Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 09, 1906, Image 3

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Stats Secures DU on Building of Negation May goon Bo Carried on
Homo for Feeble-Minded. I Nearly All the Year.
Salem For the first time in the bi-1 Corvallis Improvement of the upper
lory or uregoo, this stste ba gone Willamette
.... i
wai discussed bere tousy
bout the establishment of a publia in- by David B. Ogdea, engineer in charge
titution in a businesslike way. In of the Willamette expenditure!, and
planning for the establishment of a members of the Citizens' League. The
borne for the feeble-minded, the Board snagboat Mathloma baa been working
of Public Building Commissioners ar- on the upper river for two weeks and
ranged to send Huneriiitimlnt n W is to eoutinue in the vicinity of Cor-
Jones, of the State Blind School, on a
tour of Eastern Btatea for the purpose
of gathering data which will euable
this state to avoid the errors for which
other states have paid by dear expert
. . V. . . ...... I .
valli thrniiishnut tha emuinir W6ek
The famous cutoff, where the Wil
lumutt has lirnkxn through a new ehan
net ana reuuoej a ay-niue sireicu w
leas than a mile by leaving a circuitous
. a. -
route lor a direct one. nas ueeo pro
with this end iu view are being worked
tn l.v th engineers. Their recoiniuen-
.v n ; -
dations for appropriations cover
in this particular. For two years the
amrir has hn an carried on. Mr. Og-
den thinks that in another two years
. . . a, l 1 it
the plan will be eonsuinmaieu ami
navigation be not achieved throughout
the summer, it will at least be so bet
tered that there will be cut a very auuit
r.ori.l nf inactivity. Local citizens
sre much encouraged by the attitude of
the engineering people, ana are yrcyai
ing to co-operate fully.
- r IUUIO I'll UH cv k uuv, Mw - I -
vL V. r. V. . . ...... . . . . .... i
I-..-. uu viuoi ! luaiiiunuua tically cleared of snags, wnicn uaa oeen
wrere established, the locations were se-k nieDace to navigation. Biinilar work
Jeeted and the buildings constructed jg t0 te ,jonB jn other directions,
'with littla anticinatinn nf futnra nnmla. I ikl. :. n th nn.
f - - i x ue Ul a I U tuinc, uun c ?i 1 1 w. ..
la the case of the home for the feeble- ferenfe between Mr. Ogden and the cit-
minded it will be different. The Board jzens was the chance of an all year nav
is looking particularly to the require- Ration by boats to Corvallis. Plans
nicnts of such an institution 25 or 50 wi.h this end iu view are being worked
years or more hence.
Superintendent Jones filed bis report
yesterday a voluminous document ac
companied by statistics from institu
tions visited by him. Most valuable of
all is the information he gained by per
sonal conversation with the managers
of similar institutions in the Eastern
Superintendent Jones concludes bis
report as follows: "Oregon eannot de
lay this important work much longer
without laying ua liable to the charge
of neglecting one of the most important
tw..,i ..nnn n. aa a nnnnia. Oreiron must City Park For Eugene
ant Ka tha last Northern State to make Tnosno At a atiecial meeting of the
. . . . : . . . . .1 . . ... - .
provision for this elass, ana it is to do city Council the deeds lor to acree ui
hoped tfiat the wise plans of the last Hnl on the Fairmount Hills were offl-
l ixriKlatnra will ba carried into effect nllv ..ivo,l nn behalf of the city for
fcy the coming session." L new city park. The members of the
Council have been woraing on mia proj
ect quietly for some weeks past. A
most agreeable surprise was given the
citizens in attendance at the meeting
when Mayor Wilkina announced that
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hendricks had
bought 47 acres of the tract and had
turned it over to the Council as a gift
in tha nnnulo nf tha citv. The new
park will be known as Hendricks Park.
Bobbed Gray 'a Harbor Company.
Pendleton T. W. Powell, represent
ing the Gray's Harbor Lumber Com
On Being Built at Klamath Falls and
Ono at Portland.
Klamath Falls Navigation as a per
manent means of transportation of the
Klamath Basin is to be more effectu
ally established by the founding of a
new steamer route between Klamath
Palls and Fort Klamath. There is now
being built at the local boatyards a
new st
eamboat that will be operatea ' which was succeeded bere by the
ly botween this place and Fort ; i.otit,.h Lumber Company, announced
, making the trip in about fujthat W. J. SewelL the defaulting man-
in each direction. Ibis line win:..,.. . ha utter company, who wai
lie especially devoted to the cultivation algo the manager for the former com
t plnaer trade relations between the
inir ita existence here, bad em
people of the country lying norm oi . ,ezzled something like -U,UUJ or me
Upper Klamath Lake and to caring for 0rayg Harbor Company's funds. The
the tourist travel of the summer sesson ' totftl anlount 0f his peculations will
for Crater Lake and other points of in- thug Bmout to more than 130,000.
terest in that direction. .
