Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 09, 1906, Image 3

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'H'TK. ftOKTH.
No. 2. Na 1.
M 4 31 p. m
No. No. a,
Mem 7:14 a. m.
Korwit (5 rove.
Omieliu. . . .
liaaverton. . . .
Conibliu. . . . ,
Kurewt Grove.
HO tioiNQ auuTU.
12:: p. iu.
12:36 p. in.
12:45 p. in.
12:.'7 p. in.
1 :07 p. m.
1:50 p. m.
i ..10:45 p. in.
Ut'Jttp. in,
1 1 :3y p. hi.
.11:64 p. in.
12:01 a. m.
12:05 a. m.
Thin train will run daily axcept Sun
Jay, aud service will be maintained aa
long an i ho busintm will justify. Thli
will be a local ianHeng-i;r traiu oi subur
ban nature ami will nut carry a baggage
II. A. IIikmh aw, Agent.
- Freeh vegetable! at Cate'a Market.
Iku't forget to register. Do it now.
Subscribe (or Tb Independent.
All kind of pickles in bulk.
Cate'a Market.
Den of Sweet for Home-Made Can
Cate'a Market ia headquarter for
Olympic Flour.
The fluent Ball herring you ever law,
25c a dozen, at Messinger'.
nr Flour Sacki for Hale at 25 cents a
dozen at the City Hakery.
For Home Made CanJie go to the
Ien of fcweeta, auccerior to L. P. Hel
del. Field, Garden and Flower Seed for
ale at H. II. Ureer'a. All kindi and a
full atock.
Every aeat In the Creacent-Theatre' in
a good aeat. "The Chrintian," Wed net
day night, March 21.
J. C. Gruer handle! the Til-Kenney
dress ihoea for men. When you want
oinething nice get a pair of theee alioei.
The boya of the Y. M. C. will giva a
banket aocial and pantomime thla even
ing iu Grange hall. All invited; bring
Dr. Eaton will 1 at Hotel Tualatin
on Tuenday and Friday of each week
from 1 to 6 o'clock p. in.
County Clerk (lodman iniued a mar
riage license on Monday to Barney
Raumeister and Eltnora Robaon, both
of Middleton.
For Pale. New Commercial Visible
Type writer; usd but little and in good
condition; oak carrying caae; will aell
cheap if taken at once. For price, ad
dress J. W. Neun, Laurel, Ore.
One hundred and fifty seats were aold
for "The Christian" on the first day the
sale of tickets opened. Get your seats
at once. Crescent Theatre, Wednesday
night, March 21.
Mrs. Eva B. Tillibury, a special re
porter for the Pacific Christian Advo
cate, was in the city last Saturday in
the intere-t of that publication which
is just about to issue a special edition, a
large part of which will be devoted, to
Hillsboro and its Interests. Thla edi
tion will be handsomely Illustrated and
will contain much original information
concerning this city and our people.
W. P. Tucker Las Just added to his
circulating library a large number of
new books by popular authors, including
Dickons, Roe, Holme, and many othera.
These hooka are loaned out to members
of the library only, and upon tha pay
ment of 1 anyone can Join tha club and
have access to over 200 standard work.
Call at the Delta Drug store and Mr.
Tucker will gladly tell you how to be
come a member.
Tha Climax Milling Co. has Just io
st ailed new machinery for ageing and
purifying their flour. The flour made
by tha use of this machine ia not only
white, but make lighter loave and ha
a better taste. The Mom Rosa ia supe
rior to any other Valley flour, and tha
Great Riser is just aa good, or better,
than other hard wheat flour that cost
you from 10 to 20 cent more on the
sack. Every aack guaranteed.
Climax Milling Co.
