Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 16, 1906, Image 3

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Large and WellDefined Ledge Discor
erod at Cottag Grove.
Cottage Grove A flattering find la
reported from tie Bohemia mining die
trict. It waa made recently in the
claim known aa the Big Maud, ownsd by
Colonel W. II. Ulair. Tb or i taid
to be high-grade and the ledge is large
and well defined. The usual degree of
activity prevail throughout the eamp,
and good result are in evidence. The
Oregon Soeuritiee and Vwwviu are in
lull operation, employing large force
of men. The annual assessment work
tot this year ii nearly completed on the
large number of claims held bj private
parties. r
Activity in the lumbering business is
constantly on the increase, notwith
standing the operators are unable to
move their products. The ear shortage
is seriously felt by the 18 mills in this
locality. One company alone has about
J 00 carloads on the docks, and is simply
unable to secure cars. This is the ease,
however, with all the mills. The lum
bermen are advocating the enactment
of a law making it a penalty for a rail
road company when it fails to furnish
cars within a specified time after the
order is placed. They contend that
they are not dealt with fairly in the
matter, as the railroad eonipanv im
poses a demurrage of (1 a day when a
car is not loaded within 48 hours after
the tir.e it is spotted. The railroad
company, on the other band, takes its
own time and pleasure to furnish cars.
With about 250,000 worth of lumber
cut and ready to move, the lumbermen
are hopeful that they will soon get re
lief. They are running full capacity
aud orders for more lumber are pouring
in, and if cars are not furnished soon
they will be compelled to close their
Five-Horsepower Plant Opens Mew Era
In Mining Industry.
La Grande Assay returns have been
received by the Aurelia company from
concentrates turned out on the trial run
of the mill recently installed by that
company on its mining property up the
Grand Konde ttiver. These assays show
values ranging from $225 to $250 to the
ton, with a loss of about 15 per cent
in the waste. The recent run of the
mill shows that the ore will run $15 or
more per ton, and when the machinery
is placed in first-class working condi
tion from 90 to 05 per cent of the val
ues can be saved.
The mill installed is but amalL Only
five-horsepower is required to run the
crusher and other machinery, and but
one man is needed to superintend the
entire plant. Mining men are enthusi
astic over the success of the mill, and
believe this character of mill has solved
the problem of how to handle the ore of
the Grand Konde district. A few years
ago it was the opinion of miners that
the up-river country ores could not be
worked with small capital; that not less
than $50,000 'or $100,000 would be re
quired to isstall a suitable plant for
the treatment of the ores found there.
The trial of the Aurelia company has
proved that the ore can be handled on
a very much smaller scale, with high
percentage of profits, or even higher, to
the ton than with heavy stamp machin
ery. It is the intention of the Aurelia
company to put in another mill next
veur. Other owners of mining property
In the same district will follow their ex
Soason's Work Has Boen Satisfactory
in All Coast Stations.
Salem The report of Master Fish
Warden II. G. Van Duscn for the month
of October shows that the season's
work has been satiwfactory in all Coast
stream hatcheries, but not so good in
the hatcheries on tributaries of the Co
lumbia. Begsrding hatchery opera
tions the report says:
With the exception of a few more
salmon to spawn at Ontario, we are
through with the work of collecting
chinook salmon spawn at our different
hatchorios tributary to the Columbia
River, and from reports roceived the
following collections have been made:
No. egg taken.
Salmon River hatchery 875,000
McKenzie River hatchery eta-
tion 5,970,000
"Wallowa River hatchery 5H6.000
Ontario salmon hatchery 2,130,000
Total 9,571,000
Delegates Appointed by Governor.
Salem Governor Chamberlain baa
appointed the following residents of
Oregon to represent the state at the
annual convention of the National Riv
ers and Harbors Congress at Washing
ton, D. C, December fi and 7: R. K.
Hoge, J N. Teal, W. D. Wheelwright,
Portland; John H. Smith, Astoria; Pe
ter LoKRi, Marshfield; J. D. Peters,
The Dalles; L. A. Lewis, Portland;
Henry Hahn, Portland; J. A. Smith,
Plenty of Logs, ut No Car.
Salem Owing to difficulty in secur
ing ears, the Spauldihg Company 'a saw
mill in this city will very likely close
down in a few days, with 11,000,000
feet of logs ready to saw and a ready
market for the lumber.
