14 WW AW HILLSBOUO. WASHINGTON COUNTV, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOV. 9, 1900. Volume 31 Number 20 Billsboro Tndepcndcnn HIVING iIThTimlis.ier7 OFFICIAL COUNTY" 1'AI'EK. OMK DOLLAR FKR YKAKIN ADVA NOB Republican in Politics. muvKKTiamu iivrki: lUy, 00 cents ao inch, singl column, for four Inter ' tiona ; reading uuiiitm, one cent a word ten Inaertlou (notliing let than 1 ceuU) ; profewiioiial carla, one Inch, uionili ; lodga card, $5 a year, pay' bin quarterly, (noticea and reaolutionr free to advertiHing lodea). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. B. TONGUE ATTOUNEY-ATLAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Rooms 3. 4 and 6. Morgan Blk W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY-AT LAW Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office: Central Block, Rooms 6 and 7. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORN EY AT LA W Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office, in Union 151k.. with H. B. Iluaton TIIOS. II. TONGUE JR. ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC ffl ; liooina 6, 4 and 5, Murttan Block Hlllaboro, Oregon. 8. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hlllaboro, Oregon. Office, upetairi, oer The Delta Drug Store. Office houra 8 to 12 ; 1 to 6, and In the evening from 7 to U o'clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. 8. P. R. R. SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Rnldance corner Third anil Main: ofllm op Mainover Dolta dru fcr; hour, B.aoiolim. I to A and 7 Mi p. ra. IVIephoua lo mutative from Delta ilrua .lore. All valla promptly ana- wared dar or Utah l. r. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Offlce: Morgan Dalley block, np atalra, room a VJ. 13 and IS. Kealdence 8. W. cor. Uaae Line and Second ate. Both 'phones. r. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hlllaboro, Oregon. Offlce: Morgan-Bailey block, up atalra with F. A. Bailey. Realdence, N. E. corner Third and Oak eta. A. B. BAILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hillsboro, Oregon. Oltloeover Bilt'i Dru HUr. Ollloa hour from t.MUi 12; l:t to a, and 7 to . KeMdeuoa I bird honm north of oily electric Htdil plant. Call" promptly attended day or Dlalit: M"tn 'phone. ept-o MARK B. BUMP, ATTORN HY-AT-LAW. Notary Public and Collections. HILLSBORO, ORE. Tree Delivery Of the best Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt and in all parts of Hillsboro. We have inaugerated a new Schedule in Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro' s popular market. Corwin & Heidel. Announcement. Having purchased the Central Meat Market, we wish to announce to former patrons and the public, that we have established a free de livery and have reduced the prices on all meats. For the best cuts nd best service possible we res pectfully solicit your patronage. EMM0TT BROS. HOPS ! Hod Growers' Samples and correspond enca solicited wifh a view to buying their hope at ruling market prices. Hans C. Wahlberg, 22 I S' Morrison St., Cor. 1st, Tortland. Telephone, Pacific M0. leca JVIeat frlarket I S. J. GALLOW AYJropriclor. kHJPn.ndyonror.lr,Plll b. d.l.T. lrTa!aip""" aolf-t-Main St., Nn-ond Door Went of Har trropf"s Fed Store. TREASURER AS TAX COLLECTOR WHAT THE COMMISSION SAYS A Bill to Be Introduced Neat Winter te Make Cevnty Treeeurere Taa Cellectere. A bill will be presented to the legislature at its next session to take the collection of county taxes out of the hands of the sheriff and put it into the office of the county treasurer. Many persons believe that a treasurer's duty is to collect taxes, pay warrants as they are pre sented, attend to the financial end of county affairs and let the sheriff do the business pertaining to the sheriffs office, while others think the present system of allowing the sheriff to collect taxes is good enough. But two states in the Uni on California and Oregon has its taxes collected by the sheriff, a strong argument in favor of mak ing a change in Oregon. A bill of this kinal will be presented to the legislature this wintet and we would ask our readers to give us their written opinion whether change will be beneficial. Leave out the question of expense to the county, lor whether such a bill passes or not there will he addition al expense in Washington county, lor the sherin s othce must be en larged if the collection of taxes con tinues in that office, for the officials are already cramped for room, and as the county is growing constantly, the business naturally increases, until it is an absolute necessity to make more room, which will have to be done in a very short time. The following from the Report