AX HILLSBORO. WASHINGTON COUNTV, OHKGON, FRIDAY. NOV. 10, 1900. N'umpeu 27 VoLUMK 31 fiilfsboro Independent. HIVING HATH, Publisher. OFFICIAL for NT V 1'Al'EK. ONE DoLLAK I'KB VKAKIN AUVANCK Republican in Politics. iDVKHTiaiNO KATKS: Display, 00 cents a inch, single column, for four inter tions; reading uotiees, one cent word each Insertion (nothing Ira than IS ceute) ; prolesainnal curds, one Inch, f 1 a liionlh ; lodge cards, $5 ft year, pay ble quarterly, (notices and resolution! free to ilverti(iiii lodges). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. B. TONGUE ATTORN EY-AT LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Room 3. 4 and 6. Morgan 81k OftVe: W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY-AT LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Central Block, Rooms C and 7. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Office, in Union l!lk.. with 8. B. Hiuton T1IOS. II. TONGUE JR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC kooms d, 4 and 6, Moruan Bloea Hllliboro, Oregon. Jrtioa: S. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN 'AND SURGEON. HIHtboro, Oregon. Office, upHtairi, orer The Delta Drug 8tore. Office hour 8 to 12 ; 1 to 6, and In the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. 8. P. B. B. SURGEON Hllliboro, Oregon. Residence corner Tlilrd and Main; oHlee op itairsorar DellaarUK store; iitiurs, a.soioiim. I (a 6 ill" 7 U p. ro. Trlephon. to re.ul.i" from Helia dru .torn. All calls promptly sua warail day or ninhl. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hllliboro, Oregon. Office: Monsan-Balley block, op ataln, roome li 13 and 15. Residence 8. W. cor. Base Line and Second sta. Both 'phones. ' f. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan-nauejr diock, uo stairs with K. A. Bailey. Residence, N. E. corner Third and Oak sta. A. B. HAILKY, M.D., PUYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hillsboro, Oregon. Ornca oer Bailey s Iru Wort. Offloa hours from ; to 111; 1mh to , and 7 to . KsaMenu I bird bonne north of cltjr eleoirle Habl p'aut. Calls promptly aileuded daf or mailt. HoW pbotias. wpwa-o MARK B. BUMP, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Notary Public and Collections. HILLSBORO, ORE. Tree Delivery Of the lest Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt and in all parts of Hillslwro. We have inaugerated a new Schedule in 'Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro' s popular market. Corwin & Heidel. Announcement. Having purchased the Central Meat Market, we wish to announce to former patrons and the public, that we have established a free de livery and have reduced the prices on all meats. For the best cuts and best service possible we res pectfully solicit your patronage. EMM0TT BROS. HOPS ! IIoo Growers' Samples and correspond enca solicited with a view to buying their hops at ruling market prices. Hans C. Wahlberg, ',' Morrison St., Cor. 1st, 2V I ' Portland. Telephone, Taciflc tVW. jleia JVIeat Jlarket 1 S. J. GALLOWAT, Proprietor. Wilt rarnlsr) customers the beet meat the mar affords al the lowe.1 U'ln. prlr. a I up . r..K- nhoae and roar order will be dli. up rer eun " v lon'.,'? ," IZi" r.nSi'J: Farmer' trade uipeciaiiy solicited. 8t. neoonJ ivr West ol mr- Main trampf's Feed Store. IRRIGATION PLANT FOR HILLSBORO WORK WILL BEGIN AT ONCE. The Government Has Leasee! Fifteen Aerea of the Stanton Form for Experimental Purposes. H. S. Stover, of Eugene, repre senting the Irrigation Branch of the United States Department ot Agri culture, was in the city last week and closed arrangements to estab lish an irrigating plant in Hillsboro. He has leased fifteen acres of the A. N. Stanton farm, aj miles north east of this city and will at once put in a pumping outfit to supply the necessary water. The purpose is to experiment in the growing of all kinds of grain, vegetables, fruits and crops of all kinds, including hay and alfalfa. All the expense of building and running the station, cultivating, caring for the grouud