
Mrs. Tucker, mother of W. P. Tucker,
is here from Eastern Oregon visiting
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. P. Tucker.
Miss Allle Cornell, accompanied by her
father, leave next week tor Southern
California. Later they will go to New
Mexico and Colorado.
Marshal Maddox. an employe of the
O. R. A N., met with a serioua accident
last Tuesday by having hia right hand
crushed. He was here yesterday visit
ing triends, and went to the good Sama
ritan hospital in Portland last eveulng
for treatment.
The stock of the Delta Drug Store was
not moved across the street this week as
The Congregational ladies were enter
tained by Mrs. H. V. Gates WeJueadav
I afternoon. About fifty ladies enjoyed
'the Interesting program and daiuty
I lunch, provided by the committee.
I Each one present donsted an apron or
iu equivalent for the benefit of the aid
I espct to leave about December lit
for a trip in the East and woulJ like to
have the ladiei who contemplate pur
chasing their bats of me, to call aa early
as possible, in order that I can get their
orders filled before I go.
Mas. Imogens Bath.
..1:30 p.
.JJ:10 p.
.6:00 p. m.
.4:40 p. m.
ll:00a. !
11 4i a. m.
1J:4S p.
la a case for the people to settle them- airent at the depot for several months
selves, and there should be no hard left on Tuesday for Whiteson, where he
feelinas about it. One man may believe
a Sunday show Is wrong, while another
la emiallv aa aura it is all right, and
your presence or absence from the Cres
cent on Sunday evening, November 18th,
will settle the matter with the manage
ment of that popular play house.
All kinds of nuts, the 1900 crop, at
the Den of Sweets. ,
Cards are out announcing the marri-
F. 8. Powell and wife, of Monmouth, jaT takina tin balunce of hia household we UteJ iuit week it wouu be, but has
effects with him- will locate at Sell
wood, where he ii having a house built
He intends to erect several dwellings
which he will rent.
Marahall Atch'msoa had a few of his
guests from ths local bastile out on par'
ade the first of tba week. (Joming across
some bad cross walki they decided to re-
nair the same, winch waa done with all
the good grace that could be expected
The change mentioned last week In
the running of trains on the West 8ide
Do your Christmas shopping W4i not made, though we got our auth
- I ... a
ority for the statement Irom a good
an-irce. The table at the head of these
columns is correct.
II. V. Belknap, ton of Rev, L. F. Bel
tamnnrarllv. Dur inn knap, arrived in mis city vreunesuay
.... in mil.horo. Mr. Tabke evening and ia visiting his parents
m.n i.in.la. all of whom Tenret is a registered pharmacist and has been
to have him leave. A petition was employed at Lo Grande for several yeara.
passed In the city aome time ago and Qru,g. wio was here
Ore., visited over Sunday with S. V.
Powell and family of South Hillaboro.
The Oregon Condenser received ao
order thle week for seven cara of con
densed cream. "This ia going some."
The Morton Greenhouse was dlaplay
ing some carnations this week that meas
ured over three and one half Inches in
Drop in and look at the holiday goods
- ... m I
now being received almost daily by Mrs.
early before the goods are picked over
II. L Tabke, who has been acting
Let us add your name lo our Growing List
of Satisfied Customers
We can please you. We have no stale good
to offer. Everything new and clean
Thanksgiving will soon be here and we will
be prepared to supply your needs in our line
with GOODS that are GOOD. Buy of us and
you will have one thing at least to be thank
ful for
Youts to please, Va(lgtt & CO.
Newport and atljaceut Doacues,
Breltanbuab Hot ttprlusa.
For rurthar Information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gen
B. H. BOLES. Aseot, A loan r.
as wall as
Pass. Agt,
AU of ths above eonnect with Southern Paolne
,m.,.. trains, hoih at Albaiiv and Uttvauu,
WMi," " ' - ,
i well as train for Detroit slvh'S aireci service w ftt,e on Sunday, November Zoln, 01 v li
llauiO. Hare and Miaa Jennie Maud
Greer. These young people are botn
well and favorably known in this city
and their host of friends will whih them
a ioyous and prosperous matrimonial
journey. They were both born In Wash
inuton county, were scnool-mates ana
hava been more or less associated from
childhood. The groom is a son of Hon.