of Tax Commission, bears directly on the subject. It will be found on pages 72, 73 and 74 ot that publica tion, a copy of which can be had upon request at the county clerk's office: ' Among the many suggestions which have been made to this Commiaelon by the ofTici'ie charged with duties relating to the collection of taxee, none hae been more often reiterated than that the treasurer should be made the tax collect or inatead of the sheriff. The argu ment! (or auch a change are fully and yet teraely stated in a communication to the Commiasion, made by an officer of one of the counties in this state who, has apparently given the matter thorough a,nd careful attention, and it Is here quoted as fully representing the views of this Commission upon this subject: "I am firmly of the opinion that the present law requiring the sheriff to col lect taxes does not work to the best in terests of either the public or the efficient and economical management of county government. An ideal sheriff very often has not the clerical qualifications or ex perience requisite to perform the duties of tax collector to the beat advantage. A majority of the sheriffs are chosen from among farmers and other kindred put suits, and while that class often niakea ideal peace officers, they general ly have not the qualifications to attend to the clerical duties of tax collecting and bookkeeping, and these duties are very often left almost entirely to depu ties, to the detriment of the service, and occasionally with disastrous results. (The officer mentioned is located In a county w tie re a sheriff waa found to be short in his accounts as tax collector.) "The office of sheriff and the office of tax collector each require a natural adaption entirely foreign to each other : indeed, it would be bard to find two offi ces as far apart in their requirements as to administration as the two named. "Another phase of this question, and one perhaps of more importance, is that the sheriff is very often tied down to bis deak when he should be free to attend to bis duties as peace officer or other leg al matters continually requiring his at tention. In the months of Marvb, April and September and this is true to some extent in other months 'the sher iff has absolutely all he can attend to in handling tax matters, and has no time to attend to other and outside matters, consequently such outside duties are neceasarily often neglected. "Another very serious objection to the present system of collecting taxes waa expressed verv clearly in a letter to me from a sheriff of one of the Willamette Valley counties, in which he said : 'I never could eee the use of the sheriff having to collect the taxes, then turn them right over to the treaaurer. It re quires both to give a heavy bond, and makes more work in checking optheoffi. cea. In fact, we are a back number in this respect, as we are about the only state in the Union that requires toe sher iff to collect the taxes. I waa treasurer of this county for four years, and have i been collecting taxee now for nine yean, four as deputy and five aa sheriff, and I think I know a little about the way and the person who should collect the taxes.' "If the objections to the sheriffs col lecting taxes are legitimate, the question naturally arises: what officer Is natur ally qualified to give better and more economical service to the public? The reply as naturally suggests itself that the county treasurer's offlce la bet ter equipped and county treasurers are naturally better qualified to handle the office of tax collector. The duties of treasurer and tax collector are combined in the majority of States, and unJoubt edly give better satisfaction than the system in Oregon. Another advantave in the treasure's collecting taxes over the sheriff performing that duty is that the treasurer's duties are all attended to in his office, hence giving him an oversight at all times of the transactions in bis office, while under the present system the sheriff Is often called away to attend to outside matters. "Another question which should be considered in this connection la the ad ditional risks to the county funds which the present system entails. It can not be denied that the greater number of hands through which public funds pass, the greater corresponding riaks of em beczleraent or mid use of publie funds, so that aa a consequence of a change in the tax collection ayatem such riaks would logically be cut down about one half "Hr icily, the advantage of a change iu the tax collection system would be: 1. Freeing the sheriff from the duties of the tax collector, thus giving him op. portunity to devote his time to criminal matters and other duties that properly belong to the sheriff's office. 