Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 17, 1905, Image 7

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Whenv-r . j ...
boly it may be it b: , ,7. JL- ' no ?.ller on what Par of the
'., uso poisoned condition of the blood. Thia
a .uvvv V Q
wwe iicii m BlCkneSA. wh rTi ...ft.
or U-cau.se the natural refuse matter , 1 Med and weak.
Vnuerlvinv rmw Tl ;.. - ..it .. .
worrv and nT . " . . mv causes more discomfort.
ment. The verv .in-i,, : jj Bore ' "s.sts trtat-
of those aliiicUd with an old . ore or 8 Y M cancerous- Sow
V had pppUd foot all my li,
Dter compelled me to ii t br.c. B
eome .luaoeountable mean, ttiie braoi
vV mr lat uout tlx
i na food madioi ttn.
itwori. I was In
and am a-lad to itf
year a no.
lion, dui in Ul er got wore.
IBUriil n a a . . 1
(hi. i. . a j UU am convinced
If" ' sved toy lea- for iui. I have,
. .T rc"nnl it to all needing a
reliable Llood medicina. " B
I1 1 p e- r Lnnui Iw..m I . i
'"VT useless ii IS lO (I
pect a cure from salves, powders, lo
tions and other external treatment.
Through the use of these they have
Been the place begin to heal and scab
over, and were congratulating them
selves that they would soon be rid of
the detestable thing, when a fresh
supply of poison from the blood
inrouga these places. While younz neoole. and even ri,;i,v.-
-heal in ? sores, those tnimr ncuoiiu .m;i...i '
. .... n ,.,t S,WB ,css ana circulation weake
I h r mrwl whir-r - V 1 I j t. i ...
u cucc oy meir stronger constitutions of tarlv
life, shows itself. It is well to be sus
picious of any sore that does not heal
readily, because the same germ that
produces Cancer is back of every old
sore and only needs to be left in the
circulation to produce this fatal disease.
There is only one way to cure these old
trtrf'Q Otl1 1l1rAfd l. 4- 1. l.
particle of the poison out of the biooZ Vor UZ
. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouMe, cleanses the blood
akes a permanent cure. S. S. S. enriches and freshens the circulation
e, s. s
and m
t -Humorous
Tommr Ilava rou met tL new
teucber yet? Teddy Ve; after school j life.
en : :.. a . . '"lllJ 11
. C i . ., blronS 'ooa to Uie diseased parts and allows the place
to heal naturady. When tins is done the discharge ceases, the sore scabs
over and fills in with healthy flesh, and the skin regains its natural color.
Book on Sores and ulcers and any medical advice desired will be furnished
without charge. nr SWfr sPCCiHC CO.. ATLANTA. CA.
frnphraif t TeiMya lireaineaa. 4
More eiitiTfulnlnr, jiorhups, and
equally lntereHtlnir, are the anecdotes
which are told about our I'reHident by
the Mlnkwlts family. Krau Fischer
distinctly recollects that once she
prophesied the future greatness of
young Teddy. Khe says: "One day I
had a conversation with Mrs. noose
velt, who snld to me, 'I wonder what
Is going to become of my Teddy?' I
replied, 'You need not be snilous
about him. He will surely be one day
a great professor, or, who knows, he
may become even President of the
United States.' Mrs. Itoosevelt re
buked me. She said such a thing was
impossible, tyid auked how I coudd
have struck upon such sn sbsurdlty.
But, perl'" P on account of my Impul
sive remark, I have since continually
watched Theodore Itoogevelt's esreer,
and have always been glad when he
has made a step forward In the
world." From "Roosevelt's German
Days," In Success Magazine.
K C Baking Powder.
A popular and eflicient baking pow
der requires two things flrxt, that the
food made with it shall be absolutely
wholotome; second, that it shall be
sold at a reasonable price.
K G Unking Powder, made by the
Jacques Mfg. Company, ot Chicrgo, is
the best eismpla of such a baking pow
Her at present on the market. K C is
jld everywhere under a $500,000
guarantee of its healthfulness snd pur
ity. Its price, one cent an ounce, is
most reasonable for a high-grade bak
ing powder, and millions of pounds of
K 0 have been sold at this figure si
ovtr the country.