and gathering the crops, and one man to take charge of the plant will be borne by the government, and the object is to experiment with the different kinds of seed grasses, vegetables, etc., and demonstrate what irrigation will do. There is a plant at Eugene and another at Cor- vallis, the latter of which is run in connection with the Agricultural College. To illustrate what irriga tion will do here we will mention that G. VV. Hines, of Buxton, this fall gathered from a piece of land ten feet square three sacks of fine Burbank potatoes, each sack con taining over two bushels. He irri gated this patch of ground a an ex periment and the result is a surprise to him, thus showing that wonder ful crops can be raised on irrigated lanel in Washington county, and the government is going into the exper iment on quite a large scale. The result will be watched with inter- est. Put Vp or Walk. The fellows that have been riding on free railroad passes will have to walk after January I. The new rate law makes it an offense punish able by a fine of 2,ooo and option al imprisonment for a railroad to grant any one a free pass. The railroads have been in the habit of issuing every year more than one hundred thousand annual passes, mostly to the wealthy and influen tial who needed them the least, to say nothing of countless thousands of trip passes. All this was merely a form of bribery and was a corrupt ing agency of the first power. It has not been abolished any too soon and the railroads themselves should be most thankful, as they are the chief beneficiaries and should be thankful that the law reliever them of this expensive incubus. Now let them all put passenger fares down to two cents a mile, sell un limited mileage books for $20 a thousand miles and they will make more money than ever before. Tillamook Headlight. George II. Himea Return. George II. Himes, the historian, returned Tuesday from an extended trip in the eastern patt of the states of Washington and Idaho, at Boise, Walla Walla. LaGrande, Tendleton, The Dalles and other points and col lected 2900 pounds of old newspap ers, dating back as far as i860 and '62. Not all the files are' complete, but there will be a wonderful fund of matter from which may be drawn material for historical work. Mr. Himes is perhaps the best posted man on the early history of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest in the country, and is doing more than any other man to put in per manent form the history of those- early days. He is in love with his work, is otie of the most genial lei lows you ever met. is as keen on the scent of a bit of ancient history as a bloodhound on the trail of an Alabama coon. If you have any old relic of the "First Days in Ore gon," or any reliable information of the conditions and stirring events of those early times you will confer a oreat favnr iinnn Mr. Iiimes and benefit to posterity by communica ting with him in care ot the city nau, rortiand. Jiooa Kiver isews Letter. Simply Immense. There were 217,341 miles of com pleted railroads in the United States at the end of 1905, according to tbe figures compiled by Poor'a Manual for 1906, of which the advance pages have just been issued. This is a net increase of railroad mileage in 1905 oi 4716 miles. The capital stock represented amounted to 136.741,955,825, ac cording to the same authority, and the bonded debt tol57.425.261.90i. The total liabilities of the lines ag gregate $16,292,880,828, against $'5,495,504,650 in 1904. The cost of the roads and their equipment is figured at $12, 143,957, 551, against Jfu, 664,191,134 in the previous year. The passengers numbered 446.446,641, and they were carried 23,906,420,668 miles. Placed on the Roll. The board of county commission ers last week instructed County Clerk Godman to place upon the tax rolls the $300 exemptions al lowed by the assessor and approved by the board of equalization. As sessor wilcox bad his rolls in course of compilation at the time of tbe de cision of the supreme court declar ing