W. D. Hare, and the bride a daughter
and conducted a store on the corner of
Main and Third street, has returned
and rented the new building recently
erected by W. J. Benson. He will open
up aoon with a full line of goods. ree
bis announcement on another page.
The New lHOflcropof nutsat Walker'a.
For boys' and meu'a dress shoes go to
J. C. Greer's.
Pnffee. Lluht Lunches and Oysters
very generally signed to have him a p.
pointed as the regular agent here, but
thacomDanv had other fields for him
and refused to make the appointment,
But it will be a satisfaction to him to
know that he had the Eood will of the
r.1 it,. HuiiiTiarn Pacific olllce
"-'""" r v...
atee- sw
Willie nere. -l Xf....mun l.t, nr. Matinee
I aVtlOHwIO lelisnv"jv.". " '
Judize Goodin haa been notified that on Sunday, hut the regular piuy win pe
I ... IMI . 1 J
Mrs. Anna Mack, of Farmlngton, wno put on in the evening, imswasueciu
on October 25th was committed to the d upon after consultation witn me man
asylum from this county, died in that sgement of the company now playing at
institution on Thursday of laat week, the Empire in rortlaml.
Her mania waa oi a rengioua naiure, ...,,. x,,. ...i vimn orooertv
- . w 11 I I V V i sa V ta eve vrne - - a w
something alter me iioiy .,er r Reedvln. to Wm. Hensley of Port.
and the physicians who examineu mo . , . . ,.on.iaer,tion ia
ber mental condition, sravsi
passed into the possession and control of
Dra. Linklater and Tamiesie. A third
store would lesson the volume of bus!
ness in each, and consequently reduce
the clerk force which ia needed to have
business attended to promptly. J. P.
Magruder, who ia well and favorably
known here, baa been employed as clerk.
See add.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. W.
Lepschat, four miles north of Hillsboro,
November 14th, at high noon occurred
the wedding of Mr. R. F. Lepachat and
Misa Mary F. Garrigus. About twenty
five guests witnessed the ceremony
which was performed by Rev. L. F. Bel
knap, of Hillsboro. The bride and
groom were the recipients of a number
of valuable preaenta. After the cere
mony a bountiful dinner was served, af
ter which the happy pair departed on
last winter the evening train for Portland.
Full line of razors, strops, brushes and
mugs at the Hillsboro Pharmacy.
served at Walker'a. , . I of R. II. Greer, both of whom came to ber mental co.mii.iuu. .... . . aiJ to be IS.OOO.r. II maley was lor
Sweet sourand Dill pickles In bulk Oregon about the same time ana are opinion vnai "" '"y. nwly of Iowa where he waa engaged In
ninnaftrs here, miss ureer nas receniiy i
returned from an extended trip to Alas
at R. H. Greer'a.
Special this wek at the Den of Sweets,
Tallies at 20 cents per pouna.
Tablets! Tablets I Tablets I
At McCormick's.
it aa their
case was incurable.
Mra. Charles Morring,
who was examined for ber sanity at the
time her mother was, and who was per
mitted to go to visit sister in Washing'
... e t m 1 . -
ton, is reporteu improving in neann
and will come out of the roller halluci
nation In time.
Fruit Grower's Meeting.
There will be a meeting for fruit
growers at the court house in Hillsboro,
been decided by the Crescent I on Friday, November 16, at 1 :30 p. m.
JT ' . ... . All fruit arowers and all others who are
interested In good fruit are cordially in
vited to be present. We hope for a
eood turn out and a profitable meeting.
We have not arranged for any regular
hut have asked a number to I
be present and take part in the meeting.