2. Ls sening the responsibilities of the sher iff's office and decreasing that officer 1 bond without materially increasing eith er the bond or responsibility of any oth er officer. 3. Decreasing the cost of running the sheriff's office, and increas ing the salary of the county treasurer enabling the treasurer to live without the necessity of engaging In other and outside business, as at present in moat counties. 4 Increasing the efficiency of the treasurer's office as well aa the sheriff 'a office. 6. Transferring the tax collecting department from an office where it is a detriment to an olllje more in accordance with its requirements. 6. Lessening the work of checking up the various otnees wunoui necessarily ae creasing the effectiveness of such check ing. I am convinced that the sheriffs are generally in favor of a change in the sys tem of tax collection, irom letters which I have received In reply to inquiries rel ative to their views on the subject. The ratio stands more than two to one in fav or of the change from such officers aa I have heard from. An eastern Oregon sheriff writes: 'The only objection that could reason ably he urged from the sheriff's stand point is the question of compensation, as such a change would neceaaarily cut off the salary of the office. However, this should not be a serious objection, as the sheriff's financial responsibility would be greatly lessened, and his use fulness in other particulars greatly en larged.' " The statement of the writer of the fore going communication as to the views of the sheriffs of the state as have expressed to this CommiMion any opinion on the subject. Upon the adoption of this recommend ation of the Commission as embodied in the accompanying bill, no doubt read justment of the salaries of the sheriffs and treasurers thtoughout the state will be necessitated, but this the Commission submits without other recommendation than that the legislature should not over look this fact. The man who invented the barbed wire fence died in Illinois the other day. It is said he amassed a fortune of over a million as the result ol roy alties on his infernal implement of destruction and lived to be over ninety years old. It would be in teresting to have statistics of the amount of stock killed or injured by his invention, also the list of torn clothes, oaths and loss of tem per caused by the devise, which, once so poDular, is now passing. An editor, after running up against the public for a little while, printed the following, says an ex change: A man may use the mole on the back of his neck for a collar button: he may ride a lreight train to save three cents a mile; he may light the lamp with a splinter to save a match; he may stop his watch at night to save wear; use a period for semi-colon to save ink, and pas ture his grandmother's grave to save hay, but a man of this kind is a scholar and a gentleman compared to a man who will take a newspap er and when asked to pay for it put it back in the postoffice marked Refused." The first move of a spelling re form in Russia would be to take a cold chisel and knock off the ski's and vitch's. A GALA DAY AT TILLAMOOK TURNING THC FIRST SOD Fer the P. N. RiWBy..Xhe People Tarn Oet In Great Crew's 10 Celebrate. The Tillamook Headlight of Nov ember 1st has the following about turning the first sod for the P. R. & N. Railway at Tillamook: A most important and pleasing public event in the history of Tilla mook county took place on Saturday afternoon, when the first sod was turned by Mayor H. T. Botts in the construction oi the long prayed for railroad which is to give this long neglected, bottled up section of Ore gon and Coast county railroad con nections, and which will give it an opportunity to develop its vast, rich and valuable undeveloped re sources. It is not surprising that the peo- pie of Tillamook are elated on ac count of work having commenced at this end of the line, for it is going to make Tillamook county a large lumbering and manufacturing as well as a favorite summer resort. With about 40,000,000,000 feet of standing timber, waiting to be man ufactured, sawmills, box, shingle and other factories will start up in all parts of the county, giving em ployment to thousands of men. There is a bright, prosperous iut- a a i . a ure a Dead tor 1 liiamooit county, now that it is about to emerge from its long isolation to one of indsutrial activity and enterprise, and is to be brought into closer touch with Portland, the metropolis of the Northwest. The company that is to give Til- amook railroad connections is the Pacific Railway & Navigation Com pany, of which