In Fit Array.
Talk as one will on the vanity of
clothes, the consciousness of being wed
dressed lius something of moral force
in it "l'.rush your lmlr and thlugt
won't look so bad," was the wise coun
sel given by a friend to a wouiau
whose husband hud lost his money.
The little child lu E. J. Hardy's
"Manners Makjth Man" hit on thlj
greut truth when she replied to her
mother, who was reproving her.
"O Katie, why can't you be a good
little girl? See Julia, now: how nice
she Is. Why can't you be as good aa
T'r'aps I could, mama," answered
Katie, "If my dress had little pink
bows all over It."
Uot It from Her.
"Tour husband," said the talkative
man, "has such a mild disposition. I
suppose he Inherited It from his moth
er." "No," replied Mrs. Henpeck, with set
Jsw, "I think I can safely say It was
part of my dowry." Philadelphia
On the occasion of a cyclist's wedding
st Kpping. ne;ir I. on. Ion, tha other day
the brills and bridegroom roils to church
on single machines snd returned on a
Well Parried.
"What passed between yourself and
the complainant?" Inquired the magis
trate In a county court. "I think, sor,"
replied the worthy Mr. O'Urleti, "a
half dozen bricks and a lump of pav
ing stone." In "Irish Life and Hu
mor" Mr. William Harvey gives sn
other anecdote of the Irishman's readi
ness In the court of law.
"Now, Pot," said a magistrate to an
old offender, "what brought you here
"Two policemen, sor," was the la
conic reply.
"Drunk, I suppose?" queried the
"Yes, sor." snld Tnt. "both sv thlm."
Got u.i. lie A.kril for.
"Say," queried the alleged funny
man, as he entered the butcher shop,
"what's pork worth a yard?"
"Fifty cents," answered the butch
er. "Well, I'll take a yard." said the A.
F. M., tossing a half dollar on the
The butcher pocketed the coin and
banded the customer three pig's feet.
"Suy, what sre you giving me?"
asked the party of the funny part. In
dignantly. ,
"A yard of pork Just what you nsk-
ed for." replied the butcher, "lhrje
feet make a yard, you know."
Tb Central markets of Paris use mors
than fCO.UOO wurth of baskatt every
j ar.
ANcCcfable rrfparalionfor As
similating lucFtxxlarulHcCula
ling the Stomachs and Dowels of
Fro m o le s D i es I i o n C hoc r d i
ness ami Hist .Contains neitlrr
(huum.Morplune nor Mineral.
Aporfccl Romcrly forConstirv
Tlon. Sour StouMoh.ninrrtsVA
Worms .Convulsions .Kcvcnsh
FafSimite Siy'nnlure of
mi ar
r aifrT- "
J (10
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
f LU
For Over
Thirty Years
T Mtmom ootimM. m orrv.
this noon. Us won. Ex.
"Say, father, what is a 'nobody T
"A nobody, my son. Is a promluent
woman's husband." Washington Life.
Teas Io you think Marie's photo
graphs do her Justice? Bess Yes
Justice tempered with mercy. Detroit
Voungwed I went accommodations
for my wife. Hotel Clerk Suite?
Young wed You bet your life she Is.
Washington Life,
Itejected Suitor I may be poor now
but there was a time wheu 1 rode In
my carriage. The Girl Yes, when
your mother pushed It CJrit
"Paw, Is It true that death loves
shining murk?" "I suppose so. Why?"
"Nothing, only I should think you'd
feel a good deal safer If you wore s
wig." Chicago Tribune.
First Old Maid This census report
says there are 3.000,000 bachelors in
the United States. Second Old Maid-
Yes, and the mean old thing doesn't
give their address either. Washington
Plggiuus To tell the truth, we have
to treat our cook as a member of the
family. Iilsmukes (Jreat Scott! That
would never go lu our house. We have
to treat ours as a visitor. Washington
A I de Mustard Your wife's costume
to-night is charming. It simply beg
gars description. Justin de Hunch
And that reminds me of a conundrum
why am I like a description. Scls
McCiish Is this true that I bear
De. Mush That 1'n. engaged? Yes.
