Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 20, 1905, Image 2

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Oficlal Pper ef Washington Count,
E:iterd at the Postofflce at HHie
iro, Oregon, for transmission through
to tr.Alli ra second-class mall matter
uy D. w. BAIII.
It is over and everybody 1m satisfied
1( an one mU.wd st-eiug tlie Lewis an
Clark fair they miitse,! the Litest
U-nt tzjioHitiuu ever given on the Pacific
coast, mil financially, tlie moet success
ful ever held in tho United States.
It will be remembered that on Octo
ber 1 aome person or persons removed
rail on the Southern Pacific railway
Henderson, and but (or the discoyeryof
the devilish piece of work a terrible loan
of life and projwrty might have recalled
The company will pa 1,000 for the ar
rest and conviction of the perpetrator
of the deed.
Missouri seems to have hard luck
with it itate buildings. The one at she
St. Louis fair burned to the ground and
again last week the one at the Portland
fair was consumed. Everything waad
stroyed and there was but (5,000 tasu
a nee ami that on the art collection. The
ions Is given as art gallery, $20,000; ex
hiblta, $15,000; building, (10,000. fix
turea o,(XH). The statue symbolic of
the state, which was presonted to Ore
Kon by CommiMioner (Jarver on behalf
of the teople of Missouri, was only
slightly damaged by water and smoke,
and will be taken to Salem and placed
in the capitol.
The Salem Capital says that Portland
may loose "Jim" Hill, and adds : "The
Great Northern offers U0,000 tor
crown-granted property on Vancouver
harbor for terminal facilities." Don
you worry about "Jim" Hill. He has
said to the people of Portland and Ore
gon that he would build theui a railroad
along the north shore, and he will do it
"Jim" Hill never talks through his hat
When he offers (150,000 for a piece
property, he does so with the intention
of protecting his interests in property he
already owns or intends to possess,
He Is a railroad buildei and the peopl
of Portland made no mistake when they
coupled onto his headlight.
We hope our readers like The Inde
pendent in its enlarged form with the
Magazine supplement. Since last Sat
urday we have added to our list twelve
new names and hope the good work will
, go on until this paper Is taken in every
home in Washington, and we shall try
to make it a welcomed guest at every
fireside. I!ut there are a few persons,
not many, however, who have taken
The Indeendent ever since we bought
the plant two years ago and to whom we
nave sent statements, wbu nave never
paid a cent, and t them we wlh to aav
that if they in ims the paper next w--es
they will know the reason wny W
want you as a subscriber, but we canuol
afford to send the paper for nothing,
The fohowing will be a great comfort
. to the dudes and others who have been
rolling and smoking the "little stinkers
and carrying iu their minds the dread
ful idea thut they would eventually land
in the insane asylum, ltut Dr. W. B
Fie i-her of Indiana, has settled the mat
ter, and now cigarette smokers can keep
on and hereafter attribute their hollow
eyes, nerveousuess and sleepless nights
to some other cause. In a lecture before
the Indiana State Medical association,
the doctor said that, "out of 1,300 cases
of insanity that I have treated while su-
leriutendent of the Indiana hospital,!
did not find one cane resulting from ciga
rette smoking."
"Are 11 illshoro printers so much bet-
ter friends of Forest Grove than the
home printers that the majority of the
city council should pay them more for
printing in two months than they pay
the home printers in two years?" asks
the Forest (J rove Times. The city coun
cil of Forest Grove did not give out the
printing the Times refers to. The Dep
uty District Attorney had a brief to print
in a case in which Forest Grove was
party. He wanted the brief printed
In a workmanlike manner and correct,
o he sent it to the ofllce of The Hills
boro Independent. The copy was hand
ed to us at noon on Wednesday, and the
proofs were submitted to Mr. Tongue two
days later, and on Monday the com
pleted brief of 07 pages was delivered to
Mr. Tongue. It was a trifle swift, but
that was just what the District Attorney
wanted and got. The city council of
Forest Grove allowed the pill, which was
Fashionable Millinery.
