teachers:roster. List of'Teachera' employed in the schools of Washington county for the fall terms opening in September and ucio ber, 1000. Arranged by Supt. M. C. Case, Oct. 18. 1C06 Dint Nam o( Teacher Address Salary ALL 1 3 a 4 5 tt 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 1) 10 10 11 11 is 13 14 li 1.) 15 15 1ft 15 15 15 15 lti 17 18 lit saw aijt Kilt i-'Jjt !.') 27 L'.S 2:) 2U 30 31 3 SI 34 35jt Ifeijt 3'J 40 41 42 43 44 43 4tijt 47 4H 48 48 40 4!ljt 60 61 62 63 64 64 to 55jt 67 58 50 t0 l 2jt U3 4 (ill 7jt iS 410 70 71 72 73 74 75 7tl 77 7H 70 HO 81 83 4jt Hit US 8 bit 00 Ul i:ijt tt4 t5 !i H7 H7 US W lOOjt 101 jt nvijt 104jt 104jt Supt. M. C. Cue !lawrenca lUon lianiel Cochran Ixum Molherrv IMn J W Wilkerson.... Martin ISonham Kuiuia I'rilchard irr Kevertnan I'.lancbe liaxlett Clarence McCoy U W ISarnea J Mr J 8 Cane Tennessee Weatberred. I Lucy Humphreys jkthel Norman Jennie lieaniish Uone Wilcox .Mrs M Tucker IMrsM M l'ittrntrer. . .. ! Henrietta Lal'aul I I tell Young IMwin Allen IMiHS M L Conner I A L Thomas Henrietta Hear Christina Chaluiera.... Flora A Smith I A linen Keilini; il'rofJ H Wilkerson.... ISimie Jackson IKIsie Kimonson Kdua Jtmson Francis Korenseo Dora K ISaker, Ixira Footer . Merle Shannahan .Ma 11 Matteaun Julia A Hatch Mary Jameson Kli.aletli Ihiwoing.... Laura riiomaa Atrnes Vaughn J I) Moffett Klla Macy Martha Ualbreath... 1'rof II A Ball Mri II A Mall Sadie LaCompt liesme Sturuevant K.ra Iixon Helen Murray Jennie Keichle Martha Traver II II t'aget (i A TrentlHg , Willmoth Jonea Krneat Wehb Margaret Asbahr L'dith Allen lister Moo berry Not Kejiorted Not Reported Not Keported Rachel Wescott Delhi Crovl Mrs U C Woodbury Lizzie Kvranson Mary A Ewing Ida Stewart Kllie Cialbreath Not Reported , I.ydia Manchester , U M Russell , Mrs K Chris' ensea Maude Iiroomiiotid , Mary Bower Kate Konde Florence lieane Not employed a teacher. Irene ose I) H Mcintosh W W HoKtetler Mra W W Hoitetler.... Marie Hoatetler Not in tension Kail Fisher , MraM C Saltui. James Springer Mamie Ayrea Ne'tio Booth Bertha Wyss Belle 8 Chalmers..., Finely Young May Cooper , Alice Fay , Mine Jones , Margaret Bateman. . Not in seRsion , Coral Baker Mrs Mae K Mayger.. Kllen Brobdt Ralph Wann Geo 8 Yates Clara I-ovnes Otto K raim Margaret Hammond. Thomp Cone B Voite Kitthford II Vose... Lillian Harrow Not in tension Anna Newman Alma Curling Frank Fletcher I. ula Graves Blancha Rice Kate Jackson I.ydia Staehr !K in ma lloefer , . 'Kthyl O Wright.... 'Lillian Brings Wcltha Chambers.. . ;Roe Themen Gertrude Reverman Not in esnion Viola Fields Nellie Corrigan.... II Liesman , lee By era Maie. McArthur.. Fmelie Shairer.... .. I Hillaboro, Oregon ..Hillsboro, Rout 2 ,.. Cornelius, Oregon , . . Cornelius, Oreon , . . Cornelius, Oregon.' Laurel , . .; Laurel ...Cornelius ..! Forest Grove ..I'ortland, Route 2 , ..Hillaboro ... HilUboro , , . . Hillsboro ...jllillsboro .. Hillsboro .Jllillsboro ..jllillsboro ..jllillsboro .. illillaboro ..'HillHboro, Route 3 ..' Hillsboro, Route 3 .. Dilley ..Dilley ,.j(iaton . . Gaston . . Greenville .. Greenville, Route 2 . . ! Forest Grove, Route 2.. . .. j Forest G rove . .iForest Grove ,.Forett Grove . .Forest ( J rove . .Forest Grove ..Forest Grove .. Forest Grove ..i Forest Grove . .jF'orent (trove .. Gaston, Route 1 ..jHillsltoro, Route 2 ..jBeaverton, It mte 1 .Jllillsboro , . Sherwood, Route 3 . IlillslMjro, Route 3 . Sherwood, Route 3 . Sherwood, Itoute 3 . j Heaverton, Route 1 . Beaverton, Route 1 .jBeaverton, Route 1 Cornelius .'Cornelius, Route 2 .jTualatin .Tualatin . .j Forest Grove, Route 1.. .. . Gaston, Route 2 Reedville j Reedville '(tales Creek Cornelius, Route 2 Gaston, Route 1 Cornelius, Route 2 Buxton, Oregon , Beaverton, Route 3 Sherwood, Route 4 Mountain Dale.,.. Forest Grove Route 1 Hillsboro, Route 3 Greenville, Route 2 Sherwood, Route 6 Sherwood, RouteS Beaverton Beaverton Beaverton Laurel, Route 1 Anoka Laurel, Route 1 Cornelius, Route 2. Cornelius, Route 2. lullstloro, Route 4. Hillsboro, Route 4. Hillsboro, Route 1. Beaverton Hillsboro, Route 2. . Cornelius, Route 1. . Beaverton, Route 2. Scappoose, Route 1. Portland, Route 2. . . Greenville, Route 3. Gaston, Route 2. . . . Gaston, Route 1 Portland, Route 2... Cornelius Route 1.. . ,Gales Creek ........ 