unconstitutional the law allow ing the exemption of $300 to each householder, and passed the matter to the equalization board, which al so omitted the exemption. In view of the opinion of the attorney-general the commissioners' court has or dered the exemptions added so as to avoid any question. . To the Circuit Coast Azair Wharton, the Gipsey horse trader who attempted to Aim flam a son of Nicholas Monner, of Forest Grove, in a horse trade, had his ex amination before Justice Bagley in this city last week and was bound over to the circuit court in the sum of $300. The boy, who was driv ing his fathers team to town was ap proached by the gypsy for a trade. The boy informed the gypsy that the horses belonged to his father and he had no authority to dispose of either, it was arranged, so it is claimed, that an exchange of horses should be made, and if Monner was not satisfied he could have the horse back on the next day. When the boy informed his father a protest was forthcoming and when a de mand was made of the gypsy for a return of the horse he claimed to have sold it. The Treasury Gratt. Mr. George Steel, Oregon's State Treasurer elect, is undoubtedly highly gratified at learning that the courts in Wisconsin have compelled men who have held the office in that state to disgorge something like 1500,000, which they have re ceived from the favored banks as in terest on public money. Past State Trearurers in Oregon have joyously accepted this graft, but Uncle George is an exception to the rule. He is a farmer and a friend of the farmers, for dia he not state during the pri mary campaign that the "damned banks" were tryine to down bim. and unless the farmers came to his assistance they would undoubtedly succeed. Well, they came. From the woods and plains; from the val leys aud the hillsides, they rushed to the polls in defense of the farmer's candidate for State Treasurer, and the schemes of the Portland bank ers were blasted by the whirlwind of reform. George was elected, and the power of the money ring in Ore gon was crushed. It is said that the statute of limitations runs in favor of our past treasurers, and that they cannot be compelled to disgorge. There is some talk of legislation, whereby the State will receive an income from its funds, but with the farmer's candidate tri umph and House Bill 104 banished from the State House, legislation looking to reform in the office of the State Treasurer would be a work of supererogation. George is the real thing and needs no statutes to compel him to honesty. -Oregon .MISl. Fruit Laxative tbe fruit cure for con stipation. Ten and 23 cents at the Hillsboro rharmacy. For Sale. A lot of Black Minorca, Brown Leg norns ami Barred Rock Cockerels. C Rhoades, Oak and Seventh streets, Hills- Doro. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS USUAL CRIST OF BILLS. Bids Asked for the Tillamook Toll Rood Contract Let f0r Clearing Stumps frrrl County Farm. The county commissioners met last week Wednesday and adjourn ed on Saturday. Following are the proceedings- in full, including all bills allowed: Ordered that the sum of $100 be appropriated from the county road fund for aid for rock work in District No. 26. The matter of changiug the coun ty road at Tualatin in Road District No. 1, it is ordered that said change be made as per conditions published in this paper last week. The petition of James O'Riley for cancellation of costs and penalties on payment of tax for the year 1891, was granted on payment of $8.16, costs. Petition of John McClaren et al for lease of Tillamook toll road, was granted and the clerk instruct ed to advertise for bids on same. It is ordered that on payment of $6.13, tax for the year 1895, that the interest and costs on same be cancelled, on petition of Ernest Ev erest. The petition of J. B. Wilkes tor Quit claim deed, tor land sola to Washington county. It is ordered that the court execute a quit claim deed for same to the Title Guaran tee and Trust Co., it appearing that the same was erroneously assessed and sold