Hillsboro Independent HUGHES FOR GOV ERNOR OF NEW YOK. I frWWy .( tat Wt HILLSBORO. OREGON Hearst CarriesMost Cities, But Total It Against Him New York. Nov. 7. According to returns received up to an eariy nour ihla morning. Charlea E. Hughe. Re publican candidate for Governor, has been elected by 60.000 or more plural ity. Outside of Great r New YorK. la a Condensed Form lor Oapr.1,hl60e,ttc,londl8:.rlcU.n,1rl7',i,,,r- nugnes naa a piurainy ui uuui 000. In Rrcilor New York with 69 election dlatrlcta missing, w. R. Hearat, the Democratic and Independ ence League candidate, baa a plurality of 75,03. Mr. Hearat carried all the boroughs of the greater city, despite the fact that the early returns aeemed LEGISLATORS MEET PEARY WILL TRY AGAIN. Intimates GALE ON ATLANTIC NEWS OF THE WEEK Busy Headers. A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Event of the Past Week. Oregon Solcns Seeking Informa tion on Public Matters. Eastern Coast o( Canada Strew With Wrecks. Message Prom Labrador That H Not Discouraged. Lenox. Mas... Nov. -That Com mandtr Robert E. WJ encountered unusual difficulties In aearch for the North Pole w Indicated !n a telegram received today by Mori is K. Jessup, prestdt-nt of the Peary ATttlc riuh Th .lirniflcant portion or PENDLETON ENTERTAINS THEM the telegram, bo.ever. was that con- JAILORS 00 DOWN WITH BOATS laiuiug ma inilinaiiun - er Feary would as10 trr to flncl tlie North Pole. The telegram follows: "Hopedalo. Labrador, by way of Twllllngate. Newfoundland. Steamer Rooaevelt now here. Repairing rud der and stern taking ballast and awaiting arrival mall teanier to ae- Visit Washington's Jute Mill andJOre- gon State Normal School at Weston. Four Men Swept Frgm Life-Raft Many Reach Land After Ter rible Experiences. I curs coal. I "Return vnv... incessant struggle Tail la on a tour of Inspection of , ,, k.h in.t nm.,klvn. renaieion. or., un. wun ice to Cap, Torn. 7 " I - v - ' I . . . t . . . 1 Halifax, N. 8., Nov. 6. Dispatches army posts. No definite figures are yet available Oregon ahould supplant lta stove foun- Then storms and head winds to. Lab- today have been pouring into this city President Roosevelt went to Oyster as to the results with regard to the dry In the Salem prison w 1th . t. rador coast, October 23. ruddera, item bringing news of vessels wrecked or Bay and cast bis vote, returning then itate offlcer, and both Democrat, and mill was studied today la the Walla poet and two blades of propellor. fore- distress, of wires prostrated and of to Waihington. Republlcana ' are claiming victories Walla Jute plant of the Washington top mast and spanker boom; lost one damage done by gale and aea along ,, . t, , . "epuuncana are claiming vjtiun.. vtaua. ju f boat. burned all coal and aome Inter- the coasts of Nova Scotia Cape Bre- PreM, eat Roosev.l baa arranged o from Lieutenant-Governor down. .tate prison by Governor Chamberlain. ,or beam. ub' wood and blubber ton New Brunswick and Prince receive the Its chiefs at the White The in(1ca,iOD8 ,ro that the State of Oregon. S3 membera of the Oregon along coast L.m rl.TnH T , Pr,nc Kd' House and bear their troubles. win hn. little chan In i.vibi.iu. c. W. James, superintend- "Expect to communicate again from wra Four vessels were driven The Royal Hairaiiann 7a it. political make-up. ent of the Oregon penitentiary, and cnapeau uay. Au pm -. uK everymmg las been making a tour of tbe United Th t. n. tirket In others. While the lawmakers have not -" u ""i-.'l.j:"."; H,uu, un oecK w"nea u umu m jvvx. j - . . lanii viva nn i nn rm ui riaKCOl as lcii a a & Hates, isstranded in Ogden, Utah. Vow v,i, ..., win, .h .rnti0n expressed their opinion, on the io- l"r pui dbcic to tne port from . ,. . . . int fr! it la ev dent that many oi . . .... fn. "u ma me aieamer The president tias aismiwai in ois- or otto Kosaisky for General eesBions '',; : , . ivminrreii is returuiu .m. , Turret Bell, which went agr iuoui uu uuv -' " IBUUlllOnBI SUDD P 1DU 1I Itumn. .L. i,nk init la m imiuuB iu u'"ii several ions of wnaie mei mua " land last gnce a whole battalion of negro troopi Judge, Republican, has been elected. aground on ide of Prince Edward Is- n l ritnl m. nffipi acreated. James. They argue that the atove sonlng a number of dogs, otner aup- wrecit fgor making 7erog"tory ?em..ks aj.in.! State Chairman Max F. Ihmaen. of foundry brlng. to the state a revenue plies lost by breaking of Ice April. ThJ torm wag more yloIent Jq ... ' the Independence League, claims that twice as big aa a Jute mill would do, - 1 " Northumberland Strait. Two schooners lui urn i j .awiB, i i ... ... i I negrj