Work is progressing very satisfacto
rily deepening the Klamath Kiver at a Annual Fair In Lane County,
imint lust below Lake Ewauna, where a EugeneAt a meeting of the citizens
reef about 30 feet in width has been a'0f Kugene it was decided to rorra a cor
barrier to navigation at the low stage poration for the purpose of holding an
n. i : . M i. V... ! .a ' " t fuir in T.Iinfl L O U D t V .
oi tne stream, i n huhubi ---- . .. -
moved by the efforts of the Klamath chairman Wilkins appointed the roliow-Lake-Navigation
Company, which is ing committee on organization: W uuam
having a second steamer built to ply.tireen, J. M. Williams, D. h. Yoran, U.
the river and Lower Klamath Lake.
Spray May Have Caused Deatn.
Hood River James H. McOinnis, a
native of Ontario, Can., who has been
. a .1 1 T If Mln.
ataying with Dis oroiner, u. i
nis, an employe of the Menominee Lum
ber Mill, died very suddenly Tuesday
from what is now thought to have been
poison. At the time of bis sudden ill
ness he was attended by a physician,
who could not diagnose his case, but
left a prescription which, it is said,
failed to help him, and he died in a
short time.
Hinee his death it has been discov
ered that Mc(iinnis, who had only been
bere a short time, bad been in the habit
of enting a good ninny apples and that
they were covered with spray, which
he did not wipe off. The spray is poi
onous and symptoms with which ho
was attneked, such as vomiting and se
vere pains in the abdomes. now lead his
friends to think that he diod from its
Finances of Clackamas.
rt.or.nn ritv The net indebtedness
of Clackamas County, according to the
semi-annual report of Clerk Oreenman,
just completed, and covering the sir
months ending September 30 Inst, is
03 335.24. Thero are outstanding war
rants to the amount of 53,D94 53 upon
which the. estimated interest is f 1.H0U.
In addition there are outstanding road
warrants aggregating 1,-34f;'1- .
the total indebtedness of $4,1J7.J-,
there is applicable cash on hand and
uncollected taxes amounting to uy
781 OS, reducing the actual Indebtedness
to io3.335.24. Clerk Oreenman 'a report
also shows the current expenses of the
county for the period covered "
port to have been i24.030.13, and in the
same, length of time the county spent
41,522.64 in the improvement or roads.
Gordon and F. L. Chambers.
Imnrovement Company Formed.
v. n.or.,l An incornoration to be
known as the La Grande Improvement
capital stock of $15,000. The Ineorpo.
iiiwiroA I.. Cleaven. Frank K,
Beinhoff and William B. Sargent. The
object is to buy land ana Duua nouc.
Agricultural Society Election.
n..ji.-.Tiia I'matilla County Ag
ricultural Society held a meeting re-
Gently in the par lor. of t he Commercial
Association and re-elected Leon Cohn,'
Lei Teutsch and C K. Roosevelt a. the
!hr members of the Third
IBon District Fair Commission This
Commission, which consists of seven
mheri: will hold its regular business
meetfnTi-T hi. city Tuel.y, Nov.m
IS. On. t th. other member. B.
v H vnd of Heppner, is elected by the
So row 'vLiP Agricultural Society
while three are appointed by the Gov
In Taror of a JuU M11L
Tendleton - The Inland Empire
Wbeatgrowers' Association held a meet-
Ur at Which It was oeciuru .m. ---w
,rt should be made to secure at the
effort snouiti !i..ra tha nec-
r:Vf -i hTdau
committee w , farm(ri
r" Tover thf. actlo'n will be Pre
r".. IVslatur. . t. aid i- the pa
cage of the desired bilL
polk Orchardirts Elated.
T,aUas-The r"T' of rork C7?i.
Pallas i n- i i iucf.as of the
.r. high y ;'"'n l ,,r(fer and better
first appl f w'. ' , nej for next
phow Vhrexhib t of hoice fruit ha.
vear. The . , th waiam-
f. Ue.V II rsisel in the wor J when
rrha.ndTrer-ng their fru.t
The New York Journal of Commerce
said of cascara bark:
a i...i.alA il,. filer in cascara sagTa
da of Portland, Or., declared that not
more than five cars had been peeled this
...nx.n anil TnOV ints from the irnthering
sections were generally in lots of 200 to
500 pounds. There is a fairly steady
demand on spot, and some ton lots are
wanted for export, iuoianoui are uns
tained at 10V(aV2a as to age, quantity
and seller.
