Hillsboro Independent ml tat Wmmk HILLSBORO OREGON HUMAN BODY IS A BATTERY, NEWS OFTHE WEEK r r In a Timd iu u uuiiuuuobu luiiii iur uur . . Rm D,r.. Tn Hrlment counted of A Return of tha Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. Ir-K il.-nt KiMwevelt Lai nearly Teached Panama. Witto has returned to liuxxia and will vinit the czar. Attorney (ii-ncral Moody ha ordered a rixiil ciifurieincnt of the right-hour Jaw. It i pmluilde a f.re of 1,000 nia- rinen will Ihj kept in Cuba for (mine tune. l'liiladi'lliliiii Jt-ws will liinmr tin late John J lay by plu.in a memorial elcftroUeei and succeeded In retaining "wiiii low in their Hvnaiuiie. , . , . , , tl , ' k ' them for a considerable time. After The Ch irano -ity attorney airline the a brief rest, he was given a drink of rulliiiun company of bribing ju.hie, whUky and on again connecting the foi.nreHH.nen and other i.Ui. iulH. electrode, with the Interior lining of A ilrwperate hattlo with knives In'-lhla stomach the galvanometer regis- iween milliters at l lieyenne to nettle mi I tered IS mllll-volta. inn nieii puu'eii nvu men in the lionpital The fortieth aiifiual m-HHion of the I by thlj experiment they have demon r. i:... ...... i ... i i ... it . I ..... . - .. . . Talenhona la Ontratsd by Current Given Out By the Stomach. Ran Frnnrlyin Vnv. 13 Before number nf meilli :il men and scientist today. Mr.. Albert J. Atkins and E. J Lewis succeeded Id charging an dec- t with human electricity to i-r.a that external aouuu wave were transmitted ana nearu. teli uhone re- the application of two platinum elec- tr.v,tpa In lha walla flf the living Stom ach. Dy meant of coppir wlrea the e!ectrods were connected with tele thon, and mlcronhone. a sensitive Instrument, which greatly lntunsifles sound. There was absolutely no mechanical . . . . I I a, .. or chemical battery in me circuu, ye ihA mnmrnt th electrodes were swal' lowed sufflciently to touch the walls of the stomach, human electricity Sowed over the wins, rendering sounds audible. The electric charge measured from seven to eight milli volts on a Weston galvanometer. Colonel E. P. Rochardson, the sub ject of the experiment, swallowed the TWO TRAINS COLLIDE Immigrant Train In Disastrous Indiana K'reck. EXPECT RooscvELT'S AID. FORTY-SEVEN PASSENGERS DEAD Were Nearly All Fugitives from Rus siaSurvivors Lose Baa-gage and Other Possessions. Leaders Confin... Thit President's Coming Ms, t0 congress Will Contain At(1jC, Demands 'r Lab". MlnntapolU ,. v0v. 12. That the convention ... American Fed UI mv - eratlon of Labor, which opens la this cny mis morn n., i I so on wum In favor of an av, .ive political Jtol Icy seems assure, from H Prts of the country .. - ri br nam in - " SBlr. - reports of sucifcg. at the poll at the recent election. 80 far these r. show that at - s I'jnji -m least Ave trade unionists will sit In the next Cougrea dI1 great num ber have been .1.......1 in the different state Legislature. Mnut tirnn. ...... . . Koiin th. inn. iiLtil niio v - ...... ..t .V.A 1 ,. .1'... L. An.l rhlraeo. Nov. 13. Mure than half the nassena-ir. on an Immigrant train ' Mine Woiker. and on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad were Tue mlwrt , .uthracite dltrlct HllifU ur JUjurru iu iuihdiuu in; wi uuBirurild hard ClcCiwu JJ. a l a 1 ail Wl iMf in mmi T t kla rrv f'nn v rta freight near Woodville, Ind. One hun- "J,1110 t0 lhe tate dred and slxty-flve passengers were on The ttlegraphers elected three of me irain, ana 01 inese 11 were enueriiueir uiemuers to Congress in ainereni killed outright or were burned In PMI of the country, Including the . - ii.w , Fourth District nf Illinois. In lienne- P'n county, lu this state, 31 out of 39 the wreckage Immediately after the meD horsed by labor for the state GO AFTER IIAKRIMAN Railroad Commission Scents An- other Dig Trust. OFF FOR .THE ISTHMUS. TWO BRIDGES iNE President Roosevelt and Party Em bark on Yacht Mayflower. TVaMhinirton N'nv 0 "Hnmlliva I am going down to se bow the ditch is gemug along," snouted rresldent ItooNevelL who stood on tb after starboard deck of the yacht May Mower at the Washington navv vanl as the vishi I was leaving the dock for 1.1- . AIM WAS TO NEUTRALIZE CANAL MAcT,,t"Dy'."lf - . " 'l. tli Uiail4t DUI geonient4al Hlxey, of the Navy, and M. C. Latta. one of th aaslatant aerre. tarles at the