"Tha Christian" will be played at tha
Cresotnt Theatra on Wednesday night,
March 21. Thla 1 a sUge version of
the famous novel of Hal Came, the au
thor from the Isl of Man, which creat
ad such a sensation in tha Eat and
London. "The Christian" tella th
l..- nf John Storm, a young man who
ralinquUhea wealth and position in tha
1 i .iu:.i 1
wish to uplift the poor ami
Fa -.intra blot have hd mora dramatic
scenes than "Tha Christian," and the
...iiitvt ninttrr ia such as appeals to the
bettei nature ol mankinJ. An excellmt
company of playera has been ennagea
for this production, headed by Lillian
Iwrenca and John e-alnpoli.
tl. iik Sol School 8! oe at J. C.
Graer's. Just th thing for tha little
W pay 3 per cent Interaet compound
ad three times a year.
Hillsboro Cowmrcil Bank.
One week from tomorrow ia Pt. Pat
ricks Day.
St. Patrick' Day dance at the Opera
House, March 17th.
Olympic Flour, tha best flour on the
market, at R. H. Greer'a.
Potatoes ara now soiling for 25c per
bushel in Wisconsin.
For the choicest meats, cold storage,
go to Cate'a Market.
Swatland'e Ie Cream Saturday even-
inn and Sunday at Walker'a, successor
to F. D. Adams. .
A splendid time la promised those
who attend tha St. Patrick's Day dance
at tha opera house.
Th Portland Front street franchise is
to be settled today or sometime so
saya the council of that city. .
Mia Susan B. Anthony who I seri
ously ill with pneumonia at her borne
in Rochester, N. Y., is reported to be
Improving (lightly.
Trimming and spraying fruit trees 1
still the order of the day. though tha
bud ara getting so far along that it will
scarcely be safe to do so much longer.
At a meeting held by th graduating
class Wednesday afternoon, tha officer
elected were, president Earl Hobba ; sec
retary Grace Delchman; treasurer, Ce
celia Greer.
The old buildimr on 8econd street.
used for many yeara as a blacksmith
shop by Jo. Down, Is being rebuilt and
when completed will be occupied as a
nw grocery store.
Prof. Barnea ha decided on Juue 7th
a the data for th b'mh school graduat
ing exercise, which will be hold in the
Crescent. There will be a a clasa of
about fifteen this year, and the students
are commencing to consider the subject
for their essays.
R. Cava has imtt received a fine stock
of Griffon k Sextou Co., Universal
Ranges, the best range on the market
today. If you want something that will
wear, do the work aud make the wife
happy, call and see this range.
If ia said that Lata Peuce has about
eighty men at work near Dairy creek,
between Cornelius and Hillsboro, build
ing camp aud getting ready to dig the
bin ditch from Dairy creek to Portland,
and if he can get them, 1,000 laborers
will be put to work next week.
The Annual Grange County Conven
tion, which 1 held every year in this
city, will meet tomorrow at the Grange
Hall. It is expected that there will be
a large attendance, as many from the re
mote parts of tha county will coma in to
pay their taxes on that date and also at
tend the meeting. Dinner will be aerved
at noon.
Joy Hulitt, aged 2ti, died at hi horn
in Newberg last Tueaday and the re
main were taken to Laurel on Wednes
day for burial. Mr. Hulitt married Miss
Iva Znmwalt. of this city, last auinmar,
and they went to Newberg to live. She
will return to thi city and make her
home with her parent. Mr. Hulitt's
death waa caused by typhoid fever.
T. M. KelloiM. of Lewiston. Idaho, Is
in the city, a guest of F. M. Heidel. The
two were school boy together and Mr.
Kellogg waa in tha same regiment with
Mr. Heidel' brother during the Civil
war. Ha la an extensive traveler ami
ha bought and told land in almost ev
ery state in the Union, and saya Wash
ington county will hold its own with any
state ha ha aver visited. He is so well
pleased with the condition here that he
ha decided to locate.
Mr.:V. P. Tucker and her ister en
tertained a few friends last Wednesday
evening and a moat enjoyable time is
renorted. Progressive whist wa played
after which refreshments were served.