58 34 ft) 00 0 00 4 5 00 45 00 60 00 35 00 60 00 35 00 65 00 U5 00 tiO 00 60 00 60 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 60 00 45 00 60 00 00 IX) 41 50 00 00 40 00 M 60 60 00 45 00 85 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 53 50 75 00 60 00 60 00 (10 00 65 00 35 00 45 00 40 00 40 00 3 ) 00 45 00 M 00 60 00 60 00 45 00 60 00 45 00 60 00 3rt 00 45 00 45 00 ireenville. Route 1. Buxton Wilsonville Portland, Route 2.. . Greenville, Route 2. Huxton Cornelius, Route 2. . Kuxton Reedville laurel Hillsboro, Route 4.. Oswego, Route 1..., ...'Hillsboro, Route 3 Greenville, Route 1 , Sherwood , Sherwood Hillsboro Greenville, Route 1 Gaston, Route 1 ... Newberg, Ronte2 Beaverton, Route 3 733 Pacific Street, Portland. Mierwoml, Route 3 rorest (trove, Route 2 Forest Grove, Route 2 Forent Grove, Route 1. Newberg; Willamette '. Sherwood, Route 2. . . . Sylvan Sylvan 45 00 65 00 55 00 45 00 50 00 42 00 50 00 456o 5 00 60 01) 45 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 35 00 45 00 60 00 60 01) 42 60 65 00 40 00 65 00 00 00 45 00 40 00 35 00 45 00 4 5 00 35 00 35 00 45 00 35 00 30 00 35 00 35 00 65 00 33 33 70 00 40 00 35 00 45 00 30 00 35 00 45 00 65 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 36 00 60 00 45 00 60 00 42 60 35 00 40 00 40 00 60 00 35 00 For Sale. Black Minorcas, Illack Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rock full blooded cockerels. Inquire of R. JL Greer. Rwluud Rm4 Trie Eioar4ti ttmf U Pwilk oaat la i7 During the summer season of 1007, re duced round trip excursion rates will be In effect from the East to the Tacific Coast, Montana, Untish Loiumoia ana Aruona points. Ratee from Chicago via direct lines to North Pacific Coast points will be -5. and from Missouri river common point fCoondl Bluffs to Kansas City Inclusive) also St. Paul and Minneapolis, rates will be $60, St. Louis 6'J and Denver, Colo rado Springa and Pueblo $50. Rates to Spokane and points effected will be $5 less than to the coast. Ratee one way via California will be $13.50 higher than those above mentioned. Tickets will be on sale daily, June 1st to September 15, 1907, with final return limit ol October 31, 1S07. Account of Twenty-thir l International Christian Endeavor Convention at Seat tle, Wash., July 10th to 15th, 1007; Con vention of Baptist Y oung People L n- ion, Spokane, Wash., July 4th to 7th, 1907: Grand Lodge Indeitendent Uruer of Good Templars, Seattle, Wash.. July 16th to 22ud. 1007. rate of one lowest normal first class limited fare for round trip for direct routing with $12 50 addi tional one way through California, has been named to North Pacific Coast points and Spokane from Chicago, St. Louis, Alissourl River and Colorado points. Sale dates east of Colorado points. June 20th to June 12, 1007. west, June 21st to July 13th, 1907, final return limit September 15th, 1907 Account of Mystic Shrine Convention Los Angeles, May 9th to 11th, 1907, and Conference of German Baptist Brethren, Los Angeles or tang Beach, Calif , May 16th to 23rd, 1907, and National Eclectic Medical Association, Long Beach, Calif., June 18th to 23rd, 1907, one lowest first class fare for the round trip has been autborixed to Lot Angeles and San Francisco with 112.50 additional for tickets routed one way via Portland Sale dates, Mystic Shrine and German Baptists, April 25th to May 19ih, 190 final return limit July 31st, 1907, and for the M. E. M. association, sale dates Jnne 8th to 15th, with final return limit August 21st, 1907. Wm. McMURRAY, O. P. A., O. R. A N. and S. P. Rys. After Lop-pj...'