White House. The May- flower K'lll takn Ihn tinrtir In Vl'olf Trap Light, at the mouth of the Rappa hannock river in Chesapeake liar. where a transfer will be inado to th' battleship Louisiana, which Is to con vey the President to and from tha lathmna --. , I o. 1 iuuiii in na Tbe Harriuian avstem La. thr. main The Louisiana will be convoyed to Santlam and Mollala rivers, caused bv linea l,,t., h- Mi.. i w . aD(1 frora the Bthmus by the armored recent rains, have cashed away ine. between the Missouri River and cruisers Tenness.e and Washington. t Southern 1'aclflc bridges ami rei the I acifie Coast, which under separate Aboard the Louisiana Lieutenant dered another unsafe. The main Hue ownership are natural eomnetitora for Frank Evana, who will utilize the ' the Southern Pacific is erfw-naii traffie originating east of their eastern l1?1,e"h t,'e,gr?h Wrl- with hloekad.d. perhaps for weeks. The ! "tt",or" which the ship is equipped, for com- bridge across the Santlam at Jeffer. ' " P"" oasi or munlcatlng with the White House at on was carried away last night block those termini. Washington whenever tha Irnhlent lng the main lin Th. ,... k o'..... . - li.il - " " 1 u ouiiiiu (II The main line of the Union raciflo de"f.rei- bridge on the Wood burn-Natron extend from Omaha to Oifden. where L'?SJTf.Vie" WV 'Pe!1.'? foiT days ra,f:,h wa'hed out yesterday. Th .. . ... . I 1,10 ioiiuiiu.1. jib win arrive at 1 oriuge is so shakv that it min it connects With tha Contral l!fl nlnn Th xr . V lnal 11 7 . ' ionino m irains. I no Combine Wat Like Old Northern Se curities Company Fish Gives Commission tha Tip. THE IIA.EE IMAJ SYSTEM. Disastrous floods In Willamette Valley Streams. RESULT OF CONTIU'CUS RAINS Main Line of Southern Pacific Block aded Santism and Clackamas Raring Torrents. Tortland, Nov. . Floods in the . , .. t . , ,w gram. uBBlu r r lines combined are natural competitors i.t . . 8 a 8low run acro8S the ne U''P r V illamette vallc ,h.e8.!.W 1 t .t ! Indent Gomners feel, greatly en- of th. Union Taciflo and Central T fol? ta California and t.i.... .i gram. uuea comomeu are natural competitors 1...1. .r , . . -" i" .-.. ..mmi-na vamy are oeinir ciKiiLT uiuciB re-1 ..... . 1 mi u 111 11 3 in nrn r rn piva nn turnip nn. i miiruM ii.w m r .. . .i . n . . . . . I . . 1 ..... ... ... I "wwm uomnera reels greauy en- 01 iue union 1'acina and Central Pa., lit.. .. .. i iu. .u. ..... ' "' 01 urs. Atkins and Lewis claim mat capeu unnun, dui iokc neany an meir couraged over th uituation He ia 1 .7 . 'ui. nun mane an ex- w Domnern raclflc to Corvallis and . .1... . . .... v.... a bairitaKe and clot hinr. u" 168 situation, ne says Ciflc. amlnatlon of the work. At La Unix over the rnrvaiiiu 1. i.-. " .... I1 -" ' ' 1 " iiv 1 mi iv. imi-uv i... ' 1 . ., . . 1 . nrneu iipnres 01 lenera jruin 1 m. tt . . 1 h- i .. , . .. ...... . . - . .. ul ns Rational (Irani'... t ti...,v..r ...o.-j .t, i ..i 1 t,.,m,n 1 ue uisasier was causeu 07 a omn- men ailt..,,A , .v; .h. ' jvansas racine extends from ' u uiBiiecuon or tne 10 Aioany, ueyond wi claml fr panels ,t ami national sens They reason that. If sound Is "rVw , ulrZr v 1 5 "f"' 1 ne 18 rpPr,e K-lr..a.lH. transmitted over a copper wire when ff'J" irLfn blan)e f"re fully understood what the trade coaipetito, of th. Union Tacillo mijtawhft thmW 1 ,1.. v 't charged with human electricity. The ...- rrin whirh . "u'on ?.18 .or t,Je country stood for In une. by Islands, when, th .LZ, u T 7 si i "V " " ' f .on lu.e ..... ...... iu iii . 1 . y a. .ipi ci iur. . . . . . . . i . . i - - - - --1 ...... . . . . , M Ml , . . n D w . . ......... i n . .. i - --.... . i .-. .wn. u.DBri efii h iiii rpnini.i , 1 . 11 is reaBoname 10 consider xne prw- in.j.j -.i.i. d,...i.. t a 1 - r ana hph:iu "iu-i tl. . ... ha ahnwn t. .j ........ 1 1 -. " ..mi'. v., nniii ami Killtsi lour men in a viic. .u. ...jT. "- -"u. "" jcwb, ai-rrmiu nnthv with ih.i. .1 . I oouiuern lacina extends from ."r"." fv"-u anuui acinc ric win ie malnta ne hti.om. rful attempt to eneape arrent. Arm- 7 Ss changed with the Team Tforce. f"!?" ' t?.. ha. been 'the latest education- New Orleans to Los Angeles, and thence n IX?1. L" f !" th w!T.ke.! br.1J-". . il men are sea.ching for him. hn other words, we hear when the Z " ,Tn":fc:",'l" 7r " al campaign that organised labor has to San Francisco and north P,f. 7 SL . r". 