Thoee present were Misses Stella Boa-
cow, Alice Merryman, Elisabeth Smith,
Elizabeth Milne, Anna Chalmers. Maud
Wllaon, Ethel Pierce, Mra. Tucker and
Messrr. W. W. Boacow, Willis Ireland,
Chas. Lamkin, W. E. Pittenger, and Mr.
Tha city election at Beaverton was a
source of much excitement. While the
umher of votes cast did not make a
large toUl, the conteat wa unusually
warm. After the vote bad been polled in
tha evenine. and the winning aide noti
fied of th result, a general celebration
took plac. Geo. Thyng had a few fire
work left ovr from last Fourth ot July,
and these were aet off. Tha church
bells war wrung.'and the newly elected
officer "aet 'em op-' to the bovs. Re
port baa it that one church wa held up
hile a prayr meeting was going on,
.n.l while a prayer was In pi ogress, aome
boys seised tha bel-ropa and sent the
lad tiding out through the root. Any-
. . i n .
way, it S all OVr now anu nmnwn
ia regained lU equilibrium.
Ever Jacobaen. of Gale Creek, haa
commenced proreedinga in the circuit
rrtiirl for a divorce from hi wile Bertha,
lleging, among other things, that h
ia for tha past three yeara been guilty
Af rrnel and inhuman treatment toward
him, ha Inflicted gros personal indig
.u:n.n Mm. and filled his life with
gloom and made it altogether an un
hannv dream, or words to that eneci
That for tha length of time stated, ah
haa ffuMid to accept hi bread or occupy
hi. bed: that he I a cripple and ha
been under the care of a physician lot a
long time and ha not had th ate oi
i.u hands or arm. and while taking
treatment has been obliged to b away
from bom a food hare of th time, and
thai on or about th Happy New Year
lime h came hom, but wa told that
I.;, ihaenca would make good company
nd tha beat thing h eould do would b
to fly th coop. For all thi trouble h
atk th court to giv him freedom. As
there ara no property Interest, he asks
for fcone. Tha couple were married at
Crwek March 1. 1, mJ av
two girl and on boy, , and 6 year
,of age.
Fresh candy every day at the Da of
Boy' and Men' extra quality, Good
year rubbers for sal by J. C. Greer.
Fine celery and lettuce at
Cat' Market.
Bou-flre and general spring cleaning
up ar now holding full sway.
Don't forget the St. Patrick' Day
dance at tha opera house, March 17.
Egbert Fonda waa up from Scholls
a couple of day thi week.
Fred Adam baa moved back into hi
hom on Firtt street th past week.
Mia SchmelUe. of Forest Grove, Is
th guest of Mr. U. O. Gardner,
Th Van Cleve company played to fair
houses three night last week at the
Remember the St. Patrick' Day dance
at the opera house in thla city, Saturday
evening, March 17.
First clas line of Boy' and Men'
heavy work shoe. Will stand all kinds
ot wear and tear. J. C. Greer.
The city council- baa contracted for
1.200 cord of wood at $2.40 a cord, 20c
accord' mora than last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Swalley, of Reedvllle,
visited with old friends in this city Mon
day. They will tart for their new
home in California next week.
The Ladi' Political Study Club will
meet with Mr. W. D. Hare nxt Tues
day afternoon a 3 o'clock. Subject for
study, "Amendments to the Constitu
Tha Ladies Mitatenery Society oi the
Congregational church held a very suc
cessful meeting at tha home of Mr. F.
A. Bailey Wednesday afternoon, which
wa attended by thirty member.
The new officer elected at the Coffee
club, held at the home ot Mra. J. W.
Sewell last Saturday afternoon are, Mrs.
J. P. Taiuiesie, president; Mrs. L. E.
Wilkes, vice-president; Mrs. J. u.
Wilkes, treasurer, and Mr. L. A. Long,
The annual meeting of tha Coffee club
held at.the home of Mr. J. A. Imbrie
Tuesday evening was one of tha moat
ujoyable ever held by th society and
wa attended by about thirty members
and their husbands. Whist and other
games occupied the hours, closlug with
an elaborate lunch.