Expert Will Inspect Bridge,
Oregon City The County Court baa
decided to employ an expert to make a
thorough examination of the suspension
bridge across the Willamette River in
this city and ascertain the extent of
the repairs that are needed for the
preservation of the atructure.
Bandon Enjoya Prosperity.
Bandon Bandon is enjoying eorne
thing of a real estate boom, and lota
that migbt have been purchased for
$10 each last Spring are selling for
$100 and finding ready market at
that price. Activity in manufactur
ing accounts for the boom. The aal
man eannery, broom-handle factory,
wood pine plant, brewery, match fac
tory and foundry are running full time
and the Bandon woolen milla are run
ning dav and night to keep np with or
ders, the shingle milla are running to
their full capacity, and the Cody Lum
ber Company is building a mid that
will bave a aracity of 75,000 feet a
La Grande Factory Will Turn Out Over
50,000 Sacks.
La Grande The new track of the
Central Railway has reached the Hunt
grade opposite Cone, and a spur for
loading beets has been put in. This
reduces the hauling distance from the
Cone beet fields materially, as the end
of the track is now about three miles
and a half from the farms. Most of
(liie Ceue beets remain to be delivered
and the harvest in that locality has
been postponed as long as possible,
; awaiting- railroad facilities Superin
tendent Darnwell says that ten days or
two weeks will be required to get ail
the beets to the factory.
The factory has been running most
satisfactorily, without a hitch or halt,
from the time the season opened, la
addition to the fine output of beets, the
sugar percenage is higher this year
than ever before. It is estimated that
iue luijitr uuipui luis season win vm
between 50,000 and 60,000 Backs, or
from 50 o 300 cars.
The factory will probaCly run four
weeks longer.
Farmers So Not Produca Enough to
Supply Local Market.
North Bend Bringing hay from the
Willamette Valley to Xorth Bend and
Marshfield is something like carrying
coals to Newcastle, yet nearly every
boat that comet here from Portland
lands a quantity of bay. Around Co
quille'some bay is grown for the mar
ket, but it costs nearly as much to
bring hay from that point to Marsh
field, a distance of 15 miles, as it does
to bring it from Portland. If the bay
is consigned to North Bend it roust be
transferred from the can to boata at
Marshfield, and that costs $1 a ton ex
tra. Valley grass bay can be pur
chased in Portland for $9 a ton, and it
costs $3 a ton for freight. This hay
retails for $13 a ton. There is no
clean timothy or clover hay to be bad
here at any price and Oregon grass is
at a premium.
On the bottom lands in Coos County
four and five tons an acre of oat hay
can be raised, and clover and timothy
grow well on the rich bench lands.
Organize a Water Company.
La Grande Articles of incorporation
have been filed for the Mill Creek Wa
ter Company, with a capital stock of
$12,500. La Grande will be the prin
cipal place of business. The incorpor
ators are George Krieger, Ambrose
Wright and August Bahrens. The ob
ject i to appropriate 1000 inches of
water from Mill Crock, above Summer
ville, to be used for irrigation and other
purposes. The incorporators have re
cently become interested in large tracts
of land and some extensive improve
ments are to be made.
New Cement Tester at V. of O.
Eugene There has been installed in
the Government timber-testing station
a standard cement-testing macnine
with a capacity of 1000 pounds. The
imacliiiie is a neat affair and makes a
valuable addition to the apparatus al
ready in the plant. J. B. Knapp, th
I Government expert, who is in charge of
the timber-testing station, is a very
busy man, aa samples of Oregon tim
ber are constantly being sent here for
I the purpose of being examined and
Mill Buya Standing Timber.
Eugene M. 8. Barker has purchased
2,000,000 feet of standiug timber from
C. Arnel, nenr Mareola. The land will
be logged olf at once and the timber
brought to Barker's sawmill here.
Loses by Car Shortage.
Heppner W. W. Stabler shipped out
this week the sheep ilint he has been
bidding here for five weeks for Inek of
cars. He says that it cost him $250 per
week to hold the shoep here, and as he
has held them five weeks he is out a
neat sum.
Wheat Export basis: Club, 63(a64c;
bluestem, oU(ii67c; Valley, 60c; red,
60ri 81c,
! OntsNo. 1 white, $24.50025.50;
gray, $23.50(?T24.
Barley Peed, $21.50 per ton; brew
ing. $22; rolled, $23.