Wheat Kxport basis: Club, 64c;
blueatem, 6Xc; Valley, 00c; red, 61e.
OntsNo. 1 white, 24.5025.50;
grav, 23.50fa 24.00.
jinrley Feed, 21.50 per ton; brew
ing, 22; rolled, $23.
Kye 1.33((il.40 per cwt.
, Corn Whole, $25.00; cracked, $20.50
per ton. '
Millntuffs Bran, city, $14.50; coun
try. $13.50 per ton; middlings, $24.00;
shorts, City, fio.uo; rounui,
ton; chop, U. 8. Mills, $13.50; linseed
dairy food, $18.00; acalfa meal, $18.00
per ton.
, Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10(o)ll
per ton; Kastern Oregon timothy, $14(iQ
fri6.00; clover, $6.50f7.00; cheat, $7(V
7.50; grain nay, s.uu; annua, f".,
vetch hay, $7(i?7.50.
Pomestie Fruits Apples, commou to
choice, 25e(??75e per box; choice to fan
cy, 75cCi$l-50; grapes, $1.50(a1.65 per
crate; peaches, 75cr?$l; pears, 75ea
$1.25; ersnnernes, lapm, pr uanci,
quinces, $lij?1.25 per box; persimmons,
5e per pound.
. Fresh Vsgetables CababgAj 1
tm li nnimil' aanliflnwer. $1.25 per
dosen; celery, 75((T83e per dozen; egg
Plant, $1.50 per erate; leiiure, ueu, tvo
i bell peppers, 6e; pumpkins, l4e pound;
splnaen, (aoe per pounuj lom.iu. v
(a SO per box; parsley, 10(a15; squash,
l4e per pound; hothouse lettuce, 50(g)
75 per box.
o.i,t v.Mlititm Tn rains. tOtdttl
per sack; carrots, 0e$i per sack;
beets, $l.25(il.50 per sack; garlic, 7 V
i n uia luinnn: noraeranian, fitvw
, . . , , ---- '
per pound; sweet potatoes, syjittie per
P0,",,, ...a v..4...t
ftninna iirecnn. iocdiii per nuuuifi
i4a Rnvinir nrices: Ore iron
Bnrbanks, fsney, 0c; common, 63(?80fl,
Ifutter City creameries: Extra
creamery, 30 per pound. State cream
eries: Fancy creamery, 25g;27V4e; store
butter, 16(iil7e.
I Kggs Oregon ranch. 33(7T33e per dot
'en; best Eastern, 26(27e; ordinary
Eastern, 241 25c.
I cheese Ores-oa full cream twins,
14rtfl4Mie Young America, 15(?fl5Mie,
Poultry Average old hens, 12(?J13e;
mixed chickens, 12ffl2e; Spring, 12(V
13c; old roosters, 9(il0e; dressed chick
ens, 13(3 14c; turkeys, live, 17tfl7V4e;
turkeys, dressed, choice, 21ft22,e ;
HrrOc-. ducks. 14
(fI5c; pigeons, $1(?1.50; squabs, $-(S
Cattle Best steers, $3.5Srtf3.,5; me
dium. $3(a3.23; rows. $2.25r, 2.65; sec
ond grade cows. $22.33; bulls, $1.50
.Ort; calves. $4(tf4.50.
Sheep Best, $4.50T4.T3; lambs, $3
' iirt-Be.t, $3.50(26.75; lightweight,
Utea Loot Wagon, While Troops Qo
on Short Rations.
Rhorlrlan. Wvo.. Nov. 2. A band of
lu) Uto Indiana. It la reported, cap
tured a wagon loaded with flour and
supplies bound from Arvada to the
Tenth and Sixth Cavalry. Tho driver
waa hM at a rifle's muzzlo while tne
redskins sacked tho load and carried
It away allowing the driver to proceed
with the empty wagon.