1:1.;" .V.""."- ""a1 " L.i"" Vv",aM eavlD rrt""l . laudltory nerve is made sensitive with " '"Tr" tonight." forlninir a - " " 111"" ABWB T."fl estaP MORE FOREST RESERVE. .ul.lieaih.M,ls without discrimination, that by a series of experiments they n Cuban liberals are dii,l.t nn a. hav. Proven that digestion Is an elec- count of friendship with America. l!? process; that all life ac- mrn, t traIn ha(J ed th ,tch r tvee. I tlnn In thfl Fmimv fa rtonnnAant nnnn thai.. . A dirigible baHoon sent up from the -tlv.ty of the c.ectr.ca. forces within "? Z Iilan exposition crossed tha Aln aaf.the organism, that variations of sense o.,.j h..k. ItUIU. J lllll BIIUW Increased the dark- wnan exposition crossed the Alps safe.1"" ". variauons or sense Most(( Btarted paBtward. A nKht gnow 1 a I m BMI rnfir OF on da alaht hn pin ir r a I .... . 17 ; ; ; : r:r was fa '. whlcn increased the dark. A new pUnaehas caused 12 death, bratlon set ..n h th human ..n.in.a! ?e8.s..r rnornlng. and. as the a. mall T...a tnn mi a L .Hn. ' T. rreiKnt was rounding In a smsll Texas town, and doctors are .1. . 1. unsDie 10 control it. It is reported that King Alfonso cf 8psin has been assassinated, bnt the rep jrt cannot be verified. Wireless messages state that the presidential Dartv is off tha Finn. la coasi and enjoying One weather. The wrecking of the Milwanbaa i nue bank of Chicago was re enacted on the stage in Chicago and nearly caused a 1 101 .,..,( -.T .1. 11 irreigni was rounding a snarp curve Plirri'nio ai'tlnir nn lha .nnnlal aanaal. - nerves " -"- just west of Woodville. the second sec irom a aisastrous wreck. A scant half hour after th train r Prt aaeA tlx bridge 100 feet of the falsework sup- nlrt i n ir .KA ........... . . , ,.w....s iuv Bnuiiuio was sweiii awav Proclamation Signed By President for The rlvr continued to rise rapidly and raw rca or ,uo,550 Acres. m,H 1UB' nigni me remaining false- ua inuorsea Dy the convention. It 18 . x. -TT , ..w- . n,jj n&rva. -- mo irunuiiun laise. but the beginning of organised labor's Orleans thus connecting the Washington. Nor 9 Presf.l-nr W.r weDt .out. olng the 205 -foot efforts In the political arena." eMt.e.rn termmi of his several line, and Roosevelt, before leavinif for Panama T J" 1 ,e,D,ew br,(lKe ,n ,roce88 .v. . - . .... enablinor him tn rnnta frnflU rnn. ...I . - """Hi lenvuin iur lunama. I of prpif Inn n fi uln lli. ....1.. .1 yuo vi mo enerts or ine iunor poiui- . r .V"" ""T signed a Droclamat on rreaflno' fnnr tu! . . ' " "r a nrnvmm n.m v. in k m eamera uuinis DY anv or tnem. It . . "e ouniiam uridfre naa hppn 11 m op. sctieallym.ke. him supreme in the Jari nTtwon 7hZ? 11, TSll .nstnictlon for some tFrn'o BOERS ON A RAID. Bceintlats have made arrangements witn the Italian government to com plete the escalation of the ancient Roman city of Ilercolaueum. The Forestry bureau of the United States has failed in its efforts to compel the railrosds to use oil for fuel on en gines passing through forest reserves. It now develops that the Standard Oil company, aided by the railroads, did xneir best to defeat Jloch for governor. Iloch received a majority of over 2,000. The boiler of a Southern Pacific pas senger enginhe exploded at Sarxent, a small station in Southern California, Killing two persons and wrecking the depot and four cars. Mounted Rifles Start In Pursuit and. Rebels Prepare to Fight Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 12. vice. from the scene LCnt ui mo wucr uuiuTeuit in me iNonn western part of Cape Colony agree that the situation Is decidedly grave. Natives who have never been in sym pathy with the British plans of govern ment are flocking to the standard of the rebel chieftain, Ferrlera. On Sun- tlon of th Immlrraiit train rnma In sight a short distance away, tearing toward unicngo at the rate of 40 miles an hour. ThA twn trntna nnm tn. gether with unslackened speed, and in me crasn six passenger coaches and several freight cars were knocked into kindling wood, and, together with the locomotives, went rolling down the GENERAL SHAFTER DEAD. Hearst may gei the mayoralty ol New York. Idaho land fiaud trials will hn ... soon at .Moscow. An American consuls 4 has been opened at Mukden. Cuban liberals are making trouble iur uovernor Aiagoon All the provincial governors of the repuDiic 01 t'anama will