Congratulate me! McCush I can't
congratulate you on marrying any girl
who Is fool enough to want you.
Cleveland Leader.
"Mrs. Spudswortu, it seems to me,"
said Mrs. Oldcastlc, "is ruther Inclined
to loquacity." "Still," replied her host
ess, as she straightened the $1,1)00 rug,
"for a person as tall as her It ain't so
bad as though she was shorter." Chi
cago Itecord Herald.
"That's an suction piano your
daughter's got. Isn't It?" asked the sar
castic woman next door. "No, Indeed!"
replied the proud mother Indignantly.
"What made you think that?" "Oh,
probably because It's 'going, going, go
ing.' all the time." Philadelphia
Ill Tragedy Ilamm made his debut
ss a star last night, and I hear his
audience was very cold. Lowe Com
edy Yes, they were at first Hi Trag
edy Ah! only at first? Lowe Com
edy Y'es; then they remembered that
they had paid to get In, aud they got
hot Catholic Standard.
Mrs. Ikkf I wish you wouldn't be
such a tight-wad! I haven't a thing
to wear. Mr. Ikkl Itllnklu' Itorealis!
Why, woman, you hare the finest seal
coat in two degrees of latitude! Mrs.
Ikkl And what of It? There goes Mrs.
Blubberton swaggering around In a
real sealette coat with plush trim
mings! Puck.
;No," said Miss Wlnthrop-Hradley
Wl'nthrop, "your ancestors did not
come over lu the 'Mayflower,' as mine
did. snd I cannot marry you!" "Do
you know why they did not?" replied
Mr. Johnstone Sinythe de Jones. "Well,
I'll tell you. They were not the kind
of people who travel on excursions."
Saying which be strode haughtily from
the room. Washington Life.
A man who was "wanted" by the
police bud been photographed In six
different positions, snd the pictures
were duly circulated among the police.
The chief of police In a country town
wrote to police headquarters of the
city In search of the malefactor a few
days after the set of portraits had been
Issued as follows: "I duly received the
pictures of the six miscreants whose
capture Is desired. I have arrested five
of them, and the sixth Is under obser
ration snd will be secured shortly."
Caste la a great social urgauUatiou
which govarns aud direct tho 11 1ml u
of I&dia la every action of his dally
There are four fuudatneutal di
visions of caste the priestly or Brah
min, the warrior, the trading, aud the
laboring; aud these, agalnQ sre divid
ed Into suh-svctlons numbering thou
sands. Below tha laboring caste thers
Is a substratum which ts termed Ps
rlah or outcsst The Psrlah, says the
author of "Indian Life in Towu aud
Cuuutry," Is not much more than a
saultary machine whloh performs the
functions of a scavenger.
All these castes are hereditary. A
priest's son is a priest, a soldier's a
soldier, a carpenter's a carpeuter, a
scavenger's a scavenger. There is no
question of "What shall we do with
our boys?" In Hinduism; that problem
has been solved In advance for two
thoussnd years. For a sire to start
Lis son In sny other calling thun his
own would be "against bis caste," and
there all argument ends. For caste
Is both social and religious, and In
cludes the calling as well as the creed.
A Hindu cannot change bis caste, al
though he may be expelled from it;
bis social status Is fixed forever st
the time of bis birth, snd he can only
fall, never rise. This has tciided to
make the Hindus an ambltlouless race.
Caste will admit no Infusion of new
blood, aud when the same exclusive
spirit Is Imported Into the or.llimry
dealings of life, you arrive st that stag
nant conservatism which Is called
custom" In the East.
Caste is restricted to the Hindus,
but custom Is universal. There Is the
Indian peasant's plow. The overwhelm
ing majority of ths Inhabitants of In
dia are dependent on the laud, and
their crops would be much Increased
by better methods of cultivation.