. if l " , Purchase a fiuJ ..-or,,ent.,livippricrs. - McCurBlici'l',:""' Noi. 1 t ettlenient. rtmluHj'J? H..U.C. Nor Anal a....,. .7 r.j Mid ll. aad aid Coum,, v,' nl VooT. iu... a. lbs time 'ov- "" U : ... t al ID l OUIllT Ch. .. - Of alu ' 1 Jeoilon..uiMld'.,.ndlb. flaal-lU.. mcut of uld ((, It.d uU Uih d od". ,9U- k M Admlnl.tr.trl, rf tVt C Ntt,mu' dcvrand. AdminUtrstor1 Nottce Court of WaahlntHoi .Cn,D?J lmloUlratorof b. S.le I. berth. 'h "DdBtimnso Ha. txH-n, by tb, runoff County. Oregoo, ,lairf sdmlnUtrator of atataof Jubn K w .KnoaiiB. deod. and duly uu.litle.1 ..." Anil all proas hvln claim. aBaliuiwia art hereby notified to preaenl ihetn lu mt ti uuob'r, M lh law otllreof 8. B Hmiossn"! Benton Bowman, at Hillaboro, o,ftoa wublo ! months Trom this dale. ' IUfd Ibis (kldbe, it J03EPH BIMON. Admlulalrator 0f th Ul o( John P. Mohr. maun, B. B. Hl'8TO. ,u1 hjvTOS BOWMAN. Aliomeji for Admlulitrator. The O. R. A N. and 8. P. Railway Co.'s In Oregon, for the occasion of the Mennonite Church and Sunday School Conference, to be held at Nam pa, Ida., October 30, 31, November 1 an 1 2. 1906, will offer a rate of one and one-third third fare on the certificate plan, to Nampa, Idaho, and return via Hunting ton and 0. S. L, R. R. from all points in the above territory, provided fifty or more paying passengers of not less than 60c each have been In attendance. Wm. McMURRAY, O. P. A., S. P. and O. R. & N. R ys. i Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation which is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They re move all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vig or; cure sour stomach, nausia, head ache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discomfort, a.c. Guar anteed by all druggists. 40 oo 60 oo 40 00 37 60 55 00 65 00 30 00 K. I McCormick has Just received his first consignment of the South Bend Watch Co's., new movements. These movements are fully guaranteed and give perfect satisfaction. Quality equal to any movement on the market. Call and see them. Wanted Gentleman or lady with good relerence, to travel by rail or with a rig, for a firm of A3.000.00 capital. Salary $1,072 00 per year and expenses j salarv paid weekly and expenses ad vanced. Address, with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander. Hillsboro, Ore. no. 5 PACII U COAST ASSOCIATION OP NURSERYMEN. rlanfard. California, December 4th to loth, 194 For the above occasion a rate and one third on the certificate plan is author ised to llaiilord, Calif., and return from all points in a1ove territory, provided, however, that fifty or more passengers of not less than 50c each have been in attendance. I'nder these ' conditions detcicates and members of their families w ho have paid full fare (regular first-class limited rate) to Hanford ed at one-third fare, but in no case less than 25c, on presentation of proper S. P. certificates to aitent at Hanford on or be fore IVc. 10, l'.lW. Certificates will he' signed by the secretary of the conven tion and mar I isued on any of the five days prior to the oening day. Note If the total attendance does not e;nal the requirements, holders of cer tificates w ill be sold return tickets at regular one way rate and not at one third fare. Ws. McMURRAY, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Danger From The Plague. There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and Colds that are so prevalent, unless you take I3r. King s New Discovery for Con sumption, toughs and Colds. Mrs. f mm a. - oeo. wallr, of Forest City, Me., writes: "It's a Godsend to people living in climates where coughs and colds prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, gives wonderful re lief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 50c and i.oo. Guaran teed by all druggists. Trial bottl free. Wanted. Men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and ntevml.taa .... 