meet Boose- .Ten. Russian terrorists dvnamit,i . ..i mascacred the military guard, and se atHaa.l A (. ll vureu f .)UU,UUU A small powder massine 80 miles yum wnicago eiploded, breaking win uuna .urn uiues uisiani Foor men were killed and the fonnd atlon laid lor a lasting feud in Ken- ucy over the recent election. All British tmnlntM nn ik. ... ff "V1. W.U.1 h"T' hol,!y celebrate .ii uiruiuay 01 King Edward. A Whale ShlD ha. riiann,l c. kimo band on Prince Edward island wno naa never seen a white man. A craiT Chilean mhn aJmission to the White House some wine ago nas been arrested at Panama Taft is on rmy posts. a tonr of inspection of President Roosevelt went to Oyster vVt .CMt Ml Tot, "tni then President Roosevelt has arranged to jeceivs toe ute chiefs at tha Whits Mouse ana near their troubles. IDS KOVll II1..II.K n . ", WU1CO has been making a tonr of the United oies, is stranded In Ogdsn, Utah. w navy yard employes were given t 01 science long snonogh to vote Secretary Bonaparte says the strength shown by Hearst shows that the ques tion must be dealt with "in a spirit at " iiorai ana cot serva.lve." The president has dismissed in dis grace a whole battalion of negro troops for refusing to disclose the identity of uui wrong ooers among them, and will also court martial a white officer igor mating derogatory remaiks against ma negro troops. Chicago switchmen will go on strike omens toe railroads acecde to their de mands. It is probable that the aathorities of Hsrvard will prohibit football after the present season. " The Harrlmsn lines are building wreck-proof steel mall cars to replace their present wooden cars. Thomas Klnsey, parser on the At lantic liner St. Paul, has crossed the ocean 901 times, more than any other living man. He has sailed a total of 2,703,000 miles. . Pneumonia Proves Fatal to Leader In Cuban Campaign. Bakernfleld. Cal., Nov. 13. Major- . '"" lu""w"i m. ypsiernay at the ranch of Captain waung uours, wnen the liollce. find- w. h. McKIttrlck. his son-ln-law. 2n lng themselves outnumbered, fled miles south of this city, after an 111 carrying their badlv-wounded mn nes?. ? ven days, despite the best - I rri Pn mo I att.inf Inn I 1 Ferrelra. with hla forr ...m..r.rf wk.TI ,"Bl urnm:. . . - o """" reiuiuina; irom ine pons last v. o "uw ui camp on a rarm near luesnay, ne contracted a severe chill Upplngton and it Is reported that his whlen ""Kniented a slight indisposition command is brlngin horaea fmm ih ar"? necessitated couflneraent to his farms In the vicinity. It is believed Wednesday an Th.,,.,i , that he plans a march toward Kuru' prdvement was noticed and-FVIday aft- man, then, If able, to fight the trooDs rrnoon Dr- M. If. Herzsteln. of San sent against him and go on to Kim- rranr 8C0- was communicated with, but berley as e Wfls unao1 to depart at once, ' I fir t XV TKn... j . 1 . . , , .. ... . ,i,c was uenpuirnea in ir. ul vui-1 ."viii a i'iui;e. irr. i norne arrived ony troopers and police, whose ranks early Saturday morning and together ifiii.in 01 me uoer me local pnyslclanR. diligently army who have taken the oath of al- watched the patient all that day In U'Klance are now marching to engnge the afternoon a slight rally was de he Wl f -"needed here that tected and relatives and physicians n.t n,., in "U'-.r . I... m,,lIU'- uuimecnange " KumiiB uuwu ine reoeuion. "s Bimri nven. At 10 oclock a sink tor many months the Uoers have hern lng spell aeliAd tho K L:".Lt.h.? ttJiu".0' the L..-, ""I"", "riyed shortly after have decTnren IZ """J ' 'n"Kra3r..nJh.t "1 consul W Ti.r.i J ""ru"uu u lenv -"- "em wnn me otner phvs - lng the British nnaanaolnn. nj .... Irian. In nllnn,u. . . . ! .. . rica lL!tC 0 th Pa?8. of Af- n r; Herz8,eln dml an operation the I 8S d, the Preent uprising gain on 7 rneans of relief from the Intestl- di-Stisss1 ;rr8!r,8' as ,i",?i the. condition or South awV. T i" " V "T.V."""Bn f-7. -.:",l.w"",a precast nothing but rira t7T, 10 la r er- " in sucn an attempt. Dr en in . '"er can arm and accompanied by Dr. Thome ernment wli 1 . " "L . nim' l,ne ', Tu ? Han. Francisco, all hope lng message will contain some of the most radical demands for labor that nave ever teen made by a President of the United States. Washington. Nor 10 A vestigation of what is known ss the NEGRO TROOPS 8HEP TEARS. ., . . merce Commission, and that body, it