Sheridan. Wro.. Nov. I. Further
details of the raiding of a government
supply train bound for tho campa 01
the Tenth and Sixth Cavalry from
Arvada characterlxes U as a very
clever piece of work, evidently plan
ned by some of the older heada of the
Uto tribe. According to Driver James
Forgen. no Indiana were in aigui uui
. ...... .. . f .fll I . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II L T7l BW
a uuu u ui m , . -.
skins suddenly dashed out of a denie
In the hllla and fluicaiy iunuu.
rf.- lutla nnlaa outside
of a few sharp yells In the nature of
commands, and. wnne aeverai iuu.".
kept Forgen under their rifles, the bai-
i...J hi. wairnn train of 3.00U
nee iuuicu u.- - . . k
pounds of flour, the sacks of whicn
were strapped to the cayuses of the
Ctes. who then disappeared Into the
As the reault or the raiding or
i t..i. k irnnni ara in need,
nH nnorationa looklns to a chase of
V. . TTt. . arA TirftfT lrailT Bl aiaus
luv v ' .a
..in ..ntn annnllna ran be bad. wore
Bllll UUV14 . . .
aupply tralna will be sent out from
Arvada at once, i roups iruiu
...nniia m r. nnw at Ashland, on
tha wav to the camp or me ieuiu
w .1. ..
near muururw.
-L ... l . nn,nlan1v fillt wltted
1 ue uvea uw -"'i' ' ,
.v. in... mnA ara now reDorted
Ka,.ir in Wvnmlna-. on Little Powder
.rarlnir tha TOUte by Which
. ' . a unniini Thev evident
ly know of the arrival of troops at
Ashland, and have either given up
.i.. ... t n mrh tha Chevennes
or are waiting for that band to meet
them In some other pan or xne cu-
iF. Th Utea on Bear creea nave
not moved, according to a telephone
message received yesterday aueruoou
DEBT DECREASED $2,074,829.
Treaaury Has Comfortable Caen Ba
anco of 1373,300,810.
waahlna-ton. Nov. 2. The monthly
.tom.ni of tha nubile debt snows
that at the close of business October
at ions tha tntal rieht. less cash tn
All AVV, uv .
. i 4 ....... cr ammi nti to 1952.171.
364. which la a decrease for the montn
of 12.074.829. Tho deht is recapnu
lated as follows:
tht nn which Interest has ceased
-i trltv tl 123 !05.
BUItO - ' aCA
Debt bearing no interest, sjusmoiv
Total. $1,325,472,174.
Tha cash In the treasury is classi
fied as follows: A .
Gold reserve, l50,ooo,uuu; iruai
m i. i mi ua? Sfiq tn offset cernn-
cates and" treasury notes general fund.
$174 029,968; In National nan ae.ium
torlee, $145,975,346; In treasury of
Philippine Islands, $4,730,063; total.
a eat eol 917 against which there STC
demand llabll'ltle outstanding amount-
In to $1,208,332,437. wnicn leave, a
cash balance of $373,300,810.
Free Port in Manchuria Can Buy
Many American Products.
Washington, Nov. 2. Dalny was
opened to the trade of the world on
September 1 without any ceremony
whatever, according to a report made
to the State' Departmr nt by John Ed
ward Jones, the American Consul.
Mr. Jones says that many Japanese
cargoes have arrived. At present no
business houses are available, but Mr.
ruber of Japanese
Arms have obtained permission to re
noi. hiiiiHinira which were damaged tn
the late war and merchant of other
nntinna ran nhtnin the same right.
Haste Is necessary, however, tne con
sul says.
As the Manchurians regard n"
as their staple crop. Mr. Jones savs
It Is likely that the Sungarl Valley will
ha ont rolv riovnlpll ID Wneat n-"
year, and In consequence, there will
be a demand for farming machinery.
rwtnn orm a ara alnn tn demand.
Some American cotton fabrics already
have been received, but Japan la work
inir hnrri fnr tha trade The Chinese
want dyed cloths ready to make up.
and are especially fond of light and
riorir hlna r-nlnra Fnn.1 la scarce snd
high priced and It Is almost Impossible
to get laDor.
Opinions of Great Papers on Important Subjects.
y the annual encampments of the Grana
ArmV Vsterana urTwl nn ntUmr fiuriaiati
they would be Invaluable for the lutlueuc
they as visible evldem-ea of tho na
tion's strength and vitality. At a time
when the public is sbaorbed In the coutem-
tilatlon Of dlverae troubles, liolltlcsl and
. , . v. nlaflltfia tha npuaaiiiw tf a nntlnnal anlrlt
commercial, iuv - - "
which took us through sn uphesvel far greater and more
.. . .i.... anv tierll Uow even rtnuittlv it'll. It may
lernuie m .
b doubted whether any other event of the year does so
much to correct our hUtorlcsl rtectlve and enable us
to thing--1 ,D lu ue reiauon aa aocs iis nuuuai
... .. .k. n'd Soldiers.
