ft j j . 1 1 VoiA'ME 31 HILLSBOUO. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OKEGOX, FRIDAY. OCT. 20, 1900. Number 21 filllsboro Tndepcndenn IUVING BATH, JVBUsiina. OFFICIAL COUNTV PAFEK. ONK INIU.AK I'KHVKAKIN ADVAN'CK Republican in Politics. tUVfcuriMNO lUlks; l)j,lay, 00 cruti n inch, single column, fur four Inser tion; reading notWn, one cent won! ittli Insertion (nothing less than 15 cents) ; pruftwHiuiial cutIm, one inch, $1 monili ; lodge t-arda, $5 a year. Iaya ble quarterly, (notices and resolutions free to advertising lodge). PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. B. TONGUE ATTORN E.Y-AT LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Rooms 3. 4 and 6. Morgan Blk. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEV AT LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Central Hlock, Rooms 6 and 7. BENTON BOWMAN ATTORN EY-AT LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Office, In Union Illk., with H. D. Huston TIIOS. II. TONGUE JR. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Jiiioe : kooms J, 4 and 5. Morgan BlocK Hillsboro, Oregon. 8. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hillsboro, Oregon. Office, upstairs, over The Ikilta Drug Store. Office hours-8 to 12 ; 1 to tt, ami In tiie evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. B. P. R. R. SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. Rnldencx corner Third and Main; offle op lairiovar KeltartruK lr; luiiira, a.suioiJu. 1 lo 6 an.l 7 In Y u. m. Ti'lephuue lo rwKileiu from Delia dm alma. All cam prompuj a. r a rati day or nixhl. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Monjan-nalley block, op talra, rooms IV. 13 and IS. Residence 8. W. cor. Uase Line and Second sts. Both 'phones. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Morgan-Haltey block, up stairs with F. A. Bailey. Residence, N. E. corner Third and Oak sts. A. D. BAILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hillsboro, Oregon. Omooer BallfT'i lrug Xtora. Olflfa houn rnim ,) U li, 1:00 loit, and 7 to . Ueli1enot t bird hixiw nortli if city elrctrts Unlit plant, tail, promptly aituuded dar or UIkIiI. Holb 'phunea, wptf3-o MARK 11. HUMP, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Notary Public and Collections. HILLSBORO, ORE. free Delivery Of the best Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt and in all parts of Hillsboro. We have inaugerated a new Schedule in 'Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro' s popular market. Corwin & Hcidcl. Announcement. Having purchased the Central Meat Market, we wish to announce to former patrons and the public, that we have established a free de livery and have reduced the prices on all meats. For the btrst cuts and best service possible we res pectfully solicit your patronage. EMMOTT BROS. DR. A. A. BURRIS, jVIagnetic Osteopath, Hillsboro, Oregon PiaoaiH cur! without drugs or sur eery ny magnetic osteopathy, the new science of drugleaa healing. Consulta tion Ire. Office over the bakery. HOPS ! Hop Growers' Sample" n l correspond ence solicited with a view to buylrg their hops at ruling market prices. Hans C Wahlberg, aai W Morrison St., Cor. 1st, TortlanJ. Telephone, TaciCe tW. I OUTLOOK DOUBTFUL F0R AHRCST ,N SNYDIRCASE Th Widow Claims She Has Told All Sho Knows About the Caae- Not Enough to Convlet. The Portland Telegram of Mon day says of the Snyder case That Carey M. Snyder was mur dered by some one known to Georgel Perry and that Perry and a cracks man using the name of Kougers, who lives at Kansas City or in that vicinity, were implicated in the rob bery of the Forest Grove bank, is so firmly believed by the Washington county authorities that it is said warrants of arrest will be issued im mediately and the Kansas City po lice asked to take the suspects into custody. Disclosures withheld until she re ceivcd word from R. M. Suyder. her father-in-law, to talk freely, were made Saturday and yesterday to District Attorney Allen and Dep uty District Attorney Tongue, of Hillsboro, by Mrs Madge Snyder, the widow of the murdered man, and may stir those officials to action. Not only did Mrs. Snyder name Rodgers as the accomplice of Perry in the bank robbery, but she gave what is regarded as the most damag- , evidence against perry in nection with the murder of her hus band. The revelations made by Mrs. Snyder were followed by a scene in one of the rooms on the second floor of the