The plow In use is an Implement
which merely scratches the surface of
the earth an heirloom from remotest
antiquity. A new plow was Introduc
ed by an enterprising firm of manufac
turers, and lent free for trial broad
cast over a province. It did the work
more thoroughly, and was offered at a
price within the peasant's means. Hut
it did not "catch on," simply because
the plowman could not get at his bul
locks' tails to twist them. The
yenor linage, me increase of crop,
could not compensate for the relln
qulshment of this time honoied cus
There wss a contractor engaged In
a railway excavation, who recognized
that the soil could be far more expedl
tlously removed In wheelbarrows tha
carried away In baskets on the heads
of coolies. So he Invested in
wheelbarrows snd showed how they
were to be trundled, and flattered him
self upon having Introduced a useful
reform. The next time be visited hi
works he found his men putting a lit
tie dust Into the w heelbarrows snd car
rjing them away on their heads.
The psrsphernalla of Indian dally
ure an belongs to the barbarous sges,
Attempt to Introduce any other an
you are renurred with the reply, "It
ts not the custom. 5Iy father used
this article, end therefore It Is my
duty to use it. Would you have me
set myself up for a wiser man than
my revered parent?"
Thus is stifled all attempt at reform
There Is not the excuse of Ignorance.
With the superior model before him
uis native deliberately rejects it. He
Is not to be beguiled by sny demon
stratlon; he Is too completely crusted
with conservstUrn and prejudice.
A. Doctors
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not
a simple cough syrup. It Is a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
" I b BMd trot Sm) of Aycr'a Cherry
PArtor! for cough sua hr ?uia on tbe
ebMt It tuM elwayt done oi vri od. II
I, ecrttlulf e mu.t wonderful roufb mrit.
!." MlCUASL i. tlTWIULU, MstUard,
brJ.O. Af.t Co.. Low.li. Mam.
lo iiiufotuje ot
HAlIt VKJ08,
A man who sets out to reach the
north pole should kuow bow to endure
hardships, sod Comuiuuder Peary long
ago begau to learn. A prominent ci'i
teu of Maine, himself a lover of out
door life, tells the I.eiton Journal
that when Peary was a young man li
was a common thing for hint to take
"a camping outfit of a blanket and a
lunch" snd start for the mountain
bordering upon Maine snd New Hamp
shire. There, alone, he would pnas, days ex
ploring ravines, ledges snd the deep,
rT UUJ Hdi Aii tiki 4tik
IfcM Bs)sM LoUjb ftrut. 1 UM Ux-i U H
FT in in, .1 h JrtiKsfKta
Patient Well, doctor, de yoa think
Pui gettiug well all right?
Doctor Ob, yes; you still have s good
deal of fever, but that doeso't trouble
"Of course not If you had a fever It
woulJu't trouble me." Le Jourual Amu-aaut.
$100 Reward, $100.
The rrs1eriol this paper will be pleased to
leaiu thai ilirre Usllewtoue Urvft'letl u. imtwi
atleiM-e bu bno elila to "urt In all lie
eiasea, sua lhl la ( alarrb. Itali a I Starrs
secluded spots, cooking bis own niealsltu, iaiiiaoiily voaitive cure auown to the
the streams abounded. He never built
a camp; he simply rolled himself in a
blanket to sleep, but be would come
out brown snd hardy. f
On one of these occasions he had
taken a canoe to the head waters of
Cold river, and after passing a few
tionai di-ae, ro,u!rta a conituuiunial irrat
want. Hall at. alarrb I urai.ta.au Internallr.
ai'tinf direi'tljr uiou the IIikhI and mucous
uriacra ot the tyirn), tiierrby lrny ln the
(ouuUaiiun ol tha iIiwim, and giving the ia
Haul strength by tnil'lina up the oni'ttlutloo
and anaittins nature In dt-lns Its work. The
proprietors have so much lalin lu lie curative
ixiMera that thrjr orti-r one Hundred In. liar,
lor any raM that It laila to cure, baud ior llal
ol tr.tlinouial.