Mr. Kate Reynold fell on the walk
iu front of her residence on First street
last Saturday morning and fractured her
right arm Just below the elbow. The
same arm waa broken a number of years
ago in the same plac. Though tha in
jury ia now quite painful, it ia hoped no
serious result will follow. Her daugh
ter, Mr. Thomas, ot Portland, is her to
car for hr mother, and will remain un
til different arrangement can be mad.
Th door were ctoeed against Dr.
I) ....1 - Cam.., ilmnwM lata wnalr anil
1WIWI.I.VIVDI UIV?. ! " t '
bia ahowdfdn't show. W stated last
week that the Dr. refunded the door re
ceipts, which was a mistake. The Cres
cent company did the refunding. Not
wishing to saying anything unkind
about th "famous" doctor, truth com
pel Is us to say that his entertainment
was very bam.
C. F. Miller, the Forest Grove druggist
who was arrested for selling liquor some
time ago, had a hearing before Walter
Hog, the new recorder, and waa sen
tenced to pay a fine of 30 and cost.
E. B. Tongue, of thia city, haa appealed
tha caae to th circuit court on th
ground that a tha defendant had been
tried once before on the ama charge
and acquitted, h could not b legally
plat e in Jeopardy again for th same
offense. Miller waa tried before Re
corder Clark of Forest Grove about a
month ago and acquitted.
Boy' and Men'a extra quality, Good
year rubber for sale by J. C. Greer.
Reedville preaching service nest Bab-
bath at 3 :30 o'clock.
A. Robinson, Pastor.
Tualatin Plain Presbyterian church
next Sabbath morning, subject: "What
Wa Owe to Each Other."
Tha Thirty-third Anniversary of tha
of tha organization of tha Tualatin
Plains Presbyterian, church, and tha an
nual meeting will be held in tha ehurch
next Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
An interesting program of music, ad
dresses and recitation is being prepared.
Lunch will be served In tha chapel at
the noon hour, after which tha business
of the annual meeting will be conducted.
It is expected that every member ol the
church and congregation will be present
if possible. A cordial invitation ia x
tended to all friends interested in th
Tried to Commit Suicide.
On Wednesday afternoon about 2
o'clock Ben Osata, the Jap w ho ia in
the county jail awaiting trial (or stealing
money entrusted to him to pay off the
railroad laborer, attempted to end bis
life by strangulation, and tha attempt
would have proven entirely successful
bad not Mrs. Willis, an inmate of the
jail, given the alarm. Mrs. Willis heard
a commotion in the cell occupied by the
Jap. and thinking he waa having a fit,
attracted the attention of the sherff's
force by pounding ou tha door. Deputy
Kane hastened in and found Osata curl
ed upon the cot, groaning a if in
great pain. His shirt waa thrown up
over bis head and hia hands wer tug
ging at the ends of a rope made of a two
inch strip of bed blanket tied about his
neck and knotted with a regular Japan
anse noose, with a knot at the back of his
neck. The Jap waa aa black aa a coal in
tha face, which was horribly bloated
and both eyes were nearly bursting from
their sockets. Mr. Kane unloosened th
rope from tha neck of tha almost uncon
scious man and sent for mmiical help.
Dra. A. B. and K J, Bailey arrived in a
few moment and worked over him for
half an hour, when he wa pronounced
out of danger. It wa a pretty cloae call
tor Ben Osata, and but tor the alarm
turned in by Mr. Willi and the prompt
action of Mr. Kane, there would have
been a funeral instead of a trial at the
next term ot th circuit court. After
th Jap wa pronounced out of danger,
he was securely atrapped to hia cot, so
that there is little danger of hi attempt
ing to repeat the act. He is very peni
tent now and say he will not try it
ugin. lathe bed with the would-be
suicide waa found an open knife, the
hand of which was wound with a hand
kerchief, and it Is evident he intended to
ase this weapon, it ha failed with the
rope. It is certain the attempt at self
destruction wa determined, for the
bed-blauket rope about the Jap's
throat was drawn so tight that the knot
at the back of hi neck had torn the
kin off. Osata left four letters, on to
ton tie!) and Kane, written In English,
and the others to friends, w ritten in
Japanese. The first one follows, ver
batim :
Messer Coniwll A Kane
I have no excuse for I made you such
bother But I can not live any longer or
I do not want to because I am hope
less and I have no light on my life way.