I Rye $1.3C(S 1.40 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $25.50; cracked, $26.50
per ton.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $ll(o12
per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14fd)
16; clover, aityis; cneat, .ouiaa.ou;
grain hay, $7.508.50; alfalfa, $11.50;
vetch hay, $77.50.
t Fruits Apples, common to choice, 25
(?75 per box; choice to fancy, 75c
$1.50; grapes, $1.40(?i)1.65 erate; pears,
75c(fi$1.25; cranberries, $1010.50 per
barrel; quinces, $l(al.25 per box; per
simmons, $1.50 per box.
Vegetables Cabbage, ljlf pound;
cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; celery, 75
(fi;85e per dozen; egg plant, $1.50 per
crate; lettuce, bead, zoe per aozen;
onions, 1012J per dozen; bell pep
pers, 6c; pumpkins, lje per pound; spin
arh, 4(f5e per pound; tomatoes, 3050e
per box; parsley, 10(fS15c; squash, lje
per pound; turnips, U0c(g$l per sack;
carrots, 90c(fr$l per aaek; beets, 1.25($
1.50 per sack; horseradish, 9(ffl0e per
pound; sweet potatoes, 252J per
Onions--Oregon, 75c(il$l per hundred.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, fancy,
85WuOe; common, 6075e.
Butter Fancy creamery, 25(g271
per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 3335e per
Poultry Average old bens, 12(J13e
per pound; mixed chickens, 12(ifl2)ej
Spring, 12((E13c; old roosters, 910c;
dressed chickens, 13fi;14e; turkeys, live,
IftYiM'te; turkeys, dressed, choice, 2(i)
22Jc; geese, live, 99Je; ducks, 14tjJ
Veal Dressed, 51((?8I per ponnd.
Beef Dressed bulls, 2$v2e frf
pound; cows, 4(g5e; eountry steers, 5
Mutton Dressed, fancy, t(g9e per
ponnd; ordinary, fitfT'e.
Fork Dreased, 6(ii Se per pound.
Hops 1906, choice, 13u;16e; prime,
l.V'iMe; medium, lL'iglile per ponnd;
old, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
13(ale per pound, according to shrink
age; Vallev, 20(Ti 21e, according to fine
ness; Mohair, choice, 26g2Se,
Dlaaae ilawl Eaitrvlr Era4leats
ar larelaallaa.
The records of the bureau of health
at Manila show that within the last
twelve mouths 213 0"0 people have been
vaccinated by officials and many more
by private physicians. When It la re
membered that Manila's population la
nut more than xi.iixt. It can be under
stood why. In the year ended lee. 31,
l!K'l. there were ouly twenty-seven
deaths from smallixix. Ten of the
twenty-seven were Europeans or Amer
icans who had neglected or avoided
vaccination, says the New York Trib
une. During the Spnnlsb regime a law ex-,
bited mating Tact Ir.atlon compulsory,
but the chief good which resulted froui
the law was that the people became ae
ruMtoincd to Its existence on the statute
books and did not greatly object to It
or streiiouxly resist Its application at
the bands of the Americans. In a few
provinces difficulties were met. In
these cases vaccinators were at once
withdrawn and the pueblos left to
themselves. Within six months the con
trast betweeu the vaccinated and un
vacclnnted pueblos was so marked that
the chief men of the objecting niunlel
pnlltlee requested the vaccinators to
Aa smallpox Is epidemic and pan
demic In the Philippines, the necessity
for a division of vaccination In the
board of health la very great The or
iginal plan was to organize a corps of
3.V) vaccinators. That number was eon
kiditd utn.mitjf lu order to vaccinate
the tnhahltanta of the Islands within
three years. Owtng to the depleted con
dition of the Insular treasury, the com
mission has been unable to authorize
the employment of ao large a number,
and with the small number of men
available the question arises whether
vaccination will not have to be prac
ticed continuously for many years In or
der to Immunize the 6.000,000 Inhabit
ants who are now In those Islands and
their offspring aa It arrlvea.
