Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 22, 1905, Image 3

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No. 2.
:44 a. m. .
Sr.. 1.
0 :0tt u. m . .
No. 1.
. . . . 4 :3I p,
o. 3.
Forest Grove
..12:.T0 p. in.
,.12:3S p. m.
..12:4A p. in.
..12:n7 p. in.
.. 1 M p. in.
IlillHlNiro. .
Ueedville. .
Ilt-avertou. .
.... 1:
"0 p. ni.
n 81 uoinu
Portland . . . .
IVaverton . . .
Ilillrlmro. . . .
('orntliua. . . .
Koretit Grove
..10:45 p. ni.
. ..11 :Ltl p. in.
. . . 1 1 ::W p. in.
. .-11 :54 p. m.
... 12:01 . ui.
...12:05 b. m.
Thia train will run daily eacept Hun-1
day, snd service will be maintained as
long an the buMiuuM will justify. Thisi
a ui im a um-bi oaiwenger train oi suour-1
Mill nature aim w
. ill not carry a baggage
II. A. Hinhhaw, Agent.
I). It. Kuierick, of Scholia, was a coun
ty seat visitor Saturday.
Geo. Kelley of Mountaindale, was In
town on butiliiete Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Howell, of Scholia,
were in Ilillitboro Monday.
Mix Mitry ISiiiley has been a visitor
at the Waggener home thia week,
K. B. Poole and w ife visited the fair
luHt week, returning Sunday evening.
Chas. Sewell, cousin of Jaa. Sewell,
waa seen in town the first of the week.
Some fine pocket knives, the celebrated
Holler Cutlery stock, at
J. A. Messlnger's.
Ijint week John C. Kuratli Bold the M.
Huiinbiicher farm of 32 acres near Beth
any for 1,100.
Mrs. Fred Adama spent lust Saturday
and Sunday with her parents at Rose
Farm near Farmlngton,
Uiclmrd Fort, of the Soldiers' Home
at Koh tburg, is visiting his nephew,
Henry Mclutire, of thia city.
If you are looking for a piano or organ
of good quality and honest price, con
sult K. L. McCorinick, llillsboro, Ore.
HillHboro ia rapidly becoming very
metropolitan. A colored boot-black haa
a stand at the Bennett Bicycle shop.
"Dad" Bramble, of the Soldier's
Home at Roaeburg, returned to viait
relatives for a short time, last Saturday
evening. -
Miss WUma Waggener this week com
meiiced her second year aa assistant
teacher of instrumental music at the
Pacilic Univeraily.
Sherman Ritchey returned Saturday
evening from an absence of aix months.
He haa been working for 11. V. Gates at
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
S. 11. Gates left laat Sunday foi Sche
nectady, N. Y., where he will enter the
einploy of the General Klectrical Com
pany of that city.
Though a reort ia out to the con
trary, we wiah to remind the boys and
girls that the city schools open neat
Monday morning.
Col. Joe. Teal, for fifty-four years a
prominent business man and politician
of Oregon, died at his home in Portland
t int Tuesday morning, aged 83 years. He
leaves a w ifo, four sons and two daugh
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. H holes lift laat
Friday for several months' visit in
Michigan. Mr. Sholus has extensive
business Interests there. 11 is son Frank
will have charge of his lumber yard in
his alwenee.
On Ortolivr Jst, the firm of Housloy A
lliinshew will dissolve partnership in the
butcher business, Mr. Hanshew retiring,
and he will be succeeded in the business
by Samuel Hoover. Read the dissolu
tion notice in another column.
Kcmemlier the auction aula on the
farm of August Meyer, one-half mile
north of Bethany, on Saturday, Septem
ber :ti. John Kuratli ia auction er, and
he will disMieu ot a lot of farm machin
ery, stock and household goods.
We keep In stock a full line of one
and two-disk plows, J. I. Case Bulky
and walkiug plows, chilled plows, disk
harrows, feed cutters and in tact a com
plete liD6 of agricultural implementa.
Nelson Hardware Co.