Miss tana Hesse will take orders at
her home on Third street for millinery
material, and invites the ladies to call
and consult her before buying their
winter millinery. You can have your
hats re shaed, renovated and trimmed
at a reasonable price. Perfect eatisfac
Henry A. Logan, arrested at Med ford
Or., with Hl-year-old Ethel Cook, with
whom he eloped from Oakland, Cal.,
last week Wednesday morning was a
truKtee in the First Free Baptist church
of that city. He is 29 years of age and
has a wife and a boy of 8 years. The
mother of the girl, Mrs. Marr Ross,
swore out a warrant charging Lgan
with kidnapping. Igan was last seen
in Oakland w hen he hoarded a train for
the North, October 11. He had a drew
suit rae ami took his month's salary of
) ith him, leaving his wife and child
destitnte. Before leaving Logan tent a
letter to Mrs. Boss telling her that be
had gone away w ith her daughter. He
warned Mrs. Boss to keep her tongue
still lest she should never see her daugh
ter aptin. The girl is rather small, ai.d
wears a skirt that reaches to her shoe
tops, surh as schoolgirls wear. She fciyl
she is If), but looks older, although she
t rather small for her age.
nd hris Uvn reT-v.-r
il young men of
.in j. It U understood
i ivtiW practice here a ur-
i .
(ion uf Urn time heie.tfUr.
The Urg. Ht train load of panen:er
paesed through here Sunday night that
h ever been hauled during th fair,
It required two locomotives and eiylit
coaches to accomodate the lur.-e crowds
returning home.
Mrs. W. W. Wilson, of tiriib Valley.
Cal., leaves today on the overland train
for her home having completed an ex
tended visit to friends and acquain
tances here and in Portland.
8herwood Camp, W. O. W., had one
application for membership at Thursday
night camp meeting. The regular
weekly meetings will be resumed from
this time on until later next year.
William Wilson, Jr., has been arrest
ed and placed under bonds for appear
ance at court next week on a charge of
assault and battery. It is retried that
he battered the old gentleman, hit fath
er, to a finish a few days ago.
A third at tern bt of the "hold-up" ele
ment occurred near town 1 ist week in
robbing a private dwelling. Mrs. Van
Meeka was confronted with a revolver
in the hands of a footpad In the early
afternoon and a demand made for money,
which was not forlhcoung, so his in
tentions were foiled. Another thug was
stationed outside, while the attempted
robbery w as made. They escaped with
out being dc tic tod.
Mrs. F. W. Sultus, formerly principal
of the Middleton school has again been
employed in that capacity in that dis
trict. The U-rm commenced two weeks
ago with a fair average attendance.
A mistake occurred in last issue in re
gard to Green B. Olds' family. Mrs.
Olds, it baa been learned died about
two years ago, or since leaving the Mid
dleton home) at or near Guldendale,
Mr. Sandstone residing near Middle
ton depot recently disposed of his farm
there to his son Chester and has re
turned to Portland to reside, where he
still retains his city property.
Butting in" the hop business with
out any knowledge or personal experi
ence in that line or farm whereon to
raise and cultivate hops has resulted in
a balance on the wrong side of the ledg
er of a certain "tenderfoot" here. "All
is not gold that glitters" and the glitter
ing baa gone a glimmering in this farm
er's costly experience, it seems.
Estate o! Chris Moisted, deceased ;
bond filed and approved ; ordered that
letters of administration bo issued and
that Frank Rowell, Chris Hesse, and S.
W. Seely be appointed appraisers. -
Estate of Martha J. Parrott, deceased ;
report of the sale of personal property
file I and approved. 1
Estate of Chaa. W. Rosa, deceased;
executor directed to file a supplemen
tary inventory and that Thomas A. Lew
is, J. B. McPherson and Jwhn Temple
t jn be appointed appraisers!
Estate of Ellen S.. Ford, deceased;
bond of administrator fixed at (0t),.aid
that upon the approval of bond by the
court, the sureties on the former bond
he released from further liabilities.