Smalliox In the Philippines occupied,
prior to the advent of the Americans,
about the same position In regard to Its
frequency, Its mortality and Its preva
lence that It did In Europe prior to the
discovery of vaccination, and aa waa
the case In Europe, so In the Philip
pines, It seems to be almost a disease
of childhood. The explanation of this
Is that all natives who have reached
adult age were exposed to smallpox In
childhood, and those who did not con
tract the disease may be considered Im
mune. Smallpox In Manila Is no longer
to be feared, according to the annual re
port of the bureau of health for the
Philippine Islands, and not ao many
cases occur In proportion to Its Inhab
itants aa In the cities of Washington
and Baltimore.
In revolutionary times American col
leges, which we are apt to regard aa
little schools of narrow theology, were
really centers of light on practical
questions. Princeton played an Im
portant part In the Revolution, not be
cause a battle waa fougnt near the old
Nassau building, but because the presi
dent, John Wltherspoou, waa a vigor
ous liberal thinker,
v He was the only clergyman In the
Congress which signed the Declaration
of Independence. Scotsman by birth,
he had come to America when he waa
forty-six years old. It did not take
him long to throw his whole sympathy
with the American people. He said
"A man will become an American by
residing In the country three months.
His writings on religious subjects
were known on both continents, and
when he turned his direct and powerful
ien to American nffnlrs, he became one
of the most powerful pleader of the
American cnune. He knew the use of
vituperation, but most of his pamph
lets are free from the abusive manner
of Thomns Paine, anil approach the In
telligence mid fair-mindedness of
"There Is not the least reason yet."
he writes In 1774. "to think that the
king, the parliament, or even the peo
ple of Great Britain, have been able to
enter Into the great principles of uni
versal liberty, or are willing to hear
the discussion of the point of right
without prejudice." ,
No wonder that Massachusetts Con
gressmen on their way to Philadelphia,
after they bad been reviled and hooted
In New York and several New Jersey
towns, found Princeton an oasis In the
desert; and no wonder the Tories call
ed Wltherspoon a dangerous firebrand,
and honored him by burning his effigy
with those tf Washington, Lee and
t'siel tmm'm Marhlaerf.
Cncle Ram la credited with making
the best machinery, and John Bull
sella the most Of American mano
factures machines and machinery
constitute the premier nort.
amounting In 1004 to $82,078,000,
being the largest export of any
one country, save the United King
dom, whose export amounted to
$1021)0 In 10O4. The fact that the
United Kingdom leads In the value of
Ita exports of machines and machinal-
la due wholly to lta large exporta of
textile maenmery, a branch of the ma
chine trade wherein we have nn
corded export, while we are fourth on
the list of countries to which the Unit
ed Kingdom exports textile machinery,
jomlng after Germany, France and Ita
ly. Some machines and machinery ex
ported are special to the United State.
If other nations produce tfwm f.
port It I not known. These Yankee
specialties are caan mrlaters. in.i
machinery, metal working mnehi
pumpa and pumping machinery, shoe
mscuiuery ami typewriting machines;
"Theresa no bridge over the TTeii.
pont," mused Hero, "and where thr-.
no bridge there's no society In the true
sense, so I'll Just stay on this aide.
And that was whv LesmW h..f
w sweat IU
swim for It Puck.
We have 'observed that the better the
family the less fuss there Is made over
the announcement of wedding la It
Opinions of
EAL1N1 la grain Is supiiosed to be a com-
Dl pt-tltive businwii, iu wtiloU one man can en
I gug 8 ta a, auoitier. provldeU he ha iue
I iiCiSS:H7 cnnltHl Pvi.l Lrsiinrtit nnt lit
recent bsrlngs before the Interstate Com
merce CoouiiIkkIou ludlcates that this suppo
sition Is contrary to the facts of the situa
tion. One dek'r told how he had been driven out of
business by railroad discrimination In favor of a rival
Perhaps the aiost ilpilflcant teHtlmony, however, was
that of W. 8. Warren, former president of the Chicago
Board of Trade. Mr. Warren told the commission that
ten years ago frln 150 to 2hj grain merchants were
regularly doing busing, on the board, whereas now there
are but twenty three, When asked to w hat he attrib
uted the change, Mr. Warren replied, 'To the fact that
nmuy men have been driven out of business by discrim
inations which the railroads have practiced lu favor of
certain larce elevator companies."