C. II. Nochrcn, of Manning, who bas
leen taking care of his wife, who is
doctoring for tumor, waa taken with ty
phoid (ever in a aevere state last Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Sochren are both
a t the home of I. E. Wilkes.
Miss Gladys Hart, ot Omaha, Neb.,
eame Tuesday to spend couple of
weeks with F. C. BalhirJ and family.
She will le joined by her mothor and
brother, who are at present in Oregon
City. They will take In the fair and ex
pect to return East the first ot October.
The Twenty-first anniversary of the
W. C. T. U. of thia city will be celebrat
ed al the M. E. church neit Sunday
evening. The state president ol the aa
sociation will deliver the address and
there will 1 sccial music. Everybody
in the city is cordially Invited to at
tend. September 30 la Portland Day at the
Uwis and Clark fair. TheO. R. A N.
Railway company haa cut the round
trip rate to less than one fare for that
day. These ratea are the lowest ever
announced on any road in Oregon and ia
offered as an Inducement for all to at
tend Portland Iay.
The open seeson for upland bit da will
open (Vtoln-r 1st. Prepare yourself for
a mie by calling at the Nelson Hard
ware Co., where you can get an L. C.
Smith, Parker, or Remington, doulJe
barrvl gun, Winchester pumps, straight
up or Uke down J single barrel gone lot
boys; Winchester and Marlin riflea.
All the loading loads In Rallaatits) and
lntallable powder.
School beglcs nest Monday.
J. II. Middleton, s Portland attorney
in town yesterdsr.
Up 4 Wednesday evening the total
admissions to the fair were 1,927,670.
Thie ia the lime of year ybu need a
wood basket. For tale at
Mrs. M. E. Lewia of Lna 'Galoa, Cal.,
arrived in town Wedneedar evening to
viait her daughter, Mra. L. E. Wilkea.
Mra. Barber, ol thie city, accompanied
by twoaiaters from Wiaconain. left last
Tueeday lor a viait at Newport and Ya
quina hay.
Rev. II. Wyae Jonea. atate evangelist
for Oregon, will begin sp:ial meetings
with the Baptist church of thia city, on
Sunday, September 24th.
The new aong entitled "A lear Little
Webfoot Girl." bv E. A. llama, la now
on sal at K I vi..rv,...i..t'.
I, p.i or
mi ei nocaeieiier invested In a
new wig, and thia week oil and gaaoline
went up from S to S cents a gallon.
Query : Who pays for the wig T
Mrs. O. B. Gates and two children will
return to their home at Klamath Falls
tomorrow after a two month'a visit with
her relatives in thia city. Mr. Gates
was unable to make hla promised visit
on account of business affairs at home.
C. II. Soehren, of Manning, formerly
in the employ of the Carsteua Bros., and
his wife were both taken to the Good
Samaritan hospital In Portland Tuesday,
the latter to undergo a aerioua surgical
operation, and the former to be treated
for typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mra, Geo. J.llager, of Altese,
Mont., were in town last Thursday the
guests of Contractor J. A. Cummins and
wife. Mr. i lager ia an uncle of Mr.
Cummins and he and Mrs. Hager were
brought up together aa children. Thia
ia the flist time in seventeen years the
two bad met, and the meeting waa, of
course, a very joyous one.
Pacific Univeraity began its 1005-0
term Wednesday with a good attendance.
Scholars who will attend from llillsboro,
as far as we have been able to learn, are,
Robert Weatherred, Oliver and Carl
Huston, Fred Louder, Pearl Greear,
Fay Corwin, Margurette Redmond, Win.
Barrett and Minnie Ileidel.
D. II. Pierce, of Hsrrisburg, Or., who
haa been serving on the federal grand
jury at Portland for the past two weeks,
came out Monday evening for a visit
with his daughter, Mrs. W. P. Tucker.
He was accompanied by hia son, Edgar
Pierce. They went to Forest Grove
Tuesday morning and back to Portland
that evening.
During the electric storm of a week
ago Tuesday a large oak tree standing in
J. A. Imbrie's pasture was struck by
lightning and three strips of bark atwut
eight or ten inchea wide peeled from the
top to the bottom of the oak. C. F.