1 a 1 mont. : 13 nr d for aTMnmi cA.,n 111 oe return- lJert Co., IVpt. S., 4fl 50 Jackson Boul vard, Chicago. octl9w4 A Badly Burned Girl or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is applied promptly. G. J cu.u, 01 teitonsna. Mica., says: "I use it in my family for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find it per feet." Quickest Tile cure known, 25c at all druggists. SPECIAL RATE AaaaalCoavsattoa the Fseeratloa of Worn- aa's Clubs of Orag an. For the above occasion a rate of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan is authorized by the Southern Pacific and O. R. & N. Ry's to Portland and re turn from all points in Oregon for those ishing to attend the annual convention of the Federation of Women's Clubs to be held in Portland. Ore., October 30, and November 1, 1906. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her, until six months ago, when she began taking Electric Bitters, which have com pletely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L Gilpatrick.of Danforth, Me. Great est restorative medicine on the globe Sets Stomach, Liver and Kidneys right, purifies the blood, and cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weaknes ses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic Price 50c. Guaranteed by all drug- gists. Colonist Rates. Commencing February 15th and eon tinuing daily to and Including April 7th, 1906, and from September 15th until Oo w iwo. colonist tickets will be sold from the east to points on Oreuon Line via Portland. Following are ratee from some of the principal points: From Chicago, 111 " Blooroington, 111 ' ' ' ' " Peoria, 111 " ft. Louis, M ' " Memphis, Tenn " Omaha, Neb " Kansas Citv, Mo....!!"" " ft. Joseph Mo ' " Sioux City, la "" M. 1 anl except via lower Mis souri river gateway " lenver,Colo...... Irom other points, and will apply to all Points of Oregon Lines lr' Wx, McMcrrat, General Passenger Agent. :w 00 31 NO 31 00 30 00 37 60 , 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 . 25 00 . 25 00 rriting Say People Do you want tomethinir in Vsper that is up-to-date and the latest tyle? If ,0, call at McCormlck's music .ure ana see hi. new line of paper and envelopes In fancy linen with Hill.Wo, Oregon embossed on every sheet. WANTED Bright yon men ,nd women of ood lanilliif lo prepar lir bunue nHI"". iuiiograilieni. tMHkki.-voera. .,,.1 7Li.h oiwraUira. at good alarlM. Writs U.I., for tnt Catalogue to POLYT CIHC COLLEGE 300 12th St., Oakland, Cal. Th Urir.'.t .n. ... u,.lniwil achool of neaa training, Khrthod. f ywrlllns, Mow Telpiranhv. riu cwiriu . Mocbaulcal and Mining Knirlneefil,., Mwliantoal and Archl tM'tnral Urawlna. waitofNew Vork. . -(Si)TK)ViM,(llt ie. and women of thli violnlty ahnnld u"t Ml W write lor calalogua taiiug wnaicuurw iLejpreier. SherifTa Sale. Nolle. Is httrabr givrn, that by virtue of au Iiecution. Icrr. ,ud Order of le lued out of aud luidarths aeal ul tha i-tm,.,, . .. . Staleof Oregon tor ths County of Waablufton daunt ths 17th day of .vpi-mbM. la. iu fa.or of " wm. pialutlir aud again MlouU riligorald, a wUow; Margriw Vlblrt. Jacob I'eUjreou, a.mlul.trator or lbs Mtale of A N VlbDart, daceaaad; Arthur K, I,ley, Mary C Dallay. his wlfs, U. W.hruug. w. H. Wabruug aud U. A. W shrung, partn.r. u II. W.hruug k SonsiW. N. Barrstt.ai.dW. U. W.hruug. Uu tM la bankruptcy of ths eatate of Arthur K. Pallav, a bankrupt, dsl'andanta, for tb aua ol flltD dollars eo and dliburwiuenu of aald suit and th sum o. Ou. Hundred aud Fifty Ihi. Ura, In V. B. Gold Colo with lutareat thereon from tb Wth day ot March, lu. at th rat of tan par sent par anuum and tb fnrther sum of Twuty Kir Dollars attorney's fea, du to the plaintiff, and for th funh.r sum of8Tu Hun drd aud Flftv 8U rKillara In U. 8. Gold Coin, with Interest thereon from th 2Mb day of March. 