It la obvious that the law Increasing the powers of
the Interstate Comineree Commission for the punnise
of enabling It to put an end to Just such abuses was
passed none toofa. U shuuld be equaly apparent that
the successful enforcement of that law and the actual
termination of tuch gross outrages aa are described to
the conimlHJtloo by reputable witnesses can alone prevent
the adoption of nir radical measures aimed at unfair
railroad and their associate coiisplrator. Chicago
BE man who will deliberately abuse the
aT I trust reposed lu him to the extent of dlssl
I I pattng the hard earned savings of trusting
A I neonle. ! a difficult character tn annlvie.
11 mutt be utterly devoid of moral eense,
possess i conscience ao calloused that It cun
not distinguish between rlKbt and wrong, be
aelflsh to a degree hardly to be appreciated, or have pecu
liar ldeaa In otber directions hard to define. There Is
something radically wrong with him, and pity It la that
the fact la not discovered before bla wrong doing 1
found out
The looting of the Milwaukee avenue bank of Chicago
suppllea an Illustration of one or more of such charac
ters or of all of them combined. The more the affairs
of that bank are Investigated, the more apparent does It
become that Its officers and directors were nothing more
than a private comblnatlonof gamblers who used the mon
ey of depositors for real estate s;eculatlon, market flyers,
and horse race betting. Its papers contain fake notes,
forgeries, records of plain stealing such as never before
have been found In the vaults of a defunct Institution.
These papers show that the game waa played with
shrewdness, Indeed, so shrewdly as to deceive the bank
examiners. Yet theft could have been detected and
ahould have been detected If the bank
qualified for the performance or their duties. Bunk
plundering occurs more on this account than on auy
It baa been ssld that it Is no use to
The man who handles sails must
think for himself and act for himself.
When the flsherninn starts for his Ash
ing grounds, or the pilot turns home
ward agnln, there Is no coach road
along which he can drive a straight
course. He must be tlde-dodglng and
sall-trlnunlng, finding hi own way
across shoals and currents. In "Mast
and Sail" the author glres an example
of Cornish courage.
There was the skipper, Roger Ben
nett, and there was a crew of six men
and the boy. One of the men waa 111,
and "Uncle Dick" went In his place.
Uncle Dick, by reason of his being
sick with malaria, was wearing all that
a deep-sen fisherman wears In winter.
Including vast sea boots and a complete
set of oilaklna. It was thirty mile off
the Lizard lights when everything was
ready In the St. Michael to shoot the
nets for the n!iclib It was running
down-wind with small ml 7.7-en and fore
sail, and the big westerly seas rolled
up astern, backed by the fierce breeze,
which, with a falling glass, threatened
a stormy night.
Aa It was cautiously Jibed, prepara
tory to bringing It to, to lower sail, the
boy, against orders, got down to lee
ward, and when the foresail sheet gath
ered Itself np and with the crack of a
pistol went rigid as a bar of steel. It
caught the astonished boy beneath the
armpits, hoisted blin Into the air, and
shot him twenty yards away Into the
glooming sens.
Uncle Dick etood on the weather
quarter and aaw, and aa be stood,
plunged over the atern after the boy.
The cry of "Man overboard l" doe
not avail to bring a vessel into the wind
when running at ten knot before an
Atlantic blow. With helm hard down
and all bands hardening In the sheet.
It will be four hundred yard to lee
ward In the time that you can aay It
So the sweeps and all available floating
stuff sent overboard after the men were
almost l"t to slftht by the time the St
Michael bad brought Itself np to meet
the sens.
Another band bad thrown off his
clothes, and with the end of a email
line In bis teeth, sprang overboard.
While the boy eoon bad to act as ree
cuer to the old mnn. spent by sickness
nd encumbered with bis vast weight of
clothing, the new arrival collected all
he could of the floating stuff and fought
bis way to hi" fnst-drownlng shipmates,
"Cheer up, Uncle Dick I Hold on. un
cle!" the boy "Pt saying. "Here she
comes! I see Roper face quite plain.
I do."
At last all were alongside, and the
exhausted men were taken on board.
Wastes Are His" aat the PHtt Are
la Proaortlva.
In Dawson City and other place In
the Klondike S3 nta 1 the amanest
piece of money In circulation, ana
there are children who never aaw any
thing uialler, ays a writer In Leslie's
Weeklv A man who had not Deen out
of Dawson for five year exhibited a
dime which be was keeping as a curl
"'tr. Waee are nign, dui tne necessaries
o life are correspondingly expensive,
Great Papers on Important Subjects.
the horse has been stolen. Tbte may be true In aome In
stances, but locking the barn to prevent bank plundering
Is simply securing men as bank examlnera who cannot
a sccclvcd ana
directors. The barn
lamsport (Pa.) Grit
the signs of the times.
very fact that the
to Justice aud the graftera and unlawful truste rorcea
to disgorge la evidence of this. The widespread Interest
In municipal reform and the Importance attached by the
whole country to the overthrow of vice In our cltlee la
substantial testimony that conditions In every way, ao
for as public morals are concerned, are Improving.