,pi,. a..ai abniiduniueut of the encampments, wlieu It
..n to dlkiNintlmiu tlium will lia a distinct
becomes -- -
loss to the nstlon, depriving It of au object lesson which
has been stimulating and helpful and could be given In
.. .... The mere aliht of the siring veterans on
no oiuer J' - - - ...
parade Is something to stir the liuuglnatlon and kludle
anew the fires of loyalty snd national pride. No com
memorative custom or memorial service which may be
adopted In later yM" will take the place of the sight of
the soldiers thenisenea.
. i. ..i.wl reason, therefore, whv each of the en-
l nere a au-
tn v.ma should ha niaila tha occasion for such
cainpn-eu'-" i " ..w
,....tir.ii of deen and tender Interest as thst which
a ueiii w
has greeted the veterans In their meeting at Minneapo
lis. Not on aentlnieutal grounda alone, but for reasons
. .,i ..lli-. wa rannnt -ell miVa too much of
or nraciK-ai - -
these meetings or cherish tbelr memory too carefully.
Chicago News.
Rsdlcsl Laws for France.
rarls Nov. 2. The Cabinet has d
nlAoii tn Inrliwlo In ita Parliamentary
program the purchaso of the Western
Railway, and a bin providing ror tne
sbolltlon of the death penalty. War
Minister Plquart's plan for the reform
nf iniirtfnarHal amniinta tn their en
tire suppression, substituting therefoT
civil procedure In the case of offenses
punishable by common law, wnue aia
clpllnary courts will deal with Infrac
tions of discipline.
Minister of Public Works Bartbous
f.w..a,t tf9 Ka i fa.UlAn tf thaa I
(fi ivi vuv vvsivaa v a vmw
contemnlstea tha taklna over by tho
siaie or an mines.
Cant Pool Him on Turkey.
DlAhmnnil Va Vnw T A 1ral.
aeni, iwrs. Kooseveu ana aurgeon-uen-eral
Rliey. at Pine Knot, got uo early
this morning and started on a hunt
for wild turkeys. The President nss
nosns rrt t a4 as vavtll uba 4 I la
SITVS jvmm K llJ iui is v. puu sv SD
his ambition to add one to his record.
Home or nis neighbors undertook to
piay a joae on mm by turning a no
of domestic turkeyg of the mammoth
oronie variety into tne woods am
driving them so that they would fall
a prey 10 me rresioeni s gun. out
Mr. Roosevelt would have none of the
domestic birds.
hi- nuestion or bow to educate ine oausuier
of farmers for the real autlea or lire nas
been solved by the government of Belgium.
Vtv schools have, been established In dif
ferent sections for the purpose of giving
girls Instruction in the many branches of
aorlrultura snd home housekeeping. Ulrls
re admitted to ths achoola when fifteen years old, and
sent In training for ten montna. During iubi umv
.... to study and master the elements of agrl
culture, dairy farming, housekeeping and accounts, and
be prepared to go out in tbe worm ana practice me
.nn. tanirht. in many Instances becoming teachera.
ni.,i..m ia a thlckly-noDulated country. There are nu
merous cities and towns that tempt the young people to
leave the farma. The daughters of well-to-do farmers
iiii tn tn k life easy and try to live above work-
h. farm It was to correct this growing evil that
the new schools "-ere Instituted. Every school admits
fifteen pupils. Every girl has a room to herself, and
must take proper cire of It while she remains a student
.ii H.a.i alike, and their clothing Is made of ordi
nary material. A term of ten months generally enthuses
ii with a llklnir for the farm, and results lu keep
ing the girls at home and benefiting the country by their
lives Ol umtu""-"
Modern life on the farm should be enticing to the sons
and dntnthters of tbe country. It certainly presents ninny
,.t fnnn.l in the ntoneer days of agriculture
a 1 1 1 hi i iuii www v -
There la a hope for homea and happlnesa in the future
a. n..t in tha mnrta of comineree. Any
inai caunui no mm - -
.v.tem of educntlns that tenda to training the minds of
imnllB In a J!rrern direction Is not to be com
Ann Tha wnrM of humanity must become a
home-loving and hoaie-bulldlng population to Insure
- th. nan families. There are more
pence nuii'ii) "r
opportunities on the farm for getting an interest in
the land than In any occupation onereu ruirryr..u
young people. There la a future In agriculture for wora-
en. It haa opportunities Tor aavanceinem m r. .-a
That work tnouid not
Ui IV (it IU ui uuiuau trsswa. -
be overlooked by any parent or guardian. Seattle Tost-
HE aumnier season Is usually uneventful In
the fluanclal world, but deve'.opiuenta or
late have attracted world wide Interest. The
United States has seen two demonstrstlous
of frenaled finance. In the destruction of a
Chicago bank and a great Philadelphia
t....t,in. ar..i i aatata limn concern. Hun-
UHiiain mtM
dreda of poor people have found their hardarned sav
ings swept away, and the newspaiera are again busily
discussing that great financial menace, "the director who
does not direct" Well known ana ame niiaunr i
Philadelphia were on the board of the trust company,
Maii1a fl ! lata n rll 1 1 1 111 1 showed them large pack
ages containing the company's securities all "gilt-edged."