1IW. al th rat of m per ceut par annum, and tb further ium of Seventy ri Dollars attorney1 f. du to th defendaut, W. N. Barrett, and to ma directed aud delivered, Commanding me 10 make aal of th hereinafter deecrlbed real property, I bar levied upon and pursuant to aid Kxecutloa, Decree and Order of Hale. I will on Monday, th!!nd day ofOctotr, lime, at lb South door of IU Court Uoua in Hillaboro, Waahlngton County, Oregon, at th hour of ten o'clock A. M. of aald day, eU at publlo auction to th hlgheat bidder for raah In hand, all of the following deecrlbed real property, lying, being and lituat In Waahlngton Couuty, Oregon, and more particularly deecrlbed as follows, tcwlt: Th South East quarter of the South. Want quar. ter of Section 8eenn) In T. 18.il 1 w u n. lamett Meridian, eontalnins Forty (4u) acrea, lo " nereinDeior named sums aud for the coats andespenaeiofaaie aud aald writ. Said sale will be made subject to redemption at per statute of Oregou. Dated at HilUboro, Oregon this lthday ol oepiemoer iwn, J. W. CONN ELL, BherlfTof Waahlngton Couuty, Oregon By F. T. KANE, Deputy. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Executrix's Notice. Kotl e 1 hereby given that L tb underalgned. bate Imd, by the County Court of th Sut of Oregou for th County of Waahlngton, appointed eiecutrltof lh eatat of Sarah Jan Water, de ceased, and nav duly qualified aaanch. AU peraous having claims againat aald eaiale are beraby notitied lo preaent the earn to me, with proper vouchers, at th office of Wllkee Broa., Abatrartora, In Hillaboro, Oregon, within six () mouths from th dale hereof. EVA E. WILKES, EleculriS of the Eaui ot Sarah Jau Waters, deoeaaed. W. N. BAKKITT, Attorney for Eaial. fl TalK About Power i Executrix's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the underalgned has been, by the County Court of Washington Couuty, Oregon, appointed executrix ot the Last W 111 and Teataroent of Annie 8. Caldwell deceased, and sbe was duly qualified a such. ana an persons having claims agalust t'ld stat are hereby uo titled to preaent tbin to me, with proper vouchers, at th law offlc of Ben ton Bowman, In Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from th date of this nolle. Dated this September 24, lvoti. ELSIE CALDWELL. Executrix of the I .ait will and Testament of An ul 8. Caldwell, deceased. BENTON BOWMAN. Attorney for Executrix. The two greatest powers on earth are Uncle Sam and the Fairbanks Morse Engines I Hotli are always ready. w - 1 011 can see one at work at U. G. Gardner's blacksmith, John Milne's and Mr. IJent- ler's, in Hilfsboro; Jos. Cou ncil s, Glencoe; Fred Groner, Scholls; a big one at the O. C. M. Co.'s pumping station on the lualatin river below the Condenser and another at the Argus office. W1M) MILLS, PUMPS, SCALES. For particulars see or write L. W. HOUSE, Hillsboro, Executor's Notice. Nolle Is hereby given that I, the undersigned bar been, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, duly appoioted Executor ol the eatateolUeo. Wlloox, deceased and bav duly qualified aa such. All peraous having claims agaiuat aald estate, are hereby no tilled to present the same to me, with proper vouchers, at tb Law Ollloe of W. N. Barrett. In