ii Veteran, of Twenty-Fifth Deeply Af- said, really stands committed to ;n in fected by Disgrace El Reno .Okla Knv. 12 Tha. mam hers of Companies B, C and D, of the Twenty-fifth Infantry (colored), re-L that. th,a ,Jr8'?ln in iom ' 'ea cently ordered dismissed by President :"res '? not unlje the Northern Securi cently ordered dismissed by President KOOBeve t as a rpmi , nf tha i-lr,ni,. disturbances at Brownsville, Texas, on August 13. were formally d today. Many of the .men. soma nf vtinm nave oeen m the service more than 20 years, shed tears when they gave up tn Keneral powers of the Commission their guns. Tomorrow the disarmed conferred by law, and not because of troops will have battalion drill without anjr ln""diate speciflo complaint 0 a arms, and they will be discharged im- 10,ntion of the statutes. mediately unon recelnt of nfflMoi ,. Uunng the J; ish-IIsrnman contest for aers rrom Washington. 108 coniroi or tne rmnois central Kail- The second battalion of the Twenty- waT Jt was hinted that data would be IIH.IIII, UHIiCr flJIIllliaiKl UI I I W. .MO VVTCIUUIDUI Major Charles J. T. ClarkA. whtoh ar. whereby it eould cet the official ark- rived last night from San Antonio, has "crews under the llarriman system snd gone Into camp Just outside the gar- discover many interesting things. The rtann Hmffa t'... n.nA irk. ..... rnmmiinn will Knrrin . . . .n.l, . . -T ;n a v. 1 uii .v. uu. llio il'l U i ..... . v u . u o ih. .but . u troops have shown no disposition to the new year. I ti i. : . 1 . . : ti . . , usi. 1 mil luvesiiLraiina win oe or ss mucn Iimjiortanco, in all probability, as was that which the Commission made into th. .nml.inntinn nf h. V,lk... T..i. -in . 6"'"k leiuiiBiruciion ior some tlmo ers adding to the re- and ra)Bework had hem h,,ii , ... ft RTflfft 7 i R RRR or rod I a. . . " . , 1 1 nnrr rna wpiinr nr na mhiu u i s was being replaced the Shoshone reserve In NorFhom J d be or thooldnnVi ft"?W Idaho, which was so vigorously fought t,rtg,?0bmi" ln" by Senator ifoviinm rr.aMnn nf no aamage would probably have !.aIir. "eAb,,r.-Catlon ." occurred. The Overland train, due in Harrim.n av.f.n, ? miT..Ti- " T" 2u ! Blr.v.e8 Pn ne aomin- portlan,, ,agt ,.. .. d(vfrt-, :r uuuM mi iBirmion s aisregara or neyourn s pro- .n. main iin .1 ik.- . j .i. author.t, conferred by law, i. ene of test and leaves Heyburn nothing more rment wm he Hj,.!5d ? ar the subjects which have been diaeuaaad to flirhr fnr rangement will be continued until for some time by the Interstate Com- Great Cceur d'Alene Reserve. -liThon- tra,na merce Commission, and that body, it is The Shoshon- reserve Is created In J,"d anJefferson between Port- conjuncuon witn me l oeur a Aiene P.ii ... . . reserve, adjoining It on the north, and thA v.-v ! PUt ,0 Wrk 'J two nthpr. tn h known as th nP, the. br rtKe ye-erday and an attempt d'Alene reserve. Their aggregate area Te Santlam ..Z fJDfhUtK b' 1 is 2.250.000 acres. They He In Sho- rafna nf Vhl'na T fit? the Meav shon. anit Knotpnal conntlpa r..n,i. f8'118 of Re past few days, continued lna- northward to the middle of I.ak-l "se rapidly. At a late hour last Bend d Orellle. , V- reportea 88 rlBln In rrPHnir thp.p varlnn. .,. 'nhe8 an ho':,T- It Is stated that all their natural r. L. . . aIso disabled the Southern sources will be available for use and "11 h n th,evWooburn. Nat development, but they will be admin- TlVT dtmnge lZ istered hr th Forest Servlra tin.H ?awrnlll men by the breaking of under th nrotertlve avatem .'nH ,lm. ?ooma" Quantities of cord wood be- ber cutting will be restricted to ma- ,0nglnK, to th? LeDano PaPpr mills ture timber. The Coeur d'Alene re- weie B'8 ,wafhed away. Reports from jiuerson maicaie mat much more. quiry. " tva nava n.on ti - - ...v.., a iiji iij- ber of the Commission said recently. ties Coin ian v. which ii;.i..,i tnrough the interposition of the Attor nev-General of the United States." Any stens which mi, h. 1.1.. y hid vuniiniHBion aiong ine lines referred 10 win ue, n is said, in accordance with ernment will sonn begin sending reg ular troona Inin him u'" l" oppose Quite Eaual ta Rit.i.tin. London Nov. 13. Sir Thomas Ful- v.. .Krui general for Cape Colony in I-ondon. attach... . fo1 !d- e believe, the object the n, nr;j,7-.u"n.u. p'uni,pr "d say. " ' ..rre rerreira and hi. men are nnpratin 1. . lno.i Yt . " " Bparseiy popu- arated"n1,ShIarmhou8e8 "ep. iha, rr 1 ..unoiuie, nowever, mat rerreira mi, nki.i. . ..... ' S?o, n8,pd t:- The Cape are aecustom.H ,n -.,...,1" and win warrare Buy In Chean. 