iroop Navy yard employes were given leave of absence long enouogh to vote Hearst has been fleeted. He sent out that a Jute mill would launch the atate Chicago switchmen will go on etrik I SUard to lute last night telegrams to all Inde pendence League watchers to be on in a business which Is In large meas ure speculative and risky and liable New York. Nov. 6. Although Com mander Pearv fulled to reach the North Pole, Secretary H. L. Bridg- vnleis the railroads acecde to their de mands. It is probable that the authorities of Harvard th see, that the vote was and one bark were swept aground In this strait, and a third schooner was wrecked near the Eastern entrance. The Norwegian bark Adeona trlfd counted. New York, July 6. According to in to heavy losses because the raw pro- man 0f the pary Arctic Club, be duct from India is manipulated by a Heves that his fat in reaching farther trust; that the finished bag. would be north ought to be a aubject for Na- r 1"" " a"Daak sold to consumers nc&r ifi I . . i nm xmvani. I according to the latest lnforma- i ... i . , -.. j i" iiuiuiug iu mo luitsi lniorma thereby dUcriminatlng against others ra me nif ssage iru u ,on received here, five of the 12 men srvard will prohibit lootbail after complete returns from all over the t fa;ore(, by pr0llmUy to the plant; r Peary, announcing hla return to con8tltutlngu he7' n; 01 e present season. ,tate receIved up t0 i0:30 p. m., tbat Oregon's participation In the bus- "'"J'0": tel0?h?neMr Pear? who downed In an attempt to The H.rriman lines are building Charlea E. Hughes, the Republican iness would not regulate prices, be- happened to be In the city and the other Beven Wl wreca-prooi sieei man cars to lepiace candidate, nas been elected uovernor cause it could mane oniy n per cent "Thank find iiieir present wooden cars. 0f New York state over William Ran- of the bags used, and tbe wasningion nr8t comment A native lnnnad tha hrakoa nn rrliolph Hearst, the nominee of the Plant doubled in size could make only Brldgman with . . I ..... . I O K ro .ant rf h hflffa 11BA1 In thnl on tbe new railroad In Kenador and Democratic nartv and tne Indenend-1 " ' - " - - - reach shore were still on I turn ,1 nn.1 In ( m t . .1 . . v, . I- ma fa" waa hurl 11 " ""uiiucui unuger vi u he a "are, was nr . BV!on, 1,i0h Then she piled Mr, the car dashed down a grade and killed ence League, by approximately a plur- gtei tnat tn ch" to ,. .,. ... J r, m il would entail upon the state a Mven persons. allty of 40,000. Two years ago Gov- ppndlture of perhapB ,25.000. Juts an ex questions regarding the details of the news he bad re ceived from her husband. Mr. Brldgman told her that her hus band, while he had failed to reach the Ing swept overboard or dying from ex poaure. The tremendous seas made it Impossible for any vessels to go to her assistance. Near the same place the schooner Alexander, lumber-laden, wnt ashore. Thomas Kinsey, purser on the At lantic liner Bt. Paul, has crossed the ocean 901 times, more than any other living man. He has sailed a total ol 2,703,000 miles. Sailors who were debarred from dancing in an amusement hall at New port, K. I., have began suit against ernor Hlgglns was elected on the Re publican ticket by 80.5C0. Some doubt was expressed tonight as to the fate of the Iiomocratlc and Independence League tickets outside of Mr. Hearst, several of the New York newspapers which have been support ing Mr. Hughes declaring that Dure was a chanc for the subordinate offl- t-U .in I mv n ...u.vvv. nniA hocaiiHB nf iM had now the dis- luo "lnu"or. acnooner ome. Ined the Jut. '.ifrn, th U. after being partly dismantled by eached 87 degree. mlnutea. P ock. at T K s. ttarrrrt (ana a v a rrt mm wuu aeeu imtrni. u w uui h,in ,,,,, running, because the day was one of L pont 32 minutes nearer to the North its alternate Idle onea, the Idleness p0i0 than that reached by the Duke coming from short Jute supply. But of Abruzzl expedition in 1900. In dls- several of the 70 looms were put In cussing Peary's dash late last fall, rox Point, on the northern coast of Nova Scotia. Her crtw of four men was rescued when almost overcome by exhaustion and exposure. motion for exhibition. The visitors, beaded by Oovernor Chamberlain, the prorpietor. Rooeevelt Las contrib- cers of the Democratic and Independ- were conducted through the plant b tated $100 to b!p their case. ence League combination having been I Governor Mead and M. F. Klncald, the elected. new superintendent. Tho In f oof fl Tii ma tmAnta T I rwt f n r a I rt- i I m a. . a i i..a 1 1 1 Milwsnke. brewer, will have to pay thaV Mr" Hui' p.ramy above ZtL " "L". v n.U 11C AAA I tha inhnritavrira ti nn 14 OHO 0(10 trw-kr n.nv ..ni,.i ne aaa In th. Tahnt Rrinff rnmn.nw tn. J t" ::: Vhi J h.. .i..Mi,.Je that of stoves, does not compet - - . r V " " w,., v ... ..... ..0.Bv0 ,mu.o..