Kauipia, who waa paaaing at the time,
saw the flash, and says that when ll
struck it had the appearance of a ball of
fire, and for some time smoke issued
from the tree.
Harry Bowman and Earl Donelson
left laat Sunday for Corvallis, where
they will attend the State Agricultural
school the coming year. Walter Gallo
way went np Sunday and enters the
college of Civil Engineers at the same In
stitution and will take the mechanical
course. Attorney Benton Bowman vis
ited Corvallis Saturday and saw the boys
safely launched, returning Sunday after
noon. The great livestock exhibition opened
at the Lewis and Clark fair last Tueeday
morning, and the display is said to be
the finest of its kind ever seen on the
Pacific coast. A large number ot the
thoroughbred horses have come from a
great distance. Crouch A Son, one of
the largest stock firms in Indiana, have
forty head on exhibition; McLaughlin
Bros., of Columbus, O., have thirty-four
magnificent specimens in the pens, and
Washington, California aa well aa Ore
gon, are well represented.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Barnes returned
from their wedding trip Monday. In
the evening a number of young boys
formed a Si Perkins' band and went up
to the house determined to give the new
ly married couple a "tone," but the pro
fessor headed .them off with a little good
advice and a generous roll. The leader
marched bis 'band" up town, where he
invested in a dollar's worth of cigars and
the rest in peanuts. As the "leader"
was the only one in the crowd that
smoked, the boys are trying to figure
out who got the best of it.
On Friday, September 20th, at 10
o'clock p. m., O. W. Hawkins aa auc
tioneer will sell for J. D. Wilson, on his
farm, 1 1 miles east of Laurel and 1)
miles west ol Scholia at public auction
the following described property: 10
tons timothy hay, S tons oat hay, 1
light driving team, weight about 900
each, 1 two-seated hack, 1 set light har
ness, 1 bandy farm wagon, nearly new,
I cow, dry, 10 years old, 2 year old
heifer, 1 dosen chickena, 1 clover seeder,
J garden cultivators, some household
goods, and other articles too numerous
to mention.
I The Sunday excursions on the Cor
vallis A Eastern railway have ien ais
continued and no more will be run this
season, but the three-day ratea, good
going on Saturday and returning Mon
day, will be continued on the Southern
Pacific until September 30th and on the
Corvallis and Eastern until October 14.
Season tickets from all Southern Pacific
and Corvallis A F-astern points will be sold
daily until September 30th. Excellent
sport is now to be had In Yaquina Bay
trolling lor aalmon, which are running
freely. September is the best month to
enjoy the ocean, calm, warm and beauti
ful. All wlahing to enjoy a few days at
the coast ahould take advantage ot the
excursion rate ehich will soon be with-drawn.
J. II Wilkes transacted business in
Portland Wednesday.
II. T. Buxton transacted business at
the court house yesterday.
County Treasurer Jackson and. wife
were fair visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Alice E. Foord ot this city visit
ed over 6undar with her nephew, al
Patton Valley.
A convention ot the county clerk 'a ot
Oregon ia called to meet in Portland on
Saturday, September 30.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Barr and little
son, of Grays River, Wash., arrived this
week for a visit with Mrs. Barr's par
enta, Mr. and Mra. A. Sigler.
Mra. L. E. Wilkes is in Portland at
teuding the operaliou upon her sister-in-law,
Mra. C. 11. Soehren, at Good Sa
maritan hospital. .
Miss Ethyl Wright, of Grants City,
Mo., is In town taking the teachers' ex
ataiuaiion with a view ol teaching the
Cooper Mountain school, near Keedville
Paul Sterling, assistant at the South'
ern Pacific depot, who baa been visiting
hia home at Drain for the paat month,
returned to his duties here Monday
It is reported by one of our citixens,
who, haa visited the stock exhibit at
the fair, that it ia simply immense, and
should not be missed by anyone who
can possibly attend:
E. L. McCorinick haa lust received a
very tine Hue ot Ubleta. School child
ren should call and see them. School
supplies of all kinds in stock. Look at
hia window this week.