Hillaboro, Oregon, within six (6) months from lb date hereof. Dated th Is 0 ctober 1 1, 1 906. NELSON WILCOX. Executor of lh estate of Geo. Wilcox, deceased. W. N. Barrett, Attorney for Estate. Oregon. KILLthi COUGH and CURE thi LUNC8 MM THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO Caatl Cat, Canon of th Crane), lack Canon, Marshall and Ten neaaee Faaeee, and th World sFsmou, Royal Gorf For Descriptive and Illustrated Pamphlets writ lo W.C. McBRIDE, Cen. Agt is jrd St., Portland, Or. WITH Dr. King's Nov Discovery fobC Consumption OUGHS OLDS Pries 60c $1.00 Frs Trial. T7rTTTTTTT7TTt curs tor all THROAT aod I-UNO TKOVB- aS, or MONix KURATLPBROS. Hillsboro Heal Estate AND AUCTIONEER. Residence 4th and Oak Sts., Hillcboro. Money to Loan. To Chicago and the East Fast trains daily, through to Chi without change, from points n Oregon and Wasliington, via the Chicago, Union Pacihc and North western Line, the route of The Overland Limited, over the double track railway between the Missouri River and Chicago, making direct connection rhiraeo with all lines to the East. THE BEST OF CVEBYTHINO. For further is(orn''0 PPT ' . v. M0101. m" " One Dollar will -tics, pertcci .- t, . ... iases e nt yu xcmernbfr, fYeii snv "here on are worth f' nf, i.00. Of R R r T K l R' ti'i) V. strh c leaned i ".r' z "J- bf r"""'r " oUr sSf V g s a 3 Curt ti SO S 5 S" no 3 " " ft - s'S.b 2 For Sale Four lots, 1 block west of Conrt hon, will sell this elegant build ing site-cheap, and on verv easy terms, or exchange for I'ortland property. A'Mress W. C. Van Dersnl. First Nat. Bank, Portland. Or. 1 111 I I Administrator' Notice. Notlo la hereby fiven that 1, th understated. have been, ttj th County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Vt aahlnf ton County, duly apluted administrator of th mum ef John Paul Hilt brunn, deoeaaed, with tb will of Hid deceased annexed, and hav duly qualified aa such. AU persons baring claims againat aald estate, are hereby n 41fled to present tb sam to me. with proper vouchers, al my Law OfDoe lo Hillaboro, Oregor, within six moatha from tb date hereof. lled thla September 77, lsu6. W. N. BARRETT, Administrator of lh Eaui of John Paul Hllt- brunn, deoeaaed, with th will of said da- oeaaed annexed. Petition for Lipr License. In th County Court of th Bust of Oregon, Coun ty of W aahlngton. la lb natter of lb petition of Charles Roberta, to sell itiirlta- ous. Ball and vtauous liquor In laa quantities tbaa OQ gallon, lu Kaat Cedar Precinct, Waah lngton County, Hut of Oregon. To tb Honorable County Court, of Waahlng ton County: Tb underalgued, majority of the lenal voters aud resldeo la uf East Cedar Pwlurt, Washing ton County, Oregon, who bare actually resi led in said precinct thirty days Immediately piwed lug th data or signing "d filing ibU petition, respectfully pray that yon Issue to ( liarles Hub erts a lice use to sell spirituous, mall aud vlnuuu Uquorsiu leaa quanUtles than one gallon within said precinct. 1 n W irth J R C Thorn pai.n CITATION. In ths County Court of th riiat ot Oregon for Washington County. tu th Hatter of tb Guardianship of Everett Dlllaboy and Louis Dlllaboy, minora. Emm Dlllaboy, lbs duly appointed guardian of ths a bore named minora, baa filed herein ber verltled petition praying an order of tbla court authorizing bar, as such guardian, to sell tb real estate selougttig to aald mluora, aud which la particularly described aa part of th S. W. of th N. W. 'A of Dec 'A T. 1 8.R. 2W. W. U..ln Washington Couuty, Oregon, bounded by begin nlng 6.0 chs. N. from the quarter auction comer between sections 25 A 26. T. 1 8. R. W. W. M and running theno N. on section una 14.24 eh. thence 8. 87 deg. 08' E. in th center of County Koad, 8.37 oba., theno N. 88 deg. 10' E. .8 chs., theno 8. 