Estate of Charlotte Grace Meyers, de
ceased ; onler tor sale of real estate ap
proved and administrator directed to
execute and deliver to purchaser of said
real estate a good and sufficient convey
ance for the same.
Estate of Jost Duerst, deceased ; peti
tion asking that estate be admitted to
probate and George Duerst be appointed
administrator with bond fixed at (2,000,
and upon approval of bond letters will
be Issued.
Estate of Louis Shogren, deceased;
petition to admit estate to probate
granted, and Pauline E. Shogren ap
pointed administrator with bond at
(2,000; bond filed and approved and or
dered that letters of administration be
issued, and II. C. Atwell, J. C. Clark
and W. F. Harris be appointed apprais
era to meet at the late residence of said
deceased October 28, 1905.
Estate of Myrtle Bates, deceased : fin
al account and report filed; ordered
that the 20th day of November, 1905, at
10 o'clock a. m. ia the time set for hear
ing objections to said account and re,
port and for the final settlement there
Estate of guardianship of Leopold J,
Bates,, minor; petition filed asking that
a guardian be appointed for said minor;
ordered that the petition be granted and
that J. W. Bates be appointed guardian
ith bond at 12,000; upon approval of
bond letters will be issued.
Last will and testament of J. C.
Moore, deceased ; will filed and petition
received asking that it be admitted to
probate ; will proved in open court by
N.Barrett and A.Young; will ad
mitted to probate and Wm. L. Moore
named as executor to serve without a
bond; W. J. Barrett, Willis Ireland and
Geo. Dooley appointed appraisers.
Guardianship of Edward, Ida. Her
man ami Freda Colfelt, minors; inven
tory and appraisement filed, examined
and approve. I ; total valuation, :WC.
r.Ktste of lerdinand Malits. deceased :
final account and report filed; ordered
hat Monday, November 20, at lOo'clock
Is the tune fixed for hearing obiec-
tions to said account and report and the
nal settlement.
Full of Tragic Meaning-
are these lines from J. 11. Simmons, of
Casey, la. Think what might have re
sulted from his terrible cough if he had
not taken the medicine atwut which he
writes: "I had a fearful cough, that
disturbed my night's rest. I tried
verything, but nothing would relieve
it, until I took Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
hieh completely cured me." Instant-
relievee and permanently cures all
throat and lung dine tees; prevents grip
and pneumonia. At all druggists ; guar
untied; 50c and (1.00. Trial bottle
The death the othet day of the iuvit
tor of the tyiw-wnler is a reminder of
haw new a thing that invention is. It
siii&crU also that inventors of the mod
ern telephone, the iucandeieeeut lamp,
the wiielcs telegraph, the plioHograph,
tho kintoscepe and the storage battery
these by the way of illustration, from
a long lint are still living. The Kuer;t-
iivu lay i a uiacovery oi verier, lay. 1 lie
automobile, as we 'know it, U-gan with
I.eou ecroollct. in r ranee, in iH'.H. J lie
"sky scra.-r" has developed w ithin the
memory of the youthful men, and the
tirvt elevator, the invention that made
high buildings possible, was exhibited
so recently as 1S63. When one consid-
era how in one crowded century man
hai enlarged his scope and powers, one
questions whether the most far reach
ing dreams of the poets are vast enough
to measure his destiny.
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It is a bad habit to borrow anything,
but the worst thing yon can possibly
borrow. Is trouble. When sick, sore,
heavy, weary and worn-out by the palus
and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness,
Bright's disease, and similar iuternal
disorders, don't sit down and brood
over your symptoms, but fly for relief to
Electric Bitters. Here you will find
sure and permanent forgetfulnetts of all
your troubles, and your body will not
be burdened by a load of debt disease.