8o aald the president Not one or tnose wen amu
able financiers ever dreamed of Investigating the pack
agea; and for all tbe directors knew the packages, rep
resenting the foundation of the wuolo airuciure, iuiBu
havo contained sawdust
The troth waa at last revealed, but not mrotign any
mental efforta of the directors. The suicide of the un-
. . n.M.nt atarto.1 an Investigation, aulckly dls-
closing a state of affairs thst might never hsve material
ized had the directors fully appreciatea ine inuwruu u
their trust This, and many otner simuar uiaaait-ra u.
develojied such an obvloua moral that a new era muai
come an era in wnicn aireciors. wuetuer m n ... '
England, or of a concern capitalised at $3.ooi, win exer
cise a vigilant safeguard over the lntereata of all who aro
dependent upon their corapany'a success. Montreal Star.
iHENEVEIl a man with a wife and family
becomes a criminal, he Inflicts cruel suffer
ings upon the Innocent These silent suf
ferers deserve the deepest sympathy. The
misery they endure cannot be appreciated
by those who have never passed through
anh a harrowing experience. It Is lament
able that so few men observe the rule which Tacitus says
waa observed by the old Uerninna, "in an imiorvauv me
ters tbey consult their women." The blasting of many
man'a reputation, once fair ana unspoueu, uukih. un-
been prevented If he had made a confidant of hla wife
u. v . I . 41 .... ....l.v.lnr.ill tiS Kaa.
In his business arrairs. ieiairuuii, diurnaicm-,
trayala of trust and other criminal acts committed In the
feverish haste to get rich quickly In many instances
would not have been engaged in n me win uuu irU
consulted before tho first wrongful or doubtful step had
been taken.
Most women have swift intuitions in matters into
which the moral law enters. Pew of them are skilled
In finance, jet the foundation of the financial aueoess of
very many men Ilea In tbe pruueni counsel aim uiniumu
nieut of the wife. Numbers of our most successful busi
ness men owe their good fortune largely to the encour
aging or restraining advice or tneir wives iu an iuiijn-
a ... . . . m ,i .i.i.. ...up.......
ant crises In tbelr nnairs. as one i vmci unnrn
when a false or Imprudent step Is taken by the husband,
the wife Is entitled to take tne place or counsellor mm
guide whenever such aid Is needed. Philadelphia Ledger,
Successful experiments have been
made lu generating electricity to light
railway tralna by placing a fan on th
front end of tla locomotive. The pn-s-sure
of the air revolves the fau ami
produces the iowcr.
Two brothers. Uith veterans of tha
Civil Wsr. met at San Diego. Cal., re
cently, after a acpsrsttou of thlrty-flva
years, during which time neither bail
received word from tbe other. They
are J. M. Lucas of New Mexico ami
J. II. Lucaa of San Diego. Each had
thought the other dead until this meet
ing, a result of the recent u. A. U. en
campment The new army rifle will pierce alx
human bodies or ltt feet of pine at
6.US) feet The use of such a cartridge)
In riots would endanger the lives of ev
ery person within 1 mlU-s. Por that
reason the "riot charge" hns W-en pro
vided. It contains thirty-four grains of
powder and two round balls weighing
forty-two grama. Its fire Is not effect
ive at over 0s) feet
You put a lump of coal on the fire.
It welgua a pound only, jet the amount
of energy you let loose Is Ksltively
alarming. An exceptionally powerful
man can do half as much work as a
horse for a brief period not more than
minutes at a time. Imiiglne UJ
such men puUIng with all their power
at a rope until, at the end of 150 sec
onds, they fall back exhausted. That
little bluck lump of coal could do all
that work, and continue It for another
two minutes. If you could utilise all the
heat It gives forth before It cruniblea
down Into white ash.