( i(. - loKrt- OMa uni. if .lnaa n lerrea to them shortly before his death. In Greater Now ork will probably be 1 . ci b Batui tut:aLci iuiu tua I AAA DA AAA gj. i . iff i a. I n"iu i d,vwv iu ov.uuiy. c-irurmiiu nu iiering, me wrecsres in nnw,uvn vho,. 6.i. ui me iiiuitauKDo avpdub Dans, 01 viir i it McCarren made a bitter fight csgo, were lousy seniencea 10 inaeter- ncalnst Mr. Hearst, the latter carried minate terms ol Imprisonment, which the borough by a small plurality, prob- may ron from one to ten years. This ably 4,000. At one time It seemed that price, after he had time to study the Com mander's message more closely, Mr. Brldgman said: - - "I am sure it has been tbe ambition of every true American to see the Stars and Strip s first at the Arctic pole. And that It should be an Amer ican who should reach the farthest north is little lest gratifying. It Is evident Peary has had the same ex- market perifnee of getting on drifting Ice and being carried away from hla goal that Four of Crew Are Missing. North Sydney, N. S.. Nov. 6. The Gaspe, Que., schoonfr Torrldon. Cap tain Landon. coal laden, from this port for Gaspe was wrecked on Meiners Island yesterday and four of the crew, who boarded a raft hastily construct ed, are missing. Captain Landon and the others of the crew were rescued. The vessel is a total loss. Aftoi. viawtno tit. Ti-aiTo Ti-oiia niant I other explorers have had. Probably .,, . . . . i ' other man living would 1 the visitor, went to Weston to vlewL- w . p " hfla ,raV,nH the Normal School at that place and himself on ice that had been broken thence came to Pendleton, where they up Dy a storm and was taken in a SQUAW MEN LOSE CLAIMS. Supreme Court Decides Against 'the Whites Who Married r.hrnka. fnvni if tha IVmnirglU "J wuimnciimi AOOUVIHUUIl. iiit Alia I"" i.imiv VUIIH UI Hie UIllLtril ClIHIrB lucmv HI IUTUI Ul lll IJl IllOtrailC 1 .. ... ... . . . . , .. . U.. ..J.... Un,. IK.. .... nn Ifl 1 IL. .1 .. I .. I .u. . . . BUFFALO BILL TO RESCUE. Runners Sent by Renegades for Help to Drive Out Whites. Cody. Wyo.. Nov. 5. Colonel Wil Ham K. Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), accom panied by Colonel Breck and several members of tbe party which returned a f w day. ago from a big bear bun In the Big Horn Mountains, left here for Sheridan, Wyo., Intending to hold a conference wun tne t ie. tierore ine latter .tart on their overland march to Fort Meade, where they are to stay In charge of tbe Sixth Cavalry until spring. Notwithstanding tbe agreement which was reached at tbe conference between tbe soldiers and the Utes, there are fear, of a general uprising of all northern Indians. "Buffalo Bill," who la familiar with Indian cbaract eristics, bas been kept closely advised of the developments In tbe recent trouble., and be believes the matter will not be entirely settled by tbe arrangement which puta an end to tbe wanderings and depredations of the Ute. under Appah and Black Whisker, At the Instigation of the Utes, run ner. have ben going to all tbe tribes of tbe Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Crow., with a view of Inducing them to Join In driving tbe white, out of the land, and Colonel Cody believe, tbat steps should be taken at once to counteract efforts of these messengers to stir up revolt. On his arrival at Sheridan, Colonel Cody will confer with the military authorities a. to the exact methods of procedure. GREAT FAMINE IN CHINA. Ten Million on Verg. of Starvation- Crop, an Utter Failure. Shanghai, Nor. 5. Advices received here indicate that famine conditions of the most desperate nature prevail In the Northern part of the great Province of Klang Su, with but one ex ception tbe most fertile and valuable of many provinces of the empire. Ten millions of the total population of 21.