At all drug stores. Price 50c. Guaran
teed. In order that she may pass her last
days among her friend l and die in her
old home, Mrs. Mabel Moungey,' 75, ia
enroute in a wagon froiii Warren county,
Tenn., to Uartman, Wis. The wagou is
covered with a patched canopy of oil
cloth. For six years she has lived alone
in Tennessee. She was formerly post
mistress at Hartman. town of Dekorra,
Columbia county, Wis. She paused
through Paducah, Ky., Thursday of last
week and reached Cincinnati Saturday.
A press dispatch from Cincinnati, an
nouncing ber arrival there, taya the
principal contents of the wagon are a
dog, several chickens and a bed of husks
upon which the aged woman sleeps.
A Forest Grove speciul to the Port
land Journal says that the temperance
issue lias again been renewed in tnis
city by the prohibition people, through
the attorney of the A nti Saloon league
of Portland, who has presented three
complaints against the proprietors of
the liquor-selling establishments now
ojerating here, to the city marshal for
his indorsement as required by ordi
nance 132. Marshal Cronin has refused
to give his indorsement on the grounds
that the said ordinance was repealed by
the council when it enacted an ordi
nance providing for the licensing of sa
loons. The temperance people contend
that the decision of the circuit court,
rendered tome time ago, enjoining the
council from issuing saloon licenses,
renders that ordinance void and places
ordinance 132 in force. To remove any
doubt as to ordinance 132 being in force
Mayor Johnson called a special council
meeting Saturday - evening, at which
time an ordinance waa passed, repealing
ordinance 132.
New Cure for Cancer.
All surface cancers are now known to
le curable by Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Jus. Walters, of Duflield, Vs., writes:
I had a cancer on my lip for years,
that seemed incurable, till Bucklen's
Arnica Salve healed it, ami now it is
perfectly well. Guaranteed cure for
cuts and burns. 25c at any drug store.
Nine-Room Cottage, Good Barn and
a) Acres of Land for Sale.
A nine-room cottage, dote in, includ
ing bath and wash rooms. The house
has three porches, stone pillars under it,
good wood house, saw-dust lined, fruit
house, good barn with wagon and buggy
sheds, grain bins, haymow and room for
four horses, together with two and
one-hitlfaf rea ot land within
two bloeka oftliebnulneMnpart
of the rlty. Clear title given. Trice
$2,000, one-half down, balance in con
venient payments. Call on or address
this ollice.
and English Rye Grass, Or
chard Grass, and White
Clover Seed for sale.
I have a large shipment
on hand and am selling at
For Flour and Feed my
store takes the lead. We
meet Portland price.
Market price for Oats.
At the Cougregational Church. Mor
ning service at 11 o'clock ; subject of
sermon; "Jesus and The Law."
Sunday school at lUa.in.; Y.P. S. C.
K.,6:.'lO p.m. Evening sermon at 7:30;
subject: "Conversion. "
-1Jiian orchestra in the evening.
All are welcome.
Howard Gilpatrick, Pastor.
1 he spL'ial meetings will be contin
ued at the Christian church next week.
A. II. Mulkey, Pastor.
. r . w . .
ine Deer unniters ot tne United
States Consume ti son nonharrelnf
J ' '
J V . .
Tlw a J J . . a 1 I
fa dure of liquor ol various kinds
The mhnVM vain r.f h r.rn.
. '
duct each year is 127.000.000.
The internal revenue tax amounts
to $1 12,000,000 annually.
The receipts for state and local
license are nearly $2S,ooo,ooo.
The amount spent tor liquors by
our people every year is more than
$ 1 ,000,000,000.
Including; bartenders, there are
almost 700,000 liquor dealers in the!
Wages paid to employes oi liquor
ncalen. reach 56.000,000 each
twelve months.
furthermore, thousands upon
thousands of farmers sell their farm
I . t . .
products barley, hops, Corn, OatS,
nay amounting lO millions OI UOl-
lars a year, to the breweries.
Eviilences of prosperity in all parts of
Colorado are shown by the present scar
city of labor in many lines. Railroads,
ranches, mining and manufacturing in
terests are reported in need of more men
and good wages go begging just now.