1 - ' . 1 nvi. Rome. Knv w a ... tha nt; .V t.. commutce from Mayor of that X" . T tn to protest .;..n"T,.w"""m?lo"om order for . , man-of.ar -,i.t :t ""'. ""an Comnanr Bs"i . M,daI ! 1 menr .... X..'"rlI ulal tl Kovern. aalna th. i-V """'"'on. hut not that "l,,1", terP8t8 of tn tte. and n eonn . Puctlon must put us i-7.u,on t0 atnd foreign rnmnafl. vsua rv Police Fall Tims. Nov. a ... . i,. ".ii-uing Domo 7'uo rred on Peth.nskl street t an early hour thi. tha nnli ""niug, wni e exp.os.on waVaudible Tor a'greS St tance and .... .. r srear nt ........... (l aPparpnt th t UP to se.rchhf. paSrTou::4 T.klna Away Liberty Again. Odessa. Nor 11 n .1 . . u vi'uurii. ID a rranr.. roent. mad. h th..- ,rTan- fcen cancelled. nav. DiaanluA .u. t- . n. ., me run. nashlneton l!n nn.vii. ii,.-,,.,, " .0. niie no ail- thorltative s atement could be obtain- -Ui ".f!ra.10 ,,ne ma,r. there Is prnmpnT v . "eVe that tfce Gov- ZIT, nt haa de,'('''l to Institute pro ceedlngs against the Standard Oil trait .n ..2er ,h Shrman antl trust act w th a v ion. . 2i7.0' C0UI -"-oWn'S the con?- each n .1 T exl8t8 anl restoring to en erlnV tnin . ,nnlD,,lnr them from r . t0 anjr contract, agreement Or 11 n1 i Pal . r. .H ... "ftircuicui nn wun each other, Moat Drunken Armw 1. -- -""7 in norm. Chicago. Nov i ti.. ..... . port of s?. r".c"nlalnp.'1 'h re- S0fThrdFd army. Though n.iini n o..., . not stat. ..,- ;,-: ooes Puted .mi;.; u"y !.nat "Is undls- have made this claim tk Kenerais makes clear L.!-Th.e "Port also which soldiers ., iff., 7 a,,-e from ""WBrUjeUl, sr aiws rAM.iw - Salt Like c. C iT Krsnd Jurv 1' .r:".13. A federal nd will b.it,p;it,.7ira 6.er today Rumor has it 8,t,ln tomorrow, b made 0? Jt.'Lr"' will testate Commerce Comm. ?T ,he In ; recent lnMSZctVnnf 1c coal holdlnsa ar.i j ,l nln Pad connection Z" th.d ro Pm'lltl ,n to recover land 1 amt.i ""Jvrnent stilt Foi CompsnydCu0r-V he Utah Hon Is forih.r-"" offlcla' informa- heen divulged. l""ls Theat.: n' "OT" ".-The Iro- hoae theater , T V of Chicago, three year, ago :,tpnyei b "M loss of nr i15"d1 b7 great ruptcr n.- :u,:rnTltpl from hank. the i'nita-H V-.-- rtw Lannlngln . company k.. T 7. " .fourt here. Th. ad no assets" "u"lue of $2,000,000 tjo.i. x- v., t iue coiuoinaiion ot me xxonnern racinc I aria. Nov 12 Pnr.ll. nllontlnn Tina i .u. . . ... . , . , . , . ----- -- ,. "uu 'uo ureal iormern, wnicn, as tne again been drnwn tn tho Kntlnnnl nnrtl .1 u ..!.. r,.' ' .. i.v,. iiurucru oucuruies company, was U1S- WrthI!. in the constantly-diminishing BoIveJ hy ordor of tha 8upremo Court Dirt Urate by the nuhltcntlon of t I 1 .l. . . 1 vi,.i . rwi V. .u . u"-r io Biiii-iruni law. in one war, planni f l for 1905" Jhe birth, th Retion of 1Iarriman tosemhle, th I" TanPfl fnr t Vt la van niimKornil 47A7 009 I . lowing a decrease of 10 937 from the ;,riIIJ-, le& Th? Northern Pacific total of 1904. Th. .nnn for thl. rle. Vl, ?,n a 'yin the Northern Iaciflo crraan a nn, 7 ..7i i . 7j wlln lne ureat ortnern. ue controls Ion of tha l L9 "iJll.! I. in" the Union 1aciflc. tha Southern 1'acifle iion or tne numh.r nf mnrrlaps In I ... ' ,.. ... ... serve is the largest of the lot. Lemhi and Kootenai. The Imh I renprv. n.vt In .1. .m. braces 1,346,400 acres in Lemhi' and Custer counties. This reserve nn. slsts of three narrow strips of land running northwest and sonthpant ad. Joining the Montana boundary. In- umerabln atrenma that .nnl, Intn th. Lemhi river head In this territory. In extreme Northeastern i-inhn nn the British Columbia and Montana lines, 165.240 . acres have hpnn rn. servrd, forming but a small sepment of the larger Kootenai reserve In nioniana. Line the Lemhi th a re. damaee Will bn dona twifnr. th. AnnA subsides. THE NEXT CONGRESS. Chicago, Noy. 8. Returns received up to 1 o'clock this morning show that the Republicans have elected 223 Con gressmen and tbe Democrat. 