Mr, is. n. Lytie is the president 6fhe company and promoter of the road. A short time ago Mr. Lytle came here and made a proposition to the leading citizens to this effect: That if they would guarantee him free rights of way 100 feet wide and terminal grounds between this city- and Buxton, iu Washington county, he would agree to build 15 miles of road, starting from Tillamook City, and have it completed by the end of next year, and the whole line between Tilla mook City and Hillsboro, equipped and trains running not later than December 31st, 1908. This agree ment was somewhat modified, but agreed to by Mr. Lytle, the result of which he accepted the guarantee for terminal grounds in this city and rights of way to the Washing ton county line. Mr. Lytle decided to commence work forthwith, and ast week his equipment arrived. Arrangements were then made to make the occasion of turning the first ground a public event, and the honor fell on Mayor II. T. Botts. A large crowd having assembled on the ground which is to become the terminal grounds, composed of about 800 persons, Mayor Botts turned the first sod in this county that is to give Tillamook railroad connections, ana the Irequent ap plause which followed showed that the crowd was highly elated. After a lengthy speech by Mayor I. T. Botts, of Tillamcok, Engineer Geo. L. Davis was called upon for a few rematks and responded as ful ows: I assure you it affords me great leasure to see so many happy and intelligent faces here today. And I assure you you have everything to be happy for on this occasion, being the inaguration of the building of a railroad into your country a thing you have all long wanted, and ought to haye had years ago. I have been with this railroad since its inception. At first we met with many difficulties and adversi ties in a financial way, when we first began construction at Hills boro; but very fortunately, Mr. E- E. Lytle and his brother C. E. Ly tie and their associates, became in terested in the proposition. They were successful in financing this proposition, and I assure you today one and all, that the finances of this road are forthcoming with which to build it, and the only thing that Mr. Lytle waited so long for before coming to your city to make a pro position, was the work of your bum ble servant, myself, in securing a proper line with proper curves and gradings from Hillsboro to this place. This of course was not an easy task to do. We did the best we could. We worked hard all sum mer, and finally in August I came to your city with a pack on my back of about 50 pounds (which I assure you was no easy thing to do). with one ol my associates, Mr. C. M. Thomas and two others, and on that trip we thought we solved the problem of grade lines and proper curves, but it was not exactly what I wanted without making a survey. The survey was completed I think the early part of September. I so reported to Mr. E. E. and E. C. Ly tle, and soMr. Lytle came here with his brother and myself and as sistants, and a proposition to your people, which you as you ought to have done, being enterprising, ac cepted; and now it becomes our duty to fulfil our part of the con tract. Your part of the contract, ladies and gentlemen, was to procure for Mr. Lytle a right of way within your county, with terminal grounds. It was not a proposition that you thought was out of order. You ac cepted it, and now, as I said before, it becomes our duty to fulfil our part of it, and I believe that today is the commencement of such operations, and I want to say to you now that, with the assistance of the people of Tillamook and vicinity, and that of your Honorable Mayor and Provi dence, before the sun sets in the golden west on the eve of Decem ber 31st, 1908, Tillamook will lie on the railroad map of th world. I thank you one and all, ladies and gentlemen, for your attention, and also for this honor of address ing you. r ' Just before the Spanish-American war Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Davis met for the first time in St. Louis, both having arrived at the same hotel about the same time. They were introduced by a newspaper reporter who had gone to interview Mrs. Da vis, and, noticing the widow of Gen. Grant in the opposite parlor, he told Mrs. Grant of the presence of Mrs. Davis in the other room, and she immediately expressed a desire to meet the widow of the president ol the confederacy, and he arranged the introduction. The Oregon Agricultural College football team defeated the Pacific University team last Saturday by a score of 28 to o. The field was slop py and the boys played the game in a pouring rain. See McCormick's display of