Portland Hotel. The pretty widow took umbrage at what she regarded as a reflection by Mr. Al len on her conduct since she has been in Portland and, her face flush ing: with anger, darted at him. He held her wrists until she was calm er, explaining that he had meant no offense by the remark. During the conference, Mrs. Sny' der became suspicious and sudden ly walked to the door and opened it. Former City Detective Vaughn stood at the door, and directing him to enter the room, she shook her fist menacingly in his face and in a voice that teemed with passion de clared: "Mr. Vaughn, I understand that you have been talking about me and have said a good many things that are not nice. Now, I am only a woman and am out here without the protection of relatives, but if you say anything more about me I shall hunt you up, place a revalver at your head and let it go do you understand? And I want Mr. Allen and Mr. Tongue to hear it." Mrs. Snyder has not only informed the officials that Rodgers is the name used by the man she says as sisted Terry in the robbery of the Forest Grove bank, but she informed them that if they would look qyer the records of the Pacific States Tel ephone & Telegraph company they would find where such a person tel ephoned her husband from Portland ou the Monday or Tuesday preced ing the bank robbery. They are said to have since discovered this to be the case. "My husband told me they were trying to get him into the affair," she said, "and that Rogers was a noted cracksman, who lived in Kan sas City or near there, and was well known to Perry. Rodgers once tel ephoned my husband from Port land. What they talked about I do not know." Mrs. Snyder, relative to the mur der of her husband, made the state ment that some time before his dis appearance he loaned his revolver to Perry. It was a Smith & Wes son jScaliber special revolver. This revolver was found beside Car ey Snyder's remains, and a bullet from one of its chambers had been sent through his head. The wea pon is a powerful one, otherwise the bullet might have been imbed ded in the skull and recovered by the officials. 'Terry has said that he did not meet my husband when the latter went to Portland to meet him," said the widow. "Well, he did meet him. This revolver loaned to Perry by my husband some time be tore the bank robbery and Perry had it December 4. when my husband went to Portland to meet him. He must have seen Perry or the revolver would not have been beside the remains. There was no one else he could have procured the weapon from." Mrs. Snyder has also given the authorities other damaging evidence against Perry. She says that Per ry pawned his gold watch at Marx & Bloeh'i establishment in Port land for $33, and that the pawn cer tificate was given Carey Snyder by Perry for safe keeping. -"" "The day my husband left home to go to Portland and meet Perry," said Mrs. Snyder, "he took this nawn ticket with him. It had been keot in the uooer drawer of a bur ean, and my husband took it out, the track, but was struck and man saying: 'I might as well take this Q a horrible r, one leg ticket to Tortland and give it to being cut off, both arms broken, his Georee. I euess he has plenty of money since that Forest Grove rob bery was pulled off, and will want to take his watch out of pawn." Investigation has disclosed the fact that Perry took his watch out of pawn at Marx & Bloch s place on December 4, the day Mrs. Snyder says that her husband carried the ticket to him in this city. The delay in issuing warrants for Perry and Rodgers, it is said, is due to a belief on the part of the officials that Carey Snyder was implicated in the plot to rob the Forest Grove bank, though he may not have ac- tually taken part in the commission of the crime. Mrs. Snyder steadily denies the truth of this theory, and when asked why she had withheld such valuable information until she heard lrom her father-in-law, said: "I have told you all along that if you would take some action, I would do all I could to help you. But you have kept hanging back and done nothing until I grew dis- eusted. "How do I know that you will arrest this man? You will let him flee and then my own life will be in danger. I may be killed in order to get me out of the way at any time. My father-in-iaw said to tell you all I know, and I have done so." For a while Mrs. Snyder was so angry that she announced her inten tion of going home, subpoena or no subpoena. District