14.02 cha, theue W. 14.25 chs. to plac of beginning, conululng 19. M acrea, mor or leaa, at public or private sale, for tb payment of th debts aud expenaea of aald guaidlanahlp aud for the support and education ol said minor. And it appearing lo lh court, from such pell tion, that it would be beneficial lo auld wards thai aald real slat be sold, as prayed therein, 11 la therefore ordered that aald petition be and lh same Is hereby set for bearing before thla court on Monday, November 12, lwus, at 10 o'clock A. M., and that ths text of kin of aald wards, and all persons Interested In aald eatats appear be tore this court at aald hearing and abow cause, If any, why a lioense should not be made for the sale o( said real estate. And 111 further ordered that this order be served upon th next of kin of said wards, and on all persons Interest' ed In said estate, by publishing a copy thereof for three successive weeks In lbs Hillaboro In dependent, a weekly newspaiwr published at Hillsboro, Oregon, ibe first publication of which copy shall be In lh lasua of said paper dated October 19, luuC. Dated October 12, 19u6. 1. W.uoODIN, County Judge. BENTON BOW MAN, Attorney for Guardian. Attest, E. J. OODMAN, Couuty Clerk. R r Potla, Walter Thorn paou. J B lleartley, C L Shaver, U San-ran, E A Eddy K'Koliuortn, E H Ureen, Wtlllaia bell N L Davis, Charles Bloat, Fay Llufb. John C W angeman, Wm Bala. Ben Day. Henry Obrtmann, lllenka Pater II Bishop, (ieo Roland. Fred Luetlri, F Murry, Louis Jurgura, D Cutbbert, L Sagert. B M Uullea, Robert 111, Wm Bpeucer, E Savag. C Flshbnck, O Kaufman, WN Moon Wm Clmlno, A Ceregblno, Larnea Keirona, H C Krauae, John Clear, I Chebak. D Ball, Willie C Hall, A Ueaaesco, A 8 Ford, A Krauae, Hermanu Pap, Jasper Hess, L Scbroeder, A Dttinith, B B Ladd, Herman Fetser, Fred Lursuian, Subscribe for Tb Independent. K F Mack F W Sagert II Saffrau, Jr E 11 Robblus Cbaa tierberger A Srhamoul Bernard Bell L llenkahey C Gobi J L Byrnm W J Carrel John Day Abba Peters Elbert Obllng George Elllgaen J110 Plotl Rolerl Wan r man Biain Huttmaun O F Larann H M Moor (i P Martin F W Srbamburg Albert HI Helurlch III Harry Peters W Sedlak Joa Ualbreath Frank Boss J Kaufman it L P Hiencer L Pulesto Jas McNulty Z T Cole W Clear 8 W Shaver W A Pullcn Oeo Ualbreath F L West A Ualbreath G Ulacchero, Lawrence Strand T R rtaraga S L W in John Sax R S Towoseud R K Henderson D E Gould Now therefor aald petll.ou will be presented to your honorable body on Wednesday, Ixhviu oer 6th, 1W.O, for a license which shall corer lh term of twelve mouths from dale of such license. A Wonder. "Crime worked a miracle with that dumb convict." "How toV "lie was sent here for uttering forjp d notes." Baltimore Americnn. Common senso Is the avernge sensi bility sud Intelliireiice of men undis turbed by Individual peculiarities. Y., II. Alger. i We Offer Sahject to prior tal S26.000 ONTARIO, OREGON 5 SEWER BON DS Denomination - - - $500.00 Population - - -Price - - - - - - 1,800 - $103.99 6 iala rest At this price the investment nets 41 Per Cent lor further partuulart writt to Bankers and Lumbermens Bank Second 6 Stark Streets Portland, Oregon "THE MILWAUKEE." "QKKIt MMITK1" Nr. i'wnl to rhlewgr.. ' OVr IH,M MTIITrllt" Omwhw to hlrrtgo ''WIl'TII W KwT I ITIITHt." Unn.nnVUvTn -hi,.,. No train in the service of any railroad in tbe world equals in equipment that of the bieao, MlMauKee St. Paul "RailWaV , They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give thdr patrons an excel- lence of service not obtainable elsewhere Berths in their sleepers are Longer, Hijrher and wider than in similar cars on other lines They protect their trains by the Block System' H. S. ROWE, General Agent 1 34 3d St.. Portland, Ore.