- 000,000 in the province are reduced to stern wsnt. Crops are an utter failure and scenes of suffering that rival anything in the empire's history are reported from every point In the region. Food riots, which have been marked with much bloodshed, are reported dally. nd so far the officials have taken no steps to Telieve Istress. In fact, to prevent the rioting spreading to the cities all of the local governors have been ordered to keep the people In their homes at all hazards, and fur ther rioting bas resulted from this tep. All of the local diplomatic represen tatives have received advices from foreigners In the famlne.stricken re glon urging them to use all their In uence to have the Imperial govern' ment take steps to aid sufferers. A Presbyterian missionary who has Just returned from the rrgion declares that thousands of persons have already starved to death, and that unless Ini mediate aid Is forthcoming the death list will be appalling. IS FARTHEST NORTH Peary Expedition Makes a New Arctic Record. BUT DID NOT REACH THE POLE Gal Prevents Further Advance Re turns Short of Food, Being Forced to Eat Dogs. RECORDS OF FARTHEST NORTH. Commander Robert E. Peary, 106 g7 do i. Duko of Abruzzl 88 deg. 34 mln Frlthjof Nansen, 1896.86 deg. 14 mln Robert E. Peary. 1902.84 de 17 tni' A. W. Greeley. 1882... 83 w 9i ,i." c . . - . o. nr, isio K3 le W. E. Parry. 1827 82 dee C. F. Hall, 1870 82 deg Jullua Payer, 1871.... 82 deg. waiter Welltnan, 1889.82 deg. 20 mln. 45 mln. 11 mln. S mln. 0 mln. New York. Nov. a Tha t-i.-j States now holds the record of "far thfst north." 87 degrees 6 minutes. This feat was accomplished by Com mander Robert E. Pearv nf tho f'i.i States Navy. The Intrepid Arctic ex plorer failed to reach th nnnv niQ as he bad confidently hoped to do with his specially constructed vessel, the Roosevelt, but he pnetrated nearer to the pole than the Duke of bruzzl a expedition, which had held tha tic record 86 degrees 34 minutes. What Commander Peary did and his experiences during the past year in the north are rather hr-un h.. certainly vividly summarized In a communication received by Herbert L. Brldgeman. secretary of th PoarJ Arctic Club. This communication follows: Message From Peary. Hopedale, Labrador, via Twllllngate. N. P., Nov. 2. Herbert L. Bride. man. CINCH ON YELLOWSTONE. iHtrnniHv In reary says he Is only returning lor candidate. jiruvioiuiia uu guppiies, The Standard Oil comapny is openly fighting for control of the Illinois Central. Alice Roosevelt Longworth is making po'itics an important part of her social daties. Bodies exhnmed in Moant Calvary cemetery, Portland, are found to be petrified. After three days' persistent hunting, Presdient Rooievelt hat finally bagged a wild turkey. It is expected that records of the San Francisco mint will disclose rank grafts In that institution. A big German-American Insurance company has paid all its San Francisco fire losses and reorganised to continue in business. Tne Duke of Marlborongh finds it neceansry to practice rigid economy as a remit of his separation from bis rich American wife. At a lonely stage itatloa in the Coast mountains a dog was discovered to be gnawing a human band. Search is be ing made for the body. The authorities In New York City have maed out ten thousand orders of rrpsi, o oe reauy in cases of emer gency on election day. Congressman Hoar, a son of the late fenator Hoar, is dead. The navy Is badly In need of hospi tals on tbe 1'aclBo coast. High prices of meat la Germany mates me Uermsns vegetarians. tfteel building constructors fn New lork refuse to deal with the unions. Fifteen leaders of the recent Russian revolt have been sentenced to Siberia Loont Bonl refuses to bt lieve bis American wife really intends to divorce Dim. Norway and Sweden are disputing about tbe ownership of the Island of rpltibergeu Secretary of War Taft addressed a great aadience at Pocalello, Idaho, on law and order. Up to November 1 the number of sa loon licenses Issued in Chicago for tbe ensuing quarter was 129 less than six months sgo. By comparing finger prints a soldier in tbe penitentiary at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., bas been discovered to be an escaped murderer from England. Reecnt storms have dislodged large quantities Jof mud from the sides of Munt Vesuvius, causing damage to the railway and farms on the mountain side. Mr. ifearst has been given a major ity of nearly 70,000 In Manhattan and the Bronx. Queens county, which In cludes Long Island City, has gone for Hearst by from 6,000 to 8.000. and Richmond. Statea Island, has also given the Democratic candidate plurality. IMPORTANT RESULTS TIONS. OF ELEC- New ork Republican Governor and legislature. Probably no change in congressmen. Pennsylvania Republican Govern or; no change in Congressmen; Repub ucan Legislature. Massachusetts Republican Govern or, siate ticket and Lee s uture: no change In Congressmen. Colorado Claimed by both parties although Indicating favor Republicans; iiepurnioan Legislature. California Republican throughout Idaho Governor In doubt. Congress men and Legislature probably Repu Ucan. Montana Republican Congressmen ann majority of legislature. Illinois