Attorney Allen told her that if she would make no trouble and remain in the city until next Saturday, there would probab ly be developements that would cause her to be willing to stay here and see the affair through. She took this to mean that warrants will be issued and the authorities at Kansas City wired to arrest Perry and to try to locate Rodgers. There- upon she said she would remain in the city and not try to return to Kansas City. The Oregonian of Tuesday morn ing contains the iollowing: District Attorney Harrison Allen, of Washington county, has issued an official statement, in which he declares that he is baffled in his at- tempt to bring to justice the mur- derers of Carey M. Snyder and the robbers ot the Forest Grove bank, because the widow of the slain man refuses to impart information so ur gently sought for by the prosecu tion. Numerous sessions have been held here and in Hillsboro for the purpose of persuading Mrs. Snyder to break her long silence and give the information that would lead to arrest and prosecution of the guilty, District Attorney Allen, Deputy District Attorney Tongue and De- tective Vaughn hava used all hon- orable means to persuade Mrs. Sny- der to tell all she knows of the rob- bery and murder, but they have not resorted to "sweatbox" methods. they declare. While the case appears to be end ed. District Attorney Allen says he will not quit, but that he will make further efforts to secure information from Mrs. Snyder. Mr. Allen V.t 1 . . uMuics ucr ana t. ai. nvder l Kansas City (Mo.) millionaire, fath er of the murdered man, for the pres ent unsatisfactory situation. Throughout long sessions of un- Continued on lourth Tage.) wasi CRUSHED UNDER THE WHEELS J. H. DONALDSON KILLED. p, Attempted to Cross in front of R. A N. Train , Hof. riblf M sag sd'. On Saturday evening last at 6;io, a work train on tie Pacific Railway & Navigation Co.'s line ran over and killed James H. Donaldson, at Billings crossiag, just north of the city. Donaldson was going home, 1 .... . ...t1.1 ... ... pusning a wu. -.now on wmcn wer 'wo sack50f Ptatoe3- When be reached the track he evidently saw the train approaching, for he - rushed ahead and attempted tocioss chest ripped open and intestines, - &eart aua 1UD' "Pea Dr. A. B. Bailey and Coroner Brown were summoned and the body taken to Patterson's undertak JDg establishment where a coroners' jurv examined the remains. The coroner summoned a jury and the evidence of Charles F. Follett, engi neer: Harry L. McLaughlin, fireman; Kdward Rolling and Gar ence C. Jackson, laborers for the company, riding in on the train at the time, and August Tews, who saw the accident from the street, was an to the effect that the acci dent was unavoidable and caused by the deceased trying to cross the tracks when the train was too near him. They snore that the bell was rineiue from the time the train had heft the wood yud. and that the en gineer blew the whistle as soon as he saw Donaldson, but as the old gentleman wasiery deaf, he probab- jy did not tea it. After hearing the evidence .r.r Ltatementbv Dr Bailev. the iurVbtQuirht in a verdict that the accidebt vas unavoidable and acquitted the esginee r from any blame Mr. Donaldson ms just 58 years of age, his birthdaj being on the day of his death.' le was a native of Pennsylvania, atd when a young man went to Iowa Twenty-three years ago he came to Oregon, and for the past twelve or fourteen years has been a resided of Hillsboro. He leaves a wife and two children, the youngest of whom lives at home. The other is Mrs. John Beauchamp, of Lyle, Wash. Another daughter, Miss Carrie, died last April of con sumption. The luneral was held from the Christian church in this city on Monday, Elder Sias preach ing the sermon. The remains were interred in Odd Eellows cemetery. This is the first fatal accident that has occurred on the new railroad, and no one regrets it more than the crew who were in charge of the train last Satutday evening. The widow is in poor circumstances, it is said, and this untimely taking away of the bread-winner of the family is very unfortunate .as well as a sad calamity, and the sympathy of the community go out to the wife and daughters in tbeir time of bereave- ment To the Poor House. A Portland daily of recent date has the following: White Alfred B. Wilcox was wending his way to the County Hospital, Mrs. Wilcox was hunting up a lawyer in order to bring a suit for a