The ruthless suppression of the social evil and effort
everywhere to compel adherence to the law on the part of
saloon-keepers marks a great advance over conditions aa
they existed twenty-five yeara ago. Bo great Is the public
Interest In efforts of this kind that the fact that the en
forced closing of saloons In Kansas City on Sunday, the
purification of a portion of Flttsburg from the demoralis
ing Influences of place of evil resorj, and similar reform
In other cltlee Is made the subject of more or less elab
orate dispatches. A doxen years ago these things would
have been considered purely local Issues ; to-day ao sensi
tive la the public conscience to this whole question of
moral reform and civic regeneration that the greatest
news service In the country regards them a of sufficient
Importance to telegraph them broadcast The world la
growing decidedly better. Philadelphia Press.
T cost
of Cuba. For this the Cubans have shown little grati
tude. While they have bere the best of market for the
larger part of what they produce, they have not recip
rocated In trade. Other countrlea have been favored
nearly or quite a much aa the United States In supply
ing the wants of the Cubans. Euro;ean merchauts and
manufacturers have a larger trade with the Island now
than before It became Independent
It la true that American exports to Cuba have In
creased In the last two or three year, but In no such
degree as have the imports from Cuba. A vast amount
of American capital has been Invested In developing
American Industrie there, but It has lieen of no very
great benefit thus far to our trade. Chicago Journal
examlnera were
lock the barn after
so after all It la only the handling of
larger sume of money. Canned goods
ore universally used, and aa spoken of
by the housekeeper aa "tinned goods."
Evaporated potatoes are eaten until
midsummer, when the Yukon boats
bring In a fresh supply, and even these
sell at 13 cents a pound. Crystallized
eggs are used far cooking purpose
aud fresh (T) one are cheap In mid
summer at fl a dozen. Three egga to
order tn a restaurant will cost tho
diner from 75 cents to $1, and In win
ter perhaps $1.80. Fowl do not thrive
and chicken rarely appear on the menu
card. Caribou ateak 1 common arid
may be had for $1. A light lunch,
consisting of a piece of pie and a email
glass of milk, costs the business man CO
cents. Cans of condensed milk are
found on all resteurant tables. A small
bole Is punched In the top and from
this milk Is poured Into the coffee or
tea. Table d'hote meals are served for
$1, "easily within the reach of all."
While almost everything eaten at thla
meal Is of the "tinned" variety, the
food Is very palatable. The dinner con
sists of soup, fish,, a roast of aome sort
potatoes (usually the evaporated kind),
a vegetable, pie or pudding, and tea or
coffee. Dawson boosta of several hot
buuses, and during the early summer
for 50 ceuta extra a few leaves or let
tuce or half a doxen frail-looking spring
onions will be added. The fish are de
lleloue, and people often refuse the
roast and take a large portion of flan
Clothing la likewise expensive, and
a tailor-made gown la a luxury, and one
which sella anywhere In the State for
$40 will bring $80 In Dawson. The
cause of thla la not the rapacity of the
merchant, but the cost of transporta
tion. There la no place In the world which
haa a wider range of temperature than
Dawson. In winter the mercury drop
to 00 and 70 degrees below aero, and
the ordinary ehermometer goe out of
business and a spirit Instrument U
used to register the degree of cold. In
midsummer It sometimes become ao
warm that the alulc boxe at the
mines are worked at night which I al
ways cool. Instead of during the day.
Thl can easily be done, ae throughout
the summer the sun comes up before
8 In the morning and goes out of eight
after 10 In the evening. The red glow
remains all night and one may read a
newspaper by a wfndow at midnight
The "Cbeechaeo" (the Indian word for
newcomer, and th popular term for
tenderfoot) finds It difficult to go to
sleep on account of the light Thla la
reversed In winter, and during Decem
ber and January there are only three
hours of daylight each day.
eleaea Will Maaafaar It WHa
at Natare'a t'aaal Praeesa.