163, a a follows: State Rep. Dcm. Alabama f ArkRnras T California 8 ... Colorado 3 ... Connecticut o ... which the .t.tiati;: .V . aiiht n. " . uregon Bnort Line, wnien crease over 181)1 km it annarentlv 8nould .be. eompeting roads, in the judg- arises from the .vLinn of tha French men!.or the Commission, and now be has people to ralaln la,.. Mmm.a. "mois Central and the Baltimore ft The National a..nlnHnn which la studying this matter has reached the Conclusion that It I. niuuiiir, tn In. - a , iu ui it dbi v culcate the Idea that any couple that raises more than three children merits and Is entitled to public gratitude and Boya Shot Bv Cfiurtmartlal. St. Petersburg. Nov. 9. The Riga correspondent of the Dourse Gazette sonde a harrowlne- dpscrlntlon of the recent execution of three young boys, convicted by court-martial of robbery and condemned to death. The children wore nlar.d a.l-.. ...It In th. courtyard of the barracks, and their iMimuie appearance so unnenred tne troona that th aw a. .j M .1 1 w and .... ..... j utrij wiiii. 1 1 " 1 eral volleys were necrspary before the ienows were flnslly kinea. ine ii-j in it.iaa la ..Antiv wrmiff-nt nn n- .v. u,?7.... '-x'"'. " ' mo uiooqinirsty Justice. Rooera to "Burnt Trusts." Palrhaven. Maaa vnv. 12 Henry XT T . . . ""gers, or the standard OH Co., Is about to start nut a "trust bust- r." The company to which he will St A A. . urBi. mm bis attention is one of the StrOnSPHt nnmkl..u 1- 1. . TT.It.J -""""iiianons in nin vuiic 8ftes, the United Shoe Machinery Company. For five y.ar, past the Shoe Machinery company has been at lid- Sunn vlrK . i. . ... , . , , , m Alias TSCK lonijinu, claiming Infringements of patent. Rog i! ,,ntrested In the tack company nd It Is ssld that thl. Is what decided him to attack the big companies. New Railroad for China. Hongkong. Noy. irhowfu. who vC:nIlr"?po,nL Viceroy of the her. n- vV vw"n"Tung. nss amvea af !'n ? J" wa t0 Canton. Speaking n Informal meptmg of Chlnrse San 5"!.' Wl,h "frr-". to the Yue man Rallwav t. .. . ... . - v.. rw,,Lw'rB th merchants and offl- nolle i "uccessrul issiir. ma WoviM I" !i?1,Way n"'8- ha "a,', ould be dictated by Western princl- Ohio, which makes him a big factor in ueiermining transcontinental rates, f ol lowing its investigation of the com bination of the Great Northern and the Northern Tacinc, the Commission trans mitted testimony to the -Department of .inaTii. wnicn 11a.1i it ,n nr nff annn. the dissolution of the Northern Securi ties Company. Standard's Thank-Offcrlna. Franklin. Ta.. Nov. 10 Tha Stand aril DM fYimnanv fndav annnnnrpil a voluntary increase or wagrs to em ployes in me uaiena signal uu ana P.lln.n r.fln.rloa Innat.H tior. Th. percentage of increase was not stated AHmit finO. men will ti. hpnpfltocl flpn. ahI Cha.lii. Mlll.r whn mait. tha an. zi V . i v n ....... , " ....... v. . nnnnnnmpnt nn hrhalf nf tha flalena Sisnal Oil Company, said that the election of the Republican ticket in Pennsylvania had left the manage ment with the belle-f that still greater prosperity was coming, and It desired . . i . . me employes io u iu iu Accused of Opium Smuggling. cot. x-n w in T A Itimc. tnr rinr v.ara n.nntv Hhrriff nnder Sheriff cuainee, was arrmicu jcBicruay mwi -ing upon a complaint charging" him with .mit.nlini A th. tlm. nf hla arraat Bunee was supposed to have been work ing in the interest of the United States Government to unearth a band of smug- .1... .kink I.. t .1 Ii. ti.il ...... t. . . v. m . lieve were operating in the vicinity of a .... Ti.!.l T.I. If.. Liynaen, on me iriina voiumuia una. Tkii. f.r It la Vnnw. tha. Run., tiaa bandied ZOO sounds or opium, ana " oldlera Must Keep 0ut of Politics. i.i L.ur5' -,-A!jr solHl.r.7.. ,. uwn Issued rorDiaoing Kri" ..r"nk to become mem Dartv Jk . r" ""oclations or any inrpiinra nr t.l. - i..i ssalnat tk. """ V ,n " of th. "Trrnmnnt. Violations of tha order will be .ev.rely punished. Bevsn Die and Ceyen Xescnad. rnarlntt.tnarn P T T Vnv 10 In the wreck of the full-rigged Finnish ship Zovinto on Carew's Keef during tha hnrriran. Tn.acJav nlcrhft aav.n nf the crew lost their lives and 11 were rescued. Colorado Peak ln Eruption. Trinidad. Cnln.. Kar 10 Xfnnnt Culebra, 40 miles west of Trinidad, is r.nnrt.il In a atat. nf .rnntlnn Pn.t. master Adnlph Store, of Stonewall, who lives within 12 miles of the peak, has sent word here that smoke and vapor can be seen issuing from the mountain. Factions Still Carry Oona. New Orl.ana. Nov in T)i.nata.a from Rio Grande late laat nival aav that Ranger Morgan's orders to dis arm are not being obeyed. Most of the men oa the street are armed, their weapons being soneealH . .. Mviuiij iuin i ...in. . ... serve lies on the west slope of the I Delaware iwinj ifiiituiiainB. Great Tract on Salmon River. The Salmon River reserve In Lemhi and Custer counties embraces 2.201. 