I remained my writing to those three
Japanese on other coppies for which I
auk you will hand or send to them.
Yours truly, BEN OSATA.
Regular service at the Congregational
church next Sunday aa usual. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. Preachinc at 11 M,
subject: "Blessed ara the Poor in Spirit."
Y. P. C. E. S. at 7: 00. Evening subject
"Counting tha Cot."
Howard Oilpatrick, Pastor.
An Eaatern Physician
Declare th peopl ot thi country are
going Intan for want ol rest. Another
physician state that candy la a car lor
fatigue. Consequently, when yon are
tired and tear aa attack of insanity, buy
a box of sweets. Evening Telegram.
And if you buy tha candy at tha Den
of Sweet on Main street, L. P. Heldel's
old stand, you ar sure ol getting the
very bet home mad candle in the
Estate ot Sirwell Fuller, deceased ; pe
tition filed for an order to con firm sale
of real estate ; sale confirmed and ad
ministrator directed to execute and de
liver to the purchaser a good and suffi
cient conveyance.
Estate of Ludwig Holtz, deceased;
final account filed, and Monday, April
0, at 10 a. m., is the time set for hearing
objections to final report and settlement.
Estate of Elizabeth Freeman, deceas
ed; report and account filed, approved
and allowed.
Estate of France McPherson, deceas
ed; final account and report filed, ad
ministrator and bondsmen discharged
and estate closed of record.
Estate of James P- Sample, deceased ;
petition filed asking that tha estate be
admitted to probate; petition granted,
and Lizzie Sample appointed adminis
trator, with bond fixed at f 10,000; bond
filed and approved, and Geo. Schulmer
ich, W. O. Donelson and E. I. Kuratli
named as appraisers.
Estate ot Martin Sanberg, deceased;
the Hillsboro Commercial Bank being
principal creditor, Geo. Schulmerich,
appointed administrator, with bond
fixed at 12,000.
Estate of Martha Colfelt, deceased;
petition filed asking that estate be ad
mitted to probate; petition granted and
Julius Colfelt named as administrator,
with bond fixed at (100.
Estate of Maitin Sanberg, deceased ;
bond filed and approved ; ordered that
letters of administration be issued and
O.H.Wilcox, II. T. Bagley and II. T.
Rassemussen be appointed appraiser
from Washington county, W. A. Manly,
P. P. Dabuey and T. T. Burkhart ap
praisers for Multnomah county and C.
A. Johns, W iu. Smith and F. N.Saxton,
appraisers for Baker county.
Estate ot David Monroe, deceased;
final account and report filed; Monday,
April IS, at 10 oclock a. m set for final
Last will and testament of Hiram
Mizner, decAed ; will filed and petition
that said will and codicile be admitted to
probate; will and codicile proven in
open court, and admitted to probate.
George E. Mizner appointed executor
to serve without bond. T. G. Todd, J.
M. Hiatt and E. W. Lamb named a ap
A Scientific Wonder.
The cures that stand to it credit
make Bucklen' Arnica Salve a scienti
fic wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford,
lecturer for Patron of Husbandry,
Waynesboro, Ta., of a distressing case
of Piles. It heals tha worst Burns,
Sores, Boils, Ulcer, Cut, Wounds,
Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c
at all drug stores.
Tree 8pray.