A 1 1 re... r. J. rilt.NKT A CO., Toledo, a
You will hasten recovery by tak
ing one of Ayer'a Pills at bedtime.
days camedown to Saco and stopped at Sold by dru(ri,t, 7.o.
Shout 3 O'clock for a word with those I s fsmdyruis are the besU
Kills leer with Kiel.
"A few weeks sgo, just before I
left for Oenver, we had venison for
dinner which our cook killed with his
fist Game Is so plentiful that sll one
has to do Is to stand on his hack porch
and use a revolver to obtain almost
anything In the way of meat that one
could wish for."
II. W. Long, vice president of the
Denver-Honduras Itanana Company,
was telling of the attractions of bis
Honduras home, says the Philadelphia
Public I-edger.
"The manner In which our cook ob
tained the venison was this," contln
ued Mr. Itig. "We had been having
high water In the river which flows
through our plantation, and one morn
ing our cook noticed s herd of half a
dozen deer swimming across It. He
Jumped Into S canoe snd killed one
with s blow of his fist. However,
deer sre not the only g.ime which we
have a chance to try a shot at.
"Leopards, alligators. bcHiitiful trop
ical birds of every description, snakes
of wonderful hues, are all numerous.
Wild ducks can be secured In plenty
a few hours' shooting brought me fifty
the other day anil parrots, which
make excellent eating, having much
the flavor of squabs, sre a! no plentiful."
KnliajmeiKMst I. xkIIaiIj.
"Coffee Is nerve-destroying," Intl-
msted the penurious landlady as she
saw a movement on the part of a new
bosrder to request a second cup of
"How I wish you'd drink a lot of
It," suggested the bachelor, who had
been with the house since Its Inception.
"Why?" sked the landlady, snd ths
other boarders delayed their mastications.
"Then you wouldn't have the nerve
to serve this com-octlon which hardly
stains the water In which It Is diluted."
Columbus IHspntch.
Her Bl liny Was Her Attentive Beau
for the Afternoon.
"Awfully sorry I can't stop to see
you, old man," said Harold Massey
He was locking the office door on
Saturday afternoon. Tom Griggs, for
whom also It wss "early closing," had
come round to have a little chat and
peiiiaps a leisurely lunch at the club,
"I'm going to take mother to the
matinee," said Harold, as they walked
slong together. "So I've promised to
put In an appearance at lunch."
0h, telephone her, and say you're
not coming," said Tom. "She's got her
ticket, hasn't she?"
"What? Mother? No. It's here in
my pocket. If I haven't lost It."
"Well, you're a duffer. Why didn't
you see she had the ticket and let her
meet you? My sister's going with me
this afternoon, but she meets me In
the lobby, snd glad enough of the
chance. Work It better next time. See
you there, maybe."
They parted, Tom for his comfort
able luncheon at the club and a half
hour's chat with a man he knew, and
Harold to go home.
His mother met him In the ball. She
wss a little old lady with white hair
and a happy face. She was opening
a big box of violets.
"A gentleman s card. said she,
pursing her lips like a girl. "Who can
It be?" She read the name, "'.Mr,
Harold Massey.'" Then she lunched,
and Harold laughed. It was an old
drams between them. "Like 'em
mother?" asked Harold.
"I guess I do," she responded.
psrkllng. "I shall wear em."
Harold ran upstairs to dres, and
came down resplendent. When he and
his mother left the house for their aft
ernoon they were, be told her, "as ft no
a couple as ever walked down Ilescou
street." He csrrled her opera glasses
snd fan, snd she wore the violets. He
helped her gallantly over a puddle.
"Harold." said she, "you're a splen
did beau!"
'You're s splendid girl, 'mother:"
ssld Harold. Youth's Companion.
The farmer never writes wheu be
csn go snd talk, and the farmer is
wiser thsn you think.
Even the brunette insists upon haz
ing fab- treatment.
lloe for the Family.
'I suppose," said the friend of the
inmiij, you win go into business
snd live up to your father's reputa
tion" "Not me," replied the son of the
multimillionaire beef packer. "I shall
go Into society snd try to live it
Hear the pattering on the steps.