Sleeping; Places of Hogs.
The sleeping places of hogs
should be under cover at all times
ol year.
Build the horr house SO that the
l.cr. v.-., ,f 01la
""f """V "
and make their way for rats and
Cement floors, thou eh expensive
. r..,i i i ;.,
! J
me nog pen, as mey prcvciu mc
llOPS from rooting under the titn-
bers. Such floors should be well
r-m.i.w.t with l.MiW
More pigs die at farrowing time
than at any Other, and for this
reason all useful appliances possi-
ble about the pens should be adopt
The portable hog house is not be-
ine used extensively in manv oil
our states, where hog cholera pre
A nA.i.Ma U 1 c(,t,1 t I
ixji lauic u-K uuii.n. ouuu,u isv. i
arpri enoue-h for half a dozen full
Crown ho?S. . I
... ..I
I lie siuc ttuu iuui ut mc l"Ji isuic i
U.. t, ,1 1.1 t. .r.l.. I
uug uuuac niivufu uc jci icinj nuw i
movaDie noor IS a gooa inillg to I
have, but it need not be used in
liy keeping a few bogs in one
house the Chances of epidemics are
i i . 1,1 I
be depended on to prevent such
epidemics. Exchange.
I. W. HARPER whiskey strengthens
you and helps resist cold and disease-
better than the doctor. Try it. Bold by
K. O. Lyon. '
Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia,
kidney and liver disorders, and all
stomach troubles positively cured by
using Hotlister's Rocky Mountain Tea
35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Pelta Drug Store.
Ham tor Rent.
Near the depot. Inquire at this office.
I am Boinir to handle a fresh stock of
oysters and clams. My specialty is oys
ter cock-tails thst please. Prop in and
try one. llest in the city.
F. 8. Olsen.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the Cuxnty of Washington.
Usury W. llulae, plaintiff,
liel.e Wood (foriaariy KaUe McFarlaiid).
I.imivlf. Miliar, ia. W. Millar. la uV
Nor km, L. M. Norlem, Josephine (J or.
(rude OolJsuerry, W. C. Uoldsberry, AH'
a I'rarl Griffith, B. OH flub, boon
Bond. W. B. bond, Victor Mc Faland,
Mow ilcVsrlarul. TDomas 1. Mi Far
laud. W illiam 11. McFartaod, and Rail
Wood (lurmorly Kails M.' far land. Ad
auulmralrlx of lbs Estate of T. i. Mo-
i rariauu, qkimiii, iwienuauu.
To In. fcWl. I. U K.l.,. Jnh
ins owtrud ooi bwry, w. cooidttwrry. Anu
" rtUrtfflm, H. tiii. Bouli Bond, and W,
In .... ,l. i s jk .
I In tha nun- at lhSu of Ore-ran
1 Von. nd h at von r hrbv PMiilrtvl In
isppw - ndniweruacoipioimdM - n - 4you
I lu tb Abo oUUd eourt And u.l, oa
I a .t.. i... j il. i. .i.
" "r p-orio-a lumm or
dsf for lbs publication of this rommoa, la
It: On or before the siplmUoe of sis week
Mil from and after the date of flrs publication
of Ibis summons, lbs 8m publication Iborsof ba
ns on Oe lobar JO, 190&, and u you fall so to ap
pear and answsr, for want thsraof tbe plalutlff
will apply to lbs eourt lor lbs rallaf damaudad
In his complaint, lo-wlt: for Judgment afalusi
the defendants. Kalis Wood (formerly Katie
Hcfarlaod), and Katie Wood (formerly Katie
HcKarland), admin lalratrU of the Kstale of T.