Prof. Lewis, of Corvallis and perhaps
James Withycombe, Mr. Atwell, Col.
llavnea and W. E. Newell. We wish to
organize a stronii society at Hillsboro,
which will take hold of the fruit indus
try with a will. This will mean clean
ami eood fruit, all of which
can be had if we will.
County Fruit Inspector.
farming, and in trareling through this
county waa so well pleased, that he con
cluded to locate, lit will go into the
stork business.
ka, and Mr. Hare haa Just commences
his life's work aa an attorney In this
city. Business interests will prevent a
wedding trip, and they will be at borne
. .. ..til- I . Iti. fltAw.rfc vilu M nn I
iru. tl' 1,1.. nr.,mn nn mil I'll 11111B- MJ Uiejr iriuuuB a
iu iiro.ii .!.- , . . , , .
ooro Independent, both one year for l. Baseline street, inm iou.pwnu.ue ju.--
i wtin numerous inouu m
Ture Buckwheat Hour ana io.K.gg. ,a hap,)iness.
. . . m .... ...... I, nd a T . II. I
fti.n a Nvr in ii ir imutnAva . " - i I ..... .... i in vuur
.1.: ... 1 .l.onWnl for Taffv I noaWtinir their children. LOW. llUlua. 1. . , , . . . , . , ...! h. ..ml
. . imuip.uiu. vu w - ' m ' - w. . .A ptrrf niin ursiiH T.flLionarT. auu i .pa lnrreasiDK auu. lciiw,v.uk ... w ,
ureer a. I . o on ..... I t.- . T . ....r..... Pr.nlr .ml nrrilil I ' m. . ... I . . . . ... . I I
at me una oi owmn v .v mt umm., -.v., intend to make this al that a book store and its pbarmaceuuai reuuirememe auu
Albert and Lillian Dixon, of Forest
Grove, were up before Judge Goodin
last Monday to answer
to the charge of
Those interested in Literature will be
nlaaaed to learn that a book store baa To the Delta Patrons)
been opened by W. E. Wheeler, success- Drs. Linklater and Tamiesie desire to
or to L. M. Hoyt. Pleas, call for vour announce to the patrons oi me ieiia
magazines and journals. We will send prug store, that they have acuuiroa me
u nr anliurmtinns for anv vou wish. I .tivk of iroods in the store, that they
The Brut shipment of
the new basket factory
Wednesday this week.
baskets from
was sent on
Corner Main & Third St.
He sells
pound. iixon, uu w - - should be
w n,n ...j should not be taaen away irom wio
un uciooer znn r.va iw. u. ... . , , . n,u, .w .,i.i h
When visiting in roe8vuroveuruor (re1BurdeU w anJ that !7.,. .... .r.l. .k.t. ih. V 'fv.:. .: Z " I tk.
at Johnson & Johnson's uoniecuoner,. addicted to drugs, , , T. M v.nw
made by the Uen oi , . . . . ., Judge oraereu ma m. cuiiumu nouse erected py air. .wion auu au..
stored to the parents for a period oi an ornament and a desirable addition to
.lav. .n.l If th or the older I .v.:. . ...1 1. full nf ipnalng tilants
F,.rOvHters. Lownev e uoniecuonery, unocaea ner aownwu ivruc. wu. - ....... ,mu. ..u.. ... .
v, v r - i . nrnLiieri inu siisi ici vt usimvi i miiria rjinii tiLiiei vuiiiiaa to uiaae est aw
Fruits. Cigars and Tobaccos, go to I ai- out cause or provocation, and at one time , ,,een-house. If you will visit the A bequest made to Pacific University
mateer's Confectionary. He carries me threw a white wash brusn at ner, wmcu . . William McCullough. formed
der will to made aurrendering the child- wiu to aurprised to see how fine they the basis of legal argument almost all
r.n ),. itnvi' and Girls' home. One U.....ii,inr mil eniov lookintt at .!. Wednesday before Judge uaiioway,
e w m WV wm J - ' I UHlV V 1 V J M"S I - - -
that they have sufncient and enicient
clerk hire to conduct a first-class estab
lishment Bitter experience has taught
the Delta, however, that it cannot do as
,k i.raAtna aa formerly, therefore a
rash businesa (or almost Its equivalent,
a verv short credit) will be greatly ap-
linn of smokers' goods In ihe city, struck her In the eye, severely injuring
WW ----- I ... .