Judge Mc Bride haa called a special
session of the circuit court tor Saturday,
September 30th, to listen to the argu
ments In the injunction suit brought by
C. K. Henry against the city of llilla-
Joe Rector, former superintendent ol
llillsboro water and light plant now
superintendent of the McMinnville
water works, with his wife, passed
through llillsboro Wednesday on hia
way to take in the fair.
Rev. Howard Gilf atrick attended the
Congregational Ministerial association
in Portland last Monday and read a pa
per on "Christian Optimism." " He waa
elected secretary of the association.
County Clerk Godman haa issued, up
to last night, 330 hunter's licenses. He
haa stopped issuing fire permits, as un
der the state law, the "closed" season
has passed. Mr. Godman Issued 255
permits this year. .
At an adjourned meeting of the city
council last Wednesday evening it waa
ordered to commence the planking of
Main atreet within the next ten days.
A considerable amount of new sidewalk
waa also ordered.
David McLaughlin, ot Albany, N.
Y arrived In llillsboro Wednesday
evening with hla wife, three Bona and
two daughters. Mr. McLaughlin is
looking for farm property and will un
doubtedly locate in Washington county.
Mrs. Hugh Logan and her slater, Miss
Pet Betxer, of Lincoln, Neb., visited Mr.
and Mra. W. O. Donelson the past week,
leaving Wednesday evening over the O.
R. A N. for home. Miss Betzer is on
the editorial staff of the Lincoln Journal
and the ladies came to Oregon to view
the fair and aee the country. They are
relatives of Mrs. Doneldson.
Miss Lena Hesse has opened a millin
ery parlor at her home on Third street
where she will be pleased to have the
ladies of llillsboro and vicinity call and
ace her. She haa devoted the past two
years in the wholesale and retail stores
of Portland and is fully competent to
give her patrons the latest styles in
hats. Hats re-shaped and trimmed.
Read her announcement on this page.
About a week ago Dr. Tamiesie and
O. E. Shorey sent a package of Infected
clover to James YYitbycombe at the
state Experimental Station asking that
it be examined, and thia week a reply
waa received which described it aa "dod
der" clover and the statement made that
the only way of destroying the parasite
plant is to pasture closely to prevent the
"dodder" from producing seed, or plow
the ground and sow to grain and re seed.
Mrs. Part hen ia R. Starr, who died in
Portland last Sunday, waa for twelve
years a resident oT Forest Grove. She
was born in Arkansas and came to Ore
gon in 1852. About five years ago she
moved to Portland from Forest Grove.
She was 75 years old and leaves the fol
lowing children: Mrs. R. B, Collins, of
llillsboro; John M. Roddick, of Clats
kanie ; Mrs. Emma C. Powers, of Quln-
cy, Or., and Mra. Robert Uhlman, of
Portland. The body was taken to Bux
ton for interment in the Buxton ceme
tery. G. Ilickethier, the marble cutter who
went to St. Vincent's hospital a couple
of weeks ago to have tumors removed
from both sides of his neck, passed the
ordeal successfully and ia now recover
ing. The phyalcians who performed the
delicate piece ot surgery gave out little
hopes of his living through both oper
ations and stated before applying the
knife that he had but one chance in a
hundred to pull through, bat the patient
seems to have grasped the aingle chance.
If nothing developes to prevent it, Mr.
Ilickethier will return home in about
three weeks.
Louis Shogren, an old and respected
resident ofWashington Co., died in Forest
J rove last 8unday evening of abscess on
the brsn, aged 66 years. He was born
in Northern Sweden. In 1H56 he came
to America, and in November, 18V, he
was married to Miss Pauline Peterson.
In 1871 he came with hia family to Ore
gon, settling at Corvallis. After remain
ing in Corvallis a year, he was appoint
ed foreman of the government shops on
the Sik-ts Indian reservation, where be
remained eleven years, and in 1882 re
moved to Piller, thia county, which waa
his home np to 1904, when he moved his
family to Forest Grove. He leaves a
wife and aix children.