A few years ago Prof. Berthelot, of
Paris, stated that at the present rate
of progress. In the year 2000 coal,
wood, peat, etc., will be displaced aa
fuel by new and moat powerful source
of mechanical energy. He further aa
aerted that a large porthm of our food
products would be directly manufac
tured through the advance of synthetic
chemistry, from the constituent ele
ments, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and
Our milk, egg and flour will event
Soot!W.nsei "j rascaiiv "
can be locked tn tula case. m-
HOSE pessimistic ludlvlduala who discern la
the reiterated account of the arrest of the
boodlers, the arralgnmeut of trust and the
prevalence of crime In high placea an occa
sion for declaiming ujon the Increasing de
generacy of the age, not only raise a false
note, but they fall utterly to Interpret aright
The world Is getting better Instead of worse. , The
guilty are being detected and brought
the United States heavily In men and
money to wrest Cuba from Spain. More
millions were expended In preparing the Isl
and for Independence and giving Its people
a lesson In how to govern themselves. His
tory doea not afford a parallel to the self
sacrificing course of this country In behalf
ually be made In factories. Already
eggs have been manufactured by artlfl
clal means.
Alizarin Is a compound manufactured
by chemists, by means of which a great
agricultural Industry waa destroyed.
Alizarin Is the principal of the madder
root, from which were extracted the
Juice necessary for dyeing cloth and
different materials. The madder root
waa grown to an enormous extent in
Persia, India and the Levant. From
there It spread to Spain, Holland and
the nhlne province. It was used very
largely In continental Europe, and 80
years ago Its annual Importation Into
England was to the amount of $1,250,
000. By the new and synthetic process
of manufacture alizarin haa displaced
and supplanted the natural product
so that the madder field In Europe
have ceased to exist
Again, pure ludlgo as a product hoe
been manufactured direct from Ita ele
ment, and the natural product will
soon give up the ghost
Thelne and caffeine are obtained
from different sources, yet as tea and
coffee they are chemically Identical In
construction. Tlieohroinlne Is the es
sential principle of cocoa, and cocoa
has already been reproduced In the la
boratory. The pure nicotine of the
tobacco has been obtained by Prof.
Bertbelot through the treatment of
salomlne, a natural gluctsode, with hy
drogen. Tobacco Is but eo much vege
table fibre In which nicotine 1 largely
stored. So, If all signs fall not, the tea
plants, the coffee ahruhs, the toboeco
planta and the cocoa trees will soon fol
low the madder root Into limbo.
Vanilla, with which Ice cream la
largely flavored. Is the product of the
vanilla or tonka bean. Many of our
chocolate and confectionery manufac
tories are now using a system by mean
of which vanillin can be produced
from artificial vanillin by the chemical
process much more cheaply and effec
tively than by the old system. Conse
quently natural vanilla la now being
driven from the market. Vanillin In
chemical construction la very nearly al
lied to the aromatic, the distinctive
principle of clovee and allspice.
Flower perfume, colognes, rose wa
ter, vegetable odor and scents of me
dicinal value will aoon be chemically
manufactured. Meadow-street haa al
ready been largely compounded and
A BMMmas.
"What's the matter with your headT
Inquired the first bunco man.
"A farmer I met to-day Juet banged
me there with bla carpet bag," replied
the other.
"It must bave been a pretty bard
carpet bag."
"Tea, It bad a gold brick In It that
I bad aold him yesterday." Phila
delphia Press. .
la AktraiM,
"I thought you were going to Flori
da for a couple of weeks V
"I'm afraid not I've been figuring
on a railroad accident lately "
"Tou mean you figured 'In' a rail
road accident T"
"No, 'on.' I've been figuring on that
railroad stock of mine paying a divi
dendPhiladelphia Prena,
Some people are so agreeable that
they arc disagreeable
Moa t'rav44 Oat af lae rrafoaalaa-
Plalat at a Waalvra Pllnrlaa.
A man from a fur Western State
drifted Into the office of tho Board of ,
Education lu New York City and mad
Inquiries about the number of men and
omen teacher employed lu the public
"I am glad." be said, after be had
received the Information, "that thersr
t't remain some male teachers."
"Why doe that surprlae youf be
as asked.