McFarland, deceased, aud each of them, for tbe
sum of ijoo.oo, witb interest tbron sums no
rem ber 17, IK, at 1U per cent, per annum, and
for the ag-greg-ate sum of $107. St tales paid, with
io teres t on each Item of inch lax from ths dale
of pay meot, tbe turn of 1130.00 attorney's fees,
and tbe sum of tt0 0U for repairs and Improre-
menta upon said premiaot, and for ths 00a Is and
disbursements of this suit, and for a decree fore-
viwiiiimwiiiBwiiii cisuvwu ,u, HIU 1 ,
cr-.,Und (uow deoea). and the defend
ant Katie Wood iformerly Katie Mcrarland) to
one U. r. fnuoe and now owned by this plain'
tiff, and which la reoorded on page 7 of Book
' 1" of Records of Mortgages of said Washington
County, Oregon, aid orderlug tbe; folio-lug de
scribed lands, aubjeot tosald mortgage, vis:
Beginning at tbe N. K. Corner of the 8. W.
of bee I, In T. t 8. of B. 1. W. of Will Her.
tbenoe 8. 140 rods; thrnos W. 110 rods; tbsuce
N. 40 rods; theuos E. 40 rods; Iheuoe about 110
rods to plaos ol beginuing, eiceptlnf therefrom
lbs following described tract, li: 'JO acres In
square form lu the H. K. eorner.of ths above de
scribed tract,
aVoood Tract Also 10 acres of land In a square
form situated In the N. K. eoruer of ths N. W. Vt
of See. 10, T. 2 S. K. t W. of Will. Iter., all slt-
u' " Washington County. Oregon,
To be sold. In the manner provided bv law
and the proceeds be applied to lbs satisfaction ol
puiuurs said judgment, that the ilea of said
I mortgage be decreed prior and superior to all
e,lu,,n, Interest or equity of each of the de-
I fcndanta herein, that each of said defendants be
barred and lorecUed of all right, elaim, inure.
or equity lu or tosald lands, and that plaliillfl
have such other and further relief heroin as to
urt mr ppr equitable,
Tbis summons is served upon yon by public
linn h rrr nf linn f. A H.nrwl rVkitntir In1
Lf Washington County. Oregon, which order was
made and dated on October 1, 1W.
benton bowman,
Attorney fur Plaintiff.
Notice la herebv clven. that I. the nnderalsned
have been, bribe t'ouutv Court of tbe Slate ol
Oregon, for Washington County, duly appointed
Klueutor of the estate of J, C. MnOre, drceated.
ana nave amy auannea as sucn. All persons
bavins claims against said estate are bereiiy no
"n ' preaeul the same, to me, with proper
vouchers, eiuier at my residence at (ireenvnie,
or at the law office of W.N. Barren. In Hills-
Kam 1 ..... H,,hl. mi - I. . il.. .t.l.
listed October 19. 190A.
exmuum of the RsUte of J. C. Moore, docesaed
w. n. barrktt, Attorney for Kstai.
Notice ef Final tettlemeai.
Nolice I hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Ferdinand Malits.
deceased, has (lied in the County Court of Wash-
ington County, Oreeon, his final account and
port In said estate, and that the same has been
set for final hearing and settlement, before said
court, on Monday, November 30, 1905, at 10
o'clock A. M. WILLIAM C. KKEIIN.
Administrator of the Eeatats of Ferdinand Mal
its, Deceased.
Attorney for batata. novIT
Notice of Appointment of Administrator.
Nouoe Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed Administrator of the
Ratals of Christian Molstad, deceased, by tha
County Court of Washington County, Oregon.
All perrons having claims against aald estate
are hereby notified to present same duly verified
to the undersigned al 811 Commercial Block
Portland, Oregon, within alg () months Irom
the dale of the drat publication of this notice.
Dated tlrU20ih day of October, 1MB.
Administrator of ths Estate of Christian Mol
stad, Deceased.
Oct JO Nov 17
Notice Is hereby given that ths undersigned,
lbs duly appointed, qualified and acting admin
istrator of lbs estate of Myrtle J. Bales, de
ceased, has on this day Bled his Dual account as
such administrator In aald estate, and said Court
on this day baa made aa order appointing
ths 20th day of November, IMS,
the hour of IS o'clock A. M., of said
day as the time, and the Court House la
lllllsboro, Washington Connly, Oregon, as ths
place for bearing objections to said final account
and to the final settlement of aald estate.