Go to Uoyt's for your school station
Miae Stella Boacow viaited Portland
Lloyd, and Gilbert Tilbury are visiting
in town this week.
Join the local Library Club, f 1.00 per
year.Jil the Delia.
Miss Vest, ot Joseph, visited with
Mrs. Mary Pittinger Wednesday.
The L. M. Hoy l Co. is headquarters
for Ubleta and school supplies.
Miss Blanche Rice will attend the
McMinnville school the coming year.
Send your boys and girla to the L. M.
Hoyl store for their school supplies.
Miss Marie Tuntat baa beeu employed
as stenographer for Atty. George Bagley.
Mra. II. V. Gates and Mrs. O. B.
Gatea were Portland visitors yesterday.
The L. M. lloyt Co. has a large stuck
of school tablets and all school station
ery. Mrs. M. Pittinger went to Gresham
yesterday for a viait with bar daughter.
Mrs. Lake.
Mita Blanche Huston and Harold
Merryman will attend the State Uni
versity at Eugene.
Mrs. Rufus Waggener and Mrs. O. B.
Gates went to Kinton for a visit with
Mia. Kindt Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Schulmerich and Miaa Ella
W ilkea visited friends in Portland the
last ot the week.
C. C. Cate will have a fully equipped
store at hia ranch for the convenience of
hop-pickers. Read bis announcement
in another column.
Dorr Watrgener ia making a visit to his
home in this city and will have charge of
Hotel Tualatin during the absence ot his
parents next week.
T. P. Kendall left tor Pilot Rock
where he commenced his school duties
last Monday. Hia family expect to re
main here until December,
H. P. Larsen, wife and five children
reached here from Idaho, yesterday and
went out to visit the family of Richard
Linton north of thia city.
The Hendol wire hair brush is guar
anteed to remove dandruff, keep it re
moved, atop the hair from falling out
and promote its growth. A trial will
prove this to be true.
ueiui I'rug oiore.
The contract waa let yesterday for
Hillsboro's new' opera house to Con
tractor T. P. Goodln for $2,643, and the
building will be finished by the middle
of November.
Mrs. D. W. Bath returned from her
visit In Seattle Monday evening. She
will read her report of the National con
vention ot the Commissioners of the
Conirreeatlonal- Board of Foreign Mis
sions, Sunday morning, October 1st, at
the Congregational church.
On the Bridge at Midnight" is com
ing with a company of exertional abil
ity, especially In comedy. Germany,
the Professor, ia sure to be a big favorite,
with the bootblack right beside him in
popular esteem. The great bridge scene
will be as elaborate as ever. At the
opera house Saturday night, September
"On the Bridge ai Midnight," aa elab
orately staged aa the first week of Its
triumph production in Chicago, is soon
to be played here and Klimt and Gas
solo have provided a most excellent
company aa well as nrst class scenic
equipment. No detail ot the bridge
scene, on which Klimt and Gaxsolo ex
pended $10,000, will be slighted. ; There
is much beauty and deep interest in the
story, as well as plenty of the best com
edy and a surpassing entertainment is
assured. At the opera house, Saturday
night, September 30.
S. C. Tucker, of Portland, has been
the guest thia week ot hia brother, W.
P. Tucker.
Mr. and Mra. Francis Klxer, of Hsr
risburg, Or., are visiting Mr. and Mra.
W. P. Tucker and Miss Pierce this
week. Mrs. Kixer is a sister of the two
Good advice to women. It you want
beautiful complexion, clear ' skin.
bright eyes, red lips, good health, take
Hollister'B Rocky Mountain Tea.
There ia nothing like it. .15 cents, Tea
or Tablets.
Delta Drug Store.
R. Cave has recently received hia
fall stock of air-tight heaters and cook
ing ranges, and he cordially invite
those in need of an air-tight heater to
step Into his store and examine the
Cole, one of the best on the market.