Republican state offices and legislature; probably no chanee in Congrf ssmen. .Nebraska Republican Governor and no change In Congressmen. w adsworth, of New York, and T?nh. cock, or Wisconsin, defeated for Con gress. over snow A heavy storm has swept France, accompanied by heavy and a tidal wave at Toulon. It is said ths rsar Is practically a prisoner of the grand dukes, who force him to acqaiesc9 to their orders. It has developed that Pan Francisco saloons which bonght their supplies from one certain firm got their licenses easier than others. A W. 0. T. TJ. speaker says there re 10,000 women and girls In Chicago working for $5 a week or les, snd there are 6,000 saloons. Telegraphs Ohio Victory. Columbus, O.. Nov. 7. At 1 o'clock this morning Senator Dick, chairman of the Slat Republican committee, sent the following telegram to Presi- flent Koosevelt and to the chairman of the Congressional committee: "Ohio Republican by not less than 75.000 and elects 17 Republican Congressmen, thre, Democrats, with one district In doubt." Chairman Garbfr, of the Iemooratlc committee, still refuses verbally to concede the election of the Republican ticket, the nearest to thn being a statement that the Republican plurality would not exceed 25,000. Democrats Are Hopeful. San Francisco, Nov. 6 Timothy fpenacy, cnairman or the Democratic State Central committee, said tonight: "We don't concede Glllett'a election. Although our reports are meagpr, it looks good for Bell. If Glllett comes to the Techapl mountains with but 7.000 plurality, as claimed by the Re publicans. Bell has been elected. We concede San Francisco to Glllett by 600. Reports from several sources In dicate a close vote In Los Angeks Spellaer ridiculed the Hennhllran claims of 15.000 plurality for Glllett in lou Angees. Gooding Loses Home County. Boise, Nov. 7. Scattering returns Indicate that a landslide haa over. taken the head of the Republican ticket in the north and central nortlona of the state. This (Ada) countv has gone against Governor Gooding by a majority of a few hundrfd. Kootenai and Latah counties In tbe north are claimed by the Democrats to be acalnst Ooodlnr. whiu Wahint.r Elmore. Boise, and other central conn- lies appear to have gone the way. same In California. San Francisco. Nov. . From mea- ger returns received from various sec. tlons of the state up to 10 p. m., Gll lett, Republican, for Governor. Is prob ably elected by about lo non m.wit with Bell, Democrat and t'nlon Iabor! econd. and Langdon, Independence League, third. At the Weston Normal School the party was gTeeted by Robert C. French, president of that institution, and was led to the assembly ball of the school where some 240 students were gathered. President French, to show that the Institution was not local high school for Weston, asked the pupils residing in Weston to arise then those whose homes were beyond the town. The latter number visibly exceeded the former. President French said afterward that of the 138 pupils In the normal department, only 22 are residents of Weston. In addition are 102 young pupils In the training department, all from Weston, their studies ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade The age of normal pupils ranges fiom 15 to 27, most of them being 17, IS and 19. uovernor cnamoeriaia spoke com mendlngly of the school, saying it would always have a place In his heart. Representative Darey, of Ma rlon, encouraged the friend of the school by declaring that It Is one of the Indispensable educational Instltu tions of Oregon. Representative Vaw ter, of Jackson, spoke the same sentl ment and Jocularly said that Governor Chamberlain's remarks had put him on record and that they would be remem bered when he should pacs upon the appropriation bill of the Republican legislature. Other speak were Senator Smith, of Umatilla, and J. H. Raley, of Pendleton. The town of Weston took an after noon holiday to receive the visitors. At the station, a mile distant from the school, numerous conveyances were waiting their arrival, to convey them up town. The keen Interest of Weston In Its normal school was evidenced bv the appreciation Its citizens showed of the visit of the Governor and the Legislators. At tonight's dinner Governor Cham. berlaln urged co-operation of Oregon and Washington for Improvement of the Columbia river and the protection of salmon. Governor Mead rennni that In Improvement of that river wasnington "ought to co-operate with your state." But he pointed out that aeauie controlled a great part of the legislative power of Washington that It was not so well Informed of the