Dated this 16th day ef October, 190A.
Administrator of the Estate of Myrtle Bates, de
E. B. TONGUE, Attorney for Administrator.
30-Oct Nov 17.
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned.
as administrates ia ths estate of Uenry Hasa,
deceased, baa filed ber flnai account la the
County Court ol ths Bute of Oregon for Washing
ton Couatv, and that the lltb day of November,
lo, at tbe hourof 10 o'clock la ths forenoon of
aid day and tne eourt room of said court baa
been appointed by aald eourt aa the place for the
hearing of objections thereto and the settlement
Dated and first published October ISth, IMA.
Al'Ol'BTE HANS, Administratrix
BAl'ER AGRKENK, Attorneys for A d ml o 1st re.
tria. Chamber of Commeree, Portland, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice la hereby (tven that I. the nnderstened.
have been duly appointed by the Honorable
County Court of the state of Oreeoe, for Wesh
InajUMi County, Administrator of tbe estate of
Merrltt E. HiMrhklss. deeeaard. with the will nf
aald Merrill E. Hotcbkisa, deceased, aoaeied.
sn.l hare duly uoalined as aiM-h. All oersons
havlna claims aealnsi tbe estate of Merrltt K.
HotrhklM, deceased, are herebv notified to rre-
Isrni loeaamefio me wiin proter voucnera, at my
Usumrs, in lllllsboro, Oregon, within six
months from the date heivof.
Iated this September 14, IMA.
Administrator of the estate of Merrltt E. Hotrh-
k las, deceased, with will of said deceased an
nexed. S. B. BCSTOit. Attorney for Estate.
AdminUtratriz' 8ale of Real
Ute at Private Sale.
Notice la herebv liven that, bv virtue of an
order and decree of Ihe IVmnty Cnem of Wash
insuMt twenty, Oreenn, mmle and entered of re
nrd oa rmlr la, 1906. authorising ate. Ihe
elmlnl,tralrl X ol the eetaie of Lara, Melwn. de
ceased, lo sell, al private aale. certain real Bros-
eny helonslne 10 said estate, I will. I mm aad
after Ortoher il. IWift. profs sd 10 sell the follow
ln described real eataie, vis:
Tbe North r t quarter of tlie North Kaal uar
,r uf .n l,wu!iip tut. eouui of Kat-se
1 ) !, Mi,l. ilvr. , contain:!, i arrs, all
iu Wajiuiiiittou County, orvaoti. at private sale,
to the tiiiint bi'ldcr, for nub In band. Ine
a lilo l,,-r liu-rl hi said laud cau a'so I
puna ',l al a rauai,i pri-, auiuu wiU be
ois,Ih kliowu on ai'iill, Mtiou
l'eieil litis arouiuioer Jl, I'AtV
Adniinlstralila of tbe l -laio ol Lars Mt-itCU, de-
9. a III -r 'N', Ally, for tslale.
(Si pt : Hi i jo;
Notice of Administrator' Sale ol
Real Property.
Noth'e Is lurri-hy giv-n Dial In ,iirMiaiice of ail
or.lerof sale ol rl ro-riy made an, I eiitera.1
lu Hie County t iniri ul tlie niatu of "vk.hi f ir
VI sablllMloU Uhhiijt, on lbs ist day of May
lu ittv uia'ler of ibti ewtnte ol .Saury H. MrNsuit-r,
tlvHYav I, lue iiTidf rsiifiiud, atuiluliraL,r ol naui
etau-, will sell al pullir auciiou lothe biKot
bitl.ier, sutijtH't to t-tiiihrmatlon by aald Ctmrt, the
following drscrlbed real proM-ny, situate with
lu M aslnulou I'ouuiy, uregou, aud described
as follows, lo-wlt:
Htgluniug al tbe south east corner of lot num
bered one lu hlix'k uiiiubervd twenty three. In
the clly of Korvst (irove, aa drslgnalrd. iiumtier
ed aud marked on the recorded plot of said city
of koresl urove, and runnlug llienoe north on
the east line of said lot. Is h-et; theuce west JO
f.-el;llieiie south IM I eel; thence east la) (eel to
lb piece ol bt-Klnolus;-
That said sale lie made on Monday, the ttrd
day otoeuiber, luufl, t lu o'clock lu the forrnom
ol said day, al Ihe Kouth door ol the Ciairi House
lu Hlllsboeu, W1hiikUii Couuty, Hlaie ol Ore
sou. Terins lo be cash In baud, and the oon
veyaure at the expense of the purcliaer.