i rri.tm..Boods ber. and other chargea oi a Bimiiar na-
i II V va I
From the nuou
at al. V.Lnfl 1 1 H r1 Fa
being received uy me .,H. airald he will do her bodily harm. ' u" eu,,u'
Company, there will i be someth ng doing ta j to'etZtii
.round there about Chnstma. time. JgJ Mr. wilcox Ui jJt Jjr. apart a
ture. She left the defendant in 1904,
Joe Schulmerich.of Banks and August flleJjii(ln(!Wer to the conlpUint and
t . of this citv went out to the Neha
i. ...,itr lust Sunday and remained
until Tuesday. Mr. Tewe says
speared sixty-two pounds of salmon
Th California trains which for the
in .lava have been routed over the
Una liucause of the fact that
TT en
.k- l.ri.lfl across the Santiam, at Jefler
boh. waa washed away, are now going by
the Woodburn route
at tempting prices.
a Christmat gift.
H..TB. h has ever aince and prior to
0 . .
hia marriage been afneted witb a nerv
ous complaint which has rendered him
for a greater part of the time unable to
..r...wrlv care for himself without the
"- ' ----- . . ,,
assistance of a companion wno couia
minister to his wants ; that upon many
occasions while he was suffering great
nhvalcal aironv on account of such com-
... . ' ...
I . M I . .... I kin. In
.!. f rl.il,l. o aint. tne piainun umm nc. uu.
a cruel and inhuman manner py cuomi.
him and knocking him down and other
.u iil.trmtinir him: haa cursed him
have filed injunction proceedings in the , UeJ hlm v. ntBoeu, She bad
.i..tt .ort airainst the Tence company, .. ,.nmmi,tea ta . asylum and has
. .moration to enjoin tlie company , ...- o keep him confined
from building, construciinK, ooor.... therein, but that upon every sucn occaa
or maintaining a flume and u
and across plaintiffs land. G
Clinton and Newton McCoy are anor- . he doe not drink liquor or
neys for plaintiff. I jruijSl excepting
n.b. .hnol will nive a literary furnished by a physlcl
i Liu . it. J.l ..... rli.rJA
in the State Circuit Uourt at aiuany.
The institution is suing several of McCul
lough 'a heirs ir an accounuuK y
the nrooerty. Mr. McCuiiougn
having bequeathed half of his estate to
the Forest Grove school. The case was
noon three dinereni a-murreia
" .... 1 1 et . .lufiimlsnld. I
Ing the bridge is being rushed
v wr p.,lin and Harry L. Hamblet
, -
of the conditions was that tne father the many flowers in bud and bloom.
.n.l .lr..t. Inn Knt Ka must I
.uu v.v-v....... ., . ... I. K- K.
and away from his wife. reparations a.
Thia the husband and father readily opera uuu . . . .
l.-.l . A. f ninn wu ranra. the SOOd
pruu., TKWsivinB V.vm. Wednea-
1 . 1 I ana . flf I nMIt I URUtn UU ..... i
' . . . ... I j !.. V... Kn wUl nn account I r. j i. .n(T..... ilufunilanta.
Grove and the Aid Society by Attorneys "7 "u", " , , . ,! P08" 7
Bowman and Barrett and Mrs. W. E. of many desiring w spe uu . Brown passed through Indepen-
out oi town, anu aw. on his way home to Wells
lot of oeople that mi-ht want to dance ; . k.,1 i,,.t .U.
Mr.. Pillsbury 1. .bowing a nice line a;ppetite for theThanksgiving gob- " .r. a band of 030
of ladie.' high grade leather hand-bag. ... vvervbody ii invited to come out vereu vo -- i.,,mv.t,mnsh.