needs of ths Columbia river as It migni oe, human endurance before they gave up, firmed the decision of the Court of as Instanced by tha eating of the Claims in the case of Daniel Redbird dogs." the Chrrokee Nation and others vs. Will Teary ever make the attempt the United States, known as "the again?" - I White Man's Case." The case In I do not know. Although it wnslvolved the long-pending claims of be- said by the new)pers when he sail- twecn 2,000 and 3.000 white persons ed away that If te failed this time he to participate In the distribution of the would never try again, he never told land and funds of Cherokee Indians me that, and I was quite close to him. because of the marriage of white men to members or the tribe. The decision was favorable to the Indians. The Indians strenuously resisted the claim, contending that they had never by law recognized right of property I consider Uat one of the wonderful features of this expedition Is the fact that the Reosevelt Is coming home with the entire party despite the hard ships they have experienced. Poary proiably reached within 203 on account of Intermarriage. In pass- miles of the North Polo. He passed the Abruzzl party by about 30 miles." This was Peary's fifth attempt to reach the pols. Other sledge Journeys were made in the years 1892, 1895, 1900 and 1902. The following message of congratu lation for Commander Peary was re- Ing on the cases decided today, the Court of Claims held that the tribal lands are not communal lands, but that whites who acquired citizen ship by .marriage prior to 1875 have equal interests as Indians. In the cases of marriages Into the tribe since that time. It was held that no right celved today by Mr. Brldgman, socro- of property had been acquired except tary of the Pearv Arctic Club: by those who had paid into the com- "Peary. Care Brldeman. New York: mon fund the sum of i00. The Court Very hearty congratulations upon your of Claims also held that white hus splendid achievement. "WILLIAM S. BRUSE, "Edinburgh, Scotland." bands of Cherokee women, who have abandoned their wives, have forfeited all rights as Cherokee citizens, In eluding that of participating in the sales of Cherokee lands. Get Insurance on Dummy. Big Rapids, Mich.. Nov. 6. To prove that a wax figure rests in the grave supposedly occupied by Lafora S. Baker, alleged defaulting cashier ol Suspect Ute Treachery. Sheridan, Wyo., Nov. 6. A mrs senger arriving at Arvada from the the Northern National Bank of Big headquarters of the Tenth and Sixth Rapids, James Donovan, millionaire Cavalry reports a change In the plans, lumberman, will have the coffin ex- The Ute8 win be brougnt to Arvada i?no!u.lu' "a asserts the wax figure nrooosed. They should prepared in New lorx anu . . . ..Ho m,rw vnfn ouht K?" 1 dernea charge of TreVherV on the pan of the Ut En? ?.k"B .i"?-1 .n. C?TZLtUn believed to be the reason for tl bank looting, to tbe tune of about iZ,0UU,000. es the change. Many dissatisfied Utes still advise reslstence to removal rrotn Powder River Valley, Magoon Acts With Vigor. Havana. Nov. 6 To end the feeling of Insecurity throughout the Island, nue to tne existence or siraggnnn Murderer Dies of Terror. new YORK. Oct sn 1- Splnelll 29 years old. awaiting trial in the Tombs for the murder of a fellow-countryman, died last night The uppers oeciare tne man . r-iv. friends called to see Splnelll last week Just after another Italian had been sentenced to die In the electric chair. They told Splnelll about It He be came badly scared, could think and Lst night the keenera fnn ki .. ItnTo'uT ,n hI died in half .. ,M Still Traveler, eherldan. ffm rw . . .. nunnlng. a man ,,v,n, on oVteTc eek Lk'JI1"!?1 fro ,h Indian camo: Kann..K " v UIk1 th Chief Kannapah, who sava ti. . A prepared to fight before they will be taken back U, Utah to starve. WhS! we on' ST rlS." lD""" This Is tha 1at ..ii.lii- . Robbers Tie ths Cashier. La Salle, HI., Nov. 6. The Farm bands called into being by the recent era ft Miners' Bank of Ladd, a mining insurrection. Governor Magoon naa town, was neia up ana roouea una ordered the employment of strong LVen!na The assistant cashier, J. J. .eX,rtfherUo.1ndK;,arn3 Veseorde", Hurley, was aione In the bank ,J American troops will replace the rural two men entered and. covering him guards In the towns In which the lat- with revolvers, ordered him to throw ter are withdrawn Governor Magoon up his hands The robbers then said that he Is determined to prevent marched him Jo a back room, where horse stealing and that b nve thr bound hl,m' T.l J a persons r.utv f .m. Vffenae arrested helped themselves