for taxes. Sealed bids for grubbing and clearing all stumps on the county farm, between county road and S. P. Railway, were opened as follows: George A. Brown. $348; J. S. Lor- sung, $340. ine contract was awarded to JS. .Lorsung. Petition of Al'erd Garber for re mission of taxes was granted, and and a auit claim ordered made to said Garber. The petition of W. N. McEldow- a i ney lor adjustment 01 taxes was granted, upon the payment of $50. The court decided to purchase two acres, more or less, of the rock quarry owned by John Olson, near Cedar Mills, at the rate of $150 per acre, and the surveyor instructed to survey the same In the matter of the inquest over the body ol James Donaldson, the . . 1 coroner s report was approvea ana all claims ordered paid. Report of E. J. Godman, county clerk, received and approved. Fees for October. $27 5- Report of Willis Ireland, county recorder, approved. Receipts for October, 365.45- The petition of R. Pubals for tel ephone franchise granted with usu al restrictions. Petition of J. W. Connell for re mission of taxes, was granted. Petition of Benton Philips lor change in boundary of voting pre cinct, was granted, and that the line between Dairy and Buxton pre cincts conform to the present bound ary line of road in District No. 21 A motion was made to appoint John McClaren of Gales Creek gen eral road master for the county at a salarv of 4 150 per month, and was lost, C. B. Buchanan voting yes. and Commissioner Butner and Judge Goodin voting no. It appearing to the court that the county assessor in preparing the assessment roll, has allowed certain exemptions on personal prop erty and it appearing further that said exemptions are unauthorized by law, it is therefore ordered that the tax on said assessment roll for the year 1906 be extended on tbe total valuation of property on said roll. Tii fallowing1 bills were audited and allowed : WatblDft3n Co. Pb Co., printing W O Dooelaoe. relief. Beall ACo, r and h OoDwlmaa Brna, bridges... t oo 7 M t M 17 1 Beall aco.. randb. 101 SO 14 14 O A W Sewer Pip Co., r and b r BammeL k wltnes 4 a t SO 12 M O M Hunter, S k- Laadee A Brow", relief Mr C S LaiTerty. clectloa. Climax Mimas' Co- rcUaf- 2 00 4 OS 0 S 50 7 tsj 10 US I 75 I M 14 lb 54 40 15 UU 12 80 a 7o a so 100 oo au as t oo t 00 11 00 45 00 IS be 10 137 70 U 00 , 42 00 4 20 I W 21 24 U 00 V 00 So 70 a 75 IB 50 231 6U 12 00 61 6). a 52 a 84 20 SO ( u 77 30 61 40 138 H 0 SO u uo 20 0U 226 00 60 00 4 69 50 00 20 88 48 U0 1ft 00 12 25 15 00 15 00 812 88 47 60 61 70 140 76 82 50 t 00 78 53 24 00 t 76 J M Millar, e h- RedmoDd A I'onnell, eorooer.. D MoC'amUb. rand b C K Wolf, rand b Buaboof A Co., priming LC Walker, aaavia'.nf and ool. Wbeeler Mtg Co., e h .. Biuboog a Co., Matlouery.. Ueo H Wliool, aeaor. TuoeA Mc Bride, Judge Dr A B Bailey, liuaue. Dr W D Wood, Delta Drug Store, relief . Phoenix Iron Worki, r and h . Jobnaon Brua bridge .. J J Smllb, UIjot H L Deckert, e ard " Ulaaa A Frudboutme, ttallouery Mava Broe, rallef. Conialuian Br a, bridge.. . C A Lam kin Co., b City Water A LUbt Works, I aud w HliUboro ludependunt, priming ...... Clyde Lluooln, r and " - . , - A M Collin. Jaullor Frank Nacbbaur, relief U WPatu-rson A Son : I J Qodman, clerk and deputy. Robertaou A Hoodenpyle, r and b Be ten A KerTur. bruin - Nelaoa Hardware Co, e b Nelaoa Hard ware Co. , brldge.. Nelaon Hardware Co. , relief . Nelson Hardware Co., brl.lgei.- M CCase, traveling eapenae M C Case, salary and otlu'e ex. . Willi Ireland, rec and dep. J W Connell, expeute.,,.. . J W Connell, b ard ol prisoner , , J W Council, awMMatug aud collacUng.. J W Conuell, sheriff and deputy.... A 8 Vaughn, detecllTe work .. J W Connell, rebate on tax.. W M Jsckaon. treasurer Tboma McBrlda, circuit Judge Ward Down, assessing aud collecting.. 