divorce. And thereby hangs a tale of a father-in-law's devotion to the woman in the case. Wilcox was served with a copy of the cotn- plaint yesterday afternoon by De- puty Sheriff Kelly. Married 18 years ago at Davis, ti lived happily together until a short time ago. The husband and defen dant in the case is suffering from a peculiar affliction, having no con trolofthe muscles of his face and head when he attempts to speak, but he declares that he had no di sease at the time of his marriage. A short time ao Wilcox's father died at Cornelius, Or. His daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wilcox, had been taking care of him for months, and after the old man had passed away, it was discovered that he had willed nearly everything to her. Wilcox now declares that his wife simply wants to be rid of him so she can do as she likes with her I newly acquired wealth. He has ! employed Attorney Jay Upton to see if he does not have some lights in the matter, and the divorce pro ceedings will be contested. The Wilcoxes have three children, aged 12, 14 and 16 years. The husband is said to have sent word to his wife yesterday, before he knew that he had been sued for a divorce, that he would like to see her, but she is said to have informed him that he "needn't come around " The Wilcox whose estate is al leged to have caused domestic strife was for many years editor of the Rock County Banner, a well-known Wisconsin paper. Sixty Weeks tor $175. Don't put off until to-morrow the matter of subscribing for The Youth's Companion. The publish ers offer to send to every new sub scriber for 1907 who at once remits the subscription price, 1.75, all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1906 free. These issues will contain nearly 50 complete stories, besides the op ening chapters of Hamlin Garland's serial, "The Long Trail" all in ad dition to the 5a issues of 1907. Whatever your age, six, sixteen, or sixty, you will find The Compan ion to be your paper. It touches every worthy interest in life every interest that promotes cheerfulness, develops character, enlarges the un derstanding and instils ideas ot true patriotism. Full illustrated Announcement of The Companion tor 1907 will be sent to any address free with sam ple copies of the paper. New subscribers will receive a gift of The Companion's Four-Leaf Hanging Calendar lor 1907, litho graphed in twelve colors and gold, Subscribers who tret new sub scriptions will receive $16,290.00 in cash and many other special awards. Send lor information. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. This is how The Dalles Optimist advocates the resurrection of a lost art: "A lot of smart doctors are now saying that they can take the cussedness out of a boy by an oper ation on uis head. Our forebears used to prefotm various operations on their sons for the same purpose, the instrument being a stave or slip per or, in refined circles, a hair brush. These operations were not performed on the head! Far from it! But they were usually pretty effective! It they were repeated of- tener now there would be less cigar ette smoking, less boy criminals and less use for reform schools." There's a lot of Satisfaction in a hoe which after month's ot wear, needs only polish to "Look like new." You'll find comfort, ease and profit in tlie Hamilton-Brown Shoes your children will want something pretty and good. Come and see our School iTQNrjlQVy flCNIG 6HQE i ifj f fa if 11 4- a. m v bbv TWO TO EIGHT FEET OF SNOW IN COLORADO AND TEXAS. . Oregon Enjoying Balmy Autumn. Minnesota and Wisconsin Banked with Snow. Oregon is a most favorable coun try, for while other states are suffer ing with the severe cold and many are snow-bound, the weather here is as warm as May. Not a flake of snow has fallen thus far this year and we have had but three frosts, none of which has done any dam age. The snow storm east of the mountains which began last Friday lasted for several days and was sev ere throughout Kastern Colorado, Southern Wyoming, Northern New Mexico, Western Texas and West ern Kansas and Nebraska. It is said to be the heaviest October snowstorm of which there is any re cord. The total snowfall in Denver was 27 inches. The temperature hovered around the freezing mark, though comaratively little damage has been done. According to stock men who are in Denver, the cattle on the ranges will not suffer greatly as a result of the storm. They are said to be in