to the cash and and punished. escaped. The amount of their booty Will DO BI,UUU BB UMr BB WU HQ voii- I mated by the officials. Order for Ten New Csre. Omaha. N'eh vn. a Orders have been given br'th ffninn Pacific for River In Old Channel. material for ten new motor-cars, which I New york. Nov. . The Southern will be constructs t once In the nm.. hpr waa officially ad- Omaha shops. New machinery of the today tnat tne break In the Colo- value of $125,000 has been ordered to nAo RlT,r lading to the Imperial be used In the manufacture of these ValeT an(j galton Sea was effectually uiu,r cars, dui the work win noi 0io,ed by the engineers yesterday. The for the arrival of the new machinery- o)(1 channel of the river Is being rap- Construction of the ten cars now or dered will nmcAod .imiiltaneously. They will have gasoline engines of 200 uurse power. Bull. Baiting at Colon. Colon. Nov t, riebratlon of the third anniversary of the founda tion of the Republic of Fanama con tinued here today. There was a bull halting and other amusements In the afternoon, snd fireworks In ,h evn: Ing. A tbankssrlvln .r!ce was held and a reception by the Consular officer. Resdlng Road Ralsst Wages. Philadelphia Nm a The Philadel phia ft Reading Rallwar Company an nounced todav an in.an of wages of 10 per cent to all msloyes whose aiaries are less than $200 per momo. Idly scoured and will take care of the normal flow of water. The dam ann levee are nine miles In length and will be rapidly pushed to completion and will take care of the river tbove ex treme high water. Wireless From Tonopah Camp. Tonopah. Nev., Nov. t. Postmaster L. M. Mushet announced today that plans are now practically completed for wireless telegraph service between Tonopah and San Francisco. A wire less plant Is to be Installed in this camp, which It Is expected will work direct with San Francisco. French 8quadron for Jamestown. Parts, Nov. 6. France will send a squadron of warships to the opening of the Jamestown Exposition, April 26, 1907. ajor Pitcher Recommends That Com petition Be Established. Washington, Nov .5. According to the annual report of Major John Pitcher, Acting Superintendent of the Yellowstone National Park, the mo nopoly enjoyed by the Yellowstone Lake Boat Company for the transpor tation of tourists from Upper Geyser Basin to the Thumb is becoming a ser ious problem. Major Pitcher has rec ommended that competition be estab lished In some way, or that the stupe lines be permitted to operate their own boats, In order to give their rat rons the choice of boat or land trans portation to the Thumb. The Yellowstone Lake Boat com pany charges $3 a head for the trip. which is 18 miles' distance. Its rran chise expires July 21 next. Major Pit cher emphasizes his recommendation of last year that the garrison at Fort Yellowstone be Increased to a four- troop or squadron post. STEEL INDUSTRY EXPANDS. Washington. Nov. 6. A bulletin Is sued by the Department of Commerce and Labor Bays that exports of Iron and steel manufacture show an in crease of about 25 per cent In the nine months ended with September, and Imports of a similar character show also an increase of practically 25 per cent In the same period as compared with the same months of the preceding year. The growth in operations of Iron and steel, the bulletin says, was larger In the nine months ended with Sep tember. 1906. than In any correspond- Ina- neriod of our export trade. The cain In these months over the cor responding period of the preceding year was over $24,000,000. nooseveu wintered north ef Grantland, somewhat north Alert winter quarters. Went north with sledges February, via Heckla and Co lumbia. Delayed by open water be tween 84 and 85 degrees. Beyond 85 six days. "Gale disrupted Ice, destroyed cache, cut off communication with supporting bodies and drifted due east. Reached 87 degrees 6 minutes north iatltuds over ice, drifting steadily eastward. Returning ate eight dogs. Drifted eastward, delayed by open water. "Reached north coast Grantland In straitened condition. Killed musk oxen and returned along Greenland coast to ship. Two supporting parties driven on north coast Greenland. One rescued by me in starving condition. After one week recuperation on Roose velt, sledged west, completing north coast Grantland and reached other land near 100th meridian. 