The selectmen of Ilrookllne, Mass., ara
exiierluienttng with a plan for destroy
ing mosipjltoes by moans of uiuslo
notes. The experiments are being niada
by the town bacteriological laboratory
under Supt My hen. It has been discov
ered that a certain uumlier of musical
vibrations will cause niomiultoes to ex
perience sudden and complete paraly
sis. Not only does this Intensified note
srrest the Insect In flight, but It will
hurl It from celling or wall. Also, be
cause of a strange construction of the
mosquito's auditory system It csuac
the Insect to plunge undevlatinglngly
toward the spot whence the music
Dr. Frank Snow, with a small party
of Kansas University students, has been
bug catching In southwest Arizona.
They brought bnck 15,000 specimens, all
pinned and labeled, of which some 100
are new to science, or tliese, o,-.so are
beetlea, 4,500 are flies, l.UiO are butter
flies and moths, and the rest run the
list of tiecs. wasps, bugs and Insect.
The butterflies and inoths were collect
ed at night by spreading on a tree near
the camp a mixture of beer and lnolns
.! Dr. Snow made two expeditions
during the summer vacation. The re
gents appropriated for this punoH9
fUo). Tho grand result was upward of
30,000 specimens. On the Inst trip he
secured 100 sieclmeiis of a beetle that
is catalogued to sell at 1 Ier sieclmen.
The whole collection In Kansas Univer
sity Is exceeded In the United States by
that of Harvard University alone.
V ' , '' 1 - ' ' t
5 - ' ; . j i -: - v . .
friti'k4k yJlvy'h J'-VL'stV..; & -
'lift ?''VU3WffiNT-'' V' y i U l fiti I
. . . Jm.Ihd tha mananvara In Silesia tllO Ger-
At a review uma - . -
m.n empress led ber own regiment, the cuirassiers oT
... jtm f..r,,. naat tha kaiser. The empress wore
the cuirassiers' uniform, but not the helmet which wss
Mni.rad b a Dlumea nst ine iste r.u.j,.
a .navsatMlfl Hit Cit ber own regiment of hussars,
USCU Ul M - ..la
whose uniform sho wore. The emprea. takes an active
Interest in military affairs and Is a great student of his
torical works bearing on tho wars of Europe.
Monumsnt on White Plains.
White Plains. N. Y.. Nov. 2. Amid
thf waving of flags and cheers from
S.000 people, the monument commem
orating the battle of White Plains on
Its 130th anniversary was dedicated.
The Village Park Association erected
the monument on th spot that marks
the bresst-works of General Waahlng-
ton. The stone Is of granite, and the
tablet of bronze. On the top of the
stone is tbe old mortar cannon rtn
up near the spot.
Over J.ooo children and several
Grand Army post a assisted.
Female and Child Labor In Spain.
Madrid. Nov. i. The Cabinet has
decided to Introduce a bill with the
object f ameliorating the conditions
of women and children who are com
pelled to worn tor a living.
a4 Oo I'"l
If houses for poultry are to be built
attend to the matter before cold weath
er Interferes with outside work, says
Outing. Everything should be In read
iness for your flx -k by the coming of
cold westher. U 70U UBT
rwwlv no over them snu see vuai mr,
rre In perfect repair.
In building the nt thing to do l
.-wt . proper location. The Ideal
,ne Is the south slop of a hill. The
. ..... .aa l A IM.i'- i'lwin 1 ' ii
cold winds by buliaings on the north
snd west If n lor
are at hand the north wall of the build-
lng must be made of extra thickness.
Evergreen trees n." -
.w ami I would advise planting
them for future protection, no matter
how thick you nia.e iue wans oi ,u.
'V, n,r that wbaterer looatlon
t,- n-.rfeot drainage. ThU
. ..... f the freatest Important.
ia m uir i. v s -
leading poultryinrt ree lu" -"
.... .,,, fowls originates from
n.n,n,.. than from all other causes.
More and more -smong
practical poultry grower, that
tbe best boue for fowl- consists of a
fjisl room In bl. h tbey may rrt.