It a range is needed, they recommend
the Moore steel range, and can show a
fine stock. Both these stoves are trim
med in polished nickle, are up-to-date
in every particular, fully guaranteed,
and the prices are right For anything
In the line ot hardware or tinware go
and try R. Cave.
Cabooae Wrecked.
Report was received last evening that
an engine ran into a caboose standing on
the main line of the Southern Pacific
tracks, near the Wood hop yards, de
molishing the car. Nobody hurt.
On and after September 1, the South
ern Pacific will reduce the tare from
llillsboro to Portland and return, on ac
count of the exposition, to 75 cents
This is a redaction equivalent to one
and one-tenth tare for the round trip,
and ticketa are good for thirty days, arid
is a perfectly voluntary reduction to
llillsboro and all other points in West
ern Oregon. This cot of one fare and a
tenth applies to all llarriman lines in
For Sale.
A very desirable residence, eight
blocks from the postoffice on Main
treet. House in fine condition, fine
garden, two acres of land, good barn,
hen Louse, all fenced, electric lights,
and good water. Terms, part cash j bal
ance on time to right parties. Inquire
at this office.
Program for Joe Meek Dy.
Following is the program aa far as
computed for the Joe Meek Day at the
Lewia and Clark lair, Friday, Septem
ber 29:
Address of . Welcome President
Address of Welcome tocilisens of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho, embraclug
original Joe Meek territory. Gov.
Address by Hon. Geo. II. Williams.
Historical Review ot Col. Meek.
Address Alvln Brown of Forest
Grove, who accompanied Meek to the
summit of the mountains when he
went to Washington as Oregon's repre
sentative in 1847.
' Round trip on the railroad for one
tars tor adults. Children half ot aU.ve
rate. Tickets good on any train Sep
tember 28, 29 or 30.
Geo. H. Himes, secretary of the Ore
gon Historical Society is arrangis? for s !
parade of 102, fifty-two Americana ofj
that day and fifty British.
A Joe Meek iu trapper's costume will
be a feature of ths parade.
The exercises will be held in the Audi
torium and it ia hoped Washington
county will be well represented. There
will also be many other attractiona,
which are being prepared for the occas
ion. Gov. Chamberlain, in reply to an in
vitation to be present at the Joe Meek
Day, at the fair, September 21th, writes
Mayor Cornelius under date of the l!th,
aa follows:
"I am in receipt of your very courte
ous letter of the 11th Inst., inviting me
to deliver an address of welcome on Joe
Meek day, the 29th inat. I thank you
very much for the courtesy which is im
plied by your invitation and kindly re
membrance of me and I assure you that
I will be preaent if I can possibly reach
Portland on time.
Some months ago I accepted an invi
tation at New Westminister, B. C, for
September 27th. I cannot avoid thia
engagement, but if I can get through
and gJ back to Portland Friday morn
ing, it will afford to me much pleasure
to participate with thoae who assemble
in Portland to do honor to the memory
of one of Oregon's earliest and best
"On the Bridge at Midnight."
Persons, who besides enjoying a good
play are interested in a stage achieve
ment that took twenty men five months
to build, will be sure to see Klimt A
Gaxzalo's "On the Bridge at Midnight-'
which is to be put on the stage at the
opera house Saturday evening, Septem
ber 30. They find the $10,000 repro
duction of the jack-knife style of draw
bridge equal to the expectation aroused
by its lame and they will be delighted
with the bright comedy and romance of
W. L. Robert's well known drama.
The author and producers were deter
mined that "On the Bridge at Mid
night" ahould not offer the usual cheap
sensational effects but on the contrary
should be a play of genuine merit not
iy any means wholly dependent on its
most remarkable climax for success.
Veteran's Call.
Fifty years ago, on the 14th day of
October, was organised in llillsboro, Co.
D, First Regiment Oregon Mounted Vol
unteers, in response to a call of the gov
ernor. The organisation was formed on
the ground where now stands Schul
merick Bros, stow, and 100 sturdy men
signed the roll and joined Uncle Sam's
farces against the Indians. It is doubt
ful if a dosen of those men are living to
day. If there are that many or even
more, it la hoped tney will answer the
following call, which ia signed by Lieut.