Laled Ibis Hist day of tk-ptem In-r. lio.
AdmlnUtratorof the Kslale of Nancy h. McNa
uier, dtn't-aM,!.
K U. IOSvUK, Attorney for Administrator.
Plans to Get Rich
are often iruitrated by suJilen break
down, due to dyniwia or constipatiou.
I am prepated to furnish plans and estimates on any kind of a build
ing in Washington Couuty. 'Phone 28x4, or address
R. F. D. I. T. P- GOODIN, Hillsboro. Or.
Let Me Tell
You Something
Traveler to the East, I have a word for you :
There are through Pullman sleepers, both
Standard and Tourist, going East from the
Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes
they travel via Rock Island System for a good
share of the distance.
You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and
Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco,
Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island
will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi.
cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at
all three cities for all important points in the
East and South.
Or the traveler via Northern route can take
the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul
to Chicago. '
Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies
best meals on wheels.
Cate & Son, NewMeat Market,
aM,'!.iirriiiiar(!niswwv Bek.,w .- - . .
Kliop on Alain St., in (ireear's
Itestauraiit Building
CHILD quickly
A a
I $ $ $ tp $ $ $
oi me aDovc diameters. But It
often takes a lifetime to apprcclutc their
vnlno- Yow can greatly assist the child in
learning the worth of the dollar. How ?
Ky having him open a savings account with
this bank, and by encouraging him to add
to it.
A single dollar is Hufllclcnt to start an
account. Smaller deposits may follow.
Savings department opens January 1, 1905.
IUaxe up and take Ir. King's New !',)
Til's. They take out the iiuiteriii.s
which are tlog-ing your em-ruios, u,
give you a new start. Cure ln;i
and dizziness too. At all lrii- t,,r, ,
I'.V, guitrantiM-d.
Portland and Return 85c.
The isthcra Pacific u i.uw .',!.,.
round trip tickets to rorllund fr ,
liilMioro fr K5 centi, gci),l niiirf a:i. .
Jt r. M., or any train ul Sumlav, r.
Oi ninir Suuday aud Monday, ciwi
llday Sunday and Monday in I'oithih !.
The same arrangement applicM f, ,,
l'ortlund, givinir all Portiand r, -i r
a chance to visit valley points at gr.ativ
reduced rates.
Girls, if vou want red lips, !au!iii,h-
eyes, sweet breath ana good look u-,,
IUlister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The
greatest beautifier known. 'Xt c-t.
Tea or Tablets.
Delta Drug Ktorx
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Buy Madlsixe fbr Busy People.
Brings Golds Haaltk sad Renewed Vigor.
A speolflo for Constipation, Indigestion. I. It.
and Kidney Troubles, rim plea. Evisina, Ini,ui-s
blood. Bad Breath, Hlus-gisli Bowrls, -a,la,lis
and Backache. It's Rooky Mountain Tea in lab
lot form, SA cams a box. Ornulue made by
UocusTsa Dnuo Couraxv, Madison, Wis.
a. h. Mcdonald,
Agent, Rock Island System,
Third St., Portland, Ore.
in;8 op 1 1
Ponltrj and Game.
Cash paid for all kinds of Coun
try rrodiice and liuU-li-er'g
Hop Supplies a
grasps the monnftig