"It Is so different lu the far western
States,' he answered. "It uia astoiiUU
you to know that the man school teach
er Is becoming so scarce west of the
Missouri Ulver that he Is classified as
vanishing species, the same a th
"I am not saying that the reault U
hurting the educational system of the)
part of the continent from which I hall.
The woman teacher Is doing her work
satisfactorily. Her pay with us Is euual
to that of tho man teacher w henever bo
Is found. But you have to travel uilta
lu aome sections before you Hud a
teacher who used to wield the rod In
the good old way.
"I was talking with the principal of
normal school lu Colorado before I
left aud he told me that the man who)
takes a course for the pursue of teach
ing Is now tlie exception. 1 asked hiiu
how he accounted for It.
He traced the beginning of the dla-
aiMH-arance back to the Civil War. The
old teachers laid aside the chalk aud
the rod and enlisted. Many of them
never cume buck.
When they went away to fight thtf
children had to bo educated. At flrst
this system of education waa of the
home mude aort The mothers taught
the girls; the boys at home had to do
the work. Thus the girls became teach
ers, and they took the place of the
school teacher who had gone to th
"You folks In the East did not notice
It, for your population Is so niucn
greater than ours. You had men who)
stayed at home. Many who came lute
your State or city from elsewhere re
mained here. The opjwrtunltle to teneu
were more numerous with you than
with us.
"The men who went West from east
ern State went to make their fortune
In mining or In other pursuits. The
women kept pushing their way Into the
school bouses.
"The teachers who returned from the
war found their place In the school
houses taken by women. Even If It hud
been otherwise the returning soldier
who had previously taught were either
broken down physlcully or they hod t
engage In work which brought better
and quicker returns.
You see, men were still scarce In
the West at that time. They were need
ed lu the stores, the factories and the
mini. One Western State that I have
in mind sent 75,000 men to the front
for the Union. You people here have
no conception of what that meant to a
State that was, by comparison, sparsely
populated. "Some of the far Western States have
never yet recovered from that drain.
Immigration haa done a great deal to
make up for It In many ways, but not
In the educational way.
"And so It has come about that the
women have become the teachers, and
they have Increased until they ore now
as twenty to ono of the opiMislte sex.
In twenty-five years there won't be a
male teacher tn tlie public schools of
the fur West" New York Sun.
Bat lie Haa I fur m Mltle More
"I wouldn't want," said the man of
moderate- means, "to be as rich aa
Kresus; I wouldn't even want money
enough to make me lazy. I think great
riches, that Is, great, would be bad
for most of us ; but I really would like
to hove money enough ao that I could
wear any aort of colthea I wanted lit
any aort of weather. Aa It la, it like
this :
"My stock of clothe 1 limited. I
have enough to make me presentable
In fair weather but no reserve of suclt
clothes and of course I can't afford to
take chances with what I've got, and
to rainy weather la always an object
at concern to me.
"'Shall I wear my good clothesT I
say to myself, aa I look out at the sky
on a lowery morning, 'or shall I put
on my old ones 7 1 don't wnnt to wear
my old clothes If It going to clear
off and I can't afford to wear my good
clothe If It going to rain, and being
In thla state of mind doea not help me
any In my Judgment, for a man can
come closer to guessing right on thing
tn which he Is not personally Interested
than be can on things In which be la.
"So sometime I start out with my
good clothe on days that ttirn out to
be rainy, though oftener I wear my old
clothe on day that turn out to be
blight and aunny, when I might Just aa
well aa not bave worn my good one,
necessity naturally tending to make one
"But still, I can't afford to take a
"I wouldn't want to be a rich aa
Jon Jakob Aster, nor even aa old man
Ilookerfeler, but I would like to have
money enough so that I could wear any
sort of clothe I wanted to In any aort
of weather."
Wkm Ha Waa Urar.
A young man of 83 summers, whose
balr la still brown, met the other day
a. friend much younger, but whoso hair
1 quite white. "What I the reason,"
eald the latter, "that you do not grow
"Oh," replied the first "thit It eaa
lly explained. I have the gray matter
on my brain, Inside," Syrieuse Post
Standard. Oh, fba Jar af fit
"I tell you," said the struggling ao
tbor, "If I could ouly assume the name
I want I'd write something great"
"How do you mean? What name do
you want to assume?"
"John D. Uockefeller's. I'd write my
self a check for a couple of million."
Philadelphia Press.
When a man ran work others he,
cannot be worked himself.