VV. II. II. Meyer, the only officer of that
regiment now living. Lieut. Meyer was
in town Tuesday, and handed in the call
for publication. He is as straight as a
reed and carries his seventy odd years
very lightly. Though few will anawer
the roll call next month, it will be a
glad day for thoae that do. Besides
IJent. Meyer, the other officers of Co. D
wereT. R. Cornelius, captain; Hiram
Wilbur, first lieutenant; R. S. Caldwell,
orderly aargeant ; the late Wm. Reeves,
sergeant, and Allan Hall, color bearer.
At a meeting held a few days after tlie
Organization, John II. Smith waa elected
third lieutenant. Following is the call :
Forest Grove, Sept. 18, 1905.
All members of Co. D. First Regiment
Oregon Mounted Volunteers, now resid
ing in this county, or the Northwest,
ire requested to meet at llillsboro, in
the court house, on Saturday, October
14, 1905, at 11 o'clock a m., for the pur
pose of celebrating the fiftieth anniver
sary of company organization. All thoae
who find it absolutely impossible to
come, please addreas meat Forest Grove,
Ore., so that their communications may
be read at the assembly.
Horns Millinery Parlors.
A beautiful hat is not necessarily ex
pensive ; taste makes it attractive, not
money. The latest fashions in ladies'
and misses' hats are offered by Miss
Lena 1 lease, at her Home Parlor Mil
linery on Third street. Hats re-shaped
and newly trimmed, at small cost. Call
and see what may be had, at most at
tractive prices.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning sermon: "Thy Kingdom
Y. P. 8. C. E., 7 :00 p. m.
Evening sermon: "What Gives Au
thority to a Sermon?"
All are welcome.
Preaching service, at Reedville next
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
New Mnalc at McConnick'a.
The latest music at the McCormirk
music store is "Stincv." vocal : "Birds
of Feather Flock Together," "My Lady
of Kentucky, vocai; -a uear utile
Web-Foot Giri," vocal; "Ia Dear Old
Georgia." Vocal ; "Glorioa," walUes.
"On the Bridge at Midnight" Satur.
day evening, (September 30.
Sweet art. I Sour PickWa. Fresh ami
a balk. At Cate'a.
Ah elegant line of Box Paper and Tab
lets at prices better than' ever, ju-t ar
rived at the IMta Drug Store.
For Sale Cheap.
At tbe L.W. House wagon shop the fol
lowing: Second-hand rigs; 2 hacks, 2
buggies, 2 wagons, 1 rart.
Special Ratea.
The Southern Pacific will sell excur
sion tickets to Portland and return for
65 cents, go-d September 28 and 29,
good on sleeping coaches, under tbe us
ual restrictions. These tickets are good
September 28, 29 and 30th.
A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A T. A.
For Sale.
For sale r rls Confectionary and
Ice-cream parlora. The only Twentieth
Century Sanitary Soda fountain in the
city, doing a good business. Best loca
tion. Will aell at Invoice. Reasons for
aelling, going away. Inquire at this of
fice. New Shoe Store.
J. C Greer will open tomorrow in the
West Side of the Font building on Malu
street, occupied by Bennett as a bicycle
shop, a first class shoe store and keep
on sale a fine line of Men's and boys'
shoes. School shoes a specialty. Call
on Mr. Greer if you want something
new and good in the line of footwear.
Marriage Licensee.
County Clerk Godman has issued mar
riage licenses to tbe following persons
since last Friday:
Theodore Whittelsey, of Chicago, and
Winifred Marah of Forest Grove.
Norval L. Atkins and Sadie C. Cronin,
both of Forest Grove.
William Dayia and Linnie Williams,
of Glencoe.
Something for the Fatmer.
A new stock ot the celebrated Holler
Cutlery has been added, and we want
you to call and pick out your knife, raxor
steel blades. Some specials for the
farmer. Prices from 10c to 91.75.
J. A. Messinger.
Estate ot Chaa. W. Rosa, deceased ;
ordered that tbe contest ot the will of
said deceased will be heard on Wednes
day, September 27, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m.