When yon want tree spray, take
t u.' r 1 1 '. it. i.
th barrel. Positively kill San
cale, and every other peat usually
on fruit tree, rot buahea, etc.
"A Piece of Land.''
A northern Wisconsin Journal urging
iu readers to acquire title to a "piece of
land," point out that each year th
pric of land ia appreciating and that
no better or safer investment ran t
tound than in real estat holding.
It ia good advice. The world ia not
growing larger. Tha (apply of land is
fixed. Th demand lor land ! growing
and will continu to grow aa th popu
lation increase. Thoee that do not own
land mutt pay for the privilege of living
oa land to the owner ol th land. Tb
mar person there ar competing lor
the privilege th grUr th return of
th land owner.
County Commiaaionera.
Th county conimwvioners ar in tea
sion and will probably not adjourn un
til tomorrow. The proceedings up to
the tiui of going to pres and th bill
allowed, follow:
Petition of Joseph Holder for li.juor
license was denied because the remon
strance contained more legal voters than
the petition.
The bM of John McNamer for leasing
a county road, was accepted and a fran
chise granted him, with restrictions to
be made by the court.
Th petition of Sax et al. waa with-
drawn by consent, for th reason he be
lieved the remonstrance contained ruor
name than the petition.
The petition of H. G. Kruger et al for
tha location of a county road wa re
ferred to the deputy district attorney,
who decided that the petition doe not
giv th court jurisdiction.
Th petition of George R. Bagley to
lay a pipe Una on a public atreet was
It is ordered that all bonds of th sev
eral supervisor now on CI be approve
Tha appointment of L. E. Wilkes aa
deputy aurveyor waa confirmed.
R. B. Porter waa allowed :t5(l, rebate
on taxea wrongfully assessed.
Tha petition of Thomas Howe for th
vacation ot streets and lota waa granted.
Max Burgholzer waa appointed deputy
Th report of E. J. Godman, county
clerk wa approved ; receipt, $161.50.
J. B. McPherson' appointment as
deputy assessor was approved.
E. P. Corneliua' appointment aa dep
uty sheriff waa approved.
It appearing that the petitioners for
an appropriation for th purchase of
land for a public road have subscribed
tha sum of f 05, the court adds to the ap
propriation :t5 50 on petition of Theo
Report of E. I. Kuratli, recorder, re
ceived and approved ; receipts, $233.80.
In the Clause and Wilhelmina Jess'
petition for road of public easement,
Wm. Bagley, Sr., and T. R. Davis were
appointed viewers, aud A. A. Morrill,
surveyor to meet at the residence ol
Claus Jess on Saturday, March 17th,
at 10 o'clock to view, survey and assess
In the matter of the petition of B. H.
Frewing et al for location of a county
road it was ordered that G. W. Stitt and
Alonzo Pike be appointed viewers and
A. A. Morrill, surveyor to meet at Ti-
gardvilla on Tuesday the 20th day of
March at 10 o'clock a. in., to view, sur
vey and assess damages, it any.
In the matter of Henry Carstens' et al
petition for the location of a public road
it was ordered that Daniel Baker and
James H. Sewall be appointed viewers
and A. A. Morrill, surveyor to meet at
th Roy school house on Thursday,
March 15, at 10 o'clock a. m., to view
and survey said road, and to assess
damages, if any.
In was order. 1 that Albert Spiering
be appointed judge of election in place
of Peter Spieriog, deceased.
"The Den of Sweets"
Buibong k Co. , stationery
Irrlnj noting 4 Co, printing, sto..
A B Capias, asMMlng and collecting .
rrad Harael. r and h
Mrf C D Bnjrder, wltnei
Beat A Co, r and h
H D aabmsltwr, r and h
Jos W Manb, bd of
BmI A Co.. r and h
Irving Hidioa Co.. r and h
Basil A Co., r and h
K II bam S A Pt Co., talloneiy.