. .... t.... .v. n,in r ... ...... . in ihMDinu iiummin. ...-.- . .-.
inJun in themselves, iiie music wui - ---r . m . . h . wa s about
" - ... ... I BH.a.1 trSSISa - . . I
... i... .n,l thedance will be order-1 . .., .,, Mr. Brown is an exieu- i
eu u7- -a. .i.iilu.I. .ml
J I a in 11 Tl IIIH'K UI Ml. HIM"" '
haa at hia place now something over 1,-
.. in . .... ik. . k..i,u i rrcit numuer oioio-
The old saw mm "cm ui wu - mi iiiwh ... i i......i.,.. I
v. ..i-itement last Saturday er classes oi live svoca.-.uu.....--
T. uni nvt rim- Jed tO
One morning last August dogs killed
sixty chickens and wounded thirty
more for Nelson Sanders, of Bethany,
and he brought suit against John Berger,
a neighbor, to recover the amount of
,1 .manes. Mr. Sanders says that he
aaw a small rat terrier and a large Sbep-
morn na. Two smau ooys - 7 in of
settle their difference, in the fi.tic art. TbW '
.j ... trrtrr.,ant aav. that they were erection In ew lora iiy m.
...u. . - - . ,r.m,r in the City, 1 W nave wn.u
pretty much .. "- that it mm- firmly br.ce-1
..,.inst every gale. The wind pressure
.mint of the structure's great alti-
will be tremendous ana ior iui.
itch over ""he has been released, because he herd dog In the ben house. The former few Bpecl,tor. they hammered l and pum
raham A "8 BUbiect for iach an lr)itita. he captured, but the latter got away, meled each other for eleven
araattor- . . . ... j.i-i. ii... and he claims the animal was the prop- . . ,...,it both tem satisfied. One I.
- i ..n na inmm nui ui iu as. iiu ui ao. . - - - - - i. ..ill laa irpin(nuuu ia au'-a
upon prescriptions erty of Mr. Berger, though there are u(lng . pi,Ce of beertteak for an eyeg.ae. ,... , ... - M
iclVn. and then only several dogs of that breed in and around while the other has a swelling on bi. reason naUonb ,n ingenious ar-
' . .i ti.. ..I a. ..u nn . . .. . i- ... lianu Ki. hat on. The w ., .. l ,,. Th will be
TT :.i .h. lianas' .. .Ut-uh. He denies every charge ihiub..j. -r neaa ma u. i. . 1 .. . rangeroent o. VT. . . .
program and oasaei .u.-. -.. - : . . , -decree before Justice Bagley and a Jury last
Ll.'ovember23 1, the Friday be- m.de.g..n st himJ k ( FriJ.T, u.ting ail day and into the
fore Thanksgiving, beginning at 8 p. m. dismissing the PclD" ctloI1. evening. The jury went out about eight
.lao all women who do not bring a oa. ine case w. , . wr- AlmM M no .greement could
ket. Admission fee whip. onu. uhu . be reache.1. three being in favor of ac
from price of baaket. 1-rocee... are w at vorncou.. quitting Mr. Berer from any damage
be used to purchase an oraau For Tour Holiday photos can on t ,nJ three (,vored making him pay for
a a. 1 . ft . a.ima Anil . . t n.lta Thaw I . . .
school. Don't lorge uaio at hii new location neany u..- th chickens killed. The suit waa hotly
i.,in baskets. Independent otnee. fpeciei inuuiuicu tahJ b attorney Bump for Mr
...it la on his trip to until after the holidays. o" - Beraer and Thoe. H. Tongue for
t-resiaeu. h. ..v.. ,im. flnlah axwd work. . ti . n.. i.im. Ki..l
a to see how the canai is proni-1 i pnu. ! .