Estate of Lars Nielson, deceased ; ad
ministratrix authorised to sell real es
tate at private aale for cash, after giving
notice according to law.
Residence For 8ale.
In North llillsboro, due north from
Tualatin Hotel; 6 rooms, good house.
two lots, 100x190 feet, good garden, good
fence, new sidewalk, good well on back
porch, amall larn and chicken house.
This is a bargain atstioO; terms, cash,
Addreas P. O. Box 64, or this oilice.
It's really s tJeasure
stent aa article wkh merit.
If yon have a corn or a bunion
and want to rid yourself of It, ws
reconunend Blue-Jay a paina
toklng plaster.
Next time yotar
wear, says Bins
or n. Plaster
Fee Sale By
Delta Drug Store.
i Commence
Have you bought your fall shoes yet?
We have some dandies, and each pur
chaser receives an elegant book.
The L. M. Hoy t. Co.
Republican Attention.
I have beeu requested by Hon. Frank
C. Baker, chairman of the Republican
Stats Central Committee of the State of
Ciegon, ui iuviiu aii repuimcitua, alio
can do so, to attend a Love Feaat and
general conference ot the representative
republicans of the State of Oregon, to
be held in Portland, on October 12.
1905. I have peraonally invited several
republicans of the county to attend thia
meeting, but find that it is impossible
for me to send individual invitations to
sll republicans. I wish through The
Independent to extend a general invita
tion to all republicans of Washington
county to attend this meeting.
I understand that the purpose of this
meeting is to promote good feeling, and
to advance the bent interests of ths re
publican party of the State of Oregon.
I especially urge that all committeemen
and party workera in the various pre
cincts atteud this meeting.
Committeeman for Washington County,
Nine-Room Cottage, Good Barn and
a) Acres of Land for Sals.
A nine-room cottage, close In, includ
ing bath and wash rooms. The house
haa three porches, stone pillars under it,
good wood house, saw-dust lined, fruit
house, good barn with wagon and buggy
sheds, grain bins, haymow and room for
four horses, together with two and
one-half acres ot land within
two blocks of the business part
of the f It y. Clear title given. Price
2,000, one-half down, balance in con
venient payments. Call on or address
this oilice.
Administratrix Sale of Real a
tate at Private Sale.
Notlosla hsrabj that, by v'rtusofsn
order ud deunw of His ifeuuir Cuort of Vt aab
lit on Uouuly, Oregou, mal sail olrd of r.
oord on September is, I! J6. uilturlilns tbe
aUuiioiitrmU-ix ol Ibeeaui of Uun, Nielsen, lie
oeared, lo eell, at pilTtie ule, oerteln real prop
erty belouslav to aald aetata, I will, from aud
after October Xt, V 16. pruoeed to (ell Uie lullow
ug described real ataie, tU:
The North Kaal quarter of lbs North Eael quar
ter of Swnlon at. TowoeblpUu South of Kauga
Two Meet, Will. Mer., ouuutultif J acres, all
'1 WnbiDK-oD Couuiy, Oregon, al private sale,
to the bigbeal bidder, for caah lo band, 'l bs
widow's dowsr Interest In said land cao also be
purchased al a reasonable price, which wilt be
made knowo on applioattou.
latd this September 21, It .
Administratis of ths Estate of Lars Melseu, ds
eeaaed. 8. B. HUSTON, Atty, lot Estate.
(Bepl ri-oct )
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that on Octo
ber 1, 11)05, the firm now doing business
under the name of Housley & Hanshew
will be dissolved by mutual consent, and
Samuel Hoover will succeed Mr. Han
shew in the firm on that date. All per
sons having accounts against ths firm,
or owing them, will please make settle
ment at once.
Dated, llillsboro, Or., Sept. 21, 1905.
com hurts, don't
- jay. M
to recom- i
m s i di
HEN your children commence
with their studies Monday,
start them right by getting
their school, supplies from
us. We have a complete
line in every detail and can
make it to your interest to
sell to you.