Isy and remain In cold weather If they
choose to do so and a shed opening to
tbe south where tbey f"11"
sun themselves to their liking There
ehould be an o,n.ngbetween tW. . .hd
and the closed room tnrouga w-.v-
fowls may have free egress ar..
day. but which should bo clo at
night In eokl weather and for the pro-
. u,,. from Intruders. The
lection ui ii" .K.iv
shed floor should be covered with chaff.
straw or leaves to tne aeptn oi
lx Inches. If road dust or ssnd Is
mixed with It the better ine low..
bo sulteiL If grain Is scattered over
the litter the fowls will busy them
aelves scratching for It snd this open
... .,..! will be a strong factor In
rwk healthy. It will also
.it In a larger yiem ui -
Pgg-prmlnclng diet Is given In connec
tion with it
...... T..I ( tha talt.4
a,.... sal Part ! Alaaka.
nrasll has an area of 3.2-so.ooo sejusre
n. that of the United Ststes with
half of Alaska added, says the Review
n.,i..i This Is, spproxlmstely.
a i.tha f the whole of Europe, or
almost one hundred times the slse of
the mother country. Compsred even
with Australia. Ilrsxll not only holds
i... -n hut has a surplus srea that
would overlap the SUte of Texaa, while
on ber own continent ahe almost equals
tbe combined areas of the other twelve
republics and colonies, one-hslf of Ar
gentina only bsvlng to be deducted.
This will resdlly be sppsrent on con
aiiltln an stlss. ss will the euuslly
astonishing statement thst her extreme
length from north to south Is, spproxl
mstely, 3NV4 degrees, or the dlstsnce
from the northern extremity of Maine
to the coast of Venezuela.
Finally, dividing the land area of the
new world by language Into Kngiisn,
Rnanlsh and Portuguese (which In
cludes all but Ilnjtl and the small co
lonial holdings of Kranr-e, Holland and
Iienmark), we arrive at the following
remarkable facts: The United States
with Alaska, Canada, Including the
lalnmls within the great arrtle circle.
Newfoundland. Krltlsh Guinea, Hrltlsh
Honduras and the various Itrltlsh tsl
anta of the West Indies make a total
of 4! per cent of the whole; the 1
Spanish shaking reptitiiics. with Porto
Hlco, SO Ier cent Itrsxll alone making
up the remainder, or Ti per rent And
t. to the average American the Por
tuguese language Is regards! practically
as a negllbie eiuantuj. wnne many or
our exporters complacently classify
Itrn r.ll ss Spanish-French Guiana, as
too unimportant to occupy a place by
The only secret on earth Is the one
bo one knows but yourself.
Rbrvba, llerba and Flonrn IMsap-.
ptiar fur Lack of Sanllaht.
1)1 Its youth the spruce forest offem
an Inviting home to flowering plants,
both shrubs and herlis. Tho soil Is
moist and rich, consisting In large part
of decaying leaves and twig The
shade, though nearly uniform, Is not
denso and flecks of sunshine appear
everywhere lu It The light Is not
strong enough to produce a tangled un
dergrowth, hut a well-developed growth
Is found everywhere except 1" the most
shaded spots.
The layer of shrubs and bushes con
sists largely of the mountain maple,
rose and nlnelmrk, among which are
scattered birches, gooseberries, raspber
ries and viburnums. In spring the
ground Is carpeted with strawberries:.
Along the brooks white and yellow vio
lets are common and orchids are scat
tered here and there. In the summer
flowers are abundant, gentians, blue
bells, goldenrods, daisies, columbine
and pa I ii ted cupa vying with each other
in giving color to the ninss of green. I a
the shadier places low ferns abound,
while the moist soil of the shadiest
nooks Is clothed w ith mossi's and lichen.
As the forest grows older the shrnti
are the first plant to dlsapiear, be
cause of the Increasing shade. They
are followed after a few years first by
tha taller herbs and then by the other.
until only those flowers thst require)
little light are left Even these persist
only in more open spots and flnslly dl
appear and the shade becomes uniform-
A mature forest, 200 years old on
more, rarely allows even a strsy sun
beam to pass and beneath It is twilight
at noondsy. A few evergreen plrolaa
blossom In scattered groups. Cluster
of the coral root are found frequently
In hlnnm. hut this I a lesfleaa orchid
that requires little or no light Th
ground is covered with a dense lsyer
of brown spruce needles, which fumlshi
a home for toadstools and cup fungi,
and In the moister places for lichen
and mosses.
The forest has now reached Its final
stage. It may still persist In this form
for severs! hundred years. Indeed, If
It Is not removed by an accident. It U
rtimnilt to set a limit to Its age. In
any event a forest can rarely live 1.0OO
yesrs. owing to the great weight of the
tree tops ami the fact that decay la
constantly weakening the trunks. St.
The big spples, the big potstoea, th
big pumpkins, etc.. produced this year,
are entirely too big for the smsll sited
families no fashionable. Something
will have to l done to aiijust tnis air
ference In sire.
In looking yourself over, here Is a
grMl thing to rememlier: In all reason
able probsblllty, you do not know much,
therefore be cart ful In coming to con
clusions. As soon as jou eat. It s all over at a
for the market.