Tablets. There's a lot in a 6110G which after month's ot wear, needs only polish to "Look like new." You'll find comfort, ease and profit in 1 1 "la r Hamilton-brown anoes your children will want something pretty and goou. Come and see our School Shoes .flAMIplmWi 1LAC SHQE m HUGHES WINS IN NEW YORK Carries the State by 75,000 Gillott Elected in California Republicans Will Have a Lead of GS in Congress Nearly Every Stato Republican. New York, Nov. 7. According to the returns received up to an early hour this morning, Charles E. Hughes, republican candidate for governor, has beeu elected by 50,- 000 or more plurality. Outside of Greater New York, with 160 elec tion districts missing, Mr, Hughes has a plurality of about 134,000. In Greater New York, with 69 elec tion districts missing, W. R. Hearst the democratic and Independent League candidate, has a plurality of 7.S1O36. Mr. Hearst carried all the boroughs of the greater city, despite the fact that the early returns seemed to indicate that he had lost Brook lyn. The indications are that the state legislature will show little change in its political make-up. The Tammany judiciary ticket in New York county, with the excep tion of Otto Rosalsky for General Sessions Judge, republican, has been elected. The judiciary nominator's ticket was defeated. Denver, Nov. 6. There is no rea son to doubt the claim ot Chairman Vivian, of the Republican State Cen tral Committee that the entire re publican ticket has been elected in Colorado by majorities ranging from 15,000 to 30,000. It is conceded practically that the republicans have elected at least two of the three con gressmen and more than likely all three. Nearly all the republican strong holds have given increased majori ties and Pueblo county, the home of Alva Adams, democratic candi date for governor, fell far short ol the expected vote for Adams, giving him less than 1000 plurality. The most surprising leatureof the election is the comparatively small vote being returned for Lindsey and Haywood, respectively independent and socialist candidates for govern or. From all sources it was predict ed that they would cut deeply into the vote of both the old party candi dates. Democratic State Chairman Smith concedes Denver to the Republicans by 8000, but claims 10,000 democrat ic plurality in the remainder of the state. of Satisfaction the Ol No better made. No better can be made. Our guarantee goes with every pair. Our line of GROCERIES is the finest in the county. Everything nanallv carried by a. ap-to-date Grocery Hoiia. Ou ImmeoM saM n.afc. it r.ill lor m to carry .trolly lwU gooda Not a shop-worn article in th tUbf ialjiDMt. JOHN DENNIS. The old Reliable Comer Chicago, Nov. 6. The indica tions at 10 o'clock tonight are that John F. Smulski, republican, for state treasures, has been elected by a majority of from 100,000 to 125, 000. Scratching of ballots in Cook county was so extensive that returns were unucually slow, and six hours after the polls closed no definite fig ures 011 congressional results were obtained. The few retunisathaud, however, indicated the election ot the republican candidates in the Second, Third, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth districts. The next legislature, which is to elect a successor to United States .Senator Cullom, will be strongly re publican. HOWHLL ELECTED IN UTAH Salt Lake, Nov. 6. The republi cans in Utah have elected their state ticket by the usual plurality, return ing Joseph Howell to congress and electing Joseph E. Frick Justice ot the Supreme Court. In Salt Lake county, where the anti-Mormon party centered its ef forts, the result is in doubt. The Americans have a plurality of the votes in Salt Lake City, but this may be overcome by the republicans iu the county outside of the city. The democratic vote in Salt Lake City showing a falling ofTofprob" ably 30 per cent. It is estimated that 75 to yo per cent of the Mormon democrats in this county voted the republican ticket. ENTIRE TICKET IN WYOMING Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 6. The entire republican ticket, headed by Governor Brooks, has been elected by majorities of not less than 2000, and possibly more. The republi cans also elected the member of con gress and the legislature, which will elect a United States senator. DEMOCRATS GAIN ONE SEAT. Indianapolis, Nov." 7. Returns received at republican state head quarters early this morning show that the republican plurality in Ind iana will not be so large as shown by the earlier returns. It is now thought that a conservative estimate (Continued on Fourth Page.) mr t si utvj Shoe.. USOiSy , J ISA ITX.' SSI i) Grocery and Shoo Store CI