Trial's the white shoes going up to tlie
sttlc to Join the roller skates, the golf
set snd the hoop skirt
Army of 10,000 Men Hushing Work en
New Yeaaele for Navy.
While the atteution of the public
la attracted only at lutervals to tbd
three big shipyards on the Delaware
Itlver, there is an army of 10,000 men
dally hammering, forging and weld
ing, bending every energy toward the
completion of the great vessels under
construction here, says the Philadel
phia Ledger. Never have the employes
of Cramps', Nestle &. Levy's and the
New York Shipbuilding Company been
busier than at present Particularly
Is this true of Cramps', where twelve
different vessels sre under construc
tion. This yard alone Is employing
6,o00 workmen.
Tho greater part of this work Is
being done for Uncle Sam, seven
ships being under way here. Two of
these, the armored ciulser Tennessee
at Cramps, and her sister ship, the
Washington, which Is being built at
the South Camden yards of the New
York Shipbuilding Company, have at
tracted attention by the efforts which
the respective companies are making
to finish the contract first Both are
now ncarlng completion, with the
Tennessee slightly In the lead.
Kesldes the work on the warships
six large passenger steamships are
also being built by the Cramps com
pany. Four of these are for the New
York and Cuban Mall line, while the
two remaining go to the Southern
Pacific Company.
in my camp. We expected to have the
pleasure of his compauy for the nlyht
thinking that he would welcome hearty
meals snd a good bed. Hut, "No," he
said. "I never sleep Indoors when on
these trips."
It was a cold, windy November
night, but be bade us good by snd went
down the river. The next morning
beside a stone wall, we found his
camping pluce. A few smoky embers
told us w here he had cooked his break
fast, snd a spot on the grass six and
a half feet long snd free from white
frost showed us where be bad slept.
Mothers will find Mra. Wlnalow'a (toothing
Pyrup tha beat remedy to use tor their children
durlug the teething irlod. l
A (spelling Utile.
At a school inspection some of the
boys found a difficulty In the correct
placing of the letters "1" and "e" In
such words as "believe," "receive,"
etc., when the Inspector said blandly:
"My boys, I will give you an Infalli
ble rule, one I Invariably use myself."
The pupils were all attention, and
even the master pricked up his ears.
The Inspector continued: "It Is sim
ply this. Write the T snd 'e' ex
sctly alike and put the dot In the
middle over them." London Telegraph.
flTn Permanently Curd. Ko fltaor nerrouanna
I I I U alter Hrstday'l UM-iirDr.Kllne'alireat rrve
lM.rer. Hena for Krer trial boitleand treallsa.
lr. K. li.kllu., U4.,il Arch bl, 1'hlladrlpbla, l"a.
Jast Like a Woman.
"John, a petldler came around to
day selling stove polish. He was a
very agreeable gentleman. Why, he
talked so pleasantly about the westh- j
er." !
"You don't say, Mortar !
"Yes, and I bought a package. Then
he complimented the baby aud I ,
bought another package." !
"Presently he said our vestibule was
kept In better order than any In the
neighborhood and then I bought an
other package." j
"(Jrent Scott!" 1
"Itefore be left he said he thought
I was your daughter Instead of being
old enough to be your wife. Then I
bought three additional packages. Oh,
it don't do sny harm to encourage a
real gentleman when you meet one."
Euaily Explained.
"Who Is that man all the women
are Idolizing V"
"'that is a doctor from suother
"But there sre doctors around here
who are much better known."
"SliI This chap Is a 'beauty doc
tor.' M
The International Telegraph Con
t ruction Company hue submitted a
scheme to the Post muster General of
Australia for the erection of wireless
telegraph stations linking New Zealand
aud Australia direct.
.iff.) .V
a Clp this out, retsra to til with the aames a
and adJreaset of yourself and two of your
friends, and the date when you will probably
a enter a butlnna college, anj we will credit
a yoa with 15 (0 on our w-5.00 nlwsanhip. .
Our school offers exceptional aJvantairvs to a
students of Uu&inrfc. Shorthand. tnglUh, etc.