excellent condition and well able to withstand a hard storm. Trains on both the mountain and prairie roads were greatly delayed and some city streets were rendeied almost impassable. At Deluth, Minn., it is reported that from 6 to 8 feet of snow fell and railroad travel was delayed for many hours. The actual fall of snow in Denver last Friday night was 27 inches, but in some portions of the state it was four feet or more. Four feet of snow is reported on the track at Lincoln, Colo., a high gale blowing, drifting the snow badly. A dispatch from Cheyenne datec October 23 says Wyoming is in the grasp of the worst blizzard in the history ot the state. Old timers concede they have never seen any thing to equal the present storm, which has raged for four days. All railroad lines out of Cheyene were blocked today. Eleven hundred Rock Island pas sengers are snow bound at Limon, Colby and Genoa, Colo. No freights are moving and snowplows are working day and night. All pas senger trains on the Union Pacific have been tied up for two days at Cheyenne, Wyo., and Sidney, Neb. In Colorado and Wyoming snow covers the ground at depths ranging from 20 inches to 6 feet. All rail road lines in the state are blocked. Do not forget that you can get school supplies at McCormick's muHic store. Everything in school supplies except I school books. Shoes No better made. No better can be made. Our guarantee goes with every pair Our line of GROCERIES is the finest in the county. Everything usually carried by an ap-to-iate Grornr Honse. Ou immToaesalMu.ak-itrKHrtt.lslofMtoearry Str.eUj Ima goods Not a shop worn article in th establishment. TOHN DENNIS. The old Reliable Corner going to "do up" Jouathao Bourne for the Unit ed States senator. That's the way it looked from the start. Fire destroyed the Chamber of Commerce building at Kansas City, Kan., Weduesday morning. Sev eral lives were lost and fifty people injured. Loss on the building is placed at $60,000. Hello! Ia this Hillsboro? Please tell the people of the good time the Cougregatioualists are go ing to give to all at Wehrung's Hall, Hallowe'en. Supper at 6 o'clock, 25 cents. Entertainment at 8 o'clock, 10 cents admission to those who take supper tickets lor enter tainment. Look out for the fine Hallowe'en games. W. II. Scott of Scowins Valley was in town Friday inuuiritiK if snylnxly wanted any bear. He has killed or helped killed ton this summer and wants a couple more to make an even dozen. Moat of them he has killed for sport, hut one last week because it was necessary. He was going along a path in the woods when a bear came rushing at bim not more tlmn thirty feet away, when he first saw it. He had his gun on his shoulder hut no shall in it. By the time he got a shell in and a bead on the beast it was close on bim. Fortunately the first shot did the business and bruin dropped so near that be could reach it with bis gun. If our bear killing presi dent wants to get some game he ought to come out here to Oregon. Scott says he will guarantee to find bim a bear any day. Forest Gro-e Times. Tablets I Tablets I Tablets I At MeCormidt'a. For Rent. Farm H5 acres in Shady Brook, Sg miles north ofGlencoe; 05 acres in cul tivation, 35 In pasture; mile from a milk route, j mile from school. Inquire at this office. ocl'idpd The Designer For November. In The Designer for November is to be found, in addition to the many designs for winter apparel for ladies and young folks, a special article "For Those Who Wear Mourning;" another on "Riding Habits" and still a third on "Fashionable Furs''; all beautifully illustrated. "The Outdoor Baby in Winter" will please not only the mothers but the child ren, and "Leather Treatment for the Library" offers novel sugges tions for the use of the pyrographic needle. There are three capital Thanksgiving stories, and some ex cellent bits of Thanksgiving verse. Lessons in sewing, millinery, lace- work, embroidery and knitting are given, and there are two pages filled with designs for home-made Christ mas gifts. "Fashions and Fabrics," "Fashionable Frivolities," "Toilet- Table Chat," ''Etiquette Hints" and "Floriculture Talks" are among the many other good things supplied by authentic specialty writers, while the departments edited by The De signer readers "What Women are Doing," "Helps Along the Way," and "The Mothers Advisory Club' are lairly tingling with lively per sonal interest. - ki Grocery and Shoo Store And now they ar