... -....-i n hia lourney Thurs- w.n.inantleman or lady with Lot away from home the night
i ..t .Ir .lava each way ill ,.,.n. tn travel by rail or with chickens were killed and two oi his
h! required to make the trip. The pre.i- for . nrm 0( 4ii0.0D0.00 capital, tie daughter, swore thev saw and petted
Ust 'p.". to .P.nd four day. or , m. oo per rear and expen h. - - - - - , jubl. UnJ and non-
sofranamaandoneuay.. u... MUry jhhj weeaiy u "i". I '"a- r , v.. . .mi.ki. -t 17 per acre. TheTongueea-
... . .L.i..n:m.in h itnrf . 1 1 ih -tamo. joe. a. I miff Deionireu to a nr. a-ouuaun, uu
. i i..rnit.l States 1 . i .. iiiii.twrn. Ore. no. 5 I lives near
where the pres.aeuVu....-r .::-i- A,ea.uC.. . - that nlht. and asaeased
will set foot on loreign o.. - Belmont Razor rops a w- -.
" . . . ... .. .linnar West I . --, . iK. ITillahnro
Hueet of a foreign ru.CT-.-. guaranteed, uei on ha. been appealed. contingent
The i
of the circuit court.
at Cornelius.
Both parties live
youngsters wore o-"unc. k,utt.
atrinra.1 in trUB pUgUIISl .lyie.
r I .
port seem, to be very popu.ar,
are informed there will be another aimi-
lar affair pulled of .hortly.
Mc Cormick's Music Store
Don't Forget
That we carry all kinds of music and musical
instruments. We havo a good stock of talking
machines and records to select from.
Columbia Graphophoncs,
inder and Disci Edison
Phonograph and Records
Both Cyl-Cylinder
Sold for Cash or on Installments at the same
prices as in tho East. Call and hear the
plainest talking machine you ever heard.
IL. L. McCormick, Hillsboro.
and a Square Deal
FOR ALL at the
Delta Drug Store
Under Us newnanagement vzul
rneror K.Vf inrhe. in diameter, and
den7from n;.r,y 50 feet height into
thTconcrete which forms the caissons,
l.-Tfon solid rock. 85 feet below the
A recent dispatch from Washington
nnW-.lnes.lay K. W. Walker filed L,vf protest ha. been made by the dairy-
with the county clerk a petition asking !, o( Oregdn and ashington, to u.e
7 .. . nftv.. T.mre,linas of .:.nraldeDartiiient.. through Sena-
the Board of Euualiiation upon the as- Lor Futon, against the new pure lood
Mr aoaament roll of W Mllington counij regulation WUicu u- -
S ," The complaint allege, j.naed milk. The regulation re-
waa the year ix. ... w,lk. " irM ,bat conden-e. milk, to enter in-
the that Assessor W iUo ""' r-; ' rnerce. must contain 7 , per
lit- er's tillable land a ' ..nt butter fat and soii.is sroounnim w
li. i.-.l at IJ9 nr acre. uaa. - .. f) na to the rienness oi
-tillable land at l-M per a. re
be required to make the trip. in. ore-.- , for , flrm 0i v.e uua..wc.. . - r---- ---- . adjoins Walker s, Is as-1 tne milk In the protesting .vate.. -
Dreui.o nl.al . .... imniM : lK. .nlmal bofora o clock in the mom- I King, Wnose lauu ... , V, ..l.im that tha butter fat would
and that it would mean a ioea -per
100 p.)unds. The loss would drive
the manufacturers of condensed milk out
of business, tne dairymen sik.
e.1 to a Mr. Johnson, who tillable at m -him,
but Johnson proved tate, alsoadp .In il Sfor
that hia dog was tied op that alght. and asaeased fo' "w?:;9rnr.
To tbc Ladies-
IEXPECT toleaTSTtho East about
December 1, and shall be absent until
the first of the New Year. Those who in
tend to purchase hats of me, are requested
to call as early as possible, bo that 1 can
eet their orders filled before I go.
While away I fhall visit millinery houses
in Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and
on my return be able to show my patrons
. . . . ...Ml! -a -
the very laiesi in ine imiuuet am.
Side F-nterpnse. rharmacy.