Best iNsraucTiow Lowest Tuition a
ma miuKiHit II Hi mi a
ee siitm st. PORTLAND, ORC.
"I followed tha
trad Irom Taaae
(h Me Tr.vl
m;thF;shFrn! svigff
F f Cf' dicker, uaed lor
rommel OllCftef en overcoat whan
- cold, a wind coal
when windy, a rain coat when It rained,
and for a cover at night if we ft to bad,
and I will aay that I have gotten more
comfort out of your alirkrr thaa any other
one article that 1 ever owned."
(Th. nan., .ml .fl.l.... nf ,n. .rim ftata
anw.a.liMl l.u.r iay b. b.l ua .i!!tcili )
Wet Weather Oarmenta for Rl Mng, Walk
ing, Working- or bportfcig'.
T0S0ST0, cay ADA J'jfl faJj9
Gift of Time.
"One day," related the Jolly hoho, "I
met s man on tie street and I tolj him
If he would give nie thirty quail I would
show . him bow to eat deiu in thirty
"And did he oblige you?" asked bis
eonipsnion of the ties.
"No; he said he roiiMn t give me
thirty quail, bst he'd give ma thirty
days. lis wss a judge."
PIso s Curs fs a remedy foreonghs, colds
Slid consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents,
sx druggists.
Not an Imles of Power.
Young Mr. Whimper, who had s
worthy amhitlon for public olllce, had
closed bis canvass of his native State.
He felt sure of bis nomination, and
was waiting. In good spirits, st his
father's fireside to receive It.
He had been asked to tell bis ex
periences ss a "spellbinder," and had
willingly consented.
"Put, on the whole," was his modest
conclusion, "I whs rather sucii-ssful.
And what gratified me particularly
was that in the. places where I was
least known I met with the wannest
It was several seconds before Mr.
Whimper understood why his father
and the girls laughed, and even his
mother smiled.
J$ 1,0001
H Reliable In
To Be Given for
Finland wss lreipieutly a battle
ground during the long wars between
ltussla and, Sweden, the bonier line be
ing but 'S. mill's from St. Petersburg. It
hi'cnme part of Knssia sfter the peace
of Frederiikstown, Sept. 17, 1809.
w"e will give One Dollar for a Postal
Card giving the first reliable news of
a chance to sell a horizontsl stesm
engine of our styles, within our rsnge
of sizes. We do not wsnt Inquiries st
this time for vertical, traction or gas
have for years been the atandard for all steam
plants. Beat of material and workmiaahlp.
Our bit output enables us to sell on small prof.
Ita. An Atlas, the beat la the world, eoete so
more thin the other kind.
sVrlle today tot our tptclal otttr,
Stain MAci io til cut- INDIANAPOLIS
Oorllssj Knginsei HlfhKpsstvl Rnrlrvswi WsiWrTub rVriUrt
F.wrVfjTt) CnrtfiM Compound I n.iM T.Sn1a,r Hoilor.
Artuuauc taajiiMM TorvwiUnf ta torn FurtsvliU bAlwt
ADM KitrlDtM m wrrir l.Ofin onrt R f
niM 4,uuu,uuq H
p. ft a
No. 1 40S
tyilKX writing- to advertisers loaae
f i mention sine
tfkrfV 5:, I! II 11 iw
' U (? ;.'
I ' I ' $
XacfI-AJU-'X L Ii V EL v
Known Quaiit
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when naturenceds assist
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcingthe natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remeJiesof known quality andexcellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Fies, manufactured by the California
Fi Syrup Co., which represents the active principles cf
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It Is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resultingtherefrom. Its active princi
ples and quality are known to physicians centrally, and the
remedy has therefore met w ith their approval, as v. ell as with
,f$ intr uvui vi many iiiiiiiuus ui wen lrnurineu persons wiio Know
of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that
X it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
to the quality of what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence
articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to eo
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
tide; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
d who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
beneficial effects if they do not pet the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
I nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
egrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations of the
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printedon th
t'rice, 50c per bottle. One size on
iront or every package