'homeward voyage Incessant battle with ice, storms and head winds. Roosevelt magnificent Ice fighter and seaboat. No deaths or Illness expedi tion. (Signed.) PEARY." AFTER UNION PACIFIC. Carnegie Institute Damaged. Pittsburg, Nov. 5. Fire threatened the destruction of the Carnegie Insti tute, valued at $6,000,000, and the most beautiful structure of its kind in America. The fire originated In the power room In the basement, from de fective electrical wires, and was ex tinguished after damaging the build ing to the extent of $20,000. There were many persons in the music hall of the Institution attending an organ recital when the fire was discovered. but all reached the street In safety. Blank Hand Throws Bomb. New York, Nov. 6. Unsuccessful In their attempts to blackmail FYanclsco Messina, a prosperous tailor of Brook lyn, members of the so-called Black Hand Society, so tbe police say, hurl ed a dynamite bomb against the front door of the tenement-house In which he lives and conducts his business. Damage of $8,000 to the building and surrounding property was caused. Scores of persons felt the shock of the explosion, but no one was Injured. Messina has received letters demand ing $400 to $1,000. Detectives arrest ed two men on suspicion. Mine Diamonds In Kentucky. Lexington. Ky., Nov. fj, With a view of mining diamonds In Elliott snd Carter counties, Samuel Pearson, of Scranton, Pa., and W. J. Rice, of San Juan, P. R,. have organized the Kentucky Transvaal uiamond Mining Company, with a capital of $100,000. Pearson, who spent years as an en gineer In the diamond fields of South Africa, says that the Indications for diamonds are better In Kentucky than In South Africa. Pirates Seize Launches. Hongkong. Nov. S. Reports hsve been received that Chinese pirates have seized a Brithh launch and two Chinese launches In West River and escaped with $10,000 in booty after a running fight. No casualltleg are reported. Roosevelt Order Vigorous Action By Moody Send Officials to Prison. Washington. Nov. 3. Wholesale criminal prosecutions are to be begun by the Department of Justice against high officials of the Union Pacific Coal Company and others, who are alleged to be mixed up in tbe fraudulent acquisition of vast areas of coal land in Utah and Wyoming. President Roosevelt has Interested himself personally in the land fraud cases and after a careful examination of the report of the Interstate Com merce Commission, which was made direct to him, he has turned over the papers to the Department of Justice with Instructions to act, and act vig orously, against all who were shown to have been concerned in the fraudu lent entry and fraudulent acquisition of land by the coal company and by the railroad company. B. T. Marchand, attorney for tho commission, and ex-Judge Elmer E. Thomas, of Omaha, are arranging tho evidence for presentation to the Fed eral grand Juries In at least two places. Indictments will be sought for perjury, subordination of perjury and violation of the land acts under which the coal land, valued at many mil lions of dollars. Is alleged to have been stolen from the government by tho railroad company for the use of the coal company, which It owns. Utes Depose Chief Ahpah. Sheridan ,Wyo.. Nov. 3 Chief Ah pah has been deposed. In a tribal council today the Utes expressed their dissatisfaction over their leader's con sent to a pow-wow with the whites, by deposing him and electing tho more warlike Black Whisker In his place. Black Whisker made an Impassion ed harangue, urging the me-mhers of' the tribe to fight for their right to live. He charged Ahpah with having prevented a Junction with the Chey ennes, f!00 of whom, he declared, only await the signal to come to the Utes aid. Northwest Postal Affairs. Washington, Nov. 3. Rural carriers appointed: Oregon Boyd, route 3. George E. Walston carrier, Leven E. Walston substitute; The Dalles, route 2, Dan iel Stewart carrier, John Stewart substitute. Washington Mount Vernon, route, 3. William T. Stephens carrier, Elmer R. Prltchard substitute. Washington postmasters appointed: Dewatto, Clara Barlow, vice William M. Nance, resigned: Port Stanley, John C. Rtnrler, vice F. D. Cunning ham, resigned. Smettermsn's Wages Raised. Butte, Mont.. Nov. 3. In the Eat Helena smelters of the American Smelting ft Refining Company, the wages of common laborers were raised Thursday. About 0 per cent of the force Is affected by the Increase, which will be about 7 per cent. Men work ing a ten-hour shift, getting $2 a day. 111 hereafter receive $2.25, those under the eight-hour basis receiving $2.25 to $3 25 will get 15 cents more a day. The total Increase will be about $2,000 a month. Japan's New Battleship. London. Nov. 3. The Dally Tele graph says It Is reported that Japan has decided to begin the construction of a battleship exceeding the displace ment of the Dreadnaaght by 8,000 tons.