120 acres. It eomnrlsp. a nlM hinclf of mountainous country lying between the Salmon River and the middle fork Of the Salmon river. In Cassia and Dnplrln nnnntlca 9Q1 . 976 acres have been set apajt as the Raft River reserve, embracing many tributaries of Raft River and Deen rreelr . . -.,.- Vnmarnit. a-Mtftnn. ... . n IV. Ulnn..nl. Sawtooth roBorve. their aggregate ar-a Mississippi kKa. 1 9ft rA ..... rri s j i I i s tlona are marie at various nnfnts -.Innu I Mnntnni. the present boundary. I Nebraska , ' 5 Nevada A-sc:vTiaiiijBuire Frelnht Car Bv th ThOuinf. Vow tam j - - I ncn ai t- 1 nr s rhtam Vov O tninAfl IVa Maes V.L- vih n,i', nui 7. a 1 uiutru u j 1 no 1 aT vv 1 vm a s congestion of traffic and the car short- North Carolina m r, f . I . vnr III. Wn.rln. tin.. Vn.lh T.. 1. - nftr w i ..... ; i ni i ut3 iioiiiiimu i.iia i .'.'i ... i'u.ui. . . are making purchases of freight equip- Ohio mrni iur ibui on a grana acaie. 11 wrrgun nnounced yesterday that they Pennsylvania Florida Georgia Idaho 1 Illinois 19 Indiana 9 Iowa 10 Kansas 8 Kentucky 4 Iiulslana Maine 4 Maryland 3 Massachusetts 11 Michigan 12 was ai now have orders In for $21,000,000 worth of refrigerator, box, fiat and gonaoia cars, ail or which It Is ex ncrtpcl will h. 1pl(v.r.H Hp fnr. th. season of heavy traffic next year. The total number or freight cars ordered but not yet delivered Is 16.600. Of these 6.600 are refrlcerator cars. Th.ua win oe or tne most modern type, One Fight Would Finish All. Washington. Nov. 9. That tho 12 Inch gun 'now in use at most of the Coast fortlflcatlona nf th. 1Tnlt.il States would not last through an en gagement or two nouTB, the period that would elansa from tha tim. th. lng vessel of a fleet would come with in range until me last vessel would pass beyond the range of the guns, is the statement nf Urlc-aHl.rl.n.ral William Crosier, Chief of Ordnance, wnose annual report was made public at tne war ix partment today. Na More Gambllna In Panama. Panama. Nov. 9. The National A a. aemblv todav unanimously annrnv. a bill prohibiting gambling in the repub- iir. ii win noi siguea oy rresident Amador and sambllns on the lathmna win n.cnm. a tnina nr in. naat n.mH. ling Is already absolutely prohibited n ine canai sons. Buy Centralis Ranches. fpnrralia X. P. Hatplv. a nrnan.r. ... - J 1 l oua farmer from Moscow. Tilahn haa purchased a fine fruit ranch from S. L. Uvlnr. W. W. Ilstely, slso from Moscow, has purchased a fruit ranch from F. IL larrar. Trom State Normal, Cheney, Cheney The line of tha Xorth fnaat Railroad has been located through thi. p" t ion snd psnses through Cheney a few rods south of the tracks of the Northern Pacific. DknJ. T.I aviiuiiri iBiauri , South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virrlnla Washington . West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming .... Totals 2 25 2 17 2 26 a n "& 4 1 "f 7 "i a "i & 12" "i i t 4 12-10 t 6 1 7 8 16 223 163 Bryan Loses His Own State. Lincoln. Neb.. Nov. 8. Comnlete re turns from 33 counties rive Sheldon (Ren.). Governor. B5 E25: Shell. nh.r. ger (Dem.), 45,454. Compared with two yrars aro. thla ahnwa a TVmncra. tic loss of 6.728, and Indicates a plur ality in the state for Sheldon of 18.000. Other state officers are not behind governor. Returns from every county In the Third Conrreaalnnal ni.trlct show a plurality for Boyd (Rfp.) of 334. The Third was the only district tn doubt tonlcht. SO tha Nphr.aVa ration In the House will stand: Re publicans, 5; Democrats 1. Saved From Ocean's Maw. New York. Noy. 8. Rescued when they were about ready to dron Info the ocean from the deckhnna. air men, the crew of the Nova 8cotla barkentlne Whit. Win ani taln Were broueht tn thla nnrt tn,l. by the German tank steamship Mann-he-lm, which arrived from Shields. Tho rsntaln la M. J. VctnH mH th. mat. Alexander Luscombe. With bulwarks Just awash and her cargo of 200.000 feet Of lumber rnverln th. nr.m th. barkentlne was discovered drifting. All Under Civil Service. WaShinStOn. NOV I Th. Pr.aM.nr today made an order which will bring all employes of the Internal Revenue Servlca under the Civil Servtca.