0 W Ulnea, sup salary John Nyberg, r aud u John Nyberg, up sal. W W Lewis, aup sal .. C K Wolf, r aud b John Mo Lara n, supisal . ,, , , W J Blltt, upt sal D B Reasouer, ct b and relief . DBKeasouer, bridge . TOMeacbam, bridge . C C Hancock, r and b . . C C Hancock, t aud h Johu Loftus, sup sal .... BoffeA Knuea, r and h T W Bain, aup aal J C Callahan, bridges. .... H L Russell, bridge. .. . W E Taylor, rolled . W K Taylor, relief 128 00 12 50 81 46 21 SO 40 76 87 50 Mr Chrlstensen, rand b. 46 60 6 10 8 50 3 50 64 08 Base Lin Lumber Co, r and b L 8 Barnes, r and h W U Ltvermore, r and b Qroner, Rowell A Co, r aud h. City r A Mac Co, r and h . . 88 88 50 A 8 Fi:ch. r and h Tbe Argus, priming it oo 80 00 Eta Weatberred, Tea. Cor. lnq. W J Butner, aal and r and b. 82 80 62 49 I W Uuodm, aal and ex C B Bucbauan. sal and r aud h. 82 10 638 Kl B L rilnt, r and h. a Wilson, Juror cor Inqeat.. 1 00 E L Abbott, Juror cor Inuuest.. 1 00 1 00 1 0U 1 00 I 00 1 60 1 50 1 50' 1 50 1 60 10 85 I 70 1 70 1 70 A A Morrill, Juror oor Inquest. Aug Keinpin, juror cor lnq. -- C r Hayes, Juror cor lnq . Christian Keinpin, Juror cor In. ( bis Ksllell, wit cor Inuuest. . Clarence Jackson, wit cor Inqiient Harry Mclaughlin, wit cor lnq Edward Hulling, wit cor lnq Augilot Tews, wltoorluq... - E C Brown, corouer Victor Lamlet, wit justice court. Virgil Undes. wit Justice court Jske Landes, wit Justice court Berths 1i.1. wll Justice onurt Joseph Bonn, wit Jnmliw court 1 70 1 70 L 8 Blrdy, wit justice curt 1 70 I 50 1 60 1 5U 1 60 11 00 11 ou 11 00 11 00 s 6 W 6 Ui 7 OA 6 70 1 OU S 60 4 60 2 60 10 00 5 75 16 no 6 i a a JaKwr W eston, wit Justice court UtVIII WBSMM1, "u - - David Vaugbu, wlljumlce court. J W Day, wit Justice conn .... Artie Hucnsnan, wit juuw wui. Mrs J D Mcllargue-.. . J ) H argue, wit Justice court -- Kthel Buchanan, wit justice vuun. H T Bagley, justice fees. ... Kd HU-rens, wit J p ct L M Hesse, constable lee, C K Kindt, Justice fees M E Buck, justice iee..... t'r.nli t'nlfell. cnnstsnble fees. . M J Haynei, constable fees J W Day, feeding prisoners.. rllmoa Nelllson, supssl Alliert rrmay, suu sai O Brotiner, sup sal ' T 1 King, aup sal . TO Maaehsm, sup sal . Eastern investment nmui Court adjourned. J. W. GOODIN, Judge. There's a lot Bll Co.,r aud b A A Morrill. 4 and h Fred (tecealbal, r aud b is3 so in a 6hoe which after month's ot wear, needs only polish to "Look like new." You'll find comfort, ease and profit in the 1 1 "Is fl OI H.ami ion-brown uiiuus your will want something pretty and goou. tome anu see our School w m ShoeOi's. ILACIS SH0E 1 ta. Aiev(v cap "aw aa, aaaw MONEY FOR RELIEF STOLEN MENCY ON THE TRAIL. Money Sent far California Earth. sjuake Sufferers Stolen.. Roose velt Orders Prosecution. San Francisco, Nov. 15. New and sensational features have come to light in connection with the graft investigation in this city. It is earned on good authority that the relief funds for the fire sufferers have been looted to the extent of nearly $1,000,000. So indignant was Pres ident Roosevelt, on hearing of the stealing of tbe funds contributed by sympathic citizens of various states for the relief of the uufortunates of San Francisco, that he is reported to have said that he would bring the offenders lrom the uttermost parts of the earth should they make temporary escape. During the first days following the fire in San Francisco sympathic citizens throughout the country for warded relief moneys by postal or ders and by enclosing scrip in enve lopes and other packages. The world not being acquainted with the organizations of relief bodies in the city, forwarded financial aid in care of Mayor Schtnitz. It is said amounts ranging from 50 cents upward into hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars were sent to the mayor and that a com paratively small sum reached the Red Cross or citizens' relief commit tee as shown by the records. It is estimated that the relief moneys were forwarded through 10 ooo and rjossiblv postoffices of the United States and also that consid' erable sums came through the ex press companies. The interest of President Roosc' velt and the federal authorities in this affair has been so great that the president 1.1 credited with the state ment that the government will ex pend $1,000,000 if necessary to un earth and bring the criminals to justice. Over 100 of the most skilled op. eratives of the secret service depart ment have been at work among the postoffices of the Union and in this city tracing money orders and re ceipts. The crime of forgery is said to be included in the offenses of the raiders of the relief contributions. It is through the president's influ ence that William J. Burns, one bf the most expert and successful de tectives itf the employ ol the govern ment, is detailed to work iu San Fiancisco. It was also through the president that Francis J. Ileney, who with Burns was engaged in prosecuting important land fraud cases of Oregon and California, was detached from that work aud as signed to the Ssn Francisco gralt investigation. of Satisfaction children - Shoes No better made. No with guarantee goes Our line of GROCERIES is the finest in the county. Everything usually carried hy aa ap-to-date Grocery immenxe sale nnk it possible lot as to carry itrktly Not a shop-worn article la me JOHN The old Reliable Corner t The old Keliable Uorner WINTER RATES TO VAQUiNA. Oregon's Great Recreation and Health Resort at the Newport Beaches Ticket Sales Re sumed Nov. 1 st to May 31st, iy07. . As a winter health and recreation resort Newport is the one par ex cellence. Recogniziug this, and wishing to give the people an op portunity to breath the fresh, pure ozone of the ocean, the Southern Pacific and Cor vallis & Kastern have resumed the sale of tickets through to Yaquina. From all S. P. points tickets will be sold throughout the winter" and spring until May 31st, every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY and from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath on the Corvallis & Fast em, tickets will be sold to Yaquina and Newport DAIL.Y. The rates will be the same as during the summer, aud will be good for return 60 days from date of sale. DR. MINT-HORN'S SANITARY BATHS will be iu operation during the en tire winter, and treatments will be given daily. OTIIKK HEALTH RESORTS CLOSED. During the winter nearly all oth er health resorts are closed or diffi cult to reach, and none of them have the advantages of Newport and vicinity as regards climate, points ot interest, recreation, and amusement, ror parties desiring to eujoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the ocean in sunshine or in storm, this famous resort is unequalled, the surroundings are ideal beauti ful scenery, climate mild, healthful and invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, fresh vegetables, milk, honey, fruit at lowest possible cost, fish and the famous rock oystets to be had for the trouble of securing them. 1 Full information from any S. V, or C flt li. Agent, or lrom tne uen eral Passenger Agent of either Company, Rate from Hillsboro to Yaquina $6.00. Power Plant Gatea Wrecked. A report comes from Forest Grove that the power plant that runs the electric system of that city received considerable damage last Friday and lights and power are now run by the plant formerly owned by the town. The flood gates'of the dam on the Tualatin river, eight miles from Forest Grove were wrecked by the freshet, caused by the downpour of rain last w;ek. Whether the dam can be repaired is doubtful The exact amount of damage done is not yet known. Some say a tree coming down the creek caused the damage. The lights are now being turned on, but only at an immense cost, as many cords of wood are required to use the two engines. For Sale. Illuck Minorca!, Brown Inborn and Barred Plymouth Itock full blooded ctH-kerela. Inquire of It. II. Greer. K. L McCormick hna just received his Grot coriNikEomeiit of the Smith Iiend Watch Go's., new tiityements. These movements are fully guaranteed and give iierfoot iUinf notion. Quality equal to any movement on the market. Call and see them. ms better can be made, every pair. Our House. Ou f resit goods eeiDiwus DENNIS. Grocery and Shoo Store urocery aim cuu rear, f m FT 1: 1 WA ' e r r m ravi J" " ls Sjr Pal