Tb J K Olll Co.. Maltoosry
Balleya' Pharmacy, rtlltf
Conulnan Broa, r and B
Olaaa t Prudbomms, list
JoMpbtnt Caae, bd ot I
Foraat Orora Tlinaa, ptg
City Watar A Light Worai
WaahCoPub Co., ptf
W D Smith, dapt Clara
W M Jackson, treasurer
T O Meacham, sopt aal
O W Patterson, rallaf..
It C Cast, trav aipenaaa.,
If C CM, aal, ate.
Uao Bchulmarich.Jnry Hit
1 U Oraaar, Jury Hat
Gonial man Bras, br,dfM
Ulaaa A Prtldhomma, aaU.
JCCalaban, rand b
W O Dooelaon, rallaf
g J Uodman, Clark
Oao H Wlloox, aaaesaot.
A M Colllni, janitor.
J c Lamkin, et bouts
Cbaa Waatoott, eolleoiln Hi
1 1 Kuratli, recorder
Wlllli inland, dap rae-
rraak Nscbbavr, rallaf
J Claud Greer, Jur
p Cornelius, work on an
Frank BchlcgL refund-.
Will Wolf, refund
Joba 11 Wall, reliiDd.
E W Moore, court bouao-
D W Batb, put-
Mra C A Raymond, refund tea...
L B Wllkat, rand b
Tbo Rood, r and b ,
10 SO
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8 50
17 U
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16 SO
100 00
SS 00
2 OS
29 as
17 S
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New Safe at Wllke' Broa.
tv. wilkoa Kma. Abstract Co. has in
stalled into their ofllc a Hall's Safe and
Lock Co. fe, large enough to hold
.i,.i. .h.trart books. It ia painted a
nlr ami ia finely striked witn
oa i rjt ,wm -
i.t. w .ml vilt and baa a bicture of th
American eagl on th front door. The
interior opening is much larger man any
ntK.r afa In tha county, thi being na-
a 1
cetsary to giv room for tn large oooas
It is design! to protect, me ouuiue
measurements of the aafe are, height
km i ,.!, width. 3l inches; deptn,
vwm , - ' -
KJ Indies, ana weigm, ,vw t.. .
Th. nntaiita Hrfbrs hav tha Improved
tnnirue and groove, which it is claimed
m al .L . l I
mak it mora Bra nooi vnamueuiu
style flanged door. Thnam.-Wilke
Broe. Abstract Co.," ts niceiy pamteu
acmes th top in gold letters, shaded in
brown. The firm seem very proud of
their purchase, a well they hould, lor
they now feel perfectly fa from fire,
beaide it i a model ol neatnea to look
t. -
Thia la the Month to
have your picture ttken. I will con
tinue to make Good Cabinet Picture,
oval or aquare, $2.00 per dosen, forth
month A March, alaothre dofen Stamp
Pboto for SV. IVl Picture ever made
in Hillsboro. Guaranteed. Call and
I have recently purchased the Heidel Candy
Kitchen and will conduct the business along
the name lines. 1 will make all of my Can
dies and keep up a fresh stock. You are in
vited to call and see my new stock. Candies
made to order for parties or social functions,
a specialty. Ciive us a trial. : : :
Jas. Miltenberger, Prop.
a. a- a.
UlllllHERY Opening 1
j Wednesday and Thursday, Jjjj
March' 14 and 15 $
Everybody interested ' in the new spring
style are invited to call and investigate.
Gertrude RirKwood, P y'
Over Hoyt's Store.
, strictly Private -i
Wo Solicit YOUR Banking
Business; and with tlio as
surance on OUIl part that
it will bo kept
J. W. SHUTE, Banker.
Po. th Photographer.
Situations Wanted.
In large or small TamlHe, by a
number of competent cooks of exper
ience extending over 50 yeara. Don't
object to leaving town.
No afternoons off
Home in the evenings
We refer you to anyone who haa ever
employed one of our family.
Call and seo usjat Chas. Lnmkin's
Hardware Store, opposito court bfue.
Charter Oak Ranges.